Happy birthday greetings to a friend of a tanker are cool. Congratulations on the day of the tanker in verse and prose

To be a tanker means to be hardy,
To be a tanker is to always be brave.
For a tanker, the main task is
To serve your homeland in full.
I congratulate you on your professional holiday,
And with all my heart, I sincerely wish.
Luck, joy, good luck in fate,
May all good things happen to you.

We are proud of you dear country
Our tanks are strong and fast and light
And brought you greatness and glory
Having defeated regiments of enemy monsters in the days of the war.
The power of formidable armor, the courage of the crews
Went to certain death, burst forward
Protecting you, our beloved mother
A great people went to the Great Victory.

Like a car roaring thunder
The tank is a great, steel force.
Tankers are strong and strong-willed men,
At heart, calm and kind.
Happy Tanker Day, I congratulate you,
I wish you patience, peace, joy.
Prosperity, good luck and kindness,
May your angel always keep you.

Today, brave guys, brave, broad-shouldered,
We congratulate the taxi driver on the holiday,
And we proudly declare in all seriousness,
There is no more difficult and serious profession.
You serve your great Motherland,
And don't count your army days
We wish that while you protect the country,
All feats of arms have been credited to you in full.

Tankers, you are brave and brave guys,
May this holiday be your reward,
When people rejoice and give admiration,
When everything shows respect for you.
We wish that happiness always finds you,
And technology never fails.
So that your beloved and faithful friends are waiting for you at home,
So that there is no place in life for boredom.

Today is very important holiday is coming,
And it is called - Day of the tanker.
There are no more brave guys
After all, their work is a game of a chess player.
Congratulations to you tankers, brave guys,
May the love of the people be your reward,
Let the service pass only in peacetime,
May happiness find him by all means.

Today we celebrate Tankman's Day,
And congratulations to the army guys on this date,
Serious and powerful machines are subject to you,
You are united with your soul and heart with your Motherland.
We wish you to know the army only in exercises,
So that in life there were many interesting switches.
And if you found your calling in this,
We wish you to reach the very heights of the military.

On the second Sunday of September, Russia celebrates Tanker's Day - a professional holiday for tankers and tank builders, which traces its history back to Soviet times. Tankers played big role during the Great Patriotic War, this is a powerful brigade that reliably defended the offensive of our soldiers. Thanks to these proud and majestic machines, many lives of the Soviet military were saved. On this page you will find congratulations on the day of the tanker in verse and prose, to relatives, relatives and friends. You can also coolly congratulate the tanker with an audio congratulation on your phone.

Dear tank soldiers, dear veterans of the tank troops! Please accept our sincere congratulations on the Day of the tanker!

With your daily military work, you are making a significant contribution to strengthening the defense capability of our Great Motherland. Powerful, maneuverable modern tanks, thanks to advanced engineering, make it possible to solve various tasks in any of the most difficult conditions from the Far North to southern latitudes. For many years, tank troops have remained the main striking force of the Russian ground forces. We express our sincere gratitude to all tank soldiers and veterans of tank troops for the honest performance of military duty and loyalty to the oath. We wish you success in combat training and mastering the modern one, which requires deep professional knowledge, technology, health, happiness and well-being.

The heart of a tanker is a corner where courage, honor, endurance, nerves of steel and love for the Motherland unite. A cold mind and a red-hot desire to defend their Fatherland make highly skilled tankers out of ordinary guys. Thank you, family, for your courage, perseverance and consciousness. Be healthy, and let your loved ones always wait for you at home.

Happy Tanker Day to everyone who climbs into the armored interior of the tank. No one knows when the moment will come and you will have to drive your car under enemy bullets. We congratulate the tankers and wish them always to return home without injuries and losses in their ranks.

Happy Tanker Day to you! The bravest, strongest guy! I congratulate you on your holiday! May he be remembered by you for meetings with fellow soldiers, fun, good wishes! On my own behalf, I wish you that your life be filled with volleys of good luck, the roar of victories, shelling of happy occasions! I'm proud of you!

Tankers. Whatever age we are, I congratulate you on our holiday. And we all must remember one thing - everyone is looking at us. Armor does not like flabby muscles. Health to all. And that our might is never used

Tankman's Day is one of the most important military holidays in Russia. A mighty power can proudly present armored and mechanized troops. I congratulate all tankers on the great holiday. I wish, first of all, good health, great personal happiness and great success in the service. Let patriotic feelings for our homeland be filled in your hearts. I wish you a great mood, as in holidays as well as on weekdays. Live happily and prosperously. May the path you choose always be the right one.

Tankers are real men who do not have a sense of fear at all. How many times, it was tank troops that saved our country from enemy invasions. Today all of Russia celebrates the tankers' holiday. We sincerely wish everyone good health, good luck in everything, happiness, great luck. May many compliments and wishes be given to you today. We wish you peace, prosperity and prosperity. May peace and love reign in your families, may hope, faith and love always accompany you.

Congratulations on the day of the tanker in verse

You're under metal armor
Spent quite a few long days
The car has hardened you
And you almost bonded with her.

Yes, you are a tanker, your soul is bright
And a brave man!
You give peace to the planet
May he stay forever!

We congratulate you on Tankman's Day!
We wish you victory and good luck!

Tankers have always been the power of the state,
During the war years they saved the country.
Tankers are worthy of solemn glory,
We wish you not to know the war!

Let the service go without a single problem,
May peace reign on this earth!
May life be kind, beautiful and long.
Good luck in love and everything is on the table!

They say that the tank is deaf,
I just don't believe the rumors
I know - there are no better tankers,
All such pure souls,
Brave, brave and courageous,
They have an important day today.
Who serves, or in civilian life -
Congratulations to everyone in the tank!

Everyone who saw the tank firsthand
And sat astride the tank lid,
I congratulate generously on the day of the tanker,
May the sky above you be clear!

Let there be no wars, explosions, smoke,
Life flows calmly and beautifully.
Kohl will be sad in thoughts about the attack -
Launch tanks on the Internet!

But seriously: good luck to you,
Peaceful days, how else?
Let the home rear be reliable,
Happy Tanker Day, a serious holiday!

Tankers, salute in your honor,
And all the toasts, and congratulations,
Let success in work await
Accompanies in life luck!
Happy tanker day, dear ones,
Let's shout "Hurrah!" three times,
You are real heroes.
And today - it's time to accept congratulations!

Congratulations to all those in the tank!
We wish you well.
Be brave and calm
Worthy of awards and honors.

You are doing a difficult service
Save the country from enemies
We completely trust you
And on this holiday - we glorify!

May there be peace and happiness in life,
Things are always going great.
Luck accompanies you
Let love warm the heart!

On the day of the Russian tankman
I wish you
Always be pure in mind
Both in life and in struggle!
Any failure
Walk around with a smile
Get better, get richer
Live life happily!

Tank Day in September!
Guys ride armor!
peace teachings,
Just fun!
Happy holiday tanker
Let the horizon be clear!
Your family is waiting for you at home
And funny friends!

Powerful machines, brave guys,
In battle, you definitely have no equal!
I want to congratulate you on the Day of the tanker,
I wish you many, many years!
Let the armor and hands be strong,
The heart and motor will be hot.
And may your soul not know boredom,
And loves life in spite of everything!

The armor is strong, and the speed is already under three hundred,
Probably soon the super-tank will take off,
Congratulations on the day of the tanker -
Let the angel keep you on earth.
We also wish you cool girls
And from love to be drunk at times,
But so that you always take off on a tank
Head held high and proud!

No, it didn’t come - it rolled in now menacingly
Second Sunday in September!
We have seriously prepared for it:
From the beds we broke a little dawn
And at dawn, gentle and radiant,
Having lined up, we bark, going into a rage:
Congratulations again on the Day of the tanker
The crew is always ready for battle!

Funny congratulations on the day of the tanker

I know I served in the army
I know, there was a tanker,
I know today is your day
Here are some heartfelt congratulations:

I want to be in great shape
So that all life goes according to the norm,
Health, happiness and prosperity,
For a strong grip

Don't forget about the army
Skills not to lose
If they call for fees,
To be right there, right there,

Jumped into the tank, went ahead,
Without fear, without interference
Good luck to you and all the best,
So that everything is five and that's it!

Congratulations on the Day of the tanker
And I wish you
Gave money three hundred thousand
For excellence in shooting.
And today is Tankman's Day
A reason to pour white
But do not get into the tank
So that the house does not catch on.

There is no car better than a tank in the world,
And the strongest tanker is a hero.
Celebrates the army squad
Tankman's Day is a military holiday!

Congratulations from me today
On this day, my friend is a tanker, accept.
I wish you luck
Lots of money, happiness and love!

Today is a holiday, the day of the tanker,
Come on, my friend, pour three hundred grams,
And remember the military service,
And the native division,
Although we did not burn in the tank,
We dealt with a tank!
Congratulations to everyone with whom we served,
With whom they were friends, did not grieve,
All the best to you guys,
You are the backbone of our country!

Big reason to get drunk today
Yes, such that I will not take down:
The holiday of those who grew up in a tank,
Like Mowgli in the forest.
The cub became strong in body,
In a headset, like a mushroom.
There was a gunner for Akela -
Missed and died.
As Shere Khan roared the tracks,
Like Bagheera black light
Only jackals, like Tobacco,
There were no tanks and no!

Dreams of a new Russian on Taganka
Drive a tank through traffic jams to work.
Grandpa is dreaming, having opened canned food in a jar,
One more time to be with a tanker in a tank.
Russians, Spaniards, Italians dream
At least once ride in the tank.
Tanker, be proud! Of all the drivers, only you
Driving in the world dream car!
May your conscience always be clear
And we congratulate you on the Day of the tanker!

So that the whole family can be proud of you.
Let the volleys illuminate the sky on the day of the tanker,
For loyalty to the Motherland, let them reward you.
May your spirit be as strong as armor,
In the eyes more so that there is fire,
Fearless so that there is always a soul,
And for the whole family to be healthy.

Congratulations on the day of the tanker to his son

Son, today, on the day of the tanker,
I want to wish you
Be strong, smart and broad-shouldered -
Men are true to match.

I love and respect you
You have achieved everything by hard work,
I congratulate you today
Let the house become a full bowl!

Since childhood, you dreamed of becoming a tanker,
And he played war games with the guys,
But your dream has come true
You give your debt to the Motherland in full.
Happy tanker day, I congratulate you,
Sincerely, with all my heart I wish you happiness,
Good luck, son, you and happiness,
Let all bad weather fly by.

All tankers honor and praise,
Your holiday is celebrated by the whole country,
To you, son, I send greetings,
I wish you a peaceful service, without troubles.
I am glad to congratulate you on the day of the tanker,
May service be your reward
Let life flow like a full river
May you be lucky in everything, always.

Tankers are real men
You are brave and strong
Combat vehicle crew
Ready to fight at any time.
We send you, son, hello,
We are proud of you, it's no secret
On the day of the tanker, accept congratulations,
May your dreams come true!

Happy tanker day, son, I congratulate you,
I sincerely wish you a peaceful service,
Let the friendship of the crew be real,
May happiness be with you.
I wish you to always be in a good mood,
Let life give you only inspiration
May fate generously endow you.

Happy Tanker Day for you, this verse,
All relatives send you greetings,
So that you can feel on holiday
How we miss and wait, son!

We are immensely proud of you
We know that you serve the Motherland faithfully!
May success always be with you
And always be kept by fate!

Congratulations on the tanker's day to your beloved husband

My dearly beloved husband!
You alone I admire and am proud of.
And on the day of the tanker, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
May all our plans and dreams come true.
You my hero! Russian patriot.
May your tank platoon be glorious.
And let the tankers Friendly family,
Will not let you down in anything and never!

My husband, my glorious, my good.
My tanker, - happy holiday to you!
Let her touch the whiskey powder
mustache touched gray hair.

I adore you with all my heart.
I love and languish in my soul.
And I wish you happiness
I am always proud of you my friend!

Something to drink today
I congratulate my husband on the day of the tanker,
He will get a uniform, orders on his chest ...
I cook food, and everything is clean in the room ...

It's good that you are -
What is possible both for a holiday and for reconnaissance,
I'm lucky, I guess, with you,
Let the neighbors envy!

Happy tanker day, I congratulate my husband!
And I wish him many more years.
It's good that we found each other.
My beloved, unspeakable light.

Glasses up for your health
we'll raise full wines.
Happy holiday, my tanker, brave knight.
And of course three times - "Hurrah!"

I'll kiss you hard
Dear tanker.
So I love you
My hero is broad-shouldered.

And a bottle of beer
I'm allowed to drink.
Rest my dear
I won't interfere.

Happy tanker day, my love! I know how much you love and look forward to this holiday! May all your wishes come true today! I love you very much, I wish you endurance and peace, career growth, win the jackpot, spend it on my fur coat, good luck in all your endeavors! From myself I will add love, tenderness, comfort in our nest!

Happy tanker day congratulations to dad

Each man by vocation is a tanker,
Be he even a hairdresser, even a taxi driver.
And I congratulate my father today
And on the day of the tanker, I sincerely wish

Obstacles on the way, do not be afraid of obstacles,
And all adversity just smile.
To be happy, not to know shocks,
So that there are no sorrows and worries!

You are my protection and support.
Like a tank firing in battle
You will win in an argument
For us, your beloved family.
Let colleagues be reliable
And they will not let you go into risk cuvettes.
I want you, daddy, to be happy
On your special day, Tanker's Day!

Tankers have nerves of steel,
They are strong, fighting men,
Part of life invested in the defense of the country,
So that we can live in peace.
Happy holiday, daddy, you,
Let your business go well
May the sky be peaceful above you always,
All the best to you, dear, good luck and warmth.

The armor is strong and our tanks are fast,
Today the holiday is celebrated by all tankers,
You are worthy sons of the motherland,
You are on duty day and night.
For you, dad, all the compliments, congratulations,
Let the mood be great
May fate be kind to you
Always live in happiness and joy.

Beloved dad, on a holiday - the day of the tanker,
We congratulate you with the whole family,
May the sky above you be clear
Health is strong, and in the soul - peace.

The profession of a tanker is necessary and important,
The homeland is always defended in good faith,
They are always brave and fearless,
In general, tankers are real men.
Dear daddy, I congratulate you,
I sincerely wish you a quiet service,
Let you be lucky in everything, always
All the best to you, good luck, and good.

Congratulations on the tanker's day to grandfather

My grandfather is a tanker, he can do everything
And he has no regrets.
Chose a military fate
And he became the most worthy.

Today I congratulate grandfather
And I wish you only the best.
Health is the main
And everything else will come with it!

There are many poems and songs about tankmen,
Today, accept congratulations and flowers,
Grandpa, you are cheerful and cheerful today,
Tell us about your exploits.
Grandpa, we are always proud of you,
A low bow to you, and the warmest words,
We wish you good health from the bottom of our hearts,
May all your dreams come true.

Tanks are not afraid of dirt,
They should fight in the war
And tankers - well done,
All great fighters!
So that the authorities do not scold,
A star fell on the shoulder strap!
In order for the service to run smoothly,
For a girl to give you!

Big reason to get drunk today
Yes, such that I will not take down:
The holiday of those who grew up in a tank,
Like Mowgli in the forest.
The cub became strong in body,
In a headset, like a mushroom.
There was a gunner for Akela -
Missed and died.
As Shere Khan roared the tracks,
Like Bagheera black light
Only jackals, like Tobacco,
There were no tanks and no!

The armor is strong, and the speed is already under three hundred,
Probably soon the super-tank will take off,
Congratulations on the day of the tanker -
Let the angel keep you on earth.
We also wish you cool girls
And from love to be drunk at times,
But so that you always take off on a tank
Head held high and proud!

First I learned to drive a tank,
You went to the headmistresses,
Now you're a mechanic in the park
And what you taught you did not forget!
We have not forgotten about your holiday,
And for you we will pour everything,
It's not easy to rule a colossus,
Congratulations from a civilian helmet!

Today we are with a kind word to you,
For all, the peace of the country, who are vigilant,
To ride you on a new tank,
And so that the commander was loyal!
Smiles will be on the faces
Tankers, fiery hearts,
May happiness last forever
And all the enemies came to an end!

You were, sidekick, a red punk,
The horses were very wet,
And now you're driving a tank
You put on a black helmet!
The whole party for your holiday
We send you SMS
Everything is serious - to congratulate
Respect kidan!

Congratulations to all tankers today!
Let the iron horse not let you down!
Casting away worries and doubts,
May it carry you forward in life!

May the sun shine brightly in your life
May good luck always accompany you!
And let failure not notice you.
Health to you for many years!

The tank submits not to many,
Don't break his armor!
It's not easy for the brave tankers,
Keep a strong spirit in battle!

We only wish training fights!
Fearless heart and soul
And on the Day of the Tankman we will shout: “Basta!
It's time to get out of the tank to us!"

And let there be a sense of humor
It's no worse than a projectile
From a cute joke, life is brighter,
And helps everyone!

Tanker's Day celebrating
Read the congratulations
In it we celebrate the holiday,
And the tanker - good luck to him.
Strong, brave, strong in spirit,
He is not afraid of obstacles.
Will be your good friend
He is a comrade, brother and matchmaker.
We wish you -
Ride the tank on the enemies!

Strong armor and tanks are fast,
Artists sing hymns to you,
You are the shield of the country and your hands are clean,
Tankers - salute to you from all!

Let the powerful diesel not stall,
The armored barrier will not tremble,
Good luck, strength, kindness, health,
To everyone who is named a tanker!

The tanker is the backbone of our troops,
If there is war on earth.
The tanker is a seasoned man,
And she won't eat us.

Yes, he is alone. One of those,
Thanks to whom
We are guaranteed success
And to be honest,

All those who protect us
Fighting in the middle of the war
In a calm and blissful hour
We must save.

Tankman! Be strong and healthy
And be with you the world.
And be with you not the sound of war,
But only the sounds of lyres.

Let's honor the tankers today,
And congratulations on this holiday!
Tankman. He will remain invincible
Always respected and glorious!

You, too, do not be afraid to go ahead,
Forward in achieving the goal!
Good luck in your difficult business,
And in life - love and fun!

How three tankers lived
Then they sing to us in a song,
In the sands or by the Cupid,
Any enemy is beaten!

Your friend and powerful diesel
And the main clutch
Steel, brother, health,
You were born a tanker!

The day has been beautiful!
Holiday - the day of the tanker!
Through a hatch or slot with a sight
Watching the world at large!
And your frontal armor
Helps keep you calm!
And the gunner at the gun is always on the alert!
And I'll bake a cake for you at home!

I wish you on the day of the tanker
With the tenacity of a tank to go far,
Everything will come true for you, I know
After all, luck awaits on the way.

Good health, no doubt -
There is nothing more important in life.
I congratulate you with poetry!
I wish you victories in life!

Tankman's Day is now celebrating everything
And with all our hearts we wish you:
Great happiness and great love
Victory, but not at any cost.
Let the bright sun shine on you
May the peaceful sky please you.
The fight will only be school years
And the hour of combat alarm will not come.

A tank is not a simple car,
He is a fighting machine
The tank is equipped with a large barrel,
It flies right through.
And the tankers drive
Watching through the cracks
And ready at any moment
Throw tanks straight into battle.

You are strength and loyalty
Foundation of the country.
We are proud of you.
Oh, if it wasn't for you.

Who so would Russia
Guarded in battle?
For you all bows,
A pedestal for you.

So smart in combat
You drive a tank.
For this you need
Great ingenuity.

Your congratulations
Hurry to accept
You have armor tomorrow
FROM new force Keep.

Each man by vocation is a tanker,
Be he even a hairdresser, even a taxi driver.
And I congratulate my father today
And on the day of the tanker, I sincerely wish

Obstacles on the way, do not be afraid of obstacles,
And all adversity just smile.
To be happy, not to know shocks,
So that there are no sorrows and worries!

As in a song about tanker friends,
Whose tanks were cheerful and fast,
Are you able to protect the homeland:
Repel the attacks of adversaries!
Your sister, bride, mother is waiting for you somewhere at home,
Who needs to send a message.
They, in turn, must
Do not forget the defenders of the country!

I'll kiss you hard
Dear tanker.
So I love you
My hero is broad-shouldered.

And a bottle of beer
I'm allowed to drink.
Rest my dear
I won't interfere.

Son, today, on the day of the tanker,
I want to wish you
Be strong, smart and broad-shouldered -
Men are true to match.

I love and respect you
You have achieved everything by hard work,
I congratulate you today
Let the house become a full bowl!

In September, the day of the tanker
We will have a feast with a mountain!
And we heartily congratulate you
The most important armor!

Happiness, joy and laughter!
The day is beautiful, it's for you!
We wish you success
Many, many, in reserve!

Hides strong armor and forged metal
Guys have hot hearts and their thoughts are incandescent.
Let the teachings go on, but there will be peace in the world,
And in the heavens, fireworks will ignite the radiance of love.
Let them wait at home, and send letters,
Let life be yours.
And the joy of earthly victories
Will give happiness drive.

There is a commander, a mechanic in the tank,
But you, my friend, an artilleryman,
And all the power of the tank in the palm of your hand,
You are beautiful, slender and broad-shouldered!

So that your sight does not go astray,
The projectile did not wedge, so that in the barrel,
To achieve everything in life,
And save peace on earth!

Tanker my dear, dear,
Today is your holiday.
And there's a reason to drink
You are the real man!

Successful service let it go
And moving forward
I will always love you
And appreciate your exploits!

May peace reign in a vast country,
And you accept rewards modestly,
And Tanker Day in civilian life
Meet with a decent posture!

Celebrate your day with ease.
Let the birds sing to us peacefully!
Take a break from the tank
And pave the way for love!

In the fields, in the dust at the training ground
Teachings are long.
May this field be peaceful.
Stand up for the Motherland.

Let there be a path without mines, potholes,
And the air is infinitely pure.
Today we praise your name
Our brave, dear tanker!

The cub became strong in body,
In a headset, like a mushroom.
There was a gunner for Akela -
Missed and died.

How Shere Khan roared the tracks,
Like Bagheera black light
Only jackals, like Tobacco,
There were no tanks and no!

And therefore, even though the tanks drive fast,
Poems from us are dedicated to them!
We congratulate our tanker
And we drink so that there is no war!

Dreams of a new Russian on Taganka
Drive a tank through traffic jams to work.

Grandpa is dreaming, having opened canned food in a jar,
Once again, smash fascism on a tank.

Russians, Spaniards, Italians dream
At least once ride in the tank.

May your conscience always be clear
And we congratulate you on the Day of the tanker!

We saw in different parts of the country:
Frozen tanks on an honorary pedestal
They defended their native land,
With tankers, it happened, they died.

When we celebrate Tankman's Day,
We bow our heads in honor of the dead,
And congratulations to all the living,
We wish them good luck and victory.

We wish you, tanker,
Healthy be healthy
And diligently, as before,
Serve the Motherland!

You were destined to be born a tanker,
So that the whole family can be proud of you.
Let the volleys illuminate the sky on the day of the tanker,
For loyalty to the Motherland, let them reward you.

May your spirit be as strong as armor,
In the eyes more so that there is fire,
Fearless so that there is always a soul,
And for the whole family to be healthy.

Add, rev mechanic,
But do not disturb the parade,
Sutra we hear the roar of engines,
Be healthy, tank hero!

And in the crew of three tankers,
You are in the armored forces,
Good days to you, pure dawns,
And only training attacks for you!

We sincerely congratulate you on the Day of the tanker!
We wish you clean, clean horizons,
Let the armor of your tanks be strong,
Let the helmet seem like a soft cap to you!

We wish you success at work,
Live at home in love, comfort and care,
Let there be problems under the gun,
Fears, all doubts, dilemmas!

Tankers have always been the power of the state,
During the war years they saved the country.
Tankers are worthy of solemn glory,
We wish you not to know the war!

Let the service go without a single problem,
May peace reign on this earth!
May life be kind, beautiful and long.
Good luck in love and everything is on the table!

Happy Tanker Day!
Ready to defend your homeland
And on the tank, with an oath in the heart,
To clear the native land from enemies.

I wish you peaceful days
To be a tanker "in reserve" always,
To live not anxiously, but in happiness,
And there was only practice shooting!

On Tankman's Day - glory and praise
To all who serve in the tank troops,
Who is ready to defend the homeland,
The power of the guns is in the strong, whose hands!

The pride of our ground forces,
In their hearts - only courage and enthusiasm,
The defense of the mass they
All enemies are ready to fight back!

I congratulate my dear husband,
I love him so much, dear.
Today is the day of the tanker,
May there be much vigor and strength,

May the Lord himself save you
And all good things will come.
I want to wish you a lot of luck
Love and respect your family!

The tank is the most complex machine,
Not an easy bike
To know it in detail
It takes many years!

That's when the tanker
You can become real
So that your relatives and friends
Protect day and night!

Happy tanker day!
We sincerely wish you
Be strong, brave, cheerful!
Honestly serve the motherland!

Tank - all-terrain vehicle,
He will always find a way
There are no obstacles in his way,
Do not find us bolder guys

Than brave tankers,
Brave guys well done,
Waiting for the parade
Happy tank day guys!

Everyone who saw the tank firsthand
And sat astride the tank lid,
I congratulate generously on the day of the tanker,
May the sky above you be clear!

Let there be no wars, explosions, smoke,
Life flows calmly and beautifully.
Kohl will be sad in thoughts about the attack -
Launch tanks on the Internet!

But seriously: good luck to you,
Peaceful days, how else?
Let the home rear be reliable,
Happy Tanker Day, a serious holiday!

We celebrate Tanker's Day
And we cover the field.
After the forced march, a halt -
The holiday brought us together!

Let's celebrate the fighters
Courageous fellows,
Praise is not in vain -
All the power of tanks is subject to them!

I want you my love
I congratulate you on the day of the tanker
And a lot of happiness with all my heart,
And a lot of joy to wish.

May you always be lucky
Good health will come
Luck will be near
And sadness and sadness will go away!

Tankman! Your service is dangerous but necessary
Your protection to our country is important,
Serve her, right, she's proud of you,
Set an example so that young people have something to strive for!
Let the service go without a single failure,
May your soldier's life be long
Do not let the Tanker down, your power,
Success and victory belong to you by right!

Happy Holidays, Tanker! Let in an armor-piercing tank,
Your sleep is sweet and calm
The war is canceled, sleep well, soldier,
No one is happy about war in our world!
When you get enough sleep, it's time for dinner
Then you can warm up and run a little,
Well, you won't need to shoot and fight,
Let the battle and the fight only dream of you!

Congratulations, Tanker! You are a worthy soldier!
You only go forward and there is no way back,
Strong, smart, don't give up without a fight,
On the front line, you are the first to attack!
Invincible, fearless, deadly is your volley,
May the skies above you be blue
Let the mother wait for her son to return,
And give you his love savings!

Tankman! You deserve gold medals!
I am happy to congratulate you today,
I'll raise a glass full of wine for you
And for your young health I will drink to the bottom!
Be healthy, beautiful, strong, young and rich,
Keep your virtues all your life, soldier,
Low bow to you, respect and honor,
After all, I cannot count the qualities of your valiant!

Tanker is next to you, nothing is scary,
But the enemy's pants are wet from fear,
This soldier, you worked hard to achieve,
And no one doubted your victory!
Happy Holidays, Tanker! Be always ready!
To the battle and defense of Russian villages and cities,
Your service is priceless, take care of your life,
And always win in a fearless battle!

Your shot is deadly, your look is on the spot,
The enemy is slain, without signs of life fell,
The work is done, you can celebrate the holiday,
Happy Tanker Day! Let me shake your hand!
May your service pass easily
Let unforeseen situations not happen,
Let the enemy warn you when it comes to you,
So he will find his death without torment!

Tankman! We congratulate you with a kind word,
We wish you to drive a new tank,
Let the stars on the shoulder straps sparkle brightly
May fate spoil you with gifts!
We wish to be the first in everything and everywhere,
We wish peace to be on the whole earth,
Let the sky shine with blue light
Let war not concern any of us!

Tankman! You are the best without a doubt!
We wish you good luck in your service,
It will help you, as it should help anyone,
Drive the enemy out of the country!
Luck, health and strength will also come in handy,
Let your children be proud of you later
May your wife be faithful to you
And love your mother, you have only one!

You are ready to strike on the spot your enemy,
So that his horns fly off,
Knowing your strength, he will no longer get used to us,
Being defeated by the enemy is not very pleasant!
It's better if he just doesn't come
And the Tanker will find time to rest,
Happy holiday guys! Tankers! Hooray!
Today it's time for you to rest!

This holiday is dear to the country,
Our Motherland needs such warriors,
Tankers! We respect you and we are proud of you
Well, on your holiday we drink and have fun!
Get out of the tanks and come to us,
Let's say a toast to victory and drink a hundred grams,
If your tank is not washed with vodka,
The armor will become thinner, maybe!

Today we congratulate Tankers with all our heart!
Let the fighting spirit not leave you,
Don't let your health fail you either.
Let the service lead to career success!
Good commander to you, big salary,
We wish to return home after the service,
With colleagues to drink beer on the weekend,
And today sit at the festive table!

May the reward not wait for you for a long time,
Let there be everything that is necessary for victory,
Comrade faithful, the shell is not blank,
And may luck always be with you!
Tankman! We wish to be the first in battle,
With love and fidelity to defend your homeland,
Let the distance separate you from the enemy,
While you and your girlfriend go on dates!

The title of the collection: Happy birthday greetings to the tanker are cool. - May your courage and confidence know no barriers, and may your relatives always be proud of you.

Victoria, you are a winner in life. Happy birthday to you, and may everything you crave be in your hands. Let luck not change you, and hard work is always rewarded. Let close people in any situation remain on your side, and enemies disappear from your life as quickly as possible.

Happy Birthday! I wish female happiness and sincere love, the absence of bad weather in life and the presence of kindness in it.

Am I dreaming or are you on holiday? It's hard to understand at first glance, because you always have a festive mood. I wish you to remain as cheerful, joyful and friendly! Congratulations!

I wish you, brother, to live positively, to love without memory and love in return, grandiose trips and just great happiness.

You will achieve success on your own, money will come with success, and love will find you.

You are like a brother to me, let it always be next to you loving woman and true friends.

On your birthday, I wish you that everything in the world succeeds without the slightest effort, that the career ladder turns out to be gentle, and you easily fly up to its top, so that loved ones believe in you!

Let competitors treat you with respect and slight fear. Health to you and a stable future!

Happy Birthday! I would like to wish you so much, but before listening to my sincere congratulations, look back at your life: many years have passed, but even more of them are ahead. There is such a thing in sports: an intermediate finish. I wish that this birthday will become for you one of the many intermediate starts, each of which will lead to new achievements and victories, and the finish line for you will always be only on the distant horizon.

Happy Birthday! We wish you happiness, health, bread, salt, sugar, matches, soap, champagne!

Strength, courage, humor and honesty are the essential qualities of a real man and they are all combined in you.

On this holiday, I would like to wish you that happiness is always a welcome guest in your home, that all hardships and problems pass by, and that only good luck and good mood accompany you in life!

My dear brother, be happy and healthy. If something I will always be there - your brother! Happy Birthday!

We wish you a cozy atmosphere in the house, love and warmth in relationships, respect and trust in the team, happy and joyful years of life!

May God grant you health and joy! You deserve all the best in the world. Happy Birthday sweetheart!

Happy Birthday! I thank you from the bottom of my heart for always being there for listening, supporting and helping. May your soul never know sadness, only continue to believe in the best! Let true happiness fill your world with vital light and positive. Love and be loved!

May quiet and gentle music always sound in your soul, and be accompanied by the bells of children's laughter and the gentle voice of a loved one.

Of course, in order for happiness to be complete, you need to do what you love, feel needed and successful. I wish you that your work always brings you not only decent income, but also pleasure. There is nothing better than seeing successful happy people.

Happy birthday to you, my dear and wonderful brother. I want you to live best life here, now and always.

Happy arrival in this world! Live in such a way that you never regret a single moment. Use every chance to do something good and pleasant.

Happy birthday to an extraordinary woman. Let the road of life be bright and even, happy and beautiful, interesting and successful.

Happy Birthday! I wish you that your life is full, with pleasant worries, brilliant ideas and brilliant victories! May the source of kindness never dry up in your soul! Go through life boldly and directly!

Dear daddy, I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you not only good luck in business and the most sincere hopes, but also simple human happiness. Know that I am always there and very grateful for the care and love that you have given me since childhood. Happy holiday to you, my precious! I love you very much!

We wish you, our dear, active longevity, good health, persistent luck, great vitality, happiness, family warmth.

You are like a brother to me, you are the best! And there are few of them in the world. Be yourself - reach and create!

The culprit of the feast has already been wished so much that I am somewhat at a loss. In our time, one should probably wish such an energetic and commercial person, born under the sign of Pisces, to become a shark of the market economy and have a solid account in a freely convertible currency. Happy fortune ticket to you! Let's spray the "newborn" with a bottle of good wine!

Dear, happy birthday! I love you and wish you: to have real female happiness, to bask in family comfort, to feel the taste of life, to be warmed by light and joy.

I wish you confidence, courage, courage and honor for real masculine deeds.

I wish you immense happiness, all-consuming, mutual love, loyal friends, inexhaustible wealth, rapid career growth and constant luck in everything!

May every new day be full of tenderness and love, smiles and flowers, and every moment give only happiness and joy!

May life give thousands of happy opportunities so that each of them is used to the fullest. Happiness, good luck, prosperity! Happy Birthday!

I wanted to wish you money, but I'm afraid they will rob you, I wanted to wish you good health, but I'm afraid they will jinx it. Ah, I wish you love ... let you ... t

Let me not show off on this wonderful day and say everything in three simple words, for which, in fact, I came to you: happy birthday!

I would like to wish you to remain as humorous, cool and self-confident. Good luck and success to you always and in everything.

My dear man! On your birthday, I wish you great joy that continues throughout your life.

I would like to wish you and your family continued well-being, solidarity and good health, may the desire to dream never fade in your heart and soul, and dreams come true. I wish you, of course, career growth, worthy colleagues and the achievement of all your goals.

I wish you sweet, chocolate happiness, vanilla ice cream and milkshake! So that you can taste all the most delicious and sweet in this life! Happy Birthday!

I wish you great happiness and luck. May success and good luck always be your inseparable companions. And any life difficulties were fleeting and instantly overcome. - Happy birthday greetings to the tanker are cool.

You are like a brother to me, happy birthday, dear. I wish you good health so that you can fulfill your dreams.

Happy Birthday. I wish your life to be a wide sea of ​​​​pleasures, delight, happiness and success.

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