Hcg 15000 what is the gestational age. What is hcg and its norm during pregnancy

HCG is a hormone whose presence in the body of a woman of childbearing age indicates that she is pregnant. During the development of the fetus, its concentration changes. Based on these fluctuations, conclusions can be drawn whether the development of the fetus is normal or whether certain pathologies are present.

The hCG hormone is produced by the chorion (the outer shell of the embryo) after the embryo has successfully passed the stage of attachment to the uterine wall. The hormone contains alpha particles, which are more important in the process of diagnosing beta particles. Beta hCG has a special structure and helps track the status of pregnancy.

Women who want to know about the presence or absence of pregnancy are interested in the logical question of which day to take hCG, because this is the most reliable way to determine successful conception at the earliest stages. The hormone begins to be produced 5-6 days after fertilization, so an hCG test will help establish that a woman is expecting a baby 7-10 days after conception. Such efficiency is provided by a blood test.

This hormone is also found in urine. Here it begins to appear 14-16 days after fertilization. The concentration of hCG in the urine is 2 times lower than in the blood. Accordingly, even the highest quality laboratory urinalysis is not so effective.

Even less reliable are home test strips designed for self-confirmation of conception at home. They should be used 14-16 days after the intended fertilization. At earlier stages they are ineffective. But there is a category of supersensitive tests. They can be used 1-2 days after the delay of the expected menstruation.

Why is analysis necessary?

Having found out what it is, it is important to consider why a blood test for hCG is performed. First, it allows you to determine pregnancy. This issue has been described above. Secondly, it is important to regularly undergo this procedure for women who are carrying a child. The growth of hCG during pregnancy has a clear pattern, which allows you to diagnose whether the development of the fetus is normal.

Indicators of hCG, which do not correspond to the norm, make it possible to identify violations that occur during the pathological course of pregnancy. Unfavorable dynamics of hCG may indicate a miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy(on the level and interpretation of hCG during ectopic pregnancy, read), chromosomal pathologies and other disorders. If they are detected at an early stage, the doctor may recommend termination of pregnancy to eliminate the risk of having an unhealthy baby.

For this reason, the level of concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin must be determined 1-1.5 months after conception. When diagnosing a high risk of developing pathology at later stages, the situation becomes more complicated.

Normal performance

The most rapid level of hCG during pregnancy increases in the 1st trimester, especially in the first weeks after conception. With normal development, a peak of its concentration is diagnosed at 10-12 weeks. Then comes the phase when the rate of production is reduced. If at 11-12 weeks after fertilization hCG grows slowly, and then after 2-3 weeks its concentration decreases, this is normal. The entire period of the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, the hormone levels remain approximately the same.

So that you can understand how hCG grows in the absence of pathologies, below is a table of hCG by week of pregnancy.

The table shows the general indicators corresponding to the norm. They are not the only recognized standard. In different laboratories, these parameters may differ, therefore, it is necessary to evaluate your result according to the scale of the laboratory where the analysis was carried out.

In different laboratories, the result of hCG can be presented in different units of measurement - mU / ml, U / ml or mIU / ml. They all have the same meaning. Regardless of which designation is indicated, the concentration of the hormone does not change.

It must be borne in mind that the norms indicated in the table correspond to the gestational age, counted from ovulation (the moment of conception). When calculating them, the date of the last menstruation is not taken into account.

The norm of hCG in non-pregnant women is in the range of 0-5 mU / ml. If the results of the analysis show a level of 5-25 mU / ml, a second procedure is required. At this level, it is impossible to completely exclude the possibility that fertilization has occurred, as well as to refute this fact.

Hormone levels after IVF

It is extremely important that the level of hCG remains within the normal range after IVF. As a result of artificial insemination, the embryo often does not take root, so a low level of the hormone often indicates that conception did not occur or the pregnancy failed.

Table of hCG during IVF, showing the level of the hormone in the 1st month of embryo development.

At further development the fetal hCG rate after embryo transfer does not differ from the indicators presented in the table "hCG level by weeks of pregnancy" during natural conception. You can safely take into account its indicators.

Deviation from the norm

Sometimes hCG levels during pregnancy do not correspond to the norm. This may be a signal of the presence in the development of the fetus or of problems with the health of the woman. Consider the possible causes of deviation from the norm.

When hCG has dropped, this is a possible sign:

  • , especially if the indicators are below the norm by more than 50%;
  • fetal growth retardation;
  • chromosomal pathologies, in particular the high probability that the child will suffer from;
  • placental insufficiency;
  • the death of a child, especially when it is diagnosed in the 2nd and 3rd trimester;
  • gestation of the fetus;
  • diabetes from the expectant mother.

A low concentration of hCG is always diagnosed during a missed pregnancy.

At first, it corresponds to the norm, and then it sharply decreases or remains unchanged, despite the fact that it should increase. The cause of such a complication can be chromosomal pathologies, infectious diseases of the mother and other disorders.

However, low hCG does not always indicate problems during pregnancy. Reduced concentration may be due to the fact that the doctor incorrectly determined the term of conception. Often this happens when a woman provides inaccurate information about the menstrual cycle, so it is not possible to correctly calculate the exact time of fertilization.

If elevated hCG is diagnosed, this may indicate the following:

  • error in determining the timing of pregnancy;
  • prolonged gestation;
  • early toxicosis;
  • presence (if an increase in hCG is diagnosed in the 2nd trimester, this may be a sign of Down syndrome in the fetus).

The concentration of hCG increases with twins, triplets, since the production of the hormone is carried out simultaneously by several placentas. At the initial stage of pregnancy, the concentration may be 3 times higher than the parameters indicated in the table.

In the future, the norms of hCG at multiple pregnancy are calculated as follows - the standard indicator for a singleton pregnancy is multiplied by the number of children a woman bears.

The presence of the hormone in the body in the absence of pregnancy

The presence of human chorionic gonadotropin is sometimes found in the body of men and non-pregnant women. The following reasons lead to this:

  • diseases of the testicles in men, in particular, a malignant tumor of the testicles;
  • neoplasms in the uterus, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and other bodies;
  • cystic skid, chorioncarcinoma;
  • an abortion was performed, from the moment of which less than a week has passed;
  • the use of drugs containing human chorionic gonadotropin, such medications are prescribed to women at the stage of preparation for IVF.

The increased level of the hormone persists for 5-7 days after the miscarriage, as well as the normal birth of the child. But in a normal situation, it gradually decreases until it is below 5 mU / ml.

It is considered normal when the hormone is present in the body of women who have experienced menopause. After the final cessation of menstruation, its level may be 14 mU / ml. This should not cause anxiety. But for women of childbearing age, this concentration of the hormone is not normal. If the possibility of pregnancy is excluded, it is important to undergo a health diagnosis.

How to take an analysis?

The most reliable way to determine the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin and the level of its concentration in the body is to donate blood for hCG. An alternative option is a laboratory urinalysis, but its accuracy is 2 times lower. Another method that is only suitable for detecting pregnancy is to use a pregnancy test. To guarantee the most accurate result, it is advisable to carry it out 2-3 times.

Before going to the hospital, the laboratory for analysis, it is important to understand exactly how to donate blood for hCG.

This should be done on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning (before breakfast). When the material for research (blood, urine) can be donated only during the day, it is important not to eat for 4-6 hours before the procedure. For given period you need to give up tea, coffee, juices. It is permissible to drink only pure water.

The day before the test, it is recommended to exclude or minimize the intensity of physical activity. It is better to cancel trips to the gym, jogging, aerobic exercises. During physical activity, hormones are released that can affect the objectivity of the result.

It is also necessary to exclude the use of medications, especially hormonal ones. If it is impossible to cancel their use, since they are prescribed by a doctor and require strict adherence to the intake schedule, it is imperative to warn the laboratory assistant which drug you are drinking and in what doses.

Venous blood is taken for analysis. If the laboratory conducts the study of the material on its own, then the result is available on the day of the analysis or the next day. It is ready after 3-4 hours. When the study is carried out in another laboratory, the result is presented in 3-12 days.

How are the results decoded?

If the issue is considered in general, then when the results of the analysis differ by 20% from the norm, the presence of a pathology in the process of fetal development is assumed. But each situation must be studied separately, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism.

That is why the interpretation of the results should be carried out by a competent doctor. If necessary, he will prescribe a second analysis, which is carried out at intervals of 1-3 days. Only after receiving confirmation or refutation of questionable results, after conducting additional diagnostics, the doctor will be able to establish a diagnosis, and if necessary, prescribe adequate treatment.

If the analysis is performed to identify the risk of adverse fetal development, its results are issued in the form of screening. It displays the individual risk of developing pathology, presented in a frequency ratio. For example, the probability of development is 1:1600 (approximate figures are indicated). This means that in a particular situation, the risk of developing this disease is 1 in 1600 cases.

The norm of hCG during pregnancy indicates with a high probability that as the fetus grows and develops, there are no complications that are diagnosed using this analysis. But if deviations are revealed as a result, do not panic. Consult a doctor who correctly interprets the result. A diagnosis confirming the presence of a pathology is established only when other diagnostic data are taken into account.

To get a truly objective result, it is important to choose a reliable clinic for testing. It can guarantee the accuracy of the study only if it has high-tech laboratory equipment and high professionalism of the staff. Make sure that the laboratory has all the necessary certificates and licenses that give the right to conduct a specific type of analysis.


The level of hCG during pregnancy may not fit into the accepted norms, it can be increased or decreased. There can be several reasons for the increase in hCG levels: from multiple pregnancy to fetal malformations.

Human chorionic gonadotropin is an important indicator of the presence of pregnancy and its well-being. This hormone, produced by the chorion, is involved in the regulation of the hormonal background of a woman and creates conditions for the development of the fetus, so the analysis of hCG during pregnancy is highly desirable, while this indicator can be studied several times.

Ideally, the appointment and interpretation of the results of hCG during pregnancy should be handled by an obstetrician-gynecologist, to whom you entrusted your health. However, your awareness on this issue will also be useful - it is always better when you understand the meaning of what is being done, in addition, in many situations it can prevent trouble or simply calm the nerves, which is very important for a pregnant woman. In any case, remember that in the human body the concept of the norm is always arbitrary, besides, different laboratories can apply different methods and focus on different norms, so do not panic prematurely and Discuss any doubts with your doctor. Even if you know what level of hCG during pregnancy is normal, do not make independent decisions - too much is at stake.

How does hCG change during pregnancy?

The level of hCG during pregnancy varies non-linearly. The first 1-1.5 months of gestation, the increase in this indicator is quite sharp - every two days the hCG level doubles. The peak concentration of hCG is in the range of 50,000-200,000 mIU / ml, further decreasing slightly to 20,000 mIU / ml - approximately at this level it remains in the second trimester. In the third trimester, the rate of chorionic gonadotropin increases slightly again, but its growth is not as significant as at the very beginning of pregnancy.

When trying to decide which hCG during pregnancy and how it changes over time, always pay attention to the starting point. Some hCG tables during pregnancy take into account obstetric terms calculated from the date of the last menstruation, others are based on the terms from the expected conception (ovulation). This explains the frequent confusion in the definition of norms: a woman may panic, worried about an insufficient concentration of hCG, while the reason is simply a different calculation of the term.

What are the indications for the study of the level of hCG?

  1. Diagnosis of pregnancy.

If you want to establish the fact of pregnancy at the most early dates, hCG analysis compared to a home test is a more accurate technique. The well-known strips for determining pregnancy are based on the same hCG, but the medium for a home test is urine, the concentration of hCG in which is significantly lower than its content in the blood, which explains the lower sensitivity.

  1. Violation of placental function.

Pathological pregnancy, in which malnutrition in the uterus-fetus system becomes the leading one, is another important indication for hCG analysis.

  1. Diagnosis and monitoring of the effectiveness of treatment in certain diseases.

Indicators of hCG during pregnancy are becoming an important sign of determining such pathological processes as, for example, hydatidiform mole and chorionepithelioma. These conditions are rare and their treatment is difficult process, so we will not analyze these states in detail.

How to take an analysis for hCG?

  1. You should not take the test earlier than 10-14 days after the expected ovulation (conception).
  2. Blood is taken from a vein.
  3. should be taken on an empty stomach, therefore it is recommended to do it in the morning and not to eat fatty foods the night before. In a situation where it is not possible to take an analysis in the morning, for the reliability of the results after eating, you should withstand 4, and preferably 6 hours, and only then donate blood. In the second case, before the study, it is also recommended to avoid eating fatty foods.
  4. On the eve of the study, it is better to limit physical activity.
  5. If you are taking any hormonal drugs, you should tell your doctor about this: in some cases, this can significantly affect the interpretation of the results.
  6. If the level of hCG during pregnancy is examined for emergency indications (for example, missed pregnancy), the analysis is taken regardless of food intake - in case of severe pathology of pregnancy, this indicator changes significantly and the result will be obvious in any case.

HCG level: interpretation of the results

When diagnosing a pathological pregnancy, a deviation from the norm is such an indicator of hCG during pregnancy, which differs from the accepted norm by more than 20%, however, in each specific situation, the doctor may interpret the results differently.

In a situation where the level of hCG during pregnancy is measured for its early diagnosis, the criteria are different. It is not enough for the hormone level to exceed the usual rate by 20%. For a non-pregnant woman, hCG up to 5 mIU / ml is considered normal, but even its five-fold increase is not yet considered reliable evidence of pregnancy. If the value does not exceed 25 mIU / ml, then the result is considered doubtful and the study is repeated after 1-2-3 days.

Changes in hCG levels during pregnancy: possible causes

The norm of hCG during pregnancy is a relative concept, however, in most cases, this indicator can be used to determine the pathological course of pregnancy. The value of hCG during pregnancy may increase or be reduced. Let's consider both options.

When can hCG be elevated during pregnancy?

  1. Wrong timing. The growth of hCG during pregnancy in the early stages is very intensive, so a deviation of 5-7 days may already be noticeable.
  2. Multiple pregnancy. The norm of hCG during pregnancy with two or more fetuses differs significantly from the usual indicators, and the more babies settled in the mother's stomach, the higher the hCG will be and, accordingly, its increase at first will be more intense.
  3. Prolonged pregnancy. This concept differs from the concept of a post-term pregnancy by an increase in the gestational age not due to any pathology, but for individual reasons. A child with prolonged pregnancy is born healthy, without signs of postmaturity.
  4. . It has been observed that in women with symptoms of early toxicosis, a moderate increase in the level of hCG during pregnancy is observed. Experts suggest that it is not toxicosis that causes the increase in hCG, but, on the contrary, the characteristic symptoms of toxicosis are the result of an intensive increase in the level of this hormone.
  5. Down's disease in a child. The reason for the pathological increase in hCG during pregnancy with trisomy 21 (Down's disease) is not clear, however, an increase in this hormone in combination with the determination of AFP (alfafetoprotein) and ultrasound signs is currently considered a method of intrauterine detection of Down syndrome.
  6. Taking synthetic gestagen preparations.
  7. Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy.

When can hCG be lowered during pregnancy?

A decrease in the level of hCG can be caused either by its insufficient growth, or by the extinction or absence of an increase in its production.

  1. Incorrect determination of the gestational age, which often occurs with an irregular menstrual cycle, when the date of ovulation is sometimes difficult to even guess.
  2. Threat of interruption. With this pathology, the results of hCG during pregnancy are lower than normal by 50% or more.
  3. ectopic pregnancy.
  4. Non-developing (frozen) pregnancy and intrauterine fetal death. Both in the first and in the second case we are talking about the termination of the life of the fetus - only the timing differs. A decrease in the indicator below those indicated in the hCG table during pregnancy, along with ultrasound diagnostics, is an important sign of fetal death here.
  5. Pregnancy reversal. The decrease in the hCG index during overwearing is associated with the extinction of the chorion function.
  6. Chronic placental insufficiency. Diagnosis of circulatory disorders in the mother-fetus system is largely based on the hCG indicator, but is not the only criterion for diagnosing and determining the severity of the disease.

Also remember that a low hCG level during early diagnosis of pregnancy may be associated with a premature study. In this case, you need to repeat the analysis a little later.

Now you know how hCG rises during pregnancy and you will be more conscious of the research that your doctor will recommend to you. If you have doubts about your hCG level, be sure to visit a doctor - this can save you from trouble.

Questions for the article

Weak second line. HCG 01/06/17 - 245. 01/09/17-534. 01/12/17-796. Is this normal?...

Cycle delay, went to take hCG. Results: 22.12.16 - -...

A short time (the last period was 12/02/2016) immediately sent ...

10/22/2016. Tell me please....

(this is the 26th day from conception 21-23.09.) was 1080, 26.10. passed hcg became 18000 ...

Is there even a small chance that B. is normal? Expectation...

Many women are familiar with the situation when handing over necessary tests to confirm pregnancy, in response you get a result encrypted with incomprehensible combinations of numbers and letters. Only doctors can make a reliable conclusion based on the results of these tests and give a more or less acceptable and understandable answer to a woman - whether pregnancy has occurred or not.

What is HCG?

The abbreviation "hCG" refers to the level of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood. This hormone will begin to secrete the tissues of the embryo (or rather, the chorion), immediately after it attaches to the wall of the uterus, and a similar process occurs already on the fourth day after fertilization.

During the entire first trimester of pregnancy, hCG will control the production of hormones in the ovaries, since these hormones determine the normal development of pregnancy - these are progesterone, estradiol and estriol. The highest blood level of chorionic gonadotropin will reach at 8-9 weeks of pregnancy. Further, by the end of the first trimester, when the placenta itself begins to produce hormones, the hCG level will decrease and remain at the achieved level during the second trimester.

Early diagnosis of pregnancy uses the fact that on the 7-10th day after fertilization, a significant increase in the concentration of hCG in the woman's blood begins. This hormone can be determined in the urine of a pregnant woman in unchanged form, which is why pregnancy test strips require immersion in urine. It is also worth noting that for the sake of reliability, the test should be carried out no earlier than 14 days after conception or expected fertilization (in case of a delay in the expected menstruation by three days or more). You should also know that it is preferable to use the first morning urine, since the morning collection retains the highest content of hCG. And in case of a delay in menstruation for 7 days or longer, it is not necessary to wait in the morning for the test.

It is also noteworthy that when pregnancy occurs, male embryos that produce chorionic gonadotropin even before the formation of the placenta direct a small part of this hormone to create their own genital organs. It is also important for expectant mothers to remember that an increase in the content of the hCG hormone in the body contributes to the intensive production of corticosteroids that suppress the immune system. This is because the body is trying in every possible way to reject the embryo, and the production dulls such a pronounced reaction of the body. For this reason, it is advisable to avoid contact with sick people, especially if the pregnancy was planned and the woman expects fertilization.

Chorionic gonadotropin will have a positive effect on the placenta. This hormone helps to increase the number of chorionic villi, which are essential for the development of the unborn child. Villi perform several functions: protective- antibodies from the mother's body penetrate these villi to the baby, which forms his immunity; gas exchange function- chorionic villi are thin capillaries that supply the fetus with the necessary oxygen and remove carbon dioxide; trophic- it involves access to the baby of water, vitamins and minerals through the placenta; hormonal function- allows the placenta to produce a huge amount of hormones necessary for the normal course of pregnancy.

In addition, experts tend to believe that chorionic gonadotropin It is also able to regulate the work of the adrenal glands, the hormone forces them to increase the productivity of glucocorticoids, which have anti-stress and anti-shock effects. This allows the body of a pregnant woman to adapt and adapt to the stresses that inevitably arise in the very early stages of pregnancy.

Also, to determine pregnancy in the early stages, you can donate blood after 7 days of delay in the current menstrual cycle. In order to identify fetal pathologies in pregnant women, blood should be taken for analysis from the 16th to the 20th week of pregnancy, other markers (AFP, free estriol) will also be needed.

The structure of hCG

The human chorionic gonadotropin hormone is divided into two subunits - α (alpha) and β (beta). The alpha unit has the same structure as the alpha component of TSH ( thyroid-stimulating hormone), FSH, (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone), and the beta unit (b-hCG) is unique. For this reason, the content of this hormone in the blood or urine is determined precisely by the beta component (b-hCG).

Indications for analysis

For women, indications for an analysis of the level of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood are suspicions of an ectopic pregnancy, evaluation of the results of artificial abortion, determination of early fertilization, absence of menstruation, diagnosis of fetal defects, threats of miscarriage, suspicions of non-developing pregnancy, suspicions of malignant neoplasms, monitoring the course pregnancy. For men - the diagnosis of testicular tumors.

HCG levels during pregnancy

During the first week of pregnancy, hCG levels will double every 2-3 days. An intensive growth of 60% in the level of chorionic gonadotropin in two days is also considered to be the norm. The reached level of 1200 mU / ml hCG will double every 3-4 days. After 6000 mU/ml doubling will occur every 4 days. An increase in the gestational age will invariably lead to an increase in the level of hCG: up to 1200 - from 30 to 72 hours, 1200-6000 - from 72 to 96 hours, more than 6000 - more than 96 hours.

In a fertilized egg, the outer membrane (chorion) will begin to actively produce gonadotropin, its content will increase at a fairly high rate: in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, the content of hCG will double every 2 days. At 7-10 weeks, this indicator will reach its peak, and then begin to gradually decrease, without showing significant changes in the 2nd half of the gestation period. For this reason, the rate of growth of hCG during pregnancy allows doctors to judge its normal course or lag. Already at 14-18 weeks, an analysis of the level of hCG is able to confirm the development of pathologies. Therefore, this analysis re-appointed will serve as reinsurance for the doctor and you should not be afraid of this.

In the case of multiple pregnancy, the level of this hormone will increase somewhat more rapidly - proportionality is observed in accordance with the number of fetuses. Reaching the deadline 8-9 obstetric weeks pregnancy or 6-7 weeks from conception, will indicate the cessation of the growth of hCG, there is a gradual slow decline. A low concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin may be due to late onset of pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, or threatened abortion.

HCG rate by week of pregnancy

It is important to remember that the following indicators are not an absolute norm, since the level of hCG may differ slightly from the norm even in perfectly healthy women. The main thing here is not the level of hCG in the blood, but the dynamics of its growth throughout pregnancy.

3 weeks: 5 - 51 mU / ml;

4 weeks: 5 - 425 mU / ml;

5 weeks: 18 - 7.345 mU / ml;

6 week: 1.080 - 56.600 mU / ml;

7-8 weeks: 7, 660 - 228,000 mU / ml;

9-12 weeks: 25.600 - 289.000 mU / ml;

13-16 weeks: 13,400 - 253,000 mU / ml;

17-24 weeks: 4.070 - 165.500 mU / ml;

25-before delivery: 3.650 - 118.000 mIU / ml.

Deviations from the norm of hCG during pregnancy

Nevertheless, there are cases when the analysis of hCG during pregnancy shows some deviation from the norm in one direction or another. Of course, this cannot be considered a good sign, an increased or decreased indicator should always be alarming, since this indicates any problems or complications in the woman's body. The main thing here is to accurately identify the gestational age, because otherwise comparisons with the norm will lose all meaning.

An excessively high content of chorionic gonadotropin during pregnancy is best case, an indicator of multiple pregnancy. With such a pregnancy, the level of the hormone will increase according to the number of embryos.

In addition, the level of hCG exceeds the norm, in case of toxicosis, preeclampsia, abnormalities in the development of the fetus, prolonged pregnancy. The level of hCG can also be higher than normal if the pregnant woman has diabetes or is taking synthetic progestogens.

Determination of the level of chorionic gonadotropin is present in the so-called triple test - this is a study conducted by all pregnant women without exception and which allows to identify the presence of possible abnormalities in the development of the fetus before birth. However, it is important to remember that such a research method does not allow an accurate diagnosis. With its help, you can only identify pregnant women at risk, and for whom it makes sense to undergo an additional serious examination.

Factors affecting the level of hCG

An increase in the level of this hormone in the absence of pregnancy is possible in the case of taking certain hormonal drugs, cystic drift, residual hormone from a previous pregnancy after an abortion, tumors of the testicles or ovaries, lungs, kidneys, uterus, chorionic carcinoma, relapse of cystic drift and others.

An increase in the level of chorionic gonadotropin during a confirmed pregnancy is possible in cases of diabetes mellitus in a pregnant woman, inconsistencies between the actual and expected terms of pregnancy, multiple prolonged pregnancy, early toxicosis, preeclampsia, fetal chromosomal pathology.

A decrease in the level of hCG during pregnancy indicates a discrepancy in the gestational age or an extremely slow increase or no increase in concentration. A progressive decrease in the level, when the indicator less than normal by 50%, possibly in case of a threat of termination, non-developing pregnancy, discrepancy between the actual and expected gestational age (probably due to the irregularity of the menstrual cycle), chronic placental insufficiency, ectopic pregnancy, postnatal pregnancy, intrauterine fetal death (2-3 trimester).

The accuracy of hCG analysis in determining pregnancy

Almost any laboratory analysis can be wrong, including determining the level of hCG. Laboratory errors fall into two categories: false positives and false negatives.

False positive response

The main drawback of the study lies in its inaccuracy. To date, experts claim about 80% of false positive results, while the official version speaks of 5%. A false positive response is evidence that the analysis revealed a high level of hCG in a non-pregnant woman.

Possible reasons for a false positive result of the analysis include the reaction of the test to substances in the blood of the examined woman, similar in nature to the hCG hormone; the production of chorionic gonadotropin by the pituitary gland of the subject, taking drugs with a sufficient content of this hormone, tumors that produce this hormone. Also, a false result is possible due to incorrect determination of the gestational age, deviations in the age and weight of the pregnant woman, diabetes mellitus.

In the case when the analysis revealed a high level of hCG, and ultrasonography did not determine the presence of pregnancy - the gynecologist will prescribe an additional examination that can establish the probable cause advanced level HCG.

False negative response

A false negative response is evidence that the analysis determined an unreliably low level of the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone in the blood of a pregnant woman. The main reason for obtaining a false-negative test result is that it is carried out too early.

Frozen pregnancy and hCG

Perhaps the level of human chorionic gonadotropin fell due to missed pregnancy. A frozen or regressive pregnancy is one in which the fetus dies inside the womb for any reason. The hormone will cease to be produced and, accordingly, the analysis will display a decrease in the content of the hCG hormone. In most cases, if a missed pregnancy is suspected, the doctor conducts studies in dynamics, in other words, the tests will need to be taken several times, then the doctor will be able to visually determine the specifics of changes in the hormone content in the blood.

However, do not rush to panic, since it is quite possible that the level of the hormone in the blood goes beyond the norm for a particular gestational age just because the period itself was initially determined incorrectly. This happens not infrequently, for this reason, in order to reliably determine a regressing pregnancy, an ultrasound examination will be prescribed to a woman, because only on the basis of this examination the doctor will be able to make a final conclusion. In addition, in the history of medicine, there were cases when, during a missed pregnancy, the level of hCG continued to grow, while other signs of pregnancy had almost disappeared.

Sometimes, the results of the analysis reveal the content of the hormone chorionic gonadotropin equal to zero (negative) with an already confirmed pregnancy, in this case it can be argued that there is a laboratory error and the woman should re-donate blood for analysis.

Ectopic pregnancy and hCG

A real tragedy for any woman is the doctor's conclusion about an ectopic pregnancy. In addition to the fact that such a circumstance leaves no chance for the development of the fetus, pregnancy beyond the features of the uterus also poses a fundamental threat to the health of a woman and her life. Also, the onset of a normal pregnancy in the future will become problematic, a favorable outcome by doctors will be estimated at 50%.

Natural pregnancy occurs after the fertilization of the egg, then it travels through the fallopian tube (where conception occurs) to the uterus and the attachment of the fetal egg to one of the walls of the uterus. However, due to various reasons, the fertilized egg does not reach the uterus and is fixed only on the way to it - most often, in one of the fallopian tubes (fallopian). Attachment can also occur elsewhere, in which case doctors will diagnose an ovarian, abdominal, or cervical ectopic pregnancy, depending on where the egg is attached.

It is very important to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy in a timely and early stage, since the fallopian tubes are not designed for the development of the fetus and do not have sufficient elasticity. Unfortunately, an ectopic pregnancy often ends with a rupture of the fallopian tube, this process is accompanied by severe pain and internal bleeding. A similar situation calls for prompt medical intervention, since there is a threat of a fatal outcome for a woman.

Diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy is complicated by the fact that at an early stage it is quite difficult to distinguish it from the course of a normal pregnancy: an ectopic pregnancy has the same symptoms as the usual, natural bearing of a baby. In other words, women will experience a delay in the menstrual cycle (even the presence of bloody vaginal discharge is also possible), pain when touching the mammary glands, a pulling feeling in the lower abdomen. Dizziness, weakness, and even signs of early toxicosis in a pregnant woman are also possible. In addition, in the case of an ectopic pregnancy, the content of the hCG hormone will also increase, or rather, the concentration of this hormone, called the “pregnancy hormone”, which is produced by the cells of the chorion (embryo shell).

HCG levels during ectopic pregnancy

Actually, it is the increase in the content of chorionic gonadotropin that allows pregnancy tests to give a positive reaction. The result of this reaction is a change in the color of the strips on the test after contact with the urine of a woman. The content of hCG in the case of an ectopic pregnancy will also reveal a positive result on the test. For this reason, the test for the content of chorionic gonadotropin in the case of an ectopic pregnancy is not able to be a reliable method for diagnosing this pathology: the content of hCG must be combined with the results of an ultrasound examination.

At the same time, the level of this hormone, in the case of an ectopic pregnancy, will increase, but will be slightly lower than when the fetal egg is attached to the uterine wall. For this reason, during the test, one of the strips is not clear enough or not brightly colored. However, it is possible to reliably assert the presence of this pathology only after confirmation of suspicions by ultrasound. Therefore, the level of hCG in the blood of a pregnant woman should always be under the control of her doctor.


Upon completion of the embryo transfer procedure, any woman plunges into an anxious expectation for an unusually long two weeks - whether the embryo will take root or not. These 14 days are also aggravated by the fact that doctors will strongly recommend absolute rest and bed rest for such a woman. In this case, the most exciting test for women undergoing IVF is the test for the content of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood.

The level of this hormone in the blood or urine is considered the most reliable indicator of successful fertilization, i.e. onset pregnancy. This is due to the fact that it is the hormone of chorionic gonadotropin that will appear in female body by the time the embryo successfully implants into the uterine epithelium. At the same time, it is important to note that the content of this hormone in the blood will significantly exceed its levels in the urine. For this reason, the degree of hCG in a woman's body after IVF, doctors will check by blood tests.

With the successful attachment of the embryo, the content of the hCG hormone will begin to grow with a mathematical progression. And these figures can tell a lot. For example, an exorbitantly high content of hCG on day 14 should be evidence of the onset of a multiple pregnancy, because each fetus causes the level of hCG to double. If the pregnancy is ectopic, the level of the hormone, in the first weeks, will be significantly lower than normal, more precisely, by a third. And if pregnancy has not occurred, then the content level will not exceed 0 - 5. Only in cases where the implantation of the embryo ends with successful fertilization, this indicator will express daily growth.

HCG and the risk of Down syndrome

In order to determine the degree of risk of having a baby with Down syndrome, the observing gynecologist must perform a series of examinations called screening of the first and second trimester. The first trimester of pregnancy (from 11 to 13 weeks and 6 days) requires, among other tests, measuring the level of human chorionic gonadotropin in the woman's blood. If the level of this hormone is higher than the norm for this period, there is a risk of having a child with Down syndrome.

Medications affecting the level of hCG in the blood

The level of the hormone chorionic gonadotropin in the blood can be affected only by those medications that contain this hormone. These drugs can be prescribed mainly as a fertility treatment to stimulate ovulation. If a woman is taking one of these drugs, or is undergoing an ovulation stimulation course, she must be sure to report this to the laboratory where she plans to donate blood for analysis.

HCG in menopause

In a woman who has already entered the menopause period (after the end of the menstrual cycle), the level of this hormone in the blood may be slightly increased. For example, many gynecologists consider it normal if during menopause, the level of the hormone in the blood of women reaches 14 mU / ml, while in women before menopause its content did not exceed 5 mU / ml.

How to take an analysis for hCG

For maximum accuracy and reliability of the analysis results, it is necessary to follow some rules. The doctor should inform about the preparation, but it is important to remember that the analysis for the content of the hCG hormone during pregnancy must be taken on an empty stomach. It is also recommended to do this in the morning, other times of the day are acceptable, provided that nothing has been eaten for at least 5 hours before.

Blood for this analysis is taken from a vein. The day before blood donation, any physical activity should be excluded, since only in this way the result will be reliable. It is equally important to remember that if a woman took a course of hormonal drugs before the test, they will certainly affect its results, so there is a need to inform the laboratory employee about this.

Donate blood for an analysis of the content of hCG should not be earlier than two days of delay in menstruation or on the 12th day after the alleged conception. At the same time, the presence of the hormone chorionic gonadotropin in the blood can be noted a week after conception, but in this case, the accuracy of the analysis will be low. In order to track the growth dynamics of hCG, there is a need to donate blood three times, the difference should be at least 2 days and, it is recommended, at the same time. To identify fetal pathologies, tests for chorionic gonadotropin should be taken from 14 to 18 weeks of pregnancy.

The norms of hCG during pregnancy are one of the most important indicators, indicating, among other things, the normal course of pregnancy, and it also contributes to the diagnosis of a variety of pregnancy disorders, even in the early stages of their development.

One way or another, if the result of the analysis for the content of chorionic gonadotropin is alarming, you should not panic and draw far-reaching conclusions - only a qualified doctor can reliably interpret the indicators, who will explain further actions and, possibly, will recommend to take the analysis again.

Alternative diagnostic methods

The principle of determining the degree of concentration of hCG in the body is also embedded in the rapid diagnosis of pregnancy, in other words, in home pregnancy tests. The difference in this case will be the absence of the need to donate blood, since urine will be diagnosed. Any modern tests have sufficient sensitivity and information content, starting from the first days of a delay in menstruation. At the same time, their diagnostic value is certainly somewhat lower than that of the same laboratory blood tests. Also, these methods are carried out with completely different goals, so they can only complement each other, and not replace.

The combination of methods should follow the following tactics: to confirm the presence of pregnancy, diagnosis begins with the use of a conventional rapid test, and then a laboratory one. It is also necessary to donate blood in cases where the test result is positive and there are signs of violations of the course of pregnancy, there are suspicions of an ectopic pregnancy. It is possible, but not rational, to start diagnosing pregnancy by donating blood for analysis.

Blood test for progesterone in determining pregnancy

There are cases when, in addition to determining the level of chorionic gonadotropin, doctors recommend donating blood for progesterone testing. Progesterone is another pregnancy hormone, according to its content, doctors determine how successful its development is.

Among most doctors, it is accepted that the level of progesterone in early pregnancy above 25 ng / ml is evidence that the pregnancy is developing within the normal range. If the level of this hormone during pregnancy does not exceed 5 ng / ml, then this significantly reduces the chances of a successful pregnancy. An intermediate value of 5 to 25 ng / ml will require a second measurement after a while.

Most people who are far from medicine learn about the existence of the hCG hormone and what it is in connection with the onset of pregnancy. This hormone and its significance at various stages of pregnancy are described in detail in this article.

Human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG for short, is a special substance that plays an important role in the functioning of the reproductive system. HCG is better known as the hormone of pregnancy, since it is the achievement of a certain concentration of this substance that is the very first sign of a woman becoming pregnant. At the same time, the hCG hormone is also present in a small amount in the body of men, and its excess or deficiency may be an indicator of the development of pathology.

The role of the hormone in the human body

The hCG indicator includes two units: alpha and beta. It is the concentration of beta-hCG in the blood already 6-12 days after the formation of the fetal egg that makes it possible to suspect a developing pregnancy (the level of hCG in the urine, which allows diagnosing the birth of a new life, is reached a couple of days later than in the blood). In other words, gonadotropin is designed to provide proper development and maintenance of pregnancy.

The synthesis of this substance begins immediately after the embryo is fixed in the uterine cavity and continues until the birth of the child. In the first third of pregnancy, hCG promotes the production of progesterone and estrogen. They are responsible for the development of the fetus. This will happen until the fetus and placenta begin to independently produce the hormones necessary for the correct and full development new organism. During the formation of the male fetus, human chorionic gonadotropin also stimulates the production of testosterone-producing cells. Due to testosterone, as the fetus develops, the organs of the male reproductive system are formed.

Why take tests for hCG

A laboratory blood test for hCG is necessary for the following reasons:

  • the analysis is able to reveal the hormone values ​​much earlier, confirming the conceived fetus in a woman, than the use of pharmacy test strips;
  • a laboratory test allows you to accurately determine the duration of pregnancy. Often, women in pre-pregnancy position had an unstable cycle and therefore cannot indicate the exact date conception or are mistaken in its definition. This point is very important, since a normally developing fetus must meet certain growth rates at any stage of its development. Deviations from standard medical parameters may indicate the occurrence of complications;
  • the level of gonadotropin in the blood allows you to relatively correctly describe the picture of whether the fetus is developing correctly, whether there are any developmental abnormalities.

In medicine, to identify hCG indicators during pregnancy, two options for taking material for research are practiced:

  • general blood analysis. It is carried out in order to detect pregnancy in the early stages. Such an analysis is prescribed in conjunction with a screening study - a set of special narrowly focused procedures carried out in order to determine the level of probability of anomalies in the fetus;
  • free. It is necessary to exclude the doctor's suspicions about the formation of a tumor in the placental site.

In addition, these tests will be required to exclude or confirm oncological formations in the ovaries of women or the testicles of men.

Basic rules for donating blood for hCG for an unmistakable result

Taking blood for analysis to determine the level of gonadotropin should be done in the morning on an empty stomach. Approximately 24 hours before taking the biomaterial, you should not take alcohol-containing drinks, most drugs and expose the body to intense physical activity. Before taking a blood test, you can not smoke, you are allowed to drink only plain water; emotional overload should also be excluded. It is best to rest and calm down before the test. It is not recommended to donate blood after any examinations, a massage session, after an ultrasound and x-ray procedure.

If it is necessary to repeat the study in order to exclude a possible error in the indicators or determine the dynamics of their changes, it is advisable not to change the conditions for sampling the biomaterial.

HCG changes by day during pregnancy

For the unit of measurement of this hormone, the accepted IU / ml. The dynamics of hCG changes by day of pregnancy is important from the very first days of the birth of a new life in order to prevent undesirable consequences for the fetus and mother. The value of the hCG hormone during early pregnancy below the established norms may indicate the development of such a pathology as an ectopic pregnancy or fetal development with abnormalities. In addition, the discrepancy between hCG during early pregnancy and the established standards may be caused by a missed pregnancy or the threat of spontaneous abortion. Additional studies are required to make a correct diagnosis.

The rate of hCG during pregnancy varies by week approximately as follows: at the very beginning (up to four weeks), the content of gonadotropin in the blood doubles approximately every two days. By the beginning of the fifth week, the level of gonadotropin usually manages to reach 1200 mIU / ml. Closer to the eighth week, the rate of increase in concentration slows down, and gonadotropin is already able to double in only 72-96 hours. After reaching 6000 mIU / ml, the growth of the substance content slows down even more. As a rule, gonadotropin reaches its maximum value by the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. Approximately it is about 60,000 mIU / ml. Over the next 10 weeks of pregnancy, the hormone decreases by about 4 times (up to 15,000 mIU / ml) and retains its value until childbirth. The rate of hCG by day of pregnancy is shown in the table below.

Day after conception (ovulation) Minimum value Mean Maximum value
7 2 4 10
8 3 7 18
9 5 10 20
10 8 19 25
11 10 30 45
12 15 45 65
13 20 75 110
14 30 105 170
15 40 155 265
16 65 265 405
17 125 405 585
18 225 645 835
19 365 970 1290
20 525 1370 1995
21 745 1950 3050
22 1060 2685 4890
23 1390 3540 6190
24 1825 4640 7790
25 2390 6140 9790
26 4210 8150 15610
27 5450 10180 19450
28 7050 11280 27350
29 8790 13550 33100
30 10490 16450 39900
31 11450 19480 60010
32 12790 22500 63010
33 14010 24010 68010
34 15490 27100 70100
35 16900 31100 74200
36 18900 36050 78300
37 20550 39600 83100
38 22050 45500 87050
39 23050 51200 93200
40 24900 58500 107500
41 26600 62400 11650
42 28500 65500 128000

About 2 months after the birth of a child, along with the restoration of the whole organism, a normal level of the hormone is also established. It falls below 5 mIU / ml, i.e. is established within the limits of hCG in the absence of pregnancy.

An analysis of hCG during early pregnancy can also have a false negative result. This often happens when a pregnancy test is not taken on time.

Normal hCG levels during pregnancy

Laboratory testing of the level of b-hCG is prescribed for a screening study of intrauterine development and for diagnosing the possible likelihood of pathologies in the fetus.

It is important to know that hCG rates for weeks during pregnancy change from the very beginning of embryonic development, however, to such early stage development of gestation, the results rarely differ from the hCG indicators characteristic of the absence of a fetus.

All modern medical centers, when preparing test results, along with the detected indicators, give reference values ​​​​for hCG norms by week. The standard values ​​\u200b\u200bof the hCG hormone are normal by weeks of pregnancy are presented in the table below. These figures give only indicative norms, since the level of hCG by weeks of pregnancy in each individual case may have different dynamics. More informative is the dynamics of changes than the numbers themselves characterizing the level of the hormone.

The norm in non-pregnant women barely reaches 5 mIU / ml. When analyzing the results of laboratory tests for human chorionic gonadotropin, corresponding to the expected gestational age, one should take into account the standards of the laboratory that conducted the study on hCG!

Along with the results of laboratory tests, medical centers provide special hCG tables. Such tables characterize the concentration of the hormone in the blood during the normal development of pregnancy at different stages.

The decoding of this data should be carried out on the basis of the following rules:

  • laboratories often indicate not the obstetric period used by the observing doctor, but the period from conception;
  • if significant discrepancies between the detected hCG level and laboratory standards are found, the analysis should be repeated in a couple of days. This will make it possible to assess the dynamics of changes in the level of the hCG hormone;
  • in the absence of menstruation and a low level of hCG, an ultrasound examination will be required to accurately determine the causes of a cycle disorder.

HCG Hormone Calculator

Today, there are many applications and calendars that allow you to track the progress of your pregnancy. One of the available applications is the HCG Calculator .

This program allows you to verify or doubt the normal development of pregnancy by the level of the hCG hormone. In order to use it, you need to have on hand the results of several blood tests for the hCG hormone. After entering the detected values ​​and the intervals in days between tests, the calculator will calculate how long it takes for beta-hCG to double. If gonadotropin increases at an appropriate rate for your gestational age, then the development of the fetus is normal. If violations are detected, it is worth alerting and conducting additional checks on the condition of the fetus.

Possible causes of increased hormone levels

Elevated values ​​of gonadotropin against the background of a confirmed absence of a fetus may indicate the development of serious diseases. The norm in non-pregnant women and men in most cases is increased in the presence of such serious diseases as: neoplasms of various localization, and this is typical for both benign and malignant tumors, testicular seminoma, growth of choriocarcinoma or its recurrence. Also, a deviation from normal values ​​\u200b\u200bcan be provoked by the reception hormonal drugs, or if the study was conducted earlier than 5 days after the termination of pregnancy.

HCG levels during pregnancy may be higher than normal for the following reasons:

  • when more than one embryo is formed (the level of hCG with twins increases in proportion to the number of fetuses);
  • excess of the gestational age;
  • the presence of toxicosis or diabetes in a pregnant woman;
  • fetal development with abnormal deviations;
  • pregnancy is supported by the use of synthetic progestogens.

Possible causes of low hCG levels

A reduced level of gonadotropin will be informative only for women in position. When pregnancy is confirmed, the detection of low levels of hCG causes concern and requires immediate action to save the fetus and / or mother. Possible reasons:

  • development of the fetus outside the uterine cavity;
  • cessation of embryo development
  • the threat of abortion for various reasons (characterized by a progressive decrease in the concentration of gonadotropin by more than 50%);

Despite the presence of pregnancy, the test may show a negative result (false negative test) for the following reasons:

  • untimely conduct of the study (the test was performed early);
  • attachment of a fertilized egg outside the uterine cavity.

Diagnosis by hCG of an ectopic pregnancy

Sometimes the fetal egg, for some reason, is fixed outside the uterine cavity. Such a pregnancy is called ectopic, and cannot lead to the birth of a child. But at the same time, such a pregnancy poses a threat to the life of a woman. Untimely detection of abnormal pregnancy can lead to rupture of tissues and large vessels. An increase in the embryo outside the uterine cavity leads to rupture of the internal organs of the reproductive system and causes bleeding, which is often very difficult to stop. If the woman is not taken to the hospital in a timely manner for the necessary medical intervention, the patient may die. Before the onset of such serious consequences during an ectopic pregnancy, a woman often experiences the same symptoms and sensations as during a normal pregnancy. With an ectopic pregnancy, the level of gonadotropin does not reach the lower limit of the norm established for its term. This allows the doctor to detect the pathology in time and provide the woman with the required assistance before serious complications occur.

The level of hCG during an ectopic pregnancy will be significantly lower than the established standards and this will allow you to respond in time to the situation that has arisen.

However, with a careful attitude to your condition, you can suspect something is wrong by the following symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • fuzzy positive pregnancy test (dim control indicator on a pharmacy test);
  • the appearance of discharge with blood;
  • the occurrence of pain in the lower abdominal cavity;
  • fainting.

How to recognize an ectopic pregnancy?

To identify and confirm such a serious anomaly as an ectopic pregnancy, obstetricians analyze the data of all available methods diagnostics in the complex, namely:

  • medical examination. A specialist through a routine examination may suspect a pathology and prescribe additional studies;
  • ultrasonography. By means of an ultrasonic sensor, medical specialists identify the exact place of attachment of the fetal egg in the organs of the small pelvis of a woman;
  • a blood test for hCG indicators is highly informative for the attending physician in terms of detecting pathological gestation.

Why determine hCG in an ectopic pregnancy?

A timely detected pathological pregnancy allows the doctor to determine all the nuances of the situation in which the woman has fallen, and make the right decision on the treatment and preservation of her reproductive health.

Often, such a pathological pregnancy up to a certain period proceeds in the same way as the uterine one. The deterioration of a woman's well-being occurs suddenly and there is very little time left for the patient and the doctor to take action.

Therefore, for the early detection of such a dangerous pathology, a special blood test is used, which reveals the value of hCG during pregnancy in the early stages, indicating improper attachment of the fetal egg. If low indicators are detected, the doctors conduct an examination and an ultrasound examination of the patient. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then measures are taken to remove the fetal egg. The detection of ectopic pregnancy in conjunction with timely measures is minimized Negative consequences for woman. After carrying out rehabilitation therapy, she has a great chance of bearing and giving birth to a healthy child.


The level of gonadotropin is a very informative indicator for establishing the fact of the birth of the fetus and confirming its normal development. Despite the availability of home tests, it is the laboratory blood test for hCG that is the most informative.


The period of pregnancy is one of the most difficult stages in a woman's life. You have to take various tests, more than ever, control your diet and daily routine, put up with poor health. Some tests are given repeatedly, because with their help you can control the course of pregnancy. One of these tests is a study on the level of the hCG hormone. For the first time it is carried out during the diagnosis of pregnancy. In fact, it is the analysis for hCG that often allows you to finally establish that a pregnancy has occurred.

Basic information about hCG

In order not to worry about the reasons for the deviations of the hCG level from the norm, a woman needs to know the theoretical basis. The fact is that changes in hCG do not always indicate pregnancy, and yet they are not always a cause for concern. Yes, deviation from the norm is bad. But the norm itself is constantly changing in one direction or the other.

What is HCG

HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is one of the most unique hormones. When a fertilized egg is implanted in the uterus, this hormone begins to emanate from the chorion and enters the bloodstream. Accordingly, in a woman who is not pregnant, the hCG hormone is contained in small quantities.

The first analysis for hCG occurs during the diagnosis of pregnancy, and the subsequent ones - at different times. These tests are needed to determine the rate of fetal development, to make sure there are no delays and pathologies.

Chorionic gonadotropin consists of alpha particles and beta particles. The first ones are not interesting for doctors, but the second ones have a unique structure that cannot be confused with anything. If hCG beta particles are detected in a blood test, it becomes clear that fertilization has occurred.

However, the presence of elevated levels of hCG does not always indicate pregnancy. Sometimes this hormone can be a symptom of some disease, including in men (but rarely). In addition, an increased content of hCG is observed in the first days after an abortion.

How to diagnose pregnancy in the analysis of hCG

It is never too early to do an hCG analysis. You can donate blood even for 2-3 days of delay in menstruation. If at least 6-7 days have occurred since the moment of conception, then the result of the analysis will show pregnancy. But in order to finally make sure that the analysis is correct, doctors advise doing it 2 times, with an interval of 1 week. Also, ultravaginal ultrasound will not interfere.

Important! Rapid tests, which can be bought at any pharmacy, are also based on the analysis of hCG. The only difference is that the rapid test measures the level of the hormone not in the blood, but in the urine. The effectiveness of pharmacy tests is not very high, since the level of hCG in the urine is half that in the blood. If the hormone is secreted little, then the test may not detect it. Laboratory analysis blood is much more efficient.

What is the rate of hCG at different stages of pregnancy

Gonadotropin appears in the blood immediately after the formation of the chorion. If the level of the hormone rises, then we can judge the successful development of pregnancy. The norm of hCG in the first 3 months of pregnancy is about 2 times higher than at the usual time. The peak level of the hormone occurs from 7 to 10 weeks, and after that it gradually decreases. After a slight decrease in the level of hCG "freezes" until about the middle of pregnancy.

Thus, from 14 to 18 weeks, the level of hCG should be unchanged. If during this period the level rises or, conversely, decreases, this may mean that the development of the fetus is not entirely correct. But one analysis of hCG is not enough to determine the presence of pathologies. If the doctor notices any violations, he will definitely refer the pregnant woman for additional studies. As long as the doctor says nothing, you can not worry about the fetus.

Important! The hCG indicator in women who are not pregnant, and in men - no more than 5 mIU / ml. In pregnant women, the norm fluctuates throughout the entire period of pregnancy. The lion's share of pregnancy passes with constant and very noticeable changes in the level of hCG, and you should not attach much importance to this fact.

Table of hCG norms by week of pregnancy

Based on this table, several conclusions can be drawn:

  1. The level of hCG in the blood reaches its peak at 9-13 weeks of pregnancy and exceeds the norm of a non-pregnant woman by thousands of times.
  2. After the 13th week, the hCG level should go down.
  3. At 23-41 weeks, changes in the level of hCG are possible, but not so significant.

Important! The variation in indicators is very wide, and all of them are the norm. For example, a woman whose hCG is 3000 mIU / ml at week 6 may feel no less relaxed than a woman whose hCG reaches 50,000 mIU / ml at the same time. But if the indicator for a specific period is higher or lower than the range presented in the table, this is already a cause for concern.

Deviations of the level of hCG from the norm

Many women ask a reasonable question. If the level of hCG is constantly changing, then how to determine whether it is normal or not? The answer to this question is the hCG level tables, created on the basis of statistics. The tables indicate what the hormone level should be during a normal pregnancy. Most tables calculate the rate of hormone content weekly. There are also daily tables, but they are not very accurate. Changes in hCG levels are best monitored on a weekly basis.

Any deviations in the level of hCG are negative. If in a particular week of pregnancy the level of the hormone in the blood is lower or higher than necessary, this indicates complications. It can be both fetal pathologies and diseases of a pregnant woman.

If hCG deviates from the norm, this does not mean that pregnancy has occurred. The reason may be:

  • a tumor of the kidneys, lungs, uterus, ovaries (testicles in men), as well as other tumors;
  • a course of hormonal therapy (taking drugs containing hCG;
  • cystic drift or its recurrence;
  • hCG residue in the blood after a recent abortion or the birth of a previous child.

Reasons for an increase in hCG during a confirmed pregnancy:

  • diabetes mellitus of a pregnant woman;
  • taking gestagenic synthetic drugs;
  • toxicosis and gestosis;
  • fetal pathologies (primarily chromosomal);
  • discrepancy between the present and expected gestational age.

Reasons for low hCG levels can be as follows:

  • non-existent pregnancy;
  • placental insufficiency;
  • gestation of the fetus;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • risk of miscarriage (if the level of hCG is underestimated by more than 50%);
  • antenatal fetal death (only in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters).

So, there are a lot of reasons for the discrepancy between the level of hCG and the norm. If this problem appears, do not immediately sound the alarm. The doctor will understand the true cause of the deviation from the norm. Perhaps it will turn out to be not something serious, but toxicosis, which is common for any pregnant woman.

In addition, often elevated levels of hCG are observed in women who carry 2 or more fetuses at the same time. If the level of the hormone in the blood of a woman pregnant with 2 children exceeds the general norm, this is not a reason to sound the alarm. For women with twins, there is their own hCG rate, which is worth asking the doctor about.

Important! Sometimes it happens that the gestational age was set incorrectly. Then the hCG level will not match the table. To avoid misunderstandings, the onset of pregnancy should be carefully checked.

How to pass the analysis

In order for the information about the results of the hCG analysis to be true, you need to pass it correctly. All the subtleties of the process should be learned from the doctor. But there is general recommendations, which are worth knowing in advance:

  1. Regardless of the time of day, the test always takes place on an empty stomach. 5-6 hours before the procedure, you need to stop drinking and eating.
  2. Blood for analysis is taken from a vein, so it is better to spend 2-3 days before donation at rest, without physical exertion.
  3. If hormones were taken shortly before the analysis, then you need to tell the doctor who will study the results of the analysis, and the laboratory assistant who takes the blood.

What to do if the level of hCG is abnormal

When diagnosing pregnancy, it is important to understand that exceeding the norm is not always pregnancy. If hCG is more than 5 mIU / ml, then you should wait at least 4-5 days and take the test again. With 100% certainty, it is worth talking about the fact of pregnancy only at an hCG level of 25 mIU / ml.

If the hCG level is already violated during pregnancy, then everything depends on the degree of deviation. The main thing is not to make decisions on your own, without the knowledge of the doctor. A slight deviation in general can be caused by the characteristics of the body and does not bode well. If the deviation exceeded 20%, then the doctor sends the pregnant woman to other tests. According to their results, it becomes clear whether there are any complications.

Important! Many medical centers use special methods for calculating hCG levels, so the tables used in these centers may contain completely different numbers. This is fine. Experts know what the hCG norm should be, and their words can be trusted.

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