How beautiful to lay paper napkins. How to fold paper and cloth napkins on a serving table

When arranging a dinner party or a festive family dinner, it will not be out of place to know how to fold napkins beautifully, because it is precisely folded napkins with fantasy that can give the table setting a special charm and charm. For an informal dinner with friends, a bright paper version is ideal, while for special occasions it is preferable to choose linen napkins that are in harmony with the tablecloth and dishes. The best solution that fits perfectly into any format is universal white napkins. Of course, you can simply fold them four times and carefully spread them out at each device, but just a few simple magical manipulations can create small miracle making your table unique and unforgettable.

Serving classic on video

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When setting the table for breakfast, for evening tea or for a big celebration, it will not be superfluous to know the basic rules for serving and, of course, the traditional ways of laying out napkins. It is necessary to remember a few basic rules for table setting with napkins:

  • On the festive table, linen and paper napkins should be present, contrary to popular belief. Imagine that the second is served with a bird or fish, which is partially eaten with your hands. A linen napkin will instantly cover greasy spots and will lose not only its aesthetic appearance, but will also become superfluous on the festive table. Your guest will be embarrassed to look for a washbasin. Serving a festive table means napkin holders in the public domain.

Table setting with linen and paper napkins

  • Linen napkins are available in linen or cotton. A small amount of synthetics is allowed so that the napkin, after folding, does not look crumpled. Silk, viscose and other slippery, non-absorbent materials should not be used.
  • If the table setting implies a portioned plate, then the napkin is placed on it, or between the forks and knives. If such a plate is not provided, then a napkin is placed in its place. A separate glass or glass is allowed under a figured folded napkin.

  • When folding napkins for a holiday table, remember that they should unfold easily and not look too crumpled, so iron-on shapes are used for decorative napkins that decorate the table.
  • It is unacceptable to fold napkins dirty or wet hands. It does not look appetizing and will spoil the mood of the guests.
  • After washing, linen napkins should be starched with ordinary starch, which dissolves in water. Aerosol starch will not give them the proper density. It is advisable to iron the napkins while still damp, and dried ones must be moistened before ironing.
  • And the last tip. Before folding linen, and even more so paper napkins, practice! Otherwise, you can start overwashing, ironing or running to the store for new napkins right before the celebration.
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How to decorate a napkin holder beautifully

Before learning how to fold complex and simple shapes from personal napkins for the festive table, let's see how you can beautifully lay paper napkins in napkin holders.

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20 ways with step by step photo instructions

When starting the “napkin origami”, it should be remembered that the initial shape of the napkin should be square: 35x35 cm, 40x40 cm or 50x50 cm - for complex compositions. All napkins on the same table must be folded in the same manner.

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Method one: Christmas tree

In anticipation new year holidays, learning how to create a Christmas tree shape with a napkin of the corresponding color is very important. And to make such a figure is easy.

  1. Fold the napkin in four
  2. Fold the free edge into a triangle
  3. We bend the sides to the wrong rhombus
  4. We bend each corner and decorate with a decorative bow that replaces the “top” of the Christmas tree.

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Method two: Two-color Christmas tree

Such a figure can be made from a two-color napkin round shape. It is desirable that one side be green, and the other bright and colorful, then your "Christmas tree" will be a beautiful accent of the New Year's table.

  1. Fold the napkin with the colored side inward, leaving a small edge, as shown in the figure.
  2. We form a triangle of about 45% "on ourselves".
  3. We turn the napkin over and fold the large “tail” of the napkin along the right side line “towards ourselves”.
  4. Turn the top edge of the napkin to the right. If you folded a little uneven - it does not matter! On the contrary, your Christmas tree will become more natural.

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Method three: French envelope

This way of folding linen napkins is very popular for classic serving. It can be used both for dinner and for a big celebration.

  1. A square napkin is folded into a square in the usual way.
  2. The top three corners are carefully and evenly bent.
  3. We correct the bending of the corners as in the figure, with the same gap.
  4. We bend left side and put cutlery.

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Method four: Tissue bag

This versatile figure can be made from any type of napkin. This form will look especially good from a linen snow-white napkin. The shape is well suited if you want to decorate the place of each guest with a small flower or distribute named places. In an impromptu bag, you can put a New Year's wish to a guest or a pleasant surprise.

  1. We fold the napkin diagonally, without observing the edges, as in the figure.
  2. Carelessly fold the large edge to leave a small corner.
  3. Fold over the top edge.
  4. Like the top, we bend the bottom edge.
  5. We bend the edge.
  6. Bend the top corner to make a small barrel.

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Method five: Swan

This rare and very attractive figure can be made from thick paper napkins. But it is really possible to build it from thin starched cotton. With apparent complexity, it is quite simple to fold a napkin.

  1. Put a napkin so that one corner looks up and bend the sides a few centimeters.
  2. Then fold with the same step several times.
  3. Bend the narrowest edge in the form of a swan neck and head.
  4. Spread the "tail" of your napkin bird.

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Method six: Carved sheet

Before starting work, turn on the iron. We need it to smooth out the wrinkles.

  1. Fold the napkin diagonally in half to make a triangle.
  2. Slightly trim the bottom edge.
  3. Moving from the base of the triangle to the top, we continue to fold the napkin. Each fold is carefully ironed with a hot iron.
  4. Fold the folded napkin in half. The corner must remain outside.
  5. We bring both ends together and straighten them with our hands, giving the shape of a leaf.
  6. We bend the outer corner. Ready! Such a beautiful carved leaf can be put directly on a plate.

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Method seven: Evening flower

You will need an unstarched napkin made of thin fabric, which we will try to fold in the form of a flower. This option looks great both in tall champagne glasses and in the most ordinary water glasses.

  1. Fold the napkin in quarters.
  2. We put it in front of us like a rhombus, pointing the open edges up.
  3. We adjust the bottom corner to the top by one third.
  4. Starting on one side, fold the napkin "accordion".
  5. Insert the bottom of the napkin into a glass or ring. There should be four corners.
  6. Carefully separate the layers, giving them the shape of petals.
  7. We beautifully place a napkin in a glass, glass or glass so that it resembles a real flower, delighting us and our guests.

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Method Eight: Rose

  1. We spread a napkin from a non-starched thin fabric with the front side to the table.
  2. We take a table fork and, placing it in the center of the napkin (as if we are going to wind spaghetti), we move the fabric folds between the teeth.
  3. Now rotate the fork clockwise or counterclockwise to get a spiral.
  4. Carefully remove the fork, grab the napkin with your palms and squeeze. Without letting the spiral unwind, turn it over to the front side.

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Method nine: Table fan

  1. Fold the napkin in half to make a rectangle. We collect three-quarters of the length of the canvas into an "accordion", bending the first fold down. The distance between the folds should be about 2.5 cm.
  2. We fold the resulting figure in half so that the folds are on the left side outside, and the unfolded part is on the right.
  3. We take a napkin in our hands so that the free ends of the folds look up.
  4. We adjust the unfolded part of the napkin diagonally to make a convenient “stand”. We fix the "stand" between the folds and put the napkin on the table.

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Method ten: Lily

  1. Fold the napkin diagonally.
  2. We combine the right and left corners with the top of the triangle.
  3. Fold the napkin in half horizontally.
  4. We bend the top of the upper triangle.

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Method Eleven: Royal Lily

  1. In turn, we bend all the corners to the center.
  2. We turn over.
  3. Again, bend the corners to the center.
  4. Holding the corners in the center, carefully pull out the corners from the bottom so that they form petals.

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Method twelve: Fan in the ring

  1. Lay the napkin face down.
  2. We fold the napkin "accordion".
  3. Fold it in half in the center.
  4. We insert a napkin into a ring or a glass and straighten the “fan”.

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Method thirteenth: Slipper with a train

  1. Fold the napkin in half with the wrong side inward. We bend the upper corners of the napkin to the middle.
  2. We bend the resulting triangular vertex down.
  3. We turn the napkin away from us with the right side and again bend the upper corners to the middle.
  4. Once again, turn the napkin away from us and lay folds from the bottom edge.
  5. We put the folds under the square and, holding it in the center with our fingers, spread it on both sides with a fan.


If you want to get a "Twisted Tent", then roll up the resulting figure with a tube, then put it on the table without straightening the edges.

If you want a simple "Tent" for two, then simply in a napkin folded in half, we wind up the upper left corner to the middle down, then the right, then fold it in half and you're done.


Answers on questions:
1. Do I really starch napkins (just like our grandmothers, in a tank, with starch)? No, I don't starch (I'm still out of my mind), but I bought a wonderful thing 100 years ago - starch - an aerosol (like hairspray, only starch). It takes a long time. Sometimes I starch my husband's shirt collars. So "not a single napkin")))
2. Do I really do all this beauty on cloth napkins? No. Almost never. I always use paper.
3. And how often does it happen to me? No, not often. Only sometimes, when someone comes to visit, in front of whom you want to show off (for example, my husband's friends. My friends and family already know everything about me)))

Agree, to be able to set the table in an original and “tasty” way is a real art. If you want your loved ones or guests to enjoy being at the table, it is not enough just to arrange dishes with food. There must be some other elements of decor, serving. We decided to tell you how to fold paper napkins beautifully on festive table, the schemes are chosen simple and light, and therefore every housewife can fold the napkin in an original way.

Folding serving napkins in various colors or sheets is quite common. After all, in this way you can easily prepare the table for a solemn event, giving it at the same time a little plant theme. In the proposed master class, we will show step by step how to fold a serving napkin in the form of a palm leaf.

On the left and right sides, it is necessary to make folds with the formation of triangles. In this case, the middle of the napkin will be a common vertex for both triangles.

Now we rotate the workpiece by 90 degrees, this is required for convenience in further work. We begin to fold it in the form of an "accordion".

We straighten the folded napkin, giving it the shape of a sheet. To do this, you need to straighten it more at the top.

We place our folded napkin on a plate and serve cutlery.

How to fold paper and fabric napkins for table setting in the form of a pyramid

The design of the table is largely determined by the theme of the upcoming celebration. The style in which the decor will be made also depends on this. But there are a considerable number of reasons when you can decorate the table in a classic style. An additional touch to create the desired style in the design of the table is the folding of serving napkins. The method of folding napkins in the form of a pyramid proposed in this master class can be used to decorate the table and choose a classic style.

We will show all the stages of addition on a paper napkin with dimensions of 33x33 cm.

The end result is a square shape. Let's turn it to the other side and at the same time rotate it 180 degrees.

Flip the napkin over to the other side. Fold it in half along the middle line.

We put the resulting triangle on two sides. As you can see, our pyramid has so far only two sides.

Now it remains only to install the pyramid, folded from a serving napkin, on a plate and prepare cutlery.

One of the most common ways to fold serving napkins is to shape them into a lily. In our master class, we will show how to make this napkin flower taller and more tiered.

All stages will be shown on a paper napkin with dimensions of 33x33 cm.

We bend the lower corner of the resulting square up, but do not reach the upper corner (we retreat about 2.5-3 cm).

We bend the same corner in the opposite direction, aligning it with the lower border of our workpiece.

Its right and left corners must be connected to each other. To do this, insert the right corner into the left. The lower part of our workpiece has acquired the shape of a ring.

From the front side, the napkin at this stage looks like this:

There are two layers left on the top of our folded napkin. We take one of them, bend it down and wind it up for the previous additions.

Our water lily, folded from a napkin, is ready. You can place it on a plate both horizontally and vertically.

Now you know how to fold paper napkins beautifully. We hope that our schemes will help you to serve the festive table in an original way.
Read also

Click point #2 in the table of contents below, where 12+ schemes with photos are described in detail.

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Four ways to lay out in a napkin holder

The main answer to the question of how to beautifully fold paper napkins into a napkin holder is to make a corner out of each napkin. Look at the photo below: what do you see? Single and double fan, which are laid out with corners of paper napkins.

So easy and so convenient! It is easy to pull out any napkin without destroying the ensemble, and the most ordinary napkin holder looks like a solid holder of a solemn composition.

Single and double fan

What are we doing:

  • When folded, fold each napkin diagonally.
  • We fill the holder with the obtained corners.

Option 1 - lay out two fans towards each other.

Option 2 - lay out one fan from the center to the sides.

Bird with colorful tail

Another option is to fold the napkins like elongated trapeziums that will become the bird's tail. For the details of the tail, we bend parallel corners and fold the napkin in half. A bright and unusual tail will provide blanks from napkins in contrasting colors. The head and neck of a bird is a napkin folded into a flat tube with a bent tip. The creative solution is described by step-by-step photos below:

Such a bird fits perfectly into the New Year's table setting, if the Rooster rules the year, or for any spring holiday - as a symbol of the return of warmth and migratory birds.

Both ways - corners and a bird - are shown step by step in a short video:

Bilateral waterfall in a cup

The fifth option is from non-standard: instead of a napkin holder, we use dishes.

  • We need a stable low height ceramic cup.
  • We unfold each napkin 1 time and fold it in half (or 2 times in half - depending on the original size).
  • We lay the formed strips on top of each other and bend in the middle.
  • We deepen the middle of the stack into a cup. Voila! Easy to work, home-style creative and very attractive.

Now let's turn to step by step diagrams for the most spectacular and simple solutions, how to beautifully fold napkins on a festive table.

12+ effective schemes for napkins at the plate

Having decided to diversify the serving with napkin folds, we will take into account 2 rules:

  1. We need square napkins with a side of 35–50 cm depending on the complexity of the figure (in this article we limited ourselves to simple ones);
  2. Each place at the table must have a chosen figure, otherwise the hospitable harmony of the feast is violated.

Flower and fan in a glass

They folded it, rolled it up, slightly loosened the top and slightly bent the “petals”, put it in a glass. clear photo- the best instructor! Below are three options for roses - for every taste.

With a fan (or accordion) you will have to work a little longer:

  • We unfold a regular napkin 1 time - so as to get a long and wide strip.
  • We fold the strips with an accordion in increments of no more than 2 cm.
  • We bend the accordion in half and set it in a glass or glass, as shown in the photo.
  • We keep the same principle for cloth napkins.

Three pleats for a ring and a scarf for a fork

Rings are a win-win option to beautifully fold napkins on a festive table. They open up a new horizon for us for ideas. Look at step by step photo Below is how easily an ordinary soft napkin turns into a lush exquisite bow:

The second seemingly obvious option with a ribbon is not devoid of classic charm. Light patterned fabrics for the theme of a particular holiday and plain satin ribbon- for the middle:

The third option under the ring is a classic flower from the times of Victorian England. It looks very nice on the table, but it is easy to create at home:

Any of the ideas organically accepts natural decor - a sprig of spruce on New Year or small flowers for the Easter feast.

We can also make rings with our own hands. We will need a base (for example, a long sleeve from foil or cling film can be easily cut into strong rings of the right size) and any materials for decor - from a coarse textured thread to tie a ring, to thin lace that can be pasted over cardboard.

And this cute fold in the form of a scarf just begs to decorate New Year's table. Playful simplicity and naive charm:

Three envelopes for cutlery

Choosing any "envelope" scheme, we can not only beautifully fold napkins on the festive table, but also put cutlery in them, or a card with the guest's name. And when serving for the New Year, it can be a miniature postcard with a wish.

The most popular envelope in European countries is with a beveled corner. It is wide, elegant and able to accommodate the entire set of appliances, not just pleasant trifles decor. Detailed step by step photos explain the simple process.

Another version of the envelope - with a solid strip in the middle. This simple scheme is well described in short video instructions:

And the uncomplicated version of the envelope in a hurry will easily join the serving of a home holiday and will require a minimum of time from the creator (involve the kids in the festive chores!):

Volumetric figures - Candle and Crown

Only if flat diagrams simple? No. Many voluminous options that are stable on a plate on their own are completed in minutes!

Any student will get a curious voluminous version. Napkin Candle that can create a mood in serving a romantic meal or a New Year's feast:

The versatile crown also folds in a couple of minutes. It organically combines with natural decor, becoming a stand for the first spring flowers, fresh herbs or spruce branches in a New Year's theme.

The perfect paper or fabric pinwheel

The classic origami form comes to the rescue in many holiday details:

  • Weathercocks on a stick to decorate a buffet display;
  • Accompanying prizes at competitions along with a bouquet of balloons;
  • Window decoration with hanging geometric elements;
  • Wall compositions from photos.

Interesting contours of the turntable and ease of execution will also come in handy for the festive table: the weather vane turns out beautifully from any material.

Flower Perfection

Let's complete the parade of simple schemes with a flat flower in traditional technique origami. This laconic form looks just perfect! Your guests will need an effort to destroy it for the convenience of the table. And who said that a meal is not a place for strong aesthetic impressions? Having trained on simple circuits, dare and impress!

An important secret to success: for such a flower, choose a traditional, not thin cotton napkin and iron it well before folding.

Secrets of the choice of materials and video TOP 10 folds

  • The color of napkins and tablecloths. Don't be afraid to experiment! You are not required to observe the contrast of colors or a complete match with the tablecloth. It only makes sense to support exactly the tablecloth with napkins. A solid tablecloth, on the contrary, often becomes the backdrop for bright solutions for each plate. Do not exclude the option of white on white, which is distinguished by a special solemnity.
  • Napkin material. Our story at the beginning of the article - about napkins in napkin holders - demonstrated the main thing: it is not expensive material that colors the serving, but the creative solution of the element. paper napkins- smart choice for beautiful origami. And if you prefer fabric, then choose dense textures that retain their shape well - cotton, linen, chintz, dense viscose.
  • Don't chase complicated circuits on your first try. It’s better to bookmark our article, because it contains only those solutions that even a novice hostess or a young mother can implement, involving a baby in the process. Cooking a holiday is one of the best educational games!
  • Take time to fold your napkins at the table. Ideally, practice beforehand. After all, this is a creative process, it is designed to please not only guests, but also you!
  • Choose color schemes for a specific holiday. The new year is always organic in green, red, gold and white. Autumn celebrations - all the colors of leaf fall. Spring feasts are pastel shades blue, pink and fresh greens. And in the summer, any associations are open to us - from colorful patterns to juicy yellow and blue colors.

Of course, we did not talk about all the curious ways of how to fold napkins on a festive table, and the above diagrams are only part of the ideas for a festive serving. However, we advise you to start with our selection. Advantageous ease of execution and detailed photos step by step - this is a guarantee of success with minimal effort and time.

P.S. Attention!

A great selection of 10 simple folds for any holiday in a step by step video.

Thank you for the article (11)

They will take their rightful place on the festive table, make the serving exclusive and stylish.

It remains only to learn how to decorate the table with napkins in different easy ways.

original ideas

If you want to create an indescribable holiday atmosphere and surprise your guests, prepare the appropriate amount of silk, cotton or linen napkins.

For special occasions choose a material that matches the color and texture of the tablecloth. It is good if the textiles will also fit the dishes.

For many servings, white napkins are the best option. To give the fabric additional rigidity, it can be lightly starched.

Of course, you can just fold them in four and put them near each individual device, but sometimes it's worth going the other way. Make simple manipulations with these pieces of fabric - and you will get an exclusive serving.

Let's look at a few of the most simple ways folding napkins, which every housewife can master in just a few minutes.

rose on a fork

Fold the napkin in the shape of a scarf, folding the bottom edge a few centimeters. Now form three deep folds by placing each of them between the prongs of a fork.

cute ears

The napkin should also be folded diagonally. FROM long side roll it up into a tube about half way. Its edges should protrude 2-3 cm on the sides. Turn on the back side, straighten the "ears". On such a basis it will be possible to lay cutlery.


Fold a large napkin eight times (larger square, and then again into a smaller one). Bend the topmost layer diagonally, and the sides should be folded inward.

In the resulting envelope, you can put not only cutlery, but also leave a message for guests, small surprises, etc. You can bend not one, but several layers.

If you wish, you can easily make not only the corner, but also flat rectangular envelope. For this:

Fold the napkin in half, bending it a few centimeters from the edge;
- turn it over to the other side, bending it to the middle and the upper part;
- fold the sides on top of each other and turn your envelope over again.

Olympic torch

Make a smaller square out of the napkin and roll the top layer up to the middle into a tube. Wrap the sides inward so as to hide them and get the shape of a torch.

Compositions in glasses

Original and spectacular compositions can be obtained from napkins and glasses.

There are several easy ways.

For example, fold a napkin into a scarf shape. Connect the side corners and the top together, bending the lower part about a third. “Pick up” the resulting design and place it in a glass. Slightly bend the petals of the resulting flower.

The second way is even simpler. Lay out the napkin on the table. Grasp its middle with your fingers, lift it slightly and start twisting. Install the design in a glass, beautifully straightening the edges.

You can also make an original frill. Fold the napkin in half so that the fold line is at the bottom. Starting at the top, fold it like an accordion in about 1-1.5 cm increments. Fold it in half and slightly fold the bottom into a snail shape and lower it gently into the glass so that it does not unfold


Fold the napkin four times to make a square. Its open corners should be in the upper right corner.

Bend the topmost layer to the middle diagonally and, starting from the top, fold with an accordion. Do the same with the next layer. It remains only to hide the bottom part, as well as the left and right corners from view.

These are just a few of the options that allow you to easily, but at the same time effectively transform your table setting. Use your imagination and you can create real masterpieces with your own hands.

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