Oil for stretch marks during pregnancy. Using natural oils against stretch marks during pregnancy

During pregnancy, almost all organs and systems of the expectant mother are subjected to extreme stress, and the skin is no exception. An enlarging belly, plumping breasts and rounded hips are the most common places for stretch marks to appear. Some pregnant women treat them as inevitable changes, while others try with all their might to avoid the appearance of this cosmetic defect, because becoming a mother does not mean ceasing to be a beautiful woman.

What are pregnancy stretch marks?

Stretch marks, or stretch marks, have a very specific medical name: stripe-like skin atrophy. It affects not only pregnant women, but also teenagers and even men. They appear as the body’s response to hormonal swings, some endocrine diseases, and weight changes. Genetic predisposition also plays an important role.

In pregnant women, the pregnancy hormone progesterone is involved in the appearance of stretch marks. It reduces the ability of skin cells to produce collagen and elastin - structural elements of the dermis that ensure its firmness and elasticity. When the skin is stretched for a long time, its fibers simply burst, and their place is filled with connective tissue (as in scars). Pregnancy stripes - stretch marks - at the beginning of their appearance are pinkish, then acquire a more saturated color (from dark pink to violet-purple), then gradually turn pale, but do not go away completely.

Soon, in place of the crimson lines, whitish seals will appear, noticeable even against a tan.

The skin is only a “mirror” of the changes occurring in the body, and not a single product used externally can prevent the appearance of stretch marks with a 100% guarantee. Advertising promises from cosmetics manufacturers to prevent the appearance of scars or get rid of existing ones are still deceit. Moreover, even using the entire spectrum available funds

In no case do I urge you to completely abandon self-care, attributing everything to genetics. I just want to warn against unjustified expectations from using this or that cosmetic product. And genetic predisposition is also very capricious: my sister, having become pregnant at the age of 25, acquired stretch marks, but I, having given birth to my first child at 39, did not... Neither she nor I gained more than the 11–12 kilograms recommended by gynecologists during pregnancy. I used skin care products very irregularly.

Can oils be used for stretch marks during pregnancy?

There is no direct ban on the use of oils to combat stretch marks, but the choice of product must be approached wisely. General properties - retaining moisture in the skin, nourishing, smoothing, increasing elasticity and firmness of the skin - are characteristic of all oils, but some components of complex mixtures may make them unsuitable for use during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester.

What skin oils can you use during pregnancy?

Among the various oils for skin care during pregnancy, you can find both pure vegetable oils (liquid and solid) and cosmetic ones.

All of them must be hypoallergenic and not have a potentially harmful effect on the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy.

Cosmetic oil is a multicomponent composition based on vegetable oils and various additives - essential oils, emulsifiers, and sometimes also preservatives, fragrances, parabens

  • It is allowed to use natural liquid vegetable oils:
  • sunflower;
  • olive;
  • corn;
  • linen;
  • peanut;
  • castor;
  • sesame;
  • burdock;
  • mustard;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • almond;
  • from avocado;
  • from wheat germ;
  • from peach, grape, watermelon, apricot seeds;

from pumpkin seeds.

Photo gallery: the most popular liquid vegetable oils allowed during pregnancy

In ancient times, olive oil was used in all areas of life - from home life and religious rituals to sports and medicine. Peach oil will make the skin as soft as a peach. Almond oil is highly valued for its moisturizing properties. Avocado oil perfectly nourishes the skin and gently cares for it.

  • There are no contraindications (except for individual intolerance) for the use of solid oils (butters):
  • coconut;
  • cocoa;


Photo gallery: solid vegetable oils allowed during pregnancy Coconut oil can be used in other ways Cocoa butter increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin, slows down the aging process Shea butter takes on the consistency of ghee at room temperature Palm oil is extracted from the fruit of the Elaeis guineensis plant, known as the oil palm

The choice of cosmetic oil to prevent the appearance of stretch marks must be approached more carefully, since most of them contain essential oils - natural or synthetic (artificial).

You can prepare cosmetic oil for yourself by adding essential oil to your base (vegetable oil). Due to their high concentration, pure essential oils cannot be used unchanged for the skin - you will get irritation, redness or burns.

Some plants from which essential oils are produced contain phytoestrogens. These are substances similar in action to the female hormones estrogens, that is, they can potentially cause contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus and lead to miscarriage or premature birth.

  • Such plants include:
  • cedar;
  • mint;
  • Melissa;
  • fennel;
  • ylang-ylang;
  • rosemary;
  • sage;
  • ginger;
  • parsley;
  • thyme;
  • juniper;
  • chamomile;
  • nutmeg;
  • nayoli;
  • geranium;
  • incense;
  • vetiver;
  • star anise;
  • verbena;


Be careful with the presence of a large amount of vitamin A in the purchased oil - pure fat-soluble retinol can negatively affect the development of organs and systems of the fetus.

  • According to experts, the following essential oils have teratogenic properties (i.e., leading to disruption of fetal development, including death):
  • common and bitter wormwood;
  • rue;
  • pennyroyal;
  • hyssop;
  • Salvia officinalis;

lavender spica (spike lavender, spike lavender).

  • The following essential compounds are considered relatively safe for use during pregnancy in cosmetic oils:
  • citrus fruits (in the absence of allergies);
  • conifers;
  • rosewood;
  • bergamot;

tea tree.

The largest producers of essential oils on the world market are Styx Naturcosmetic (Austria), Bergland-Pharma (Germany), Vivasan (Switzerland), R.Expo (India), Floressence (France), and the Russian company LECUS.

Properties and effects of oils to combat stretch marks

  1. What happens in the skin when we apply oil for stretch marks? Main manifestations: This quality manifests itself when oils are applied to slightly damp skin. True, only the epidermis - the top layer of the skin - is moisturized; the deeper layers - the dermis (the skin itself); oils do not penetrate due to their hydrophobicity. But they prevent the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the body.
  2. Acceleration of regeneration. New cells appear faster due to more active metabolism.
  3. Improving blood supply and skin nutrition. This occurs due to the action of both the active components of the oils and massage movements during application.

For the optimal effect of combating stretch marks, do not forget to drink enough fluid, and also remember that proteins and vitamins A and E are needed to build skin cells (be careful with the latter - they are easy to overdose on)

Effect on the fetus

The use of cosmetics with essential oils in the first trimester is not recommended by experts. Placental barrier not yet formed, the components of oils from the surface of the skin enter the general bloodstream. Even the effect of aromas on the body of a pregnant woman and the fetus has been studied very little.

When and how to use oils to combat stretch marks

Often without the help of aggressive cosmetology (laser treatments, chemical peeling, mesotherapy) it is impossible to get rid of stretch marks. It is also impossible to prevent their occurrence with a 100% guarantee. But it is possible to minimize their manifestations with the help of skin care products, in particular, with the help of oils.

In the first trimester, the use of only pure natural vegetable oils is allowed, the top three of which are headed by olive, almond and peach (due to their high content of vitamin E).

In the second and third trimesters, you can purchase cosmetic oils containing approved essential components.

Rules of application

When purchasing oil, pay attention to:

  • shelf life - if stored for too long, the composition of the oil may change for the worse;
  • price - low cost should alert you, because natural ingredients are almost always expensive;
  • Directions for use on the label or instructions - if selected cosmetic oil, check when it can be used - during pregnancy or after childbirth (they different composition), there are also universal means;
  • appearance of the product - the bottle should not contain flakes or foreign inclusions;
  • aroma - the smell should not be rancid.

Before use, be sure to do an allergy test: drop 1 drop of oil on the inner surface of the elbow, wait 12 hours. If local redness, swelling, itching, or peeling appear, do not use this product.

Oil should be applied:

  • on clean, damp and intact skin of problem areas (chest, thighs, abdomen);
  • light massage movements (especially for the abdominal area), but not too zealously - you do not have the task of warming up the skin;
  • always observing the direction of movement from the periphery to the center - along the flow of lymph (i.e. from the knees to the groin, from the center of the abdomen to the sides, from the areolas on the chest to the armpits).

If there are no contraindications for taking a bath, you can add oil to the water after mixing it with milk, honey or bath salt

For the décolleté area, try compresses by moistening a cloth with water and oil and leaving on the skin for half an hour.

Wraps are undesirable due to excessive local warming effect and increased blood circulation in the lower extremities and abdomen.

I have a sad experience of taking a bath with essential oils 10 hours after waxing. After about 3-5 minutes, I thought that the water was somehow excessively hot - the skin on my legs and thighs began to burn. A minute later I saw spotty redness - hives, all my legs were bright red. Hastily leaving the bath, I ran to the first aid kit for Loratadine. I returned to the shower and washed everything off with soap and water. For another 20 minutes I just walked around the apartment, sorry, in a negligee, since my skin was burning and itching, it was impossible to put on even a light robe. Fortunately, there was no need to call an ambulance, but I learned the science: no use of products with essential oils on damaged skin...

Table: popular oils for the prevention of stretch marks, allowed during pregnancy

NameActive componentsActionAverage price, Yandex Market
Natural oils
(preferably first cold pressed - Extra virgin olive oil)
  • Vitamins A, E, D, K;
  • monounsaturated fatty acids, 60–80% – oleic acid (Omega-9),
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids, 4–14% – linoleic acid (Omega-6);
  • squalene;
  • phytosterols;
  • phenols.
  • Levels the surface;
  • increases elasticity and firmness;
  • slows down aging;
  • accelerates cell regeneration (restoration);
  • good for dry skin.
600 rub. for 500 ml
  • Vitamins A, E, K, B 15, C, PP;
  • mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic, palmitic);
  • phytosterols;
  • carotenoids.
  • Nourishes and moisturizes the skin;
  • restores cell integrity, accelerates their regeneration;
  • slows down aging;
  • reduces capillary fragility;
  • Suitable for dry and sensitive skin.
80 rub. for 30 ml
  • Vitamins A, E, F, PP, group B;
  • mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, palmitic);
  • phytosterols.
  • Stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  • restores water-fat balance;
  • has an antimicrobial effect;
  • accelerates cell regeneration.
80 rub. for 30 ml
Coconut oil (solid oil, requires heating in a water bath before use)
  • Vitamins A, E, K, B 2;
  • mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids (oleic, lauric, linoleic, palmitic).
  • Has an antimicrobial effect;
  • due to the high content of lauric acid, it can dry out the skin, so it is better to mix it with other oils;
  • slows down skin aging;
  • accelerates cell regeneration.
200 rub. for 100 ml
Cosmetic oils
  • Wheat germ oil;
  • almond seed oil;
  • jojoba oil;
  • arnica extract;
  • orange, sandalwood and rose essential oils.
  • Moisturizes;
  • nourishes;
  • accelerates cell regeneration;
  • increases skin elasticity and firmness.
1300 rub. for 100 ml
Johnson's Baby
  • Liquid paraffin;
  • isopropyl palmitate;
  • fragrance
  • Moisturizes the skin by preventing moisture evaporation;
  • softens;
  • eliminates itching and flaking.
200 rub. for 200 ml
Bio Oil (not the best composition during pregnancy due to controversial essential oils), recommended start of use - II trimester
  • Essential oils of calendula, chamomile, rosemary, lavender;
  • vitamins A, E.
  • Improves microcirculation in the skin;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • eliminates peeling;
  • smoothes the skin;
  • increases elasticity and firmness.
400 rub. for 60 ml

Every woman has encountered such a problem as stretch marks at least once during her life. These are small scars, similar to winding lightning, that appear during hormonal changes in the body. In a woman’s life, such a restructuring necessarily occurs at least twice – during adolescence and during pregnancy. Unfortunately, it is only possible to completely get rid of stretch marks through surgery, but no one is stopping you from using stretch mark oils at home in different combinations to prevent the appearance of new stretch marks and make existing ones less noticeable.

Stretch marks: causes and mechanism of appearance

Stretch marks, better known medically as stretch marks, have appeared in women throughout human history as an integral part of growing up. But stretch marks are not “stretch marks” in the common sense of the concept, since from an anatomical point of view they are real breaks in the skin. They appear due to the fact that during rapid weight gain, or rather an increase in volume, the skin simply does not have time to gradually stretch. The result is local tears in the skin, which later begin to gradually regenerate.

Stretch marks are actual tears in the skin.

First, the breaks are filled with connective tissue rich in capillaries, causing the stretch marks to acquire a characteristic red-pink or purple hue. At this stage, stretch marks will be especially noticeable in those with aristocratic pale skin. But over time (it is individual for each woman), the stretch marks will acquire a white tint, which is characteristic of the scarring process. The final stage of stretch marks are white scars that cannot be tanned (the reason is the lack of melanin pigment in the scars), which now, on the contrary, will be more noticeable in tanned young ladies.

The skin is the largest organ of our body and its main barrier, and therefore must stretch well. And so it is. But with age or simply from lack of nutrition, the skin becomes insufficiently hydrated, becoming less elastic, less pliable and prone to tearing.

Most often, stretch marks appear during pregnancy, since in the first and second trimester the uterus rapidly increases in size, and the skin is not able to stretch and adapt at such a fast pace. An important role is played by changes in the hormonal levels of a pregnant woman. The amount of hormones progesterone and estrogen increases significantly, which reduce the production of elastin and collagen. Elastin, as the name implies, is responsible for the elasticity of the skin and its ability to stretch. Collagen is responsible for the density of the skin, and the lower this indicator, the easier it is for tears to appear in the thickness of the skin.

In addition to hormonal levels, heredity greatly influences the appearance of stretch marks. If your mother developed stretch marks easily during pregnancy, then there is almost a 100% chance that you will develop them just as easily and there is no way to avoid this. Stretch marks also depend on many other factors - smoking, a woman’s age, her diet, physical activity regimen and others. Everything that directly or indirectly affects the condition of the skin also affects the likelihood of stretch marks. The better the skin is hydrated (inside and out), the fewer of them there will be. It's simple.

Is oil a panacea for stretch marks?

As we have already said, stretch marks have accompanied women throughout the history of human development since time immemorial. But how did our mothers and grandmothers cope with this problem without access to a huge list of all kinds of cosmetics and pharmaceutical products that are now so easily available to us? Various infusions and masks made from the simplest products were used, but oils were considered the most effective. The choice was small, but proven over the centuries. Olive, corn and, of course, sunflower oil were used as oils for stretch marks during pregnancy.

There are quite a few types of oils for stretch marks.

Today, the choice provided by pharmacy and cosmetic companies is much larger and more varied. However, approach the choice of oil responsibly, without succumbing to simple marketing traps in the form of a beautiful label or an unusual bottle shape. It's the content that interests us. Remember that “oils” is the name of a whole group of products that have a similar consistency and some general characteristics, but each type of oil has its own individual properties. It is based on the properties of the oil that you should make your choice, since for one pregnant woman the oil may not be suitable for her skin type, but for another it will be a panacea for stretch marks.

Essential oils

Essential oils differ from other types of oils in the speed of action, since these oils begin to reveal their properties on the skin 15-20 seconds after application. However, stretch marks are not ordinary skin, but deformed skin, so any oils will not have an effect immediately. But if you stock up on patience, determination and self-discipline, the result will be in your pocket. Any effect on the skin is achieved through regular and prolonged use of the product, be it oil, serum or simple cream.

The speed and effectiveness of the oil depends on many factors, but the main ones are the age of the woman and the age of the stretch marks. How older age stretch marks, the more difficult it is to fight them. Young stretch marks usually have a purple or pink tint, and the older they are, the whiter they are. If stretch marks are still young, then their visibility can be reduced in less than six months. Adult stretch marks are difficult to treat, so be prepared that your work on them will take at least a year.

If at one time (before pregnancy) you did not care about properly moisturizing and nourishing your skin, then most likely you will have to deal with stretch marks. It is much easier to prevent a problem before it occurs than to deal with its consequences. Stretch marks are no exception. However, if you notice the appearance of stretch marks in time, then early stage the fight against them will be much easier and more effective than in 6-7 months.

The struggle will consist of both internal influence and external influence. If we talk about the internal, then try to change your diet, eliminating flour, sweets and fatty foods, since rapid weight gain is a guarantee of the appearance of stretch marks. Start taking vitamins if you have not taken them before, talking to your doctor. External influence will consist of the use of oils and creams to improve skin turgor and nourish it. Below we will present to you the three most effective oils and their main properties in the fight against skin imperfections.

Rose oil:

  • eliminates inflammation on the skin;
  • eliminates peeling on the skin;
  • has strong disinfecting properties;
  • quickly regenerates tissue;
  • Due to its pleasant smell, it helps in the fight against stress.

Rose oil

Orange oil:

  • eliminates headache, joint and muscle pain;
  • increases immunity and exhibits antiseptic properties;
  • eliminates cellulite;
  • eliminates minor inflammations on the skin and regenerates it.

Orange oil

Neroli oil:

  • tones and rejuvenates the skin;
  • increases skin firmness and elasticity, restoring the hydrolipid mantle;
  • accelerates the regeneration of existing cells;
  • accelerates the growth of new cells;
  • improves skin immunity.

Neroli oil

Some oils are used in their original form, but most are used as an additive to the base oil, thus increasing the effectiveness of the mixture several times. In addition to oil, you can use any body cream, lotion, or even natural products as a base - yogurt, honey, kefir. Such mixtures are prepared at the rate of 4-5 drops of essential oil per 8-10 ml of the main product. Also, do not forget that some essential oils can cause burns if used in their unchanged (pure) form. Therefore, we recommend using this type of oil as an additive to the others.

Before using any oil, be sure to conduct an allergy test. Apply one drop of oil to the inner surface of the elbow and rub with your fingertips. If no changes have occurred after 12 hours, this oil is suitable for you. If any hyperemia (redness) appears in the application area, do not use this oil anymore.

Natural oils

Natural oils, unlike essential oils, can be safely used in their pure form without fear of getting burned. Another undoubted advantage is the absence of dyes, preservatives and artificial flavors, without which it is impossible to imagine modern creams. Natural oils are close in composition to sebum, which is secreted by our skin for protection. For this reason, the skin will perceive and absorb oils of this type much better. What is important is that almost all natural oils are hypoallergenic and will not cause an inflammatory skin reaction.

Of the natural oils, the most famous is olive oil, as it can be found in the kitchen of almost every housewife. This oil can be used not only for culinary purposes, but also to eliminate stretch marks. One of the main substances in olive oil is oleic acid, which has an effect on stretch marks, vitaminizing the skin, improving its turgor and elasticity.

Olive oil- the most common and accessible

Coconut oil is increasingly spreading throughout our cosmetic markets, when in the West it has long been effectively used in cosmetology not only by doctors, but also by expectant mothers simply at home. The oil contains a large set of vitamins that will be beneficial to the skin. But we are interested in vitamin E, since it is it that slows down the process of fluid loss by the skin without forming edema. After the first use, you will notice that the skin has become soft, velvety and smooth.

Coconut oil for stretch marks has been gaining popularity lately.

Apricot oil is not as well known as olive and coconut oil, but professional cosmetologists always have it in their kit. This oil is hypoallergenic, and therefore can be freely used by women who are prone to allergic reactions. The oil moisturizes the skin well, nourishes it with vitamins and improves its tone. Due to all this, the skin becomes noticeably more elastic, and regeneration increases several times.

Apricot oil is used for stretch marks by professional cosmetologists

How to make the most effective use of oils for stretch marks?

When using any product, be it cream or oil, we ask ourselves the question “how to get the effect as quickly as possible?” Alas, this effect is cumulative, and therefore only regular use of the product will bear fruit. This is due to the fact that the skin goes through only one renewal cycle per month, or more precisely, in 27 days. That is why you will notice the first visible effect no earlier than this period, after your skin is completely renewed and gets rid of dead cells. By the way, you can help her with this by using special scrubs or simply rubbing her well with a washcloth. However, do not overdo it, as it is very easy to damage the skin, but recovery may take 1-2 weeks.

You can also help your skin with a little stimulation of blood circulation. Apply the selected oil to the stretch marks area and perform a short massage, techniques for which can be found in abundance on the Internet. If you don’t want to burden yourself with such an activity, then a couple of minutes of light pinching will be enough.

We should not forget about the importance of internal factors.

The effectiveness of any oil against stretch marks will increase if, at the same time as using it, you increase the amount of vegetables, fruits and complex carbohydrates in your diet - cereals, grains, etc.

Make a little physical activity a norm for yourself, as even a simple morning exercise for 3-4 minutes will significantly increase your metabolism and improve skin tone.

Apply oils after water procedures (bath, shower), performing a light massage. It is extremely important to allow the skin to dry on its own after such saturation, otherwise you will simply wipe the oil off the skin.

Use oil compresses on the chest area and wraps on the thighs. Thermal stimulation will help the oil to better penetrate the skin and reveal its regenerating properties.

And remember that any fight against skin imperfections is a long and labor-intensive process, and therefore be prepared for the absence of quick visible results. However, your efforts will definitely be rewarded with admiration in the eyes of your couple and, most importantly, your love for yourself!

The history of using essential oils goes back hundreds of years. Their use in the culture of China, Ancient Egypt, and Rome was as natural as eating or drinking water.

These substances were used to relieve pain in women in labor, improve physical health and emotional state. Fragrances helped women maintain beauty and youth. These days, oil for stretch marks during pregnancy is widely used due to its combination of high effectiveness and safety.

The advantage of using these substances is the fact that they not only improve the condition of the skin, but also have a beneficial effect through nasal receptors. In the 19th century, natural oils began to replace various chemicals.

However, no medicine can replace natural substances, since some oils, and especially mixtures, contain over 500 different components, so their reproduction by artificial means is simply impossible. The “fashion” for aromatherapy and the external use of essential oils began to return in the 60s of the last century and reached its apogee by the mid-90s, but the qualifications of more than half of domestic “aromatherapists” left much to be desired.

Currently, quite a lot of experience has been accumulated in the use of essential oils, and the latest methods for assessing their effectiveness and principle of action make it possible to safely use them during pregnancy and breastfeeding without fear of unwanted reactions. Stretch marks (in the medical literature this skin defect is called striae) are familiar to the vast majority of women. At the initial stage, they appear as longitudinal stripes of a pink or red hue, which is caused by damage to the blood vessels of the subcutaneous tissue.

Over time, the stretch marks become discolored and appear slightly lighter in color than the skin. As a rule, stretch marks form in the area of ​​the mammary glands, on the abdomen, hips, and buttocks. It is extremely rare that they appear on the face; usually such symptoms are a consequence of serious hormonal disorders. The elasticity of the skin is maintained by the interweaving of collagen and elastin fibers that are found in the dermis, the middle layers of the skin. With a rapid increase in body proportions, which happens during pregnancy, these fibers are torn, and their healing is carried out with the help of connective tissue. Hormones of the adrenal cortex play an important role in the process.

Risk factors for stretch marks include:

  • excess weight gain during pregnancy;
  • age over 35 years;
  • various hormonal problems that arise both during pregnancy and after it;
  • large fruit or multiple pregnancy;
  • lack of appropriate skin care.

In addition to a huge number of various cosmetic and medicinal products for the prevention of stretch marks, there are also methods of instrumental removal from the skin. However, it is quite possible to prevent their occurrence.

  • during pregnancy and when restoring the skin after childbirth and breastfeeding, you need to focus on foods rich in vitamins A, E, PP, C and group B, omega acids. These are eggs, meat by-products, cod liver, milk and dairy products, fish, peas, herbs, peppers, poultry, beef, citrus fruits, potatoes;
  • a balanced diet that helps maintain optimal weight;
  • compliance drinking regime;
  • appropriate physical activity;
  • wearing supportive underwear (abdominal band and a special bra with wide straps).

One of the main means of preventing stretch marks is oil for stretch marks during pregnancy, and its effectiveness is often higher than ready-made pharmaceutical and cosmetic preparations.

The result of the use of essential oils used for application to areas of the skin prone to the formation of stretch marks is determined by several factors. More than one component is used to make a medicinal mixture. This is the base (for example, wheat germ oil, olive, almond, flaxseed, less often - usually vegetable oil) and the directly active component, which is grape seed oil enriched with vitamins A and E, coconut oil containing about ten amino acids, peach oil, which contains vitamins B, A, E and biologically active compounds necessary to maintain skin turgor, etc.

The effectiveness of stretch mark oil largely depends on the right choice this natural remedy.

First of all, you should take into account the tendency to allergic reactions, for which you first need to conduct a skin test. Moreover, ideally this should be done before pregnancy. It is also worth considering that unwanted symptoms can be caused not only by the direct application of oil to the skin, but also by its smell. Also, great attention should be paid to the quality of products. The components that make up the oil must be purchased at a pharmacy, but it is still recommended to check their expiration date. It is better not to use oil with bitter unpleasant smell , sediment at the bottom of the bottle. Many pharmaceutical and cosmetology companies offer ready-made oil for stretch marks, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or in a relevant store for expectant mothers. According to reviews, Weleda oil is very effective. This brand produces not only a drug for the prevention of stretch marks, but also lotions to prevent perineal ruptures during childbirth, emulsions to stimulate lactation and solutions to prevent congestion in the venous bed of the legs. Photos and detailed description

All of these products are available on the manufacturer’s official website.

Oil for stretch marks: composition and method of use

All natural substances of an oily nature, which are used to maintain skin elasticity and prevent the formation of stretch marks, can be divided into several groups.

The most common is natural oil for stretch marks.

The popularity of this type of product is due to its availability to everyone and relatively low price. Thanks to this, they, along with the usual sunflower oil

The group of natural oils for combating stretch marks includes:

  • Olive. The optimal composition is considered to be a product from Mediterranean countries, with virgin oil being the best choice. It is rich in vitamins A, D and E, phospholipids, sterols and other microelements necessary for the skin. However, the main one is oleic acid.
  • Sea buckthorn. This oil has unique composition: it contains more than twenty minerals, almost 15 amino acids, carotenoids. It is also distinguished by a high concentration of ascorbic acid, vitamin PP, K, group B, tocopherol and retinol.
  • Almond. Most often used for massage due to the content of vitamins E and F, which have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. In addition, almond oil for stretch marks contains fatty acids and essential microelements, including zinc, phosphorus, potassium and calcium, necessary to maintain water-salt balance. Due to this property, it is commonly used to combat cellulite.
  • Coconut. It comes in two types - refined and unrefined, and unrefined is better suited for skin care. Due to its high tocopherol content, it quickly creates a protective film on the surface of the epidermis, so cosmetologists do not recommend applying it to oily skin.
  • Apricot kernels. In composition, this oil for stretch marks is very close to almond oil, since in addition to vitamins A, C and E, which are standard for all natural oils, it contains vitamin F, various tocopherols, and trace element salts. When purchasing this product, you need to pay attention to its composition. The fact is that cheaper analogues contain impurities of oil from cherry plum seeds and other berries.
  • Sesame. Compared to other natural oils, it has a pronounced healing effect and is considered one of the best for use in cosmetology. Preference is given to white sesame oil; it is more expensive than the product made from black seeds, but is considered to be of higher quality.

Instead of preparing a multi-component mixture yourself, you can use commercially produced cosmetic oil for stretch marks. For example, Bio-Oil has an interesting composition. Distinctive feature This product is that the oils of calendula, chamomile, lavender and rosemary included in its composition are enriched with vitamins A and E, which are so beneficial for the skin. No less popular is the oil from Weleda (Stretch Mark Massage Oil), which specializes in women’s skin care products during pregnancy and lactation and newborns.

This list also includes the Russian product Mama Comfort, its advantages include ease of use, since it comes in the form of a spray. Also on forums for expectant mothers, Elfa Pharm Mama Care or Baby Teva Bella Mama Oil is recommended for the prevention of stretch marks. The disadvantages of such oil solutions include their cost. In addition, the possibility of an allergic reaction cannot be ruled out. If you prepare oil for stretch marks yourself, it must include essential extracts from various plants.

To prevent stretch marks, cosmetologists and specialists in the field of aromology recommend using:

  • Orange oil, which contains a variety of antioxidants in high concentrations. It has been used in cosmetology for many years due to its ability to compensate for the vitamin deficiency of the skin, accelerate regenerative and metabolic processes and remove various accumulated toxins from epidermal cells.
  • Bergamot oil It is famous for its ability to normalize the secretions of the sebaceous and sweat glands, so it is used as an additional component for a mixture for stretch marks. In addition, this is an excellent remedy for the prevention of influenza and ARVI, so in addition to its beneficial effects on the skin, this oil will help avoid colds.
  • Grapefruit. Normalizes lipid metabolism and improves skin condition. In addition, the oil is widely used in the cold season to prevent colds and acute respiratory infections.
  • Jasmine. Recommended for use as a daily care product for dry skin. Quickly restores the integrity of the skin, increases elasticity and regulates the water-salt balance in the cells of the epidermis, therefore it is used to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. But it should be used with caution in women suffering from hypotension.
  • Ylang-ylang. It is one of the most common oils in cosmetology and is suitable for all skin types. Helps maintain skin elasticity, which is very important during pregnancy, smoothes it and prevents redness and rashes.
  • Lavender. This plant is mostly known for its sedative effect, but this oil has a refreshing, renewing and regenerating effect on the cells of the epidermis, in addition, it relieves dryness, itching and flaking of the skin, from which a pregnant woman often suffers. But this oil is not recommended for use simultaneously with iodine and iron-containing preparations.
  • Frankincense. The vast majority of people associate the aroma of this oil with church services, but it has a rejuvenating and regenerating effect on the skin.
  • Limetta. Like extracts from other plants of the citrus family, this oil is used in cosmetology because of its ability to increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin and subcutaneous tissues, smooth out wrinkles and stretch marks on the bust, abdomen and hips.
  • Lemon. This is another “representative” of citrus plants, which is widely used to prevent the formation of stretch marks and even out skin color. In addition, the aroma of this oil removes headache, nausea and other symptoms associated with pressure changes, weather changes, and fatigue.
  • Tangerine. This is one of the most effective means for preventing stretch marks during pregnancy and changes in body proportions; the oil also helps the skin tolerate a lack of sunlight and vitamins. This product is also very useful in terms of bioenergy. Experts in this field believe that tangerine oil will help the mother and child in her womb better understand and hear each other, establishing a strong emotional connection between them.
  • Myrtle. This oil is usually used as part of a mixture due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. During pregnancy, its ability to strengthen blood vessels in case of varicose veins is also important.
  • Neroli, one of the most powerful cosmetic products. Rejuvenates and revitalizes dry skin, smoothes wrinkles, promotes the rapid growth of healthy cells, eliminates stretch marks and evens out the skin pattern.
  • Petitgrain, also refers to citrus fruits and differs little from them in their effect on the skin. It is also recommended for use to relieve swelling and a feeling of heaviness in the legs, which often occurs in pregnant women in the late afternoon.
  • Roses, this oil for stretch marks has an antioxidant and regenerating effect, promotes rapid skin tightening, normalizes its secretory functions and eliminates hypersensitivity. It has a resolving effect, which allows it to be used not only for prevention, but also to eliminate stretch marks.
  • rosewood, its properties are in many ways similar to rose essential oil, but to a lesser extent.
  • Daisies. It has a moisturizing, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect, usually used in combination with other oils. Incompatible with homeopathic medicines.
  • Sandalwood. Eliminates sagging and restores skin elasticity, increases resistance to environmental factors, helps maintain contours problem areas. It is better to avoid using the oil if you have kidney pathology.
  • Fennel. Strengthens collagen fibers of the dermis, evens out skin color, and has a pronounced regenerating effect.
  • Tea tree. Despite its rejuvenating effect on the skin, oil is added to the mixture only in the presence of irritation and inflammation.

Oil for stretch marks should be used starting in the second trimester of pregnancy, and sometimes earlier if the contours of the body change. The mixture is applied to cleansed, dry skin with light movements twice a day - morning and evening. In this case, do not rub in the oil. After the procedure, you do not need to wipe off the solution, and do not wear clothes for an hour.

To prepare an aromatic composition, you need to mix the base oil (olive, almond, sesame, peach or apricot kernels) with the required amount of active essential oil. For example, to a tablespoon of base you can add 25 drops of neroli oil, 30 drops of petit grain, 15 drops of tangerine, 6-10 drops of orange. You can also add 6-10 drops of oils to bathing water, but for even distribution it is better to pre-mix them with a small amount of bath salt or honey.

To prepare your own essential compositions, you can use the following recipes. Mix 1 drop each of petitgrain and neroli oil, add 2 drops of rose oil, then pour the mixture into a glass of warm water. You need to moisten a small strip of cotton cloth in the solution and apply it to problem areas for 20-30 minutes, repeat the procedure every other day. To 30 g of base oil, add 2 drops of lavender and neroli oils and 1 drop of orange, grapefruit or tangerine oil.

This mixture has a tonic effect, so it is best to use it in the first half of the day. The following recipe is suitable for use before bed: mix 15 g of wheat germ and almond oil as a base, then add 4 drops of neroli and 2 drops of incense or sandalwood, rosemary and lavender. For taking a bath (1-2 times a week), the following composition is suitable: 20 ml of sesame or wheat germ oil is mixed with 3 drops of lemon, limetta or tangerine, 2 drops of petitgrain and 1 drop of bergamot.

By and large, you can prepare any mixture yourself. The main thing is not to exceed the recommended dosage (it is better to take less, and then, if tolerated well, the volume of essential oil can be slightly increased). It is also worth considering that some smells do not go well with each other.

To make oil against stretch marks, it is recommended to follow this principle: take a base (15-30 g), 4-6 drops of oil from a plant of the citrus family, 2-4 drops of components less active in terms of eliminating stretch marks (for example, ylang-ylang, neroli, fennel ) and 1-2 drops of an anti-inflammatory and regenerating substance (for example, chamomile, jasmine, myrtle). The composition can also be changed depending on individual needs: add oil to prevent ARVI during the cold season or to prevent swelling and varicose veins.

Almost half of pregnant women are familiar with this skin flaw firsthand. However, if you choose a high-quality skin care product, you can not only avoid such a nuisance, but also get rid of existing ornate scars of various lengths and trajectories. One such remedy is oil. But which oil to choose, and which one should you not just refuse, but even avoid if you are pregnant?

Let's talk about oils for stretch marks during pregnancy.

What oils should an expectant mother choose to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy?

The fight against stretch marks with the help of oils has been carried out since time immemorial, but our grandmothers and mothers most often used sunflower, corn, or olive oil. Nowadays, in cosmetics departments or in pharmacies you can see a large selection of oils for skin care, but do not rush to take the first one you come across, the shape of the bottle, the smell or the bright label appeals to you. Oils can have different effects on the skin, but not all of them can be used by an expectant mother.

The body of a pregnant woman is relatively short term undergoes quite large changes - influenced by hormones and rapid tissue growth. An increase in the size of the abdomen and mammary glands leads to the appearance of stretch marks and, unfortunately, not every remedy can be used to the expectant mother to combat this skin blemish. You need to choose the most suitable, gentle, safe and most importantly - effective.

Oils are an excellent choice for moisturizing the skin; with their help, you can not only prevent the appearance of stretch marks, but also get rid of stretch marks that have already appeared. The main advantage of this choice is the 100% naturalness of the product.

Natural oils

One of the options for combating stretch marks are natural oils:

  • Olive oil- the most popular all over the world. This product will benefit the body both as a nutritional supplement and as a skin care product. Oleic acid contained in high concentrations in the oil makes it an ideal remedy for combating stretch marks during pregnancy. Penetrating deep into the layers of the skin, the oil nourishes and enriches cells. essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Sea buckthorn oil- contains a large number of linolenic and lenoleic fatty acids, carotenes, vitamins, bioactive substances, amino acids and vegetable fats, which allows it to successfully maintain skin firmness and elasticity and effectively combat stretch marks.
  • Almond oil- safe skin care product during pregnancy. Vitamins A, E, F and group B, microelements stimulate the synthesis of elastin and collagen, restore the water-lipid balance of skin cells, and biologically active substances strengthen it and minimize the appearance of stretch marks.
  • Coconut oil- effectively copes with recently appeared stretch marks and is completely safe for use by expectant mothers. Vitamin E contained in the oil protects the skin structure from atrophy and degenerative changes in cells. Thanks to this oil, the skin texture becomes smoother, and the skin itself becomes soft and elastic.
  • Apricot oil- a tonic and regenerating product suitable for use by young children and pregnant women with any skin type. The oil provides natural hydration to the skin and maintains its optimal level of elasticity. Oil is obtained from apricot kernels, which contain vitamins A, C, F, which makes this oil one of the basic components in the cosmetic industry for the production of various creams and balms.

Cosmetic oils

Due to the high concentration of beneficial substances obtained from plant materials, cosmetic oils are also quite effective in the fight against stretch marks and are recommended for daily body skin care:

  • Weleda oil— nourishes the skin well, maintains its tone and prepares the outer layer for even greater stress associated with a pregnant woman. The basis of the oil is vegetable fats of wheat germ with the addition of arnica and almond flower extract. Penetrating through the pores, the active substances begin to act almost instantly, improving metabolic processes in skin cells. The oil perfectly helps to remove cosmetic blemishes of the skin, and therefore is recommended for use as a prevention of stretch marks at any stage of pregnancy.
  • Universal oil "Johnsons Baby" It tones, restores and moisturizes the skin, stimulates microcirculation of cells and renews their structure. This product can be combined with other natural vegetable oils and fats (for example, olive or apricot kernel oil). To do this, mix the components in equal proportions and rub daily into problem areas body without fear allergic reactions.

Essential oils

Essential oils are even more effective in the fight against stretch marks than organic fats. However, you need to be very careful with esters, because using them in their pure form can cause a chemical burn, and during pregnancy, not all of them can be used, and there are reasons for this, which we will discuss below.

Essential oils can be added a few drops (2-5 drops per 1 tablespoon of base product) to your favorite body care products (creams, masks, natural oils) and thereby increase the healing effect of the base you use, and at the same time get rid of too sharp, rich etherol smell. You can use regular yogurt, kefir or honey as a basis for the essential oil (if you are not allergic to it), or you can add it to blue clay or seaweed, using it as a mask.

For example:

  • orange essential oil— contains many vitamins A, B, C and stimulates cell regeneration;
  • pink— moisturizing the skin, increases its elasticity and reduces the appearance of stretch marks;
  • anise— normalizes the water-fat balance of the skin;
  • sandalwood— tones and eliminates sagging skin;
  • ylang-ylang essential oil- stimulates the formation and division of new skin cells;
  • juniper essential oil– tones, improves blood circulation and reduces stretch marks.

We offer several recipes for preparing essential oil skin care products:

  1. In 4 tbsp. olive oil, add 2 drops each of orange, lavender and geranium oils.
  2. In 1 tbsp. add 1 drop of orange and 2 drops of geranium jojoba oil.
  3. Add 2 drops of lavender oil and 3 drops of orange to 4 tbsp. carrier oils (for example, olive, sesame, almond or peach).

Use the resulting mixtures daily - and the result will not be long in coming.

What oils should you avoid during pregnancy?

Even ethers that are approved for expectant mothers should be used after consultation with a doctor, since among them there are some that should be used with great caution (for example, juniper or rose essential oil).

Due to the ability of some oils to cause uterine contractions (which may result in miscarriage or premature birth), it is best to avoid the following oils during pregnancy:

  • ginger,
  • fennel,
  • thyme,
  • nutmeg,
  • parsley,
  • sage,
  • sagebrush,
  • cedar,
  • rosemary,
  • oregano

Which oils will help a pregnant woman best against stretch marks?

There are quite a few oils that effectively combat stretch marks, but the following deserve special attention from pregnant women:

  • Almond- effective both as a means of prevention and as a fighter against existing stretch marks. The product has the ability to relieve irritation and saturate the skin with essential vitamins. It can be used as an independent means of combating stretch marks, or in combination with other oils (for example, lavender).
  • cocoa beans— a high content of valuable amino acids and triglycerides has a noticeable regenerating effect on the skin, and esters and fatty acids maintain its stable structure for a long time. It is an excellent source of antioxidants. The mixture of liquid organic fats present in cocoa butter does not undergo oxidation, which allows it to be stored in a cool place for quite a long time. The product fights stretch marks so well on its own that it does not require mixing with other components.
  • Calendula- an excellent basic product that, while providing a regenerating and softening effect on the skin, is well absorbed. This oil can be used with early dates pregnancy, and this will not only get rid of existing stretch marks, but also prevent the appearance of new ones. Most often, calendula oil is used in combination with almond oil.
  • Melissa- will have double benefits during pregnancy: firstly, thanks to its aroma, it reduces the likelihood of toxicosis, and secondly, it will soothe the itching that occurs during the formation of stretch marks, reduce the severity of stretch marks and even out skin tone. In addition, the oil will provide firmness and elasticity to the outer skin.
  • Thyme essential oil- regenerates, tones, stimulating microcirculation in tissues.
  • Myrrh– reduces existing stretch marks and prevents the appearance of new ones thanks to its ability to stimulate blood circulation. Linalool (an organic substance) contained in the oil helps to activate metabolic processes in the skin.

A few secrets and nuances for using oils for stretch marks

To ensure that the oils you use bring more benefits and accelerate the visible effect, follow a few simple rules:

  1. Apply the oil to problem areas of the body with massage movements, and in the hip area you can use gentle pinching and patting.
  2. Use cosmetic and natural oils daily, and mixtures with essential oils - 1-2 times a week.
  3. When choosing an oil to prevent or combat stretch marks, make sure that no allergic reactions occur. Before applying the oil to a large area of ​​the body, test it on the elbow or in the pulse area: if no symptoms occur within 12 hours discomfort(itching, burning, redness or rash), then the oil can be used without fear. When choosing an oil, be guided by your feelings, but it would be a good idea to consult a doctor about this.
  4. Store purchased and already uncorked or created oil mixtures in a cool place for no more than 2 months.

The following will help enhance the effectiveness of using oils against stretch marks:

  • proper and rational nutrition;
  • applying oil to damp skin- after taking a shower or bath;
  • physical activity- for example, exercise, walking, fitness, swimming;
  • massage- will allow the oil to penetrate the skin faster and deeper;
  • oil baths- take it not just by pouring the oil into water (so it will float on the surface of the water and will not bring the expected and desired result), but by first dissolving it in milk, honey, sea ​​salt(this will allow the oil to “dissolve” in the water), and do not rush to wipe the skin after the procedure - let it dry on its own;
  • oil compresses— well suited for removing small stretch marks on the chest: moisten a cloth in oil diluted in water and apply it to the chest for 25-30 minutes (repeat the procedure 3-4 times a week);
  • wraps— create a sauna effect, which allows the oil to penetrate deeply into the skin: the prepared product is lubricated on problem areas of the body, then they are wrapped in film, insulated with a scarf or towel and left for 30 minutes.

When using oils in the fight against stretch marks, remember that only regularity of the procedure will produce the desired effect and ensure your victory over the “enemy” of beautiful skin.

Be healthy! Be beautiful!

Every woman cares about the condition of her skin and strives to look fresh and young at any age. But what if a cosmetic defect such as stretch marks (striae) appears on the body? Unpleasant changes can affect women of any size and age. Stretch marks appear as smooth or raised lines on the skin and most often form on the abdomen, breasts, buttocks, or thighs.

Striae come in different colors (red, white or purple), such manifestations on the skin can make even the flattest tummy and beautiful breasts unattractive. Getting rid of stretch marks is not easy; for many women, their appearance causes significant discomfort and is perceived as a significant aesthetic drawback. Let's figure out what stretch marks are, why they occur, and which oil is better and more effective to help get rid of them?

Stretch marks are a skin defect that occurs as a result of metabolic disorders in the body. The result of this problem is a deficiency of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for maintaining normal skin turgor. Elastic fibers cannot withstand tension and tear, and the resulting voids are gradually filled with connective tissue, forming unaesthetic reddish or white scars on the body.

Many people mistakenly assume that stretch marks are only for fat people. This is not true. A cosmetic defect can affect those with a slender figure and appear not only in women, but also in men. Cosmetologists identify several main reasons leading to the formation of stretch marks:

  • Hormonal disorders in the body
  • Sudden weight loss or, conversely, weight gain
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period
  • Genetic predisposition

The appearance of stretch marks may indicate internal distress and a lack of essential nutrients in the daily diet. Poor skin regeneration is caused by hormonal imbalances or unreasonably strict diets for weight loss. Young women of the asthenic type often face the problem of stretch marks during pregnancy, when the abdomen and breasts begin to rapidly increase in volume and the skin stretches.

The internal tension of the fibers can be so strong that they cannot withstand and break, forming stretch marks that remain on the body after childbirth. If a pregnant woman feels tingling and itching in the abdomen, chest, thighs, this indicates overstretching of the deep layers of the dermis and the formation of stretch marks. At this time, it is not too late to begin procedures that will prevent the formation of scars and help avoid an unpleasant problem.

One of the best ways To get rid of stretch marks or prevent their appearance is the use of natural oils that nourish, tone the skin, enrich it with vitamins and help restore the natural structure. Let's take a closer look at which cosmetic oil for stretch marks most effectively copes with the problem and how to use it correctly.

Oil for stretch marks: how does it work?

Cosmetologists advise using oil to prevent stretch marks. For these purposes, use basic anti-scar products such as natural olive, almond, coconut, shea and jojoba oils. Essential oils are a separate category, and the best effect is achieved by combining them with base products.

Essential oils can cause allergies, so before the first use you should apply one drop of oil to the elbow; if there is no redness or irritation of the skin, you can safely use the product to treat stretch marks.

Procedures with natural oils should be done regularly, treating the skin 2-3 times a day, then desired effect will be achieved faster. Before applying to problem areas, a little oil is heated in the palm of your hand and rubbed into problem areas on the stomach, thighs and other parts of the body with vigorous massage movements. Oils should be applied after a shower to clean, damp skin, leaving for 5-7 minutes, and then removing excess with a soft cloth. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to mix fatty oils with essential oils. Jojoba, olive or almond oil are more suitable as a base for such mixtures.

Women carrying a child can do oil treatments from the second trimester of pregnancy. From this time on, the constantly growing belly and increasing body weight begin to have a negative effect on the condition of the muscle fibers. And if you do not monitor the condition of the skin during this period, then after childbirth stretch marks will remain on a weak and flabby abdomen. Oil for stretch marks during pregnancy can be used without fear; the natural product cannot harm the unborn child or negatively affect the woman’s well-being. Let's take a closer look at the most popular oils.

Natural vegetable oils
  • Olive oil. It is considered the most affordable and effective remedy for eliminating and preventing stretch marks. Olives contain a large amount of natural antioxidant - vitamin E, which rejuvenates the skin and promotes accelerated regeneration and restoration of its structure. Olive oil has long been used as a base for diluting essential oils. It is valued as a preventive measure; during pregnancy, it is enough to massage problem areas twice a week using this natural product to prepare the skin for future stress and activate collagen production. According to cosmetologists, the only drawback of olive oil is that it is not absorbed into the skin quickly enough.
  • Almond oil for stretch marks practically does not cause allergic reactions. The product perfectly rejuvenates, moisturizes and nourishes the skin, stimulates the production of collagen fibers. It has a very light and soft structure, which makes it indispensable for dry and sensitive skin. It can be used either alone or in combination with essential components.
  • Coconut oil against stretch marks. For the prevention and control of stretch marks, only cold-pressed oil is suitable. Due to the content of saturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, coconut oil has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, maintains its elasticity and turgor, helping to prevent the formation of scars. It is best to combine coconut oil with essential ingredients, adding a few drops of rose or jasmine oil and applying the resulting composition to problem areas after steaming procedures.
  • Grape seed oil– excellent moisturizing and nutrient for the skin, it is rich in fatty acids, vitamins E, F, B, C and tannins. Cosmetologists believe that this best oil against stretch marks, it is suitable for all skin types, perfectly saturates with moisture, nourishes, rejuvenates, maintains elasticity, fights sagging and premature aging. The combination of grape seed oil with a few drops of rosemary or rose oil is especially effective in restoring the structure of the skin.
  • Peach oil for stretch marks. It has a very light structure, is perfectly absorbed, normalizes metabolic processes, saturates the skin with vitamins A and E, and helps restore its structure. Pleasant aroma peach oil calms, relaxes and has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state.
  • Best suited for the prevention of stretch marks. It contains ingredients that can effectively fight skin aging, nourishes, stimulates regeneration processes, maintains the elasticity and firmness of the skin. This natural product is recommended to be combined with essential oils of mandarin or lavender, using a combined composition for a nightly massage after water procedures.
  • Jojoba oil. This product is rich in ceramides - substances that prevent moisture loss. Jojoba oil perfectly restores the structure of the skin if changes are caused by weight fluctuations or hormonal disorders; it is recommended in cases where stretch marks appear on the mammary glands as a result of breastfeeding. The high content of vitamins E and A prevents aging and helps the skin maintain firmness and elasticity. Jojoba oil nourishes, moisturizes, softens the skin, helps restore its elasticity and firmness. This product has a light structure, which allows it to easily penetrate the skin, quickly absorb and promote tissue regeneration.

A wide variety of vegetable oils can effectively eliminate deep skin damage. Which oil helps with stretch marks most effectively? Cosmetologists will help you decide on this issue. After all, in addition to the above varieties, there are many other natural products.

These are oils such as sea buckthorn, flaxseed, pumpkin, or walnut, rose hip, and avocado oil. All of them are able to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, activate cellular metabolic processes, nourish and restore the elasticity of the skin. To achieve the most effective results, regular use is important. The appearance of stretch marks and scars can be avoided if you lightly massage problem areas using your favorite product every day, morning and evening.

Essential oils contain a high concentration of beneficial substances that are essential for maintaining the fat and vitamin balance of the skin. They are not used in pure form, but in small quantities, literally a few drops are added to the base vegetable oils. Natural substances act as strengthening components that help improve skin elasticity and firmness. The most popular essential oils are mandarin, orange, rose, lavender, neroli, rosemary, and primrose.

Thus, orange essential oil is more suitable for the prevention of stretch marks; it softens and tones the skin well. Rose essential oil helps to cope with stretch marks that have already appeared, restoring elasticity to the skin, helping to strengthen and restore it. Lavender oil has a preventive and therapeutic effect, tones and accelerates tissue regeneration.

Pharmaceutical oils

The pharmaceutical market offers a wide range of oils based on natural ingredients. They can be purchased at any pharmacy and used for the prevention and treatment of stretch marks. Similar cosmetical tools do not contain artificial flavors or other harmful, toxic additives that negatively affect the body. Many of them are created specifically for pregnant women in order to maintain metabolic processes in tissues and improve skin condition. We list the most popular brands:

Johnson Baby Oil. This product is intended for children, but is also perfect for women, helping to cope with adult problems. The oils of this line are hypoallergenic and safe, which means they are perfect for pregnant women. With regular use, they help prevent the appearance of stretch marks and restore youth and elasticity to the skin.

Bio Oileffective remedy against stretch marks, able to cope even with old scars. This product contains several active natural oils. One of the advantages is the ability to be quickly absorbed and not leave greasy marks on the body.

Veleda oil is most popular among pregnant women. Cream oil for stretch marks Ideal for repairing damaged skin on the chest, thighs and abdomen. It contains the following medicinal ingredients:

  1. Jojoba oil, almond oil
  2. Orange blossom and sprouted wheat oil
  3. Arnica concentrate, rose
  4. Essential oils of sandalwood, myrrh and frankincense

All components have pronounced healing properties, improve skin condition, moisturize, nourish, stimulate regeneration, improve blood circulation, relax and soothe. Veleda oil is recommended by cosmetologists as the most effective preventative against stretch marks.


You can buy pharmaceutical preparations and natural oils at the following prices:

  • Veleda oil (100ml) - from 850 to 1300 rubles.
  • Bio Oil oil (60ml) - from 500 rub.
  • Johnson Baby oil (200 ml) – from 240 rub.
  • Almond oil (30ml) – from 70 rub.
  • Jojoba oil (10 ml) – from 110 rub.
  • Grapeseed oil (30ml) – from 60 rub.
  • Rose essential oil (10ml) – from 250 rub.
  • Essential lavender oil (10 ml) - from 150 rub.
  • Orange essential oil (10 ml) – from 45 rub.

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