Red Hill according to the church calendar. Red Hill, what kind of holiday is it and when is it celebrated?

Red Hill in 2017: what date, signs, traditions, history of the holiday. Red Hill is more of a folk holiday than a church holiday. However, the date of its celebration is directly related to Easter - it is celebrated a week after Easter. Since in 2017, then Red Hill will be on April 23.

Red Hill in 2017: what date, history of the holiday.
The Red Hill holiday has another name - it is also called Thomas's resurrection. The holiday received this name in honor of St. Thomas, who did not believe in the resurrection of Christ. And on the eighth day after his resurrection, Jesus appeared before Thomas the unbeliever. This explains the name of the holiday and why it is celebrated a week after Easter. This is where the popular expression came from "Doubting Thomas."

Red Hill in 2017: signs, traditions, history of the holiday.
Krasnaya Gorka April 23, 2017 is considered the day of the final arrival of spring. Our ancestors attached a special meaning to this name. The word "red" means beautiful. Spring is associated with beauty. But why exactly did the hill turn red? The thing is that it is much warmer at higher elevations. For this reason, festivities dedicated to spring and the sun god Yarila took place on the hills, where it was clean, dry, warm and sunny.

The symbol of the Red Hill holiday, like Easter, is an egg.

Our ancestors were onion skins. On the holiday, they were rolled down the slides - whose egg remained intact was the winner and could make a wish.

Also, the Red Hill holiday has always been considered a wedding day. After all, it was the first day after Lent when the church allowed weddings. The lovers hurried to seal their union on this day. After all, there was a sign that couples who got married on Krasnaya Gorka would live a long and happy family life.

And those who had not yet found their personal happiness, but really wanted it, led a festive round dance. Guys and girls looked closely at each other, choosing a pair.

According to tradition, on Krasnaya Gorka it is customary to have fun and enjoy the warmth and sun, organize festivities, sing songs, and dance in circles. We wish you a good mood!

Red Hill - sooner folk holiday, rather than church. However, this event is tied to Easter and is celebrated a week after it.

The meaning and traditions of the holiday

On this day, our ancestors celebrated the arrival of spring in its full strength and beauty. According to tradition, young people greeted the dawn on the day of the holiday. The greeting began with a song, and then Vesna was left with treats baked by the caring hands of the housewives. They baked a lush round loaf and painted eggs.

Those who engage in godly work will never be left without the support of higher powers. Try your hand at embroidering icons. A holy face embroidered with your own hands will become a real decoration for your room, and the work you spent on embroidery will be appreciated by the church. It was not for nothing that in ancient times wives embroidered icons when they sent their husbands to heroic deeds: such an icon was considered the best amulet. You can purchase the set and everything you need for embroidery right now if you follow this link.

Also, this day was considered the best for the birth of a new love, so our ancestors often resorted to all sorts of fortune telling about love and fate, bewitched their loved ones and tried to choose the most “red”, that is, beautiful, outfit for themselves on this day.

On this day, the young people organized noisy celebrations, where they looked for brides and grooms. According to legends, it was today that unmarried people were supposed to find their soul mate, so that their future spouse would not turn out to be unattractive and narrow-minded. To punish those who did not come to the celebration, they came up with offensive nicknames.

They held round dances on Krasnaya Gorka, presented each other with gifts, and lit large bonfires. On this day, girls and women performed a special ritual that drove away evil spirits from villages and settlements. This ritual consisted of the following: six women gathered outside the outskirts, three of them accompanied the icon of the Mother of God, three came out with a plow. They were joined by other women without headscarves and with loose hair. They put a couple of boards on the plow, sat on them and walked around the whole village in a circle with it, praising God and calling on him to help in expelling the evil spirits that harmed people, animals, and the harvest.

On this day, Orthodox Christians often go to the cemetery to honor the memory of their ancestors and carry out minor repairs and cleaning of graves.

Folk traditions And pagan rituals are closely intertwined with the Orthodox Christian world, so it is becoming increasingly difficult to determine the line separating two such different religions. We wish you a bright holiday, love and prosperity. Live in joy and don't forget to press the buttons and

13.04.2017 02:10

Easter week is the most joyful time for anyone Orthodox man. Its last day is Fomino...

The Feast of the Holy Trinity is an important day for every Orthodox person. According to legend, it was with this...

Red Hill is a folk holiday in which Orthodox and pagan traditions are closely intertwined. He is tied to Bright Resurrection Christ and is celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter.

The Orthodox Church celebrates Antipascha or St. Thomas Sunday on this day.

S utnik Georgia will tell you about the holiday and its traditions, as well as the meaning of all three of its names.

Red hill

The word “red” in Slavic dialects means “beautiful, blooming, cheerful.” Spring and summer itself are called red because the weather is clear and nature appears in all its glory.

The red slide means beautiful in its location and entertaining in its games. In many places, the hills or hillocks where people gathered in the spring were called red hills.

The holiday symbolizes rebirth, the victory of life over death, spring over the long winter. The essence of the holiday is to meet and greet spring in its full force and beauty. In the old days it was believed that by this day nature was already completely in the power of the bright blooming spring, and ahead lies the summer suffering and harvest.

The youth were looking forward to the holiday with great impatience; since ancient times they had met the festive dawn on a beautiful hill. The singer greeted the sunrise with a traditional song, and then everyone sang in chorus. At the end they left an offering to Spring - a round loaf and a painted egg.


The Orthodox Church gave the holiday a new meaning, linking it with Christian events. “Antipascha” is a Greek word, and the prefix “anti” does not mean “against”, but “instead”, that is, the repetition of the holiday on the eighth day after Easter.

A huge number of weddings are traditionally celebrated on Krasnaya Gorka. It is believed that a wedding played on this day will be the key to a long, happy family life.

The first mention of Antipascha is contained in the Antiochian Apostolic Constitutions, which date back to about 380, and the description of the Jerusalem service on this day is in the Pilgrimage of Egeria, about 400.

The service of Antipascha, according to the current Jerusalem Rule, is performed according to the order of the twelve (main) holidays, although formally the day itself is not included in such holidays.

Fomina week

In memory of the miracle of the assurance of the Apostle Thomas, this day is called Thomas Week. In the Church Slavonic language, the word “week” refers to Sunday - the day when you need to rest and devote time to God.

On this day, the service is associated with the remembrance of two appearances of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ to the apostles. The first happened on the evening of Easter, when only ten apostles saw Christ, among whom was not Thomas.

The second is on the eighth day after Easter, when the Savior appeared to all eleven apostles, including Thomas.

According to Scripture, the Apostle Thomas, who was absent during the first appearance, did not believe that Jesus Christ had risen, so the Savior appeared to him on the eighth day after his miraculous resurrection.

It is human nature to want to be confident after receiving confirmation, so people often demand logical, tangible evidence.

Thomas, seeing Christ, exclaimed: “My Lord and my God!” These words of his meant not only faith in the Resurrection of Christ, but also faith in Him as God. To which Jesus answered him: “You believed because you saw Me; Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

Traditions and customs

Red Hill was considered a day of love, the emergence of feelings and hopes. It has pagan roots and traditions - many of them have been lost over time, but some have survived to this day.

Previously, girls and boys met on Krasnaya Gorka. They chose their betrothed and in a playful, humorous manner announced and showed their affection and sympathy.

They prepared for the holiday in advance, since on Krasnaya Gorka it was customary to dress up in the most beautiful outfits and clothes. Young girls tried their best to attract attention to themselves - they wove bright ribbons into their braids and wore colorful scarves.

Red Hill was considered a girl's holiday.

On this day, mass celebrations, games, round dances, matchmaking, and chants were held. It was considered a bad omen for young people to sit at home on holiday, since it was rumored that those who did not go out to the festivities in Krasnaya Gorka would not be able to find a partner.

On this day, rituals were also held to protect the village from adversity and attract happiness and a good harvest. To carry out the ceremony, all the women gathered in the dark at the edge of the village, harnessed themselves to the plow and made a furrow around the entire village, while reading prayers.

If a cross was formed when closing the circle, this was considered a good omen. The deep furrow symbolized the protection of the settlement from disease, drought, crop failure and other misfortunes. Men did not participate in this ritual.

After the ceremony, festivities began, in which girls and boys from all over the village took an active part. The youth tried to show their skills and talents to the best of their ability - the girls sang and danced, and the boys demonstrated their dexterity and strength in small competitions.

A ritual for good luck was also held on Krasnaya Gorka - people rolled colored eggs from small hillocks. It was believed that if the egg rolled smoothly and did not break, then happiness and good luck awaited its owner.

In 2017, Krasnaya Gorka, unlike in the past, favors traditional weddings - it falls in April. According to popular belief, May - worst month for marriage. This was confirmed by the saying: “Getting married in May means toiling all your life.”

Signs for Krasnaya Gorka

Red Hill, like many other holidays, is associated with various signs that many people believe in to this day. The most common ones are for wealth, happiness and health.

So, in order not to be short of money, on Krasnaya Gorka you need to wash yourself in front of the icon. At the same time, the eldest in the family must wash those who are younger.

To attract happiness, people on this day made a wish on a coin and threw it into a well or pond. It was believed that this would bring happiness, and the wish would definitely come true.

To gain longevity and good health, it was customary to pray to the Lord on Krasnaya Gorka. People believed that on this holiday their prayers were heard not only by God, but also by deceased relatives who would also help those praying.

For those who follow the signs for Red Hill, the year promises material well-being and a happy marriage. But it should be remembered that these superstitions, like any others, are not approved by the church.

The material was prepared based on open sources

Published 04/23/17 11:55

The first Sunday after Easter in the church calendar is called Antipascha or St. Thomas Sunday. People call this day Red Hill. It is worth noting that the name Antipascha means “instead of Easter”: not opposition, but an appeal to the past holiday, a repetition of it.

Red Hill: what a holiday

All Christians on Easter Sunday first of all remember the life of the Apostle Thomas and his life path, full intkbbach Christian deeds. The Apostle Thomas hid during the execution of Jesus Christ. He did not have time to return to Jerusalem on the night from Saturday to Sunday, and therefore was not at the Holy Sepulcher during His great Resurrection. When he came to his brothers, he heard from them about the miracle that had happened, but did not believe their words. In response to their enthusiastic speeches, he declared: “Unless I see the marks of the nails in His hands and put my hand into His side, I will not believe!”

On the 8th day after the Resurrection, the Lord Jesus Christ appeared among His disciples and Thomas touched His wound left by the guard’s spear. Thomas believed in the Resurrection of the Lord, and Jesus reproached his disciple: “You saw and only then did you believe. Blessed are those who do not see and believe in My Resurrection.”

From that day on, Apostle Thomas became the most zealous servant of the Lord and a Christian preacher. He carried the Lord's teachings throughout the world and suffered martyrdom in India for his faith.

Red Hill in 2017: what date is it celebrated?

Red Hill is a holiday celebrated on the following Sunday following Easter. This year, 2017, Red Hill will be celebrated on April 23. The holiday is called that because all young people used to leave home on this day. Young people gathered in the very beautiful place, which was in the village. And this place was called Red. In this regard, people began to call the holiday Red Hill.

Red Hill: signs, customs

Krasnaya Gorka is often called a wedding holiday. It is believed that it is on Krasnaya Gorka that you can meet your destiny. Previously they said that it was impossible for those who did not have a partner to sit at home on this day. They absolutely had to go outside. Lovers preferred to have weddings on this day.

According to legend, marriages concluded on this day are especially strong. It was a favorite holiday among young people, when women dressed in their best clothes, often wearing red.

There are many traditions and rituals associated with this holiday. On Krasnaya Gorka, young people who wanted to start a family came to visit newlyweds who got married at the beginning of the year. The newlyweds wished the guests who came to them happiness in their married life and treated them to egg dishes symbolizing peace, harmony and beauty - painted eggs, eggs baked in ash, scrambled eggs.

On this day, unmarried girls hurried before others to feed the pregnant cow. It was believed that this way they would get married and get pregnant faster. People often got married on Krasnaya Gorka. It was believed that if the groom gets an egg with a double yolk on this day, his family will be rich. And if such an egg came across to the bride, then according to legend she could give birth to twins.

On this day, funeral liturgy is served in all churches. However, the Orthodox Church warns that it is better to go to the church on Krasnaya Gorka, and not to the cemetery.

It was forbidden to clear the cemetery on Krasnaya Gorka. It is also necessary to postpone all gardening work. It is believed that everything planted on this day will not sprout. The church has a negative attitude towards decorating graves and memorial tables near graves. It would be right to set the table at home and remember your relatives there. At the same time, you cannot drink alcoholic beverages.

Our people have holidays, the essence of which few people know thoroughly, but even without this, such days enjoy universal love and reverence. One of them, undoubtedly, is Krasnaya Gorka. Celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter, this day has a complex history in which pagan and Orthodox beliefs are intertwined.

So, if you are interested in learning about the Red Hill holiday (we’ll answer right away that exact date celebration of this day - April 23, 2017), as well as everything connected with it, read on.

Pagan origins

In ancient times in Rus', this holiday marked the arrival of spring. On this day, Yaril, the sun god, was honored, when honest people gathered for noisy festivities with songs, dances, comic games and quite serious competitions. They dressed smartly, in the best best clothes. The girls decorated themselves with ribbons and beads, trying to look the most beautiful of all. The guys didn't lag behind them either. Lada, who was considered the manager of the festivities, was chosen from among the girls. She started songs, round dances, and started games.

On this holiday, “suns” were considered a mandatory attribute in all homes - round ones, if possible. shiny objects, symbolizing the sun. The main product from which holiday dishes were prepared were eggs. They made scrambled eggs from them, baked them in ash, simply boiled them, baked pies with egg filling, again observing the important condition - that these dishes should be round “sunny” in shape.

The main motive of all the songs was the invitation to spring.

Wedding on Krasnaya Gorka - together forever

On this holiday it was customary to send matchmakers and play weddings for the first time after the long Lent. It was believed that a family created on this holiday would be strong, friendly, and indestructible forever. Like everything that came to us from house building, this approach had a purely economic rationale. Adding one more person to the family meant another working hand, with the help of which it was possible to significantly increase the amount of work performed.

Sitting at home on this day and not going out in search of your soulmate was considered a bad sign. For the guys, this meant an ugly, pockmarked wife, but for the girls, they were destined to remain single.

The wedding on the first Sunday after Easter attracted an unprecedented number of people wanting to get married. Therefore, church ministers could not reach all the newlyweds, which is where the belief came from - if you are lucky to get married on this holiday, you will never be separated.

  • On this day, girls and boys who were looking for their destiny went to visit a young family created at the beginning of the year. There, single people were always treated to krashankas.
  • At the conclusion of the wedding feast, the bride took a ribbon from her braid and wrapped it around the braids of unmarried girls, wishing them a quick marriage.
  • The groom caught the boys and girls scattering in front of him. Those whom he caught first could hope for a quick marriage.
  • At the wedding in the church there was a sorcerer in disguise who performed special rituals for prosperity and happiness in the home of the newlyweds. So, in each corner of the hut he drew a cross with his finger, and under the marital bed he placed a special vessel filled with herbal mixture and spells for good luck.

Beliefs and signs - attract good luck

People believed that simple rituals would help ensure prosperity in the family, protect against evil, and fortune telling would tell what it would be like. next year whether there is destined to be happiness and harmony between spouses.

  • If they wanted to attract wealth, they washed themselves with the water that had previously been used to wash the icons. Moreover, a prerequisite for such an action was to keep it secret, otherwise the entire ritual would lose its power.
  • Luck and happiness were caught on this day with the help of a coin thrown into a well, river, lake, pond.
  • Health was granted by fervent prayers to the Lord. The people believed that praise and requests offered to God on this day reach the Almighty faster, because on this day deceased relatives help all people convey their words.
  • In some regions of Russia, people went to the cemetery to remember their deceased relatives and friends. This custom turned out to be quite resistant to the test of time - this is still done in many areas of our country.
  • Eggs, specially painted for this day, preferably red, were rolled from a natural or hand-made hillock. An egg that rolled down without cracks was considered a sign of good luck and luck for the entire next year. The spouses also tested themselves by rolling 2 eggs side by side; if they rolled side by side, they would live peacefully and in harmony; if not, then quarrels and disagreements would be frequent.

Orthodox traditions on Krasnaya Gorka in 2017

In Orthodoxy, this day is called St. Thomas Sunday in honor of Thomas the unbeliever, who doubted that the Lord had risen. The Almighty appeared to doubting Thomas on this very day, which gave the name to this holiday, and the next week is called Fomina.

In the church on Krasnaya Gorka, just like many centuries ago, special services will be held, and prosphora with the crumb pulled out from the middle will be distributed. This prosphora is called “antidor”. It is received on crossed palms, with the right one on top, and such a gift is eaten right there in the church.

No matter how hard the official church tries to eradicate the pagan roots of this holiday among the people, it is still not possible to do this completely. The beliefs of our ancestors are too strong, as if genetically embedded in us. Therefore, this holiday remains a unique combination of paganism and Christianity, concentrating faith in the best, new, hope for happiness, prosperity, spiritual harmony with God, the world and oneself.

Having found out what date the Red Hill celebration falls on, it will now be easier and more interesting to prepare for this day. You will be able to put a deeper spiritual meaning into it, look into yourself, and once again restore order in your heart, throwing out all the grievances, leaving only room for love and faith.

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