When is Navy Day? Founding Day of the Russian Navy - Day of the Surface Sailor

The Navy is the pride and glory of our country. Every year in last sunday July, we congratulate sailors and officers, submariners and marines, coast guard and naval aviation soldiers on their professional holiday. We should not forget about hydrographic services, services providing rear services, and signalmen.

The honored guests of the holiday are WWII veterans who defended our country in the most difficult years. Today we will talk about the history of the holiday, how it is customary to celebrate this day in Sevastopol and St. Petersburg, Murmansk and Severomorsk, Voronezh and Astrakhan - wherever Russian warships are based.

History of the Navy Day

In 1696, the Boyar Duma signed a decree on the creation of the Navy. Tsar Peter I understood the need to build military ships to defend the state's maritime borders and conquer new territories. In 1714, the first victory at sea was won, in honor of which it was decided to hold a parade of ships. In the Soviet Union, sailors were honored during the “Red Fleet” week, and in 1939, Fleet Admiral N. G. Kuznetsov proposed celebrating the Navy’s Birthday on July 24. In modern Russia, by decree of Russian President V.V. Putin dated May 31, 2006, a memorial day for the Navy was established on the last Sunday of July.

Today, the professional holiday is celebrated by the Caspian Flotilla as well as the Black Sea, Baltic, Northern and Pacific fleets.

When is Navy Day 2015 celebrated?

In 2015, Navy Day falls on July 26. Ship parades, concerts and fireworks become traditional.

St. Petersburg is the cradle of the Russian fleet. Here the holiday will last for 2 whole days. Warships will enter the Neva waters and will be open to visitors. The event centers will be Angliyskaya Embankment and Lieutenant Schmidt Embankment. Concerts are held on the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island, in the Alexander Garden and in the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall.

Sevastopol, the capital of the Black Sea Fleet, will also delight residents and guests with festive decorations, a parade of ships and demonstration performances by sailors.

In Voronezh, on the museum ship you can take a tour of the local reservoir.

At the end of July, Russia celebrates one of its favorite holidays - Navy Day (Navy Day). The full name of the holiday is Navy Day Russian Federation in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

On Russian Navy Day, everyone who guards the country's maritime borders, family members of sailors, employees of naval institutions and, of course, sailor veterans of the Great Patriotic War and the Armed Forces celebrate their professional holiday.

When is Navy Day celebrated?

Russian Navy Day is celebrated annually on the last Sunday of July. In 2016, this holiday falls on July 31.

When is Navy Day established?

In modern Russia, the celebration of Navy Day is established by decree of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin dated May 31, 2006.

In the Soviet Union, Navy Day was established in 1939. According to the decree, the holiday was to be celebrated annually on July 24. The holiday was introduced at the suggestion of the then People's Commissar of the USSR Navy Nikolai Kuznetsov- later the famous admiral of the fleet of the Soviet Union. Thus, in 2016 the holiday turned 77 years old.

Navy Day was moved to the last Sunday in July by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980.

After the collapse of the USSR, the holiday fit perfectly into the new Russian realities, becoming especially identical and revered in the 2000s - when the time came for serious modernization and the revival of the power and prestige of our army and navy.

The holiday also has a mythological background: it is believed that on the hottest days of summer it is worth paying homage to the formidable god of the seas Neptune, so Navy Day is also Neptune Day. The holiday arose from an ancient custom: before letting a ship pass, Neptune doused novice sailors with water.

Modern Russian Navy

Russia is a great maritime power. Our country won the right to be called this thanks to the exploits of our ancestors and brilliant victories in naval battles, which won unfading glory to the country and its Navy.

Today the Russian Navy is the pride of the country with military traditions and heroic history. The holiday is celebrated not only by military sailors, but also by everyone who is proud of our fleet and its heroic past and believes in its future. Service in the navy has always been considered prestigious; entire naval dynasties have been formed in Russia over generations.

The first Russian warship was created under the Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich. “There will be sea vessels!” - said, taking the throne, the future first Russian emperor Peter I, who understood well that without a fleet Russia cannot take a new step in its development.

Today, the Russian Navy, being one of the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, is designed to protect Russia's interests around the world and its maritime borders.

The Navy is capable of delivering nuclear strikes on enemy ground targets, destroying enemy fleet groups at sea and bases, protecting maritime transportation, assisting ground forces in operations on land, landing amphibious assault forces and performing other important tasks. The Russian Navy includes surface and submarine forces, naval aviation and coastal naval forces, as well as special forces and logistics units. The operational-strategic formations of the Russian Navy are: the Baltic, Northern, Black Sea and Pacific fleets and the Caspian flotilla.

On Navy Day, memorial and solemn events are traditionally held throughout the country, military parades, including ship parades, meetings of veterans, folk festivals, fireworks and fireworks.

Congratulations on Navy Day 2016 in verse

Conquerors of the seas, oceans and rains,
To the lords of all helms,
Sails and anchors
We only wish for calm,
And sail through life beautifully.
And without a compass to know
Where to moor yourself.
Let life be more comfortable
And more spacious than a cabin.
To wait at the pier
And they greeted us with a smile.
So that stray volleys of guns
Only on holidays you should listen.
And fireworks in your honor
So as not to over-read!

On Navy Day
So we want to raise our glasses,
Sailors, for your success
It's definitely not a sin to drink today.

We wish you a sea of ​​light,
So that summer would ring in my soul.
Peace of mind and more strength to you,
May it be a wonderful sea holiday!

You swam across the ocean,
He went to the seas and guarded his homeland.
Honor and glory shone under the sail,
You have opened thousands of roads for yourself.

Today you will remember the sea, oceans,
Expanse of roads and thousands of obstacles.
Navy Day is the main holiday in July,
I am very happy to congratulate you on it.

Honor and glory to the sailors
On this summer holiday.
Peace and health to you,
Joy and happiness.

We always wish you
Conquer the depths
Let all the trouble go away
Deep into the depths of the sea!

Today we congratulate
Conquerors of the sea -
And experienced captains,
And young sailors.

May the weather be good
Always accompanies you.
The wind is warm and inviting
Fills the sails.

Everything will be fine at home
There are true friends nearby.
Noble calling
Always inspires you.

Let the ship rock on the waves,
On the waves of luck and success,
So that a fair wind will push you,
There was a sea of ​​joy and laughter.

The storm did not overtake me on the way,
And adrenaline was boiling through the veins,
To reach the shore without obstacles,
And definitely return home.

May a bright star shine for you,
Good journey - lights the way,
You are sons of the sea element,
Happy Navy Day!

In 2016, Navy Day falls on the last day of the month - the 31st. The celebrations promise to be especially large-scale, since 2016 is an anniversary year for the Russian fleet. Exactly 320 years ago, having returned from the successful Azov campaign and the capture of the port city of Azov, Emperor Peter I signed a decree on the creation of the Russian navy.

IN 9.30 The celebration of Navy Day will begin with the grand opening of the updated exhibition of the Central Naval Museum on board the cruiser Aurora, which recently returned to its eternal mooring site after repair.

IN 10.00 in the waters of the Neva (between the Blagoveshchensky and Palace bridges) the personnel of the ships will be solemnly congratulated on the holiday.

After this, in 10.30 The festival performance at the Bronze Horseman and the parade of ships of the Leningrad naval base will begin.

After the parade, participating ships on the Promenade des Anglais and the Lieutenant Schmidt Embankment will be open to the public. You can board them from 14.30 to 20.00.

IN 19.00 A large festive concert dedicated to Navy Day will begin on Palace Square. Popular performers and groups, as well as sailors from the Leningrad naval base of the Baltic Fleet, will take part in it.

IN 22.00 Navy Day will end with a colorful fireworks display from the beach of the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Let us note that, according to tradition, the central event of the celebration of Navy Day in St. Petersburg is a colorful and breathtaking parade of warships. This event is eagerly awaited by thousands of St. Petersburg residents and guests every year. Northern capital. In 2016, the naval parade will take place in the Neva waters on July 31. It will involve 16 ships and vessels of the Leningrad naval base of the Baltic Fleet, which showed the best results in combat training, the press service of the Western Military District reported.

This year, the most honorable places in the ceremonial ranks in the roadstead opposite the Bronze Horseman will be taken by the corvette “Boikiy”, the submarine “Krasnodar” and the small anti-submarine ship (MPC) “Kazanets”. In addition, the Urengoy MPK, the Dimitrovgrad missile boat, the Denis Davydov landing boat, the BT-115 base minesweeper, the RT-57 raid minesweeper, as well as tugboats and special vessels will be lined up at the Promenade des Anglais and the Lieutenant Schmidt embankment Leningrad naval base. For the first time, the patrol ship Admiral Essen will take part in the naval parade.

Photo report / Navy Day in St. Petersburg

Rehearsals for the naval parade will take place, the dress rehearsal will take place. Everyone will be able to see the preparations for the parade.

Celebrating Navy Day in different areas of the city

Navy Day 2016 in Kronstadt, program

The holiday will open on Sunday, July 31, at 10.00 with a Liturgy and prayer service in the Kronstadt Naval Cathedral in the name of the patron saint of all sailors, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. At 10.00 there will be a traditional laying of flowers at the monument to Peter I in Petrovsky Park. Immediately after this, spectators will enjoy a water festival organized by the Leningrad Naval Base. And after this, a concert program of the Drama Theater of the Baltic Fleet will begin here, which will be continued by a defile of naval brass bands.

At 13.00, tug-of-war competitions will begin on Makarovskaya Street for everyone who wants to measure their strength, and at the same time, on Yakornaya Square, an action to help tourists “Look at Kronstadt!”, organized by the Museum of the History of Kronstadt, will take place. Volunteers of the event will introduce city guests to excursion routes, talk about memorable places on Kotlin Island, and also provide information about the holiday program and other city events.

Starts at 14.00 in Petrovsky Park entertainment“Neptune's Holiday”, including numerous quizzes, competitions, outdoor games, competitions, as well as a master class on tying sea knots. Guests of the holiday will also enjoy a children's dance flash mob, as well as a fun competition “Sea Queen”.

At 15.30, the celebration of Navy Day in Petrovsky Park will continue with the concert program “For those at sea.” The rock band "Accent" and the folk show group "Fair" will perform for the audience.

At 19.00 a big festive concert will begin on Yakornaya Square, which this time will be held in the format of a rock festival. Rock bands such as “Pravada”, “Monoliza” and “Midzhi” will perform for the residents and guests of Kronstadt, and the legendary group “Myths” will be the headliner. Another surprise from the organizers is the appearance on the festive stage of one of the founders of the Agatha Christie rock group, Vadim Samoilov, who will perform the best compositions from the repertoire of his group.

The celebration of Navy Day in Kronstadt will end with colorful fireworks. It will start on Anchor Square at 23.00.

Navy Day 2016: Admiralteysky district, program

On Friday, July 29, from 16.00 to 18.00, a concert of marine music “I have the honor” will be held at the Church of the Savior on Water (English Embankment, building 76).

On Sunday, July 31, at 11.00, the regional celebration in honor of Navy Day will begin in the Alexander Garden (Admiralteysky Proezd, building 1).

Navy Day 2016: Vasileostrovsky district, program

On Wednesday, July 27, at 16.00, a regional sports festival dedicated to the celebration of Navy Day starts at the multifunctional site located at Maly Prospekt V.O., building 66.

In the evening of the same day, at 19.00, the festive concert “Only Once” will begin on the Spit of Vasilievsky Island. Russian folk romances and songs will be performed by the Piano Quintet and soloists of the Mariinsky and Mikhailovsky theaters.

On Thursday, July 28, a mini-football tournament will be held in the Vasileostrovsky district. The competition will begin at 18.00 on the sports ground near house 35 on Shevchenko Street.

Photo: Natalya Glebova / News Agency

Navy Day 2016: Vyborg region, program

Until July 30, the “Vyborg Side” club (Smolyachkova Street, building 13) is hosting a book exhibition “Remembering Everyone by Name.” Here on Saturday, July 30, at 19.00, the film quiz “From Battle to Battle” will begin.

On Thursday, July 28, at 16.00, a rock concert dedicated to Navy Day will begin at the MIR teenage and youth center (Engelsa Avenue, building 147, building 1, letter D).

On Saturday, July 30, at 13.00, a regional festive concert dedicated to Navy Day will begin in Sosnovka Park.

Navy Day 2016: Kalininsky district, program

On Friday, July 29, at 14.00, the educational program “The Navy is the Pride of Russia” will begin at the Galaxy House of Culture (Rustaveli Street, building 12).

On Sunday, July 31, at 12.00 at the Bogoslovskoye Cemetery (Mechnikov Avenue) a solemn funeral ceremony of laying wreaths and flowers at the graves of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Captain 3rd Rank A.I. Marinesko and N.A. Lunina.

Also on Sunday, July 31, at 13.00 at the external exhibition of the Museum of the History of Submarine Forces named after A.I. Marinesko (Kondratievsky Prospekt, 83/1) will host a festive concert program with the participation of musical groups and pop artists from St. Petersburg.

Navy Day 2016: Kirovsky district, program

On Thursday, July 28, at 16.00 in the center of culture and leisure "Kirovets" (Stachek Avenue, building 158) the play "Guardian" will be given by the youth theater "Forever young", dedicated to the feat and death of the legendary Russian destroyer.

On Friday, July 29, in the Central District Library on Leni Golikova Street, building 31, from 14.00 to 17.00, a virtual tour of the naval museum “Under St. Andrew’s Banner” will take place.

On Saturday, July 30, at 16.00 in Library No. 1 (Korneeva Street, building 6) a virtual journey with lecture accompaniment “St. Petersburg - the cradle of the Russian fleet” will begin.

Navy Day 2016: Kolpinsky district, program

On Saturday, July 30, at 14.00 at the Parus stadium in the village of Pontonny (Lagernoye Shosse, building 11), the “Whistle all up!” folk festival dedicated to Navy Day will begin.

On Sunday, July 31, at 15.00 in Kolpino Park on Lake Chukhonka, in honor of Navy Day, a festive program “Glory to the Russian Navy!” will be held.

Navy Day 2016: Krasnogvardeisky district, program

On Wednesday, July 27, at 11.00 in the Mirror Hall of the Cultural and Leisure Center "Krasnogvardeisky" (Shaumyan Avenue, building 22) the interactive program "Children's Walk" will begin.

Until July 31, the Central Children's Library "KiT" (Industrial Avenue, building 15) is hosting the book and illustrated exhibition "Sons of the Sea Power."

Another similar exhibition entitled “While you are at sea, nothing threatens us,” dedicated to Navy Day, is open until August 2 in the Malookhtinskaya library (Novocherkassky Prospekt, 49/20).

Navy Day 2016: Krasnoselsky district, program

On Thursday, July 28, at 15.00, the entertaining team game “Sea Wolves” will be held at the “Fakel” club of the “Ligovo” teenage and youth center (Tambasova Street, building 32).

On Friday, July 29, at 14.00, the cultural and educational event “Through the Storm and Storms” will begin at the Krasnoselsky Cultural Center (Lenin Avenue, 49/8).

On Saturday, July 30, a district-wide “Neptune Festival” will be held on the street area near the pond on Krasnoselskoye Highway near house 40 - it will begin at 14.00.

On Sunday, July 31, at 16.00, a concert program dedicated to Navy Day will begin on the summer stage of the Upper Park in Krasnoe Selo.

Navy Day 2016: Resort area, program

On Thursday, July 28, at 12.00 in the Park of Culture and Recreation in Zelenogorsk (Primorskoe Highway, building 536), an asphalt drawing competition dedicated to Navy Day will begin.

Navy Day 2016: Moskovsky district, program

From July 22 to July 30, from 11.00 to 18.00, a book and illustrated exhibition “The Valiant Force of the Sea” will be opened in the Library at the Moscow Gate (Moskovsky Prospekt, 150).

Until July 31 inclusive from 11.00 to 18.00 in the Central Children's Library named after S.Ya. Marshak (Baseinaya Street, building 45) has a similar exhibition called “Guardian of Water Borders”.

Another book and illustrated exhibition - “A sailor has no difficult or easy path, there is only one path - a glorious one” - will also be held in the Library on Blagodatnaya Street (house 20). It will begin on July 25 and will last until August 2. Opening hours: from 11.00 to 18.00.

On Thursday, July 28, at 12.00, a video presentation “Symbols of Naval Courage” will be held at the Orbita Library (Leninsky Prospekt, 161).

Navy Day 2016: Nevsky district, program

On Tuesday, July 26, the Central Children's Library on Babushkina Street, 64, will open an exhibition of art postcards “Lighthouses - Guardians of Sailors.” It will last until August 5th.

From July 28 to August 2, in library No. 4 (Babushkina Street, building 135) there will be a book and illustrative exhibition “The sailor has only one path - the glorious one.”

Also, from July 28 to August 2, a similar exhibition under the proud title “The Maritime Glory of Russia” will be open in the Fisherman’s Library No. 6 (D. Ustinova Street, Building 3).

Navy Day 2016: Petrogradsky district, program

From July 26 in the Youth Library named after A.P. Gaidar (Bolshoy Prospekt PS, building 18) a book exhibition “The Glory of St. Andrew’s Flag” will be held.

Navy Day 2016: Petrodvorets district, program

From July 25 to July 31 from 12.00 to 18.00 in the Family Reading Library named after. Yu. Inge (Strelna village, Orlovskaya street, building 2) an exhibition will be held creative works preschoolers “And the waves sang to us...” dedicated to Navy Day.

On Saturday, July 30, at 12.00 at the Strelna yacht club (Strelna village, Portovaya street, building 25) the festive maritime all-around competitions will begin.

On Sunday, July 31, at 15.00 in Peterhof, on the site in front of the Cascade cultural center (Tsaritsynskaya street, building 2), a brass band concert dedicated to Navy Day will take place.

Also on July 31, at 16.00 in the Lomonosov City House of Culture (Lomonosov, Palace Avenue, building 12/8) the VI festival of naval song “Vest”, dedicated to the holiday, will be held.

Navy Day 2016: Pushkinsky district, program

On Thursday, July 28, at 11.00 at the Tsarskoselsky Youth House (Pushkin, Magazeynaya Street, 42A) there will be a youth action “Glory to the Russian Navy!”

On Saturday, July 30, at 15.00 in the concert hall on Naberezhnaya Street, building 14, the festive concert “And yet the sea...” will begin.

On Sunday, July 31, from 15.00 to 18.00, the Miss Navy competition will be held at the site at the intersection of Kolpinskoe Highway and Promyshlennaya Street in the Slavyanka microdistrict. The program includes a beauty and talent contest among women - wives of military personnel or those serving in the Navy, a show program on stage, a children's interactive zone (trampolines, face painting, fun starts, creative master classes, animation, soap bubble show), an interactive zone for men (shooting gallery, bungee jump, photo zone), prize draws and more.

Navy Day 2016: Frunzensky district, program

From July 25 to 29 in Library No. 1 named after M.F. Frunze (Sofia Street, building 46, building 2) from 11.00 to 19.00 there will be an exhibition “They always stand guard over the sea gates, sea borders.”

On Friday, July 29, in Library No. 5 “Harmony” (Bukharestskaya street, building 122, building 1) from 11.00 to 15.00 everyone will be able to see the talking wall “Great Naval Commanders of Russia”.

In addition, on July 29, at the Fakel Center for Contemporary Youth Culture (44 Sofiyskaya Street), from 11.00 to 18.00 there will be an exhibition of creative works dedicated to Navy Day.

Photo: press service of the Administration of St. Petersburg

Navy Day 2016: Central region, program

On Wednesday, July 27, at 11.00, a festive themed event “St. Petersburg - the sea capital of the world” will begin at the Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children of the Central District (Zhukovskogo Street, 59-61).

On the same day, July 27, at 16.15 at the Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children on Zvenigorodskaya Street, building 30A, a festive program “Whistle up everyone!” will be held.

For more than 300 years, people whose bravery, dedication and bravery are worthy of the highest praise and gratitude have been guarding the maritime borders of our Motherland. We are talking about the Russian Navy, more precisely, about military sailors - real heroes who risk their lives for the sake of our peaceful existence. We, ordinary citizens, do not always have the opportunity to express our admiration and personally thank the brave representatives of this profession. But on Navy Day, which is celebrated in Russia on the last Sunday of July, it is simply unacceptable not to congratulate military sailors on their professional holiday. Moreover, the festive events and concerts, which are held on this day in Sevastopol, Kronstadt, St. Petersburg, Novorossiysk and other cities, are conducive to this. Agree, it’s not at all difficult to approach even an unfamiliar sailor and say a few warm congratulatory phrases in poetry or prose. And if among your loved ones or relatives there are military sailors, you should definitely choose beautiful and funny congratulations on Navy Day for them. From our article today you will find out when Navy Day 2016 will be celebrated in Russia, and also find a selection best congratulations on this wonderful holiday.

What date is Navy Day celebrated in 2016 in Russia?

The tradition of celebrating a holiday dedicated to the Russian Navy dates back more than 70 years. Navy Day was first established by the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR in 1939. Then it was decided to celebrate Navy Day on the 24th of the second month of summer. Since then, a lot has changed, entire eras and countries have changed. It is logical that the changes also affected the date when this holiday is celebrated. In Russia, starting from 2006, the date of celebration of Navy Day was moved to the last Sunday of July. What date exactly is Navy Day celebrated in 2016 in Russia? This year, military sailors will be congratulated on July 31.

Program of events for Navy Day 2016 in St. Petersburg

In 2016, festive events dedicated to Russian Navy Day in St. Petersburg will take place for two whole days - July 30 and 31. The largest events will take place on the English and Lieutenant Schmidt embankments, as well as on Palace Square. There will also be a mandatory parade of military ships in the waters of the Neva, where everyone will be able to take pictures, visit the decks of ships or go down into their holds. More detailed information about the program of events for Military Day Navy 2016 in St. Petersburg can be found on the official website of the city administration.

Program of events for Navy Day 2016 in Kronstadt

Festive events on July 31, 2016 are also expected in Kronstadt. The city authorities are organizing a whole program of events for Kronstadt residents and guests for Navy Day 2016: a procession of two military brass bands, a musical concert and congratulations from the heads of the administration. The festive program of events for Navy Day 2016 in Kronstadt will be completed by a bright fireworks display of 400 salvos.

Program of events for Navy Day 2016 in Sevastopol

The program of festive events for Navy Day 2016 in Sevastopol promises to be interesting and exciting. Traditionally, the holiday will begin with a parade of military naval equipment. The main evening events will take place on Nakhimov Square. The festive program for Navy Day 2016 in Sevastopol includes a concert with performances by popular pop stars and an unforgettable fireworks display.

Cool congratulations on Navy Day in verse

Of course, it’s nice for everyone to receive congratulations in verse, especially on your professional holiday. Therefore, never skimp on kind, beautiful, funny congratulations in verse, which on Navy Day will be able to please sailors of any rank. Funny congratulations on Navy Day in verse and for holiday cards are suitable, with which you can complement your verbal congratulations or a small thematic gift. But most importantly, such congratulations will always lift the spirits and give a few minutes of positivity to representatives of this harsh male profession.

You swam across the ocean,

He went to the seas and guarded his homeland.

Honor and glory shone under the sail,

You have opened thousands of roads for yourself.

Today is a holiday - Navy Day,

Pour and drink a glass of vodka.

And you won't go to work today,

Today you will drink to the lovely ladies.

Today you will remember the sea, oceans,

Expanse of roads and thousands of obstacles.

Navy Day is the main holiday in July,

I am very happy to congratulate you on it.

Above you guys is St. Andrew's flag.

He soars calmly and proudly.

You, best years giving it to the fleet,

Celebrate this day cheerfully!

You pull Neptune by the beard,

Hurry up and get into the fountain

Threaten the guys, don't be afraid of rumors,

And pester the girls.

Today there is no shame. Today is not a sin.

After all, only once a year, unfortunately,

The sailors greet the Navy all day long.

Please accept my congratulations!

All hands on deck!

Happy Navy Day to you

Congratulations guys!

From your vest

The female gender is simply thrilled!

Let Yudashkin let her

And he doesn’t dare touch it!

And we wish you

Seven feet under the keel.

Let life go by

Always completely calm!

Beautiful congratulations on Navy Day in prose

It is worthy to congratulate you on Russian Navy Day with wishes in prose. Moreover, beautiful congratulations in prose, Happy Navy Day is very universal. Firstly, they can be used for personal congratulations loved one, and for the official greeting of an entire military team. Secondly, no matter how beautiful congratulations on Navy Day may be, they can always be supplemented with your own words, which will make the wishes even warmer and more sincere. And thirdly, wishes in prose are always easier to remember, and even if you get confused in the process of congratulations and forget a couple of words, then, most likely, no one will even notice.

The Navy is the pride and beauty of any state. From a young age, every boy imagines himself as a captain, and as he grows up, he strives to join the ranks of the corresponding troops. So let our fleet remain a decoration and never use its power for a direct military purpose.

Today we congratulate those whose hearts are forever given to the sea, those who know how to work in a team under any circumstances of the capricious sea elements, those of whom our great power - great Russia - is proud! Thank you, guys, for the fact that you, without sparing yourself, your health and life, carry the proud banner of the defenders and sons of your Fatherland. Happy Navy Day!

Dear Navy personnel! We are glad to congratulate you on your annual professional holiday. We wish you good health, love and understanding in your family, Have a good mood every day. Celebrate your holiday with dignity, in the circle of loved ones and friends. Good luck to you in your service and in any area of ​​your life!

Short congratulations on Navy Day for SMS

Modern technologies make our life not only more interesting, but also easier. Judge for yourself, thanks to phones and, in particular, SMS, we can easily congratulate a dear person on Navy Day, close friend or a colleague who is hundreds or thousands of kilometers away. Short congratulations Happy Navy Day for SMS from our next selection will help you congratulate sailors throughout our country on the holiday. Wherever they are: in St. Petersburg, Sevastopol, Kronstadt or Novorossiysk - short wishes in poetry or prose in SMS will always be delivered on time. Now that you know what date Navy Day 2016 will be celebrated in Russia, do not forget to use our cool congratulations as intended!

Published 07/30/16 23:07

Navy Day 2016: Russian President Vladimir Putin is expected to visit St. Petersburg on July 31.

Navy Day 2016: what date?

Navy Day is traditionally celebrated on the last Sunday of July. This year the holiday fell on July 31st. Let us note that 2016 is an anniversary year for the Russian fleet - 320 years ago, after the successful Azov campaign of Peter I, the Duma approved a decree on the creation of the navy.

For St. Petersburg, this holiday has always been special: the founder of the city and the Russian fleet was Peter the Great, and St. Petersburg was and remains the maritime capital of the country.

Navy Day 2016: parade of ships intkbbee will be held in the presence of Vladimir Putin

The naval parade will traditionally take place in the Neva waters, between the Palace and Blagoveshchensky bridges and will begin at 10 a.m. on July 31. This year, 16 ships from the Leningrad Naval Base will take part in the parade.

This year, President Vladimir Putin will come to greet the court personnel. In addition to participating in the naval parade, the head of state will visit the legendary cruiser Aurora, which has returned after restoration. Governor Georgy Poltavchenko and representatives of the administration will also address city residents with congratulations.

According to the press service of the Russian Ministry of Defense, the parade will be attended by the Urengoy MPK, the Dimitrovgrad missile boat, the Denis Davydov landing boat, the BT-115 base minesweeper, the RT-57 raid minesweeper, and the Boykiy corvette. , the submarine "Krasnodar" and the small anti-submarine ship "Kazanets". For the first time, the patrol ship Admiral Essen will take part in the parade.

After the parade, from 14.30 to 20.00, the ships on the Promenade des Anglais will be open to the public. It will be possible to board the ships from the Promenade des Anglais and from the Lieutenant Schmidt embankment.

Navy Day in St. Petersburg 2015. VIDEO

Navy Day 2016 in St. Petersburg: program of events

The celebration of Navy Day in St. Petersburg will begin July 31 V 9:30 from the grand opening of the exhibition of the Central Naval Museum on board the cruiser Aurora, which recently returned to its parking place after renovation (Petrogradskaya embankment).

10:00 — 10:30 - in the waters of the Neva will take place ship parade Leningrad naval base and congratulations to the personnel of the ships on Navy Day (the water area of ​​the Neva River, below the Blagoveshchensky Bridge, between the Blagoveshchensky and Palace Bridges).

10:30 — 12:00 - opening ceremony of the holiday dedicated to Navy Day, naval parade, festival performance (Admiralteyskaya embankment, near the Bronze Horseman monument).

14:30 — 20:00 - after the parade participating ships will be open to visitors residents and guests of the city ( English embankment, emb. Lieutenant Schmidt).

22:00 — 22:15 will take place festive fireworks in honor of Navy Day beach of the Peter and Paul Fortress.

July 31 from 14:00 to 16:30 on Palace Square will pass Sea Song Festival “Sea Soul Wide Open”. The Festival will be attended by: Shanti-Choir of the sailing ship "MIR", Group "Mitki", Group "St. Petersburg", Bagpipes and Drums of St. Petersburg, Musical group "Striped Reis", Ksyusha Arsenyeva and Co., Natalya Korzh, Orchestra "Favorite" "and the Peter Band Group.

The hosts of the Festival are Vladimir Nats and Mila Mus, as well as the famous Mitek in St. Petersburg - Dmitry Shagin.

Play areas will be organized for young spectators on Palace Square

Palace Square

On July 31 at 19:00 a large festive concert dedicated to Navy Day will begin on Palace Square.

The concert will be attended by: Oleg Gazmanov, Igor Sklyar, Methodology Bujor, Alexander Pakhmutov And Yana Leontieva, Theater "Without Borders" And Ensemble "Petersburg Souvenir", accordion duo "Barcode" And "Baritones of St. Petersburg", finalist of the fourth season of the all-Russian show “The Voice” Yana Bashkireva. And also sailors of the Leningrad Naval Base of the Baltic Fleet: Admiralty Orchestra, students of the Nakhimov School, a Marine Corps unit and others.

Nevsky district, park on the banks of the Neva River (opposite houses 27-37 on Rybatsky Avenue)
m. Rybatskoe

Try Nevskaya Ukha and watch a concert with Igor Kornelyuk, Anatoly Tukish, Alexandra Pakhmutova, groups "Blooming Sally", Soap bubble show from Mr. Puzyrkov, Dance Ensemble “Petersburg Souvenir” will be available at regional festival "Nevskaya Ukha - 2016", dedicated to Navy Day.

Navy Day in Kronstadt

The city of military glory Kronstadt will also host many events, dedicated to the day Navy.

10.00: in Petrovsky Park there will be a traditional laying of flowers at the monument to Peter I. Then the program of the Baltic Fleet Theater will begin in the park, which will continue with a performance by a brass band. At 15.30 The folk group “Fair” will perform here.

13.00: A tug-of-war competition will be held on Makarovskaya Street. At the same time, on Anchor Square, volunteers from the Kronstadt History Museum will lead citizens on excursion routes around Kotlin Island.

14.00: a traditional family celebration will begin in Petrovsky Park "Neptune's Holiday" with competitions, master classes and other marine entertainment for children and adults.

19.00: A rock festival with the participation of bands starts on Yakornaya Square Pravada, Monolisa, “Miji” and “Myths”. The highlight of the program will be the performance Vadim Samoilov from the group "Agatha Christie", who will play his band's hits.

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