How beautiful it is to apologize to your best friend. Apology in prose

If you have quarreled with your friend and want to make peace with her, you need to understand several nuances of this reconciliation, we will consider each of them separately below.

Nuance No. 1 – Analyze the situation

Don’t rush to make peace or ask for forgiveness, first allow your hot head, and the head of your friend, who is no less tense and excited, to calm down and look at what happened from the outside. After all, during your quarrel you most likely became agitated and nervous, and in such a state it is very difficult to think soberly and correctly assess what happened. It is recommended to wait a period of time, which, as a rule, averages two weeks, and calm down. During this time, while you are waiting, you need to look at your quarrel from a third party and from your friend with whom you want to make peace. Think it over various options

, why everything happened exactly this way and what could change the course of events.

We recommend that you read

Point No. 2 – We are planning further friendship

After you have waited the necessary time to calm down and analyzed the entire situation that happened, you need to think about how you will continue to be friends with your girlfriend if you ask for forgiveness and apologize to her. Maybe the culprit of this quarrel was not you, but your girlfriend, and is it worth making further contact with her if she no longer improves, because changing a person’s established personality is difficult and almost impossible. Think the same thing about your girlfriend, whether she is ready to forgive you and what she needs for this.

Point No. 3 – We find a compromise solution

No matter how much you quarrel and no matter how much you are to blame, you must remember that at that moment before and after it, when you ask for an apology to your friend, you must be able to maintain self-respect. What does it mean? That’s it, just never, under any circumstances, humiliate yourself, don’t talk bad about yourself, for example, that you are very bad person etc. Know how to maintain self-respect and ask for forgiveness; for this, your apology should not contain any humiliating words addressed to you.

Point No. 5 – We ask for forgiveness

Let's move on to the most responsible and important issue and the essence of the topic is how to apologize to your friend? There are several sub-nuances to this nuance. In fact, apologizing does not mean going to the store for a bottle of milk and a piece of bread; it is a whole subtle psychological work of the guilty party. We recommend that you read

Message. Write a message to your friend in which you apologize to her. What can you write? Let’s give one example, but there can be many such options, all to your taste and color, but in general, each case is considered separately and an apology is written for it in its own order. Example: “I am very sorry that we had a quarrel, in which I admit my guilt and in the future I will make every effort to prevent this from happening again on my part. I value our friendship very much and do not want to lose you as a friend. I hope you will understand and forgive." This method Apologizing to a friend is the least preferable, since it is best to do this in person or, as a last resort, by call. But if your friend is simply avoiding you, and there is no option to ask her for an apology, then write to her.

Phone call. If you have the opportunity to call a friend and ask for forgiveness, it is best to do just that. At the moment when you ask for forgiveness from your friend, do not pull the bull by the tail; say from the bottom of your heart, sincerely and clearly and briefly: “Forgive me for my behavior, because of which we quarreled, I will make an effort and will continue to make sure that what am I saying or doing!”, that’s about it and apologize to your friend. Then be prepared to continue the conversation, both on a neutral topic and to discuss your quarrel.

Do this so as not to quarrel anymore. If you understand that a quarrel is brewing again, then tell your friend that you have an urgent matter, apologize again and say, I will call you back tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. This also happens when the term of the grievance has not been met and the heart has not yet cooled down from the surging grievances of you or your friend. It will be necessary to bide time and apologize again. We recommend that you read A personal meeting. This option on how to ask for forgiveness or how to apologize to a friend is the best of all.

possible options

but, unfortunately, it is not always applicable to relationships. After all, after a quarrel, a friend may avoid you and not only not meet, but not even pick up the phone. But if a way to apologize to a friend in person is feasible, use it exclusively. Say whatever you want, but remember just one thing: during the apology, you should not humiliate yourself in front of your friend.

All guys know that girls are the most capricious, unpredictable and touchy creatures in the world! You never know what she will pout at next time: she looked at you the wrong way, said the wrong thing, forgot to give a compliment, etc. A man can make a thousand mistakes and not pay any attention to it. But Eve's daughters are not like that: they notice everything. So it’s not surprising that every day many of Adam’s sons wonder: “How do I apologize to my girlfriend?”

Often girls can simply pretend to be offended. Then they are able to find fault with any little thing. Thus, they test their boyfriends to see how they will act and what they will do. Perhaps your lady is simply not confident in herself or in your feelings and longs for confirmation that she is loved. This is the easiest option. She will definitely forgive and become, as before, sweet and affectionate, as soon as she is convinced of your feelings for her.

But if you really did something wrong - you were late for a date for a long time, you were rude or, God forbid, you looked too admiringly at someone other than her pretty friend - then you will have to be patient and show remarkable imagination in order to earn forgiveness. The most difficult case is your betrayal, but this can also be solved if you know a few win-win ways, how beautiful

Repentance must be sincere

Remember the basic rule: no matter what you do, your repentance must be absolutely sincere and not raise any doubts in your girlfriend. Even if the offense is minor (in your opinion), it is best to act as if you have at least several mortal sins under your belt. No irony or understatement! The girl must understand that you truly value the relationship and are afraid of losing her. This is the main point that you should pay attention to when deciding the question of “how to apologize correctly.”

Your pride is absolutely misplaced here. In this case, your task is to obtain forgiveness at any cost, and to achieve the goal, as you know, all means are good. Remember, or better yet practice: an honest, open look, begging for forgiveness; flowers (the more, the better) and a sincere “I’m sorry.” A plea for forgiveness must necessarily be seasoned with assurances of ardent love. And there is no need to skimp on colors: girlish ears They love to listen to such confessions. In principle, if your sin was truly microscopic, then this will be quite enough. If not, then we continue to study the question “how to apologize to a friend” further.

More romance

All women love romance! No matter how old your girlfriend is, in her heart she still feels like a fairy-tale princess who deserves the most incredible deeds from her faithful knight. And it's really great! Because it makes it possible to earn forgiveness even for very serious offenses.

How to apologize to a friend using romance? Yes, very simple! Poems, serenades under the balcony, inscriptions on the asphalt in front of her entrance - all this works, and how! The most extreme gentlemen can dare to do something more thorough. A classic of the genre: write her name on some very large object (the thermal power plant pipe fits perfectly). Don't be alarmed, it was a joke.

Take advantage of such a convenient service as home delivery of flowers. This is especially helpful if the girl refuses to communicate with you. Doesn't want to talk? Well, it is not necessary! Send her every morning a bouquet of beautiful roses with a note inside, which, of course, will contain words of love and pleas for mercy. And as soon as the beauty deigns to change her anger to mercy, you can consolidate your success with a romantic dinner with candles. The fortress will fall!

The most severe case

How to apologize to your friend if you cheated on her and she somehow found out about it? In this case, your action really deserves punishment, so get ready to suffer. The girl needs time to recover from the shock and start trusting you again. Be patient, because this will take a long time...

You can use all of the above techniques, but no amount of romance can replace a frank, lengthy and painful conversation in this case. Try to explain why you did this, and most importantly, try to convince her that this will never happen again.

A complete collection of materials on the topic: asking for forgiveness from a friend in your own words from experts in their field.

Words of apology to the guy

Today you are in no mood at all, you don’t smile and don’t joke like before. The whole reason is only in me and I am aware of it. I offended you today, brought you undeserved pain. Forgive me, please, my beloved and only one. I am so ashamed of my action, but there is no going back. Now all I need to do is earn your forgiveness. Darling, let's forget all the bad things and make peace again. I promise that this will never happen again. Believe me, please, my dear.

It turned out so bad yesterday, I just can’t forgive myself for offending you. And the worst thing is that the offense was not deserved. I apologize to you and hope for your forgiveness. I know that you have the kindest heart, the most angelic character. I feel so good with you and I can’t even imagine that I could lose you because of this stupidity. Forgive me, my affectionate and most beloved person in the world. Let our quarrel be like the worst dream. Let's wake up together from this nightmare and in reality everything will be fine with us, as before.

Forgive me for your fatigue, bad mood and whims. I'm sorry that in this crazy world I may not pay enough attention to you. I know how frustrating it is when you want to reach the depths of the soul of a loved one, but he does not listen to you, he is tuned in to his own, different wave. But you should know, my dear, how much I appreciate your support and understanding, your patience, your reliability. I am happy to be with you and with these words of apology I want to tell you: “I love you”!

I apologize for the inconvenience in prose

Let me deeply apologize for the inconvenience caused. Circumstances were such that this situation was inevitable. I did everything to somehow alleviate the situation, but it turned out to be not enough. Regret.

Especially for

A short apology to the girl

Again a scandal, again an insult. There's sadness in my heart again. I'm very sorry that I offended you. My only one, excuse me.

Words of forgiveness to your beloved for the pain caused

I'm sorry. I ruined everything again. It’s always like this with me: I want to seem sincere and spontaneous, but it turns out to be rude and cynical. I feel bad without you. I will do everything to keep us close. I promise that I will never offend you again. Let's make peace?

Especially for

I'm terribly upset that I offended you. Please give me a chance to prove my devotion and sincerity to you. When I think about how you feel now, I immediately feel like the last scoundrel. Forgive me, I will never hurt you again. I promise.

Especially for

Apologies to a friend in your own words

Once upon a time, you and I shared candy, then dreams, then plans, then problems, troubles and joys. Along the way, we managed to quarrel over a guy, argue whose favorite group is better, whose favorite team is the real champion.
Forgive me my youthful antics, my whims. After all, our friendship has gone through many trials. I know that no one will console me better than you in my heartache, no one but you will wipe away my stupid tears and say: we will still fight, we are the best! Forgive me with the hope that our friendship will protect us throughout our lives!

Quarrels often arise between best friends, leading to quite serious consequences. They also happen between men, but there is no comparison. Conflicts between women in a vivid form develop into irreconcilable and merciless hostility, and with a protracted nature. Another one distinguishing feature quarrels between friends - each of them really wants reconciliation, but does not want to be the first to take a step towards or does not know how to do it.

The turning point in a quarrel: find the strength in yourself and understand how to apologize to your friend

The reluctance to be the first to smooth out a conflict distinguishes all women, both innocent and guilty. The problem here is that no one wants to admit their guilt, even if they feel wrong. And it is not at all necessary, this can only be caused by arrogance and arrogance - this is the fear of remaining misunderstood, unheard.

If you quarrel, then think about how to apologize to your friend

Only when you find the strength to admit your guilt and sincerely repent of it. This is the most important and crucial moment on the path to reconciliation, and the ability to recognize own mistakes that in itself is worth a lot.

Not how to beautifully apologize to a friend, but how to regain her trust?

The question is not how to apologize, but how to regain her trust. After all, reconciliation is seemingly useless and no one needs it, if only because there may not be another opportunity after such a demarche. Not only is the sincerity of such intentions important, the method also makes great sense.

It is necessary to show that, despite any grievances, she is an important and irreplaceable person in life, and friendship with her itself is of great value

In this case, only an individual approach is possible. Knowing your friend’s preferences and preferences, you need to focus on this, the main thing is not to overdo it, so that the attempt to apologize does not look cynical.

How to apologize to a friend in an original way?

Here, knowing her habits and weaknesses will help little; for this you need to be a little bit of a psychologist, a little bit of an entertainer.

  1. The main task is to start a dialogue, not necessarily on a personal basis. You can send a letter, SMS, message on social networks. But it’s better to have a letter, beautifully designed, with text in poetic form, for example.
  2. Knowing your friend’s favorite places, you can leave a message there in a completely different form. It doesn’t matter what it will be expressed in, the main thing is that it is special, understandable only to her and directly points to its sender.
  3. It would be original to create a humorous situation. This doesn’t mean making a fool of yourself; the main goal is to make her laugh or at least smile.

Of course, the right ways, but there are many others, but the most important thing in reconciliation with a friend is not the method, but the desire, as well as sincerity.

Unfortunately, sometimes life develops in such a way that we say unnecessary things, or do something that offends someone close to us. Of course, sometimes this is practically not our fault, and often we feel absolutely right, but here it is very important to take the first step and apologize to best friend. Even if you are sure that you are right, this must be done. At least in order to improve relations between you.

Spit on your pride and apologize for your best friend. If you are specifically at fault, then you need to do this all the more. Moreover, you need to speak not just anything, but essentially. Let your apologies be not only sincere, but also beautiful and touching. Then even the highest ice wall erected between you will melt in a matter of seconds.

You can find a similar apology for your best friend in ready-made form here. We have tried to collect for you only the most touching apologies that can resolve the strongest disagreements. Take advantage of this opportunity and re-strengthen your relationship with bonds of friendship. After all, no offense should destroy a strong bond between friends!

Girlfriend, it's my fault...
Please forgive me!
I don't like life without you,
How stupid I was...

Let's make peace with you
Can I come to your house?
As before, let's sit together,
We will forgive each other everything, everything, everything!

Congratulations on mobile

Girlfriend, forgive me
Forgive the words I said
I suddenly miss you
I blame myself for being rude!

Forgive me my friend
For the last time, trust me
You can't lose a friend like that
You were not given to me to lose!

My dear, my faithful friend,
I apologize to you again.
I'm sorry that I offended you without thinking.
After all, you are my friend and I appreciate you.

And for me there is no dearer friend in the world,
You and I have faced so many troubles together.
And we have dealt with any difficulty more than once,
So be merciful to me this time too!

I did something stupid
Offended you....
But there is no better girlfriend,
What are you, my soul!

Let's talk again
And fun to chat.
I don't want to say goodbye
And lose friendship!

I'm sorry, because I'm sometimes wrong,
You and I sometimes quarrel
And I don't notice it
Why should a dear person be angry?

And you are alone, my friend -
My support for years.
Let there be no blizzard between us,
But only friendship, forever.

Sorry my friend
What happened to us?
We respect each other
But now they quarreled.

I don't want to see anymore
Your tears, sorrows, torment.
I do not want to hurt you,
I don’t want to be separated from you!

We had a little quarrel with you,
And our paths diverged.
There is sadness in my heart,
I do not want to lose you.

I want to make peace with you,
No need to be angry anymore.
I'm sorry, I'm just begging
I can't imagine life without you!

I want to ask for forgiveness
You have it, dear friend!
I sincerely apologize,
Be careful in your ear...

And I hope everything gets better
In our relationship with you.
The negative will roll away,
We will not spill water!

Forgive me, my friend,
Our conflict weighs on me,
I think about him with fear
Both at night and during the day.

Someone like you, friends in life
I know for sure I won’t find it,
I sincerely apologize
So that our paths do not diverge.

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