Signs on outerwear. Labeling system for laundry labels

Icons on a textile product inform the consumer how to wash, iron, bleach and dry the item. The label also indicates the composition of the fabric, size, price, country in which the product was sewn and the company that ordered the sewing.

This group of icons tells you at what temperature the product should be washed, informs you whether hand or machine washing is preferable, and even contains recommendations on which mode is best to choose.

This icon usually comes first and depicts a bowl of water. Depending on whether there are numbers, a palm or lines under the basin, the method of washing the product differs. Labels on clothes for washing: explanation:

Temperature conditions for different types of fabric

30°C– washing products made from artificial materials: nylon, viscose, nylon, polyester. As well as down items, products made from angora, mohair and wool.

40°C- suitable for almost any home textile; if the fabric is heavily soiled, then before washing it is recommended to soak the product in a detergent solution or. This temperature will be ideal for colored laundry.

50 – 60°C– washing white and colored items made from natural and semi-synthetic fibers.

95°C– boiling, intensive washing and disinfection mode. Recommended for washing diapers and newborn clothes, white bed linen from flax and cotton, textile children's toys, for boiling things after contact with infectious patients.


The second icon on the label is depicted in the form of a triangle; it indicates whitening. It needs to be given due attention; if you do not listen to the manufacturer’s advice, you can irreversibly damage the item.


Let's continue to study the washing symbols on the clothing label. The next sign is drying, it is depicted as a square. Moreover, if there is a circle in a square, then we are talking about drying in washing machine. This symbol carries information about whether the product can be spun in a centrifuge, how to dry it horizontally or vertically, and much more.

Square – natural drying.

A crossed out square means the product cannot be dried, which means it cannot be washed. There should be a sign nearby that prohibits washing.



Let's look at other signs on clothing labels and their meaning. If you see a circle with or without letters inside, then do not pay attention to it, this information is not for you. Icons with a circle are graphic instructions for dry cleaning workers; here we will provide a transcript solely to satisfy your curiosity.

Dry cleaning

Aqua cleaning

What do these “signs” mean?

Sometimes, at the sight of various tags, housewives are confused; many icons and foreign letters confuse them. In fact, the symbols are intended to help the consumer and give him the most accurate information about the product and how to properly care for the fabric so that it serves for many years.

I sincerely want to help the reader understand the labeling of goods and answer questions of interest. What can the designations on clothing labels tell us:

  • Manufacturer of the product.
  • The country where the item was made.
  • Operational point: recommendations regarding washing, ironing, bleaching and drying.
  • Size.
  • What fabric is the item made from, percentage composition of fibers.

I suggest first understanding the icons. A crossed out circle, a bowl of water, an iron, what does it all mean and how to remember everything? In fact, there are not many symbols, only about 30. This is an international marking, so it doesn’t matter whether the clothes are imported or domestic - the symbols will be the same everywhere, it won’t be difficult to read them and remember them. There are only six operations for caring for things:

  1. Washing – indicated by an icon depicting a bowl of water.
  2. Whitening – a triangle with an icon inside.
  3. Chemical cleaning - circle with Latin letters. This icon is for dry cleaning workers, it informs about what professional products It's better to use it to clean this thing.
  4. Ironing is symbolized by an iron, with several dots - this is a graphical representation of the temperature at which this type of fabric can be ironed.
  5. A circle in a square means drying in an automatic machine.
  6. A square icon with stripes inside tells you how to dry the product.

There may be one or two lines under the main icon, or there may not be any at all. One line means that the product requires gentle treatment, and two lines warn that only delicate washing, drying, etc. is suitable. If there are no lines, then the fabric is strong enough to be washed on a medium or maximum cycle. Let's look at each icon individually.

What does the two-digit letter code mean?

We looked at the meaning of labels on clothes for washing, but have you noticed that two-digit letter codes are quite common on tags? These are abbreviated names for the fibers from which the item is made. Sometimes the full name and percentage of fibers are written, and sometimes only the letter code. Our table will tell you what the codes mean, and under the table you can read about beneficial properties the most common materials.

Code English name Translation into Russian
ABAbaca (Manila hemp)Manila hemp
A.F.Other FibersOther fibers
ASAsbestosAsbestos fiber
C.A.True hempHemp or hemp fiber
CCCoir (coconut)Coconut fiber
C.L.ChlorofiberChloride fiber
C.U.CuproCopper-ammonia fiber
G.L.Glass FiberFiberglass
H.A.HairHair, stubble
HEHenequenMexican sisal
H.L.Cotton Linen UnionCotton and linen blend
KEKenaf (Hibiscus hemp)Kenaf
KPKapokKapok (plant fluff)
L.U.Laycra Lycra (elastane, spondex)
M.E.Metal, MetallisedMetallic, metallized fiber
MGMagueyMexican sisal “Magi”
M.A.ModacrylModified acrylic
M.D.ModalModal (modified viscose fiber)
PANylonNylon, polyamide
P.I.PaperCellulose fiber
PVCFPolyvinylchloride fiberpolyvinyl chloride fiber
R.V.C.Polyvinylchloridepolyvinyl chloride, polyvinyl chloride
R.A.RamieChinese nettle fiber (ramie)
S.I.SisalSisal (agave fiber)
S.N.SunnIndian hemp
TRUnspecified CompositionUndefined fibers, small lobes
W.A.AngoraAngora goat wool
W.G.VicunaLama Vicuña
W.K.CamelCamel's wool
W.U.GuanacoLama Guanaco
W.V.Fleece WoolFleece

Fiber properties:

AC – artificial acetate and triacetate fibers often used as an additive to natural ones, such as linen, cotton, wool or mohair, they give the yarn additional elasticity, so that the product retains its shape better. This fiber is pleasant to the touch and has bactericidal properties.

CA – hemp is made from hemp, is often used in a mixture with flax, because these threads are surprisingly similar in their qualities, they give approximately the same shrinkage, both are durable and resistant to salt water. This mixture is widely used for the manufacture of home textiles: towels, bed linen, tablecloths, etc.

CO – cotton, fibers of the plant of the same name, which are most often used in the textile industry. It has many advantages: it warms well, does not electrify, absorbs moisture, “breathes” - this is why cotton items are so pleasant to wear. Unfortunately, this type of fabric shrinks significantly and wears out quite quickly.

CU – copper-ammonia fiber, made from cotton fluff and cellulose mixed with a copper-ammonia solution. The fabric made from this fiber is soft and smooth, with an exquisite shine. This material is even more pleasant to the touch than viscose, and is also stronger and more elastic. It is actively used for the manufacture of knitwear. Included in carpets mixed with wool.

EL – elastane, synthetic fiber made from polyurethane. It is added to the main fabric to make things more elastic, stretch easily and return to their original shape after wear. This material is durable and lasts a very long time; clothes with elastane are practical and fit to your figure without unnecessary folds.

H.L.– this code denotes linen fabric with small inclusions of other fibers, no more than 5%.

LI – 100% linen, has many advantages. Linen fabric is soft, durable, and does not lose its properties even after repeated washing. In the hot season, linen clothing is cool, and in winter it is quite warm. This fabric “breathes”, absorbs moisture well and dries quickly. If used incorrectly, the canvas shrinks greatly. Often, home textiles include linen and cotton in different proportions.

LU – lycra, in America and Canada it is called “ spondex", and in Europe " elastane" Super elastic synthetic fiber - developed by DuPont. They are used as an addition to other fabrics (no more than 2%) to impart elasticity; they are widely used for sewing sportswear, since elastane does not interfere with movement, does not bunch up, dries quickly and looks great. Lycra can be stretched 6-8 times; after the impact stops, it easily returns to its original size.

MA – modacrylic(modified acrylic) – a chemical fiber consisting of polyacrylic with the addition of vinyl components (no more than 15%).

MD – modal made from wood cellulose. Valued for its strength, it is used in mixtures with other materials. Pros: does not fade, does not shrink after washing, does not lose its qualities for many years. Fabrics with the addition of modal are pleasant to the body and have a soft shine. Good for summer wear, pleasantly cools the skin, easily absorbs moisture and dries quickly. Interesting: 100,000 meters of modal thread weighs only 1 gram.

PA – polyamide, this is the general name for a whole group of “synthetics”, the first generation of synthetic fabrics (nylon, silone, nylon, perlon). Obtained as a result of processing organic raw materials: oil, coal, natural gas. Products made from polyamide are durable, do not wrinkle, hold their shape well, dry quickly, have long term services. Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that the fabric does not allow air to pass through well, it is cold in winter, hot in summer, and does not absorb moisture well. Requires careful handling and delicate washing.

ME – metallized thread, is added to achieve a decorative effect, less often to give additional strength to the fabric. They are made from foil, cut into narrow strips and covered with a layer of plastic. Sometimes, instead of foil, metal-coated polyester thread is used. Painted with dyes in any color.

PC – acrylic“artificial wool”, other names: PAN fiber, orlon, krilor, redon, nitron, prelana, etc. Orlon in its qualities is very similar to wool, soft and warm, but if you compare them, there are many pros and cons. Unlike wool, acrylic holds its shape remarkably well and is not afraid dry cleaning and the influence of weather conditions, moths are not interested. Acrylic also stains well, does not fade, and products made from acrylic are bright and practical. Cons: difficult, the material does not “breathe” and wool products are still more pleasant to wear than their acrylic counterparts.

PL – polyester, a synthetic polyester thread, is used as an additive to cotton, wool and rayon. It is valued all over the world for its ability to fix its shape when heated, which allows designers to create folds and textured “wrinkles.” The fiber is not electrified. Wash polyester in water not exceeding 40°C, so as not to fix excess wrinkles, which are then very difficult to get rid of.

PP – polypropylene thread used for the production of knitwear, carpets, outerwear, blankets. It is practical, resistant to adverse conditions and chemical influences, and retains heat well.

RA – ramie, a durable fiber made from Chinese nettle, is both linen and silk-like. Like all natural fabrics, it is pleasant to the body. Ramie thread is durable and has a noble matte shine. Ramie is often used as an additive in expensive fabrics, as well as for the production of denim clothing. Due to its strength, it is used in ropes and fabric for sails.

SE – natural silk made from silkworm cocoons. This is one of the most expensive natural fabrics. Silk is beautiful and pleasant to the touch, easily absorbs water, allows air to pass through, and has special properties: it warms in winter and cools in summer. Requires careful handling; silk fabrics are washed with special means in water not exceeding 30°C; if the temperature regime is not observed, the design will fade. Rinse silk items twice, first in warm water and then in cold water. Do not rub, wring out or dry by exposing the fabric to high temperatures. After washing, the product is carefully wrapped in a towel, allowed to absorb excess moisture and laid out on a horizontal plane. Iron silk at minimum setting.

T.A.- obtained by acting on the primary acetate chemicals. It absorbs water poorly, does not wrinkle, stains well, and retains wrinkles even after numerous washes. Most often used for ties, pleated fabrics, tulle and lace.

VI – viscose, a delicate cellulose fiber resembles silk in appearance, but cotton in its properties. It has excellent hygienic properties, “breathes”, and absorbs water well. Viscose has a pleasant shine, fits well, and things made from this fiber are very pleasant to wear. Disadvantages: when wet, it stretches greatly and loses strength, so it is forbidden to rub and wring out viscose too much. After drying, the fabric shrinks greatly. Widely used in the textile industry, both in pure form and mixed with other fibers. The next generation of viscose fibers was Siblon, which does not wrinkle, does not shrink, and is much stronger than viscose.

RVC – polyvinyl chloride(polyvinyl chloride), a leather-like material of artificial origin, smooth and shiny, withstands temperatures up to 65°C, but cracks in the cold.

WA – angora, a soft, fluffy fiber made from the hair of the Angora goat. Used for children's clothing, sweaters and soft scarves. Angora is not used in its pure form - it is too expensive and the delicate fluff sheds heavily. But when mixed with wool or acrylic, the yarn is soft, warm and at the same time durable. Producers of the highest quality angora: Italy, Japan and France. It is not advisable to wash things with angora; it is better to use dry cleaning.

W.O. sheep's wool , very warm, synthetic threads are often added to it to increase strength. The special delicate wool “Lana merinos” is valued most highly. Wool products around the world are controlled by the International Wool Secretariat ( International Wool Secretary) whose headquarters are in the UK. Tested products are marked with a special stamp “ Woolmark" or " Pure wool", and both the primary fiber and the finished yarn are tested, wool fabrics and already sewn clothes. Such a label indicates that the product is made from the highest quality wool using the correct technology.

WK – camel wool twice as light as sheep's wool, and its properties are unique: in hot weather it protects against overheating, and in cold weather it warms. It allows air to pass through well and removes moisture. Fabric made from camel hair does not electrify and is easy to use and care for.

WL – llama wool does not contain lanolin and oils, hypoallergenic, soft, gentle, perfectly warms. It has the property of repelling water, which is quite rare for wool. It has a wide palette of natural shades: from dark gray to silver, from white to ash pink, light and dark brown, shades of beige, black. White wool can be dyed with natural dyes in different colors. Wash at 30°C.

WM – mohair made from goat wool processed using a special technology. The main suppliers of mohair are Türkiye, the USA and South Africa. Mohair produces a surprisingly light and thin fabric. Mohair items are warm, pleasant to the body, do not fade and last a long time, but require careful storage and proper care.

WS – cashmere, the down of a highland goat bred in the Cashmere province, Tibet, Scotland, Australia and New Zealand. The delicate fluff is combed out, and the finest threads are spun from it, the diameter of which does not exceed 19 microns. Threads are used to weave weightless, warm and delicate fabrics. Natural cashmere is highly valued; it is not without reason that it is called “wool diamond”.

WP – alpaca, the wool of a llama living at an altitude of 5000 m. It is thanks to the harsh high-mountain climate, bright sun, icy wind and sudden temperature changes that alpaca wool acquired its properties. It holds heat perfectly, does not wrinkle, does not fade. Alpaca is soft, light, has a beautiful shine and a rich palette of natural shades, there are 22 shades in total.

WY – yak wool durable and easy to care for, fits the body well, warm and light, stretches. Like camel wool, it has only natural shades and is not dyed.

What is the small piece of fabric that comes with the product for?

I propose to figure out why a small piece of the same fabric is sewn to the reverse side of each item. Our grandmothers would say that this is a patch for a patch, but this is not entirely true. In fact, this small piece of paper provides no less information to the consumer than a tag.

Test 1

To check how well the fabric is dyed, the flap is immersed for 10 minutes. in a strong soap solution, after which they actively rub and leave for another half hour in cold water. If the water is not colored, then you can wash the product in the machine along with other things without fear that it will fade.

Composition and step by step instructions We described fixing the color of fading fabrics in the article: “How?”.

Test 2

If you want to know whether the fabric shrinks, then measure the piece with a ruler and put it in warm water for half an hour. When the fabric dries, measure again and find out whether the product will shrink after washing or not.

Test 3

You brought home a new thing, don’t rush to wash it, first test your powder and stain remover on this small piece of fabric.

Anastasia, July 9, 2016.

Everyone wants their favorite things to look great for as long as possible. One of the important conditions for such preservation is proper care of the product. Icons on clothes for washing and drying are familiar to every housewife. Most do not require translation - the symbols are intuitive. But there are signs on clothes and underwear that are quite rare and one can only guess about their meaning.

So what do these laundry symbols mean? Below in the table you can see all the possible signs that appear on labels and tags, with a description of their meanings.

Washing is allowed. This is the most famous sign that does not require translation.
All types of washing are prohibited. This symbol is seen quite rarely. Owners of items with this symbol will receive dry cleaning.
Hand washing of linen and clothes. Typically, the advice applies to delicate items that require especially careful handling. Despite the fact that the hands feel comfortable even at forty degrees, handwash implies a water temperature of no higher than 30°. Now you can’t even wring out the product! The number can be anything, but the meaning is the same - this is the recommended washing temperature (manual or machine). Sometimes such icons are underlined with one or two dashes. This indicates a degree of delicacy. It is especially important to observe the temperature regime, avoid sudden changes (for example, sharply cold water when rinsing), and gentle spinning. Bleaching allowed Cannot be bleached. This includes prohibitions on the use of any bleaching products or powders with bleaching properties. You can bleach your laundry with products containing chlorine. Always use cold water and ensure that the substance is completely dissolved in the water. The only bleaches that contain chlorine should not be used. The product can be ironed. All types of ironing are prohibited. Such symbols recommend the ironing mode for clothes or linen. One point - 100°, two -150°, three - 200°. Three-point ironing is suitable for cotton, linen and other natural, stiff fabrics (steaming is allowed). Dry clean only (dry cleaning). The item cannot be dry cleaned. Usually refers to fabrics with dyes that are destroyed by any dry chemical exposure. Dry cleaning. Dry cleaning with any solvent is allowed. Dry cleaning. Cleaning only with hydrocarbon, ethylene chloride and monofluorotrichloromethane. Dry cleaning. Only hydrocarbon and trifluorotrichloromethane. Dry cleaning. Only hydrocarbon, ethylene chloride and monofluorotrichloromethane. Limited addition of water, control over mechanical stress and drying temperature. Dry cleaning. Only with hydrocarbons and trifluorotrichloromethane. Limited addition of water, control over mechanical stress and drying temperature. You can use the washing machine spin and dryer. A favorite icon of many housewives. Do not spin in the washing machine or use in dryers. Warm air drying. The same symbol with two dots - hot air drying. Vertical drying of the product after spinning is allowed. Can only be dried without spinning. Clothes with this symbol can only be dried on a hanger to prevent them from losing their shape. The item can only be dried on a horizontal surface. Such delicate drying is often required for knitted and knitted products.

As you can see, there are not so many signs that are found on clothes and underwear. Some of them don’t need to be remembered - they are intended for professional dry cleaning. The remaining signs are easy to remember. Follow the rules - and symbols will help you keep your favorite things in their original form.

We often delight ourselves with purchases of new clothes and other textile products. But it happens that a favorite cardigan or comfortable trousers after a few months and ten washes lose their sophisticated appearance, become discolored, and shrink. Why does this happen?

Each product label contains clothing care icons, the meaning of which is not known to all users. In view of this, we wash in too hot water and set it to maximum spin, iron it with a very hot iron and send it to the dry cleaner. But many things simply cannot stand this and wear out very quickly. In this article we will decipher for you all the signs of caring for clothes so that they serve you for a long time.


The main symbols on clothes that indicate the correct washing modes look like this:

The basic symbol looks like a tank with a wavy line symbolizing water

The symbol indicating a container of water is depicted with a drawing of a hand - wash the sweater only by hand at temperatures up to 40 degrees; when wrung out, do not twist or apply force

Items can be washed by hand or in a washing machine at a maximum temperature of 30 degrees

Delicate wash cycle in water at 30 degrees. It is necessary to use neutral powder, squeeze at low speed

Very delicate wash allowed large quantities water and with minimal mechanical impact. Cannot be pressed manually

Washing items in warm 40-degree water by hand or in a washing machine

The product can be washed in hot water, the temperature of which does not exceed 50 degrees

Wash normally by hand or in a washing machine. Water temperature – up to 60 degrees

Machine wash or hand wash in water at 90 degrees. Can be boiled

The icon is crossed out with two lines crosswise - washing clothes is prohibited

The number indicated on the icon indicates the temperature mode that can be used during washing - this is the maximum value; colder water can be used.

If there is one line under the tank, it means washing clothes is allowed in a gentle mode, two lines indicate a very gentle mode with a water temperature of up to 30 degrees. During machine washing, you can wring at minimum speed, and when washing by hand - very carefully, without twisting.

Any self-respecting clothing company is obliged, along with the brand label, to sew on a marking tape with the indicated product care symbols. All standards of signs on the label must comply with GOST 16958/71 GOST R ISO 3758/99.


If you need to bleach an item or remove a stain, carefully read the clothing label, which contains all the information about the bleaching process. The main symbol is a triangle.

Incorrectly carried out bleaching can turn a favorite cotton blouse into a rag in half an hour. Therefore, look carefully at the symbols on the label.


After washing and bleaching (if necessary), you need to dry the item. How to do it correctly, look at the label. The main drying symbol looks like a square.

Items can be dried in the tumble dryer at normal temperatures of 80 degrees.

It is allowed to dry a textile product in a dryer using a delicate mode, with a minimum load of laundry and a temperature range of up to 60 degrees

You can dry clothes using the standard drying cycle at 80 degrees

Cannot be dried in the machine

You need to dry washed clothes by placing them horizontally and straightening out all the folds well. If there are two lines, then you can’t wring out the item, but you can’t dry it horizontally either.

Normal drying. One line - clothes can be dried vertically on a clothesline. Two lines mean drying clothes without strong squeezing. The presence of three vertical lines indicates that the item should not be twisted before drying.

Drying the product in the shade

Can be dried in a vertical position without direct sun exposure to wet clothes. If the icon shows two vertical lines, then you are allowed to dry your favorite jeans or cardigan by placing them vertically, but without wringing them out first.

You need to dry things in a horizontal position, having first straightened out all the tabs on the clothes well. Pre-spin is prohibited by the clothing manufacturer if there are two such lines inside the icon

A ribbon is sewn to the product indicating the type of fabric from which it is made, so that the user can select the desired mode when washing. Therefore, before the first cleaning, do not be lazy and take a close look at all the symbols on the label, on which the manufacturer has indicated all the necessary rules and recommendations.


Proper ironing of clothes is also an important factor in their care.

Explanation of the icons on the label indicating the drying rules:

The product can be ironed or steamed in any mode

It is allowed to iron clothes at the maximum used temperature of 110 degrees and, unless otherwise specified, the use of steam ironing is prohibited

The temperature during ironing cannot exceed 150 degrees

You can iron clothes at high temperatures - up to 200 degrees

Can be ironed with a dry iron without using steam

To avoid ironing the product, it is not recommended to wring it vigorously after washing. Also, things need to be well straightened and hung to dry in the shade. You can see all the information on the clothing label.

Professional clothing cleaning

The manufacturer indicates on the labels possible options cleaning the product using a dry (dry cleaning) or wet (water cleaning) method, using the services of professional companies. It should be noted that washing clothes in a laundromat is not wet cleaning. The basic icon is a circle.

Explanation of symbols for dry cleaning:

It is allowed to clean the product using perchlorethylene type solvents

Dry cleaning is carried out in a gentle mode using special solvents

The letter "F" inside the circle means "highly flammable." Used when cleaning special means, which have a low ignition threshold - up to 60 degrees. For example, such substances include gasoline

A horizontal line indicates the need for gentle cleaning using cleaning agents with a low flammability threshold

It is prohibited to take the product to a professional dry cleaner.

Water cleaning of the product using standard methods

The most gentle conditions for wet professional cleaning of the product

If you follow all the rules for caring for your clothes - washing at the proper temperature, spinning, drying and ironing accordingly - they will serve you for as long as possible.

Video instruction

Clothing manufacturers make sure that customers take proper care of their items. To this end, to finished products in garment factories, labels (ribbons) are attached on which clothing care symbols are woven, embroidered or printed. These signs are duplicated on the paper label. Typically, tags are located at the collar of the product, on the back, at skirts and trousers - sewn into the side seam or belt. Marking tapes also indicate the size of the item and the composition of the material.

Meaning. Images of symbols indicating basic operations: washing, bleaching, drying, ironing and dry cleaning - from manufacturers different countries may differ slightly from each other, but are quite recognizable. Figure 1 shows the main signs of clothing care in the sequence that is maintained in GOST ISO 3758–2010. This is exactly what the sequence of symbols should be on the product label.

Each of these icons has graphic elements indicating the parameters of a particular process (temperature, mechanical processing intensity and other information), presented in Figure 2.

The pictogram indicates the possibility of washing or drying the item in the machine and the specific temperature values ​​at which the treatment occurs. If you remember the basic patterns of symbol construction, then most of the clothing care symbols will be intuitive. Graphic icons most often found on tags attached to clothing are shown in Figure 3.

The rules for caring for clothing depend on the properties of the material from which it is made. It is imperative to adhere to the recommendations indicated on the label, but if for some reason there are no recommendations, proceed from the composition of the fabric, which is indicated on another marking tape.

Cotton and linen fabrics Made from fibers of plant origin, they are soft and hygroscopic. These fabrics are hygienic and pleasant to the body; they are used for sewing bed and underwear, and summer clothes. For products of natural materials, high-temperature washing is suitable; boiling is possible if necessary. Items can be washed, wrung out and machine dried as usual, and ironed at the highest temperature, preferably with steam or humidification.

Remember that these fabrics shrink by 5 to 15% along the grain when first washed. Before cutting, decate the fabric (rinse first in hot, then in cold water, or in a machine).

Wool fabrics and yarn made from animal fibers: llama wool, sheep wool, goat fluff is added to the yarn. Things made from such materials retain heat perfectly. Wool items can be washed in a machine or by hand at a temperature not exceeding 40ºC, without soaking, rubbing or twisting.

For machine washing, choose a special delicate cycle with low spin speed. To care for wool items, use mild detergents specifically designed for wool that do not contain bleaching additives. The fibers contain keratin protein, which does not withstand exposure to aggressive substances and strong heat.

It is better to dry flat on a towel laid out on a horizontal surface, in the shade and away from heating devices. Iron using a wool iron program, with steam and through two layers of gauze.

For woolen items, especially knitwear, dry cleaning is suitable.

Silk- a material woven from thread obtained from silkworm cocoons. Fabric made from this fiber has a smooth surface and temperature-regulating properties, and contains substances that repel domestic insects. Therefore, silk makes the best bed linen.

Wash and dry items made from natural silk in the same way as wool items, since the fibers contain keratin. Iron the silk without steam from the wrong side, choosing the “silk” mode on the iron.

Caring for clothing made from artificial and synthetic materials

Most of these materials have properties that are as close as possible to fabrics made from natural fibers.

Viscose– a material made from natural raw materials (wood) using chemical processing. Fabric made from cellulose fiber is close in properties to natural materials. When washed, it shrinks significantly, up to 15%. Hand and machine washable in delicate mode at temperatures up to 40ºC without strong mechanical stress, spin at low speed (no more than 600 rpm). When hand-squeezing, avoid twisting and hang dry only.

Modal, Tencel, Lyocell– modern fabrics made from improved viscose fiber obtained from different types wood (eucalyptus, bamboo and others). These materials combine the best properties of natural fabrics: they are hygroscopic, hypoallergenic and have thermoregulating properties. Suitable for summer clothes and bed linen.

Polyamide (nylon, nylon, polyester)– synthetic fiber fabric. The material is wear-resistant and has high tensile strength. Washing is allowed in normal mode at a temperature not exceeding 40ºC, with spinning at low centrifuge speeds (600–800 rpm). Dry polyamide products in a suspended state, protecting them from sun rays and away from heaters. Ironing is not necessary, the material practically does not wrinkle; if necessary, use the “synthetic” iron program.

Wash knitwear made from any fibers on a delicate cycle or by hand, without wringing too hard. Dry items on a towel and never hang them on hangers: the items may stretch. In cases where clothing is made from a mixed fabric that contains several different fibers, select a care regimen for the one whose percentage is greater.

When we buy something we like, we naturally want it to last longer. Manufacturers tell consumers about the rules for caring for their products using icons on labels. You just need to learn to read them.

Studying labels on clothes is the key to proper care of things

The care symbols on labels are international, which allows them to be interpreted correctly regardless of the country of origin. Labels are located on the wrong side (inside) of the product, sewn into the seams:

  • pants (trousers, jeans, Bermuda shorts, shorts, etc.) - at the back, on the side (in the waist seam) or in the pocket;
  • dresses, skirts - at hip level in the side seams;
  • shirts, blouses, turtlenecks, T-shirts, etc. - at the collar on the back or in the side seam;
  • outerwear - at waist level in the side seam on the left.
  • To use the information that symbols on labels carry, you need to know what they mean

    Don't rush to cut the tags off your clothes right away. If they bother you, cut them off, but try to keep them. First of all, you will need labels for things that require special care, just mark them somehow so as not to get confused and forget what goes where.

    On things for infants, labels are not sewn in, and information symbols are placed on special stickers.

    All symbols that can be placed on labels are divided into six groups:

  • wash;
  • drying;
  • machine drying;
  • whitening;
  • ironing;
  • dry cleaning
    • for washing - a basin with water;
    • for drying - an inverted trapezoid with a wavy line instead of the top line;
    • for bleaching - triangle; drying - square;
    • for drying in a machine - a circle in a square;
    • for ironing - ironing;
    • for dry cleaning - circle.
    • according to the ban on squeezing the product - a twisted ribbon (looks like candy) crossed with a cross.

    How are washing modes designated?

    If you wash in a machine, then modern devices offer many modes, in particular, normal, gentle and delicate. Requirements for them are indicated by dashes under the washing sign: one - gentle, two (dotted or on top of each other) - delicate. The washing temperature can also be indicated by numbers or dots:

  • one point - 30 0 C;
  • two - 40 0 ​​C;
  • three - 50 0 C;
  • four - 60 0 C;
  • five - 70 0 C;
  • six - 95 0 C.

  • A table of signs for washing things will help return soiled clothes to their original appearance.

    Of course there are general rules washing things depending on the type of fabric from which they are made.

    • Felt products can shrink a lot when washed, so it is better to have them dry cleaned.
    • If you wash at home, then only by hand, the temperature should not exceed 40 degrees.
    • You cannot rub the felt when washing, just soak it for a few hours.
    • Detergents containing lanolin are suitable for washing.
    • Press the felt into a lump rather than twist it, as the product may become irrevocably deformed.
    • Dry on a horizontal surface.
    • If there is a need to stroke, then do it immediately after squeezing.
    • It is necessary to iron with steam (although the product is already wet) at a heating temperature of the iron of 130–160 degrees (two points).

    Bleaching signs

    Today, the industry produces both chlorine- and oxygen-containing bleaches, and there are also many folk remedies bleaching. Oxygen ones are more versatile, as they are more gentle on textiles. Triangles are responsible for whitening among the symbols. Empty - any bleaching agent can be used, with two slashes - bleach without chlorine (oxygen-containing), crossed out - bleaching is not allowed. There are two more outdated symbols that are no longer used, but are still found on old things: with the chlorine symbol inside (Cl) - feel free to use chlorine-containing bleach, crossed out with the chlorine symbol - use oxygen or improvised means.

    The most common symbols used to display recommendations for whitening items are used by all clothing manufacturers

    Product drying symbols

    To indicate special conditions for normal drying of products, symbols in the form of squares with dashes inside are used.

    Vertical and horizontal lines indicate whether your items need to be hung or laid out to dry. Their number indicates the characteristics of the spin cycle: one - spin, two - dry without spin. A slash in the upper left corner indicates that things should be dried in the shade. Drying symbols, like bleaching, have three obsolete symbols.

    Symbols indicating the modes of normal drying of products are on each product It is now becoming popular to purchase a dryer in addition to a regular washing machine. This trend is also reflected in clothing care symbols. The squares with a circle inside will tell us about the rules of machine drying.

    The dots indicate temperature conditions. One line under the square, as usual, means gentle mode, and two lines means delicate. A black circle in a square means drying without heating the air, and a crossed out design means machine drying is prohibited.

    A table of symbols indicating machine drying should be at hand for any housewife who uses a dryer.

    Ironing symbols on clothes Ironing symbols will explain the subtleties of ironing for each specific item.

    The dots in the icons indicate the temperature mode and correspond to the number of dots on the iron (if you see two dots, set the same number on the device). If ironing is not allowed, the symbol is crossed out, but a crossed out iron with two slanting sticks coming from it means that the item cannot be steamed or ironed with steam.

    A table of symbols indicating the ironing mode will help bring the item into perfect condition

    Dry cleaning symbols There are also symbols for dry cleaning - these are circles. They contain information for professionals, and there is no need to delve into these subtleties. It is important for you to know: a crossed out circle (there may be a letter in it) means that the item cannot be dry-cleaned, but circles with different symbols should. The lines under the circles (one or two) indicate, as usual, gentle and delicate cleaning. You can see what the other symbols mean in the table (solely for general development, it is unlikely that this knowledge will have).

    practical significance

    The table of symbols for indicating the features of dry cleaning is relevant for professionals providing relevant services

    It is not enough to simply divide clothes by color; you also need to take into account the composition of the fabric. This point is also important: even if the temperature and other washing modes are the same for some items, they may require different conditions spinning and drying. Therefore, it is better not to mix products from different types of fabric in one machine load. And some things are generally better to wash by hand - they will be healthier (see the table with recommendations for different types of fabrics above).

    What other signs are there on clothes?

    Manufacturers also have a sense of humor, so along with the generally accepted clothing care symbols, they often add humorous ones. For example, such as in this photo gallery.

    Photo gallery: unusual labels on clothes

    Washing advice without any wisdom The manufacturer invented its own icon: a crossed out open mouth, meaning that the T-shirt is inedible

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