How to properly care for jewelry. Proper care of jewelry

Precious jewelry will always remain in fashion, but today expensive necklaces and rings are being replaced by cute and more economical pieces of jewelry. In terms of their uniqueness, they are in no way inferior to their expensive counterparts, but, unfortunately, they are not as durable. However, proper care and use of jewelry will help keep your favorite bracelets and brooches in good condition!

What is jewelry made from: features of materials

The production of costume jewelry provides a lot of space for designers, jewelers and simply talented creative people to express their imagination. There is no material from which it was impossible to create a decoration! Plastic, glass, metals, wood, paper - a huge variety of options.

1. Wood - the material is quite whimsical, but with proper processing it can last quite a long time. Great importance has where you buy such jewelry, and what it is. Especially small and thin pieces of jewelry can quickly crack and break off.

2. Woven materials - threads, wool, fabrics, as well as leather, including artificial leather. All this can be used to make jewelry. As a rule, in this design, decorative elements acquire a special originality and flavor and can be used to create a unique image with a national touch. The main feature of such materials is their ability to be reused. The main disadvantage is the difficulty in cleaning, if necessary.

3. Glass is a rather heavy and potentially dangerous material, but it does not limit the imagination of authors who create decorative elements. If you want to purchase jewelry made from this particular material, it is better to give preference to large one-piece accessories, or design solutions in which the glass part is firmly fixed in the frame.

4. Plastic. Unlike glass, it is much lighter and safer. In addition, it has wider possibilities in the direction of coloring and additional decoration. Great for creating a wide variety of bijou options, both in the classic style and in the style of pop art or punk. Due to its high degree of plasticity, plastic is easily cast into solid forms and individual parts, allowing you to create multifaceted masterpieces of jewelry for every day and even for important events. Strings of faux pearls are also made of plastic.

5. Paper is the most capricious material in terms of storing and caring for jewelry. You are unlikely to see such decorations in regular stores, but you may find them at handmade fairs.

6. Semi-precious stones and natural gems are also used to create accessories. As a rule, such elements are present in luxury and jewelry. Caring for them is similar to caring for precious stones.

7. Natural materials - leaves, stones, seeds, seeds, dried flowers, resin and others. Fragile, but very beautiful! With the exception of resin and stones, they practically do not tolerate high humidity in the storage area.

8. Metals and their alloys. Among the most popular alloys for costume jewelry you can find compositions such as cupronickel, bronze, nickel silver, pewter and brass. Pewter is especially common, as it can be easily applied with gilding and silver. The main problem for metals is oxidation by oxygen and skin secretions (sweat, fat) when worn.

How to care for jewelry depending on its material

It is immediately worth noting the fact that even elite costume jewelry is unlikely to last more than three to five years. What can we say about cheaper jewelry that uses less practical metal alloys and decorative materials! The average lifespan of such accessories is one and a half to two years, but in the complete absence of any maintenance, the lifespan is halved. To preserve your favorite and comfortable jewelry, you should take care of caring for it.

For all types of jewelry, a separate storage place is important, in which the jewelry will be kept from direct sun rays, thermal effects of radiators and high room humidity. These three factors are relevant in every case! Moisture is equally bad for wood and metal jewelry. In the first case, they simply swell, and when dry, they begin to crack and crumble. In the second, the surfaces of metal parts oxidize, rust, or leave blue-black marks on the skin, which can cause serious irritation. You can tidy up such things by wiping them with soft flannel. Some wooden elements that are not varnished can be treated with a special oil to impregnate wooden products.

The space between them plays a special role in storing metal jewelry. Each accessory should be kept separately, that is, jewelry should not be intertwined, as this can speed up the oxidation process. In addition, beads, bracelets and rings made from other materials should also be stored separately from metal ones.

It is important to store bijou with large stones, flat glossy surfaces made of glass and plastic in a box with soft upholstery and so that they do not fit tightly to each other. This is necessary in order to avoid rubbing of the decoration elements and the appearance of dull spots and scratches on it. Plastic can be wiped with a slightly damp soft cloth, and glass can be refreshed by washing in lukewarm soapy water.

It is important to carefully protect jewelry made from fabric and wool from dust and dirt, since it is almost impossible to clean it. Moths and mold can also cause great damage to jewelry made from natural fibers if not stored carefully. Accessories with natural materials. We are talking about leaves and flowers. They quickly become unusable, both with excessive dryness and with high humidity in the place where they are stored.

How to wear jewelry so it lasts longer

1. Personal hygiene. The determining factor in the longevity of your jewelry is how you take care of it. Clean leather is the key to successful storage of accessories, since they will not become saturated with grease and dirt during their use. Of course, this cannot be completely avoided, but it can be minimized. In addition, lovers of rich creams for the body and face will quickly render wooden, paper and metal bijou unusable. The latter will fail due to rapid oxidation by the components of the cream.

2. Decorations according to the weather! Wood, fabrics, flowers and leaves, cheap metal alloys should not be worn in wet weather or under the scorching sun. For artificial gemstones and brightly colored plastics, bright sun can be a factor in fading.

3. Order in everything! We got ready for an event and put on jewelry. When we came home, we took it off and put it back in place. This will increase the overall service life of the jewelry. Accessories made of glass, enamel and plastic are more sustainable in this sense. To preserve the integrity of multi-element jewelry with stones, protect them from impact and do not mix them with others.

4. Timely care and proper storage of bijou.

5. Little tricks. You can increase the durability of some necklaces and pendants by simply wearing them under the collar of a blouse or jumper rather than on your naked body. The metal side of the inside of a ring or bracelet can be coated with a colorless varnish to reduce the penetration of sebum and the creams you use into the composition, and at the same time so that there are no dirty marks left on your body.

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Stylish, bright and original jewelry will allow you to take a fresh look at your usual outfit and help draw attention to its owner. In addition, it is an excellent decoration that allows you to emphasize the individuality of its owner.

Jewelry has long ceased to be associated with cheapness and low quality, since many Hollywood stars prefer flashy costume jewelry to real jewelry when going out. If you love variety in everything and often pamper yourself with the purchase of another necklace, bracelet or pendant, you must take proper care of your jewelry. Proper storage of jewelry different materials will help significantly extend the life of your rings, beads and bracelets.

What should you avoid when caring for jewelry?

Unlike jewelry made from precious metals, which do not deteriorate for centuries, costume jewelry has a number of enemies that you simply must know by sight. So, most jewelry deteriorates under the influence of:

  • sea ​​and chlorinated water;
  • cosmetic products with fragrances - this can be hairspray, foam or styling gel, perfume, eau de toilette and others like them;
  • aggressive detergents;
  • high level of humidity in the room;
  • scratches and mechanical damage.

Where and how to store jewelry

Most women prefer to store jewelry in a large box. This is correct, but only partly. The jewelry in the box often comes into contact with each other, which leads to scratches, chips and other damage.

If your box is wide and you don’t have a lot of jewelry, this box can be a great place to store jewelry. If there are too many jewelry, store them separately in special cases, cases or bags. Earrings, rings and bracelets can be stored on a special stand in the shape of a tree, hand, heart, etc. These accessories can be purchased at many jewelry stores and are extremely convenient.

Dry dark place - ideal conditions for storing jewelry. Avoid exposing your jewelry to direct sunlight - this will quickly darken the jewelry. To protect jewelry from the aggressive effects of chemicals, put it on after you have dressed and applied makeup. Do not wear jewelry to the beach, pool or gym. Be sure to remove jewelry at night.

How to clean tarnished jewelry

Even the highest quality and luxury jewelry can darken or become covered with unsightly stains. Very often such jewelry is thrown away, not knowing that they can be revived. If you do not know how to clean jewelry from darkening at home, we recommend that you first find out what material your jewelry is made of.

Jewelry made of metal or plastic will help lighten the usual soap solution. Place the jewelry in soapy warm water for 8-10 minutes, then clean thoroughly with a soft brush. Regular baking soda can also help remove stains by soaking it in water and using it to clean the jewelry with a toothbrush.

This solution – water, soap and ammonia – will help give a second life to jewelry with rhinestones. Soak the jewelry in it for 10-15 minutes, then remove the stains with a brush.

You can revive artificial pearls using a flannel or velvet napkin, which should be used to treat the jewelry from time to time. Artificial pearls are very capricious, they require special care and careful storage, but such jewelry looks amazing.


Take good care of your jewelry, create comfortable storage conditions for it, and your favorite jewelry will delight you for many years.

01/18/2018 2,35,955 views

Nowadays it is easy to purchase costume jewelry that is indistinguishable from genuine expensive jewelry. The only disadvantage of the purchase is that it quickly deteriorates and loses its original beauty. How to clean jewelry from darkening at home? There are many ways and they all require a careful approach. With these proven methods, you'll be able to store your favorites for a long time. beautiful earrings, rings and pendants.

Jewelry is usually made from copper, glass, stones, and plastic. If they make jewelry for silver, they use different alloys; if they make jewelry for gold, they use coated metal. Before you start cleaning, it is important to determine what the accessory is made of. Each material has its own method. One is negatively affected by moisture, the other by abrasives.

What can cause jewelry to darken?

Costume jewelry is usually made from metal that oxidizes over time. The process occurs due to exposure to air and contact with human skin. Rhinestones or stones also gradually darken. Therefore, it is necessary to clean your jewelry regularly. If it is not possible to turn to specialists, you need to do it yourself using proven methods.

How to determine what alloy a piece of jewelry is made of?

Before you begin to rid the product of blackness, you need to determine what it is made of. The most commonly found material is an electroplated alloy. It could be as follows:

  • cupronickel Contains nickel, manganese, iron and copper. The product looks like silver;
  • nickel silver – copper, zinc and nickel. If the content of the latter is high, the decoration becomes white with a blue or green tint and practically does not rust;
  • pewter. It is based on tin. Nickel and lead are absent in such jewelry. Mostly their coating is gold or silver plated;
  • brass. Consists of zinc and copper. Brass jewelry has a yellowish tint;
  • bronze. It is based on copper and tin.

How to properly clean tarnished jewelry made from various metals?

For darkened metal jewelry, you can use a special cleaning paste. It will help to carefully get rid of dirt and oxidation. If you don’t have such a product nearby, you can prepare the recipe yourself from ingredients available in every home. In order not to completely spoil the product, it is necessary to take into account the material from which it is made. Let's look at ways to clean metal jewelry:

  1. To prepare the solution you will need water - 100 ml and tooth powder or chalk - 2 tbsp. l. Mix the ingredients. Clean the decoration with a soft bristle brush. Rinse off the remaining mixture and wipe with a wool cloth.
  2. Helps restore jewelry to its previous condition toothpaste. You need to apply it to the brush and go over the problem areas.
  3. Some sources contain advice on cleaning jewelry from rusty areas with vinegar. Particular care must be taken as if it is made of surgical steel there is a risk of further darkening.
  4. Jewelry made to look like silver can be cleaned with baking soda. You need to add water to it until you get a mushy mass. Apply the product to the product, leave for a few minutes, then clean with a toothbrush. Rinse with water and wipe.
  5. Ammonia works well. You need to soak a cloth in it, apply it to the jewelry, and polish it with a dry cloth.
  6. You can dip a ring or bracelet in a soap solution, leave for ten minutes, and rinse. If stains remain, remove them using a toothbrush previously dipped into it.

Copper jewelry (for example, cupronickel) can be cleaned in the following ways:

  • a mixture of vinegar and fine salt. The ingredients must be combined to form a paste. Dip a rag in it, wipe the product, rinse and dry;
  • Pass a few cloves of garlic through a grater, add a pinch of salt, and apply to jewelry. Leave for five minutes, rinse with water.

Abrasive products are not suitable for gold jewelry, as there is a high risk of ruining it. It is worth using only gentle methods:

  1. You need to dissolve the soap in water, dip the product in it, rinse with a soft sponge and wipe. Can be applied cotton swab for hard-to-reach areas.
  2. To make jewelry shine, you should add drops ammonia in water.
  3. The decoration can also be cleaned with a cloth soaked in wine vinegar. After rinsing it should dry on its own.

To tidy up jewelry with glass and rhinestones, you need to dip it in dishwashing detergent dissolved in water. For shine, you can add a spoonful of ammonia. The mixture should not be at too high a temperature. The length of time the products remain in the liquid depends on the intensity of the contamination. A better effect can be achieved by slightly moving the container where they lie.

If you are not sure about the authenticity of the stones on the jewelry, it is better not to wet it, but to polish it with a woolen cloth. To clean items with opals, mother-of-pearl and aquamarine, you can use clean water. Afterwards they must be wiped dry.

How to store and care for costume jewelry?

Basic Rules:

  • jewelry should not come into contact with detergents. Before starting water procedures, cleaning and washing dishes, you need to remove them;
  • Products must be stored in a dry, dark place. It is important to put each type in a separate box. You shouldn’t keep all your jewelry in one box;
  • Various creams and perfumes negatively affect jewelry. You need to put them on yourself with clean hands;
  • After cleaning the jewelry, do not forget to dry it thoroughly. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing the previous appearance. For example, a yellow or silver-plated item may peel off;
  • Do not leave beads or rings on a windowsill or in a damp room;
  • If scratches and peeling coatings appear, cheap jewelry cannot be completely restored. You need to stop wearing it, fingers without such rings will look much better.

Video: how to clean jewelry from darkening at home?

  1. How to clean gold jewelry at home? Like silverware, it is forbidden to rub it intensively, only keep it in a soap solution or wine vinegar.
  2. Caring for metal jewelry should be regular, regardless of the frequency of wear. Periodic treatment will save them from intensive and complex cleaning.
  3. Many housewives immediately after purchase coat the products with clear varnish, paying special attention to the places in contact with the skin. This allows them to remain in good condition for a long time and save themselves from oxidation.
  4. To prevent old vintage jewelry from becoming too tarnished, it is better to store it in natural fabrics, such as cotton. Such jewelry should not be worn under clothing, as this can cause harm to it. It does not need to be worn as often, on special occasions.
  5. Jewelry made of wood and leather should not be washed, only wiped with a soft cloth. Caring for them is to prevent contamination as much as possible.
  6. Beads or bracelets made of artificial pearls should be cleaned with flannel or felt. Do this carefully, but with great caution.
  7. If ivory jewelry is heavily soiled, place it in a weak bleach solution and leave for 5 minutes. Afterwards, rinse thoroughly.
  8. For faster drying, you can use a hair dryer. It should be used carefully so as not to damage the rhinestones or stones.

With proper care, products will serve a caring housewife for a long time, delighting her and the people around her with their beauty. This applies to even the most budget plastic options. Fashion changes, so girls often have a desire to buy something new. Jewelry is a great choice for such occasions. If you give it your time and attention, it will be difficult to distinguish it from jewelry.

Christina Tsurtsumiya

2014-08-21 17:48:00

What are jewelry “afraid of”?

Jewelry is, first and foremost, decoration. They must be handled carefully, avoid mechanical damage and be stored carefully. They should be removed when playing sports, physical activity, visits to the bathhouse and sauna. It is also necessary to part with decorations while doing housework.

But even if you follow these recommendations, jewelry will lose some of its shine under the influence of the external environment. Oxygen, water, household chemicals, cosmetics, creams, sun - all these factors can negatively affect the appearance of jewelry.

When heated, jewelry stones attract dust and grease, so the play of light on their edges becomes less bright. Topaz, pearls, and amethyst are “afraid” of the sun—under direct exposure to sunlight, they lose their color.

Jewelry should be protected from mechanical influences. They lead to the appearance of many micro-scratches on the surface of the precious metal, due to which the product loses its shine. Fragile jewelry stones (emeralds, chrysolites) can be seriously damaged if dropped or hit.

Cosmetics and perfumes can cause stains to form on the surface of the precious metal. It is necessary to avoid contact of gold with alkaline detergents, which contain chlorine and iodine, which have a detrimental effect on it.

For silver, even air is an aggressive environment. When exposed to oxygen, this metal oxidizes and darkens.

How to care for gold jewelry?

Every time you remove jewelry, it should be wiped with a special microfiber cloth. If you don’t have one at hand, flannel or suede rags will do.

At home, you can clean your jewelry from minor stains in a soapy solution with ammonia (5-10 drops of alcohol per glass of water). The product should be washed, then rinsed in clean water and dried.

Is your jewelry heavily soiled? To clean them, you can place them in a solution of water and dishwashing detergent for a day (it must be selected especially carefully to avoid the presence of components in its composition that negatively affect the precious metal).

Onion juice is a way to restore shine to a darkened product. After rubbing it with it, after a couple of hours it will shine brighter. Upon completion of the procedure, the product must be rinsed with clean water and allowed to dry.

How to care for silver jewelry?

Jewelry made from silver is more susceptible to losing its luster than items made from other precious metals. Therefore, you should always handle them carefully and care for them more often.

To clean silver jewelry, use a soft, dense cloth (microfiber or flannel). More aggressive cleaning compositions are unacceptable, as they negatively affect the decorative coating used in the decoration (for example, rhodium plating).

You can remove dark deposits from the surface by washing them in warm soapy water and cleaning them with a soft cloth. thick fabric, soaked in ammonia. After cleaning, the jewelry should be rinsed in clean water and dried. Please note that this method should not be used to clean jewelry with a decorative black coating.

Silver, like no other metal, needs to be cleaned with special care products, called jewelry cosmetics. They are sold in stores and are specially designed for products.

How to care for jewelry with inserts?

Jewelry stones are always the main decoration of the product. Precisely because their beauty is the main emphasis, maximum attention should be paid to inserts.

Diamond Care

Despite its fantastic optical and physical properties, a diamond is not an invulnerable stone. Grease or soap deposits can make the shine and play of light less bright. The precious insert should be cleaned from it at least once every six months. In warm water with a little soap or shampoo, the stone can be gently cleaned with a soft brush. Then the jewelry should be rinsed in clean water and wiped with a soft cloth.

You can also get rid of contaminants on the surface of a precious stone by dipping it in a solution with a small amount of ammonia for half an hour. After this, it should be wiped with a soft cloth. It must be chosen without lint - they can get caught on the prongs that hold the diamond.

Pearl Care

Despite the fact that pearls themselves are born in water, they lose their luster and become cloudy due to the water content. Therefore, it is important to correctly observe the conditions for its storage - in soft fabric, separately from other decorations.

To restore the pearl's shine, it must be washed in a weak soap solution, rinsed thoroughly in clean water, and allowed to dry. To get rid of dirt and moisture, you can lightly wipe it with potato starch.

As an organic gemstone, pearls respond to use. If the jewelry is not worn for a long time, the stone will become dull. Therefore, it is recommended to wear pearl jewelry periodically.

Please note: since pearls are often adhesively set, such items should be cleaned with particular care. They are contraindicated from strong chemical components, which can damage the adhesive composition and, consequently, the reliability of the fastener.

Topaz care

Topaz is a fairly hard stone (8 on the Mohs mineral hardness scale, comparable to beryl and aquamarine). You can clean it from dirt using a soft brush in a solution based on household laundry detergent. After the procedure, the product should be rinsed with distilled water. For topazes that are fixed in silver jewelry, such a procedure is contraindicated, as it can have a detrimental effect on the surface of the precious metal.

Caring for other jewelry stones

The method of cleaning sapphires, rubies, emeralds, quartz (which includes amethysts), and garnets, due to their high hardness on the mineralogical scale, is similar to caring for topazes. Another way to restore shine to precious sapphires, rubies and alexandrites is to rinse them in a container with warm water and ammonia (there should be no more than one teaspoon of the product per half glass of water). Then the jewelry should be rinsed under clean water and dried with a soft cloth.

For jewelry with inserts made of ornamental stones(apatite, opal, turquoise and others) should be cleaned with a soft brush in a soapy solution, followed by rinsing.

How to care for enamel jewelry?

Jewelry with enamel coating differs from other products not only original design, but also with specific care. To maintain the original brightness of enamel paints, you must follow a few simple rules.

Rule 1. The decorative coating is a thin layer of glass, so it is sensitive to mechanical stress. The impact can cause chips and cracks on the enamel, so it is not recommended to drop products with enamel.

Rule 2. Jewelry with enamel must be protected from exposure to direct sunlight, as well as temperature changes. Otherwise, the coating may fade or crack.

Rule 3. Do not allow enamel to come into contact with acids, alkalis and chlorine, that is, with any detergents, powders and cleaning gels. Enamel can also be damaged by interaction with cosmetics (creams, lotions) and sea water.

Rule 4. In order to maintain the brightness of the decoration, but not damage the enamel coating, products with enamel must be washed in cool water, adding a small amount of ammonia to it. To clean the enamel, you can use a soft brush and tooth powder. Then the jewelry must be rinsed in clean water and wiped with a soft cloth.

Rule 5. Do not forget that it is recommended to store products with enamel separately so that their surface does not come into contact with other metals.

How to store jewelry?

Storing jewelry should be given no less attention than cleaning it - because even when you are not wearing a piece, it can lose its attractive appearance.

Jewelry should be placed in a box lined with soft fabric, separately from each other. To prevent products from coming into contact, they can be placed in small bags made of soft fabric (for example, microfiber or organza).

Especially, items with semi-precious inserts should not be stored without a box - they may lose their color due to contact with rays. And the jewelry case itself should be placed away from heat sources - high temperatures do not have the best effect on jewelry.

Professional care

You should take your jewelry to a jeweler for cleaning at least once a year. A specialist can do this using special means. The most effective way to restore shine to a product is light polishing followed by rinsing in an ultrasonic bath. This procedure can only be carried out by a qualified jeweler who is familiar with the properties precious stones, because such cleaning may negatively affect the quality of the inserts. Ultrasonic cleaning is contraindicated for jewelry with emeralds, jade, lapis lazuli, amber, pearls, coral, turquoise and enamel.

It is also necessary to send jewelry for professional preventive maintenance to check its reliability. A jeweler will be able to prevent stones from falling out. Manufacturers recommend using it for caring for jewelry. professional products. Despite the effectiveness folk recipes cleaning the product from contaminants, the most reliable and effective way is precisely care with jewelry cosmetics. The products are sold in jewelry stores.

Olga 08/15/2019

Useful tips, will always come in handy so that jewelry remains bright and beautiful for many years. I am a supporter of professional cleaning of jewelry or using jewelry cosmetics. In my opinion, this is more reliable and safer for jewelry. Answer

Inna Koval 07/22/2019

Which good methods you told. A very necessary and useful article. Now I have written everything down. I will know how and what to clean the products with. Answer

Oksana Ivanova 07/08/2019

You must take care of your products. Caring for them is an important factor. thanks for good recommendations for the care of metals and stones. Answer

It doesn’t matter what kind of jewelry you have, even the most beautiful jewelry, Swarovski, jewelry and road jewelry - everyone needs proper care for it. Today we will talk about how to properly care for jewelry. Every girl and woman has at least one copy of this accessory in her arsenal. But no one has ever thought about the materials from which trinkets are made. Very often, jewelry begins to lose its properties, color, and begin to darken before your eyes. To overcome this problem, read on and you will find out everything.

How to properly care for jewelry:

The first and perhaps the most necessary rule that must be followed is to remove all jewelry from yourself at the moment of sleep. This way you will get rid of main reason darkening of jewelry.

– Always place jewelry so that they do not touch each other, otherwise scratches may occur. The ideal option is if all earrings, bracelets, pendants, rings are stored in individual cases or closed boxes with a soft surface. Such storage helps to avoid constant exposure to heat and light, since prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause the color of jewelry to change, especially for artificial pearls and jewelry with semiprecious stones. Also, when stored in a jewelry box, jewelry collects less dust.
– Do not wear jewelry while playing sports or go to bed in it - the items may break. When doing household work, we recommend removing the rings, otherwise the surface of the ring and stone may get scratches and lose their shine. Avoid contact with varnish, perfume, deodorant, soap and other cosmetics, as well as sea water and pool water, as they contain substances that can damage the jewelry and the coating may gradually fade. Remember to remove your jewelry before showering. Try to avoid exposure high temperatures for jewelry - before visiting a bathhouse, sauna or swimming pool, it is better to remove jewelry, this will protect the coating and base of the products from destruction.

– Attach brooches to clothing before putting it on. In this case, you will be sure that the clasp is fastened well and is in place. in the right place; do not wear the brooch on the side on which you carry a handbag or fasten a car seat belt - the brooch may lose its attractive appearance;

– Metal jewelry or its parts should not come into contact with water, otherwise, over time, rust may appear on them (or the coating will fade) and the products will be irretrievably damaged;

– Jewelry should always be the final step in the dressing process. Allow perfume, deodorant, hairspray and other cosmetics to dry before wearing jewelry.
Each type of jewelry has its own cleaning method:

– When cleaning beads, you should first determine what stones are used in the products. If there are no stones, then, to clean, the product can be left in a solution of washing powder for a while, then rinsed and dried;

– Glass jewelry can be washed in soapy water, then rinsed in clean water and dried with a soft towel. Such jewelry must be washed very carefully so that it does not break or scratches or chips form on its surface;

– If the jewelry contains thread or elastic (for example, beads), then it is not recommended to use a soap solution - it can be replaced with a solution of washing powder. Products should not be left in this solution for a long time;
– Plastic jewelry is washed in clean water without adding soap or powder. If the products are very dirty, they can be washed in soapy water using liquid soap;

– Wooden decorations are not washed – water causes the wood to swell. You can simply wipe them with flannel. Never touch such products with oily hands and do not put them on your neck; if cream is applied to your hands, they will remain on the products. greasy spots;

– Knitted or textile jewelry is very delicate to handle. Caring for such products depends on the material of the beads and the presence of beads made from other materials. It is better not to wash such jewelry at all, but you can take it to the dry cleaner.

Caring for products with Swarovski crystals:

look after jewelry with crystal crystals Swarovski very simple. Store Swarovski jewelry separately from other jewelry, and do not wear Swarovski rings if you plan to carry heavy items, hard objects, play sports, etc., to avoid scuffs and scratches. Avoid hitting the stones hard against hard objects to avoid damaging the crystals. Products made from Swarovski components should not be directly exposed to water to prevent liquid from accumulating in the spaces between the crystals.
From contact with skin, household chemicals and cosmetics, especially chlorine-containing sprays, can cause the stone to become dull. Therefore the stones Swarovski needs to be cleaned. At home, this can be done with a soft, fiber-free cloth (microfiber) or a soft sponge with a solution of liquid soap. After cleaning jewelry It is necessary to quickly rinse with warm water and dry.

Caring for textile flowers:

A fabric flower is a delicate and fragile creature, so you need to treat it with care.
It is better to store all fabric flowers in a separate box so that they do not collect dust and maintain the freshness of the color.
Wear fabric flowers under outerwear undesirable because the petals may wrinkle and lose their shape.
My flowers are not afraid of moisture, and a few drops of rain will not spoil them, but, of course, they cannot be washed. If water gets on the flower, you can simply dry it in the air or dry it with a hairdryer.

And remember, the most important thing is to treat your jewelry with care, and it will retain its shine and shine for you for a long time!

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