Eye makeup for women over 50. How to do makeup correctly

Every woman, regardless of age, wants to look younger and more beautiful. After 50 years, it is necessary to take makeup more seriously, since if it is applied incorrectly, a woman can look older than her years. But you shouldn’t give up makeup completely either. Some rules for applying makeup will help hide the flaws in your appearance and highlight your strengths. The main rule of makeup after 50: give up too bright and dark colors, and give preference to pastel colors that make you look elegant and noble.

1. Makeup after 50 - EVENING FACE TONE:

Tonal products.To even out the tone of the face after applying the day cream, apply foundation after 10-15 minutes: Foundation and powder. Foundations are applied to the face, neck, décolleté, and earlobes so that they do not differ in color.

Face corrector.Conceal wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes, in the mouth and nose area with the corrector. Use a lighter corrector to apply spots in the center of the forehead and chin, and on the tip of the nose - the face will appear lighter and younger.


After 50 years, the skin of the face loses its elasticity, sags, and a double chin appears. Helps to cope with this problem proper care facial care, gymnastics and facial massage. Corrective makeup will also help hide these imperfections (dark tones are applied to areas that need to be hidden, light tones are applied to those that need to be emphasized). To do this, apply light brown blush to the entire oval of the face and the double chin with a wide brush and blend it thoroughly so that there is no sharp border.


Eyeshadow. How to apply eye shadow?

- Use shadows of two similar shades: light and dark. Apply light shadows over the entire eyelid up to the eyebrows. Then apply the dark tone only to the moving upper eyelid and to the lower eyelid - along the lash line - from the outer corner of the eye to the middle.

— You can apply shadows of the same tone simply to the upper eyelid, and not to the eyebrow line.

Too dark, bright and shiny shadows are not suitable for you. Use more bright hues: white, light gray and pale pink shades.

Eyeliner. How to paint your eyes with a pencil?The pencil must be well sharpened. Lightly stretch the eyelid with your finger and use short strokes to make a neat, thin line along the base of the upper eyelashes from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. The end of this line can be slightly raised up and the corner can be painted over. Then paint the lower eyelashes in the same way, painting the corners well.

Eyeliner. How to paint your eyes with eyeliner?Instead of a pencil, you can use eyeliner. The method of applying eyeliner is the same as with a pencil - in short strokes. Painting your eyes with eyeliner is even easier than with a pencil, it goes on smoother and you get a clearer and thinner line. Only the eyeliner takes longer to dry - you need to wait a while so as not to smudge it. It is better to choose the color of eyeliner gray or brown, but not black.

Mascara. How to properly apply mascara to eyelashes?When applying mascara, mentally divide the upper eyelashes into three parts: inner, middle and outer. Each part is painted differently. We start coloring the upper eyelashes from the inside with movements of the brush towards the nose, move to the middle part and paint it with upward movements, then the outer part of the eyelashes with movements towards the temple. With this coloring, the upper eyelashes look like a fan, which is very beautiful. We paint the lower eyelashes with the mascara that remains from the upper eyelashes - they should not be too bright. We paint both the upper and lower eyelashes from the very roots and only in one layer. The preferred color of mascara is dark gray or dark brown.

Eyebrow pencil. How to paint eyebrows with a pencil?When choosing the color of your eyebrow pencil, remember that it should only be 1-2 shades darker than your hair. Too much dark color eyebrows age and gives the face a stern expression. Before filling in your eyebrows, you need to comb them with a special eyebrow brush. Then, using a sharp pencil, make thin strokes parallel to the hairs. You should not paint your eyebrows in straight, long lines - they will look unnatural. If you need to lengthen the eyebrow line, then the color of the pencil should exactly match the color of the eyebrows.

4. Makeup after 50 – APPLYING BLUSH:

How to apply blush correctly?After 50 years, it is better to use cream-based blush - they go on smoother and look natural. Loose blush should be avoided in adulthood - it looks unnatural and emphasizes wrinkles. The easiest way to determine where to apply blush is to smile in front of the mirror and it will become clear. Choose a lighter shade of blush.

5.Makeup after 50 – LIP MAKEUP:

Lip liner.To make the contour of your lips more defined, use a lip liner. It should be the same color as lipstick or a little darker, preferably pale pink or nude. To add volume to the lips, outline the lips just above the natural contour, to reduce the volume of the lips – just below the natural contour. Then, from the contour to the center, shade your lips with a pencil and apply lipstick - this will make the lipstick last longer. If the corners of your lips are drooping, you do not need to apply either pencil or lipstick to them (the corners remain unpainted).

Lipstick. How to properly apply lipstick to your lips?Lipstick for women over 50 should be good quality, otherwise it will spread and penetrate into small folds around the mouth. Lipstick should be applied with a stiff brush, then it will apply smoothly. After 50 years, do not use dark-colored lipstick - such lipstick makes you look old. Neutral and pink lipsticks (various shades) with a slight sheen are best at this age. You can use lip gloss to make small strokes in the middle of the upper and lower lips - this will visually enlarge your lips. Before applying lipstick, use lip balm to ensure the lipstick glides on smoothly.

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Makeup after 50

The phrase “makeup for 50 summer women“Not long ago they simply wouldn’t have understood. 40-year-old people fell into the rank of old! And at 55, with retirement, there are already grandchildren, felt boots and a festive salad for New Year. But women of any age can be beautiful. Skillful makeup after 50 years will perfectly prove this.

Everyday makeup for an elegant age

There are certain techniques, techniques, methods, etc. But first, let's remember that this young girl can be carelessly pretty without any effort. A woman over fifty needs to make a little effort. But every passing year can add to her a charm that her youth never dreamed of. A lady over 50 can be her own makeup artist, or she can visit expensive salons - life experience + a rich inner world + the right make-up together give a fantastic picture.

The subtlety is that it is not enough to apply high-quality cosmetics, which you can purchase here. This age adamantly demands absolute grooming of every detail. The art of makeup, along with clean, carefully styled hair, impeccable clothes, expensive shoes, and stylish accessories can frame any number of years in such a way that a woman will look like a goddess - regardless of the number in her passport. The skin requires special attention here. Let's start with this.

Skin care for women over 50 years old

Age makeup will significantly rejuvenate the face if the skin is properly cared for. His basic principles unchanged, but there are nuances:

Makeup for 50 years step by step

Let's list the nuances that mature adults should avoid in makeup:

  • dark colors and shades - they age;
  • applying black eyeliner to the lower eyelid;
  • using too bright blush and lipstick shades.

Preference is given to natural, light tones. They emphasize the beauty and elegance of age.

Let's look in detail at how to apply makeup to a woman over 50:

If these simple conditions are met, you will be guaranteed a beautiful appearance. Proper makeup after 50 years follows the following principles:

Eye makeup after 50 that makes you look younger

In order not to cast a shadow on the impeccable image, let's talk about the eyes. It is after 50 that a look can tell a lot about its owner. You can no longer hide the depth of your soul under flashy makeup: a beautiful make-up will not save the situation if there is nothing behind this mirror. But for our readers the situation is different, therefore, we will voice some secrets and subtleties regarding the color of the iris. Let us remind you that all general provisions remain the same, therefore, we will not repeat about preparing the skin.

Makeup at 50 with gray eyes

Light eyes are in the most advantageous conditions because almost all shades of shadows are combined with them. The only rule is the absence of mother-of-pearl, sparkles and other shining beauties. Golden, silver, light lilac, gray, blue tones are good for every day.

Makeup for 50 years old brown eyes

All similar shades give the brown iris a homely, cozy look. Warm colors in makeup for brown eyes They will fit perfectly on a woman, combined with bronze, marsh, and olive shades. And the copper color of the iris is harmoniously set off by a noble bronze eyeliner along with champagne-colored shadows.

Makeup at 50 with green eyes

The look of emerald eyes simply cannot come cheap. From your family to strangers on the streets, everyone will turn to the attractiveness of your face with such a soulful gaze. You should start decorating it by determining your color type. For brunettes, delicate shadows in light silver and gold shades are suitable. Blondes and those with fair skin with a cool tone will suit lilac tones, while warm peach and sandy beige notes will suit dark-skinned women.

As you can see, makeup for ladies over 50 is designed to emphasize the sophistication and elegance of this age. And real beauty, like real wine, only infuses over the years - remember this when decorating yourself and your loved ones. See you in the next issues!

Having reached the age of 50, many women notice that their usual cosmetic techniques begin to work against them: foundation only emphasizes wrinkles, powder constantly clogs pores, and your favorite lipstick looks provocative. But even at this age you want to look attractive and young.

Despite all the minor troubles associated with cosmetics, at the age of 50 you should never give up makeup. You just need to know a few little secrets that will help you perform makeup in such a way that it not only does not add years, but also makes you look younger, emphasizing all the advantages of your appearance and hiding its flaws.

Skin rejuvenation

In women over 35 years old, the process of dying skin cells slows down, and dead cells remain on the surface of the facial skin for a long time, and therefore its texture becomes rough and rough. There is no velvety, tenderness and smoothness that was inherent in the skin in youth; foundation or powder only emphasizes its imperfections.

However, this problem can be eliminated if you use it once a week. soft scrub for face. In addition, each time before applying makeup, you should do a gentle facial massage with a wet towel (be sure to soak it in warm water).

Skin hydration

Most women in adulthood have dry skin. If your skin lacks moisture, then it begins to draw it from decorative cosmetics when you apply makeup. And since they do not contain enough moisture to nourish the skin, and are not intended for this purpose at all, the face becomes puffy, with uneven skin texture.

This problem is not difficult to cope with if, before applying makeup, you apply a moisturizing cream to your facial skin, selected in accordance with its type and age. It will create a barrier between the skin of the face and decorative cosmetics, preventing it from clogging pores and fine wrinkles.

In order for the skin to receive a sufficient amount of moisture, you should apply moisturizer not to dry skin, but to slightly damp skin after washing.

Elimination of minor defects

More often, wrinkles form around the eyes. To prevent this, you should apply a rich cream (this must be a cream for the skin around the eyes) before and after applying the concealer.

The foundation should be light, but at the same time oily - this way it will lie more evenly on the skin. Moreover, you should not apply a very thick layer of foundation; it is better to do without it altogether, if possible. If you need to disguise age spots, dark circles under the eyes and other minor skin defects, then it is preferable to do this with a concealer.

Introduction of color

With age, the skin loses its natural glow and becomes pale. This means it’s time to add a little color to your face, and a special tinted moisturizer a tone darker than your natural complexion will help with this. Such products have a wonderful texture - they are quite light and

transparent, do not create an effect artificial leather. Another important advantage is that they do not clog pores and do not emphasize fine wrinkles.

If you don’t have such a special tinted moisturizer in your arsenal, then you can get out of the situation by mixing moisturizer and foundation in equal proportions.

Applying powder

After 50 years, it is advisable to completely abandon powder. The only exceptions are women with oily skin, and even if you have oily skin If you are prone to shine, you should not apply powder to the entire surface of your face - it is better to limit yourself to the T-zone.

Applying blush

In adulthood, it is not recommended to use loose blush, as they only emphasize fine wrinkles and give the face an unnatural appearance. The best option is a cream-based blush that lies smoothly on the skin and looks natural.

After 50, you should definitely use blush, even if you don’t really like bright makeup. In this case, just choose the lightest shade. With blush you will look fresh and rested.

Eye makeup

When choosing eye shadow, remember that it should not blend in with the color of your eyes, but emphasize it. Therefore, you should not choose too bright, dark or shiny shadows.

Eyeliner should not be black, it is advisable to choose gray or brown. An eyebrow pencil can be no more than two shades darker than your hair color.

It is better to limit the use of mascara and apply it only in one layer. It is preferable that it is not black, but dark brown or dark gray.

Lip makeup

After 50 years, it is advisable to stop using lip liner. The maximum that can be allowed is a pencil of a neutral flesh or pale pink color. Lipstick should only be applied with a brush, and it is better that it be hard, so that the lipstick will lie evenly and neatly on the lips.

When purchasing lipstick, you need to pay attention to the fact that it is certainly moisturizing, since the skin of the lips becomes very dry in adulthood.

How to protect your skin

You need to use cosmetics, including decorative ones, very carefully and be gentle with your skin. So, you should not rub it into the skin of your face, but on the contrary, apply it very gently, trying not to clog pores and fine wrinkles. If you notice that your makeup has smudged a little throughout the day, do not apply additional layers of makeup, which will only create a crust on your face. It is better to simply blot your skin with a clean damp cloth.

Color spectrum

In adulthood, it is advisable to abandon bold and bright colors. Now they come to the fore pastel shades which look elegant and noble on women over 50.

The main thing is to always remember that age is not a hindrance to beauty, and proper makeup emphasizes your timeless attractiveness.

Mature women who take proper care of themselves attract male attention across a fairly wide age range. This is captivating: beautiful make-up, favorably emphasizing the main advantages and somewhat hiding the true years. This image always looks more noble, which leaves many younger competitors behind. In our article, we will look at the main points of what makeup should look like for women aged 50 years and older, look at photo and video examples, and also provide a number of tips.

You should start with how important it is to properly care for your health, which includes not only cosmetic procedures, but also the absence bad habits, balanced diet, moderately active lifestyle.

So, our first task is to disguise the unpleasant flaws characteristic of age. Here it is immediately worth noting that small age spots or wrinkles are a fairly easily solved problem today by using appropriate technologies from the world of cosmetology. Also, mature ladies have a big advantage over young people in the absence of pimples and other elements of rashes.

Unfortunately, as we age, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes less elastic. Sagging eyelids and cheeks characteristic of an older woman, the appearance of folds in the nasolabial area and other unpleasant aspects are what our everyday makeup, which involves the use of traditional elements of decorative cosmetics.

Photo: one of good examples age makeup:

If you are quite old, it makes sense to focus on your eyes. However, younger women also do the same. Here it is important to refrain from too bright lips, which should fade somewhat under the depth of the gaze. In this case, lipstick should be chosen from neutral tones, as close as possible to natural shades. It is allowed to use gloss - but only a little, and only on the central part of the lower lip.

You don't have to think that if you've reached 50, your eyes have dimmed. Look at the life-filled women of this age, and you will understand that it’s all about the inner attitude. After forty, the eyes acquire that shine that may not have been there before. This makes the image of any woman truly attractive, as confirmed by photos of mature celebrities:

That is why the eyes need to be skillfully emphasized by removing the darkening blue circles around the eyes and bags under them, which are characteristic of many women of this age.

While you are “digesting” the information received, you can watch a video in which you will be shown some principles of makeup for those who are well over 50 years old:

Basic makeup principles for ladies over fifty:

  1. Do not use too dark shades of pencil, eye shadow or eyeliner - replace them with more neutral and warm ones.
  2. In some cases, eyeliner will work against you if you fail to apply it in an even line across the eyelid.
  3. Avoid brown flowers with red pigment to avoid visual eye fatigue.
  4. Using blue and purple cosmetics will increase the effect of dark circles under the eyes, so exclude them from your makeup bag.
  5. Apply foundation under the eye and on the upper eyelid, as well as on the inner part.
  6. To avoid turning your 50 into 55, or even 65, avoid the effect of drooping corners of your eyes and lips.
  7. When tinting eyelashes, only symbolic attention should be given to the lower eyelid.

In fact, there is no need to describe the procedure step by step, because mature ladies have long learned to do high-quality makeup. But following these principles will be very useful when doing your makeup.

Nuances of eyebrow makeup

After 45 years, the hairs on the head and eyebrows become less frequent, which is a consequence of both the age factor and their systematic plucking, which is not always correct.

But eyebrows at any age make ladies irresistible, giving their eyes expressiveness, and the overall image is more vibrant.

  • avoid round shapes when drawing eyebrows;
  • the tip of the eyebrow should not be too long and low - maximum to the outer corner of the eye;
  • It’s better to draw eyebrows with shadows;
  • try to draw the hairs using light strokes, avoid solid and thick lines, which will make the image as natural as possible.

These principles are very important, especially if you create “beauty” yourself, at home.

Photo: age-related eye and eyebrow makeup:

Selection of cosmetics

  • It is better to choose a cream-based blush or replace it with powder;
  • the foundation should have a lighter texture;
  • instead of lipstick, you can use a contour pencil, the lines of which are simply shaded;
  • shadows should not accumulate in wrinkles, so choose products with the lightest possible base.

Photo: makeup for fifty and after:

Using the principles described in this article, you can completely avoid the help of salons and perform the makeup procedure at home. In the video below, you can also look at the process of performing it for slightly younger ladies:

Women over 50 have to spend a lot of time taking care of themselves, because they want to maintain youth and beauty.

Correct anti-aging makeup taking into account age characteristics will help you look much fresher and more attractive.

You can learn how to properly do makeup for women over 60 from our guide.

How to prepare aging skin?

Initially, it is important to prepare the skin for makeup.

It needs to be cleaned, wiped with toner, and then applied. moisturizing or firming cream.

Typically, women over 50 have dry skin, so good moisturizing is a must. Apply gel to your eyes and balm to your lips. Let the product absorb, and after 10-15 minutes you can start makeup.

If there are a lot of wrinkles on your face, you can use silicone primer, which will help fill out wrinkles and significantly facilitate all further actions. This product helps make the skin smooth.

For correction, you should use liquid products with a light texture. Try not to go overboard with the quantity.

For camouflage dark circles under the eyes or age spots you can use concealer.

Step-by-step instruction

How to do makeup that makes you look younger at home? The main task of anti-aging makeup– raise the contours of the face upward, since with age they tend to fall down. Be careful not to let your eyebrows go down.

Avoid applying blush to the lower part of your cheeks. Also it is very important to visually raise your eyes. Remember the rule of parallel lines: eyebrows, blush, lips - all their lines must be parallel to each other. The main landmark is the eyebrow line.

After the skin is prepared and the tone is created, the sequence of applying makeup can be as follows:

To increase volume, you can add a drop of gloss to the middle of your lips.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, you should pay special attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Features of a daytime look

Daytime makeup for a 50-year-old should be light and natural, but at the same time work for visual rejuvenation of the skin and concealment of imperfections. Focus on these tips:

  1. Shadows are worth using matte, calm and natural tones. Apply them to the entire moving eyelid; you can apply a darker tone to the crease and a small area above it. If your skin is fair, pinkish tones and ivory are suitable. For a darker complexion, light brown, beige, and coffee colors are suitable.
  2. Treat the eyelash growth area with a soft pencil gray or brown colors.
  3. Highlight the lash line with white or beige.
  4. The inner edge of the eye is lighten slightly using light shadows or a soft pencil.
  5. Apply mascara only on the upper eyelashes.
  6. To outline the lips, you can use a wax-based pencil, which will help prevent lipstick from bleeding.
  7. For daytime lip makeup, nude lipstick or a not too shimmery gloss of a calm tone is suitable.

Rules for evening make-up

Evening makeup can be more bright, but not too provocative. Only high-quality cosmetics with a lifting effect intended for mature skin are recommended. You should also pay attention to the following rules:

  1. If your eye makeup is not too bright, can be used. But it is important that it is as durable as possible. You also need to draw a neat outline. It is advisable to apply a base underneath the lipstick first.
  2. evening make-up must be persistent. Blush should be chosen with a cream base. To give your face an attractive glow, use a tone with reflective particles.
  3. Apply the tone not only to the face, but also to the neck and open décolleté area.

  4. You can use arrows, but it’s better not black ones. Try not to frame your eyes. The tones of the shadows may be darker than with daytime makeup, but in moderation. A range of chocolate, gray, and golden colors is suitable.
  5. One of the main problems of older women is drooping eyelid. To make the look of the eyes more harmonious, highlight the crease of the eyelid with light brown or gray shadows, the shade of which is darker than the base.

Basic mistakes

One wrong move can instantly ruin yours. To prevent this, try not to make the following mistakes:

  • Don't wear too much makeup. You should not create a new person. Your task is to carefully hide flaws and highlight advantages;
  • Do not apply makeup to skin that is not moisturized. With age she does becomes dry and in this case, even the highest quality cosmetics will not fit as needed;
  • don't forget about your lips. Don't make them too plump.

    Also, do not use too dark tones - they make the lips smaller and age.

    It is better that the lipstick has a moisturizing effect;

  • women over 50 should not be used too shiny, too bright or too dark shadows - even in evening makeup this can look ridiculous;
  • with eyeliner need to be careful. Using black is not recommended at all. The elasticity of the skin around the eyes already leaves much to be desired, and a dark contour will definitely emphasize this.

Makeup artists advise paying attention not only to the technique of applying cosmetics, but also to the choice of shades. You should adhere to the following rules:

  • It is better to use a makeup base transparent or warm tone. Do not use products with glitter or shimmer. The corrector may contain yellow or orange-beige pigment;
  • don't overdo it with powder. Let it be transparent or compact. Blush should be as natural a shade as possible, preferably warm;
  • can be used for eye makeup pastel shades: beige, peach, pinkish - they visually refresh the face;
  • You can use brown, grayish blue or lilac as an eyeliner or accent. It’s better not to put black eyeliner on your eyes at all.

  • pearlescent shadows can accentuate wrinkles, overly matte ones can make you look pale. Choose satin textures with a slight shimmer;
  • worth choosing for lips light and warm colors: pink, apricot, berry. Avoid lipsticks that are too dark or long lasting as they can accentuate fine lines and wrinkles. For lip contour, it is recommended to use a stick, which will help to model the shape correctly and ensure the durability of the lipstick.

After fifty you can look attractive too! The main thing is that the makeup matches the occasion and age., emphasized advantages and hid shortcomings.

About how to do correct makeup for women over 50 years old step by step, you can learn from the video:

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