Applique vase: with fruits in different groups of kindergarten. » artistic creativity - application "Cucumbers and tomatoes lie on a plate" in the senior group "Bee" teacher S.A.

Volumetric paper applique. Master class with step by step photos.
Composition “Fruits on a plate”

Kudinova Galina Efimovna, teacher of additional education, Municipal Educational Establishment of Children's Educational Institutions CDT "Iskatel" Lytkarino, Moscow Region.
Purpose of the master class: making the composition “Fruits on a plate”
Children's age: 2nd year of study (5 – 8 years)
Level: average. Preparation time: 1 hour 30 minutes.
Purpose of the master class: obtaining skills and abilities to create a three-dimensional application.
Master class objectives:
continue training in technology - 3D applique
develop compositional skills - place cut out elements in accordance with the plot.
develop attention, memory, eye, logical and imaginative thinking;
promote the development of spatial thinking and imagination;
develop hand motor skills, which contribute to the development of mental functions in preschool and younger children school age;
continue to develop a sustainable interest in work;
cultivate a sense of responsibility;
instill the skills of perseverance, accuracy, love for the work process, and the desire for results;
instill skills of self-control and self-esteem.


This work can be performed by children from 5 to 8 years old. Depending on the age of the child, the amount of work performed by the teacher changes. If the child is 5 years old, then he will need the help of a teacher, for example, in cutting out parts (depending on the child’s level of preparedness). The child will fold, glue and glue the part.
The level of independence in performing work increases with age and depends on the individual characteristics of the child.

To work you will need:
1. Cardboard white and red.
2. Colored paper: red, yellow, pink, green, lilac brown
3. Pattern of pear, grapes, strawberry, apple, plum, leaves.
4. Glue.
5. Scissors.
6. Hole puncher (flowers).
7. Brown marker.


Teacher's story:
Fruits, berries, dried fruits and vegetables are of great importance for human health - everyone loves them, both children and adults. Their ripe, juicy and sweet taste is always pleasant and therefore they are always held in high esteem in the diet. In addition, they are not only tasty, but they are also healthy. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Eat fruits for your health, you will always be healthy.” Moreover, according to many experts, a person needs to eat at least 2 fruits a day in order to constantly replenish the body with vitamins and minerals and always be in good shape.
Let's remember what fruits do you know? (children's answers).

I am strong, crispy,
The miracle is real.
Yellow and red -
The skin is satin.
The apple is ruddy
All the best for children!

They call me a pear.
I'll tell you, and you listen:
Love me, children!
I am the most useful person in the world.

Lilac plum,
Ours is a garden
Delicious, tender,

Very useful.
And also from a ripe plum
We can make jam!

I am not a small bird.
I am a useful strawberry.
Who will make friends with me -
Don't catch a cold in winter!

Plum, plum, my plum,
You are beautiful and delicious.
A lot of pulp, amazingly
Well, there’s only one bone.

Grapes, grapes,
Lots of berries in a row
Grew on a branch -
Lunch, kids!

Dear apple,
Ours, liquid.
It will grow in our garden,
I'll go get him in the fall.

Garden decoration-
Clusters of grapes.
In every brush
Sun light -
Warm hello summer.

Pears are like light bulbs
Hanging on a tree
Attracts with smell
Both adults and children:
Yellow, fragrant,
Delicate golden.
They hung and fell...
The bees finished eating the pears. (

1. Cut out the background for our work. Mine is 22 cm by 20 cm.

2. Take a small sheet of yellow paper. Fold in half, then in half again. Attaching a template pears to the paper folded in four times and trace it. Cut out the pear along the contour.

3. In exactly the same way we prepare silhouette details strawberries, grapes, plums.

4. An apple consists of 2 colors. Take a small sheet of yellow paper and pink flowers and fold them in half. We attach the apple template to each color, trace it and cut it out along the contour.

5. We got 4 pieces of each fruit. We fold each piece in half and have 4 halves of grapes, apples, plums, and strawberries.

6. Take the strawberry parts. Apply glue to one of the halves and glue them together so that the other halves remain free. Glue together 4 strawberry halves.
We do the same with all the details of grapes and plums.

7. Alternate the halves of the apple: yellow – pink, yellow – pink.

8. Fold the leaves in half to make them voluminous.

9. Take the plate template and trace it on paper of the selected color. Cut out a plate along the contour.

10. Glue the plate onto the cardboard.

11. Unwrap all the fruits. Let's make them voluminous.

12. We begin to glue the fruits onto the cardboard.

13. Glue one half of the leaves onto the other. Glue them to the strawberries.

14. Using a brown felt-tip pen, draw the branches of a plum, pear and apple.

15. Glue the twig to the grapes. The tail of the grape can be rounded with your finger.

16. We begin to decorate the plate. Glue on the finished flowers made using a hole punch.

17. Choose a background for the frame. We frame the work.

Municipal preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 1

"Rainbow" of the Vlasikha urban district


appliqué classes

on topic: “Vegetables on a plate”

(for older children)

prepared by the teacher

Kalmykova Yulia Viktorovna

v. Vlasikha,


1. Purpose of the lesson : creating an application “Vegetables on a plate”

2. Tasks:

    Repeat the names of vegetables and fruits

    Practice cutting out round and oval shapes from squares and rectangles, smoothly cutting off the corners

    Combine composition elements by color, size, shape

    Develop coordination of movements of both hands.

    Strengthen the ability to carefully paste an image.

3. Type of activity : occupation – creativity.

4. Lesson form : individual, group.

5. Duration : 20 minutes.

6. Participants: teacher, children of the senior group.

7. Age of students: 5-6 years.

8. Equipment and materials:

Dummy vegetables on a tray, mock-up plate on a rectangular base, colored blanks of square and rectangular shapes, scissors, glue, glue brush, oilcloth, tray.

9. Preliminary preparation:

10. Methods and techniques of working with children:

Practical: cutting, gluing.

Visual: looking at models of vegetables.

Verbal: solving riddles.

11. Lesson structure:

Lesson stage



Organizing time.

Communication. Arouse interest in the upcoming activity.

3 min.

Main part.

Active assimilation, consolidation of knowledge and skills.

12 min.

Final part.

Revitalization of emotions.

Analysis of children's works.

Develop speech activity through dialogue and answering questions.

5 minutes.

12. Lesson progress



Teacher's actions

Children's activities



He brings a tray with vegetables, lays out the vegetables.

Onplate - harvest ,

Whatever you want, choose.

For borscht and salad.

Mom will be very happy

Children watch with interest the actions of the teacher

Organizational and search

Offers to look at vegetables, asks about their shape and color.

In the garden.

According to mysterious laws, still incomprehensible,

The cucumber grows green, next to it grows red.

Blue eggplants next to yellow melon.

And the earth is black to black, but the earth is the same for everyone.

Makes riddles

Our piglets grew up in the garden,

Sideways towards the sun, crochet ponytails.

These little pigs are playing hide and seek with us.


Thisvegetable very quickly

Let's figure it out by the way.

He is cheeky, red, smooth,

It grows in everyone's garden.

Put it in the sun.

He will ripen at the window,

This plump senor

A well-known.(Tomato)

Riddles from the garden

Leaves are collected in a head of cabbage

In the villagers' garden.

Without it, the cabbage soup is not thick.

What is her name? (Cabbage)

We took her clothes

The tubs are no longer empty -

They will ferment... (cabbage)

Families live underground

We water them from a watering can.

And Polina and Antoshka

Let's call you to dig... (potatoes)

Oh, we'll cry with him,

If we want to clean it.

But a hundred ailments

Bitter will heal us... (onion)

It grows in the garden

Doesn't offend anyone.

Well, everyone around is crying,

Because they clean... (onion)

The head, and on top the mustache.

No, it doesn't taste sweet.

They came running as fast as they could

We're going to pick for lunch... (garlic)

Looks like a watermelon -

Thick-skinned too.

I'm used to the yellow dress,

Basking in the sun... (pumpkin)

This vegetable is the pumpkin's brother -

He also looks a little thick.

Lie down on the side under a leaf

Between the beds... (zucchini)

These tough guys

They hide in the leaves in the garden bed.

Twin couch potatoes

Turning green... (cucumbers)

Climbing on a rope

Brothers from the garden bed.

These brothers are twins

And their names are... (cucumbers)

He lived in a greenhouse in the summer,

Made friends with the hot sun.

He is fun and enthusiastic.

This is red... (tomato)

In the summer, without fear of the heat,

The red balls were maturing.

They have matured as if by choice.

What kind of vegetable? (Tomato)

At the handsome fat man's

Bright red sides.

In a hat with a ponytail, sir -

Round ripe... (tomato)

The yellow ball has grown into the ground,

There is only a green tail on top.

Holds onto the bed tightly

Round vegetable. This is... (turnip)

The old house split:

There was little space in it.

All residents are alarmed.

Who are they? (Peas)

Christmas trees grow in the garden bed,

Their needles do not prick.

Cleverly hidden in the ground

Their root... (carrot)

Growing up underground

It became round and burgundy.

The garden bed got wet in the rain

And it ended up in our borscht... (beets)

Invites children to create a composition on a plate of vegetables - the gifts of autumn.

Talks about techniques for cutting vegetables.

Children, what do we need to make an applique? (scissors, white and colored paper, glue). Children know where it is, take the glue themselves, and find the prepared paper there. The teacher distributes scissors when everyone is sitting at the tables, reminding them about safety precautions.

What shape does a cucumber resemble? (rectangle). What color is it? (green). Take a green rectangle, cut out a cucumber by cutting off the corners, like a teacher (demonstration). Paste it onto the “plate”.

What shape does a tomato look like? (square). What color is it? (green, not yet ripe, and ripe - red). We take a red square, cut out a tomato by cutting off the corners, like a teacher (demonstration). Paste it onto the “plate”.

During work, the teacher comes up and helps the children, praises them for Good work, tells you what to do.

Examine vegetables, answer questions -

a tomato looks like a ball, a cucumber looks like an oval.

Listen to poetry

Children guess

Listen carefully to the teacher.

Independent work.

Vegetables are cut and compositions are made.

Reflexive - corrective

Organizes an exhibition of works.

What we talked about today.

What did you depict on the application?

Praise for a good job and admire the completed applique.

They arrange their works and choose the ones they like best.

Expected Result:

Know: geometric shapes, compare the image with nature.

Have: an idea of ​​the cutting method - rounding.

Be able to: cut out a ball - a tomato; oval – cucumber;

List of used literature

1. Zimina A.N.Theory and methodology of musical education of children preschool age. – M.: TC Sfera, 2010.

2. Zvereva O.L., Krotova T.V., Ganicheva A.N.Family pedagogy and home education children of early and preschool age. – M.: Sphere shopping center, 2009.

3. Kapranova V.A. History of pedagogy. – M.: Academy, 2005.

4. Kutsakova L.V.Design and manual labor V kindergarten. – M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2008.

5. Komarova T.S. "Classes on visual arts in the kindergarten preparatory group.” Mosaic-Synthesis. 2011

6. Program of education and training in kindergarten, edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova. – 3rd ed., rev. and additional – M. Mosaic – Synthesis. 2005

7. Shvaiko G.S. “Lesson in visual arts in kindergarten. Preparatory group for school: Program, notes. Manual for teachers preschool institutions" M. Humanitarian ed. VLADOS center. 2000

Application is a technique that is given a lot of attention in preschool education classes. The theme for the applique can be food, fruit compote in a jar or pan, a dish with fruit, a vase with branches, and berries on a saucer.

Applique is a type of fine art. It develops a sense of color, composition, creativity, and trains fine motor skills muscles. Its implementation teaches skills in working with paper, glue, and scissors. When performing a collective application, children learn to work together, which helps improve relationships in the group. Application classes are held in all kindergarten groups with children from 5 to 8 years old. For each lesson, the teacher prepares a summary, because in each group the conduct of classes has its own characteristics.

IN younger group Children glue ready-made fruits from paper. In the middle one I can cut fruits and vegetables myself. In the eldest, children are introduced to different types appliques and with the technique of mosaic and broken applique. Develop independent execution of still lifes of fruits and vegetables in a basket or on a plate.

In the preparatory group they do the work independently, repeat geometric shapes, get acquainted with subject and other types of application.

  • Children develop cutting skills and learn to use scissors correctly and safely.
  • They learn composition, improve their skills in working with paper and glue.
  • Develops creative abilities.
  • They foster hard work, responsibility, the ability to complete work, and accuracy.

To work you need to prepare:

  • colored paper, cardboard for the base;
  • scissors, fruit templates;
  • glue: pencil or PVA, then you need to prepare brushes and remind them how to work with them;
  • pencils.

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher conducts a conversation about fruits: how they are useful, how they grow and look. Explains what they will do today, reminds you about the rules for handling scissors and paper. You can remember the riddles. Then the teacher shows the picture “Fruit Bowl” and explains that today they will make a three-dimensional applique.

Children in this group already have cutting skills, so the Fruit Basket applique will not seem difficult to them.

First you need to prepare a template for a vase or plate. You should draw it and cut it out. For children who find it difficult to do this, the teacher helps them draw a template, and they cut it out themselves. A paper basket or plate is glued onto plain cardboard.

Then they start making fruit. The yellow paper is folded in half and then doubled again. Draw a pear pattern. Since the paper has four layers, cut out 4 fruits.

We cut out the rest in the same way, but for the apple we take pink and yellow paper and cut out 2 apples of each color.

Fold each piece in half. Then we glue four blanks onto the sides. Now you need to harmoniously arrange the finished fruits on the vase, glue and open each one.

At the end of the lesson, the children examine their work, and the teacher gives each work an assessment, usually positive. After praise, children have increased self-esteem and a desire to work further.

To consolidate your skills, you can later conduct the “Applique vegetables on a plate” lesson.

Gallery: applique fruit bowl (25 photos)

Creating a broken appliqué in the senior group

  • cultivate interest in the application;
  • introduce you to making appliqué from scraps of paper;
  • develop fine motor skills;
  • Accustom to work carefully, consistently and independently.

Required materials:

After the introductory conversation, the children begin making a vase. Each child has a template with a drawn vase and fruit. The teacher suggests taking purple grape paper and tearing small pieces. Then glue is applied to the silhouette of the fruit. The pieces of paper are glued neatly and tightly to each other. The remaining silhouettes are filled in the same way.

The tablecloth is smeared with glue and filled with pieces of white thread no larger than 1 cm in size.

With a pencil, children draw tails and leaves for each fruit. Then, from scraps of colored paper, they make a frame around the edge of a sheet of cardboard with a vase.

As a result, the children of the older group, together with the teacher, admire their works.

"Fruit basket" in the preparatory group

Children of this age have skills in working with applications, so they complete the task independently. They continue to improve their skills and abilities, as well as learn new techniques and develop their creativity. Children repeat geometric figures.

What you need to prepare for class:

The teacher explains what the children will do during the lesson. Explains what a still life is, demonstrating prepared illustrative material.

They begin work by making a basket. Brown and yellow paper is cut into strips. Brown stripes are laid out on the table, yellow ones are intertwined with brown ones, creating an imitation of basket weaving. It turns out to be a checkered rug. He is turned over and back side attach the basket template, trace it with a pencil and cut it out. Glue onto cardboard or a sheet of thick paper. This process is complex, some children will need help from a teacher.

Children draw fruits and cut them out. Then, using these templates, they cut out and glue the fruits into the basket. Glue on green tails and leaves. A couple of fruits are glued near the basket, as if they had fallen out.

You can conduct classes on the following topics: “Basket with vegetables”, “Basket with mushrooms”. The last lesson is made more difficult by that mushrooms consist of two parts of different colors. You need to cut out the caps of red or Brown and white or gray legs. Then glue both parts into one mushroom.

The application “Fruits on a plate” is carried out to strengthen the ability to work independently.

In the senior or preparatory group, you can conduct the lesson “Vase with Flowers”. Costs draw children's attention that for fruits and vegetables you need a low, wide vase, and for flowers, a tall, beautiful one. Thus, you can teach children to cut out symmetrical objects from paper folded in half. In this case, we cut out half of the template and get the whole after unfolding the cut out silhouette.

After this you can cut out the flowers. You need to offer children the opportunity to make simple flowers: tulips, bells or any others. Children can decide for themselves: stick them so that the flower stems are not visible or stick the flowers higher, adding green stems and leaves.

In senior and preparatory groups You can introduce children to creating fruits and vegetables by crumpling a napkin of the desired color into a ball. Then we glue the balls onto a vase, plate, or basket. You can do thread appliqué in these groups. Drawn fruits and vegetables on paper plate Spread with glue and thickly trimmed threads of the corresponding colors are glued onto it.

Features of applique classes in the younger group

Children younger age They don't know how to cut yet. The teacher cuts various fruits or vegetables, and cuts out the silhouette of a canning jar. Lessons can be done individually, then each student has a jar; in collective appliqué, children stick fruits into a common jar.

Before class, the teacher tells a fairy tale about how bunnies or bear cubs need fruit. He reads poems or riddles. Repeats with children the names and colors of each fruit, explains why fruits need to be preserved.

Then the children get to work and glue the finished paper fruits onto the jar as the teacher explained: so that they do not protrude beyond the edges of the jar and do not creep on one another. If youngest child gets confused and cannot start work, the teacher helps.

Then the children admire the work together with the teacher. He praises the children's good work by giving them fruit.

The influence of applique classes on the development of children's creative abilities

In kindergarten, appliqué classes are held in all groups and become more complex with age. Children learn to cut, work with scissors, paper, and glue. They not only develop physical skills, but also mental development: during the lesson they learn to remember the names of fruits and vegetables, distinguish them by appearance, remember the names of colors, repeat geometric shapes, and gain basic knowledge of composition and color combinations.

In these classes, children neatness is brought up, the ability to plan your work and bring it to completion. In collective applications, children learn to work together, not to interfere with each other, to help if necessary, and to enjoy the results of collective work.

At school, applique classes continue and children improve their skills acquired in kindergarten. Accuracy, hard work, and responsibility for one’s work are in demand at school during labor lessons and even in such serious lessons as mathematics and foreign languages.

Children will need these useful personality traits more and more as they grow older. Therefore, appliqué work should be treated with due respect..

GCD for the NGO “Artistic Creativity”. Application “Cucumbers and tomatoes lie on a plate” in the senior group “Bee”. Teacher Krivenchenko S.A.

Program content : consolidate the ability to distinguish vegetables; continue to practice the ability to create round and oval-shaped objects made of paper in the form of squares and rectangles, cutting corners using a rounding method; develop the ability to carefully paste images.

Material:riddles, poems, dummies of vegetables, a circle of white paper; blanks from colored paper for cutting vegetables.

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Artistic creativity”,


1. Organizational moment.

Riddle: There's carrots, there's cabbage, there's strawberries and it smells delicious.

And, friends, we can’t let the goat in there. (Garden.)

That's right, this is a vegetable garden. Who guys have a garden? What does your family grow in their gardens? Guys, what vegetables do you know? (children's answers.) You and I will go visit these vegetables to learn some of the secrets of their growth, human use for food, and, of course, we will learn about the medicinal and nutritional qualities of these vegetable crops.

2.Reading a poem ny.

In the garden.

According to mysterious laws, still incomprehensible,

The cucumber grows green, next to it grows red.

Blue eggplants next to yellow melon.

And the earth is black to black, but the earth is the same for everyone.

O. Bundur


How vegetables will not be born without our help.

As soon as spring has arrived, we plant seeds.

What a garden! People are surprised.

The sun warmed the earth, a grain sprouted

Cucumbers, carrots and onions suddenly came out of the ground.

What a garden! People are surprised. L. Nekrasov

Guys, we will go on a trip to the fabulous Garden Land, in which vegetables will tell you the most interesting stories about their adventures.

3.Guessing riddles:

1. Its cloves are eaten raw and added when pickling tomatoes and cucumbers. (garlic.)

2. Our piglets grew up in the garden,

Sideways towards the sun, crochet ponytails.

These piglets play hide and seek with their dreams. (cucumbers.)

3. How riddles grew in our garden bed -

Juicy and large, so round.

They turn green in the summer, and turn red in the fall. (Tomatoes)

4. Physical exercise “Grasshoppers”.

Raise your shoulders, jump, grasshoppers,

Jump-jump, jump-jump, sit down, eat some grass,

Let's listen to the silence. Hush hush. Jump high on your toes easily.

5. Application.

The teacher offers to look at the vegetables, asks about the shape of the vegetables, and clarifies the cutting techniques: tomatoes from a square, cucumbers from a rectangle. Children talk about the procedure for completing the application and get to work.

6. Summary of the lesson.

What we talked about today.

What did you depict on the application?

Inna Shuvalova

Subject: « Vegetables on a plate»

Target: Learn to create a composition in appliqués.


Educational: Learn to arrange objects according to a pattern.

Developmental: Develop attention and thinking.

Educational: Cultivate interest in the activity.

Materials and equipment: dummies vegetables: tomato, cucumber, carrots, sheets of white paper round shape, paste, brushes, napkins, oilcloths.

1. Game "Magic bag".

Bunny comes to visit and brings a bag. Children take one item out of the bag. Tomato, cucumber, carrot. Let's summarize what it is vegetables.

2. The bunny says that he is expecting guests and needs to set the table.

Helping the bunny put vegetables on a plate.

And many guests will come. Fox, wolf, bear, hedgehog and other animals. One a plate of vegetables will not be enough.

The bunny asks the children to help him make vegetables on a plate.

We decide to do applique.

3. Review vegetables, their shapes and colors, as well as shapes plates.

4. Remember the rules of behavior with scissors.

Fizminutka « Vegetables»

One two three four, (Walking in place)

Children vegetables taught: (Jumping in place)

Onions, radishes, zucchini, (Tilts left and right)

Horseradish, carrots, garlic. (Clap your hands)

5. Application"Vegetables on a plate"

Children cut out tomatoes, cucumbers and carrots and place them on plate, and then stick it on.

6. The bunny thanks the children for their help. Now he will be able to feed all the guests.

Who came to visit?

How did you help the bunny?

Which vegetables placed on a plate?

8. Exhibition of works.

Publications on the topic:

"Vegetables". Summary of a lesson on cognitive activity with application elements in the middle group of kindergarten Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge on the topic “Vegetables”. Educational objectives: 1. update children’s knowledge on the topic “Vegetables”; learn how to make an application.

Modeling “Vegetables on a plate”. Continuous educational activities in modeling for children 6–7 years old with disabilities Goal: Modeling, using previously learned techniques: pulling, smoothing; clarification of knowledge of shapes: ball, cylinder; when working with plasticine.

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