Download stencils for the New Year. New Year's vytynanki: decorating the house with a silhouette paper cutout

Create New Year's atmosphere possible with products self made, cut out of paper. They are called vytynanki, which means “clippings.” Here you can find silhouettes of New Year's heroes: Father Frost and Snow Maiden, snowmen, gnomes, various Christmas trees, balls and bells, snowflakes, snow-covered houses, figurines of deer and cute animals.

Today we offer you stencils for New Year's decorations of various themes. Let's be inspired by the actions of the masters and the finished works for decorating windows, Christmas trees, postcards, and the New Year's scene. The following templates can be easily printed on a sheet of white paper, cut out and pasted on the window. soap solution, or secure it in other corners of the New Year's interior.

With small cutouts you can decorate a window or create a composition on a windowsill or table; larger cutouts can be used to decorate walls in a room or on a stage.

These are the images you might end up with:

Stencils for the silhouette cutting of the Snow Maiden and Father Frost:

Choose your favorite stencil with the image of Grandfather Frost and his granddaughter. As a tool, you can use thin scissors, stationery knives, you will definitely need a backing board so as not to scratch the table.

Vytynanka Christmas tree

You can cut out the Christmas tree using a stencil as a silhouette, or you can make a symmetrical cutout by folding a sheet of paper in half. We make a standing Christmas tree in one of the following ways: glue two symmetrical Christmas trees onto an oval paper stand, or fold each Christmas tree in half and glue it together.

Snowflakes and ballerinas

Snowflakes are very different. Especially if the master uses all his imagination. So, you can cut out a symmetrical snowflake by folding the paper several times. Look what design was applied in the form of a stencil and what an unusual tip the snowflakes have.

Inside a snowflake there can be a completely independent composition. For example, a New Year's snowman or a snowy forest.

Snowflakes can take the form of light snow ballerinas. To do this, cut out the silhouette of a ballerina separately and put it on her. openwork snowflake and hang it by the thread. It turns out to be a very delicate airy decoration.

Christmas balls

Christmas tree decorations can be cut out according to symmetrical scheme, and according to an individual stencil. These decorations can be used to complement a composition on a window, decorate a Christmas tree, or attach them with threads to a chandelier or curtain.


We make carved bells using a stencil. If you glue translucent paper, for example, tracing paper, to the inside of the cutout, then such a bell can be used with a backlight effect.

Reindeer, sleigh, cart

Another fabulous New Year's hero is the deer. The delivery of the wizard Father Frost and the Snow Maiden is associated with it. We offer stencils for cutting out deer, carts and sleighs.


Charming good-natured Snowmen should definitely decorate the New Year's house. It’s easy to cut out their figures symmetrically, or you can make a “family photo of Snowmen” or a composition with a Christmas tree and children.

New Year numbers

You can cut out beautiful numbers for the coming New Year using these templates:

Beasts, signs and symbols

You can make a custom New Year's decoration. To do this, we cut out paper silhouettes of our favorite pets, fairy tale and cartoon characters, birds and animals in a fabulous winter forest.

Cut out the figures of the sun and moon using stencils and complete your composition.

Snowy houses

It will be very cozy if there is a snow-covered house on the window in the New Year's picture. It could be a small hut or a whole palace.


Who is looking forward to the New Year and Santa Claus the most? Well, of course, children! Using silhouette paper cutting, we make figures of children near the Christmas tree, with gifts, singing and dancing, in a word, we bring the true atmosphere of the holiday!


We offer options for vytynanok - candles. They can be independent or combined with balls, bells, branches and bows.


For Christmas, you can cut out thematic patterns dedicated to the events and circumstances of this event. These can be silhouettes of Jerusalem, images of angels, shepherds and wise men. And don't forget about the Star of Bethlehem!

You can separately cut out the silhouette of the Star of Bethlehem:

The central place among the Christmas decorations should, of course, be given to the Nativity scene - the cave in which the Savior was born. The manger of the Divine Child is comfortably surrounded by hay and domestic animals.

Composition with lighting

With openwork paper cutouts you can decorate not only the window, but also create a three-dimensional panorama on the windowsill. It will be especially impressive if you put a garland or small lights inside the box.

Get involved in the design of New Year's decorations - made of paper with your children. This is not only useful for developing imagination, training fine motor skills hands, but it will also give you a lot of pleasure from joint creativity, and then from contemplating the resulting beauty!

And create a festive atmosphere in the rooms. And no, you don’t need to spend a lot of money on all sorts of tinsel to do this! To create New Year's patterns on windows (or even entire pictures - it all depends only on your imagination), you will need a little time, paper, scissors and paints. Create a real one in your home New Year's tale! Our instructions will help you with this and New Year's stencils, which you can download and print at a time convenient for you.

How to use New Year's stencils?

The stencils are extremely simple to use: save the selected image to your computer, print it out and use thin, preferably nail scissors, to cut out the base (pattern). We completely discard the black areas, but the white ones will be useful to us. It is better to paint stencils with special paints for painting on glass, or at least with toothpaste - ordinary paints can cause some inconvenience when washed.

Window decorated with stencils

Toothpaste can be diluted in a small amount of water and applied using a cotton sponge, or you can dip a toothbrush in it and run your finger over it, sprinkling the paste over the stencil. The paper pattern itself should be attached with pieces of tape, and after the paint or toothpaste has hardened, it should be removed from the glass. The paper stencil will be disposable (it will quickly get wet), but you can make patterns from cardboard or even thin plastic.

If you have artificial snow available in cans, you can apply it instead of toothpaste. After you remove the stencil, a funny snow silhouette will remain on the glass. By the way, with the help of stencils you can also create drawings on the wall using decorative plaster or paint, but this is for longer use.

Using stencils to decorate an apartment

In addition to patterns on glass or a mirror, stencils with New Year's themes can be used in many other ways to create a New Year's mood: with their help, you can cut out figures from colored paper, fabric or felt, decorating your house and Christmas tree with them, and also use them as patterns for decoration and coconut flakes or powdered sugar. Use your imagination - and you will probably find your own, original way!

Stencils for the New Year of the Monkey 2016

The most long-awaited holiday of the year is approaching - New Year. Preparations for it are in full swing. Since next year will be the year of the monkey, we suggest making a souvenir - a paper monkey.
Making a paper monkey is not a difficult task, so you can do it with your children or give the task to older children, and the child can paint a ready-made paper monkey.

Materials for robots:

  • muzzle
  • torso
  • paws

New Year card

To make it work New Year card with a monkey, you just need to have a sheet of paper and watercolor paints with you. A child's footprint can be "transformed" into a monkey sitting under a palm tree!
Before you make a paper monkey, prepare the workpieces in advance.

Christmas tree decorations

You can decorate your home Christmas tree with interesting faces. So, how to make a paper monkey? It's simple. Find a symbol template online next year, print it out and cut it out along the bold lines. Based on the resulting picture, you can collect the most various options execution.
How to make a paper monkey with your own hands? To do this, you need to draw the paws, head, torso, tail, cut them out and glue them to each other. You can add shoes to the monkey. Carefully glue the parts along specially designated strips. Now you are convinced that making a paper monkey is very simple, and most importantly, it is very relevant on the eve of the New Year. Also, on the eve of the holiday, you can make it together with your children.

Monkeys from templates and stencils

You can choose a variety of paper monkey templates, from a stylish monkey to a mischievous prankster. The most favorite holiday of the year for children and adults is approaching, choose your favorite paper monkey template and get to work immediately. And how much you need to do: come up with a New Year's menu, and outfits, and prepare fun for New Year's Eve.
A paper monkey template will lift the spirits of all family members.

Using ready-made monkey templates, you can create them from paper, fabric, felt and many others. interesting ideas. Create a real fairy tale in your home. For convenience in preparing crafts, there is a paper monkey stencil. Using stencils is very simple: save it to your computer, print it out and cut out the base with thin scissors. Thanks to such an assistant as a stencil, any monkey made of paper, fabric, etc. simply cannot turn out ugly. To paint a stencil, it is better to use special paints; with ordinary ones, trouble can happen - they will spread. To make a paper monkey, it is better to use a cardboard stencil, since the paper gets wet and the drawing may turn out to be inaccurate.

Table decoration

How to make a paper monkey so that you can put a souvenir as a table decoration. The parts must be glued, carefully cut a line along the body and insert the parts of the legs directly inside the body. You can make an original paper monkey for the window. We recommend decorating your festive table.

Window decoration

To make a paper monkey for a window you will need: colored paper, ready-made template, knife.
Find the template you like and print it. We fasten two sheets around the drawing so that it does not move during work. We take a knife and start cutting out a monkey from paper for the window.
We remove the white parts of the design, then move on to cutting out small parts and finish with large parts. Remove the template and the paper monkey applique is ready. The final touch is to cut out the picture in a circle from the outside. The resulting paper monkey applique can be used to decorate not only a window, but also any mirror in your home. You can buy a frame and place a paper monkey applique in it. The picture will delight you for the next year.

Origami monkey

Paper origami monkey is one of the most fashionable activities today. This figurine is absolutely easy to assemble from paper at home. How to make an origami monkey out of paper?
You will need a sheet of paper measuring at least 15x15 centimeters. According to the instructions, assembling an origami paper monkey will not take you much time. Use the proposed diagrams and you will already be able to do the following crafts yourself, without looking at the tips.


New Year 2016 is approaching. It's time to dress up Christmas tree. Decorating a Christmas tree is a favorite pastime for all family members. But the Christmas tree in the room looks lonely. To create a New Year's interior, additional elements are required.

Using regular A4 paper, you and your children can make your own New Year’s decorations for walls and windows, which will colorfully complement the New Year’s preparations you have begun.

So, the topic of today’s post is a creative task that causes exceptional joy in children - how to make New Year’s window decorations - window decorations cut out using a stencil with your own hands. We implement ideas for a home in style New Year's decoration. Let's make it with our own hands together with the children new Year decoration on walls and windows in the year of the monkey (monkey or monkey).

New Year's vytynanki are an ideal option for toys made by a child's hands. Toys and paintings made by parents together with their child using a stencil will allow you to find common points of mutual understanding, and will simply bring real pleasure to both you and your child!

At the same time, hand-made New Year's decorations will be your child's favorite decoration of all the toys hanging on the Christmas tree. The child will carry this joint creative process with him throughout his life!

A creative look at New Year's decorations will plant in the child's soul the seeds of a creative approach, the ability to think outside the box, the ability to find original solutions, which over time will grow in him as the distinctive qualities of a comprehensively developed and creative personality!

All the necessary pictures for New Year's paintings - pictures in the year of the monkeys (monkeys or monkeys) - are given below. Pictures need to be saved to your computer and inserted into MS Word. Stretch it over the entire sheet (or several - you can glue them together later). Print it out and cut it out with your child, leaving only the white design. The pictures are glued to paper tape or soap.

Everything you need for creativity is in your hands - just take scissors and make this New Year's magic with your child!

In the Year of the Monkey, New Year's decorations with your own hands. New Year's decoration. Garland of monkeys_300 Year of the Monkeys-New Year-decorations-with-your-hands.-New Year-decoration.Monkey with a pipe_h In-year-of-the-Monkeys-New Year-decorations-with-your-hands.-New Year-decorations.Snowflake from monkeys_b

In-the-Year-of-the-Monkey-New-Year-decorations-with-your-hands.-New-Year-decoration.Snowflake from monkeys. Monkey mask In-the-Year-of-the-Monkey-New Year-decorations-with-your-hands.-New Year-decoration.Monkey with a flower

In the Year of the Monkey, New Year's decorations, with your own hands. New Year's decoration. Monkey with a flower -New Year-decorations-with-your-hands.-New Year-decoration.Monkey in a ball 2016

In the year of the Monkey, New Year's decorations, with your own hands. -Monkeys-New Year-decorations-with-your-hands.-New Year-decoration.Monkey with a pipe_b

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