How to find a mistress for a married man? How to find a mistress Where to find a married mistress.

How and where can a wealthy and married man find a mistress? who will fit the criteria and will not blow your mind - With us you will find out where it is better to look for a mistress.

In a world where the female population outnumbers the male population, it turns out that it is very difficult to find a lover. A girl for one night from a club or a colleague from work who shows you signs of attention is not quite the same. A mistress should give affection and tenderness, take care of a man and completely satisfy him in bed. And she shouldn’t get involved in other matters, especially if the sponsor is married. We offer a convenient service for finding mistresses - the Cinderella Project, where you can definitely find your sexual happiness.

Where to look for a mistress - popular places to search

In a modern man there are enough options where to find a mistress, but they are all far from ideal.

Never meet girls through a social network while you are married. Because your potential mistress will have a lot of opportunities for blackmail. If you break up, she may start writing to your wife or friends, and even deleting the page will not help.

Dating websites.

Everything will be fine there as long as you chat. But as soon as she finds out your phone number, all hell breaks loose. And where is the guarantee that the sexy blonde from the photo will not turn out to be a sweaty man or even your wife who decided to expose you to clean water?

Night clubs.

Easy sex, a girl for one night - that's all you can find in such establishments. The likelihood that you will meet the one there tends to zero.

Restaurants, exhibitions, theaters.

Such establishments are visited by girls with a higher cultural level and moral values, but a business man does not always have time to meet people in person. In addition, you will often find yourself in awkward situations when a girl rejects you.

And yet we believe that it is simplest find a lover on the Internet. You just need to choose the right services. No social networks!

We have taken into account all the risks, so you will be protected from all sides.

  1. You can communicate with the girl you like via chat or calls.
  2. Your phone number will be kept secret. The girl’s mobile phone will display the Cinderella Project service number. Those. you can communicate with her through your smartphone without buying a separate SIM card or phone.
  3. The assortment of Cinderellas is updated every day ☺.

We understand that choosing a lover through a computer, laptop or even tablet is too risky. That's why a special application for smartphones was created - Denim. The icon is just the letter D, and logging into your account is password protected. You will become a real secret agent who is looking for his companion in secret from everyone.

Night calls and text messages, hysterics on the phone and tears, blackmail and threats - nothing like that. Only the man decides when to call his mistress. And this will be the girl he chose, according to his own taste.

If a woman begins to search for a lover in Moscow, then psychologists find one of the reasons for such behavior is that modern love relationship are no longer built on the principles that were central in the old days. Modern lovers can not only cheat on each other, but also consider it normal. The further men and women begin to cheat, the more it becomes the norm, which you just have to come to terms with. Where to look in Moscow if a reader of a women's website decides to lead a double life?

In fact, it turns out that it is much easier to find a lover than a loved one. And a woman must understand this. Since the only person who can have a categorically negative attitude towards a woman’s infidelity is her husband, she must carefully engage in not only the search for a lover, but also meetings with him.

There are so many ways to have a lover. This can happen absolutely anywhere there are men. The article, of course, will consider specific options for finding a lover, but if a woman is beautiful, charming and attractive, then she will definitely be able to charm a man, no matter where she is. Now all that remains is to coordinate meetings with him so that the husband does not find out about them.

Where to look for a lover?

So, if you decide to commit adultery, you need a partner for this matter. Where to look for a lover? The usual and most accessible ways are:

  1. Job. If you work in a team where there are men, then you can find a lover here. This method the good thing is that you can find yourself in your place of residence the right man. Moreover, you can first take a closer look at him, flirt, look at his reaction, and only after that start a love relationship with him.

The downside of having an affair at work is that your colleagues will definitely find out about it. They can become the traitors who accidentally tell your spouse about everything.

Another bad thing about having an affair is that if one of the lovers falls in love, it can prevent the other half from working and existing normally. In this case, the husband will definitely find out about everything. And if a lover has a wife, then curses and attacks will come from her.

Thus, it is possible to have a lover at work, but it is fraught with consequences that will lead not only to, but also to leaving the place of work.

  1. Mutual friends, male friend. It is even more dangerous to have an affair with your husband's friend or mutual acquaintance. Women have already become so lazy that they cannot find lovers outside their circle of mutual friends. Know that if you sleep with one of your friends, sooner or later someone will find out about it, and then a divorce from your husband will definitely happen.
  2. Driving courses or other clubs. You can just go to training, where men definitely go. There you can meet interesting men. Since you are studying together, you will have the opportunity to see each other and communicate several times. You can also tell your husband that you are staying late with your classmates.
  3. Bar, cafe, restaurant. There are men here too. Some of them just come for lunch, while others really don't mind getting to know each other. You can even approach those who come with friends. It is much easier for a woman to get acquainted if a man is in the company of friends, one of whom will definitely like her. Before attracting men, you can inadvertently overhear their conversation. If they don’t talk about their wives and beloved women, then you can somehow attract attention to yourself.
  4. Night club. A woman should not forget about such a wonderful place where you can always meet a large number of men, like nightclubs. There are definitely a lot of potential lovers here. You can meet a lot of men in one night. Depending on which Moscow nightclub you go to, you can meet either an average lover or a rich suitor.
  5. Dating on the street. If you are an attractive and chic woman, then men can meet you right on the street. Do not reject the option that may come your way in this case.

If you are interested in sports or attend some events, then you can find a lover there. Lovers are well looked for in gyms. Here you can show off your figure and at the same time meet interesting men.

If you do not have to dress in special suits, then do not forget to wear dresses, heels, and make-up quite bright. All this will allow men to understand that you are ready for contact. On bright clothes and makeup are favored by men who . Basically this is what you are looking for. You do not want Serious relationships, at the same time, do not give in to the chosen one who is interested in you for one night. However, the choice is yours.

How to interest a potential boyfriend online?

The easiest and most accessible way, which does not require a lot of time and effort from a woman, when she can be at home and not get dressed up, is the network. There is social media, dating sites and forums for single men and women. Perhaps dating sites for kept girls and gigolos may be suitable if one or another option suits you. How to interest a potential lover online?

In fact, all this is done very easily:

  • Create a page where you can post your candid photos. Don't post too revealing photos. It will be enough to post photos of yourself in a swimsuit, half naked, with covered intimate places etc. Even if you post a photo in a beautiful tight dress, it will also be suitable for meeting lovers.
  • Start communicating. Most likely, men will bombard you with messages as soon as they see your photos. You can indicate your parameters and wishes on your page. It’s better not to post a photo where your face is visible, so that by chance your friends and even your husband won’t recognize you.
  • Ignore those men who are too focused on themselves, trying to deceive you, or pushing for pity. Also, people with serious intentions and those who consider themselves the smartest are not suitable for the role of lovers. Choose an easy-going lover. It’s good if he turns out to be married, so his photo will also most likely be fake or half-hidden.
  • Be direct with men about who you are looking for. Just don't start the conversation with this. First, get to know the man, how interesting he is, what he is looking for on the site, what goals he is meeting, while at the same time talking about what you want.

Depending on what kind of relationship you are looking for with your lover, behave accordingly. If you are interested in sex, then be a little liberated, provocative. If you are interested in an intellectual man, then you need to be an interesting conversationalist yourself. If you are looking for a rich lover, then you need to be able to be beautiful and mysterious.

How to keep the connection secret?

When communicating with men on social networks or dating sites, it is better to do everything so that your husband does not find out about it. Create a new page, place your photos on it, but with your face hidden. You can come up with a fake name, but indicate your real age. This will allow you to keep the connection secret.

Remember that people tend to keep their mouth shut. Any best friend can at any moment become the most worst enemy. If this friend is also lonely, then she can take advantage of the situation. She may be secretly in love with your husband, and since you are cheating on him, she will inadvertently tell him about your cheating. It’s better not to let anyone in on your plans, unless these people have really been tested by you for years and are not cheating on their significant other, so that you can take advantage of their secret if something happens.

It is better to have a lover in an environment where your man and your friends do not go. Do not choose lovers among friends - this soon becomes an obvious connection. It's better to choose a man who has nothing to do with your family and friends. And under no circumstances introduce him to your friends. Do not be with him in places where you, your husband or your friends go. Try to lead a secret life away from the places where your regular life takes place.

You can start using someone’s services, for example, go to a psychologist or a massage therapist and seduce them. Or you can start going and then cancel appointments, which only you will know about. Your husband will think that you are in a massage parlor or consulting with a psychologist, but you yourself will be in bed with your lover.

If there are any messages, calls or other correspondence with your lover, try not to let them fall into your husband’s hands. It’s better to get a different phone, close your accounts immediately, and delete all messages. If you have your lover's phone number written down, then call him female name so that your husband does not accidentally ask who you are communicating with.

And lastly: do not fall in love with your lover! If you do not intend to break up with your husband, then leave your feelings for him. And give your lover only what he wants, and get what you want. Then say thank you and leave. Love your husband and maintain a friendly relationship with him. If suddenly your spouse begins to suspect something, then you need to stop meeting with your lover for a while. Spend some time with your husband and give your lover a time out.

Your lover should never show you your home, introduce you to your friends, or tell you where you work. Why? If he falls in love with you, he may begin to destroy your family idyll. If you do not want your lover to tell your husband what you are doing behind his back, then it is better not to introduce your second man into your life.

Where can you finally meet your lover in Moscow?

Finding a lover in Moscow is very easy, since many married men are unhappy with their relationships. They will be happy to start an affair on the side so that it remains a secret and what the mistress herself will be interested in.

A lover can be found anywhere: in a bar, at work, in a nightclub, at courses, even on the street. Most easy way– dating sites where there are often men who are married, do not want to burden themselves with a serious relationship, or are looking for adventure. It's quite easy to fall for the villain here. Therefore, first carefully get to know a man before going to a meeting with him.

It's good to choose a married lover. He will secretly meet with you and be interested in this. However, a single lover is also suitable if he does not yet crave a serious relationship and is simply looking for sex. There are quite a lot of such men on dating sites. They are first ready to communicate for a long time, and then date women.

Modern society accepts looking for a partner on the side much more easily than it did ten or twenty years ago. Views on values ​​and human relationships are changing. We are gradually getting rid of bad habit labeling, putting everyone under the same brush.

Situations are different and the phrase “I want to cheat on my husband” or “I’m looking for a young mistress” does not always indicate a person’s frivolity. Sometimes the need for adultery arises from the ruins of hopes for a happy marriage.

How to find the person you need, not get confused in a million offers, and not fall into the trap of scammers and swindlers?

Interesting acquaintances in the workplace seem quite in a convenient way creating new connections. But often such relationships are dangerous, because, as one Latin proverb says, love and cough cannot be hidden. Sooner or later, curious colleagues will guess everything and joyfully inform the rightful chosen one, anticipating vivid scenes of jealousy. In addition, you may become a victim of blackmail from your new partner.

For the same reasons, you should not contact your spouse’s friends, former lovers or neighbors. Start searching outside your social circle. Finding a lover in Moscow or St. Petersburg is not difficult. Broaden your horizons, try to attend interesting events where you can meet a person with whom you will always have something to discuss. Driving courses, interest clubs, bars, gyms, which are often visited by representatives of the stronger sex, are suitable for this.

How more men at your chosen event or establishment, the higher the likelihood of choosing the right guy. For girls from the outskirts or outback, it is worth considering the option of finding an out-of-town partner. It has long been known that juicy news travels faster in small towns than in a big city. In addition, they are greatly distorted and embellished, which will create big problems.

It is best to establish a constant connection. A one-night stand is not the most reliable way to keep a relationship secret.

You can fill out a form on a dating site or try your luck on special forums for married ladies and married men. Don't rush to meet your potential lover in person. Long-term virtual communication will help you get to know a person better and understand whether he is right for you.

Avoid those who try to manipulate, are too generous with flattery or push for pity.

Weed out narcissistic “narcissists” with inflated demands on the female sex and those who like to throw around quotes from literary classics and all kinds of sages. But don’t make excessive demands yourself, be realistic.

Prepare for a flood of nasty messages from fake accounts. As a rule, these are losers who try to take out their anger on the head of a random person they meet. Ignore such messages. No one has the right to impose their point of view and views on life on you.

Listen to your own intuition. If communication with a person causes you discomfort or there is some prejudice, tension, or mistrust of the words of a potential lover, you should not continue communication.

Please note that on such sites you can safely indicate the search purpose, for example, “a woman is looking for a young lover.” This way you will narrow the circle of candidates, discarding those who are looking for a girl to start a family.

How to interest a potential boyfriend online?

You need to be serious about choosing a photo for a dating site. It should not be provocative or vulgar. Remember, a flirtatiously exposed shoulder or an intriguing slit on a dress looks more erotic than a deep neckline and mini.

Before creating your own page, consider the profiles of other girls. Perhaps you will be able to learn something useful for yourself or draw the right conclusions and not repeat the mistakes of others.

Don't try to convince your interlocutor of your exclusivity. Allow yourself to be a real, ordinary woman. Sincerity is captivating.

Well-groomed behavior, culture of communication, and diversified development will only be a plus.

How to keep the connection secret?

Create a separate email address for correspondence. If you are afraid of the prospect of exposure, use a neutral nickname (middle name, pseudonym).

A carefully chosen nickname can become your online face, which, if desired, can reflect your essence, aspirations, character or interests.

Never tell anyone about your plans to find a new partner or existing relationship. This is definitely not a topic for discussion with best friend over a cup of coffee.

In the end, you can always tell your spouse in your own defense that you registered on a dating site or closed forum solely out of scientific interest, for live communication. You don’t hide there that you are married and have two children. In addition, they have always been interested in human psychology and the nature of adultery.

You just need a field to study the problem from the inside. At least to prevent betrayal and eliminate shortcomings in the relationship with your beloved husband. News received from “well-wishers” will be perceived worse.

And the main rule that is important to remember: never fall in love with your lover! Don't make plans for it, otherwise false illusions will hurt and create a lot of problems.

It happens that there comes a time in life when people who are officially married begin to look “to the side” in search of a lover (or mistress). This may be prompted by a family crisis, the bad attitude of a legal partner, or sexual dissatisfaction. Adultery has existed at all times, and turning a blind eye to it or avoiding talking about it means deceiving yourself. In this article we will touch upon such a delicate and relevant topic as finding a lover on the site.

Where to look for a lover online?

Everywhere. And it's not a joke. A lover can be found on specialized websites, in chats, forums, and in groups on social networks. You never know when a chance “meeting” will turn into something more. If we talk about a targeted search for a chosen one, then, of course, you need to look for him on a dating site. There are many resources, both Russian and foreign. In the USA, a special website has even been created for the Russian-speaking diaspora.

So, if you are going on a long business trip to another country, or spend some part of your time abroad and want to brighten up your loneliness, then register on popular foreign sites. The largest is probably It covers more than 20 countries around the world.

When looking for a lover, the choice usually falls on the person who is nearby. In this regard, the most convenient service is Tinder. Often it is used just for intimate dating. Its advantage is geolocation data, taking into account which you are automatically offered candidates who are nearby. It is on this site that people all over the world most often look for mistresses and lovers.

This is interesting! The GlobalWebIndex company, which conducted a large-scale Internet study, found that mobile dating applications are installed on more than 90 million users of the planet. Of these, more than half have Tinder installed.

The most popular Russian resources designed for finding lovers are Mamba and Planet of Love. Mamba is the oldest dating site, which contains one of the largest databases of potential partners. On it, people mainly make acquaintances for infidelity, and not for selecting a candidate for the role of a spouse. This is exactly what someone who is pursuing the goal of committing adultery needs.

Planet of Love is Mamba’s main competitor, an equally large site, but with a more serious reputation. Both resources have both free (registration, correspondence) and paid services (raising your profile to the TOP, personal horoscope, “invisibility” mode).

The company also has its own service for finding a partner, which created an original product, something between a dating site and a social network - My World. Here you can create your profile for free, set many parameters to find a suitable person and start a correspondence with someone you like.

Find the right person really not only on specialized sites. If you have been communicating on a thematic forum for a long time, you can try your luck here. It’s enough to “throw out a cry” in a humorous manner in any topic that you need a lover, and at least a couple of offers for closer communication will fall into your PM. You can also write a personal message directly to someone you like. There is an obvious advantage to this method of getting to know each other - during your stay on the forum, you observed your interlocutor: what he writes, how he expresses emotions, etc. To some extent, you already know him, you understand whether he is right for you. But there is also an obvious disadvantage of such acquaintance. Most likely, the inhabitants of the forum know quite a lot about you, and some are familiar with you in real life Therefore, it is necessary to assess the risks and act with extreme caution. There are often cases when seemingly harmless proposals from a forum member they like are then brought up for general discussion with all appearances and passwords surrendered. It is better to take initiative towards the person in whom you are more or less confident. We are confident that even if your proposal is considered inappropriate or offensive, it will remain between you and will not be made public.

And, of course, you can find a lover on social networks. The information in them is as reliable as possible, and the photos, as a rule, are real. What sets social networks apart from dating sites? You can watch the profile of an object of interest for some time and learn a lot about it. If you are satisfied with everything, feel free to write a message. Of course, it must be correct, and you, in turn, must be prepared for refusal, and sometimes even for a ban.

Pros of finding lovers on the site

Meeting lovers on specialized sites has many advantages over meeting people in real life. First of all, this is, of course, anonymity. There is no requirement to provide real information or upload a profile photo. Instead of your photo, you can use a neutral image (for example, with a car or a cat). You can also not use your real name in personal correspondence, and voice it only on a date. Such anonymity contributes to easier and more relaxed communication with each other. In general, online dating is a kind of lifesaver for shy people who are simply afraid to have “live” contact with the person they like.

Another advantage of dating on the site is that your target audience is directly located here. Finding a partner in real life can take months, or even years. Moreover, not everyone has the courage to approach a person of interest right on the street and ask if he would agree to play the role of a lover. In order to achieve this goal, you will have to meet people often (in bars, in parks, at parties) in the hope that one of the random meetings will one day develop into an intimate relationship. This is too long, and it is not yet known whether the matter will be successful. You need a lover here and now, and not in the future? The sites are where the people you need are located. If they are already registered here, it means they are ready, at a minimum, for communication, and probably even for something more.

On many services, you can set specific search parameters (height, age, marital status, income, area of ​​residence, etc.), which makes the task even easier. Tests are also very popular. By answering certain questions, you allow the program to form a personal portrait of you, based on which the most suitable partners will be offered to you.

Visitors to such sites are initially inclined to get to know each other and meet. They know what they want (just like you), so the search process is much easier. Events move faster because everyone understands (and voices) their preferences. It turns out that you don’t need to waste time on courtship or think about how to express your desires. The very fact that you are here speaks volumes about both your goals and your needs. It’s even easier to weed out unnecessary people if you directly indicate that you are looking for a partner for sex. No friendship, no serious, stable relationship, no husband (wife), namely a lover. By the way, almost all sites have this functionality.

Disadvantages of finding lovers on the site

During the first time after registration, you will receive dozens of letters from inappropriate users who may make indecent offers, insult or be rude. There is no need to be afraid of this and think that only such people will write. Moreover, you shouldn’t answer them. It is necessary to show endurance and patience. The excitement from such individuals will subside over time, especially if you do not react. Eventually, the flooders will switch to new profiles, and you can safely continue your search.

Despite complete anonymity on the Internet, there is still a possibility that you will be “outed” by your friends using random phrases or even personal information, so you need to carefully control what information you post and where. It is advisable not to publicly display information that could identify you. For example, if you indicate in the questionnaire that you live with a cat, Murka, and a dachshund, Lyuska, perhaps one of your neighbors or friends will recognize you. Therefore, it is better to talk about this in correspondence or in person.

There is always a risk of information leakage on the Internet. With the development of digital technology, the number of hackers wanting to grab their piece of fame or reward is growing exponentially. Every day, dozens of resources are hacked, user personal data is stolen and made public. Including those that many would like to hide. An indicative case is the popular foreign dating site, which was subjected to a real hacker attack. As a result, the data of more than 35 million people was stolen. It is unknown where and when they may emerge. Thus, hackers showed the vulnerability of both the sites themselves and visitors, who were completely confident in the anonymity of their actions.

Often the interlocutor on the other side of the monitor significantly embellishes himself and his life, and sometimes he lies without a twinge of conscience. While you are communicating in virtual space, it is impossible to check which of what is said is true and which is false, so it is important to meet in real world to understand whether this is the person he claims to be.

Finally, the disadvantages of dating on sites include the paid deletion of profiles. The cost of the service sometimes reaches $20. However, you do not receive any guarantees that your personal data and correspondence will be deleted from the Internet. The fact that your profile has disappeared from public access on a particular service does not mean that the data has disappeared from the network forever.

How to protect yourself from potential danger on dating sites?

Anyone who has decided to engage in adultery will benefit from a brief reminder on dating safety for cheating online:

It is important! To register on a dating site, it is better to create a separate mailbox. This will protect confidential information in the event of a hack.

So, if for some reason you need to find a lover (or mistress), try to make it the simplest and most effective way– search online on specialized sites. This will save you time and nerves, ensure anonymity and provide a huge selection. The main thing is not to forget about the danger that lurks on the Internet and try to avoid it. In this case, you can easily and quickly find what you need without causing harm to yourself or your loved ones. Love and be loved!

This has happened to everyone: we met, we met, spiers and spiers, hali-gali... wedding. A ring on my finger, bars on the windows, a wife around my neck, children under the bench. At one fine moment, the pink veil falls from your eyes, and you realize that your wife’s figure has changed significantly after the third (second or first) birth, there are too many children, and the mortgage, which so recently seemed like a ticket to happy life, - legalized slavery. You come home from work (if it’s really bad) or you arrive (if you’re still busy) tired, exhausted, and you end up in… a cage. An isolated cell made of reinforced concrete with painfully familiar people inside is ready to accept a prisoner returning from compulsory labor for physical and moral torture.

Wives, it is worth noting, are different. Including in terms of sex. Some remain insatiable until a very old age, capable of jumping on the body of their hubby, without even noticing that he has already... died, and from old age. Others are no longer interested in sex even after thirty; they are increasingly given social networks and GTA-5. Still others have already taken a lover on their side, but they don’t even care about their husband.
But what should a husband do if his wife no longer excites him as much as before?
Divorce? Great way out! Give the children and the apartment to his wife, pay her up to half of her income in alimony, and huddle in the basement at work, because - don’t forget - the mortgage is hanging by its tail. To the same apartment that my wife still has.

By the way, after a divorce, a woman remains in chocolate. Her husband must regularly transfer half of her salary to her. Stashes won't work here. He won’t list them - he’ll sit in the real zone. This means the divorcee has money. Children can be in kindergarten send or go to school, and find a guy with a long... nose and catch orgasm after orgasm, just like a novice radio amateur catches FM radio stations on a new radio.

Divorce with children and a mortgage is many years of slavery for a man.
Therefore, you need to cling to marriage at all costs. Even if everything is boring. And in order not to lose your temper and kill everyone, you need to periodically let off steam somewhere. You need to find someone on the side who will listen, understand, and help you unload emotionally. At first, friends over a beer will be fine. These will come and listen, especially if you give them a treat. And you can get emotional relief when, after beer, you switch to vodka and it suddenly turns out that this friend is the husband of your wife’s friend, who will ruin everything for her, which means he is not a friend at all, but a very natural enemy and fully deserves a broken snob.

Another thing is to relieve stress in bed with a beautiful girl. This is healthier than drowning your sorrows in alcohol, and safer than fighting with best friends. Blood circulation improves, mood rises, self-esteem grows, and a long-forgotten feeling of happiness appears. I want to stand up to my full height and shout: “I am a man!”

I will not rant about the well-known medical and scientific facts that the intimate parts of young girls secrete more hormones than those of women after Balzac's age. At the same time, these same hormones stimulate and prolong erection. Everyone knows this. Maybe…

The most difficult task for a married man who benefits from marriage is where and how to take a mistress? After all, this must be done in such a clever way so that your mistress does not try to break up your family and lure you to her, and so that your wife does not realize that you have a mistress.

I myself have been married for over ten years. I'm thirty-five years old. And I am writing this article based, first of all, on my own experience.

I do not live in a metropolis, but in the second city of my region. The regional center is located thirty kilometers away. The population there is twice as large as ours, which means there are twice as many beautiful girls.

Let me start with the fact that I, as a man, need a regular change of sexual partners. I can't live without it. If I don't have enough women in my life, I can't have sex with my wife. She just doesn't excite me. On the other hand, if the number of sexual contacts with other women increases, then my wife starts to turn me on again and all that.

When I was a teenager, I dreamed about sex in general and about sex with an African or an Asian woman, or better yet, both at the same time in particular. Since I live in the western part of Russia, I got to African women faster than to Asian women. Several business trips to St. Petersburg completely changed my view of the universe... And in my opinion, the best African women are still from Gahana, then Cameroon and after Nigeria. Although, maybe you'll get lucky.

Then there was the experience of sex with two bisexual girls. And in my hometown. They were ten years younger than me, and I was thirty-two. Girls full of strength and hurry. You should have seen how they work with their tongues. Ugh! One had breasts of the second size, and the other - the third. I remember how we locked ourselves in a huge sauna with them. They did crazy things. Absolutely wild poses. Exceptionally congenial sex... When I left there, I got to the nearest restaurant, ordered myself half a liter of dark beer and a piece of pork. It was a moment when I wanted absolutely nothing. The quintessence of happiness.

Subsequently, I met with these girls several more times - separately with each and in threes. And I can say that during the third time of group relationships, I caught myself thinking that it was physically difficult for me to satisfy two people at once. “He did not know and did not want moderation in women and beer,” V.S. sang at one time. Vysotsky. So at a certain point I decided to limit myself. If there are many women, then at least one at a time, not two at a time. It's probably old age.

The easiest sex on the side that any married man in Russia can find is sex for money. Ironically, most of the people who become prostitutes are scary and unhappy women. Many work in this field for up to fifty years. Brrr. But sometimes you come across “priestesses of love” with beautiful facial features and a gorgeous body. To meet such people is unrealistic luck. And it is truly a sin to miss the opportunity to have sex with them.

However, prostitutes are a little expensive, they lead an indiscriminate sex life, and therefore there is always a chance to “catch” something bad or skin diseases from them. But now life has become so harsh that you can “catch” something out of the blue, and therefore every self-respecting adult has a bottle of “holy water” in his bedside table, that is, miramistin, which is used as cognac “for all diseases” .

Naturally, every married man is simply obliged to do two things during infidelity: put on a condom and remove wedding ring. Without a ring, this is not cheating, and with a condom, it is no longer sex, because there is no full exchange of fluids.

And now we come to the main question: Where and how can a married man find a mistress?

Answer: on the Internet on any dating site!

In this case, it is best to look in a neighboring city. You need to look among certain categories of women. That is, you should immediately forget about the eighteen-year-old youngsters, because these will immediately try to get pregnant in order to take you away from the family or start pumping out alimony. You should not date single ladies who also dream of getting married. Some of them deliberately ignore married people, as well as convicts and Caucasians with blacks. But this, as they say, is their overtures.

The most optimal women for the role of mistress are married or recently divorced.

At the same time, a married woman will not strive to break off her and your marriage; she will hide everything from others. You don't have to give flowers or jewelry to a married woman. For what? After all, the husband will see. To meet a married woman, you will need to pay for the premises - an apartment or a hotel room. Well, some change - for wine and rolls or sushi.

Every divorcee goes through a period of “aversion to marriage.” During these months, she does not think about getting married again. The child has a father and the offspring does not need a new father. But mom wants sex. And the more time she is unmarried, the more intensely she wants sex. And for any man who appreciates his partner’s skill in sex, a night with such a divorcee will be unforgettable.

To find married or recently divorced women on a dating site, I advise you to purchase VIP status. It is inexpensive, but it helps a lot in finding a mistress. Even during the correspondence, I recommend admitting that you are married. But I’m damn tired, I want something new. In the end, it will be the truth, and women sense the truth a mile away and respect it very much. Therefore, lie as close to the truth as possible.

There are a lot of women on dating sites who judge candidates for boyfriends only by photographs. The most interesting thing is that, in principle, there are no men who would be liked by all women. Some people love jocks, some people who are dystrophic, for others the ideal is fat people, because they grew up with teddy bear. Some people like Brad Pitt and hate Tom Cruise, while others are just the opposite. Even an experienced pick-up guy, of which I don’t count myself - I just read their books, according to statistics, on the first date brings one or two girls out of ten to sex. At the same time, the rest send it... And they - pickup truck drivers or pick-up artists - are proud of such indicators.

Thus, there will be quite a lot of refusals, silences, and ignoring on a dating site until you run into a girl or woman who likes men of your type. By the way, such women exist in any case if you are married. Your wife married you, which means you interested her in some way. Therefore there is good chances find other women. It's a matter of the theory of large numbers - than more women receive your messages, the more likely you are to get a date. Therefore, if you want more mistresses, write to as many women as possible from the categories that suit you.

I strongly recommend inviting only those girls on a date who will agree to have sex right away. These can be felt intuitively or calculated logically even through correspondence on the Internet. “Experienced pick-up artists” write in their books about sex on the third date as some kind of achievement. This is good for teenagers. That's how I met my wife. A long time ago. And now I just don’t have time for three dates. Only on the first one. The edge is on the second. And even then, if there is no sex on the first date, it will be a blow to my pride. Am I sick?

The recommended program for a date is as follows: going to the cinema, sitting in a cafe and an offer to go to a super-luxury room in a hotel. Considering that you live in the province, a super-luxury, despite its inherent cleanliness and beauty - this is still a super-luxe, will not cost exorbitant amounts of money - this is, after all, a province - and in principle you can spend money on it , if you plan to frolic there with someone greedy for sex and cute.

Even at the dating stage, when communicating with a girl, you can go two ways on the site - avoid discussing sex (the standard way) or, conversely, write about sex like an expert (“temptation”). Each method affects its own category of readers. For some, the first is more suitable, and for others, the second. It's up to you to decide for yourself.

Many “experts” advise, in order not to cause affection on the part of your mistress, to have sex with each girl no more than once. There is some common sense here. However, you can meet with her several times, but you must carefully ensure that the relationship from “just sex” does not quickly develop into something more. At this stage, relationships should be cut without pity. AND The best way- reduce activity in bed, show selfishness in sex. A woman will very quickly get tired of the role of “service personnel”. She herself will be glad to get rid of such a lover who suddenly becomes “worse than her husband” (former or current). Well, here the woman herself will initiate the separation, this is how everything will look from her point of view. And even then she won’t look for you again - after all, it was she who abandoned you.

Another question: how to make meetings with your mistress invisible to your wife?

Come up with a true legend for yourself.

For example, if your mistress lives in your city (which is extremely dangerous), invite your wife to go to the gym every day. Soon your wife will get tired of this, and she will give up on fitness, and you will have time for meetings on the side, after which you can come home cheerful, slightly tired and immediately slip into the shower to wash off the odors and accidentally stuck female hair.

If the mistress is in another city, then for the wife the best legend will be the version about a business trip, about the need to visit another city for work.
In any case, each specific case of “going left” requires careful study and detailed preparation. But often, without new sensations with new women, a real man simply cannot.

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