Beautiful makeup photo lesson on how to do the right makeup step by step. Double Arrow Technique

To do beautiful make-up, it is not enough just to have a set of high-quality professional cosmetics, you need to know the basic rules for its creation and be able to apply them in practice. Neat make-up always looks impressive, attracting the attention of others. A girl who knows the technique of applying it can easily transform herself, emphasizing her advantages and evoking enthusiastic compliments. In this article we will tell you how to apply makeup correctly, because this is an entire art, which is not so difficult to learn if you follow the main rules.

How to learn how to do makeup correctly step by step

Makeup can be of two types - simple and complex. The first is necessary to give freshness to a woman’s face; with the help of the second, skin imperfections (moles, scars) are carefully shaded. Regardless of the type of makeup you choose, you will have to go through the same stages of applying it: toning and powdering the skin, lining the eyebrows, eyes, applying blush and covering the lips with lipstick or gloss.

If the chosen type of makeup includes a bright accent on the lips or eyes, then the sequence of applying cosmetics can be changed. Be sure to consider the time of day and your color type when choosing shades and intensity of application. cosmetics. The main rule before starting to create any makeup is to thoroughly cleanse and moisturize your facial skin. To do this, you can use a special tonic lotion or cream-based milk.

How to apply foundation and foundation step by step

  1. Applying the base. Before applying foundation, you need to prepare your skin. For this you will need a special makeup base. Girls with fat or combination skin face, you should opt for a product with a mattifying effect; for normal or dry skin, a nourishing, moisturizing base is suitable. Such products effectively even out the complexion, refreshing it. After applying the base, hide the circles and puffiness under the eyes using a concealer. This should be done with the pads of your fingers and soft patting movements.
  2. Apply foundation. It should be used to cover the sharp edges of the face in order to smooth them out, making the face “softer” and more delicate. Walk along the line of the cheekbones, bridge of the nose, forehead, cheeks.
  3. Apply foundation. Do not apply too thick a layer of tone on your face, because even the highest quality and expensive cosmetics in excess can give your face an unnatural look. Squeeze a little cream onto the inside of your palm and begin to carefully apply it with a brush, moving from the edges of the face to its center. Carefully blend the product over the entire skin. Lightly powder the foundation layer with a soft brush - this will give your face a natural look.

When creating makeup, it is important to choose the right color of foundation and foundation. Too light shades will make the face look like a doll, lifeless. Dark ones are capable of creating an unnatural contrast with the neck and other naked parts of the body. When choosing a tone, apply it to the inside of the hand - the product should completely match the color of this area of ​​the hand. To correct the shape of your face, you need to use two shades of foundation - your natural one and a darker one. The first is applied to the entire face in an even thin layer. The second is applied zonally, depending on the type of face.

  • For those with a square face shape It is recommended to apply a light tone to the middle of the forehead, the tip of the chin and the area under the eyes. Use a dark product to treat the area near the hairline, at the corners of the jaw and temples. The boundaries between transitions should be carefully shaded.
  • Round face should be covered with light foundation, and using a dark product to visually narrow it, darkening the area of ​​the cheeks and temples.
  • Girls with a triangular face type you need to apply a light tone on the forehead, chin and under the eyes - this way you focus attention on the center of the face. Cover the line of the cheeks and forehead with a dark tone.
  • For elongated face type It is necessary to darken the lower part of the chin - this will visually shorten the face. Do not skimp on blush for the cheeks, because such an accent also helps to draw attention to the middle of the face.
  • On a pear-shaped face (narrow on top, full below) A light tone should be used to highlight the forehead area, the area under the eyes and the tip of the chin. A dark tone is applied to the cheeks and jaws - this visually makes them narrower.

Learn how to make beautiful eyebrows from scratch

To give eyebrows beautiful shape, pencil or shadows suitable color Carefully draw the curve of the eyebrow and its end - these parts should have clear outlines. Gently blend the main part of the eyebrow with your chosen cosmetics. You should start the eyeliner from the middle and bend. Please note that the tip and curve of the eyebrow should be slightly raised; with this technique you will make your look more open and expressive.

Applying eye shadow

How to properly apply eye makeup? The first thing a beginner needs to consider is what type of makeup needs to be done. For daytime make-up, you should use a couple of shades of eyeshadow and a dark brown or black pencil. Using a gentle pencil movement, shade the eyelash line and mucous membrane upper eyelid. Visually, the eyelashes will appear thick, and the eyes will take on an expressive, beautiful shape.

Apply shadows using a round applicator or brush. If you don’t know what tone suits you, you can use universal shades – these are considered gray and brown tones. To make your eyes look bigger, apply light shadows on the inside of the eye and dark shadows on the outside. Matte shadows look natural pastel colors. This makeup can be used in everyday life. For evening makeup, choose pearlescent warm or cool tones. The final step will be applying mascara to the eyelashes.

How to apply lipstick

To highlight the natural beauty of your lips, choose light, but not very pale lipstick colors. Fresh shades are ideal for summer or light makeup. Choose light coral, sheer berry, peach or pink lipstick. As a result, lips should not look bright, but expressive. It doesn’t matter what a girl chooses - lipstick or gloss, both products are allowed to create classic makeup. If she prefers to use lipstick to get an even layer and a clear contour, it should be applied with a brush.

Check out these tips for beginners on how to create a beautiful day or evening look.

What to consider for the right make-up

To do it yourself correct makeup, it is important to consider many aspects. For example, skin characteristics, build, eye color, hair. So, saturated colors are suitable for light-blond girls. bright colors, dark brunettes should give preference to dark shades, and brown-haired women will suit the whole range of beige and gold. The choice of makeup should also be based on the intended purpose - evening and daytime makeup are very different.

Eye color

The shade of the shadows must be combined with the color of the eyes. Green-eyed girls need to use warm colors to create makeup. The beauty of green eyes can still be emphasized with the help of blue, gray, purple shadows. Brown eyes should be shaded with ash-gray shades and brown-beige colors. For blue eyes Shades of a cool spectrum, such as smoky, white, blue colors, are suitable.

Hair color

The selected foundation should be in harmony with the girl’s hair color. Dark-haired representatives of the fair sex should not deviate too much from their natural skin tone. Complete makeup should look as natural as possible and refresh your appearance, and not make a mask out of your face. Avoid bright, contrasting color combinations. It is better for fair-haired women to use exclusively light colors, and in the summer you can revive easy makeup bronze tint.

Video tutorials on creating perfect makeup

How to apply makeup yourself at home? Every girl probably asked herself this question, because proper make-up is a whole science. With the help of high-quality makeup, it is easy to completely change your appearance, hiding flaws and emphasizing the advantages of your face. Since every girl cares about her appearance, it’s worth learning the basics of creating perfect makeup. Otherwise, poorly selected and incorrectly applied products can play a bad joke on you, visually making your face even fuller or turning a gentle and sweet beauty into a vulgar lady.

How to do evening makeup smoky eyes

Unlike daytime makeup, the tones of which should be discreet and unnoticeable, evening makeup requires rich shades and clear lines. Usually, evening make-up applied depending on the personal preferences of the girls: the emphasis can be placed either on the lips or on the eyes. This video tutorial shows how to make your eyes brighter using the smoky eye technique, which literally means “smoky eye.” Thanks to this type of makeup, the look becomes languid and seductive.

Daytime makeup for the impending eyelid

You should never deviate from the main rule of successful makeup - it should always correspond to the circumstances: wear bright makeup for a disco; When creating office makeup, stick to calm tones; When going to the beach, avoid makeup altogether. When applying daytime makeup, keep in mind that it should be light and discreet. Correct make-up looks so natural that you get the impression that the girl is not wearing makeup. The video shows one of the options for applying daytime makeup for an impending eyelid.

Moist (wet) eye makeup

The dewy eyelid effect is back in fashion. Beauty magazines are full of photos of models with glossy eye makeup. However, “wet” make-up is found exclusively on the pages of fashion publications or on the catwalk. This is justified by the fact that it lasts for a maximum of half an hour, after which it begins to lose its original appearance. How to achieve this effect, what cosmetics should you use? With the help of the video you will learn the answers to the questions posed and you will be able to learn how to do “wet eye” makeup.

Every woman wants to be special and beautiful, especially when it comes to some important event or holiday. That is why it is very important to be able to do beautiful evening makeup with your own hands - it is not always possible to invite a makeup artist. Today I will tell you how I do makeup for holidays and special events, and also give a couple of recommendations on how to properly apply makeup at home.

What is the difference from everyday

Looking at some girls who don’t even go to the grocery store without full makeup, it’s very difficult to determine what evening eye makeup is and how it can be distinguished from any other. For myself personally, I define it like this:
  • this is a full make-up using large quantity cosmetics (and not just mascara, for example);
  • This is a bright make-up that is done to match a certain image, specific clothes and accessories;
  • This is a make-up in which you can place two accents - on the eyes and on the lips.
What you need to learn evening eye makeup - photos and videos are a must. Moreover, both the photo and the video must be step-by-step - otherwise you will not understand anything and will not be able to repeat it. I have selected for you several video examples that tell you how to do evening makeup step by step - you can see them just below.

I would like to talk about one more feature that evening makeup has. It should look good in artificial light, in photographs and in dimly lit rooms.

This should be taken into account when choosing your image - something that, in bright directional light, looks like a beautiful gradient from pink to purple in the twilight can turn you into a vampire with burgundy streaks above the eyes.

Learning to do

How to do evening makeup quickly? Use the application technique smokey eyes, moreover, use medium shades - not too dark, and not the lightest. But if you have time, then it is quite possible to make your makeup for the holiday special and unique.

Hollywood evening makeup for blondes is not too difficult to do, and if you practice, you will certainly succeed. So, how did Hollywood beauties prefer to look at evening events?

  1. The complexion should be healthy, even and beautiful.
  2. Performed in a classic natural palette using black and red.
  3. Traditionally, they add shine to either the eyes or the lips - for the eyes you can use shadows with a shimmering effect, and for the lips a drop of gloss on top of bright red lipstick.
  4. You definitely need to paint your eyelashes and eyebrows well. Shades of brown are used for eyebrows, mascara is only black.

You need to start first of all with tone. Bearing in mind that we are doing evening makeup for blondes, it is better to start by removing the hair - on blonde hair Traces of not only black mascara are noticeable, but even light foundation.

  1. First, you need to apply a makeup base to your face, this will help even out the texture and give your face a little shine.
  2. Then you need to use concealer and correctors of different shades.
  3. The foundation is applied with light movements, it is best to do this with a good sponge.
  4. If you know how to work with sculpting techniques, then emphasize the line of the cheekbones and hair growth near the forehead with a darker tone, and use a highlighter to open up your eyes.
  5. Dust your face with a gentle, fine powder that will protect you from shine and give your skin a soft glow.
  6. Then proceed to the eyes - light shadows are applied to the entire surface of the upper eyelid. The best option- take shadows a tone lighter than your skin tone. Don't go with white ones, it looks out of place and artificial. Light peach or beige shadows, ivory or baked milk colors would be appropriate.
  7. Draw arrows - slightly raise the outer corner of the eye and draw a line along the growth of the eyelashes, and then repeat this for the second eye. If you can’t make arrows with regular liquid eyeliner, then you can always use a felt-tip eyeliner.
  8. After the arrows have dried, you can apply mascara. It is best to do this in two stages, so you can paint each eyelash more thoroughly.
  9. You need to powder your lips, outline the contour with a pencil, and lightly shade the inside of the contour, and then apply red matte lipstick.
Some more interesting options:

And also watch a video about Cat and European makeup:

Okay, how to do evening makeup for brunettes? Are there any significant differences? Will step-by-step evening makeup be very different for girls with dark hair?

Not really. Evening makeup for blondes, brown-haired women, redheads and dark-haired women is applied almost identically, the only difference is in the design and color scheme - naturally, brunettes and brown-haired women should wear makeup completely differently from blondes.

I'll tell you how to do interesting evening makeup for brunettes.

Dark brunettes with bright and dark hair can afford what is called a reverse smokey - when instead of a dark haze around the eye, a light haze is drawn, but not white, but colored. What tones could these be? Depends on what colors predominate in appearance, warm or cold. In any case, there are tones that will suit absolutely everyone:
  • violet;
  • dusty rose;
  • brown.

How to properly apply makeup at home?

  1. Prepare your face, apply the tone, and then use the lightest shadows, they should cover the surface of the upper eyelid and just short of the eyebrow.
  2. Blend the shadows well - it's best to do it directly with your fingers, then the pigment will stick well and won't fall off if you decide to laugh hard.
  3. Line your eyes with anyone in a convenient way. It is not necessary to draw some mind-blowing arrows; it is enough to simply paint over the eyelash growth line - from below and from above. The inner corner does not need to be painted.
  4. Apply dark shadows from the eyelashes and almost to the edge of the light shadows - you need the light ones to peek out slightly from under the edges of the dark ones in order to shade them together and get a pleasant shimmer.
  5. Blend the shadows.
  6. If you feel like your makeup isn’t deep enough, try taking even darker shadows and using them to highlight your lash line (you can apply it a second time with an eyeliner pencil).
  7. Use a small brush to powder your eyelashes; they should become slightly whitish - this will make the mascara adhere better to your eyelashes. Apply mascara to your eyelashes, then powder and paint again, remembering to comb them thoroughly.
  8. Apply a drop of light shadow under the eyebrow and to the inner corner of the eye.
If you don't have much time, make a smokey eye. This makeup is almost impossible to spoil, and it is applied easily and quickly.

Use only high-quality cosmetics. It doesn’t have to be too expensive, the main thing is that it must perform its functions - you won’t get a good make-up if the mascara falls off and the foundation oxidizes on your face.

If you do evening makeup step by step according to any video tutorial, then be sure to achieve similarity at each stage - otherwise, the result will also differ from what is in the video.

Don't skimp on brushes and makeup removers. Good brushes will help you apply makeup as correctly as possible, and a normal makeup remover will remove your perky war paint and will not harm your skin.

Don't forget that almost all photographs in beauty blogs and fashion magazines go through a retouching stage. A living person should not have skin that is too heavily covered with foundation, and painted eyelashes should not completely cover the eyebrows. If you want puppet effects, use this by special means. For example, rather than trying to layer regular lengthening mascara in several layers - just add eyelash extensions or use false eyelashes.
Be sure to think through the image. A girl with hours of makeup on her face and jeans looks very stupid. The effort expended must correspond to the result.

Take note of a couple of rules of modern makeup artists, which are relevant for everyone who wants to learn how to do stylish makeup:

  • Do not use shadows that completely match your eye color. If you have blue eyes, forget about eyeshadow of the same color. The eyes will appear narrow and small. To solve this problem, add a black eyeliner to your favorite eyeshadow shade.
  • Shade the outline. Outlining the eyes in a circle and without shading is a technique that only girls who are into gothic can afford.
  • Watch the shape of your eyebrows. Today everyone knows that eyebrows should be natural and wide. The main thing is not to forget to adjust the color and shape in time. After all, how your face and image as a whole will look greatly depends on this.
  • Forget about tattooing. Eyebrow or eyelid tattooing looks bad in most cases. It makes the face expressionless, flat and unnatural. You don't want to achieve this effect, do you?

If you want to visually enlarge your eyes

Light, shining shadows that should be applied to the inner corners of the eyes will help make your eyes larger and brighter. Apply a little light highlighter or light pink eyeshadow with pearl under your eyebrows, blending thoroughly. Apply shadows of a darker shade to the outer corner. For added effect, line your inner eyelid with a white pencil and apply lengthening mascara to your lashes. In this type of makeup, you should try to avoid dark and dense shadows, as well as liquid eyeliner in a circle - all this narrows the eyes even more.

If you want to remove dark circles and hide puffiness

Proper eye makeup always involves preparatory work related to masking dark circles and bags. If you often have this problem or just haven't gotten enough sleep, use concealer. It should be applied in one layer, carefully blending with your fingers or a brush. You can fix the result with loose mineral powder.


If you want to draw beautiful arrows

First, you need to choose the perfect eyeliner that will go on smoothly and last a long time. Then start training - this is the only way to learn how to draw beautiful arrows for proper eye makeup. Experiment with the shape to find one that suits your face type. Outline the contours of the arrows so that they are even on both sides, and then carefully apply eyeliner with a bold movement.

How to properly apply evening eye makeup

Evening makeup is a special art that requires time and skill. Follow these steps for beautiful evening eye makeup:

1) First, hide dark circles using concealer and powder.

2) Apply translucent shining shadows in pastel colors (or silver) under the eyebrow.

3) In the middle of the upper eyelid, apply the main, medium tone of the shadows that you intend to use.

4) On the outer corner of the eye, blend a darker shade of shadow.

5) On the contrary, apply a drop of light shadows with mother-of-pearl on the inner corner.

6) Emphasize the lower lash line with a black pencil, and the contour of the lower eyelid with a white or black pencil, depending on the desired effect.

7) Apply eyeliner.

8) Finally, apply 2 layers of eyelashes. Now you know how to do eye makeup correctly!

Even out your eyelid color by applying a thin layer of liquid concealer. Go over the top with a fluffy brush filled with beige-pink shadows.

Use purple eyeshadow and a fluffy natural brush to highlight the crease of your eyelid. Transfer the shade gradually, without trying to make it as saturated as possible at once, layer to obtain the desired effect.

Be sure to shake off the brush or transfer the pigment first to your hand and only then to your eye, this way you will avoid the appearance of spots in the shade. If you notice that the edge of the shadows is too noticeable, go over it with a clean brush.

Using a flat natural brush, apply dark shadows with shimmer to the entire eyelid using tapping movements. Fade the edge of the darkening a little so that the color gradually turns into purple on the orbital line.

Highlight the lower eyelid with shadow using a flat brush. Apply purple eyeshadow all over your eyelid and add a small amount of darker eyeshadow in the outer corner.

Use black eyeliner to fill in the space between the eyelashes on top, as well as the mucous membrane below.

Highlight the inner corner of your eye with shimmering shadows. Apply mascara to your eyelashes.

Your makeup is ready!

  • Always apply mascara from the roots of your lashes and work in an upward curling motion. If you do this regularly, your eyelashes will not look down even without mascara.
  • After applying one coat of mascara, wait ten seconds before applying a second coat. This way your eyelashes will not stick together.
  • Buy quality brushes and sponges. They will last you much longer and also ensure perfect application.
  • If you want your shadow to stay in place throughout the day or evening and the color to be really vibrant, be sure to use a makeup base.
  • Whatever eyebrow makeup product you use, always choose a shade that matches the color of your hair roots.
  • Start your makeup with the eyes and then move on to the tone. This way you won't ruin your perfect makeup with fallen shadows.

How to apply eye shadow depending on your eye shape?

Makeup for bulging eyes

Your main task is to make the moving eyelid darker than your skin color. For this purpose, use dark matte shadows. Blend them along the crease and add the same shadows to the corners of the eyes. Work on the mucous membrane of the eye - both above and below - with a dark pencil. This way you can make your eyes visually less prominent.

Makeup for small eyes

Apply dark shadows to the corners of your eyes, as if pulling them diagonally upward. False eyelashes and long, not too wide winged eyeliner can also help make your eyes look bigger.

Makeup for round eyes

Apply a darker shade of eyeshadow to the outer corner of your eye. Blend the shadows towards the central part of the eyelid, as if pulling them upward. This will make your eyes appear more horizontally elongated. Apply a lighter shade of eyeshadow to the inner corner of the eye and under the brow bone. You should not apply dark shadows to the central part of the moving eyelid.

Makeup for Asian eyes

Apply a dark shade of shadow over the entire surface of the eyelid, carefully blending upwards and to the side. Don't forget to work on your lash line. Try to create a gradient effect with the shadows, this will help visually expand your eyes a little.

Makeup for almond-shaped eyes

Girls with almond-shaped eyes are very lucky, because literally any makeup suits them, even jet-black smokey eyes. Don't know where to start? Start by applying dark shadows over the entire surface of the eyelid, blending towards the eyebrows. Apply lighter shades under your eyebrows.

Eye makeup with “raised” corners

Paint over the entire moving eyelid, blend within the crease. Pay special attention to shading and give it a horizontal direction. Apply dark shadow to the outer corners of your eyes. This will help visually “lower” them down.

Makeup for the impending century

Distribute dark shadows evenly over the entire surface of the moving eyelid, blend upwards. Do your makeup with your eyes open.

Makeup for eyes with downturned corners

Blend the selected shadows diagonally, moving towards the temple. This way you can visually lift the corner of your eye. Emphasize the lower eyelid completely, or do not paint it at all.

If you are new to eye makeup, then our video will help you learn how to beautifully paint your eyes with shadows.

Beautiful evening makeup: instructions

Apply Eye Duo Smoker cream shadow in shade 3 (brown) along the entire lash line. Blend them immediately, within 2-3 seconds, these shadows dry very quickly.

After all, the first thing we pay attention to when looking at a person is the eyes. They reflect everything - intellect, feelings, emotions and simply the state at a given second.

For girls, it is also a tool of seduction, so we decided to devote a separate article to eye makeup.

Main mistakes

Often we women, in pursuit of fashion and imitating famous personalities, forget about our own individuality.

Let's use a trick and approach the issue of makeup pragmatically. And we will choose cosmetics according to the criteria that we need, choosing what suits our face type, eye shape, etc.

So here are a few possible mistakes you may make:

  1. First, as you may have already guessed, this is not an individual approach. Always consider the color, shape of your eyes and skin tone. Don't choose colors you like, but pay attention to the palette that suits you. Don't blindly follow fashion. Try on new beauty products while evaluating yourself from the outside. Ask yourself the question: “Does this suit me or not?”
  2. Nacre. The fact is that mother-of-pearl highlights the skin and if it is not ideal, then it is better not to use such shadows. And as you age, it’s generally better to switch to matte shadows, since they will successfully highlight the beauty of your eyes without revealing wrinkles.
  3. Shadows to match the color of clothes. When choosing green eye shadow for a green dress, you risk looking ridiculous.
  4. Black eyeliner or pencil. It doesn’t suit all girls, as black visually narrows the eyes.

If you do not have large eyes that you would like to narrow, then it is better to choose eyeliners in brown, blue, and green shades.

By avoiding these mistakes, you will have already done 25% of the work towards good eye makeup. And then the question is of a technical nature and your skill.

Creating a base for makeup

In order for the makeup applied in the morning to last until the evening, you should pay attention to the makeup base. This technique is the secret to perfect celebrity makeup.

It is better not to neglect it, because it is precisely because of this that we often encounter troubles that cause a lot of trouble.

For example, dry skin around the eyes or makeup running after a few hours, as well as creases in the creases of the upper eyelid.

To avoid all this you should take care of:

  1. Hydration. Be sure to always apply moisturizer before applying makeup. To consolidate the effect, do not apply other products immediately. Better wait 20 minutes.
  2. Then apply a base for eye makeup, now there is a huge selection of them - mousse, gel, cream. The beauty is that they cover the skin without allowing the foundation to clog the pores. This product also prevents shadows from getting into fine wrinkles and perfectly evens out the skin.
  3. The next step is the correction of all imperfections - bruises, swelling, etc. Both special correctors and .

Your skin is now in perfect condition and ready for application. decorative cosmetics.

Makeup technique

There are a huge number of makeup application techniques that can be easily done at home.

How to make your makeup varied using the technique of applying shadows can be seen in this photo.

But there are also application rules for each eye color and shape, and we will look at them in more detail.

Choosing shadows to match your eye color

When choosing eye shadow, you need to take into account the saturation of the shade of the iris. So, for example, shadows and pencils of all shades of brown can emphasize the grace of light brown eyes, avoiding flashy colors.

It is best to apply shadow to the upper eyelid, and line the growth area of ​​the lower eyelashes with a pencil, shading it a little.

For honey brown eyes, it is best to use sparkling champagne shades combined with purple notes.

Owners of light brown eyes should not use black pencil and eyeliner, especially in everyday makeup. Better opt for brown shades, this will make the look more open.

Girls with deep dark hair brown eyes Don't be afraid of bright colors. They can also afford black eyeliner and expressive winged eyeliner.

For blue eyes it is better to choose lilac shades, mint, gray. The main thing is that the makeup is soft and gentle.

Those with green eyes look best with emerald shades and brown with golden pollen.

Grey eyes Shades of bright blue, black, and gray are best emphasized. Shadows with pink and lilac tints look a little defiant.

Correcting the shape of the eyes

In the success of the struggle for perfect makeup, not only color palette and the sequence of application, but also to preserve or emphasize the shape of the eyes.

Of course, the happy owners of the right facial features just need to avoid ruining everything with makeup.

But for girls who want to correct the shape of their eyes, makeup tricks will come to the rescue.
So, for those with wide-set eyes, makeup with expressive winged eyeliner and thickly colored eyelashes will be good.

Pay attention to the inner corners of the eyes - this is where the arrow should end. This will bring your eyes closer together visually.

At the same time, this technique is prohibited for girls with close-set eyes. They should paint over the arrows only on the outer corners and put light highlights on the inner corner of the eye.

If you have a slightly drooping eyelid, then pay attention to the outer corners of the eyelid - they should be emphasized. But the inside part should be highlighted. Also raise your eyebrows with white eye shadow.

Of course, now there are many techniques and new tools. These were basic rules to create the perfect eye makeup.

We hope you found them helpful and useful. We remind you that you have the opportunity to subscribe to our blog updates in order to learn many more useful things.

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