I want to marry a foreigner. "This applies to everyone

Evgeniya, 35 years old

married to Andreas, 38 years old, Germany, Dusseldorf

“I never thought that I would marry a foreigner, especially a German. We met in my hometown of Yekaterinburg at a party in a bar. Andreas turned out to be an engineer, he was on a business trip to one of the Ural factories. I thought this was a great opportunity to practice my English. At that time, I had a rather biased attitude towards Germany and the Germans in particular - perhaps because my grandfather went through the whole war. Our family carefully preserves his memory and treats this period of history with reverence. Therefore, when Andy asked me on a date on February 23, I refused, because I considered agreeing to be a sign of disrespect for my grandfather’s memory.

A couple of months later, his business trip ended, he left, but our communication continued on Skype: we fell in love with each other already at a distance. Every evening I ran home from work, dressed nicely, combed my hair and sat down in front of my laptop. These were real dates - the same as at a table in a cafe. I realized that chemistry between people can arise through a monitor.

For the next two years we met in different countries ah, in which Andy had business trips. My job designing and opening restaurants allowed me to travel frequently, and Andy fully paid for my trips to see him. It was a romantic and passionate period of our relationship, but I wanted more. Almost three years have passed since our first meeting, and only then Andy declared his love to me. This was followed by meeting my parents, and he formally asked for my hand in marriage. My family received him well and were happy for me. Mom even signed up for courses German language to communicate with your future son-in-law.

By this point, I was already mentally prepared to move. My attitude towards Germany changed when I first attended an internship in Cologne. I liked the country, I saw how friendly the Germans are, how orderly and clean they are in everything. I moved my two cats, whom I could not part with, to a new place of residence.

On the day of the marriage registration, an hour before going to the town hall, Andy refused to go and said that he was not ready to get married

After moving to Dusseldorf, I lived on a tourist visa, then on a student visa. Germany is a very bureaucratic country: to register a marriage here, you need to go through several stages. One of them is obtaining a fiancé visa. Andy delayed the paperwork, and I was forced to go home - my student visa had expired. In Russia, I was refused at the German consulate. Because of this delay, we were separated for several more months. I was in limbo: the proposal had been made, but I was still a Fraulein, not a Frau. But the main test was ahead. On the day of the marriage registration, an hour before going to the town hall, Andy refused to go and said that he was not ready to get married. Maybe I had a presentiment of this - the day before he was very tense, so I reacted very calmly. I wasn’t hysterical, but I started packing my things. It so happened that it was impossible to leave immediately with things and cats. Therefore, I was forced to stay for several days, and he managed to realize that he had made a mistake and asked for forgiveness. But I still left, explaining that we needed to think about everything from a distance.

Five months passed before I returned to Germany again. We got married right away and got married a year later.
His family looked at me with caution at first, since in Germany there is still an opinion that all Russians, as was the case in the 90s, dream of moving to Europe. Although I, for example, had to give up an expensive car that I had in Russia, now I have a simpler car, and mink coat, because in my husband’s circle young people don’t dress like that. Furs, without which the Ural winter is unthinkable, are only worn here by older ladies.

The Germans are not hospitable people; it is not customary for them to come to their parents’ house and climb into the refrigerator. If you are invited for coffee, then only coffee will be poured. There was a funny incident at Christmas at his parents' house when appetizers were served and I ate a little of everything, expecting that they would serve main course and dessert, but they never did. In Germany, I diligently studied German and briefly worked in a Russian company as a simple administrator. It was my own initiative. Andy fully provides for our family, but I also plan to work. IN German families It is customary to divide everything in half: both income and housework. In our family we have equal rights and make all decisions together.

In July our son Alexander was born. In Russia, a newborn is not shown to anyone except loved ones for a month, even in photographs. In Germany, already on the day of birth, the husband’s relatives crowded into the maternity hospital. I lay exhausted with the child, and they unceremoniously entered the room and took pictures of us, took selfies in front of us. After discharge everything continued. Daily visits, relatives, without taking off their shoes, grab the child, kiss him, take pictures. I was just shaking! I took it out on my husband, but he sincerely did not understand me and was offended. The only thing we managed to do was teach them to wash their hands before they pick up the baby.
Despite our different mentalities and characters, we realized that we wanted to be together. The path to our family was long and difficult, but we both passed the test of the strength of our feelings.”

Ekaterina, 31 years old

married to Takeshi, 50, Tokyo, Japan

In Japan, a cult of men is maintained; women are in the background. When they leave the house together, the husband proudly walks ahead, and the wife minces after him.

After we moved to Tokyo, we did not meet his parents immediately, but several months later. I am grateful to them for their delicacy; they did not rush me and gave me time to adapt to the new place. The meeting took place on neutral territory, in a restaurant. They asked me about my parents, activities, hobbies. I gave gifts to my Japanese mother-in-law, she especially liked warm woolen socks and an Orenburg down scarf - Japanese houses are cool in winter. She is a very insightful person - she saw that her son had started a family and was happy. What else does a loving mother need? Now we communicate warmly, the grandmother loves her granddaughter.

I accepted the lifestyle that exists in Japan, although it was very difficult for me. The cult of men is maintained here, with women in the background. But at home, as a rule, the wife manages everything, including finances, giving her husband a small amount for lunch. But when they leave the house together, the husband proudly walks ahead, and the wife minces after him.

I didn’t understand why I couldn’t go to a cafe with my friend in the evening, because in Moscow after work we always met the girls in a restaurant. And Japanese wives only go out in the evenings accompanied by their husbands.

It will be difficult for an impatient person to settle down here; many things will irritate him. I don’t have Japanese friends, we are too different. In Japan, you have to be part of some kind of community, a team, otherwise you are not perceived as an equal. I understand that I will not be able to work for Japanese organizations or government agencies. It is almost impossible for a foreigner to get there. I found a way out: I get higher education at a Russian university, studying remotely and writing about Japan for various publications.

Our joint hobby with my husband is going to restaurants. We love to eat delicious food, and in Japan there is a cult of food. I also liked the Japanese tradition: bathing in hot springs - onsen.

My husband is more cosmopolitan than traditional Japanese: he travels a lot around the world and has a broad outlook. Our house is also not traditional Japanese, but European. My husband and I speak Russian, although I am diligently learning Japanese. Our daughter Victoria is three years old and already speaks both languages.”

Alla, 29 years old

married to Mauricio, 44, Las Vegas, USA

“My husband is an American citizen, Ecuadorian by nationality, and a true Latino in spirit. He was born and raised in Ecuador in a family of musicians, and graduated from the conservatory in saxophone class. He is now a member of the US Army Band.

When we met, I was only 23. But I had two higher education degrees and a promising job in the marketing department of an international trading company. I earned good money, traveled a lot and didn’t think about marriage at all. Once on vacation in Germany, my friend and I went to a nightclub. A chance acquaintance with Mauricio did not foretell anything. We spent a couple of days together and I left. For some time we corresponded languidly by e-mail, and suddenly he unexpectedly flew to me in St. Petersburg. I immediately felt that he was serious about me.

Then I went to visit him in Las Vegas for a return visit. We spent two fantastic weeks together and became really close. Mauro proposed to me, but I was not ready to give up everything. I replied that I needed to think about it. On the one hand, I was in love and he did not back down, but on the other, my boss painted me bright prospects in the company. I was torn by doubts. On New Year Mauricio sent me a one-way ticket with the words: come - or our relationship will end.

With two degrees - an economist and a translator - with my ambitions and independent character, I ended up as an American housewife in Las Vegas

It was a difficult period for me. I had to explain myself to my parents, since they were not aware of my relationship, and quit my job. I reassured myself that I could always go back, that, in general, I was not losing anything.
After I moved, we agreed to live together for a few months before the wedding. At that time, we still looked at each other warily and got used to each other. I was uncomfortable taking money from him, I wanted to work, but I was in the USA on a tourist visa, and I did not have such a right.

When the time came, we decided not to have a big wedding, because our parents are thousands of kilometers away from us. We got married in the best traditions of Las Vegas: Wedding Dress for 25 dollars, a random passerby as a witness, simple registration. We compensated for the modest ceremony with a luxurious honeymoon in Hawaii and Mexico.

After returning from the trip, reality appeared before me: I, with two degrees - an economist and a translator - with my own ambitions and independent character, found myself as an American housewife in Las Vegas. A house with a pool, a car, a credit card, a lot of free time. Any fairy tale begins to get boring when it drags on. I tried to find a job, sent out my resume, but received in response “You do not have an American education for this job” or - for simpler vacancies - “You are very highly qualified for this job.” That is, I had two options - either get a higher education in America and spend another 5-6 years, or go work at McDonald's. Pregnancy saved me from depression. I learned Spanish, went to yoga and wrote a book.

The painful issue with my education was resolved when our son was already 2 years old. My FINEK diploma in economics was recognized by the American education system, although I had to confirm it with a 1.5-year study. But as soon as I started studying, it turned out that I was pregnant again. But that didn't stop me. I'm going to get a job because I don't see myself as a housewife.

There are no longer Russian or Ecuadorian traditions in our family. We live in America and celebrate holidays according to their calendar. And how can I combine them, if my husband is a Catholic, he has his own Catholic holidays, and for me the important days of the year are March 8 and May 9. I have strong patriotic feelings, I am proud that I am Russian, so I am in no hurry to obtain American citizenship. At first, we had serious disputes on topics of politics and world history. To my husband, the history of the world is the American version of history. He was convinced that victory in World War II was entirely the merit of the United States. I introduced him to my grandmother, a war veteran. It was a shock for him to see an eyewitness to those distant events, and even more so to hear about the war first-hand. Now we try to avoid these topics.

Sometimes we have translation difficulties, because we speak English among ourselves, and this language is not native to both of us. He thinks in Spanish, and I think in Russian. Any family is work, no matter whether ordinary or international. I realized this early. The question is whether both partners want to change, whether there is a desire to understand each other. Due to his age, it is much more difficult for my husband to change something in himself (he is 15 years older than me), and I decided to work more on myself.

It is possible that after Mauricio comes out on military pension, we will move to his homeland in Ecuador. I really liked this country."

Elena, 48 years old

married to Recep, 56 years old, Türkiye, Alanya

“12 years ago I was on holiday in Turkey. I was 36 years old, I worked as a chief accountant in a large Moscow company, I was married, raising children. I flew in for a week’s vacation alone, but I wasn’t looking for adventure at all, I even lay on the beach with the tax code in my hands.

He saw me at a national dance concert, spotted me in a huge crowd of spectators, and found out which hotel I was from. We just chatted. Recep turned out to be a doctor, he also had a family and children. But he admitted that he family bonds on the verge of breaking. I felt how lonely he was, it seemed to me that he was looking for a person who would understand him.

My marriage was also falling apart at the seams at that time. I was the head of the family, and I also earned money, traveling every day from Podolsk to Moscow. And my husband preferred to spend time on the couch in company with a bottle of beer. The only thing that kept me close to this man at that moment was the children.

Previously - in disputes with ex-husband - the last word was left to me. Now - in our Turkish family - beat the boss

My Turkish Bey (respectful address to a man in Turkey. - Note ed.) didn’t forget me - he sent text messages, called me constantly, and then invited me to visit and immediately took me to his parents. You need to explain that if a Turk takes you to meet your parents, then his intentions are serious. I was accepted as a daughter-in-law, my father gave me a ring.

With my family everything was different. My parents raised me strictly; in our family there are certain rules that I follow, even though I have long been an adult. When they found out about my novel, my father immediately told me that I had to make a choice. Of course, he was sure that I would stay with my husband. My choice came as a surprise to them: I filed for divorce. During this time, I compared Recep’s respectful attitude towards me and my husband’s indifferent, consumerist attitude. My eyes were opened: I realized that I was no longer ready to endure his drunkenness and aggression, even for the sake of the children. And my parents supported me, my mother said that she would look after the children, and I could go and build my happiness. My children became friends with Recep; my daughter was under his supervision all summer when she worked at a hotel in Alanya.

I moved to Turkey only after his official divorce, and we got married three years later. At first he paid benefits ex-wife, then we waited for his daughter to leave to study in another city. All this time I felt uncomfortable in a new, and even Muslim, country, without the status of a spouse. In my heart, I began to doubt him and thought about returning to Russia, but I decided to talk again, and, as I felt, he began to draw up the paperwork. Now I am a Turkish citizen.

Of course, at first it was difficult for us to understand each other. Language, religion, upbringing - everything is different. We had to give in to each other, although my husband doesn’t know how to apologize. I learned to remain silent, not to answer rashly, to avoid sharp corners. There was no question of religion among us; conversion to Islam was not forced upon me. Previously, in disputes with my ex-husband, I had the last word. Now - in our Turkish family - beat the boss. Here it is customary to respect your husband, father, there is no other way. If I leave home somewhere, I ask for time off in advance. My husband is generally sensitive to my absences; it is important for him to see me around all the time. We work together in a medical clinic, he is a doctor, and I do the administrative part of the work.

Yes, I gave up my independence. There was so much freedom in Moscow that I got tired of it. I could come home very late and not answer to anyone. Now, in order to go to the theater or ballet, I have to develop a whole plan and prepare answers to all my husband’s questions in advance. To do this, I organize a group consisting of women and children, buy tickets, and rent a bus. The fact is that Recep is not a fan of theater at all; it is difficult for him to understand how necessary it is for my Russian soul.

I accepted this new reality and saw that I was so important to a person that he always wanted to be with me. Seeing his attitude towards me, I myself wanted to change and changed.

Over the years, we learned to trust each other, and love did not go away, it just became calmer. We like to sit in our living room in the evening, and everyone does their own thing: I write or draw something, he reads his medical literature. We can just be silent, the main thing is to be close.”

And good dating services.

A woman who dreams of getting married wants love, warmth, mutual understanding, and material well-being. In search of the above, many women from the CIS countries are looking for happiness in a marriage with a foreigner. The majority of people who dream of getting married abroad must definitely know high-quality dating sites and, in general, understand the topic, which is what the portal will help with “ website - your guide to the world of online dating».

As the saying goes, “it’s hard to get married, as long as you don’t get married.” Marriage is a lottery, and you must draw the coveted, lucky ticket.

Marriage abroad - like any issue, has its positive and negative sides.

Let's look at them:

Pros of a serious relationship with a foreigner

  • Move permanently to a foreign country, get acquainted with a new culture, learn customs and traditions.
  • Opportunity to learn new language. Courses and teachers are not able to provide the knowledge that a person will acquire while in the country of native speakers.
  • It is easier for a child in an international family to adapt to modern realities; he will speak several languages.
  • A high standard of living, medical care, and social security is an advantage of developed countries.

See also: Communication with foreigners - best programs and sites for language practice with native speakers

Disadvantages of marriage with a foreigner

  • No teacher or textbook will give you the level of language proficiency that is necessary for a one hundred percent understanding of the language of a foreign country.
  • Other traditions, customs, holidays. Each nation has its own culture and rules, what is good for some, may be a violation of etiquette for others. Remember the Bulgarians who nod when they say “no”.
  • Children born in a foreign country “by right of soil” become its citizens.

How to get married abroad

Marry a foreigner- the dream of many girls. For some, it is a way to achieve their cherished dream - emigration. Others, in the course of communication, fall in love with an overseas prince from a fairy-tale land, and are ready to follow him to the ends of the earth.

Let's talk today about how to a short time and effectively get married and move abroad.

The most popular tool on the way to the goal is meeting website.

How to marry a foreigner using a dating site

On a dating site, girls have real prospects of getting married. You just need to register on the page, fill out a form (try to make the form interesting), upload beautiful photos, and go ahead - towards your cherished proposal to get married.

You can register on Russian-language portals; If you know a foreign language, the best option is foreign sites; or use the services of professional marriage agencies . The third option is less desirable; ladies should take the initiative and register on the sites.

When choosing a dating site, you need to meticulously evaluate the online service, since success directly depends on the quality of the service. Be sure to check out our TOP 10 international dating sites, there are high-quality, time-tested sites.

Attention: The rating of the best dating services is compiled based on your votes and ratings, so participate in Polls and polls so that the TOP is truly People's!

Examples of high-quality and free sites include:

  1. Free-russian-dating.net- international free service dating, takes 1st place in the TOP 10 according to the ZsI portal, thousands of profiles and multi-stage verification and selection of candidates. It is also possible to familiarize yourself with reviews service users.
  2. Lovemage- affiliate free dating site for foreigners, high-quality and time-tested. The resource has existed since 2007 and during this time it has managed to collect a high-quality database of questionnaires.

Registration alone is not enough. Want to ? Then it is necessary to understand the psychology of foreign men. It should be remembered that foreigners are deprived of female attention, care, warmth, and when they turn to dating sites, they are looking for women who can give them the warmth of a family hearth. No matter how loudly they shout about gender equality in our country, most girls consider the main role of a woman to be the keeper of the home. If you dream of marrying a foreigner - remember, they need a loving, understanding wife. If you meet the criteria, wait for a marriage proposal from a foreigner, since there are thousands of such men on online dating services.

Why is it important to improve your communication language?

At first glance, this is a simple question, but in fact it is complex and ambiguous. Every girl has her own ideas about marriage, a prince on a white horse, and a happy life.

A successful marriage is work, everyday work. The hopes that the man of your dreams knows or will learn Russian are negligible; a girl should learn a foreign language if she wants to marry a foreigner. Shakespeare's language is an international language and will always be useful in life.

Be sure to check out our TOP mobile applications to communicate with foreigners to learn the language- it will be very useful to everyone who wants to improve their language when communicating with natives.

If the choice fell, for example, on a European, then it is worth remembering the reverent attitude of the inhabitants of any European country towards their native language. A couple of lines written in the native language of the chosen one will become clear evidence of the seriousness of the woman’s intentions and will characterize her from the best side.

Why do foreigners choose our women?

A girl pursuing a goal - marry a foreigner, should take a closer look at your appearance. In this case, we are talking not so much about beauty and sexuality, but about femininity and grooming.

It is necessary to clearly understand who a foreigner is trying to find on a dating site, what is he missing in his country?

Everything is very simple. From time immemorial, a man has been the personification of the breadwinner, the protector of the lady of his heart. The situation of the modern world, especially the West - women have stood on a par with men, fighting on equal terms with them for a place in the sun. Many ladies who give preference to a career either do not think about family or assign it a secondary role.

If you don’t find warmth, affection, care in your homeland, you start looking for them in a foreign land.

No matter how “cool” a woman is at work, in the family, in relationships with her man, a wise wife will show by behavior and attitude that she recognizes her man, agrees with him, listens to advice.

During virtual communication, a girl who gives a potential lover a sense of her own masculine importance, not to be confused with slavish submission, increases the likelihood of a relationship arising, and in the future offers to leave get married.

See also: TOP 5 traits who are so attractive to foreigners in our girls.

What not to do if you want to marry a foreigner

The dream is to get married abroad, then you absolutely cannot manipulate a person, play games with him (with the exception of role playing games), lie, cheat. This is a fiasco, you won’t hear marriage proposals.

If a girl wants , then, first of all, it is necessary to understand what a foreigner is looking for in a woman and from their serious relationship. Having found the answer, the woman should try to give it to the foreign man. At the same time, you cannot be a hypocrite and adapt to another person. You just need to remain a woman: a soft, understanding, caring wife - this is what all men are looking for, not just foreigners.

- the best applications, websites, chats and other popular TOP 10 and TOP 5 dating topics.

Anna's story, 29 years old

Anna's husband Eduardo is a citizen of the United States of America and works as a musician in a military band. armed forces USA. A Colombian by nationality, the young man was born and raised in Bogota, in a family of musicians, and graduated from the conservatory himself.

At the time we met Anna was 23 years old, she was an accomplished girl with promising job. A good salary, frequent business trips around the world and no thoughts of getting married, especially to a foreigner.

The meeting in romantic Paris changed the lives of young people. A joint weekend, after which everyone returns to their homeland. The conversation continued on the Internet. Eduardo flew to Anna in St. Petersburg, after which the young girl flew to New York. Two magical weeks and yesterday's strangers became truly close.

Eduardo's Christmas gift is a one-way ticket to marry him. Anna found herself between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand, she was in love, and he was persistent in his desire to legitimize the relationship, and on the other hand, career, prospects. Abandoning her ambitions, Anna flew away to her lover. She got married, the wedding was celebrated in the best traditions of American society, and they spent their honeymoon in her husband’s homeland.

The fabulous honeymoon is over, and reality appears before the young woman in all its glory. Having two diplomas, an economist and a translator, ambition, a strong character and, ultimately, the role of a housewife. The living conditions were good: a house, a swimming pool, a lot of free time, credit cards, but the girl was used to working, and idleness was a burden. Trying to find a job, sending out resumes and getting the answer “your qualifications are too high for the job offered,” or the job required an American education. Anna studied Spanish and meditated. 2 years of study and the young woman confirmed her economics diploma.

Their multilingual family does not adhere to Russian or Colombian traditions. The lovers live in the USA and celebrate local holidays. Anna is in no hurry to obtain American citizenship, she is proud that she is Russian and came from Russia. At first, discussions often arose in the family on the topic of politics and world history.

After meeting Alla’s grandmother, a war veteran, Eduardo was shocked by the first-hand account of the war, because American history textbooks interpreted everything somewhat differently, giving all the laurels of the liberating country to the United States.

Every family is a job. Anna understands that, due to her age (he is 15 years older), it is difficult for her husband to change, and she works on herself, making concessions somewhere. Love and mutual respect are the basis of healthy relationships, strong family. Anna married a foreigner and moved to a foreign country - it was hard, but it was worth it.

Olga and her story

Olga has been married to a British citizen for 5 years. Their acquaintance began on a dating website Russian date , where Olya registered in order to improve her English, and not in attempts marry a foreigner.

At first, the conversations were purely friendly: they discussed books, politics, the young man explained the rules of cricket, and talked about the customs and traditions of their peoples.

Like most Englishmen, Andrew is unusual in displaying violent emotions and feelings. Olga thought such a polite attitude was a manifestation of arrogance and coldness. But having gotten to know him better, the girl realized that this was dictated by her upbringing and good manners of an Englishman. Gradually, friendly conversations turned into love.

Six months later, Andrew flew to Moscow, and a couple of months later the young people decided to start living together, and Andrew invited Olya to move to London.

After several years life together Olya got married for Andrew. This story virtual relationships ended with a marriage proposal.

Marina's story

Marina dreamed marry a foreigner and did everything on the way to the goal. The girl registered on various Russian sites in search of foreigner dreams. There was no end to the gentlemen, although it was strange that most of them were fluent in Russian. Later it turned out that these were not foreigners from developed foreign countries, but people from post-Soviet republics. The girl, without giving up her attempt to marry a foreigner, went to courses to learn English. Six months passed, she registered on 2 international dating sites - and fdating. Now Marina, communicating with foreigners, is improving her English, hoping to meet the foreigner of her dreams and marry him.

Fdating - international dating site, ranks 5th in the ranking TOP 10 best sites dating foreigners according to our portal.

What is a resource? Dating services Fdating- a good option for women who want to meet foreigners and dream of going out get married abroad.

The database contains a large number of questionnaires of foreigners, there is a version of the site in Russian.

on fdating

The main advantage of an online dating service is simplicity, the absence of unnecessary information that overloads the computer, and the absence of pop-up windows with annoying advertising. An important plus is that the site is completely free.

As a worthy alternative fdating.com- it’s worth registering on or lovemage, both resources are free and time-tested.

Despite the obvious advantages, the site fdating enjoys a controversial reputation. On the one hand, the resource is easy to use and does not require any cash costs. On the other hand, women complain about controversial offers of an indecent nature from foreigners on fdating.com .

The main page of the dating site is replete with profiles of popular men. Among them there are many attractive, impressive gentlemen of different ages, because the best profiles are placed on the first page. There you can immediately choose a man, start communicating, and who knows, maybe he is the one who will call marry abroad.

In the upper left corner there is a quick search function that allows you to set search parameters by gender, country of residence, age. On the right side there is a search function that helps expand the parameters of profiles.

In addition to the above options, the following criteria can be noted:

  • city;
  • height;
  • hair color;
  • eye color;
  • affiliation with religion;
  • presence of children;
  • Family status;
  • position towards smoking and alcohol;
  • Zodiac sign;
  • knowledge of languages.

After processing the data, the program produces a list of questionnaires that match the selected parameters.

On the first page of the project there is an icon showing users in online. There is also a block for quickly searching for men by specific countries.

Summarizing everything, we come to the conclusion that it is possible to consider the Fdating site as a place to find a foreigner for a serious relationship, but it is better to register on at least 1 more dating site.

International dating will help you marry a foreigner

International dating sites- are not divided into purely male or female services. Foreign online platforms post a large number of male profiles, the likelihood of meeting the man of your dreams and marry increases significantly. There are often cases when profiles of women from dating sites end up in the database of global marriage offices. There are a lot of resources that steal each other’s profiles - so be vigilant and choose only high-quality and proven dating services.

How to choose the best international dating site for a serious relationship

Many recommend registering only with large international resources, such as: free-russian-dating.net,rusdate, loveeto. Those who are looking for love, want to start a family and find serious relationship.

Project databases contain hundreds of thousands of male profiles who dream of finding a woman from Russia. Part online agencies owns dozens dating sites in different countries and in different languages. When registering, for example, your resume automatically goes into the general database, increasing the likelihood of meeting the love of your life and getting out marry a foreigner.

An Irish proverb says, “Open your eyes wider before the wedding, and squint them after.”

Marrying a foreigner, remember, in a marriage there are both disadvantages and there are plenty of advantages, as in any union of two people. In a marriage with a foreign national, many things can manifest themselves more acutely, since not just two individuals are trying to create a family, but people raised different cultures. At first, misunderstandings are possible and this is predictable. Before you start building a serious relationship with a foreigner, you need to get to know the country’s culture, traditions, and learn about the customs of the family.

Girls dream from a young age marry for the prince. However, getting married is sometimes easier than saving a family. Many girls, leaving another state, leave family, friends, and work in their homeland. The ideal option is to marry for love. Having married for love, the wife gives all of herself, her warmth, affection, love to her chosen one. It is all-forgiving love that protects a marriage from adversity and helps to survive difficulties, so listen to your heart and don’t forget about your mind.

Be sure to leave your

I immediately set a framework for myself - a week to find a worthy foreign candidate for a husband. The first thing I did was go online - “marry a foreigner.” One of the results in the search engine is the Fortunata marriage agency, which specializes in pimping Russian girls and guys from other countries and even romantic tours abroad. Exactly what is needed!

The agency is located on the outskirts of Moscow in a hotel complex. The owner of the company, Tatyana, meets me in a small office. From the very beginning I ask about guarantees of successful acquaintance.

Over the entire history of the agency - which is 15 years - more than 500 happy unions have been concluded. On the table and walls are photographs of couples that the newlyweds send to Tatyana. Certificates confirming the qualifications of a psychologist in family relationships proudly hang there. At the same time, Tatyana herself was married three times, and is now divorced.

“Foreigners love Russian girls. Unlike emancipated Europeans, a Russian girl is soft, pliable, homely, ready to love and start a family. Brown hair, light eyes, plump lips, a sort of Russian nesting doll, is the ideal of any foreigner,”

It turns out that to meet a foreigner you can go on a romantic tour. Tatyana catches my surprised look and explains:

This is a great way to combine business with pleasure! You are enjoying a vacation in another country and at the same time meeting nice men. During your week abroad, we invite you to meet five candidates. Italy, Germany, Bulgaria, Switzerland, France, Greece, Spain - you just need to choose the direction that interests you. The cost of tours varies depending on the country and the number of days of stay. So, for example, a week-long romantic tour to Bulgaria costs 1 thousand euros, to Western Europe a little more. This includes p birth and excursion program. There you will be accompanied by m managers are basically Russian wives of foreigners who will show you all the interesting places in the country plus tell you what life is like in a foreign land.

Wherein The agency is not responsible for security, but only gives warnings and instructions. So, if something happens, according to the contract, the agency does not bear any responsibility.

There are also classic marriage agency services. Tatyana offered me two options. The full package for six months costs 50 thousand rubles. This includes a photo shoot, video recording, placement in the dating database and a full consultation for six months. The matchmaker promised assistance in writing a letter to potential suitors, as well as the services of a translator. However, it does not promise me 100% marriage, but it guarantees constant acquaintances with men. A cheaper option is a basic service for 15 thousand rubles without consultations and an interpreter.

Our difference from a typical dating site is that we ourselves are looking for a man according to your preferences. Together with you, we will draw up a portrait of your ideal husband and will select candidates during the term of the contract.

I was offered to immediately fill out the contract. I promised Tatyana to think about it, although I myself definitely decided that it was too expensive. It’s better to go abroad several times yourself or register on a free dating site. Which is what I did.

Meeting website

I chose the RussianDating website. According to statistics, the most users there are from the USA (6,734 people) and Turkey (4,313), followed by England (1,939), then Canada (924), Italy (920) and Germany (849).

After registering on the site, in less than a day I received more than 40 messages from men from different countries. A day later, the number of friend requests increased to 80 people. For convenience, I added several profiles to my favorites - men from Germany, Turkey, Italy, the USA and a Canadian resident living in Moscow.

Almost immediately I received a proposal for a meeting from a resident of Antalya named Corcovadoya.

“We should meet, unless, of course, you think I’m old. Do you have Schengen? I think we could meet for the first time in Europe,” a 35-year-old tall, brown-eyed brunette writes to me, judging by the description.

Having not received an answer from me within 20 minutes, he flared up: “It’s a pity that you ignored me, deciding that I was too old for you. Sorry for bothering you.”

The Europeans turned out to be less persistent. They were interested in my hobbies and told me about themselves. It turns out that most of them really want to start a family. At least that's what they say.

Russian women are close to me in mentality,” 30-year-old Diego, a programmer from Italy, explains his interest. - Russians have a realistic approach to life. I was dating a girl from St. Petersburg, we met during her vacation in Florence. Almost immediately after we met, we began to live with me in Pisa. She was cheerful and economical, I felt very at ease with her. But two years later we had a crisis in our relationship and we decided to separate. I visited her in Russia and I liked the warmth and simplicity of the Russian mentality. And now I’ve been looking for a girl on dating sites for six months now.

"Russian women just want to be happy, loved and enjoy everything that marriage can give them. Italian women are more interested in work and money. And besides, Russian women are truly beautiful!"

So, during a week of constant correspondence, I received an offer to meet from an Italian from Rimini and an expat from Canada living in Moscow (he suggested that we meet somewhere in a local bar after work).

I told my friend about my successes. As it turned out, she also had experience communicating with a foreigner on a dating site.

We met on the Internet,” Olga recalls. - A charming German, 10 years older than me. Daily correspondence and calls did their job - a year later we met in Stockholm and began to live together: either with me in Arkhangelsk, or with him in Mönchengladbach. For my sake, he then left his fiancée. But after four years relationship, my feelings faded away, and I invited him to break up (at that moment we were separated - each in his own country). As a result, he sent me a video from the forest, where he collected all my things, burned them and buried them with the words “I wish you will find your personal hell.”

To be honest, after such a story, the desire to continue correspondence disappeared. It's time for real life dating.


On a warm Saturday evening I went to speeddating on English language, taking place in a cafe in the center of Moscow - to look for a foreign husband.

At the entrance, I paid for a ticket in the amount of 1.5 thousand rubles, received a badge with my name and a participant’s card, where my sympathies were noted - with whom I would like to continue acquaintance. If likes coincide, the organizers send each other’s phone numbers for further communication.

The African American presenter sat me down at the table. There are 11 more Russian girls sitting at neighboring tables who want to meet foreigners.

You look quite young... Did your mother send you? - an elegant blonde in a leopard print dress asks me.

No, she came herself - I can’t say that I’m on an editorial assignment and am ready to run away.

“I tried almost everything, even registered on the dating site Tinder - to no avail,” my neighbor continues the conversation. - But today my mother brought me here, I’m already 27 years old, it’s time to get married!

In addition to desperate husband seekers, there are also those who simply spend their leisure time this way.

I am an English teacher, I am interested in practicing it with native speakers. Plus, it's a fun time! - says a woman about 35 years old.

There is a feeling that she is lying...

Finally, those for whom we all came here appear - 12 men sit down on the opposite side of the tables. According to the rules, 5 minutes are allotted for getting to know each other, then, at a signal, the men move to the next table, while the girls remain in their places.

“I came here just to have fun, I practically passed by,” says my first partner, who for some reason turned out to be Russian (I then looked again at the speeddating poster, which promised only expats).

It soon became clear that only four out of twelve were foreigners here, and the rest were Russians, like my first counterpart.

At the signal from the leader, the men changed places, and the dark-skinned Colombian Daniel stood in front of me.

You are very beautiful, just like your country. - Oh, these foreigners know how to win them over.

I love Russia very much; I have been working as a designer in Moscow for three years. I don’t plan to return to my homeland, I want to find a wife in Moscow,” Daniel says frankly. - Russian women - ideal wives: they think about family, children, housekeeping. Our women, like Europeans, think only about careers and money.

Daniel smiles warmly and I circle his name in a heart. The next person to sit next to me is a 45-year-old Frenchman who moved from Paris to Russia for work.

I work at a laminate manufacturing plant. I know French, Italian, German and English, but in Moscow there are few people I can talk to in them. Therefore, in order to meet a girl, you have to go to such events. I don’t like Paris, I would like to live with my Russian girlfriend in Russia.

The latest expat was Alex from the UK. Alex is an English teacher and has been living in Moscow for five years. A 27-year-old guy wants to practice his Russian language and is looking for a conversation partner, not a wife. Perhaps I was simply not his type, and a true English gentleman decided not to upset me.

I was never able to communicate with the fourth foreign guest; he left the establishment in the middle of the event.

At the end of the speed dating, I handed over my sympathy card to the host. The next morning, the organizers sent me the phone number of the Colombian Daniel. He liked me too. The first SMS came from him within a day...

So, after speeddating I have one potential husband. The obvious advantage of this method of dating is that you immediately see the person, and even five minutes is enough to understand whether you like him or not.

Public places

Another familiar “owner” of a foreign husband came up with an idea - you can easily meet a foreigner in bars, restaurants, and at exhibitions. The main thing is to choose the right place.

Jamie came from Canada to Russia for work,” Anna shares her memories. - When a mutual friend introduced us at a bar, he was so shy that he ran to the toilet! Throughout the week we saw him constantly, but just as friends. Jamie then flew to Canada for a month, but continued to write me letters. Afterwards he began to fly to me, we went on vacation to Spain together. He proposed a year and a half later. On December 31, he secretly flew to Russia and asked my parents for my hand in marriage. And then he called me to the bridge of lovers, where everywhere there were inscriptions “Anna, will you marry?”. The wedding took place in Russia.

Where can you meet an expat in Moscow? The foreigners I met on speeddating highlighted several favorite places.

I really love the Patriarch's Ponds, Tsaritsyno. Among the establishments, I like quiet cafes, like “Apartment 44”, “Marie Vann”y” and “Pushkina”, shares the Frenchman Michele.

I often go to Strelka on Red October - a meeting place for smart, interesting young people with whom you can talk in English, says Daniel from Colombia. - My favorite route is from the Tretyakov Gallery to Gorky Park.

I can relax in the old “Propaganda” in Kitay-Gorod, and next Saturday go to fashionable Soho. Moscow is beautiful in its contrast, why choose just one? - says Alex, a teacher from Britain.

One evening, while taking a break from my foreign acquaintances, I looked at my Instagram feed. Seeing a cute guy in the recommendations young man from Germany, I automatically liked one of the photos.

The German responded almost instantly and began actively writing to me. We started chatting cheerfully about all sorts of nonsense, and a little later it turned out that he was a hockey player for the German national team and had come to St. Petersburg for the World Hockey Championship.

Marcel is a handsome and cheerful athlete; he broke up with his girlfriend a couple of months ago. When I asked why he wrote to me, he replied that he had never been to Russia or talked to Russian girls, but when he saw my like, he could not restrain himself. Our communication lasts a week, and Marcel really hopes to meet, each time thanking Instagram for our acquaintance.

In general, to find interesting person, it is not necessary to buy expensive tours abroad or go on blind dates. Sometimes it's enough to just trust fate.

Do you dream of a prince who will take you far, far away on a white horse, but are you afraid that this fairy tale will have a terrible ending? For those who intend to change not only their last name in their passport, but also their country of residence, we will tell you what to do to avoid getting into trouble.

May 2, 2018 · Text: Svetlana Boyarinova · Photo: Getty Images, Rex Features/FOTODOM.RU, Legion-Media.ru, Yuri Samolygo/TASS, Instagram

“A happy marriage with a foreigner may well become a reality, if, of course, you approach this issue correctly,” says family psychologist Svetlana Boyarinova. Making a fairy tale about a foreign prince come true is not so easy, but it is possible if you adhere to certain rules. Which ones? Our expert tells us, who talked a lot with women who found their happiness abroad.

The most important thing: you need to choose a groom and marry a person - a living, real person, with his own character, advantages and disadvantages, and not primarily a “foreigner”, not for money and not for the prospect of obtaining a residence permit. This is the only way to do it right choice and be happily married. Why is this so important? Well, first of all, none of us wants to be functional, in other words, a means to achieve someone else's goals. Everyone creates relationships for the sake of their own happiness, comfort and satisfaction of their own needs, and only for this reason is they ready to do something for their partner.

Secondly, you cannot be happy in a marriage with someone you don’t love. It is only in your own country that you can simply get a divorce without explanation (if there are no children yet), return home to your parents, but in a foreign country you will have nowhere to go. There, for you, a man will initially become not only a husband, but also a mother, a father, a friend, and the only connection with the outside world; there you will depend on him (at least emotionally). And you can feel comfortable in this temporary dependence only with a loved one who is ready to help and support.

Therefore, clearly write down what kind of man you want to see next to you, what shortcomings you are willing to tolerate and which ones you are not. How do you see your relationship with him, what needs are you ready to satisfy, what can you do in another country at first, and only then start going to international dating sites. This will protect you from disappointments and constant quarrels with the future chosen one.

Why should a foreigner marry a Russian woman?

This question is important to ask both yourself and the men with whom you will communicate. After all, really, why do they need a foreigner? Why all this complexity: bringing it, helping you get a visa, helping you adapt?

There is an opinion that only Europeans who are unsuccessful financially and personally and who are not listed on the marriage market in their countries go to international sites and begin to meet women from other countries, confident that they have lower requirements and are easier to deceive and lure with false promises. . And in general this is true. I won’t give you exact statistics, but I think that about 70% of the men who sit on international dating sites are really like that. In addition, do not forget that in Europe Turks, Arabs, Indians, and Iranians receive citizenship... You will also meet them on a dating site, and they will also be glad to see you as their wife. Compatriots set quite high demands! And you need to follow many rules, conditions, rituals in order to marry them.

There remains another 30% of the stronger sex. Who are they? These are men who love Russia, are interested in its history, language, and have Slavic roots. These are men who work in international companies, often visit our country, communicate with Russian women, see their beauty, grooming, care, attentiveness and make their choice based on this. And, of course, these are friends of those men who married Russian women.

In order not to get into trouble and not be captured by illusions, be sure to ask a man the question why he needs a wife from Russia, and get an answer. Do not be satisfied with general phrases, explain that you need to know why he is looking for a foreigner, how he imagines marriage with her and the distribution of responsibilities in the family.

After listening carefully, carefully communicate your views and expectations. It is very important to frame the conversation in this way. If you immediately start talking about yourself, there is a high probability that you will never know about the man’s true views and plans. Having figured out what you need to promise, he will use it in his tactics. And when everything happens, you suddenly discover that “the bunny is not slanted, but oblique.”

How to behave if something goes wrong in correspondence

If a man does something embarrassing and alarming, immediately indicate that you don’t like it, it doesn’t suit you, and this can’t happen to you. Then communicate what is appropriate and acceptable.

When you encounter the same unpleasant manifestation a second time, distance yourself (communicate less often, devote less time, switch to other gentlemen, but not for the sake of manipulation, but truly believing that such an attitude does not suit you).

If after this the person does not change, there is only one option - complete termination of the relationship. By the way, there is a possibility that after you begin to define your boundaries, the man himself will disappear. So that’s where he’s headed.

Better you come to us!

When organizing a meeting with a potential groom, you need to take into account that Russian women have a reputation as liars and extortionists. If you don't want to fall into the same category, show your man that you're interested in more than just his wallet. Do not exclude the possibility that the meeting will end in separation. Therefore, at a minimum, you need to have round-trip tickets, money and a separate hotel room.

Avoid common mistakes. Don’t behave as if manna from heaven had descended on you after his arrival, don’t fawn, turn on the “pig delight”, dance around the gentleman “dancing with tambourines”. Behave calmly and maintain your dignity. The groom should see that you have a wonderful, well-organized life, your self-esteem is fine, and the only thing for which you will completely change course is a relationship with a worthy man.

Don’t hype a man up for money, don’t try to go with him to all the most expensive restaurants and update your wardrobe - the consumerist attitude is repulsive.

Don't rush to have sex, get to know each other, give the man the opportunity to achieve you. You are not a bed “tester”, remember this. If happiness in marriage depended on sexual compatibility, we would not have such sad divorce statistics.

Don't be afraid to ask questions, delve into details, talk about your feelings and preferences. It is important to be yourself, and not a demo version of yourself. But all this should be done not in an interview format, but softly, easily, flirtatiously, with a smile.

Sorry, goodbye!

Many women are afraid to say no, express themselves, end unpleasant relationships, show that they don’t like something, and in vain. It’s worth interrupting a meeting, or maybe even communication, if you encounter:

  • With aggression, irritation, an extreme form of expression of dissatisfaction on the part of the chosen one. If a person allows himself to do this at the beginning of a relationship, it will only get worse. There is no need to justify it. I know for sure that once you find yourself dependent on a man and on his territory, you will encounter even more unpleasant manifestations.
  • With manipulation, coercion to sex, demands for compensation for his expenses.
  • With extortion of money and sob stories about why he urgently needs your financial help.
  • Avoiding answers. If a man is confused in his testimony and hides something (for example, passport details or exact address).
  • Ignoring your words and requests.

Many women believe that a man can be changed, that the main thing is to make him fall in love with you, and then you can twist him as you want. This is wrong. If you don't want to be disappointed and waste your time, forget about this myth.

How not to get depressed from your new life

Once you find yourself in a foreign country, you need to be prepared for the fact that internal fears and uncertainty will be activated, and it will be uncomfortable and alarming at first. Lack of communication, feeling cut off from the outside world, some kind of social isolation, lack of understanding of how to behave and solve pressing problems... All this can lead to depression.

To prevent this from happening, you need to design your life in advance. Find the Russian community in the country you are going to, or at least other female compatriots who live there, establish contact with them, exchange phone numbers, ask how they coped. Collect information about educational institutions, possible courses, talk to migrants who have lived there for many years, find out all the intricacies, pros and cons. Think about what you can do from the very beginning, how to adapt your existing knowledge and skills to your new life.

Write a list of tasks and questions that you will ask your chosen one after the move, so that you don’t forget anything and take everything into account. All of the above will relieve most of the anxiety and worries and set you up for new way and will facilitate the integration process.

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