Why is my skin dry in winter? How to moisturize your body skin in winter: principles, features and pleasant additions

Dry skin is one of the most common problems nowadays. There may be many reasons for this, but changing weather conditions are mostly to blame. Dryness provokes many diseases and other minor problems: dullness, unhealthy color, flaking, itching, increased sensitivity to cosmetics. No girl would like this condition, but why does the skin dry out?

Dry body skin: main causes

Before trying to cure any disease, you need to understand why it arose, where was the fatal mistake made in care? For normal functioning of the skin, a certain amount of sebum must be secreted, so let's look at the reasons why this process is inhibited.

  1. Improper or insufficient care, use of products containing copious amounts of alcohol;
  2. Age. By the age of 30, external factors begin to influence the skin more actively, so much more and more frequent care is required than before;
  3. Frequent exposure to external factors: cold or dry wind, heat, heat, frost;
  4. Hormonal imbalances or diseases associated with metabolic disorders. For this reason, dry skin occurs in adolescents, pregnant women and simply young people;
  5. Poor nutrition and lack useful vitamins(A, B, C, E). This also includes many bad habits, such as alcohol or smoking.

How to treat dry body skin?

When very dry skin interferes with normal life, it becomes immediately clear what needs to be done. If you use some medicinal products, you can greatly improve the condition of your skin. But what if the body skin is very dry, what should you do? How to choose the best option for yourself and not harm your skin?

First, change your diet. It must necessarily vitamins A, E, B are present. Products of plant origin - fruits, vegetables, vegetable oils- contain the elements you need in plentiful quantities, just likefish, beef, chicken, berries. Talk to your doctor about whether you can take vitamins in tablets . You can freely buy them at any pharmacy.

Secondly, in winter and during cold periods it is recommended to take baths with herbal infusions (calendula, nettle, chamomile) or sea salts. Make sure that purchased salts do not contain any unnecessary components. Take such a bath 3-4 times a week, in the fall, especially in slushy and chilly weather, 2-3 times. And applying nourishing masks immediately after steaming the skin- This the best option in the cold season.

In the spring, to remove redness and peeling, lubricate problem areas with egg white mixed with almond oil. In summer, you can lubricate the skin with yolk, as well as kefir or milk. Dairy products are the best way to protect you from UV exposure ( sun rays) on the beach or while walking. However, you need to apply the products immediately after exposure to the sun; use sunscreen before. Choose the one that will be ideal for your skin type.

More generally speaking, it is best if you do not yet have problems with dry skin. In this case, you can use a general cream for the hands, face, neck and décolleté for prevention. Prevention has never harmed anyone. Buy creams containing organic ingredients, with infusions and herbal extracts, with the vitamins you need. But be careful, because organics most often cause allergies!

Video on the topic of the article

Winter! This is sparkling snow, fun on the slides, ice skating and skiing, a cheerful and noisy New Year... you can’t list it all! But for you, winter is measured only in sharply increasing liters of body moisturizer? Does your flaky skin feel like it's about to peel off like a snake's skin? It hurts even to sleep, not to mention testing your skin with woolen tights or sweaters... There is some good news: firstly, you are not alone, hundreds, thousands of women suffer from the same problem, and secondly, oh happiness, there is a solution!

If you look at the world through the eyes of your skin, it’s always bad: in the summer it dries out due to the heat and dryness from air conditioners. There is salt and wind on the sea. In the spring - well, of course, immunity is running out, there are not enough vitamins...
It’s still in the fall, no matter what, but not for long. And the worst thing is in winter: cold, dry, too hard water, prickly but warm clothes unnecessarily irritate already tired skin.

What to do? Where to start the operation code-named “Save Willie’s Skin”?

Install or change water filters

One of the most significant reasons for this is that in winter, the water entering the pipes is subjected to stronger, and therefore harsher, treatment with disinfecting chemicals. For what? To neutralize all harmful compounds entering water bodies along with wastewater. And in winter, the wastewater is much more polluted, which is the cost of de-icing agents from highways alone.

Be sure to humidify the indoor air

If possible, purchase and install humidifiers. If this is not possible, then the most a budget option: wet towel on radiators and water containers throughout the apartment. Be sure to ventilate the room as often as possible.

Dermatologists, with the onset of winter, advise taking a course of vitamins with collagen in order to help the skin from the inside.
You can also stimulate collagen production. To do this, lean on products containing:

Vitamin C – blueberries, black currants and other berries, citrus fruits and kiwi.
Zinc – wheat germ, brewer's yeast.
Copper – cereals, legumes, as well as snails, oysters and clams.
Lutein - lettuce, cabbage, spinach and other greens.
Sulfur - egg yolk.
Iron - tongue, liver, lean meat, green apples, whole grain products.
Omega-3, -6 and -9 fatty acids – salmon or any other fatty fish.
Silicon – beets and other red vegetables.

In addition, peaches, dates, bananas, pumpkin seeds, red peppers, buckwheat, oatmeal, soybeans, cherries, and carrots contribute to the production of collagen.

And among folk remedies The most popular advice is to drink a tablespoon in the morning vegetable oil: olive, flaxseed, sesame, etc., even fish oil.

These are all internal, but no less important factors - without paying attention to them, we will not succeed. Now let’s allow ourselves to do what we love most: let’s start caring for the body itself.

So, the algorithm for saving skin is not so complicated:

1. The care process should begin with peeling

The purpose of this procedure is to rid the skin of obsolete and dead epidermal cells. Only after this procedure will you return to your skin the ability to absorb beneficial substances and components from skincare products that bring water to the skin.

The following peelings are suitable for sensitive and delicate skin:

Corn flour peeling. You can use pure corn flour to rub the body. Or you can mix it with honey, or cream and milk to soften the skin.

Curd peeling. For it, grind 3 tablespoons of rice in a coffee grinder and then mix with 2 teaspoons of olive oil and 3 tablespoons of cottage cheese.

Sour cream peeling. Mix 3 tablespoons of sour cream and fine-grained salt. After washing the mixture off your body, spread honey on your skin and rinse off after 5 minutes.

If your skin condition allows, you can safely use coffee peeling You need to add a few drops of vegetable (preferably olive) oil to the ground coffee. Or mix the grounds with cream or kefir or shower gel.

Among the popular folk remedies, we can also recommend this unusual one: take olive oil, dry mustard and sesame oil in equal proportions. Apply this mixture all over your body using gentle massaging movements. And after that, immediately take a bath. This simple technique will quickly restore skin tone, and it will forget about winter stress, dryness and irritation.

2. For any water procedures in winter, forget about antibacterial soap and very hot water.

No matter how much you want to warm up after frost, remember that hot, and therefore harder, water deprives the skin of its natural protection and destroys the thin hydrolipid mantle. As a result, the skin becomes sluggish, thin and very vulnerable to external influences.

All procedures related to water in winter should be contrasting, with elements of massage, i.e., when taking a shower or bath, you need to alternate cold water and very warm, but not hot.
Try to replace regular shower gels with products with a creamy structure that contain oil or other moisturizing ingredients. This way you will retain moisture in the skin by restoring the protective hydrolipid film. You can replenish the lack of lipids and protect the skin from moisture loss using special cosmetics (gels, oils, shower creams with lipids)

3. You must take it once a week warm bath, preferably in the evening

In addition to having a pleasant time and relaxing, this “sacred act” helps blood flow to the skin.
You can add any pleasant whim to the bath: moisturizing nutritional salts, milk, honey, mixtures of herbs or oils.

"Be a mermaid"
Add an infusion (decoction) of seaweed (kelp) to the bath. Despite its specific iodine aroma, this bath very effectively moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin.

"Be Cleopatra"
I don’t argue that milk from snow-white donkeys is a little difficult to obtain. Therefore, let's do it simpler: you will need one liter of milk, a cup of honey and 2 tablespoons of rose or almond oil.
Melt the honey in a water bath and mix with warmed milk, add butter and enjoy... “Serve Anthony here!”

"Be the Queen"
Mix 100 grams of magic cocoa powder with one tablespoon of cinnamon and 100 g of milk powder (to soften the skin). Add 1 tbsp to the resulting mixture. warm water and stir well. Then you can add a couple of spoons of your favorite oil and pour all this splendor into the bath.

For very dry, dehydrated skin, add coconut oil to your bathing water - this is one of the most powerful moisturizers.

The duration of any bath is about 10-15 minutes.

4. After water treatments, it's time to meditate with creams, oils and lotions

Pay special attention to products with hydrofixatives - these are substances that retain moisture in the intercellular space at the level of the deep layers of the skin. Serine and alinine – you should look for mention of these amino acids on the packaging of the cream. They provide long-lasting hydration to the skin.
By analogy with shower products, you should pay attention to care with lipids.
Products with ceramides will not be superfluous in our arsenal. They restore the moisture balance in the skin, especially in cases where there is a tendency to dryness.

For lovers of oil care, we can recommend:
- Coconut oil,
- olive oil with a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil,
- grape seed oil (pure vitamin E),
- Shea butter (karite),
- Peach oil,
- almond oil,

Try not to use products with lanolin and strong cosmetic fragrances.

5. Remember - dry and flaky skin can be more than just a cosmetic problem.
This could be either a cold allergy or a sign of another disease. Don’t leave it “for later”; if flaking and itching suddenly come back again very quickly - go to the doctor!

And now some nice and pleasant bonuses:
- some manufacturers produce special moisturizing tights. They are impregnated with special caring components (though only until the first wash).
- try changing bed sheets to silk.
According to some dermatologists, coarse threads of cotton rub the skin, drawing out much-needed moisture from it. And they even contribute to the early formation of wrinkles. While silk or satin fabric more delicate and soft, and contains substances necessary for human skin.

Winter is a difficult test for our skin, as well as for the whole body.
Take care of your body, this is not a short-term process, requiring perseverance and strength. But the efforts will pay off: soft, soft, radiant skin and excellent health.

(Illustrations: Yuganov Konstantin, Tyler Olson, shutterstock.com)

Beautiful hands are a woman’s calling card. However, cracks in the skin and redness will not improve man's hands. In winter, the skin dries especially strongly. Why does this happen and how to deal with it? Let's talk in this article.

Skin care in winter is significantly different from summer toiletry - the cold season sets its own requirements and changes the weather not only outside, but also in the house. First of all, in winter the question arises: how to get rid of dry skin? Folk remedies and professional creams are used, but often the results are temporary.

To protect your skin during winter, it is not enough to know how to care for it, but you also need to understand the causes of dryness and skin reaction to cold.

Why does skin dry out in winter?

With the onset of cold weather, many people notice dry skin. The reasons for the appearance of unpleasant sensations lie primarily in climate change - cold air, wind, snow directly affect exposed areas of the skin, damaging the epidermis. Therefore, redness, peeling and, in more advanced cases, cracks in the skin occur. Even if you don’t notice how your skin dries, peeling and redness don’t appear, climate change still has an effect: the epidermis dries, tightens, causing discomfort, and the mucous membranes, especially in the nose, become thinner and more vulnerable.

Lack of proper skin care in winter leads to the deepening of facial wrinkles and the appearance of new ones.

Dry skin in winter naturally occurs with climate change. Under the influence of a decreased temperature, the moisture in the air crystallizes and falls out in the form of precipitation. You may have noticed that in the cold, freshly washed items dry faster - the same thing happens with our skin. In addition, the skin itself reacts to cold - the upper layers of the epidermis are exposed to hypothermia, the skin cracks in the cold, especially the thinnest and most sensitive ones, such as the skin of the lips.

If the skin cracks in the cold, this can still be somehow understood, but why does it peel off even in the warmth of home? In addition to external causes, the microclimate of the room can also become a source of skin problems. With the onset of cold weather, the weather in the house also changes - the heating season begins. Here two processes occur at once: on the one hand, the air coming from outside already has low humidity, on the other, the temperature in the house is higher due to heating, and Fresh air from the street has low temperature. At the meeting of warm and cold air currents, there is not unity, but a certain struggle of opposites, and the main victim of these battles is humidity, it “shamefully flees from the battlefield” in the form of condensation. Thus, the air humidity in the apartment in winter is several times lower.

Exposure to dry air in a room for a long time can have an impact, we won’t go into all of them, but in general, a lack of moisture affects cognitive abilities, immunity, and contributes to higher fatigue.

The winter period makes its own adjustments to the functioning of the subcutaneous glands, which should be taken into account to ensure proper care behind the face. In the cold, blood circulation slows down, the secretion of the sebaceous glands is reduced, which affects the skin. In fact, the type of epidermis changes: under the influence of dry air and frost, oily skin becomes close to the combined type, combined skin becomes normal, and normal skin becomes dry. It is important to remember this when choosing how to care for your face in winter.

To fully protect your facial skin from the effects of cold, you should take skin care measures from mid-autumn - according to climate change.

Stages of facial skin care

How to conduct it correctly winter care behind the face? The main stages in winter do not differ from standard procedures:

  • cleansing,
  • hydration,
  • nutrition.

Despite the commonality of the stages, their implementation has its own adjustments. First of all, you should take into account the change in the type of epidermis in winter; skin cleansing should be more gentle - skin damaged by frost becomes thinner and more vulnerable, so you should choose a gentle scrub with soft granules. Caring for oily skin includes daily cleansing with soft scrubs in winter, normal and combination skin You can clean with a scrub several times a week, and for dry skin in severe frosts it is better to avoid even soft scrubs.

How to moisturize your skin in winter? When moisturizing your skin, don't forget the most direct way to add moisture is to apply it directly to the skin.

Washing is a necessary hygienic procedure, but in winter it is worth making a few adjustments to it:

  • Water for washing should be at room temperature: cold water constricts blood vessels and reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands, while too hot water will dry out the skin. Water at room temperature is more effectively absorbed by the epidermis
  • Cleansers should be selected with a low alkali content, you can choose soap based on olive oils or gentle gels and mild makeup removers.
  • Should not be used in winter cosmetical tools alcohol based, as they dry out the skin.
  • After washing, gently pat your skin dry with a soft towel.

Also, before resorting to the entire arsenal of cosmetics and folk remedies, it is worthwhile, if possible, to correct the influence of the environment. Of course, we cannot change the weather conditions, but we can control the atmosphere of our home. You can use a smart microclimate system to control the main indicators of the microclimate - the amount carbon dioxide, temperature and humidity. How to get rid of dry air at home? The easiest way is to use it throughout the winter period.

Skin beauty starts from the inside, so don't neglect the methods healthy image life and everyday beauty secrets:

  • To drink a lot of water. On average, you should drink 4-5 glasses of clean water a day. Our bodies are largely made up of water, and maintaining fluid balance helps maintain skin elasticity and a vibrant appearance.
  • Proper nutrition. Excess fatty foods, sugar or foods with dyes cause redness and acne on the skin, so you should pay special attention to your diet. The most beneficial fats for your skin are omega-3 fats, which can be obtained from nuts and fish. You should also eat foods rich in antioxidants, including bell peppers and beets, as well as colorful berries like raspberries or cranberries.
  • Vitamins. The winter and spring periods are characterized by, so it is worth taking additional multivitamin complexes and herbal teas; vitamin C is especially often recommended in winter.

When external factors are smoothed out as much as possible and at least the humidity at home is normal, you can begin to protect your skin from the street cold.

Which cream to choose? According to the stages of care, the best choice is to combine moisturizing and nourishing creams. Any cosmetic store will advise you on protective creams that should be used in winter, however It's worth remembering a few simple rules:

  • Summer and winter creams should be different. Summer moisturizer is usually water-based and is lighter, absorbs faster and is less rich. Winter moisturizer should be thicker, oil-based - it looks thicker and has a richer color.
  • In winter, due to the reflection of light from snow, sunlight is greatly enhanced, so You should choose a day cream with SPF 15 or more.
  • A rich cream to nourish the skin should be chosen with hyaluronic acid, silicone, glycerin or other components that retain moisture, and antioxidants.
  • Don't forget about night skin care. Night cream should be more nourishing, with natural oils, for example, with coconut or avocado oil.

Face masks in winter

At home, you can carry out full-fledged cosmetic skin care procedures. A nourishing mask based on natural products simultaneously moisturizes the skin and replenishes the deficiency of nutrients.

For oily skin you can use an egg white mask and lemon juice To do this, beat two whites with two tablespoons of juice, then apply to the face and leave for 25 minutes.

Combined dermis can be nourished with honey-based masks, for normal skin Oatmeal masks are suitable. These skin types are as close as possible, so masks can be combined and alternated.

Dry and sensitive skin can be nourished with masks based on honey and cottage cheese. In addition, you can use masks made from milk, cottage cheese and cucumber to nourish the skin.

For all skin types can be used during the winter season and off-season nourishing masks based on clay. You can add vitamins in liquid form to such masks, such as vitamins A and E; they will not only nourish the skin, but also make it more elastic.

Hands dry out most often in winter. Regardless of the age and condition of the skin, the impact of frost on the hands has the greatest impact. This is due to the fact that the skin of the hands, in principle, contains less moisture and sebaceous glands than the skin of the face, and is more often exposed to cold and wind. And, of course, the final chord is the numerous detergents and cleaning products that your hands constantly encounter. Therefore, in winter, it is worth using not only soap with a reduced alkali content, but also gentle detergents, and using gloves when cleaning.

Dry hand skin in winter requires care no less than the epidermis of the face, and the stages of care are similar. To cleanse the skin, especially if peeling and cracks have already appeared, you can use soft scrub- the same as for the face. After cleansing, you need to use a nourishing cream with ingredients that retain water - urea, wax and others. If the skin of your hands cracks in the cold, it’s time to introduce “heavy artillery”: apply a very rich nourishing cream to your hands at night, and then put on mittens or gloves. In the morning after such a compress, the skin will look much better.


During the cold season, the dermis loses moisture more intensely than in summer. This is all due to the destruction of the natural hydrolipid layer due to the negative effects of cold wind, invigorating frost and dry indoor air. Air dried by heating devices literally draws life-giving moisture from skin cells, thereby inhibiting the processes of renewal and sebum secretion. As a result, the skin becomes like sandpaper, wrinkles appear, discomfort occurs, and itching appears.

What to do

Three traditional principles beautiful skin- cleansing, toning and moisturizing - in the cold season it is necessary to replace it with more intensive care, which involves cleansing, nutrition and protection.

Body care in the cold

During the cold season, the skin on the body suffers even more than on the face. This is due to the constant friction of warm clothes, which injures and dries out the top layer of skin. To minimize the feeling of tightness and dryness in your skin, pay attention to hygiene.

Avoid taking too hot a shower to avoid drying out your skin. Also, reduce your shower time to avoid completely stripping away the natural oils that protect your skin.

Avoid using cleansing gel. Replace it with moisturizing gel or soap. You should add a little oil to your body scrub. An excellent option would be olive, flaxseed, and almond. You can make your own scrub from coffee with added oil. After it, the skin will be well cleansed and moisturized.

Body milk is one of the must-have body care products in the cold. Apply it to your skin at least every other day. It is better to do this immediately after taking a shower or bath. You can also add a little oil to this product. The effect of its use will be greater. You can make your own emollient for body care, which will perfectly replace store-bought milk. Pour 100 ml of water into a spray bottle, add a teaspoon of any cosmetic oil and a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil. Shake the container and immediately spray the product onto your body.

Particular attention should be paid to the elbows and heels, where the skin traditionally suffers from dryness and cracking. For these parts of the body, use a nourishing cream or lotion in the morning, leaving it to act throughout the day. For excessive dryness, apply in the evening to help replenish your skin overnight.

Important rules:
  • It is better to postpone water procedures until the evening so that the moisture lost by the skin can be restored during sleep;
  • do not dry yourself after a shower or bath, but simply pat your skin lightly with a towel;
  • give preference to soap or shower gel with coconut or cocoa oil.

Facial care during the cold season

Be sure to add a nourishing cream with an oily and thick texture to your cosmetic bag. It will be better if its composition is enriched with vitamins. Apply it 20-30 minutes before going outside. Put off moisturizing creams until spring, since in cold weather they can provoke vasospasm and lead to hypothermia of the skin.

During the cold season, you should not overuse scrubs. If in summer they can be used once a week, then in winter it will be once a month.

Effective masks

  1. Focus on nourishing your skin. Don’t be lazy to make your own masks. The simplest option is a mask made from wheat germ oil. It perfectly moisturizes and softens the skin. Simply apply the oil to previously cleansed facial skin, wait 20 minutes, and then remove it with a damp cotton swab or pad. Do not leave the oil overnight as it is too greasy and heavy. You can use lighter oils - almond or grape seed.
  2. A homemade mask with this composition has worked well: 1 tsp. fat sour cream, 1 tsp. carrot juice, a drop of honey and a few drops of any oil. The mask quickly eliminates flaking, dryness and gives the face a healthy color. During the cold season, do it once a week for preventive purposes, and you will not experience problems with dry skin.

Hand care during the cold season

Be sure to wear gloves or mittens, even if your hands are not cold. Temperature changes will not have the best effect on the skin of your hands.

Make it a habit to wipe your hands dry after every wash and lubricate them with nourishing ingredients. Avoid washing your hands with hot water as it can increase dryness and flaking. It is better to avoid hand moisturizer during the cold season. Instead, purchase a protective cream and apply it before going outside.

Pamper your hands. For the latter it is suitable as sea ​​salt, as well as potato starch, whey, herbal decoctions. The main thing is to do these procedures regularly.

If you don't have time to take care of your hands, purchase special silicone gloves to moisturize your hands. It is enough to put them on for 15–20 minutes, and the skin on your hands will again become soft, silky and moisturized. These gloves can be reused many times.

Video with tips for skin care in cold weather:

Good afternoon, Mikrushanochki! No matter how much I long for spring, there is snow and frost outside the window, and there are radiators and dry air in the rooms. Our skin suffers from this and needs additional care. Dry winter skin is a problem for many during the colder months. Let's figure out how we can help her.

Why is my skin dry in winter?

The answer to this question interests many. I am sure that most of us suffer from dry heels, elbows and delicate lip skin. This is in best case scenario, and in the worst case, they are also added to the arms, skin of the legs, back, and so on.

Dry skin is a set of symptoms that appear as a result of the fact that the moisture content in the uppermost layer of the epidermis (stratum corneum) is reduced, causing the skin to become dehydrated.

Dry skin in winter - negative factors

In fact, it is not without reason that very dry skin appears in winter; it is influenced by a number of factors:

  • frequent showering dries out the top layer of the epidermis and deprives it of its protective film;
  • mechanical damage: cracks on the heels, cracking on the hands;
  • frequent contact with water without gloves;
  • cold and strong wind;
  • dry indoor air.

Very dry skin in winter - what to do?

Unfortunately, we cannot influence many factors such as cold or wind. But we can limit contact with water, be sure to wear gloves outside or use special softening cosmetics. Here are some tips to help with very dry skin during the cold season:

  • do not overuse showers and baths several times a day;
  • Avoid very hot or chlorinated water, it dries out the top layer of skin;
  • normalize your diet; a lack of nutrients and vitamins will also affect the condition of your skin;
  • drink more fluids, ideally plain water;
  • use emollients and moisturizers for the body.

Cream for dry skin

Now the market offers a wide variety of creams, lotions and oils for dry skin. I will share new products that are designed specifically for very dry skin, and not just promise, but actually fight the problem.

Line Bepanten Derma

This line of 5 products became the first series in Russia, each product of which contains provitamin B5 and is intended for the care of dry and very dry skin. Thanks to provitamin B5, Bepanten Derma products correct not only external manifestations, but also provide a lasting effect of restoration and healing of the skin.

Provitamin B5 is known for its medicinal properties. It penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and is actively involved in its metabolic processes, simultaneously acting not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

The Bepanten Derma line includes five of the most necessary products.

Moisturizing body lotion - contains vitamin E and physiological lipids in high concentration. The lotion intensively soothes and moisturizes dry, sensitive, irritation-prone skin. Price: 658 rubles.

Nourishing body lotion significantly increases the level of skin hydration, makes it smooth, soft and elastic, and promotes natural restoration of the skin even in cases of significant dryness. Price: 698 rubles.

Restoring balm for hands- salvation for chapped hands in winter. It is designed to naturally restore the skin barrier, as well as protect the skin of the hands from external aggressive influences, such as frequent contact with water and detergents, cold or wind. Price: 436 rubles.

Regenerating cream for feet helps to achieve a lasting effect of softening very dry skin on the feet and protecting it from excessive keratinization. This is ensured by the components included in the cream with proven moisturizing activity - provitamin B5, urea (5%), physiological lipids, glycerin, as well as meadowfoam oil, squalene, allantoin, vitamin E. Cost: 459 rubles.

I've been using it happily for 2 weeks now. The skin on the heels stopped peeling and bursting and became softer and more well-groomed. I will definitely continue to use it.

Restoring lip balm Helps restore dry, chapped lips, leaving them soft and smooth. In addition, it provides protection from adverse external influences such as cold, wind, dry air. The combination of nutrients (provitamin B5, vitamin E and beeswax) triggers the natural restoration of lip skin. In addition, Bepanten Derma balm easily penetrates the skin, making it an ideal base for makeup. Price: 198 rubles.

A good balm without fragrance or fragrance. Suitable for children to use. I gave it to my daughter (6 years old) in order to soft skin lips did not become chapped in the cold.

The Bepanthen Derma line of products from Bayer can be purchased in pharmacies in Russia.

You can choose a cream for dry skin in winter in another equally interesting line. So recently a new brand Aveeno appeared in Russia, although the company itself has existed since 1945. Aveeno has three lines in total.

Line AVEENO ® BABY DERMA Moisturizing

In winter, not only the skin of adults suffers from the cold; children also need special protection and care. Three AVEENO products are designed for delicate baby skin. In the line BABY DERMA Moisturizing children's gel for washing body and hair ( 431 rubles), baby moisturizing lotion ( 368 rubles) and baby diaper cream ( 367 rubles).

AVEENO ® DERMA Comfort line

This line of nourishing body lotion products ( 807 rubles) and bath and shower oils ( 461 rubles) restores the necessary level of moisture to irritated and very dry skin. Micronized colloidal oatmeal formulas have been clinically tested to soften and soothe skin while hydrating to protect and maintain hydration. With the help of the AVEENO ® DERMA Comfort line you can get rid of itching caused by dry skin.

AVEENO ® DERMA Intensive line

This line of products is intended for atopic, very dry, irritated and sensitive skin. There are two products in the line - a softening gel ( 556 rubles) and softening shower cream ( 619 rubles).

All Aveeno line products are suitable for frequent and daily use and will provide care for dry skin in winter.

Mary Kay body line with shea butter SATIN BODY® “White tea and citrus”

A well-known chain brand has a good body care line. It contains various means. I'll tell you about two that I especially like.

Shower gel with shea butter SATIN BODY® “White tea and citrus”

The gel is very thick, one drop can be easily applied with your hands all over the body. If you use a washcloth, it is easy to create fluffy foam. The gel gently cleanses dry skin, moisturizes it and provides care. Price: 800 rubles.

Body cream with shea butter SATIN BODY® “White tea and citrus”

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