How to print stencils for eyebrows in real size? Self-made stencils for eyebrows How to make a stencil for eyebrows yourself.

Well-groomed and beautiful eyebrows are the dream of any girl, especially now, when the beauty industry is only doing what draws everyone's attention to the importance of eyebrows and their care. Of course, neat eyebrows play a big role in the whole image of a girl, because they frame the face and emphasize all its beauty.

Unfortunately, not every girl has learned to draw beautifully and, but it doesn’t matter! A new trend has come to the aid of the girls, which was once popular in drawing arrows, namely, stencils.

Below we will figure out whether eyebrow stencils are needed at all in order to give the correct shape and how to make them yourself.

What are stencils and why are they needed

Stencils obviously help with the pattern and not worry that you will go beyond the contour somewhere and ruin the whole picture. With their help, you can not only outline the place where the future drawn eyebrow will be located, but also fill this place without any difficulties.

Whether such forms are necessary in real life, girls use them, or is it just a useless marketing ploy - it's hard to say. As they say, for every product there is a buyer. Of course, the price of such stencils varies from completely cheap to more or less expensive, depending on the brand.

Surprisingly, initially such eyebrow stencils could only be found on cheap sites and in cheap stores such as Aliexpress or Fix Price. However, having noticed the growing popularity of stencils, the idea was picked up by more eminent brands and began to produce their own, more expensive and high-quality counterparts.

Of course, talking about which option will be better, cheap or expensive, is pointless. Someone likes high-quality plastic that fits snugly to the eyebrows from popular manufacturers, while someone is content with a low price and is ready to put up with average quality, the main thing is to have a result.

One way or another, a third of these two options arose, namely, the creation of such stencils on our own, at home, but we will talk about this below.

Varieties of stencils

If it seems to you that such a product as a stencil, a priori, there cannot be several varieties - you are mistaken. There are so many different options that the eyes run wide. We will list some of them:

  • plastic pads with a slot in the shape of an eyebrow (there are different shapes, thicker and thinner, with a high and low corner);
  • overlays-stickers (special forms, silicone-based, so that it is convenient to attach the overlay to the skin and draw an eyebrow);
  • a plastic bezel (this thing is one object, on a stick, to hold on to it, on which the stencil is located directly);
  • self-made templates (do-it-yourself forms, from cardboard, paper and other improvised materials).

Of course, everyone chooses the option with which he will be comfortable. One way or another, all stencils for eyebrows are made in full size, and only in rare exceptions (depending on the type of face) can they differ.

For example, Chinese and Korean forms will be slightly smaller than those from European manufacturers, since different nationalities have completely different types of faces.

How to choose

To choose the perfect shape for you, there is nothing easier than trying each of the above. But we have selected a number of advantages and disadvantages, according to which you can choose the one that would suit you best.

Plastic lining


  • variety of forms;
  • comfortable transparent base;
  • eyebrow start, end, and corner marks.


  • uncomfortable to hold;
  • may fall out of hand
  • has a fairly large shape, which is not always convenient when using.

Overlay stickers


  • convenient use - pasted and draw;
  • additional hair removal from the area around the eyebrows (when you remove this pad after use);
  • small size, pronounced shape, easy to draw.


  • one-time (maximum two-time) use;
  • may break due to thin material;
  • may be allergic to the adhesive.

plastic bezel


  • comfortable to hold with one hand;
  • For long-term use, simply rinse with water.


  • the design does not allow you to draw an eyebrow evenly (due to the fact that the shape does not fit snugly against the skin);
  • too massive and large;
  • may break;
  • difficult to get anywhere other than online stores.

Self made samples


  • you don't spend a dime;
  • you can make the perfect sample, perfect for your specific eyebrow;
  • if you can't do it the first time, you can always try again;
  • variety of materials from which it can be made.


  • it is not always convenient to use (depending on what material you have chosen);
  • most often single use;
  • not everyone will want to spend their time cutting out templates.

How to make a stencil with your own hands

Having analyzed the existing options, we got to the main question: “What if I have nowhere to buy such a stencil?” Everything is simple! Make it yourself using our instructions and templates offered on the Internet. In fact, creating such forms at home is a very simple procedure.

You just need to choose the material from which you will make the shape and download several types of templates on the Internet that fit your eyebrow shape.

Materials can be as follows:

  • cardboard;
  • paper;
  • any plastic (cut a piece from a bottle, for example);
  • sticky paper.
  • Find some templates online and print them out.
  • Attach a template, circle the plastic (if you are doing on other materials, you can print templates immediately on them if the printer skips one or another density).
  • Cut according to the instructions and try to do it as carefully as possible.
  • If using plastic, handle the corners so that you don't hurt your skin or cut yourself.
  • That's it, your DIY eyebrow stencil templates are ready!

How to use

  • Choose the tool you want to fill in your brows, it can be either a pencil or shadow.
  • Attach the stencil to the eyebrow. If necessary, you can fix plastic or paper with adhesive tape on the skin to make it easier to draw.
  • Having fixed the stencil, begin to draw the inside of the template.
  • Do everything as carefully as possible, try not to press the pencil or brush with shadows too tightly to the eyebrow.
  • Remove the stencil, remove imperfections with a cotton swab and your perfect eyebrows are ready!
  • You can use the "fixing gel" to make the eyebrows more pronounced and fix them in the right direction.

Almost every woman's day begins with makeup. It takes a lot of time and effort, and not always everything turns out perfectly and the first time. But if the shadows and lipstick can be washed off and reapplied, you will not return an unsuccessfully plucked eyebrow back. You can not take risks and go to the beautician. But what if life proceeds in an emergency mode and there is simply no time left for a beauty salon? It was for this case that eyebrow stencils were invented.

Types of ready-made stencils and their disadvantages

Three types of stencils are available for sale:

  • mask with a "nose", two temples and slits for the eyebrows;
  • plastic strip on straps with Velcro and two cut-out eyebrows;
  • a small piece of plastic with a cutout for one eyebrow.

It is most convenient to use an eyebrow stencil in the form of a plastic strip on the belts. It can be fixed at the back of the head with Velcro. At the same time, both hands remain free, and the risk of applying the second eyebrow asymmetrically to the first (higher, lower, at a different angle) disappears.
Unlike the strip on the straps, the mask and single template have to be held by hand. However, this is not such a big drawback. Therefore, when choosing an eyebrow stencil, the focus is on the shape of the eyebrow pattern. After all, choosing among the many ready-made eyebrows the one that suits you is not so easy.
Small single stencils are not sold individually. And this is their big disadvantage. After all, out of 6 or more copies included in the kit, only one is really useful. It's a shame to overpay for something you won't use.
In addition, cunning marketers came up with a brilliant move to increase the income of manufacturing firms. Therefore, many of the most popular forms are sold complete with powder, tongs, pencil, mirror and other related products that you do not really need at the moment. However, in pursuit of an eyebrow pattern that suits you perfectly, you will have to lay out your hard-earned ones and for the “appendage” to the stencil.
To avoid all these unpleasant moments, many women are thinking about how to make an eyebrow stencil with their own hands.
The advantages of this approach are obvious. In search of the perfect eyebrow shape, you do not have to buy a whole set, or even several. But do-it-yourself stencils also have disadvantages. They don't always work the first time. It is not always possible to make a cut without notches, "burrs" and other defects. However, this is fixable.

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Method of making templates and their use

So, to make eyebrow stencils with your own hands, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • felt-tip pen or marker;
  • stationery knife or scissors;
  • needle and thread;
  • transparent plastic (packaging box from a supermarket, a bottle, a dense stationery folder or any other product made of thin plastic);
  • thin straps from old things, satin ribbon, etc.;
  • Velcro;
  • drawing of the desired shape of the eyebrow (Fig. 1).

From transparent plastic, first cut the tape for the entire forehead. Attach to yourself, mark the center of the resulting rectangle, as well as the beginning of both eyebrows. It would be nice to draw a flat horizontal line marking the top of the eyebrow line.
Save and print the drawing that suits you. If its dimensions do not fit, increase or decrease it. Then put the picture under the plastic so that the tops of the eyebrows touch the horizontal line. This will help keep your brows even. Do not forget to take into account the marks of the beginning of the eyebrows.
If you have nowhere to print the picture, attach the plastic to the monitor and transfer the image with a marker. If possible, fix the plastic with something so that the hand does not tremble and the drawing does not move out.
When the eyebrows are drawn, you can start cutting. It is better to do this with a clerical knife.

So that there are no teeth and notches, it is better not to pierce the plastic through, but to drive with sawing movements along the perimeter until the middle is squeezed out.

If you can't cut straight with a knife, use scissors. To do this, in the middle of the picture (in the part that will fall out), make a hole. If the plastic does not lend itself to breaking, heat the scissors over a fire. After the cutting part of the scissors penetrates the plastic, start cutting towards the edge of the picture. And then it will be easy to make a cut around the perimeter without damaging the material.
When the slits for the eyebrows are ready, make small rectangular cutouts for the straps around the edges. Pass a ribbon or strap through them and sew. Try on and mark the places where you need to sew Velcro. A couple more strokes of the needle - and the stencil for eyebrow correction is ready.
If this method of making a stencil seems too laborious, you can make a small template for one eyebrow, which you will apply to the eyebrows in turn and hold with your hand during the makeup process. Making it yourself is much easier. All you need is a small square of plastic, a drawing, a felt-tip pen and scissors. Further, everything is similar to the above.

The stencil is easy to use. Powder is applied to the eyebrows, a stencil is applied, the free space is shaded with a dark pencil. The stencil is removed, all excess hairs are plucked. The shape of the eyebrows is obtained without the slightest flaw. If the task is to simply draw an eyebrow without plucking, powder is not needed. Simply, quickly and effortlessly, the eyebrow slit is shaded with shadows, and you can run about your business without fear that the eyebrows will be drawn in different ways.

All girls want well-groomed, beautifully shaped eyebrows, but not all of them are given by nature. This can be corrected with the help of many procedures, for example, tattooing. However, not all the fair sex agree to such a procedure. Yes, and the eyebrows after the tattoo look very unnatural. Other various procedures come to the rescue - staining or biotattoo.

Cosmetic companies every year release new eyebrow shaping products - pencils, wax, felt-tip pens. And if learning to use these methods of coloring and makeup is quite simple, then not every girl can give her eyebrows a beautiful shape.

You can give beautiful shape to your eyebrows at home

More recently, a novelty has appeared on the market of cosmetology services and makeup products - eyebrow stencils. They are designed to help in giving the eyebrows a beautiful and symmetrical shape.

Stencils appeared relatively recently, so few people are familiar with them. And if so, then it is worth getting to know them better, because they can greatly facilitate the process of giving the eyebrows a beautiful shape.

Eyebrow stencils: what are they and what are they for?

In recent years, the fashion for thin eyebrows has passed, thick and natural are now popular. And how to give the eyebrows the correct shape and how to care for them so that they look healthy and become a beautiful accent on the face? Care is simple, it is enough to use vegetable oils that will nourish the hairs. In order to give the eyebrows a beautiful shape, you can go to the salon where a professional master will do it, or arm yourself with pencils and rulers and proceed with the geometry on the face, drawing the beginning of the eyebrow and its end. However, stencils simplify the whole process, making it as convenient as possible. Moreover, absolutely any girl at home can use them.

Eyebrow stencils - holes cut into the plastic in the form of eyebrow shapes

Stencils are ready-made plastic templates. The holes cut into them repeat the most popular eyebrow models. They are very easy to use. They must be applied to the eyebrows, and then circled along the contour.

Types and templates of stencils

Separate plastic stencils for each eyebrow are templates made of soft plastic. You need to hold the stencil yourself. As a rule, it has lines - markets for a symmetrical arrangement on the face relative to the bridge of the nose.

Note! You can buy templates as sets, where several options for eyebrow shapes are presented at once. The downside is that sometimes unnecessary things are put in the kits - tweezers for removing hairs, a pencil, shadows and wax.

Such stencils are very often used by masters in salons to choose the necessary shape;

Templates in the form of masks are very convenient because they do not need to be held by hand, as they are fixed on the back of the head with an elastic band. They will be an ideal option for girls whose eyebrows are located as symmetrically as possible. If this is not the case, then the template will have to be twisted, choosing an angle that will coincide with the hair growth line.

The newest type of template is a mask attached to the nose. However, in the free market, such a stencil option is extremely difficult to find. The only way out is to order it in the online store;

It is still difficult to find a stencil mask for eyebrows in free sale

Paper eyebrow templates are suitable for already experienced girls who have used stencils more than once. They are used only once.

A kind of paper template - adhesive-based stencils. They are easy to use as they adhere securely to the skin. However, they are also disposable.

Advice! If the procedure is performed for the first time, it is advisable to use a stencil that provides complete freedom of hands, for example, on an adhesive basis.

How to choose the right shape

Finding the perfect fit is easy. This must be done based on the structure of the face:

  • Square face. Straight lines are not suitable for this type, as the face will become even shorter, and the jaw will become visually rougher. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a shape with a smooth break line, shifting towards the temple.
  • Round face. Any sharp outlines and thin lines should be avoided. Also, the arched shape will not work. The ideal option is a stencil with a triangular break. It will favorably emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes.
  • Triangular face. To avoid emphasizing the already sharp lines of the face, you do not need to use straight shapes and long eyebrows. The most suitable option is medium-length eyebrows with almost no lift. The width should be the same and taper slightly at the end.
  • All options are suitable for an oval shape. A template with a slight break is ideal. If the face is too narrow, you can visually expand it with the help of almost straight eyebrows.
  • If the shape of the face is pear-shaped, you should give preference to a stencil of a wide and long shape.

The shape of the eyebrows depends on the shape of the face and eyes.

A few secrets for giving a beautiful shape and what distance should be between the eyebrows:

  • Eyebrows should not be high or low, otherwise the facial expression will be sad or surprised.
  • If you want to make your face visually wider, you need to choose a straight-shaped stencil.
  • A rounded template will make a wide face narrower. The lines should be as smooth as possible.
  • It is necessary to observe the distance between the eyebrows. It should be exactly two fingers.

Where can I get a ready-made stencil for modeling the shape of the eyebrows

Ready-made sketches have a lot of advantages. These include:

  • Ease in choosing the desired shape.
  • The lines become neat.
  • The templates are completely symmetrical, so that the eyebrows can be identical to each other.
  • A large selection of different forms makes it easy to choose the right one and the most suitable one.
  • Using sketches, it becomes not only easy, but also fast to give the desired shape.

However, among the girls who used such templates, there are those who have a negative opinion about them. The negative points include:

  • If staining is carried out using stencils, then the eyebrows after that look very unnatural.
  • Very often in stores they offer to purchase low-quality and uncomfortable sketches.
  • Manufacturers have recently begun to produce stencils with a limited choice of templates, which does not allow you to choose the shape individually.

It is unlikely that you will be able to buy such a sketch in any cosmetic store. Therefore, it is worth taking advantage of the offers of online stores. When choosing this method, it is necessary to take into account how reliable the Internet site is and whether it offers quality products. The disadvantage of this method of acquiring a stencil is the waiting time, which can be from two weeks to a month, in addition, there is a risk that in the end it will not come at all what was needed. Therefore, many girls make stencils on their own at home.

You can make a stencil for eyebrows from improvised means

To make a template, you will need a minimum of materials: a computer, printer, felt-tip pen or pen, scissors or a stationery knife, flexible, transparent and thin plastic. As the latter, you can take a plastic bottle or a food container.

Step by step production:

  1. Find a suitable stencil option. You need to look for images in real size. So you don’t have to bother with image scaling programs.
  2. Print in real size the found stencil for eyebrows.
  3. Attach a plastic blank to the printed sketch and carefully circle it with a bright felt-tip pen.
  4. Cut out the template with a utility knife. If it is not at hand, you can take nail scissors. It must be cut carefully and carefully so that burrs do not form.

If there is no printer, but you want to make a template, you can use the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. Find a suitable stencil on the Internet.
  2. Carefully circle it by attaching paper to the monitor screen.
  3. Transfer the resulting image to plastic.
  4. Cut out the template.

The stencil should be similar to the shape of the eyebrows, otherwise the drawn version will come out completely different.

To find the right option that will be ideal, you need to perform several actions:

  1. Measure your eyebrows in millimeters. To achieve the best match, you can attach plastic or a piece of paper to the natural eyebrow and circle it. Accuracy to the millimeter is not important here.
  2. Find sketches on the Internet and enlarge them to real size.
  3. Attach a template to an image. If the shapes match, circle the image or print it.

The found image should at least slightly match the shape of the real eyebrows. After all, it is necessary to give them an ideal shape, and not to make completely different ones.

With the help of such fairly simple manipulations, you can easily make a full-size eyebrow template yourself.

How to use an eyebrow stencil at home

The algorithm of actions when using templates does not depend on whether it is factory-made or home-made.

If a simulation is to be carried out, the following steps should be followed:

  1. Apply a little powder to the hairs to outline the future contour more clearly.
  2. Attach a sketch, giving it the desired position, and then fix it with your hand.
  3. Outline with a pencil. The pencil needs to be well sharpened.
  4. On the second eyebrow, you need to carry out the same procedure, trying to do it as symmetrically as possible.
  5. If you don't like the result, it's better to start all over again.
  6. Pluck out excess hairs, those that remain behind the contour.

For a coloring or make-up procedure, the initial steps are the same as those performed during shape correction. After the shape is drawn, it must be painted over with a pencil or shadows. During the staining procedure - apply paint or henna.

Note! Do not apply makeup or paint eyebrows immediately after their modeling. The skin needs some rest.

Making a stencil on your own at home is quite simple, the most important thing is to choose a shape that will fit perfectly, and carry out all the steps for making a template as carefully as possible. Then, with the help of such a small trick as a template, you can achieve beautiful and neat eyebrows without visiting the master in the salon.

Every woman dreams of beautiful eyebrows, because it is the eyebrows that make the eyes more expressive. But, unfortunately, not everyone can boast of the natural grace of eyebrows. Of course, you can resort to tattooing, but many are stopped by the fact that after this procedure, the eyebrows do not always look natural. Shadows and pencils can also correct imperfections, but it is far from always possible to bring out the ideal shape of the eyebrows correctly, and it takes time to learn this. This is where you will need eyebrow stencils.

This novelty appeared not so long ago, and is not yet so popular, but it will help to significantly facilitate daily makeup. Today, there are several types of thin plastic stencils that can be bought at a cosmetic store. But the easiest way is to make a stencil yourself: download a sample through any search engine on the Internet and print it, or simply redraw the template from the screen. It's easy and doesn't take much time. A correctly selected template will allow not only to beautifully correct the shape of the eyebrows, but also to choose the desired shape for the tattoo.

If you are not eager to spend money on branded eyebrow stencils, then, as mentioned above, just find the template we need on the Internet or pick it up on our website. All you have to do is print and cut it out. Save the picture and print.

What will be needed for this?

  1. First of all, be prepared for the fact that you may not guess correctly with the form the first time, then you will need to try again. To do this, prepare a few pieces of soft transparent plastic (various packages will do) - in case it takes several attempts.
  2. Save the picture. Print the template, attach a piece of plastic to it and carefully trace around the outline with a marker. To save time, you can translate the template through the screen. If you do not want to change the shape of your eyebrows, but only adjust a little and choose the closest possible one, attach plastic to your eyebrow and reduce the contours. Then, applying to the stencils on the screen, pick up your shape and correct the outline.
  3. Now you just have to cut out the shape, for this it is better to use small scissors or a clerical knife.
  4. Then, using a nail file, smoothly sharpen the cut points - this way you eliminate the sharp corners of the base and protect yourself from possible scratches.
  5. Everything, the stencil is ready to use. Now it is enough to attach it to the eyebrows and draw around the contour with a black pencil - everything superfluous will remain outside the frames and can be easily removed with tweezers. As you can see, it's easy.

Eyebrow stencils can be used for different purposes: touch up makeup, make a correction or use it for tattooing. The last procedure is carried out only in salons by qualified specialists, but what if the master does not have the stencil you need? Therefore, in this case, it is better to “insure” and pick up a finished sample for the shape of your eyebrows on your own in order to provide it to the master in the salon - so you definitely won’t be mistaken.

If you need a stencil for makeup, then every girl can easily do it on her own - with its help, you can create a beautiful eyebrow contour in just a few minutes and form the bend you need. After all, it is very difficult to draw bends, and with the help of a stencil it is much easier to make eyebrows symmetrical. This is a significant plus, since the asymmetry of the eyebrows is a problem for many. Stencils are indispensable for correction, since creating the correct shape is a rather difficult task, and with such a convenient cosmetic novelty, it will be much easier to do.

Have you tried using eyebrow stencils yet? Share in the comments!

Beautiful eyebrows are the dream of any woman. They are able to successfully emphasize the expressiveness of the face and bring a bright touch to the appearance. Despite the fact that it is not so easy to make the perfect eyebrow shape, with the advent of stencils, the task has become simpler several times, because now it is not necessary to turn to specialists - you can make perfect eyebrow arches yourself.

What it is?

A template is a small piece of any material on which various shapes of eyebrows are cut. Today you can find the most bizarre stencils that have different lengths, thicknesses and bends. This is done with the aim that each female buyer finds the required look for herself.

Stencils are used for different purposes: some girls use them to draw the necessary shape of the eyebrows, while others eliminate excess hairs, thereby correcting natural eyebrows. Therefore, with the help of this small detail, you can improve your appearance at your discretion.

Despite the fact that stencils appeared not so long ago, they are already in great demand among girls, as they allow not only to facilitate the process of makeup, but also to reduce the time for its application. There are a large number of stencils on sale - the buyer himself decides which one to choose.

Below are some options for eyebrow templates.

  • Plastic stencils. These are small pieces of plastic with eyebrow-shaped holes inside. Most often, such products are used by specialists in beauty salons. There are a lot of such options, and they differ in shape and appearance. Plastic sets include from 4 to 6 stencil elements.
  • Masks with mounts. They are popular due to the fact that they can be put on and tightly fixed, while the hands will be free to work - this will make it possible to easily use such material at home. These masks are ideal for those who are undergoing the procedure for the first time or do their own eyebrow correction.

  • Special masks that can be fixed on the nose. This option is very difficult to find in stores, but they can be easily ordered on the Internet by researching topics on this issue.
  • Paper. It is better to use such stencil elements if you have experience in eyebrow correction. In addition, these products are disposable.

  • Forms with masks. They allow you to fix the stencil on the face in the desired position and carry out the modeling of two eyebrows at once.
  • Paper versions with adhesive backing. Such stencils also belong to disposable products, but their use is more convenient, since they are tightly attached to the skin, while the hands are free, which is more convenient compared to other options.

Of course, if the procedure will be carried out for the first time, it is recommended to use those stencils that do not need to be held by hand. These include adhesive-based products, face masks, and Velcro masks.

When making a correction for the first time, a girl should feel comfortable and have complete freedom of action.

Choose a form

It seems to many that it is very difficult to choose the right eyebrow shape for the contour of the face, but in fact it is not. The most important thing in this procedure is to correctly determine what type the person belongs to.

Face in the form of a square or rectangle. Straight lines should not be made for such a face - because of this, it will become shorter, and the jaw will acquire rough features. The main focus here should be a smooth transition at the base of the chin so that its roughness disappears. The ideal solution in this case is to perform a break, which should move towards the temple.

In the case of a round face, you must completely abandon the presence of a sharp or thin line. The presence of sharp breaks should also be avoided, as this will visually enlarge the face. For the same reason, you do not need to make arched options. An ideal choice would be a triangular shape with a break. She will be able to focus on the eyes: emphasize their expressiveness and transform the face.

It is highly undesirable to make wide or very thin, as well as high eyebrows with a triangular face type.

In addition, straight forms will not work here either, as they will make facial features overly sharp. For the same reason, too long options will have to be abandoned. In this case, the shape of the face needs to be softened - this can be done with the help of curved eyebrows with a minimum rise, their length should be medium. As for the width, it is desirable to make it the same size, sometimes the eyebrow can be slightly narrowed at the end.

Almost any type of eyebrows can suit an oval face shape, since this type is considered the most correct. But still, the best option in this case can be considered eyebrows with a modest break. If the oval is very narrow, then it is recommended to perform a visual expansion. This can be achieved with the help of not very large, but straight eyebrows that will not be low.

With a pear-shaped face, it is better to give preference to wide and long eyebrows. You can visually transform the upper part of the face by increasing the distance between the eyebrows.

If we talk about a universal option that would be suitable for each type of face, then there is none, since in each case the shape will vary.

If there is no time to select one or another option, then it is better to focus on eyebrows with a wide base, a slightly raised middle and a narrow tail at the end.

There are several secrets that will help to make eyebrows that emphasize the shape of any face.

  • You don't need to have your eyebrows too high or low, otherwise you will end up with a sad or surprised look.
  • If the face needs to be made visually wide, then eyebrows with a straight shape should be preferred.
  • In the event that the eyes are set close, then they can be visually made wider. To do this, it will be necessary to increase the distance between the eyebrows, and, conversely, with a large gap between the eyes, the separation between the eyebrows must be reduced. The main thing is not to overdo it and not turn two eyebrows into one continuous line.
  • You can make a wide oval visually narrow with rounded eyebrows. However, the bend in this case must be very smooth, so as not to get a surprised look as a result.
  • When removing hairs, experts recommend doing this only on the lower part so that the eyebrow is not very low, otherwise the eyes may visually decrease.

In order to achieve a beautiful result, it is important to observe the correct distance between the eyebrows. This gap should be no more than a distance of two fingers on the hand.

Pros and cons

Eyebrow templates have some advantages:

  • stencils have only symmetrical lines;
  • it is very easy to choose the necessary form;
  • maintaining a neat eyebrow line becomes easier;
  • before purchasing the form, you can try on and choose a more suitable option.

Also, to the positive qualities, one should also add the fact that the work on eyebrow modeling is carried out very quickly, but this is only if the stencil is convenient, and there is at least minimal experience in this process.

Despite the fact that the popularity of templates is growing, there are also users who have abandoned them.

Among the disadvantages of using the following positions stand out:

  • stencils that are inconvenient to use are increasingly appearing on sale;
  • began to produce more and more of the same type of eyebrows, which means that identical and recognizable eyebrows can be found in almost every girl;
  • when stained, the shape of the eyebrow becomes unnatural;
  • sometimes the choice is not so good, and it is not possible to obtain the necessary form.

How to use?

Perhaps the first time the result will not be what was expected, but the second attempt will seem simple and easy. Therefore, in order to correctly perform the required adjustment, you need to follow some recommendations for using such an eyebrow template.

The process for using templates is shown below.

  • You need to take a transparent powder or talcum powder and apply it to the area near the eyebrows - this will not allow the stencil to stick to the skin.
  • Stencils must be applied to each eyebrow - they must fit the shape.
  • After the stencil is applied, it must be fixed by hand - this is not required if it is with an adhesive base or Velcro, because such products are securely held in a fixed position.

  • With the help of shadows or a pencil, you need to circle the shape of the template. Now it can be removed to the side - it remains only to eliminate the extra hairs. You can do this with tweezers or just cut it off.
  • To fix the result, you need to apply wax.

When the work is finished, disposable stencils should be thrown away. If they are made of plastic, then they will need to be washed with cosmetic milk or running water.

It is also worth noting that you should try not to make excessive selections with shadows or a pencil, and to achieve maximum naturalness, you can shade the borders.

How to do it yourself?

If it is not possible to purchase a ready-made template, then you do not need to be upset, because you can make it yourself. Creating a stencil for eyebrows is not difficult, but it takes practice.

To work, you will need a marker or pen, a knife and plastic (suitable for a bottle or food container). You also need a printer.

Sometimes during the printing process it is very difficult to figure out in what size the picture with stencils will be served. It is best to find pictures where there will be a special mark with the inscription "actual size". In the event that there is no such fragment, you can try to measure the length in centimeters using a variety of graphic programs.

If there are no programs available, then you can do it in another way: you need to open the picture and enlarge it until the sheet becomes A4 in size - this will be the actual size of the image, which means that the template will correspond to the desired format.

If there is no printer, then you can do this:

  • find the desired template;
  • put plastic on it and circle it with a marker;
  • cut out the resulting image with a knife.

The third stage can be called the most difficult, since not everyone can cut a perfectly even figure on the first try. Of course, when purchasing a production template, you can be sure that it will be perfectly smooth. But even at home, if you try, you can make a neat stencil.

In some cases, it is not necessary to use plastic containers or bottles for stencils - there are other options. For example, using a plastic folder for files that are colored on one side and transparent on the other. It is this transparent side that is required. It will last for several attempts, which is very important when the product does not work the first time.

This material is very soft and can be cut even with scissors, which allows you to create a neat result.

It is very difficult to make a mask with a life-size face-type template or adhesive stencils, as well as Velcro options, therefore, according to reviews, it is better to use the simplest option, which requires a minimum of materials: ruler, knife, paper and plastic.

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