Homo actors. The most famous gays who conquered the world! Heir to the Vanderbilt fortune

They are talented artists, commanders, writers. Gays whom the whole world knows. Crazy and desperate love for men led many of them to death.

1. Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar was accused of prostitution. The author of the book “Gay History” Jiří Fanel talks about the situations that helped Caesar achieve the imperial chair. For example, for three years Julius sold his body for a very modest sum to Nicomedes IV, the last king of Bithynia. Later, the ruler of Rome spent huge amounts of money from the state treasury on his pleasures with the youths.

2. Michelangelo Buonarroti
Paul Russell in his book “100 Brief Lives of Gays and Lesbians” mentions that the brilliant sculptor, only at the age of 57, suddenly experienced the feeling that lyricists of all times describe. Michelangelo fell in love with a young man named Tommaso de Cavalieri. He wrote letters to the young boy and painted him as an angel on the Last Judgment fresco.

3. Oscar Wilde
According to the memoirs of Oscar Wilde’s contemporaries, it is known that after the creative success of the novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray” and the play “The Importance of Being Earnest,” the writer began openly dating men. However, fame could not protect him from prison: in 1985 he was accused of obscenity and sent to hard labor. This broke the writer.

4. Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov
According to the author of the book “Gay History” Jiří Fanel, Kutuzov preferred the military. And the commander died at the moment when the Russian soldier was giving him a blowjob.

5. Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana
Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana are a creative duo, known to the world elegant ideas, a variety of fashionable lines of clothing and accessories. In 1985, the Dolce & Gabbana brand first participated in the show of emerging fashion designers at Milan Fashion Week. Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana were waiting for success. From the beginning of the collaboration, it was clear that the Dolce & Gabbana fashion house is a partnership between two talented designers, as well as people in love with each other. In 1986, at an unofficial ceremony, they took touching vows, which they still keep.

6. Elton John
The British rock singer, composer and pianist has given the world more than 300 million recordings that inspire people around the world. Fans of Elton John are not at all confused by the artist’s orientation. Already in 1993, he met his future husband, David Farnish, and today the couple has two sons. However, everything was not so smooth: before a happy family life, Elton had an affair with secretary Linda Woodrow and a wedding with sound engineer Renata Blauel. It was only in 1988 that he publicly admitted his sexuality.

7. Freddie Mercury
Freddie Mercury is a legend. He was in love with his fiancée Mary, who until recently did not know that he was bisexual. He could not choose one person and canceled the wedding. “I can sleep with anyone,” Mercury admitted. “There are days when I live only for sex.” According to the stories of his friends, he had many lovers, most of all he liked mustachioed brutal men. Perhaps it was this passion that destroyed the brilliant artist. Freddie Mercury died at 45 from AIDS.

8. Sergei Diaghilev and Vaslav Nijinsky
Sergei Diaghilev was a talented theatrical and artistic figure, founded the Diaghilev Russian Ballet troupe, a truly significant phenomenon of the 20th century, and revealed the beauty of Russian ballet to Europeans. In 1908, he met Vaslav Nijinsky, a graceful dancer and choreographer who later became a living legend for his high jumps. For more than five years, Nijinsky was at Diaghilev’s complete disposal both on stage and in life.

9. Christian Dior
The French fashion designer hid his relationships with men for most of his life; the famous couturier’s affairs each time ended in a severe shock for him. At the age of 51, he met the young Algerian singer Jacques Benit, who was 25. Dior lost his head: he went out with the singer and tried to lose weight. Such activity and carelessness led the maestro to an attack - the lover’s heart stopped.

10. Adolf Hitler
Lothar Makhtan, head of the department of modern and modern history University of Bremen, has been studying Hitler's homosexuality for many years, he believes that this is what influenced the horrific decisions that ruined people's lives. Lothar claims that Hitler shot Nazi officials with whom he slept to hide his sexuality, and also supported the persecution of gays for the same reason. Hitler's most famous love affair was with Rudolf Hess, Adolf's deputy.

We offer you a selection of less famous gays different eras, which significantly influenced the course of history.

Saint Aelred

Oddly enough, homosexuals have their own patron saint, although this is hard to believe. The abbot of one of the Yorkshire monasteries named Aelred lived in the 12th century and left behind a lot of historical and theological works. In one of them, he wrote that he sees in monastic friendship something more than the simple affection of comrades.

The Roman Catholic Church never canonized Aelred, but in England he began to be venerated as a saint within a few years of his death. Of course, this has nothing to do with his writings on homosexuality. For contemporaries and descendants, Saint Aelred is, first of all, a prominent theologian and good abbot of the abbey. And for current parishioners of the Church of England who identify as LGBT, Aelred is a personal saint.

Georges Dantes, military man, politician

The arrival of a young officer in Russia in the early 30s of the 19th century became fatal for the best Russian poet of the era, Alexander Pushkin. Researchers write that the murder of Pushkin in a duel broke an entire line in Russian culture, and that the whole history could have taken a different path if Pushkin had time to write everything he was supposed to.

Georges Charles Dantes arrived in Russia to enlist in military service. On the way, he met the middle-aged Baron Heckern, who took young man under his care, patronized him in every possible way and even adopted him. In St. Petersburg there were rumors about their love affair, not family relations.

Perhaps Georges Dantes hit on Pushkin's wife Natalya Goncharova just to quell these rumors. After the first round of a quarrel with Pushkin, which was hushed up, Dantes even married Natalya Nikolaevna’s sister Ekaterina. Later, his courtship with Natalya Pushkina continued, Pushkin received a mocking letter and challenged Dantes to a duel, where he was killed.

Dantes was expelled from Russia, he lived a long life in France, successfully engaged in politics and said that if not for that duel, his life would have turned out much worse.

Oscar Wilde, writer

One of the most brilliant prose writers and playwrights of the late Victorian era, Oscar Wilde was a dandy, an esthete and a snob. Despite his low birth, Wilde was known as a true aristocrat of spirit.

At the end of the 19th century, Oscar Wilde was a welcome guest in the best houses throughout Europe, not only in his native Britain. He married, became the father of two sons, and wrote a lot for the stage. The novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray” became a sensation in the literary world, and at the same time a reason for heated controversy in the press. Wilde was accused of immorality, and he wrote lengthy articles about how art has nothing to do with morality.

The life of a brilliant Londoner changed after he met the young aristocrat Alfred "Bosie" Douglas. The capricious young man demanded that the married Wilde not hide their relationship, and in the end, the couple found themselves at the center of a scandal. A certain lord called Oscar Wilde a “sodomite.” Wilde sued for libel, but was himself arrested. Wilde was sentenced to two years in prison.

He served his sentence in Reading, where he tried to maintain good spirits and continued to write. His wife visited him several times, but the “golden-haired boy” Bosie seemed to have forgotten about Oscar Wilde. In recent years, Oscar Wilde lived in France, moving from place to place in order to remain unrecognized.

Contemporaries wrote that Oscar Wilde was tried not so much for “obscenity” as for his keen and independent mind and courage to challenge the sanctimonious British society.

Sergei Eisenstein, film director

The films of the great modernist director Sergei Eisenstein are included in all cinema textbooks. His film “Battleship Potemkin” has been repeatedly recognized as the best film of all time. And everyone remembers the famous shots with a stroller rushing down the Potemkin Stairs and the terrible eyes of the child’s mother.

Sergei Eisenstein preferred not to consider himself homosexual. He spent many hours thinking and analyzing his personality, and came to the conclusion that he was apparently asexual, that is, not interested in bodily relationships with either men or women.

However, in his life there was a period of fascination with men, which had to be hidden: a criminal article on sodomy appeared in the USSR in 1934, and Eisenstein could have suffered from it.

Despite the fact that Eisenstein was married and had a child, rumors about him gay walked around bohemian Moscow. In the mid-thirties, clouds gathered over him - Stalin personally asked the special officers to pay attention to the too bright director. He was saved from repression only by the personal intercession of Comrade Molotov. Eisenstein died in 1948 - practically on the set, before finishing the last part of the trilogy about Ivan the Terrible.

Tove Jansson, writer

Tove Jansson is known all over the world as the creator of the Moomin universe. Stories about creatures who know how to live correctly and are always ready for adventure have raised more than one generation of children.

It is a little less known that Tove Jansson was an artist and never took her literary work seriously. In her homeland in Finland, she painted paintings and took orders for the decoration of schools, city halls and other institutions.

Tove Jansson spoke about her personal life in 1993, when she was 79 years old. At a press conference, she said that she had spent half her life in a partnership with the artist Tuulikki Pietilä. Pietilä was very proud to be the prototype of one of the heroines of the Moomin stories, Too-Tikki.

Tove Jansson invented the Moomintrolls in 1930 and has since published several dozen stories about life in Moomin Dalen. Now fairy tales about the Moomins are a national Finnish treasure and one of the best children's books in history.

Alan Turing, mathematician and cryptographer

The brilliant mathematician Alan Turing played an important role in World War II. He was part of a group of English cryptographers who intercepted and tried to decipher German top-secret messages. It is believed that without the help of the group led by Turing, victory in the war would have come two years later.

In 1951, Alan Turing was accused of homosexuality, which was then a criminal offense in Britain. The police offered him a choice: prison or strong drugs that suppress libido. The mathematician suffered terribly because of his peculiarity, so he chose to “stop” being gay. Within a year of hormonal injections, Turing became impotent.

A much more tragic consequence of this case was the reputational losses - Turing was suspended from work. For several years, Alan Turing struggled with unbearable living conditions, but only sank deeper into depression. In June 1954, he was found dead in his bed, with a bitten apple lying on the nightstand. An autopsy revealed that Turing had poisoned himself with cyanide, whether deliberately or as part of a chemical experiment. The mathematician lived only 41 years.

In 2014, Alan Turing was played by Briton Benedict Cumberbatch in the film The Imitation Game. Keira Knightley starred as his colleague and short-term wife. And only a year earlier, Queen Elizabeth II officially pardoned Turing, clearing him of obscenity charges. In 2017, the “Turing Law” came into force, granting posthumous pardons to all those accused of homosexuality in the UK.

Van Cliburn, pianist

The young American pianist made a splash at the 1958 Tchaikovsky Performance Competition. The Soviet people saw a young man with an angelic appearance and virtuoso skill and were amazed - his image was so far from the propaganda picture of the “Pentagon hawks”. The jury was unsure whether to give Van Cliburn first prize in the competition. Members of the board even consulted personally with the head of the USSR Nikita Khrushchev: The Cold War was in full swing.

Van Cliburn inevitably became perhaps the first messenger of peace, a connecting link between two irreconcilable enemies, the USSR and the USA. The pianist became one of the symbols of the Thaw; he gave many concerts both in the Union and at home and was one of the most popular performers of his time. In the USSR, Van Cliburn was called "Vanya".

He was so popular that his recording of Tchaikovsky's First Concerto went platinum for the first time in history. Van Cliburn tried to keep his personal life a secret, and for many years no one knew about his family. It is known about him sexual orientation began in the mid-90s, when a certain funeral home owner decided to sue for part of his income.

The man stated that he had lived with Van Cliburn for 17 years, which means he has a right to his money. The court, however, rejected the claim. Van Cliburn performed piano concerts until his death. In 2011 he was a guest member of the jury at the Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow. He died in 2013 from cancer.

Christian Dior, fashion designer

The man who understood women better than anyone and was not at all interested in them, Christian Dior became the creator of the New Look style in the second half of the 40s.

After two world wars, European women cut off their hair, put on comfortable and unimpressive clothes and seemed to forget about jewelry, heels and other luxuries. In 1947, Christian Dior proposed a return to femininity and tightened women's waists into corsets and returned full skirts to the catwalk.

The woman got the opportunity to again feel weak and not adapted to the harsh post-war life. However, it was already a thing of the past - by the end of the forties, Europe began to recover from its losses.

Christian Dior was gay, but he never advertised his connections: time did not favor it. Although in France they were not imprisoned for homosexuality, public condemnation was very great. A year before his death, in 1956, Dior met a young Algerian singer, and became so attached to him that he even decided to go out with him. However, their partnership was short-lived: in 1957, Dior died of a heart attack while trying to lose weight for his young friend.

Mark Ashton, LGBT activist

Mark Ashton did not live a very long life - only 26 years - but he had a huge influence on all British politics. The young Irishman proved that you can change the world without being an influential politician.

In 1984, miners went on strike across England to demand an end to job cuts and mine closures. Surprisingly, at the semi-legal gay pride in London, young people began to raise funds in support of the miners. The one-time event resulted in the creation of the Lesbians and Gays in Support of Miners community, whose main inspiration was Mark Ashton. During the work of the LGPSH community, they collected more than 20,000 pounds sterling, on which the striking British miners could somehow live.

The then miners' strike failed, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher stood her ground and did not agree to the demands of the trade unions. However, strong friendships have developed between the British LGBT community and English trade unions. Eventually, workers' representatives in the British Parliament lobbied for articles regarding LGBT rights in England. Mark Ashton, who did so much to support the miners, did not see this: in 1986 he died of AIDS in London.

Stephen Fry, actor, writer and social activist

The British Queen herself called Stephen Fry “the standard bearer of the English style.” Despite the fact that Fry is half-Hungarian Jewish, he, perhaps, more than anyone, absorbed the British spirit and culture. Stephen Fry is an incredibly energetic person who does a million things at once. He acts a lot in films, works on television, records audio books (the English translation of “Eugene Onegin” and the original “.

Stephen Fry is one of the most outspoken people who does not hesitate to publicly say things about himself that not everyone admits even to those closest to them. For most of the heroes, their sexual orientation did not bring happiness; on the contrary, it greatly complicated their life path. In addition to the difficult life of a creative person, they also inherited a feature that is condemned by society. Unfortunately, you can't choose your sexual orientation. The editors of the site invite you to learn about the fates of seven great writers who were in prison.
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Today society has become more tolerant towards representatives of sexual minorities. In many European countries, same-sex marriage is allowed even at the state level, but in Russia even the promotion of homosexuality entails administrative or criminal liability. Moreover, many famous people abroad are even proud of the fact that they are of non-traditional sexual orientation, and openly appear in public with their significant other, look after them, give them gifts, propose marriage, etc. For us, it’s not even like that yet It’s surprising when we’re talking about outrageous stars, young people who need to express themselves. But the topic of our article will be politics. Surprised? Yes, exactly them. And this is not an isolated case. So, let's begin.

Who is a homosexual?

Who are gays? It is known that the word took its roots from in English and literally translates as “cheerful”, “carefree”. Homosexuals are people who are sexually attracted to members of the same sex.

What is the reason?

The cause of homosexuality is controversial. For example, some psychologists believe that homosexuality is a consequence of improper upbringing, when masculinity was actively suppressed in childhood. Most often, according to statistics, young people in whose family the mother was the only parent or had a stronger, predominant character become gay.

Another part of psychologists claims that homosexuals are born, and you can’t “trample on your nature.” For example, it is known that some animal species also prefer to mate with males. This fate did not spare men either. This is inherent within nature. And if previously it was common to be ashamed of one’s sexual inclinations, now many openly declare this.

The first homosexuals among rulers

History has known many homosexuals among the political elite since ancient times. For example, Gaius Julius Caesar cohabited for a long time with the king of Bithynia Nicomedes. And although the other senators condemned the emperor, this relationship lasted for many years. Another was twice married to members of the same sex. Even among Roman and Greek soldiers, intercourse with men was common, especially during long military campaigns.

In ancient times, the love of men for members of their own sex was sung in songs and poems, depicted on cups of winners, and carved in sculptures.

For a long time now, no one will be surprised by the sexual orientation of show business representatives. Singers and Ricky Martin, film actors Zachary Quinto and Harris, fashion designers Stefano Gabanna and Domenico Dolce. And if society has long become accustomed to the homosexuality of people from the creative elite, news about the homosexuality of politicians and diplomats is still shocking ordinary people. And despite their high status, European officials are not ashamed of their orientation and often loudly declare it. The article presents world politicians with an unconventional orientation.

G. Westerwelle

Guido Westerwelle was born on December 27, 1961 into a family of lawyers in Bahn Honnef (West Germany). However, Guido's parents divorce, and his father gets custody of his son. Also in school years the boy became actively interested in politics, and immediately after graduating from high school he joined the liberal Free Democratic Party (FDP). Later, following in the footsteps of his parents, he enters the university and receives a law degree. IN student years Westerwelle and like-minded people become the founder of the Young Liberals organization. After graduating from university, the ambitious young man is offered the position of Secretary General of the FDP. And at the age of 40, Guido becomes party chairman. But these were only Guido’s first victories in the political field. IN different years he held such high positions as Vice-Chancellor of Germany (October 2009 to May 2011) and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany (2009-2013).

Long before the official recognition of homosexuality, journalists attributed affairs with men to him. But the politician did not comment on this information. And so, in 2004, Westerwelle came with his friend to a reception on the occasion of Angela Merkel’s 50th birthday. He turned out to be 36-year-old horse games manager, Michael Mronz. Guido made it clear to those present that, as stated in the invitation, he came with his “other half.”

It should be noted that then this news spread throughout the German media and became good PR for the politician. Westerwelle began to actively defend the rights of homosexuals, advocated the legalization of same-sex marriage, and even called on the German authorities to cut aid to developing countries in which the rights of sexual minorities are infringed. Guido Westerwelle was at the origins of the law allowing same-sex couples to adopt children.

In 2010, Westerwelle and Mronc officially registered their marriage. Only the closest relatives and friends were invited to the wedding, and photographs from it graced the front pages of newspapers. Michael Mronz actively supported Guido in his career. The couple led an active political and social life, while demonstrating a family idyll. The couple decided not to adopt children due to time constraints.

In 2014, Guido Westerwelle was diagnosed with leukemia. The politician underwent chemotherapy, but still the disease defeated him. In March 2016, the politician died of leukemia.

K. Bettel

Xavier Bettel is another gay man who has openly declared his love for men. The future Luxembourg politician was born into an ordinary family of merchants, from a young age he was a diligent and diligent student, and received a master's degree in European law. At the age of 16 he became a member of the Democratic Party of Luxembourg. Achieved great success in his political career. Thus, since 2011, voters have supported his candidacy for the position of mayor of Luxembourg. And for services to the state in 2013, by decree of Grand Duke Henri, he was promoted. From that time on, he became Prime Minister of Luxembourg.

The politician openly demonstrated his sexual identity as gay, even at the beginning of his political career. Moreover, the man stated that a politician’s personal life and sexual preferences should not influence a voter’s choice.

Since 2010, Xavier Bettel has openly lived in a civil marriage with his boyfriend. But they could not officially register the marriage due to the fact that there was a moratorium on same-sex marriage in Luxembourg. The gay politician's chosen one was the famous architect Gautier Destenay. As Prime Minister, Xavier seeks the passage of a law on same-sex marriage.

In 2015, the couple officially entered into a relationship. Only the closest friends were invited to the wedding. Journalists were not allowed to attend the celebration. The couple did not want to advertise their personal life, but both spouses said that marriage was a long-awaited event for them. I have not yet had children Bettel and Destenei either.

It is noteworthy that in 2017, Gautier Destenay took part in the official meeting of the first ladies of the Great Seven. At the same time, he happily posed and gave interviews to journalists. And among women he felt harmonious and confident. And journalists in their publications ironically wrote that now the whole world will more often observe the participation of the “first lady” of Luxembourg in political events.

R. Crocetta

Rosario Crocetta was born in 1951 in the Italian city of Gele. After graduating from high school, he worked for a long time as a journalist in his hometown, simultaneously collaborating with several well-known newspapers. Rosario adhered to communist views and was a long-time member of the Communist Revival Party. It was in his hometown that Rosario Crocetta’s development as a politician began. In 2003, he was elected to the role of head of the city of Dzhel. In 2009, on his own initiative, he resigned and nominated himself for election to the European Parliament. From 2009 to 2012 he was a member of the European Parliament.

The next step in his political career was the position of mayor in Sicily, which he successfully held from 2012 to November 18, 2017. Initially, Rosario did not intend to take part in the elections for a second term, then he decided to enter the race, but filed too late documents, so he was simply removed from the candidates for the position of mayor.

Rosario Crocetta became a famous politician not only in Sicilian circles, but throughout Italy. He considered the main goal of his political career to be the fight against the mafia. Over the years, attempts were made on the politician’s life three times, but Rosario never abandoned his tasks.

For the first time, journalists wrote about Rosario Crocetta’s unconventional orientation during the mayoral elections in the city of Gel. This piquant news was leaked to the press by a politician’s competitor, but this information only fueled voters’ curiosity about the candidate and marked the beginning of his successful career.

It is noteworthy that this famous gay politician never relied on protecting the rights of sexual minorities in his program. Only through his participation in the gay pride parades held in Palermo does he express his attitude and support for homosexuals. Rosario's private life is not known. Nobody knows the name of his roommate or what he does.

Moreover, in one of the interviews before the mayoral elections in Sicily, Rosario announced to the press that if he was elected, he would give up sex in his life. But after the election, he retracted his words, saying that journalists had misunderstood him. Yes, he is gay, but he is not going to fight this fact, he will not change his sexual preferences, but from this day on he simply will not comment in any way on his personal life and the presence of sex in it.

Despite the fact that Italy is part of the European Union, the majority of the country's residents support traditional family values ​​and ties. Therefore, if Rosario had openly defended gays and demonstrated his relationship with another man, then, according to many experts, this would have led to the collapse of his career.

S. Maloney

Sean Maloney began his political career very early. By the age of 25, the young, ambitious politician managed to enter the election staff of the future president. The future president actively supported his young colleague and even offered Sean a position in the White House secretariat. In 2012, again with the support of Bill Clinton, Maloney was elected to the New York Congress.

Sean Maloney has never hidden the fact that he is gay. She and her friend have been together for more than 25 years. His partner, designer Randy Flork, is well known in American bohemian circles. The couple is raising 3 adopted children. It is noteworthy that the men themselves did not intend to register their relationships. According to them, they were happy and a full-fledged family and without a stamp in the passport. But a letter their youngest daughter wrote to Santa Claus on the eve of the holiday made them reconsider their approach to marriage. The phrase “I want dads to get married” prompted Randy to make an original proposal to the congressman. For Christmas, Randy Flork gave “his other half” a backpack, which contained a note with a marriage proposal. Sean Maloney and Randy Flork officially registered their relationship in 2014.

K. Wowereit

“I’m gay, and that’s good,” said German politician Klaus Wowereit during the election race for mayor of Berlin. This phrase spread all over the world and brought Wowereit the support and love of not only representatives of sexual minorities, but also large quantity voters. By declaring his unconventional orientation, Klaus Wowereit demonstrated to society his sincerity and openness. From 2001 to 2014, while serving as mayor of Berlin, the politician made this city one of the most visited by tourists. But many of the city's problems were never resolved. For example, Klaus Wowereit cut funding for kindergartens and did not resolve the issue of low salaries for civil servants. And to all the tricky questions the mayor of Berlin answered: “We are poor, but we are sexy!”

Klaus Wowereit has been cohabiting with doctor Jörn Kubicki for many years. Their love story began in 1993; according to both men, it was love at first sight.

E. Di Rupo

Elio Di Rupo is also openly gay. His unconventional orientation has been known since 1996. The fact is that a minor call boy accused Di Rupo of having a sexual relationship. Allegedly, the politician, knowing about the boy’s young age, still entered into a relationship and paid generously for sexual services. It is unknown whether this actually happened or whether it was a provocation on the part of competitors, but the investigation did not prove the politician’s guilt. Di Rupo was acquitted, but when asked about his orientation, he openly stated that he was gay and was not ashamed of this fact.

Elio Di Rupo has been repeatedly involved in various political and corruption scandals. However, this did not prevent the politician from achieving high results and taking the post of Prime Minister of Belgium from 2011 to 2014.

B. Delanoe

B. Delanoe successfully led as mayor of Paris for 13 years. He openly announced his sexual orientation in 1998 during a television appearance. In 2001, he became mayor of Paris and went down in history as a gay leader of the largest city by population.

In 2002, Bertrano is attacked while celebrating the city's annual festival. The attacker turns out to be a homophobic maniac who declares his hatred of gays.

Every year Bertrano Delanoe takes part in gay pride parades, actively fights homophobes in politics, and also defends the rights of sexual minorities in every possible way.

Life of the Stars


07.04.16 10:12

There have been many developments in the last five to ten years promoting and legislating equality for the LGBT community. In the United States, a big milestone was June 26, 2015, when same-sex marriage was legalized throughout the country (and not just in some states, as was the case before).

Nowadays, celebrities have no reason to hide their homosexuality, and many of them have taken advantage of this. Others came out a long time ago and have been defending the rights of sexual minorities all this time. Among them are the most influential gays in history.

The world's most influential gay men

Heir to the Vanderbilt fortune

The son of Gloria Vanderbilt (that same famous millionaire), Anderson Cooper, is a successful television journalist, erudite, witty, and not afraid to express his opinion on the realities of today. Plus, he has a net worth of over $11 million and he's gay. Cooper came out to the public in July 2012 in an email to his colleague Andrew Sullivan: “The fact is that I am gay, always have been and always will be. I could no longer feel happy and comfortable without this recognition. And I’m proud that I could.” He claims that he did not hide his sexuality, he was simply a private person protecting his privacy. The New York Times named Cooper one of the most famous openly gay journalists on American television.

CEO of an influential corporation

Perhaps you are reading this article from the screen of your iPhone? Then you should know that the CEO of Apple (he has held this position since 2011) Tim Cook is also a homosexual. Of course, he is one of the most influential gay men in history. Cook made a huge contribution to the development of modern technology. He is the first CEO of the “upper echelons” to admit his sexuality. Cook decided to reveal his true self to the world in hopes of helping others facing problems with their sexuality: “I am proud to be gay. We pave the way to sun-drenched justice together—one brick at a time. This is my brick."

On the screen - a womanizer, in life - a homosexual

He played a carefree, cheerful bachelor, an incorrigible womanizer, who is always ready to meet the next “hot” woman and take him to bed. Yes, we're talking about Neil Patrick Harris, who plays Barney Stinson in the sitcom How I Met Your Mother. In real life, there is nothing in common between this hero and the actor. Neil is happily married to his partner David Burtke and they have twin children born through a surrogate mother. Harris is a sought-after artist, and he recently hosted the Oscar ceremony, which speaks to the great confidence of his colleagues in him.

One of the "Magnificent Seven"

Six seasons of White Collar flew by unnoticed, and all thanks to the incredible charm and sparkling eyes of Matt Bomer. And how good he was in the fifth season of American Horror Story! His love for Lady Gaga's character, a sophisticated aristocrat hiding terrible secrets, drove his character Donovan almost to madness. But the actor is especially proud of his role in the television movie “The Normal Heart,” which tells about homosexuals and their fight against the AIDS epidemic. For this work, Bomer received a Golden Globe. Matt's own orientation helped him feel better about the character. Bomer came out in 2012. His husband's name is Simon Halls and they have three sons. We'll see soon new job Matt - he starred in the reboot of The Magnificent Seven.

Author of highly rated shows

The director of The Normal Heart, Ryan Murphy, is one of the most influential gay men in history. This is a very talented screenwriter, producer and director. Murphy's credits include the highly rated TV series Glee (Losers), American Horror Story, and Nip/Tuck. Not so long ago, “Scream Queens” started on TV, and the new anthology “American Crime Story” was received with a bang by viewers. In the first season, Murphy carefully examined the circumstances of the case of O. J. Simpson, who was spared the death penalty by a team of lawyers (including Robert Kardashian, the father of Kourtney, Khloe, Kim and Rob). Ryan lives with common-law husband David Miller, in 2012 surrogate mother gave birth to the couple's son Logan.

Composer, pianist, singer, Knight Bachelor

The contribution of this man to world music can hardly be overestimated. He is a composer, virtuoso pianist and legendary singer, Commander of the Order of the British Empire and Knight Bachelor Sir Elton John. His records have sold more than 250 million copies, and he is considered one of the richest rock singers and pianists in the world. For a long time John could not admit to himself that he was not bisexual, but gay, he was even married, and he fell into depression. And in 1993, fate sent him a savior - David Furnish became the musician’s life partner and freed him from all doubts. In December 2005, they legalized their marriage, now they have two young sons - Zachary and Elijah.

Twice Oscar winner

In our ranking of the most influential gay men in history, we cannot do without women who have chosen a non-traditional sexual orientation. She has not hidden the fact that she is a lesbian for a long time. A two-time Oscar winner (remember her Clarice Starling from The Silence of the Lambs?), an independent director, Jodie changed several companions before marrying Alexandra Hedison. The actress was one of the first among her famous colleagues to come out - in 2007 she announced that she had been living with a woman for 14 years. Foster has two sons.

Hostess of a popular show

One of the funniest and most outspoken women in media, the Emmy-winning actress, writer, television host, and philanthropist is America's sweetheart. It’s interesting that at first she made the heroine of the series “Ellen” a lesbian, for which she wrote the script (and in which she played the title role), and only then she herself admitted that she belongs to the LGBT community. As her fame grew, DeGeneres used every opportunity to draw attention to sexual minorities and their problems. When California's ban on same-sex marriage was temporarily lifted in 2008, Ellen married her longtime partner, actress Porsche De Rossi.

Our beloved Jeeves

Another comedian in our top is British Stephen Fry. A wonderful actor, host of intellectual quizzes, screenwriter, he was nominated for a Golden Globe for his role as homosexual Oscar Wilde in the biopic Wilde. One of the best examples of English humor is the TV series Jeeves and Wooster, in which Stephen had the title role. Life was not always kind to Fry; once he tried to commit suicide (at that time Stephen had not yet revealed his sexuality, and he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder). Now everything is fine with him - he has a husband, Elliot Spencer, roles and a lot of other work. He made a documentary about the LGBT community and joined a company fighting for the rights of people with mental health problems.

This wise good Gandalf

The sitcom about the lives of older gay men, “Sinners,” ran for only two seasons, but it had an appreciative audience and high ratings. Famous British actor Ian McKellen played essentially himself in the show - he was never ashamed of his sexuality. When McKellen began filming the next film, he told his fellow actors that he was gay, without allowing any omissions or awkwardness. Among the other most influential gay men in history, Sir Ian stands out because he came out back in 1998 (on BBC radio). Despite the very successful career(McKellen is the beloved sorcerer Gandalf from “The Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit” and Magneto from the “X-Men” franchise), propaganda of the LGBT community is a priority for the actor. “I regret that I did not lobby for the rights of sexual minorities earlier. One of the excuses is that I just didn’t want to draw attention to myself,” says the actor, who is not afraid to speak out against inequality and oppression of gays.

The Richest portal has compiled a rather unusual list - the TOP 15 richest gay celebrities. Many names may seem unfamiliar to you, but among them are the CEO of Apple, a music tycoon, the famous Armani and others. Let's go in order...

15. Bella Thorne - $2 million.


Once upon a time, 18-year-old Bella Thorne came out in one tweet (to a fan’s question “are you bisexual?”, she simply answered “yes”). And it seems like just a week after breaking up with Gregg Sulkin, whom she dated for a year, Miss Thorne was already promoting her relationship with her friend Bella Pendergast. Be that as it may, this beauty is already worth a couple of million bucks, and her most notable film, by the way, is called “Dirty Wet Money” (2007).

14. Clay Aiken - $7 million


Clayton Aiken is an American singer, winner of the American Music Award and Billboard Music Awards, who started out on a folk show similar to “The Voice.” He is completely unknown here, but in the USA he is very popular and is considered one of the most beloved graduates of the American Idol competition in its entire history. Aiken came out in 2008 after his son was born, and he appeared on the cover of People magazine holding the baby, telling the world that he couldn't raise him while living a lie. Previously, People asked Aiken about his sexuality, and he responded: “What I say doesn’t matter because people will still believe what they want to believe.” A well-known gay portal sadly writes about Akin: “alas, we still live in a world where all people are considered heterosexual by default, so the coming out of a famous person only counts if she does it publicly.” Well, we believe that this cunning man will earn the 8th million, and he will go far!

13. Ellen Page - $14 million


Well, the first real actress on the list, we can talk about her roles, and not about coming out... Ellen is known for her leading roles in many great films: “Juno” (for this role she received an Oscar nomination), “Inception”, “Tallulah”, “Face to Face” and a dozen others. She excels at portraying complex, psychologically authentic characters. And it is logical that her fees grow from year to year.

Most recently, she starred opposite Evan Rachel Wood in Into the Woods and earned $1.16 million. Well done, Ellen!

12. Neil Patrick Harris - $16 million


Oh, times, oh, morals! Neil Patrick Harris is known mainly as an actor in the series How I Met Your Mother, as well as a couple of rom-coms. As reported in 2013, Harris takes home $225,000 per episode of How I Met Your Mother, which certainly says a lot about the times in general and decent pay in particular. His partner, David Burtka, a news and entertainment correspondent, has a net worth of $2 million. They have been in a public relationship since 2007 and have two children together. We wish the same for you - both millions and children!

11. Anderson Cooper - $100 million


Now Russians will recognize this name - Anderson Cooper. But this is a highly respected person in the global news industry. His show, Anderson Cooper 360, has aired over 1,500 episodes on CNN. And that's not to mention his wealth of reporting experience. Cooper is a multiple Emmy Award winner throughout his career, covering important events such as the death of Princess Diana, the death of Pope John Paul II and the wedding of Prince Charles.

Anderson came out publicly in 2012: "The fact is, I'm gay, always have been and always will be, and I've never been happier and prouder and more comfortable being gay." He told DailyMail that his loved ones always knew about his “secret”, and he did not consider it necessary to expose this fact to the public, because the main thing is that he always strived to be a good and honest journalist.
The American publication OUT included Cooper in the ranking of “The Most Influential Gay Celebrities of 2012,” and he took sixth place on this list.

10. Christina Aguilera - $130 million.


Christina, how did she get here? She, of course, collaborates with LGBT representatives (Linda Perry, and Sih with Le Tigre)... In 2005, Aguilera said in an interview, without thinking, that scenes of lesbian love turned her on: “Two women in bed are sexier than two men. I love experimenting with my sexuality. Sex is a wonderful thing, I love having sex.” And then many considered her as bisexual, but since then she has married twice and become a mother, and the public has finally lost interest in her sexuality. And Christina herself never spoke out on this topic, and even more so, she never considered herself LGBT. But, nevertheless, they put it on the list...

Her career peaked in 2013, when she brought home $82 million from various royalties, appearances and a concert tour. Aguilera also had a major success in 2010 when she appeared in the film Burlesque, which grossed more than $100 million and proved that Aguilera is a star in more than just the recording studio.

9. Miley Cyrus - $165 million


This girl has everything in order with both her brains and her sense of humor. When she appeared on the cover of the men's magazine Maxim, readers ranked her first on the list of the sexiest girls. Miley rightly notes: “Everyone says that I’m a lesbian, but I say that for me it’s a compliment, and if you want to insult me, then call me something else. People think that if I have short haircut, that means I’m a lesbian... But it was after I cut my hair that I ended up on the cover of Maxim magazine, in which I took first place.”

Miss Cyrus told the press, which is so worried about her sexuality, that she is pansexual: sex and the gender of her partner do not matter to her. However, many celebrities began to declare themselves as pansexual - this is such a new fashion among celebrities who do not want to identify themselves as heterosexuals or the LGBT community. Pansexuality means being interested in a person regardless of their gender, orientation, or gender identity. And bank accounts... but Miley is completely fine with that! She earns decent money both as a musician and as an actress. When she participated in the show Hannah Montana, she received $15,000 for each episode. By the age of 17, she had already earned more than $100 million. Not bad at all, isn't it?

8. Lady Gaga - $280 million


An outrageous singer and actress (have you seen her in American Horror Story?), having earned a net $280 million, Gaga, in principle, can already retire. She earned $33 million in 2014, and her most successful year so far was 2015 ($59 million). And the question of the crazy Gaga’s orientation doesn’t interest us too much. She herself says this: “I love sex, and it doesn’t matter to me what gender my partner is, but not all of my boyfriends understand this. They're scared that I like women. Having learned about this, they begin to feel out of place, whining that we are good together and do not need a third person in our relationship.”

7. Ellen DeGeneres - $400 million


DeGeneres is the host of the entertainment talk show “Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show” and a favorite of the American public. She wrote three books, opened the Eleveneleven record company and received thirteen Emmy statuettes." Ellen became the first openly lesbian to play a lesbian character in film. Ellen's popularity peaked in February 1997, when the comedian appeared on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" (The Oprah Winfrey Show). Oprah Winfrey Show) has come out as gay and has earned over $70 million in the last three years. In case you're wondering, her partner and fellow actress Portia de Rossi has a net worth of $20 million.

6. Tim Cook - $400 million


You've probably guessed that Apple's CEO pays well. But so good! Tim Cook has earned $400 million so far. Before that, Cook was chief operating officer and received $73.9 million in 2013. As you can imagine, Cook's income is fairly closely related to iPhone sales (sorry, not to the quality of their chargers ).
If you care about his personal preferences, then he says it this way: “I am proud to be gay, and I believe that this is God’s greatest gift.”

5. Sir Elton John - $480 million


This guy is known and loved all over the world, which, in fact, confirms the size of his fortune. After all, $480 million doesn't fall from the sky.

Sir Elton John says he has never spoken about his sexual orientation before because no one has ever asked him about it. Yes, they didn’t ask him about the details of his personal life until 1976, when Rolling Stone magazine published an interview with him. Currently, he is married to David Furnish and happily talks to the press about himself and his life. The couple has two children – Zachary and Elijah. Interestingly, the millionaire is not going to leave his children a large inheritance. "Children must learn the value of hard work; wealth can ruin their lives." Here it is...the original!

This very wealth of Elton John would have been even more substantial if he had not squandered money left and right. He cannot deny himself a bunch of different expensive collections (photos, glasses, art and antiques, etc.), and owns real estate all over the world.

4. Michael Kors - $1 billion.


Billionaire, first on the list of American special celebrities... Michael Kors may be an incredibly rich fashion designer, but, as you will see below, he is not the richest on this list. However, with $1 billion in the bank, there is nothing in this world that is out of Mr. Kors's reach. His brand produces a line of clothing, bags, accessories, jewelry, shoes and fragrances. It also probably helped that he was a judge on Project Runway for five seasons.

In 2011, the US tabloids (and not only) were filled with funny headlines like “Michael Kors is getting married.” Michael Kors has never hidden his sexuality. He has been living with Lance Leper for about 20 years (Lance holds the position of creative director of the Michael Kors brand). An office romance, practically: once upon a time young Lance came as an intern to the Kors company.

3. Jennifer Natalia Pritzker - $1.76 billion.


According to Forbes, Jennifer Natalia Pritzker has become the first transgender billionaire. Before her gender transition, she was known as James Pritzker, a retired lieutenant colonel who served 11 years on active duty in the U.S. Army and 16 years in the National Guard. Jennifer is one of 11 members of the Pritzker family on Forbes' list of the richest. In 2007, the family sold its stake in industrial conglomerate Marmon Holdings to Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway for $4.5 billion, but continues to control the Hyatt Hotels chain. This is how a woman made it to the top of the richest Americans for the first time...

Natalia donated $1.35 million to a project related to transgender people in military service, which aims to improve the quality of public dialogue on the issue. Openly trans people are still prohibited from serving in the American army: the abolition of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy applied only to gays, lesbians and bisexuals.

2. Giorgio Armani - $6.8 billion.


His biography is well known to the general public, we will not repeat it. From the latest paparzzi reports, it is known that the world famous Italian couturier, 81-year-old Giorgio Armani, vacationed with his young lover Jano at the ski resort of Sir Moritz. The old man is still wow!

1. David Gaffan - $7 billion.


When it comes to show business bigwigs and the most influential people in the music industry, we can't help but mention David Gaffen. He created the labels Asylum Records (1970), Geffen Records (1980) and DGC Records (1990), which recorded The Eagles, Bob Dylan, Tom Waits, Share and many other stars. Elton John, Aerosmith, Guns N' Roses and Nirvana are just some of the big names who have signed contracts with his company. He sold Asylum Records in 1990 for $550 million.

They say that when Gaffen took up filmmaking, Tom Cruise became his lover for many years. And Tom soared to the very top of Hollywood Olympus, and Gaffen helped him get into the films of cult directors such as Coppolla, Ridley Scott, Tony Scott, Scorsese, Barry Levinson and Oliver Stone. They say it, but we don't believe it.

Perhaps the most impressive fact about Gaffen is this: he was kicked out of college for a fake UCLA diploma, which he forged to get a job at the William Morris Agency.
In 2007, OUT magazine named Gaffen the most influential gay man in America (congratulations!).

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