
Crocheting a “Rastaman” hat is not at all difficult. But those who do not know how to crochet think differently. I think to each his own: some make hats, while others buy them (but the latter know how to make...

Emotional Intelligence ©

I remember that at our school there was only one psychologist who came to the class once a year and taught life - gave advice in the field of emotional intelligence. Something like: if you are very nervous, then...

Sample standard deviation

An approximate method for assessing the variability of a variation series is to determine the limit and amplitude, but the values ​​of the variant within the series are not taken into account. The main generally accepted measure of the variability of quantitative...

Winter holidays by trimester

“Letidor” examines whether there are strong differences in education between trimesters and quarters, and tries to understand why every year more and more Russian schools abandon the decades-tested...