Why does a premature baby gain weight poorly? How premature babies grow: development by month

Have you ever listened to what young and not so young mothers are talking about on playgrounds? Yes, they talk about their beloved babies, or rather, they brag about them. And this race called “And my sunshine...” begins literally from the first days of motherhood. You ask: “Well, what can a newborn baby boast of?” But what - your weight and the rate of weight gain.

Yes, yes, it is weight gain that worries parents in the first year of their baby’s life. Yes, parents of children older weight the child remains the subject of intense attention.

Such a concept as ideal weight, does not exist! Each baby is individual.

Many women worry that their beloved children are not gaining weight well. Others, on the contrary, look at their plump babies with concern. But where is this golden mean - ideal weight? And what efforts do you need to make so that your baby’s weight is considered normal?

The First Year or the Tale of the Twelve Months

The first year of life is very important for the growth and development of children. At no point in his life does a person grow as quickly as in the first twelve months. And we are talking not only about body weight, but also about the maturation of all organs and systems. But today let's focus on weight gain and describe its values ​​by month.

In the first year, it is necessary to lay the foundation for the normal development of a little person.

Happy birthday

In order to compare and draw conclusions, we need a reference point and it will be the weight of the fetus at birth.

The latest WHO data states that the body weight of a healthy and full-term baby ranges from 2.6 to 4.5 kg. At the same time, babies less than 3 kg, but more than 2.6 kg are called low birth weight, and if the weight of a newborn exceeds 4 kg, you have a large baby.

Statistics say that boys are usually heavier than girls - about 200-300 grams, and firstborns, on the contrary, are lighter than their younger brothers and/or sisters.

Everything is correct! I'm a man and I should be more than girls!

If a child at birth weighs less than 2500 grams, this indicates certain problems with pregnancy:

But if a woman is absolutely healthy, and the baby was born with little weight or excess weight, then you should pay attention to the height and weight of the parents. Mom and dad are tall and well-developed physically - expect a hero, but when both parents are short and fragile, should you be surprised at a tiny child?

First month

So all the fears and discomfort behind you, you have already moved somewhat away from the process of giving birth to your baby, accepted congratulations and even mastered the unfamiliar process of breastfeeding. It seems that everything went well: the baby eats plenty and sleeps, but bad luck - while weighing the child, you notice that he begins to weigh less than at birth. Why? Because of which?

I sleep a lot, which means I eat little.

Don't worry - such a small decrease in weight (5-10%) is normal for all children and is called physiological loss.

  1. The reasons for what is happening are simple and ordinary:
  2. Evaporation of liquid from the surface of the body and during breathing.
  3. Passage of meconium - the first stool.
  4. Unspecified meal schedule.

Activation of basal metabolic processes in connection with the transition to a new type of breathing and digestion.

Sometimes physiological weight loss exceeds these figures. This happens if the baby was born premature or the birth process was too long, as well as if there are various pathologies in the newborn.

Premature babies gain weight much more slowly than babies born at full term.

Now let's move on to the main question - what is the norm for weight gain in newborns? And here another pitfall awaits you - weight gain in a baby depends not only on gender, but also on the full-term or prematurity of the child.

If you have established nutrition and your baby was born full-term, expect a weight gain of up to 600 grams or more.

There is another way to calculate body weight in the first month of life - 20 g * N, where N is the number of days lived.

For premature babies, everything is a little different - the number of added grams directly depends on body weight at birth. Below is a table of weight gain in premature babies, and you can compare the rate of weight gain in full-term and premature babies. In the meantime, you should remember that in the first month of life, children born

ahead of schedule

, add 180 - 300 gr.

A healthy full-term baby in the second month of life gains even more weight - up to 800 grams or 25-30 grams daily. Premature babies are still behind in this difficult competition - from 400 to 800 grams.

Did you know, dear parents, that hiccups perform a protective function for the body, for example, it protects against overeating. As a rule, hiccups in a baby go away within 10 - 15 minutes, but sometimes attacks torment a newborn for much longer. He will tell you how to help your child stop hiccupping.

Also check out the information about. Should I give him water? How to do it right? And which drink is the best?

Third month of life

The third month is last month when full-term babies continue to increase body weight at an accelerated rate - 800 g for 30 days. But premature babies, gaining 600 - 800 grams in the third month, will delight their mothers in the next month.

During the first three months, the child gains weight in fairly large volumes. This is not surprising, because most of the time he is in a state of sleep, and his periods of activity are short. But this does not mean that you do not need to monitor your baby’s weight.

Ah, these cute folds!

Excess weight will do a disservice to your child in the future. - It will be difficult for the baby to learn to hold his head up, he will not be able to roll over from his back to his stomach, and it will not be easy for him to keep his body straight while sitting.

Therefore, mothers, if you see that the baby has gained too much weight, increase his physical activity:

But what to do if a child’s body weight increases slowly or he does not gain weight at all? In this case, pay attention to the frequency and duration of feedings, consult a pediatrician to determine whether the baby has any diseases of the digestive system, change your diet (eat more protein foods, foods rich in vitamins and minerals).

Fourth month

From the fourth month, full-term babies begin to gain less and less weight. This is due to the constantly increasing motor activity of the child: bones and muscles grow at the same speed, but the layer of subcutaneous fat decreases. Full-term babies gain 750 grams this month, and premature babies gain 600 - 900 grams.

I start to explore the world and spend a lot of energy.

Fifth - twelfth months

From the fifth month to one year, full-term babies gain 50 grams less every month than a month earlier - see table No. 1.

Table No. 1. Approximate weight gain in full-term infants 1 year of age

Age, months

Weight gain per month, g

Weight gain over the past period, g

  • M(kg) = m + 800n, Where M m- baby’s weight at birth, n– age in months.
  • M (kg) = (n + 9)/2, Where M- estimated body weight, n- child’s age in months. This formula is used for children over 3 months.

In premature babies, body weight gain is significantly different - see table No. 2

In order for the baby to feel good, it is necessary to make the right preparation for him. Some young mothers do not know how to cope with this task, however, there is nothing difficult here.

Many grandmothers buy pacifiers for their grandchildren, believing that they help babies calm down and are simply necessary for the normal development of the child. Whether this is so, he will tell you.

Table No. 2. Average monthly weight gain in premature infants

Age, months

Average monthly increase, g

Birth weight, g

800 — 1000


1501 — 2000

2001 — 2500

By the age of one year, the child’s weight should be about 10 kg or between 9-12 kg. Deviations up or down depend on the type of nutrition, the activity of the child, his state of health and heredity.

I will be big and strong!

In this part of the article, we figured out how much weight a child gains monthly during the first year of life and possible reasons increase violations. Now you just have to spend a little more time and familiarize yourself with information about gaining weight in the second and third years of life.

Growing further or two plus three

To find out how much your baby should weigh in the second and third years of life, just remember a simple formula:

M (kg) = 10 + 2n,

where M is body weight, n is the baby’s age in years.

Table No. 3 will explain exactly how body weight can fluctuate during this period of a child’s life:

Table No. 3. Average body weight and height in children of the second and third year of life




Weight, kg

Height, cm

Weight, kg

Height, cm

12 months

1 year 3 months

1 year 6 months

1 year 9 months

2 years 6 months

Many parents are concerned about the fact that their child is not gaining enough weight. If your weight is less than that indicated in the table and the child is absolutely healthy and developing harmoniously, there is nothing to worry about. Children at this age are very active and mobile, so it is not surprising that their body weight differs slightly from generally accepted values.

Fresh vegetables and fruits are a storehouse of vitamins that will help your child grow healthy and strong.

But if you can’t calm your maternal instinct, try adjusting your baby’s diet: add more protein foods, vegetables, cereals and fruits.

But in general - don’t look for a problem where there is none, otherwise you will definitely find it!

Due to various circumstances, babies are born premature. The development of such babies occurs differently compared to full-term babies. If all conditions are correctly met, by the age of twelve months such babies correspond in development to babies born at term.

In contact with

External characteristics of premature babies

How do premature babies grow?

Before you begin to study the characteristics of infants born prematurely, you should study their characteristic features.

In children of the specified group stands out clearly:

  • manifestation of lethargy and weakness;
  • tiny stature;
  • small mass values;
  • lack of skin on fontanelles;
  • pronounced redness of the body;
  • thin layer of auricles;
  • displacement of the large fontanelle;
  • the presence of “lanugs” - soft hair tufts;
  • unformed external genitalia;
  • disproportionately big head;
  • huge belly with a low navel;
  • transparent thin nail plates;
  • short arms, legs and neck.

The described signs indicate incomplete development of the baby and the need to create comfortable conditions for his further development. Most often the weight of a premature baby does not exceed two kilograms.

Important! Prematurity of a toddler is not a pathology, but only a consequence of early labor.

In such a situation, parents should concentrate all their efforts on the timely development of the baby.

Features of development

How do premature babies develop? Babies born after twenty-four weeks of pregnancy are considered premature. The development of children in this group has its own nuances, which are manifested in the following:

  1. Special type of functioning nervous system. The functioning of the nervous system differs from the functioning of the nervous system of ordinary newborns. Therefore, babies born ahead of schedule are demanding of attention, especially from the mother. Maximum comfort should be created in the house, and the baby should be surrounded with care and affection.
  2. Late acquisition of behavioral skills. Children born earlier than expected master behavioral skills later than their peers. For example, when a baby is born at thirty-two weeks of pregnancy, the gap between him and his peers is at least three months.
  3. Use of incubators. If the weight of the baby born does not exceed one and a half kilograms, then for its further development it is necessary to use of incubators. Komarovsky believes that only the conditions of incubators allow the baby to grow to a healthy weight, since they are as close as possible to those in the womb. An increase in body weight up to two kilograms causes the baby to move to a crib with special heating.

The use of thermoregulatory conditions for premature infants is very significant, since this directly affects further development baby.

Premature babies should be kept in a room where the thermal regime does not drop below twenty degrees Celsius, and the humidity level is below fifty percent.

The developmental features of premature babies have been studied in detail using numerous examples.

Mothers of such babies should familiarize themselves with special literature and monitor the development of their baby.

Deviation or prolonged delay in the development of a premature infant is a signal for immediate visits to the pediatrician. This will avoid unwanted consequences, and sometimes save the baby’s life.

How they develop by month

Premature babies develop slightly differently after birth than their peers. At first, their body tries to gain the required weight and “completely shape” the organs. The development of a premature baby by month to year is clearly visible in the following table.

Baby's age

from birth

From birth
weighs less than 1 kg weighs 1.5 kg weighs 2 kg weighs 2.5 kg
Gain weight in grams
Monthly 180 190 190 300
Two month old 400 650 750 800
Three month old 650 650 750 750
Four month old 600 650 850 750
Five month old 650 750 800 700
Six month old

(six-month old)

750 800 700 700
Seven month old 500 950 600 700
Eight month old 500 600 700 700
Nine month old 500 600 700 700
Ten month old 450 500 400 400
Eleven month old 500 300 500 400
one year old 450 350 450 300

The table illustrates the development by month in the form of monthly body weight gain. The given data are averages and may vary in individual cases.

Depending on the weight of the newborn at early birth, the following are distinguished: categories of prematurity:

  1. Body weight ranges from two thousand grams to two and a half thousand grams. The first category includes babies born between the thirty-sixth and thirty-seventh weeks of pregnancy. By twelve months of life, the number of such children increases at least four times.
  2. Weight from one and a half thousand grams to two thousand grams. This category of babies includes newborns born from thirty-two to thirty-five weeks of gestation. The weight of the described babies increases at least per year five times.
  3. The weight of babies is from one thousand grams to one and a half thousand grams. “Very premature babies” are children in this category. They are born before thirty weeks of pregnancy. By twelve months, their body weight increases at least six times compared to the original.
  4. Children weighing less than a thousand grams. Infants born at six months have extreme body weight. At proper care by the year they increase in weight eight times.

Every premature baby– is the result of incorrect behavior of a pregnant woman or the presence of pathologies. Therefore, you should not complain about others, but pull yourself together and begin to properly care for the newborn, if this was not possible while he was in the womb.

Every mother eagerly awaits the birth of her baby and hopes to meet him on time. But sometimes this happens earlier, and causes a lot of anxiety for the parents of the little toddler. To dispel your fears, we have prepared an article about the development of premature babies: how they differ from those born on time, what they look like, how they develop during the first year of life.

Which baby is considered premature?

Premature babies are those born before the 37th week of pregnancy and weighing less than 2.5 kg. Depending on the age and weight of the baby, there are 4 degrees of the condition:

You need to know that children born prematurely with a body weight of less than 2.5 kg are called by doctors in the documents:

  • low birth weight fetus (LBW)) - if the baby was born weighing 1.5-2.5 kg;
  • very low birth weight (VLBW) fetus- crumbs 1-1.5 kg;
  • extremely low birth weight (ELBW) fetus- children weighing less than 1 kg.

A newborn is considered a premature baby who has lived for 7 days.

In addition to weight and gestational age, when assessing the degree of prematurity, neonatologists take into account additional factors that influence the development of the baby:

  • the mother has diseases;
  • congenital pathologies;
  • correspondence of the degree of maturity of the body to the period of pregnancy.

The degree of maturity of the baby is the general condition of the child at the time of birth and compliance with accepted norms of intrauterine development. Doctors evaluate the baby according to 11 main criteria and determine the degree of maturity, which is important in establishing the necessary care and medical procedures.

Also, in the first minutes of a premature baby’s life, doctors check:

  • does the baby have basic reflexes and how pronounced are they;
  • what is the state of muscle tone;
  • level of motor activity;
  • Can the baby keep warm on his own?

Taking into account all these factors, a decision is made on the necessary medical support. Prematurity is assessed in the first minutes of a baby’s life. Immediately after birth, doctors suck out mucus from the baby's mouth, and in some cases from the stomach.

In the next moments, it is assessed how much he can breathe on his own, what medical support will be needed in the coming hours. For babies with severe prematurity and weighing less than 1 kg, artificial ventilation of the lungs and the creation of conditions as close as possible to those that were in the mother’s stomach are almost always necessary.

Modern medicine allows you to care for children with the tiniest weight (from 500-600 g). Using various medications, closed and open incubators, neonatologists create optimal conditions for the baby that maximally recreate the sensations of being in the womb.

The birth of a baby ahead of schedule is a complex but solvable issue that requires parents to be attentive and focused. There is no need to panic and give up; along with quality care and supervision from doctors, your baby needs to feel the attention, love and care of mom and dad.

With proper medical care and clear and coordinated actions of parents, babies born prematurely catch up with their peers during the first year of life and are not much different from them.


A normal pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks. During this time, the baby turns from a small cell into a full-fledged person who can exist independently from his mother.

During this entire period, processes of formation and improvement of all systems necessary for life are ongoing. If birth occurs earlier than the required 38-42 weeks, then the baby does not have time to fully prepare for independent life support outside the mother’s body.

Premature children differ not only from their peers born at term, but also from each other. Different degrees of prematurity have their own characteristics.

Premature baby born at 24-28 weeks:

  • Weight less than 1000 g.
  • Head significantly bigger breasts. The skull has an unusual shape: a high forehead, an elongated nape, large open fontanelles, a very thin neck. The ears are very soft, the cartilage in them is underdeveloped, asymmetry is noticeable, and they are prone to deformation when lying on their side for a long time.
  • The legs and arms are very thin, the elbows and knees are sharp.
  • The nails do not reach the edges of the fingers, they are very soft.
  • The navel is located significantly below the center of the abdomen.
  • The genitals are underdeveloped: in girls, the labia majora do not cover the labia minora; in boys, the testicles are not lowered into the scrotum.
  • The skin is very thin, wrinkled, flabby. Hyperemia (redness) is very pronounced.
  • A network of blood vessels is clearly visible throughout the body; the fat layer is practically absent.
  • White fluff is noticeable on the face, arms, legs, back and stomach.
  • Muscle tone is weakly expressed.
  • Babies born at 24-26 weeks may not open their eyes in the first few weeks of life.

Premature baby born at 28-32 weeks of gestation

  • Outwardly, it is more similar to a normal newborn; the head circumference exceeds the sternum circumference by 2-3 cm.
  • On the head there are large open seams and springs of considerable size.
  • The ears are soft and easily deformed.
  • The navel is located low to the center of the abdomen.
  • The genitals are underdeveloped.
  • A slight fat layer on the body is noticeable.
  • The face, body, arms and legs are covered with white fluff.
  • Muscle tone is weak.

Premature baby born at 32-37 weeks

  • Body proportions are like those of a normal newborn.
  • The skin is pink, there is no fuzz on the face.
  • The formed subcutaneous fat layer is noticeable.
  • The first curves on the ears are visible.
  • Nipples and areola are visible on the body.
  • The navel is located closer to the center of the abdomen.

Premature babies are born without completing important stage intrauterine development, so they need special care and monitoring of their condition. In most cases, babies have to stay in the maternity hospital in the neonatal department from 7 days to 4 months, depending on the degree of prematurity.

Of course, every mother wants to be home with her baby as soon as possible, but if doctors insist on additional control and stay in a medical facility, you should listen to them.

Height and weight in the table

When born, premature babies differ from their timely born peers in weight and height. The shorter the gestational age at which the baby was born, the lower the indicators.

Weight and height of a premature baby at the time of birth, depending on the week of pregnancy

Babies born before 34 weeks are characterized by severe immaturity of the digestive tract, so their nutrition and rate of weight gain are very different from those of children born before this period.

Children born from 27 to 34 weeks have an immature pulmonary system, so in most cases they breathe with the help of a mechanical ventilation device (ventilator). Such babies are fed through a tube for the next 3-4 months.

The degree of prematurity of the child largely determines the rate at which he gains weight and height in the following months. The immaturity of the nervous, pulmonary, and food systems does not allow the baby to quickly gain the treasured grams in the first months of life. But by 3 months the processes stabilize, and by the age of one year the baby catches up with peers born on time.

Table of weight gain and height of a child during the first year of life, depending on the degree of prematurity
Age 4th degree 3rd degree 2nd degree 1st degree
Weight gain Increase in height Weight gain Increase in height Weight gain Increase in height Weight gain Increase in height
1 month 180 g 3.9 cm 190 g 3.7 cm 190 g 3.8 cm 300 g 3.7 cm
2 months 400 g 3.5 cm 650 g 4 cm 750 g 3.9 cm 300 g 3.6 cm
3 months 650 g 2.5 cm 650 g 4.2 cm 750 g 3.6 cm 800 g 3.6 cm
4 months 600 g 3.5 cm 650 g 3.7 cm 750 g 3.8 cm 750 g 3.3 cm
5 months 650 g 3.7 cm 750 g 3.6 cm 800 g 3.3 cm 800 g 2.3 cm
6 months 750 g 3.7 cm 800 g 2.8 cm 700 g 2.3 cm 700 g 2 cm
7 months 500 g 2.5 cm 950 g 3 cm 600 g 2.3 cm 700 g 1.6 cm
8 months 500 g 2.5 cm 600 g 1.6 cm 700 g 1.8 cm 700 g 1.5 cm
9 months 500 g 1.5 cm 600 g 1.6 cm 700 g 1.8 cm 700 g 1.5 cm
10 months 450 g 2.5 cm 500 g 1.7 cm 400 g 0.8 cm 400 g 1.5 cm
11 months 500 g 2.2 cm 300 g 0.6 cm 500 g 0.9 cm 400 g 1 cm
12 months 450 g 1.7 cm 350 g 1.2 cm 400 g 1.5 cm 300 g 1.2 cm
Average indicator in 1 year 7.08 kg 68-70 cm 8.45 kg 69-72 cm 8.65 kg 70-73 cm 9.45 kg 71-74 cm

Average weight of children in the first year of life depending on the degree of prematurity

Month of life 4th degree 3rd degree 2nd degree 1st degree
Birth weight 500-1000 g 1000-1500 g 1500-2000 g 2000-2500 g
1 month 680-1180 g 1190-1690 g 1690-2190 g 2300-2800 g
2 month 1080-1580 g 1840-2340 g 2440-2940 g 2600-3100 g
3 month 1680-2260 g 2590-3090 g 3190-3690 g 3400-3900 g
4 month 2300-900 g 3340-3840 g 3940-4440 g 4150-4650 g
5 months 2950-3550 g 4090-590 g 4740-5240 g 4950-5400 g
6 months 3700-4300 g 4890-5390 g 5440-5940 g 5650-6100 g
7 months 4200-4800 g 5840-6340 g 6040-6540 g 6350-6800 g
8 months 4700-5300 g 6440-6940 g 6740-7240 g 7050-7500 g
9 months 5200-5800 g 7040-7540 g 7440-7940 g 7750-8200 g
10 months 5650-6250 g 7540-8040 g 7840-8340 g 8150-8600 g
11 months 6150-6750 g 7840-8340 g 8340-8840 g 8550-9000 g
12 months (1 year) 6600-7200 g 8190-8690 g 8740-240 g 8850-9300 g

The table of average weight gain and height for premature babies during the first year of life shows approximate figures obtained statistically. Each child is individual and develops at their own speed. It is recommended to focus more on the recommendations of pediatricians and specialists, taking into account the specific situation and the characteristics of the baby.

When a premature baby is discharged from the hospital

Children born prematurely stay in the hospital much longer than their full-term peers. Depending on the child’s condition, the duration of stay under the supervision of doctors can range from 7-10 days to 6 months. The decision to discharge is made by the doctor, assessing the baby’s condition. In order for the baby to go home, he needs:

  • have no developmental difficulties;
  • show stable progress in weight gain (over 3-5 days);
  • be able to retain body heat;
  • breathe independently, eat;
  • weigh more than 2.3 kg.

Another important parameter for the discharge of a premature baby is the parents’ ability to care for the baby and the ability to provide him with all the necessary conditions.

Child development

One of the most exciting issues among parents of premature babies is the development of the baby in the first year of life. Babies born prematurely are in most cases very weak; mothers and fathers worry whether their child will be able to catch up with their peers in basic indicators.

According to statistics, almost all such children during the first half of life show results below their peers, but starting from 6 months they quickly catch up and in some cases overtake children born on time. But the development of the nervous system still proceeds differently: in such children it is often unstable, which is why hyperactivity appears.

1 month

In the first month of life, most babies born prematurely are under constant supervision of neonatologists. Babies with severe prematurity will be in the hospital for 3-4 months. Depending on the degree of prematurity, they can be placed in a closed or open incubator.

The primary task of doctors during this period is to stabilize the child’s condition and allow all systems of his body to develop to the required parameters.

Children who cannot retain heat are placed in a closed incubator, are on mechanical ventilation and need special therapy and medications to accelerate the maturation of body systems. After the baby’s condition has stabilized, he is transferred to an open incubator.

Children who can breathe on their own, have acquired all the necessary reflexes and have learned to eat, are transferred to a special department where they are observed until discharge.

In the 1st month of life, premature babies do not gain weight well. This is associated primarily with insufficient intrauterine development and an underdeveloped sucking reflex. To increase the amount of food entering the baby’s body, in most cases feeding is carried out through a special tube.

In the first month of life, it is important for a newborn to be in a room with constant temperature and humidity, and to avoid contact with a large number of people. Those around you should strive to create conditions of maximum sterility.

During this period, the child is in an unprotected position, his body tries to achieve normal levels as quickly as possible and cannot effectively resist infections.

Acclimatization, incomplete development of body systems, makes a premature baby very weak in the first month of life: he sleeps almost all the time, is little active, and muscle tone is reduced (hypotonicity). All a baby can do at this age is sleep and swallow food. At this moment, contact with the mother, a feeling of her care and love, is vitally important for the child.

Prematurity is not a death sentence. Modern medicine works wonders in caring for babies born with a weight of 500 g or more. If you find yourself in such a situation, then try to find the strength to be close to the baby, give him your love and attention, he will feel your support.

2 months

In the second month of life, babies with 1-2 degrees of prematurity are sent home, while those with 3-4 degrees remain under the supervision of doctors.

During this period, the sucking reflex is still poorly developed, and the baby must be fed with expressed milk from a bottle with a nipple, which must first be sterilized.

In the 2nd month of life, pediatricians recommend introducing the first exercises to children who have been sent home: lying on their stomach.

During this period there is still very fast fatiguability toddler, but an increase in muscle tone is already noticeable.


In the 2nd month of life, they learn to concentrate their gaze on an object, begin to study their surroundings, but are still very weak and get tired quickly. increases from about 1.5 months physical activity, muscle tone increases.

Characteristic for premature babies is the hand clenched into a fist, thumb very difficult to put aside. During this period, the pediatrician may recommend working out the fingers with a special massage to stimulate the grasping reflex.

By the age of 2 months, babies try to hold their head up, but it is still very difficult, and the baby gets tired quickly.

Babies 3-4 degrees of prematurity

They remain under constant medical supervision and are usually discharged home after complete stabilization of all body systems and with a weight of more than 2.3 kg.

In the second month of life, close contact with the mother is very important for very premature babies. Even if it seems that the baby is not responding to you, then you need to understand that he is simply still very weak.

3 months

Children with 1-2 degrees of prematurity

In the third month of life, a premature baby becomes more active, shows interest in food, and gains weight and height faster. Pediatricians do not recommend leaving a baby at this age to sleep on his stomach; it is better to lay him on his back and turn his head to the right or left.

Children learn to focus their gaze on surrounding objects and try to gradually raise and hold their heads. By this age, the baby's weight should double.

The grasping reflex appears; the child can hold a small object in his hand.

The ability to concentrate your gaze on an object appears. Muscle tone gradually increases, and the baby becomes more active.

By 3 months, the first attempts to raise and hold the head appear.

Healthy babies who have reached a weight of 2.3-2.5 kg are discharged from the hospital home.

At this age, the pediatrician may recommend visiting a special massage therapist to stimulate muscle development.

4 months

Children with 1-2 degrees of prematurity

Neuropsychic processes are gradually activated, the baby tries to communicate and makes new sounds.

I am getting better at grasping and shaking the toy, but I still feel a strong tone in my hands. After consulting with a pediatrician, it is worth finding a specially trained massage therapist who would help relieve excess tension and stimulate the development of body muscles.

At the 4th month, daily walks for a newborn become important. fresh air, but you should carefully monitor the baby’s clothes, dress him according to the weather, and avoid hypothermia and overheating.

Closer to 5 months, babies of 1-2 degrees of prematurity delight their parents with their first conscious smile.

Children with 3-4 degrees of prematurity

The baby has grown stronger and is actively examining the surrounding objects. Now he manages to independently hold his head and rotate it in search of the source of the sound. Almost all healthy premature babies reach a weight of 2300-2900 g at the 4th month, are able to eat on their own, and go home.

5 months

Children with 1-2 degrees of prematurity

By 5 months, premature babies with grade 1-2 practically catch up with their peers. They shake rattles with pleasure, examine their surroundings with interest, and happily make contact with adults.

The perception of sounds increases, the baby quickly turns its head in the direction of the sound, trying to find its source. A pleasant innovation is the child’s reaction to his mother. When she enters the room and begins to talk to the little one, he noticeably perks up, begins to smile and babble.

By 5.5 months, babies are trying to roll over from their back to their stomach.

Children with 3-4 degrees of prematurity

New sounds and a desire to play with rattles appear. It becomes easier to hold small objects, and the baby begins to consciously smile.

6 months

Children with 1-2 degrees of prematurity

The weight of a child with 1-2 degrees of prematurity triples by 6 months. Having mastered the technique of turning from back to stomach, the little one moves on to studying the reverse movement. Differences in physical development with peers born at term are practically erased.

After consultation with a pediatrician, assessment of health and physical skills, children with 1-2 degrees of prematurity begin to be introduced to complementary foods. Products for the first complementary feeding should be discussed with your doctor in order to choose the best option.

Neuropsychic development proceeds at a rapid pace. Children show increased interest in communicating with adults and playing games.

Children with 3-4 degrees of prematurity

The baby's favorite pastime is shaking the rattle, holding it tightly in the handle. Auditory perception is enhanced, and the little one really wants to understand where various sounds are coming from, he quickly moves his head in order to catch where the knocking, noise, and conversation is coming from.

Learn to turn from back to stomach.

7 months

Children with 1-2 degrees of prematurity

An active and sociable baby is trying to master the ability to crawl. Outwardly, he is no different from his full-term peers. Autonomy in play increases, and the desire to eat on one’s own appears. Babies born at 34-38 weeks acquire their first teeth and learn to sit.

Children with 3-4 degrees of prematurity

The ability to toss and turn from back to stomach is mastered, the desire to learn to crawl appears, but motor skills are still not enough.

In the absence of contraindications and sufficient weight, after consultation with a pediatrician, complementary feeding may be introduced.

8 months

Children with 1-2 degrees of prematurity

The baby learns to sit and play independently in this position. It is still difficult to hold your back; the muscles that support the spine are still weak, so the back arches.

The number of movements increases all the time, the baby seeks contact with adults. Now you can notice that the little one understands the speech addressed to him. If you speak in simple sentences and ask to point to an object familiar to the baby, he will gladly point his finger at it.

Attempts to master crawling are gradually becoming more and more successful. Most babies can already move themselves across the floor on their bellies. The most active ones get on all fours and swing in this position in different directions.

Children with 3-4 degrees of prematurity

The ability to move your body on your belly appears. Muscular strength is not enough to do this over a long distance, so the baby gets tired quickly and can fall asleep right during the game.

Children with the 3rd degree of prematurity try to sit; this is not yet available for babies with the 4th degree.

9 months

Children with 1-2 degrees of prematurity

The differences with peers born on term have practically disappeared. The little ones sit confidently, crawl on all fours, and actively show their desire to communicate.

Some children begin to stand up on their own and try to move along the wall.

Now the baby sleeps less, begins to speak the first syllables, and every day increases his knowledge about the world around him.

Children with 3-4 degrees of prematurity

The skill of sitting has been fully mastered.

Teeth begin to appear.

The amount of sleep decreases, but still accounts for most of the day.

10 months

Children with 1-2 degrees of prematurity

By 10 months, premature babies confidently stand on support and crawl. If you call the baby by name, he will turn and smile.
The back muscles have become stronger, and now the little one sits straight, holding his back straight.

Play activities become varied, the baby is very interested in household objects.

Children with 3-4 degrees of prematurity

There are attempts to stand at the support, to take the first steps along the railing.

Syllables are actively manifested in speech. When talking with a baby, you can notice that he understands well what they are talking about. If you ask your baby to show you where an object he knows is located, he will happily point his finger at it.

11 months

Children with 1-2 degrees of prematurity

At the 11th month of life, children with 1-2 degrees of prematurity do not differ from their peers physically. Actively crawling and trying to take their first steps, they study the surrounding objects with interest. Toys that make sounds, inertia and wind-up toys are of increased interest. In response to addressed speech, you can hear more and more different syllables and simple words.

Children with 3-4 degrees of prematurity

Babies with 3-4 degrees of prematurity stand confidently against the wall and try to move along the support.

Interest in adult food appears.

12 months

By 12 months, all healthy premature babies, with proper care and attention from their parents, catch up with their peers in physical development. By the age of one year, most of them try to walk, talk, and actively study various playing techniques.

Table of appearance of basic skills depending on the degree of prematurity

Skill 4th degree of prematurity, weight up to 1000 g 3 degree of prematurity, weight from 1000 g to 1.5 kg 2nd degree of prematurity, weight 1.5-2 kg 1st degree of prematurity, weight 2-2.5 kg
Fixing your gaze on an object 2-3 months 2-2.5 months 1.5-2 months 1-1.5 months
Independent head support 3-4 months 3-4 months 2 months 1.5-2 months
Turn from back to stomach 6.5-7.5 months 6-7 months 5-6 months 5-5.5 months
Turn from stomach to back 7.5-8.5 months 7-8 months 6-7 months 6-7 months
Sits independently 9-12 months 8-10 months 7-8 months 6-7 months
Stands alone 11-12 months 11-12 months 9-10 months 9 months
Walks independently 14-15 months 14-15 months 11-13 months 11-12 months
Pronunciation of words 12-14 months 12 months 11-12 months 11-12 months

Features of feeding children born prematurely

Depending on the degree of prematurity of the child, that is, the week of pregnancy in which the baby was born, different variants complementary foods:

  • breast-feeding from the first days of life (1st degree of prematurity, presence of a sucking reflex);
  • bottle feeding (2nd degree of prematurity, feeding with expressed breast milk);
  • feeding through a special tube (3-4 degrees of prematurity).

The option of feeding a child is determined by a doctor in the first hours of the baby’s life and is based on the general condition of the child, his ability to feed independently, and the maturity of the main body systems.

The preferred product for feeding premature babies is breast milk. If possible, breastfeeding should be maintained for as long as possible.

While in the maternity hospital, feeding of premature babies is monitored by doctors, and if necessary, adjustments are made to the amount of food offered. Upon discharge from the hospital, doctors give their nutritional recommendations, and the process comes under the control of the parents.

The required amount of milk per day is calculated based on the child’s weight and age.

Offering your baby the exact amount of food per feeding is quite difficult, especially when breastfeeding.

  • When breastfeeding, you need to focus on the child's behavior: he will not eat more than he should.
  • At artificial feeding It is recommended to pour formula or milk in an amount exceeding the norm by 10-15 ml, taking into account that the baby will not drink everything.

Feeding a premature baby is an important factor in the baby's development. It is recommended to develop a nutritional and complementary feeding plan together with a pediatrician, taking into account the characteristics of a particular baby.


Children born prematurely are not subject to vaccination as scheduled. For each specific premature baby, the vaccination schedule is calculated by the pediatrician based on the characteristics of its development and weight gained.

Before vaccination, the doctor must measure weight and height, check blood tests and assess the general health of the little one. For the administration of each individual vaccine, requirements have been developed for the minimum weight of the child to be immunized.

Babies with a height of less than 45 cm and a weight of less than 2500 g, born before 37 weeks of pregnancy, are considered premature. Their respiratory, cardiovascular and thermoregulatory systems are still immature, so these babies require medical supervision and special care. And first of all, mothers think about how to gain weight for a premature baby.

How do premature babies gain weight?

Since premature babies are low birth weight, the main indicator of their development and health status is weight gain. As a rule, premature babies increase their weight faster than full-term babies.

How to gain weight for a premature baby? He needs to be provided with adequate nutrition - and best of all, if it is breast milk

This factor is also influenced by the degree of prematurity:

  • 1 – children are born at 35-37 weeks weighing from 2000 to 2500g;
  • 2 – children are born at 32-35 weeks, weighing from 1500 to 2000g;
  • 3 – children are born at 29-31 weeks, weighing from 1000 to 1500g;
  • 4 – children are born before 29 weeks weighing less than 1000g.

For example, a full-term baby doubles its body weight by 4-5 months, and a premature baby, weighing from 2000 to 2500 g at birth, by 3-3.5 months.

In the first month of life, babies with 1st degree of prematurity gain 300g in weight, with 2nd and 3rd degrees - 190g, and babies with 4th degree of prematurity - 180g. In the second month, babies from group 1 add 800g, children from group 2 - 700g, from group 3 - 650g, from group 4 - 400g. Starting from the third month of life, premature babies begin to gain weight from 650 to 800 g.

But these are just approximate figures; weight gain is also affected by:

  • quality and nutritional value;
  • frequency and duration of feedings;
  • family situation;
  • hereditary factor;
  • mother's nutrition.

Only a specialist can determine whether a premature baby is gaining weight well or poorly. But if the mother thinks that the baby is not eating well, she observes frequent whims of the baby, then she urgently needs to consult a pediatrician.

How can a premature baby gain weight quickly?

The mother’s task is to provide the premature baby with adequate nutrition, including a sufficient amount of calories and essential nutrients. After all, it is important for such a baby to develop intensively in order to catch up with his peers. To do this you need:

  1. If possible, feed the baby only breast milk, which contains a lot of amino acids, protein, oligosaccharides, and antibodies. Unlike breast milk from a woman who has given birth at term, milk for a premature baby contains less lactose.
  2. When feeding a baby through a tube in case of a poorly formed sucking reflex, it is important for a woman to provide the baby with breast milk, constantly expressing it. To do this, you need to purchase a breast pump, since it is very difficult to manually express milk in the amount required for the baby.
  3. Attach to the breast at the baby's request. It is important to apply it correctly.
  4. Be sure to feed your baby at night.
  5. Ensure constant physical contact between the baby and mother.

Premature babies are those born before, starting from the date of the last menstruation, and having a body weight below 2500 grams. There are 4 degrees of prematurity depending on the gestational age and weight of the child at birth:

I degree– premature babies born at 35-37 weeks with a birth weight of 2000-2500 grams;

II degree– premature babies born at 32-34 weeks weighing 1500-2000 grams;

III degree– very premature babies born at 29-31 weeks weighing 1000-1500 grams;

IV degree– extremely premature babies born before 29 weeks weighing less than 1000 grams.

Of course, for such children, weight gain is one of the determining factors in the child’s physical development and health. Good weight gain can be ensured only with well-established, nutritious nutrition for the child, which satisfies his energy expenditure, when the baby receives all the nutrients, microelements, and protective complexes he needs. Difficulties with feeding may arise due to immaturity gastrointestinal tract child, low enzymatic activity, stomach not accepting food, lack of swallowing and sucking reflex. Depending on the problem, doctors feed the child through a tube or use parenteral nutrition, when nutritional solutions are administered intravenously to the child.

The best thing is mother's breast milk. Scientists have proven that milk adapts to the needs of the child, therefore the milk of a woman who gives birth prematurely has its own unique composition, adapted for a premature baby. While the baby cannot suckle, he is fed with expressed milk, after the baby learns to suck and swallow (usually, when he gains 1.6 kg, these reflexes appear), he is gradually transferred first to partial and then to full breastfeeding. If it is impossible to breastfeed, the baby is transferred to donor milk or a special adapted formula for premature babies. Indicators of weight gain determine the quality and adequacy of nutrition, the need to introduce or eliminate supplementary feeding.

For premature babies, doctors divide them into 3 main stages, which differ in the child’s nutritional needs and weight gain.

At the 1st stage, the newborn does not gain, but loses weight. This physiological feature all children, but if a full-term baby usually loses 5-6% of weight, then a premature baby weighing more than 1.5 kg loses 10%, and a very premature baby weighing up to 1.5 kg loses 15%. This period usually lasts the first 7 days from birth. Despite the fact that during this period the amount of food is minimal, it should provide the baby’s body with all the necessary nutrients.

At the 2nd stage, they achieve constant weight gain, at least at the level prenatal period . When the child’s condition has stabilized, he can independently suckle a breast or bottle, and has reached a weight of 2.5 kg, the mother and child are discharged from the department for premature babies. The weight gain per week should be 125-200 grams, depending on the baby’s weight at birth. The increase is calculated as follows: + 15 g/kg daily.

At the 3rd stage, the child’s weight normalizes, lasting up to a year(longer for very premature babies). The task of parents during this period is to provide the child with adequate nutrition with a sufficient amount of calories and all the nutrients that are needed for the child’s growth, because a premature baby needs to develop more intensively in order to catch up with his peers. Usually, if a baby is born 1 month ahead of schedule, then he catches up with his peers in development by 1 year, 2 months ahead of schedule - by 2 years, and 3 months ahead of time - by 3 years, respectively.

Below is a table of weight gain for premature babies depending on age and degree of prematurity.

The table gives an approximate result for children who are at full age; the numbers may differ, both up and down. Every month the child should be examined by a pediatrician who will assess the child’s physical development and health. Nutrition adjustments, calculation of supplementary feeding rates, recommendations for the introduction of complementary foods, vitamin supplements should be carried out only by a doctor.

Calculate the approximate weight gain of a premature baby up to one year online

Please indicate the baby's weight at birth (g)

Please indicate the child's height at birth (cm)

Premature baby

Age, months Weight gain Your baby's weight
1 600
2 800
3 800
4 750
5 700
6 650
7 600
8 550
9 500
10 450
11 400
12 350

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