Beautiful pattern of snowflakes on windows to print. Paper snowflakes with templates and stencils for cutting

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Until the mood appears, we will not feel the onset of the most magical holiday. How to get this mood? Start preparing your apartment or house for the celebration: do it with the kids winter theme, look at the decor information and stick lacy snowflakes on the windows.

There are craftsmen who have just folded a piece of paper and already see or draw an ornament on it, along the contour of which they will cut out the product. I think that this requires a lot of imagination. We will do it simpler and take the templates and diagrams that I will show in this article as the basis for snowflakes.

There are very difficult options for cutting, I didn’t even consider them, because a sheet folded in four or five times is simply impossible to cut out. Therefore, let's take simpler schemes.

Of course, you can take these as a base, and use not only paper, but also plywood, felt or cardboard. But it’s easier for your child to cut out such an ornament from a landscape sheet or sheets for a photocopier.

In the diagrams, the white part is cut off.

The paper is folded three times, then 6 corners are obtained.

For those who transfer the pattern by hand, there is a whole selection of all kinds of designs.

Or these are the options.

You can experiment and take something that is not familiar to everyone White color, and buy blue, light blue, red and yellow shades.

And craftsmen glue such beauty not only to windows or walls, but also make a real decorative element using beautiful ribbons and a photo frame, as in the photo below.

Interesting idea, right?

Schemes for cutting snowflakes from paper

If you want to take a better look at the diagram, you can zoom in on it on the monitor and only then trace it.

I have long noticed that a snowflake looks more beautiful if its tip is cut off a little. Can be in the shape of a heart, circle, diamond or triangle.

If you cut the center at an angle, you will get a star in the middle.

Or like here.

Curls add delicacy to the finished version.

Use animal shapes, such as cats.

Or the shape of stars, Christmas trees.

A very simple cutting pattern.

Even a small child can cut this pattern.

Petals and rounded shapes will make the snowflake more rounded and full.

It is better to take a larger sheet of paper, then the lines will be thicker and the pattern will look better.

Use well-known openwork shapes: heart, rhombus, curl.

Templates for cutting out paper snowflakes for windows that can be printed

Here's a couple interesting templates, which are easy to print. Cut along the outline and attach to a folded sheet of paper to trace.

Most often, a sheet of paper is folded three or four times. And the more folding, the more openwork and fluffier the snowflake turns out, but it also becomes more difficult to cut.

This is where the gray part is cut out.

My child and I glue paper figures and winter appliqués onto the windows. toothpaste. It sticks well and washes off quickly.

Interesting options with silhouettes of Olaf the snowman from the cartoon and deer.

Another selection of beautiful patterns.

To cut out small parts, use a utility knife or blade.

Sharp corners look very beautiful.

You can make a completely round snowflake.

You will want to take a closer look at the snowflake with silhouettes of butterflies and flowers.

Don’t even think about gluing them with PVA glue! It is very difficult to wash it off the glass; sometimes you even have to scrape it off the glass, which leaves scratches on it. A couple of my friends thought of doing this. They had to worry about washing away the consequences in the spring.

Or you can use a self-adhesive one as a basis colored paper, it is sold in many office supply stores. It is quite dense and comes off the surface easily.

Paper snowflakes: cutting templates

I really like it when, while walking in the yard on a winter evening, you see interesting combinations of snowflakes and New Year’s character figures on your neighbors’ windows. It creates a festive mood and a desire to invent something and make something with your own hands. And not just buy something ready-made in the store. Still, in creativity we realize ourselves.

And how happy the children are! Our process was structured like this: I fold a sheet of paper and draw a pattern on it, the child cuts it out and together with dad or grandmother they go to glue it on the window. Adults control the composition on the window and the consumption of toothpaste, and the child is completely responsible for the gluing process. In general, everyone is involved, everyone is also in the mood.

You can use all these patterns for decorating and gift wrapping.

To create a harmonious composition on the window, it is better to glue the largest snowflakes on top along the perimeter of the upper sash, and reduce the diameter of the decor towards the bottom, this will turn out interesting and tasteful.

Alternatively, you can glue them along the entire perimeter of the window without touching its middle. This design is often used on scarves. It turns out like a wreath, only there are large snowflakes at the edges, and towards the center they become smaller.


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Hello again, blog subscribers and guests. After all, New Year is the most beloved and desired holiday. Both adults and children are waiting for it. And this is connected with the magical atmosphere of New Year’s Eve, as well as the belief in miracles and the fulfillment of all desires when the clock strikes 12...

And probably the whole country is preparing in a special way for this event. New Year is awaited in every home! Therefore, in November-December, cities begin to transform, and houses also correspond to the New Year’s theme. So, on the windows there are beautiful paper ones in the form of fairy-tale characters and multi-colored lights, and some have small ones.

Today I again want to talk about how you can festively decorate your houses, apartments, and even work spaces. After all, how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it!

And since it’s hard to argue with the fact that cutting out snowflakes is for New Year's decor has already become a kind of tradition and an obligatory attribute of this magical holiday, then the story will be about them.

These carved beauties always decorate windows, Christmas trees, kindergartens and schools, and office premises. After all, they look very impressive and create a festive atmosphere.

I recently told you how you can make different ways(from beads, fabric, threads, etc.), but I will devote this issue only to the creation of beauties from paper using the technology of cutting out templates. This is the easiest and favorite way to create New Year's decorations.

First of all, I’ll briefly tell you how to fold the paper to prepare the basis for applying a stencil and further cutting out snowflakes.

So, the easiest way is to fold the sheet five times. To do this, you need to fold the sheet in half the first four times, and diagonally the fifth time. This method is very simple, but its disadvantage is that the products are angular. Therefore, it is better to take a closer look at other folding methods according to the diagrams below.

The most popular and correct folding of paper in order to cut out a six-pointed snowflake is the following option. We have been accustomed to making winter beauties using it since childhood.

After you choose your folding method, be sure to practice so that later the products turn out smooth and beautiful. Then come up with or find a ready-made template, print it and transfer it to a piece of paper. Carefully cut out the stencil and unfold the product. In fact, this is all that is required from you to make snowflakes.

To cut out snowflakes, choose a thick one (but not too thick), good quality paper.

If you don’t really understand the diagrams or my explanation, I recommend watching the instructional video on folding snowflakes. Then everything will definitely work out the first time.

Beautiful snowflakes for cutting with simple patterns for children

After you learn how to fold paper correctly, it's time to start choosing a template for creating patterned snowflakes.

Start with simple and uncomplicated patterns. Also involve children in creativity, believe me, they can do this activity too.

Templates for cutting snowflakes from paper for windows

You can always make Christmas tree decorations from ready-made patterned beauties. But most often windows are decorated with fluff. Let's see what templates I found from the Internet. Be sure to try cutting out each product.

Also using finished goods, you can get a little creative and make not ordinary snowflakes, but, for example, ballerinas. Look how cute it turns out!

3D paper snowflakes for the New Year. Step-by-step manufacturing instructions:

They also look amazing and very impressive volumetric snowflakes. They are made in different ways. I'll show you a couple of options.

The first and very simple way to make three-dimensional masterpieces is to cut out ordinary snowflakes according to any template, but in several versions. Then the blanks are folded in half and connected to each other.

The next option is also simple and involves twisting the paper.

And here are the steps:

  • Cut out 6 circles from paper;
  • Draw the markings in the form of lines 0.5 mm wide using a pencil and ruler;
  • Make cuts, twist the paper with a pencil and secure with glue;
  • Make five more elements in the same way;
  • Connect the blanks (by sewing or gluing them) and decorate the middle with a bead or rhinestone!

No less interesting, but more complicated is the quilling technique. But it makes for very creative decorations.

Also use the origami technique.

Or by making it from paper strips.

I really liked the idea of ​​making it fluffy snowflakes. They really turn out very beautiful and so light and delicate!

Of course, these are not all examples of 3D snowflakes. It’s just that this is a whole separate topic, if you are interested in it, I can prepare a specially separate post. Necessary? Then write in the comments). And we need to move on.

Light and beautiful snowflakes in A4 format - you can download and print

Actually wandering around the Internet a large number of stencils for cutting out snowflakes. Therefore, I tried my best to put together the coolest and simplest of them. I'm leaving the templates right here and right now. Download and print!

How to cut out small snowflakes using templates and glue them to windows

And I’m also throwing stencils at you to create a festive and fabulous atmosphere in your home. Hurry up, take a look and choose to your taste!

By the way, do you know how to glue snowflakes to windows?

The following means are usually used to attach New Year's decor:

  • toothpaste;
  • milk;
  • soap solution;
  • water;
  • liquid paste;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • PVA glue, stationery.

Let's take a closer look at each method of attaching decorations to windows, as well as how to remove all the decor and whether it is necessary to clean the windows after that.

I usually use soapy water or toothpaste. It’s simple, quick, and you don’t need to clean the windows for a long time afterwards. 😀

Volumetric paper snowflakes with cutting templates

Now, as a separate item, I would like to offer you diagrams for cutting out 3D snowflakes. You already know how to make them, all that remains is to choose the design of the decoration.

We cut out snowflakes very easily and simply according to the diagrams

Well, and some simple stencils and the cutting results. There are so many things that even your eyes run wild. I think you can cut out snowflakes right now in order to prepare more of them in advance.

And at the end I want to show windows, Christmas trees and more already decorated with snowflakes. So to speak, I offer you ideas for New Year's decor.

I think there are definitely plenty of templates and ideas for cutout art now. So go ahead and cut out New Year's beauties. And don’t forget to bookmark the article, otherwise God forbid you lose it).

That's all. I wish you a great mood as always! Bye bye my dears!

Good afternoon Dear friends. Very soon the pre-New Year's chores will begin and there will be a huge number of things to do. From decorating windows with paper snowflakes to decorating an apartment under New Year. Also, don’t forget that you will need to choose a gift or gifts for each family member, and about the fact that you will need to prepare a lot, I generally keep quiet about this, since this is a special expense item. Don't forget to write for the holiday outside too.

And of course, everyone wants to decorate their home so that it would be the best and most beautiful on the street or in the entrance. And this, dear friends, can be done without much expense. You can decorate your windows with paper snowflakes and spend almost nothing on it. Below in the article you can find a variety of templates for cutting snowflakes from paper.

Even if you don't have a printer to print these patterns, you can hold a piece of paper to the screen and trace the pattern with a pencil.

Making paper snowflakes is a very fun family activity because the whole family can participate in the decoration. When we were kids, we used to have competitions about whose snowflake would be the most beautiful.

In order to cut out a snowflake you will need

1 sheet of A4 paper

Cutting steps

Take a simple sheet of paper. The photo shows the diagonals along which we will fold the sheet.

Carefully fold the sheet and cut along line B.

After you cut it, you are left with this triangle in your hands. Fold it exactly in half.

Now we divide the resulting triangle with two lines into three more triangles. You can fold it by eye, but it’s better to use a ruler.

Let's wrap one side first. Then another.

This is what happened in the end. You need to cut off the bottom part to get an even source for cutting out a snowflake.

Well, now you can start cutting out the snowflake the way you want. The top of the triangle will be the middle of the snowflake. For now, try and fantasize without templates. You can cut out whatever comes to your mind.

This is what I got as a result of my first experiments.

The cut out snowflake is not quite ready yet, as the fold lines are clearly visible. To avoid this, you need to straighten these lines using an iron.

Now your snowflake is smooth, beautiful and completely ready. Don't be afraid to experiment and you will definitely succeed.

Stencils (templates) of snowflakes for printing

Below I am attaching a large selection of stencils for printing on a printer. You will need to save the picture to your computer, and then print the image you like on a printer. You can also simply trace the image with a pencil and attach a piece of paper to the screen.

Pictures of New Year's snowflakes for printing

Here's another large selection snowflake stencils that can also be glued to windows. In order to cut out a snowflake using these stencils, you also need to save and print any picture. Then fold the printed image in half and cut out the object along the contour. If you want to involve children in this matter, then it is better to choose simpler schemes. so that the kids will definitely succeed.

Volumetric snowflakes on windows for the New Year 2020

You can also decorate your windows with beautiful voluminous snowflakes. It won't be difficult to do this if you follow our detailed instructions. I propose to make such a beautiful two-color winter beauty. To do this you will need two sheets of colored paper, scissors and glue.

And so we take the first blue sheet and make an even square out of it. We bend it as shown in the photo below.

We bend the resulting triangle in the middle.

We do everything exactly because if the edges are not even, the snowflake will not turn out beautiful.

This is what the workpiece looks like from above.

Pick up the upper part of the common fold with your fingers and connect it to the side where there are three folds. You should get a triangle with a long acute angle.

We cut the folded triangle at an angle from the right. This is what should happen in the end.

Now we take the workpiece in our hands so that the fold line is on the left, and the side with three folds is on the right.

And we make very thin cuts on the fold side. The thinner the cuts, the fluffier the snowflake will be.

We make cuts almost to the very end to get a second-level blank like this.

Carefully unfold the workpiece. And look what beauty we have already achieved, but this is not the end.

Now you need to take a white sheet of paper, bend it into a triangle with sides of 15 cm. Since the first snowflake was cut out from a triangle with sides of 20 cm.

Just like we cut out the first snowflake, we cut out the second one. We also bend the square into a triangle.

And we make the same small cuts.

Then we unfold the workpiece and in front of us there are already two snowflakes of different colors.

All that remains is to make one more blue snowflake, but with triangle sides of 10 cm.

As a result, when we have three snowflakes different sizes. From which you can assemble one beautiful and voluminous snowflake.

The second one can be made with a different alternation of colors.

As you can see, making such a snowflake is not at all difficult. I think that even a child can cope with such a task.

Video on how to make voluminous snowflakes to decorate windows

You can try to make these decorations for the New Year's interior. The video explains in detail step by step how beautiful voluminous snowflakes are made.

Downloads: 49746.
Added in 2005.
Download: Sn-SVK01
Downloads: 63759.
Added in 2005.
Download New Year's snowflake stencil: Sn-SVK02
Downloads: 46489.
Added in 2005.
Download: Sn-SVK03
Downloads: 66863.
Added in 2005.
Download New Year's snowflake stencil: Sn-SS04
Downloaded: 96204.
Added in 2005.

If you want to draw your own snowflake, you can download a free blank template with numbered lines for folding paper.

Say thanks to the artists!

If you like the downloaded snowflake patterns, then you can say Thank you by writing a message in the Guestbook or downloading the general archive with all the snowflakes from the “ Classic snowflakes», « Specific snowflakes" And " Baby snowflakes» (Total 95 pcs.) for only 24 rubles. through our New Year's online store. Also, by downloading the specified archive, you will additionally receive bonus patterns of paper snowflakes, which are impossible to obtain in any other way:

  • Snowflake stencil with cobwebs and spiders.
  • A fairy-tale snowflake with an image of a frog princess sitting on a lily... more precisely, six frog princesses... :-)
  • A stencil of snowflakes with aliens standing on a flying saucer with flags in their hands.
  • Mesmerizing snowflake with Egyptian wall paintings.
  • Snowflake stencil with a picture of a turtle.
  • Snowflake template with butterflies.
  • Snowflake with the image of fish skeletons (fish bones) - a reminder of the New Year's herring under a fur coat;) :)))
  • Pirate snowflake - Jolly Roger.
  • You will receive a general archive with bonus schemes automatically to your e-mail immediately after payment.

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    Download the archive with miniatures of snowflakes

    After you have downloaded snowflakes in doc format on this page, you can also download an archive with miniatures of the same name for all snowflake patterns available on the site (except for the “Snowflake of the Year” section):

    Unpack the contents of this archive into the folder in which you saved the free downloaded snowflake patterns. These miniatures will help you see what cut out snowflakes look like and subsequently choose which patterns to print at one time or another.

    How to make your own classic snowflake

    If you want to do it yourself New Year's stencils snowflakes from paper, you can look at the pictures and with comments for instructions on how to correctly fold and cut a six-pointed paper snowflake(for free):
    How to make a six-pointed paper snowflake step by step

    Do-it-yourself New Year's paper snowflakes for the New Year will create the atmosphere of this most important holiday like nothing else! And ready New Year's schemes(templates, stencils) paper New Year's snowflakes will help you with this.
    Happy New Year!!!

    Absolutely everything, patterns (templates, stencils) of snowflakes from this section can not only be downloaded for free, but also unpacked! All archives without registration, without passwords and SMS confirmations!

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