Caring for dry skin at home. Caring for dry skin in summer and winter at home

Our face is the mirror of the soul. While others suffer from constant pimples, blackheads, and desperately struggle with oily sheen, girls with dry facial skin live calmly and do not think about such problems. However, this advantage does not remain with them for long. After twenty years, small wrinkles appear. Due to the insufficient amount of fat, a protective layer is practically not formed on the skin. Firmness and elasticity are lost faster and faster.

2) An egg mask will provide effective care for dry skin. Add a little chamomile extract to a mixture of one egg yolk and a spoon of vegetable oil. Leave on face for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm tea. After using the mask, you can apply

3) An orange mask with egg yolk will also give the skin nutrition and hydration, while also having a whitening effect.

4) Apple-honey mask is easy to prepare and good for the skin. Grate a small apple, peeled, on a fine grater, mix with one spoon of sour cream, and hold on your face for about 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water or herbal infusion.

5) You can also regularly make sour cream or kefir masks. With their help, you will moisturize your skin and give it the necessary vitamins and microelements.

Caring for dry skin also involves washing with decoctions of chamomile, mint, and calendula. They are easy to prepare and perfectly nourish and moisturize dry skin.

To avoid causing excessive drying of the skin, minimize visits to the sauna and bathhouse. Chlorine water in the pool also has a very negative effect on dry skin. To wash your face, use special gels for dry skin; never wash with soap - it dries out the skin very much.

If you stay in the hot sun for a long time, use a protective cream. In cold weather, try to stay outside as little as possible, especially in the wind. Dress to cover as much exposed areas of your body as possible, especially your arms, legs and face.

Pay attention to how you eat. Your diet should include more fresh vegetables and fruits. You may not be drinking enough fluids. Try to drink about 2 liters of various drinks a day (tea, juice, fruit drink, water).

Caring for dry skin is no less problematic than caring for oily skin. It takes persistence and constant treatments to keep your skin looking attractive at both 16 and 36 years old.

Throughout life, the degree of hydration of the skin may change. The moisture content of the epidermis is influenced by factors such as a person’s age, state of health, as well as climate and environmental features.

It often happens that over the years the skin becomes drier: rougher, less elastic. Dry skin is prone to cracking, the skin pattern is clearly expressed. The topic of today's article: caring for dry skin at home.

Features and reasons

  • Dry skin in youth is smooth, matte, without greasy shine. At the same time, without proper care, with age it becomes rougher, begins to peel, and loses elasticity.
  • Over the years, the skin acquires a “parchment” appearance and shade.
  • Washing is accompanied an unpleasant feeling tightness.
  • The skin is sensitive to external factors and easily becomes inflamed.
  • Wrinkles appear early.

What causes the skin to lose moisture?

  • Lack of proper care.
  • Prolonged exposure to frosty air or sunlight.
  • Frequent sea baths or swimming in an artificial pond.
  • Poor microclimate in the room (many heating devices and air conditioners dry out the air).
  • Smoking.
  • Taking medications.
  • Vitamin deficiency.
  • Stressful situations.

Reduce skin moisture, thyroid diseases, metabolic disorders, gastrointestinal diseases, kidney diseases, allergic reactions, dermatological diseases (ichthyosis, psoriasis).

Features of care for dry skin after 20, 25, 30 years

The main distinguishing feature of insufficiently moisturized skin is excessive sensitivity. Therefore, caring cosmetics must be selected with special care. Let's look at what constitutes daily care for dry skin.

Important! If after washing there remains an unpleasant feeling of tightness and dryness, then it is advisable to refrain from washing, replacing them by wiping the face with special products.

Caring for dry skin at home: morning procedures

Caring procedures in the morning are carried out in this order.

  • Skin cleansing. To do this, use gentle cleaning preparations, such as foams, creams or special cosmetic milk. It is useful to wash your face with mineral or ordinary water with a weak alkaline reaction (1 teaspoon of baking soda per 1 liter).
  • Toning the facial skin with herbal infusions, tonics or lotions.
  • Applying daytime moisturizer. After application, you need to wait a little (10 minutes) for the cream to be absorbed. After absorption, remove excess cosmetic product. Only after this can you start using makeup.

Homemade cosmetics from natural products

These simple lotion recipes will help keep your skin in good condition.


Has an anti-inflammatory, refreshing and softening effect. Helps moisturize the skin.


  • Water – 0.5 l.
  • 10 g each of jasmine and rose petals.
  • 10 g each of dried chamomile and linden flowers.

Mix the herbal ingredients, pour boiling water over them, and let cool. After straining, store in the refrigerator. The maximum shelf life is a week.


An effective remedy with a tonic, nourishing and softening effect. After using the lotion, the skin remains optimally hydrated throughout the day. Caring for very dry skin is effective.


  • Strawberries – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Still mineral water – 1 glass.
  • Glycerin – 0.5 tsp.

Grind the strawberries until mushy, add water, stir and strain. Add glycerin to the resulting mixture and mix again.


Moisturizing, toning, nourishing mixture, excellent care for dry sensitive skin.


  • Oat flakes – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Boiled water – 0.5 l.

Pour boiling water over the flakes, cool, strain. For dry skin, this lotion is perfect for morning cleansing.


Nourishing, softening lotion with a good anti-inflammatory effect. Cleanses sensitive skin well and eliminates flaking.


  • Water – 200 mi.
  • Milk – 200 ml
  • Chamomile – 2 tbsp. l.

Mix water and milk and boil. Pour the mixture over the chamomile flowers, cool, and strain. Keep the milk infusion in the refrigerator. You can use the lotion to cleanse your face in the morning.

Morning care for dry skin is performed in this order.

  • Wipe the skin with cosmetic milk and lubricate with market sour cream.
  • Leave the mask on for 20 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm running water.
  • Rub your skin with a piece of ice made from an infusion of medicinal herbs. You can use chamomile, sage or string.

Day care consists of applying moisturizing preparations as needed.

Evening care

This stage should be given special attention, since dust and dirt accumulate on the skin during the day. Pathogenic bacteria, penetrating through microtraumas of the skin, can provoke inflammation. Proper care for dry skin in the evening – the next one.

The stages of skin cleansing are as follows.

  • Removing makeup using micellar water or cosmetic milk.
  • Washing with herbal decoctions, mineral water or special products designed for dry skin.
  • Applying a nourishing composition with vitamins or plant extracts to the face. This should be done at least half an hour before bedtime.

Specifics of winter care procedures

Dry skin in winter is especially problematic. Frosty air dries out the skin of the face. It not only provokes peeling, but also causes the appearance of wrinkles. And the air in the room, dry from heating appliances, continues this destructive work. Rules winter care for dry facial skin the following.

  • Do not use scrubs in winter, as this product eliminates the thinnest fatty film that performs a protective function.
  • You should not use gel formulations, since they also remove the protective layer of fat.
  • You can and should use moisturizing creams, but you shouldn’t apply them before forty minutes before going outside.

Masks for caring for dry skin at home

Mixtures with fermented milk products help maintain good hydration, elasticity and a pleasant appearance of the skin. Good effect when used vegetable oils, mostly olive. Here are simple recipes for fermented milk masks.


A mask with excellent moisturizing and toning effects. Nourishes the skin well and has an anti-aging effect.


  • Cottage cheese – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Tea solution – 2 tsp.
  • Fish oil – 1 tsp.
  • Flaxseed oil – 1 tsp.

Heat both oils a little, then mix the cottage cheese with the tea solution and oils. Before applying the mask, first cleanse your face.


This product has a nourishing and moisturizing effect, eliminates inflammatory processes and peeling.


  • Yolk of 1 egg.
  • Sea buckthorn oil – 10 ml.
  • Olive oil – 50 ml.

Beat the yolk with a blender, adding both oils little by little. Apply the resulting mixture to your face for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Store the butter-egg mixture in the refrigerator. The frequency of use of the mask is every other day.


The mask turns out to be very effective. It improves complexion and eliminates flaking. With regular use, it optimizes skin moisture.


  • Oat flakes – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tsp.
  • Milk – 4 tbsp. l.
  • Vitamins A and E – 20 drops each

Pour heated milk over the oats and wait until they swell. Apply the mask to your skin, leave for 20 minutes, and then rinse with running water at room temperature. The frequency of applying the mask is 1 time/3 days.


This affordable cosmetics has a well-defined anti-aging effect.


  • Beans – 200 g.
  • Vegetable oil – 100 g.

Boil the beans until tender, then puree until smooth. Add vegetable oil and apply it to the skin. Leave on face for 30 minutes, then rinse.

What you need to keep dry skin in good condition

  • Drink at least 2.0 liters of water throughout the day. Dry skin is one of the signs of dehydration.
  • Do not overload your skin with decorative cosmetics, as this can lead to the appearance of inflamed areas.
  • Fight the habit of touching your face throughout the day.

If all of the listed care products for dry skin are useless or not effective enough, contact a specialist. An individual skin care program for dry skin will be selected for you.

Depending on the age of the person, his condition nervous system and the nature of the diet, the fat content in the skin may change, and it becomes dry. It loses its elasticity, becomes rough, its pattern is expressed more clearly and cracks appear on the surface.


Dry skin can be distinguished by the following signs:

  • V at a young age the skin is elastic, smooth, matte, without wrinkles;
  • in the absence of proper care, it quickly fades, becomes rough, peels and loses elasticity;
  • with age it becomes like parchment;
  • fine wrinkles quickly form on the sides of the cheeks, under the chin, in the décolleté and around the eyes;
  • after washing, the skin becomes tight;
  • it peels off quickly, is easily irritated and becomes covered with red spots.


External causes of dry skin:

  • improper care;
  • use of cosmetics that are not suitable for your skin type;
  • long exposure to the sun or frost;
  • swimming in a pool or salt water;
  • being in a room with dry, air-conditioned air;
  • smoking.

Internal causes of excessive dry skin:

  • use of medications;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • illnesses gastrointestinal tract;
  • allergy;
  • renal failure;
  • stress;
  • ichthyosis;
  • psoriasis.

Rules for caring for dry skin

Dry facial skin is very sensitive and easily inflamed, so care products must be selected very carefully.

If after washing you feel tightness and dryness, then it is better to replace this procedure with rubbing.

In the morning

Rules for caring for dry skin at home:

  • The first step is to cleanse the skin. For this, mild cleansers (milk, lotion, foam or cream) are used. You can also wash your face with warm mineral or alkaline water (a teaspoon of soda per liter of boiled water);
  • then the skin is toned using special lotions, tonics, decoctions or infusions;
  • Apply a moisturizing day cream to the skin and leave it until completely absorbed. After 10 minutes, you can remove the excess with a soft napkin and begin applying makeup.




Floral lotion

Mix equal quantities of rose petals, chamomile, jasmine, and linden blossom. Pour 15 g of raw material into 250 ml of boiling water and let cool under the lid. Strain and store in a glass container in a cool place for no more than a week.

The lotion refreshes and softens the skin, helps get rid of inflammation, and promotes hydration.


Grind a tablespoon of ripe strawberries into a pulp, pour a glass of cold mineral water without gas, stir thoroughly, and then strain. Add half a teaspoon of glycerin to the liquid.

The product has a softening and nourishing effect. It tones the skin and retains moisture throughout the day.

Oatmeal lotion

1 tablespoon of oatmeal is poured into half a liter of boiling water and, after it has cooled, filtered. Use for morning wash.

Has a tonic, nourishing and moisturizing effect.

Chamomile lotion

100 ml of water is mixed with the same amount of milk and brought to a boil. A tablespoon of chamomile flowers is poured into the decoction and infused under the lid. Strain and store in the refrigerator. Use for morning cleansing of dry skin.

The lotion has a nourishing, anti-inflammatory and softening effect. Cleanses dry skin well and removes flaking.

People withFor dry sensitive skin, you can use the following dry skin care option:

  • in the morning, after waking up, wipe the skin with cosmetic milk and apply rich sour cream;
  • after 20 minutes, the mask should be washed off with a strong stream of water from the shower at a comfortable temperature;
  • at the next stage, wipe the skin with a piece of ice, for the preparation of which they use decoctions of medicinal herbs (a tablespoon of chamomile, calendula, string or sage, pour a glass of water, let it brew for 2 hours, filter and pour into ice molds).

During the day

Dry skin needs special care not only in the morning, but also throughout the day:

  • in order to additionally moisturize the skin during the day, you need to use thermal water, the application of which does not require removing makeup;
  • If the skin is flaky, you may need to apply special moisturizers (emollients) during the day.

In the evening

Particular attention should be paid to cleansing the skin in the evening, because it accumulates on its surface. a large number of dust and dirt containing pathogenic microorganisms. Penetrating into the pores of the skin, they can provoke an inflammatory process.

Skin cleansing occurs in several stages:

  • first of all, you need to remove makeup using special cosmetic milk or micellar water;
  • then you need to wash your face using a special product for dry skin, decoctions of medicinal herbs or mineral water;
  • At night, you need to apply a nourishing moisturizing cream to the skin containing plant extracts or vitamins that help restore the skin and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. This should be done at least half an hour before going to bed.

in winter

In winter, dry facial skin requires special care. Cold air can not only cause flaking, but also cause wrinkles. And indoor air dried out by heating systems will only increase the load on the skin.

In order to avoid problems, you must follow these rules:

  • owners of dry skin should avoid using scrubs in winter, as this can deprive the dermis of a thin lipid film that retains moisture;
  • Gel-based products destroy lipid structures in the upper layers of the skin, so in winter it is also better to avoid using them;
  • in winter, dry skin does not need contrasting procedures and wiping with ice cubes, because wind, frost, snow and rain already irritate it;
  • Moisturizing creams are applied to the skin at least 40 minutes before going out into the cold.

Video: Useful information

In a beauty salon

The most popular treatments for dry skin:

  • massage. Before the procedure, light peeling is carried out, then using nutritional products, do a classic massage of the face, neck and décolleté for half an hour. Complete the process with a nourishing mask. Massage improves metabolic processes and stimulates muscle function. Even if the skin is very dry and not well-groomed, the effect becomes noticeable after 5 sessions;
  • biorevitalization. Using injections, hyaluronic acid or vitamin cocktails are injected under the skin. This helps improve skin condition, moisturizes, tones, and eliminates wrinkles.

At home

Dry skin has alkaline reaction, therefore, fermented milk products are used for home care:

  • kefir;
  • curdled milk;
  • sour cream;
  • cream;
  • Ryazhenka.

For washing, you can use water with a small amount of sea salt, diluted with milk or still mineral water.

Masks for dry skin:



Cottage cheese - tablespoon

Strong black tea – teaspoon

Fish oil – ½ teaspoon

Flaxseed oil - a teaspoon.

Grind the cottage cheese thoroughly, add tea and slightly heated oils and stir until a shiny, homogeneous mass is obtained. Apply to previously cleansed facial skin, avoiding the area around the eyes and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

The mask has a tonic and moisturizing effect, helps improve the condition of the skin, nourishes it and rejuvenates it.

Fresh chicken egg yolk

Refined olive oil – 50 ml

Sea buckthorn oil – 10 ml

Using a blender, beat the yolk, gradually adding oil. In the process, an emulsion is formed, which is applied to the skin and washed off with warm water after half an hour. This mask is made every other day for a week. You can store the finished product in the refrigerator.

The product nourishes and moisturizes the skin, helps remove flaking and get rid of inflammatory processes on the skin.

Oatmeal – 1 tablespoon

Olive oil – teaspoon

Milk – 2 tablespoons

Vitamin A – 10 drops

Vitamin E – 10 drops.

Oatmeal should be poured with warm milk and left for half an hour, then stir thoroughly and add oil. Apply to face for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. This mask can be used once every three days.

The mask nourishes and tones the skin, evens out color, enhances regeneration and moisturizes the skin. It eliminates flaking and, with prolonged use, helps get rid of dry skin.

Beans – 100 g

Olive oil – 50 g.

The beans need to be filled with water and boiled until tender, then rub through a sieve. Add olive oil and apply to face. Wash off after half an hour.

Young girls often worry that their skin is too oily: excess sebum causes the formation of pimples and blackheads. People with dry skin are envied because they don’t have such problems when they are young. They may sometimes even neglect removing makeup every night: anyway, the next morning after washing their face will remain clean and their pores will not become clogged.

Meanwhile, with age, facial skin prone to dryness begins to cause more and more trouble. If the lady with fat type skin has almost no wrinkles even after 40, then those whose skin is dry will notice the first skin folds even before reaching the age of 30. However, with age, fatty and combination skin often changes to dry. Nature is to blame: over the years, the ability of the epidermis to absorb and retain moisture decreases. Therefore, the question of how to organize care for dry facial skin at home becomes more and more relevant as a woman grows up.

In order to learn how to properly care for your face and neck (don’t forget that the skin there is the thinnest, and loss of moisture quickly turns into sagging), you need to understand what characterizes this type of skin.

It is not capable of producing fat and sweat in the required quantities. The result is increased irritability and a tendency to peeling. Signs of dry skin:

  • lack of healthy shine;
  • a feeling of “tightness” after any water procedures;
  • lack of elasticity, firmness.

Caring for dry sensitive skin should be done daily. It is worth skipping one procedure of applying moisturizer - and the consequences will not be long in coming: the feeling of smoothness, softness will disappear, and redness will appear when exposed to frost or strong wind.

Caring for dry skin at home should begin with washing with milk or toner. But before you buy special means for care, do a short test that will allow you to accurately determine your skin type.

In the morning, an hour after washing (without using cosmetics), apply a regular napkin to your face. If, when you take it away from your face, you find shiny spots, your skin is oily or combination. If there are no traces left, and after washing you still have a feeling of “tightness” - your skin is dry.

You need to buy creams and masks taking this feature into account. There must be a mark on the product for the care of dry skin indicating this.

Care for very dry skin includes the following daily rituals:

  • washing with tonic, milk;
  • moisturize before application decorative cosmetics;
  • periodic hydration during the day with thermal water;
  • removing makeup in the evening, applying night cream.

The use of moisturizing and nourishing masks at least 2 times a week is of great importance.

In the morning, in order to soften the skin, you can wash your face from time to time with water diluted with some juice (cucumber, apple, sauerkraut brine).

The goal of caring for dry (especially if it is also sensitive) facial skin is to prevent increased moisture loss. Attention! Many cosmetics manufacturers indicate that their cream fills the skin with moisture. In fact, this is not so: it is impossible to replenish moisture loss with the help of cream, but reducing this loss is quite possible. Therefore, do not neglect high-quality industrial cosmetics. It doesn't have to be expensive. Creams and masks from “Clean Line”, “Black Pearl” and others are suitable.

Proper care for dry skin: masks

A woman’s face, even if it is covered with wrinkles, can always be seen whether she has taken care of herself and whether she is generally accustomed to doing so regularly. Proper care leads to the fact that the skin, even with some imperfections, looks smooth, soft, and its color is even. The wrong one leads to aggravation of existing problems.

Masks are not part of daily facial skin care, but the skin needs to be nourished and toned 1-2 times a week.

Take a few simple, accessible recipes that will help restore elasticity and restore color.

The honey mask is very good. It saturates the epidermis with useful substances, vitamins, and fights microinflammation. To prepare it we take:

  • honey (tablespoon);
  • oatmeal (tablespoon);
  • a couple of spoons of fresh milk.

After mixing everything, apply to the face and neck. You need to keep the mask on for about 20 minutes. After removal, you need to moisturize your face with cream.

A mask with sour cream is also useful. Need to mix:

  • yolk;
  • sour cream (2 tablespoons);
  • carrot juice (teaspoon).

The mask helps even out the complexion and nourish dry skin.

You can apply ripe peach mashed into a paste, as well as the pulp of watermelon and melon, on your face. While the mask is in effect, it is advisable to lie quietly, not being distracted by conversations and thinking about something pleasant.

Having passed the 30-year mark, many women notice the appearance of “crow’s feet” - one of the first signs of aging. Another manifestation of the withering process that has begun is nasolabial folds.

At this age there are no real ones yet, deep wrinkles, the oval of the face does not yet “sag”, you can still fearlessly open your neck, wearing dresses with a deep neckline. However, it is necessary to take care of yourself daily in order to detect signs of aging on your face as late as possible.

After 30, you need to take care of your facial skin more carefully than in your youth. The use of masks should be accompanied by regular hygienic massage and mandatory scrubbing.

The main rule of facial skin care after 30 is regularity. It is no longer enough to just use creams. The skin renews itself more slowly, so it is necessary to help it get rid of dead cells. The scrub should be used once a week.

This can be a commercially produced dry skin care product or a homemade one. Yes, you can sometimes use sea ​​salt with base oil. But you shouldn’t rub the scrub too hard into the skin.

An excellent remedy is coffee. It is perfect for very dry skin. Apply a little coffee to your face and rub in gently. After rinsing, lubricate your face with moisturizer.

It is good to use a scrub before masks - in this case their effectiveness will increase.

The requirements for caring for dry skin on the neck and face are not too different from those that are desirable for 30-year-olds. Once you reach forty, you are unlikely to see deep skin folds in the mirror, but you need to be prepared for certain troubles. In particular, these are:

  • small wrinkles around the eyes and lips;
  • slight drooping of the eyelids, wrinkling of the eyelids;
  • beginning “sagging” of the face: the oval is no longer clear, the jawline “blurs”.

After 40, facial skin needs to be cared for especially carefully.

Let's add some more masks.

Let's take some olive oil, peach oil or jojoba oil. You can warm it up a little. After soaking cotton pads in oil, place them on your face and neck and hold for about 30 minutes. You don’t have to wash off the mask, but simply carefully remove the excess with a napkin.

Apple mask: grate a piece of apple, add a spoonful of sour cream or olive oil. You can also add a teaspoon of starch. After 20 minutes, wash off with warm water.

In order to make it easier for facial skin to absorb moisture after 40, you can sometimes use linen mask. Soak the seeds in hot water until a sticky mass is obtained. We apply it to the face and cover it with a towel. You need to lie down for 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

After 40 years, the skin rapidly loses moisture, especially when a woman enters the age of hormonal changes that precede menopause. Any base oils at this time are extremely beneficial for dry skin: they maintain the balance of nutrients.

It is useful to make contrast compresses, changing cold to hot. But this is allowed only if there are no signs of rosacea.

Massage becomes very important in adulthood. You can do it at home yourself, having mastered the simplest techniques.

You can first lubricate your face with cream or - just a little - with base oil. This is necessary for good gliding. We perform all movements along massage lines, moving from top to bottom. First, you should warm up the skin a little, for which we stroke it with the entire palm.

Then, using rotational movements, we work the area around the eyes: along the eyebrows from the nose to the corners of the eyes, along the lower eyelid - vice versa, to the nose.

Using either rotational or smoothing movements, we work over the entire face along massage lines. We must not forget about the neck: after massaging the chin, you need to stroke the neck on both sides, without touching the thyroid gland area. It’s not bad if the muscles in the collarbone area are affected.

The massage should be completed by tapping with your fingers and again with light stroking. If in your youth one session a month was enough, now you need to resort to this method of maintaining muscle tone 1-2 times a week. Massage perfectly tones dry skin, activating blood circulation.

Dry skin ages earlier than other skin types. This is an established fact, but do not despair: with proper care, your face and neck will look youthful and toned, no matter how old you are. The main thing is to carry out all procedures regularly, and in addition, establish healthy image life, drink more unsweetened green tea, always get enough sleep. Love yourself and maintain your natural beauty - believe me, this does not require expensive plastic surgery and salon treatments. Just take care of yourself and your skin will respond with a healthy glow.

Dry facial skin is highly sensitive, so care for it must be competent. Cosmetologists recommend using different products according to the season of the year, not forgetting general rules. Most caring procedures are carried out using homemade masks, lotions and creams, and the effect from them will be no less than from professional cosmetics and salon services.

Read in this article

General rules

This type of facial skin has its own distinctive features: it looks thin, almost “transparent”, in adolescence does not cause problems with rashes of pimples and blackheads; in older age, small wrinkles and age spots appear on it.

Any external irritant can have a negative effect on dry facial skin - even short-term exposure to the sun or wind, washing with poor-quality water provokes the appearance of lesions with intense peeling and redness.

To ensure proper and effective care for dry skin at home, you should follow the recommendations of cosmetologists:

For the type of skin in question, cosmetics containing cellulose substances, hyaluronic acid, chitosan, collagen and algae polysaccharides will be effective and safe.

  • Deep cleansing of dry facial skin should be carried out regularly, at least once every 10 days. For this, the use of scrubs is allowed, but they must be made of soft abrasive components. It would be appropriate to be present in them, fruit acids, sucrose crystals.

Secondly, needs to be adjusted drinking regime: in winter, when you have to stay in rooms with dry air for a long time, the skin becomes thinner and prone to cracks, inflammation and rashes. You should drink at least 2.5 liters of clean water per day, and treat your skin with moisturizer in the evenings. It is highly advisable to always have a small vessel with you with water, which you periodically irrigate your skin through a spray bottle.

Third, you will need to use specific masks. They can be prepared at home, especially since all the ingredients are usually on hand. Here are just a few effective recipes masks for the care of dry skin in winter:

Masks for winter care should be used at least 2 - 3 times a week, you should choose one recipe, you are allowed to change it after 3 weeks, before that the skin “rests” for 7 days.

As for the choice of professional cosmetics for dry skin in the winter, you should pay attention to those that contain hyaluronic acid and ceramides.

These components form a lipid layer and protect sensitive skin from low temperatures air, its dryness, winds.

Let's take care of ourselves in the spring

In spring, the body undergoes dramatic changes - metabolic processes begin to work at an accelerated rate, there is a lack of vitamins, and immunity decreases. This naturally affects the condition of the skin of the face, and if they are of the dry type, they will appear:

  • excessive peeling;
  • dull color;
  • small wrinkles;
  • foci of inflammation - redness, rashes;
  • freckles, age spots.

Sun exposure causes freckles and age spots to appear.

These problems can be solved by regularly using homemade masks:

  • pulp of ½ grapefruit + 1 tablespoon of olive oil – cleanses and softens;
  • pureed fruits (any) + cream in equal quantities – nourishes and moisturizes;
  • lemon, crushed in a blender + potato starch in equal proportions - whitens and cleanses;
  • 30 g of rye bread + 50 ml of low-fat kefir – tightens, tones, moisturizes.

These products are applied to a previously cleansed face for 10 minutes and washed off with warm water. After the procedure, you should definitely lubricate your skin with a moisturizing cream, and instead of washing your face in the morning, you should give preference to rubbing it with an ice cube made from a decoction of chamomile or calendula.

To keep dry facial skin beautiful, fresh and problem-free in the spring, you should follow the recommendations of cosmetologists:

  • drink 100 ml of sauerkraut brine daily or eat at least 3 tablespoons of this product - this will prevent the appearance of freckles and age spots;
  • To sun rays you need to get used to it gradually, so in spring it is appropriate to wear wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses;
  • You should drink at least one and a half liters of clean water per day;
  • You can wash your face in the morning and evening with water with the addition of a small amount of honey or milk (1 teaspoon per glass) - this will soften the dermis and make it smoother;
  • cleansing of the skin should only be carried out soft scrubs, aggressive agents can increase the susceptibility of the epidermis to ultraviolet rays.

It is entirely acceptable to use professional cosmetics in the care of dry skin in the spring.

It is advisable to choose moisturizing creams that contain cocoa butter and aloe extract, vitamins A, C, E. Masks and cosmetic gels, serums with amino acids, selenium, etc. will be useful.

Caring for dry skin in summer

Sun rays, sea water, heat air, wind - absolutely all factors have a negative effect on the skin of the face. If it is dry, then summer period you will need to pay special attention to it. Cosmetologists highlight several basic recommendations for care:

  • Protection. It is required around the clock, so before going outside, be sure to apply a protective cream that will prevent harmful effects ultraviolet rays on dry facial skin. When choosing such products, you need to pay attention to the composition and give preference to those that have a minimum of chemical additives.

You definitely need to take care of your lips, because chapped and flaky, they will not add beauty to your appearance, so hygienic lipstick should be used constantly.

  • Hydration. Loss of fluid in the summer occurs very quickly and it would be a good idea to replenish it - you should definitely drink 2 liters of water per day. In addition, it is necessary to constantly irrigate or wipe your face with ice cubes.
  • Cleansing. Any exfoliating procedures should be carried out at least once a week. If you have dry skin, you should not use aggressive products; it is better to prepare scrubs yourself, and by and large, even pureed fruits and berries can rid the epidermis of excess scales. After such procedures, it is necessary to lubricate the skin with a moisturizer.
  • Nutrition. There is room to “turn around” here! Fruits and vegetables are freely available, so they need to be included in the menu in large quantities. From some vegetables and most fruits/berries you can make quick masks that will saturate the dermis in literally 10 minutes essential vitamins and microelements.

Summer is not a reason to forget about masks, which should be used at least 2 times a week. The most relevant during this period of the year will be:

  • Nutritious. The basis is taken from berries or fruits - apples, strawberries, peaches, apricots, currants and so on. They need to be turned into puree and added cream or sour cream - all components in equal proportions. Are applied nourishing masks Apply to pre-cleansed facial skin, leave for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

In case of excessive dryness of the dermis and existing peeling, it is recommended to add 5-10 drops of vegetable oil to nourishing masks, for which you can use olive, flaxseed, wheat germ, grape seeds, and nut oils.

A mask based on whole milk also has moisturizing properties: add 1 teaspoon of aloe leaf pulp and the same amount of oatmeal per 50 ml. Such products have their beneficial effects within 15 minutes - this is the time of the procedure.

  • Cleansing. They can replace scrubs, and the effect will be no less high. It is enough to mix 1 tablespoon of ground almonds (powder with small grains) with the same amount of liquid honey. The mass is applied to the face, and after 10 minutes a light massage is performed. After such a cleansing procedure, the face is washed with warm milk and lubricated with a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

Experts recommend not using decorative cosmetics in the summer, or at least limiting yourself to blush, mascara and lipstick. Anyway, foundation creams and powder will definitely be inappropriate.

By following all the tips for caring for dry skin, there will be no problems with it even in the summer, and the transition to autumn days will pass more painless.

Maintaining beauty in autumn

And during this period of the year, care for the dermis is required, although it is nourished with vitamins, constantly moisturized, and cleansed with the “right” products. In autumn, the biological rhythm of the body changes; a reduction in the light period of the day and an increase in the dark do not have a very positive effect on people. Because of this, the immune system and psycho-emotional background simply “revolt.” Therefore, competent caring procedures will be very appropriate.


It should be carried out with mild means and with the addition of vegetable oils. This will help retain moisture in the dermis and narrow the pores, which means that the risk of inflamed areas of facial skin becomes minimal. The most effective and safe recipes for cleansing masks for dry skin autumn period:

  • 1 tablespoon oat flour + 1 tablespoon milk + 1 teaspoon olive oil;
  • 1 teaspoon finely ground salt + 1 teaspoon almond oil + 1 tablespoon kefir;
  • 1 teaspoon chopped almonds + 1 tablespoon sour cream + 5 drops essential oil peach

Watch the video on how to properly care for dry skin:

These products are applied to the skin with soft circular rubbing movements - this period of the procedure lasts 3 - 4 minutes. Then the mass remains on the face for another 8 minutes and for the remaining 3 minutes it is again rubbed over the surface of the dermis. Only after these manipulations can you wash your face with warm water and treat your skin with a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

Cleansing procedures in the fall should be carried out at least once a week.

Hydration and nutrition

In the autumn, creams and masks with such properties should be used more often than in the summer. It is better to choose creams with a natural composition; they should contain cocoa and jojoba butters, glycerin and chamomile or calendula extracts. A nourishing cream is applied to the skin in the evening after mandatory cleansing without alcohol, and a moisturizing cream is applied twice a day.

As for homemade masks, in the fall you should pay attention to the following recipes:

You can apply the composition 2 times a week and wash off with warm milk.

  • Grind pear, grapes, apple and white cabbage into a puree. Take 1 tablespoon of the prepared mass, add to it any moisturizing cream in the amount of 1 teaspoon, stir everything and apply to the face. The procedure takes 20 minutes.

In the fall, you can actively use lotion to cleanse your face of decorative cosmetics, dust and dirt. It is prepared from 3 parts water and 1 part aloe pulp, stored for no more than 10 days in a cool place, and used 2 times a day. This composition is suitable for preparing ice cubes - they wipe the skin with them in the morning, replacing the usual washing procedure.

Dry facial skin, with proper and regular care, will remain fresh, toned and without any external changes at any time of the year. Peeling and redness, pigmentation and early wrinkles appear only if a person forgets about the recommendations of cosmetologists.

Useful video

Watch the video about masks for dry skin - advice from a cosmetologist:

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