Constipation during pregnancy - what to do. How to get rid of constipation during pregnancy

All pregnant women should take utmost care of their health. And if, while going to the toilet, blood is visible on toilet paper or underwear, it is recommended to pay close attention to this. Only a specialist can determine whether this is really blood from the anus during pregnancy or whether the source of the blood is the vagina. Therefore, you should immediately consult a doctor.

As practice shows, anal bleeding is not uncommon during pregnancy. And if you notice blood, the cause may be hemorrhoids. This is the most common cause of problems in the second trimester.

Causes of bleeding

Blood in the stool is most often noted due to hemorrhoids. It occurs due to swelling of the blood vessels in the anus. Basically, the disease presented appears either during pregnancy or after childbirth.

The main reasons for its occurrence:

  • Hard toilet paper.
  • Constipation.
  • Hard stool.
  • Problems with bowel movements.
  • Hemorrhoids.

Blood may also appear due to anal fissures. They, in turn, arise due to strained bowel movements or constipation.

Anyway exact reason Only a doctor can determine the occurrence of such a phenomenon. As a rule, the patient is referred to a proctologist with this complaint.

Blood in stool is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. Of course, bleeding may go away on its own, but in some cases abdominal pain may appear.


Pregnancy is a wonderful time when a woman feels how her baby is developing inside her, how he is growing and becoming bigger. And when toxicosis is already a passed stage, the expectant mother may notice that the stool has become different from what it should be. If there is blood in it, it is highly likely that hemorrhoids can be diagnosed.

Hemorrhoids are a problem that many people are embarrassed to talk about, and when you are pregnant, it is also very scary. From a medical point of view, the disease is associated with impaired blood circulation in the vessels of the hemorrhoidal plexuses of the lower rectum. As a result, an inflammatory process occurs, which is accompanied by an increase and prolapse of internal venous nodes, complicated by bleeding.

If the stool is not what it should be, namely there is blood in it, do not panic. Hemorrhoids have several stages, and if you start treatment immediately when the first symptoms are detected, the problem will quickly be resolved.

The symptoms of hemorrhoids are as follows:

  • The first thing you need to pay attention to is the discomfort that occurs when sitting, then when walking and when emptying.
  • Blood in the stool. At first, this appears only with constipation, and later bleeding begins during physical exertion.
  • Also, when walking, there is a sensation of a foreign body in the anus, which is explained by an increase in the nodes.
  • If the nodes become large, they may eventually begin to fall out, which will lead to noticeable pain when washing, as they can be felt to the touch.

What can cause the formation of hemorrhoids in a pregnant woman:

  1. First of all, pregnancy is a burden on both internal organs and the entire body. As a result, some hidden diseases may appear.
  2. Constipation often occurs during pregnancy, which can also cause illness.
  3. Obesity is one of the causes of hemorrhoids in everyday life, and during pregnancy a woman gains weight, which can lead to the onset of the disease.
  4. An infection in the vagina or intestines can also lead to this condition.
  5. Many couples do not want to give up sex during pregnancy, but since in the later stages it is impossible to do it in the usual way, they begin to experiment. Anal sex is a way out, but it often leads to the development of hemorrhoids.

If the first signs of hemorrhoids are detected, you must immediately consult a doctor - a local gynecologist. In the early stages, the development of the disease can be prevented.

Most likely, the doctor will prescribe an ointment, but its use will only be justified if the woman is in early pregnancy. In the later stages, means to cure the disease are selected individually.

Anal fissures

There may also be blood in the stool due to anal fissures. These are ulcers that form on the mucous membrane of the anus. The pathology is common, especially in women during pregnancy.

The reason for its appearance is damage to the mucous membrane by dense masses of feces. Prolonged diarrhea can also provoke the disease.

Symptoms of anal fissures are as follows:

  • Blood in stool.
  • Pain in the anus after defecation.
  • Anal spasm.

Some patients also report severe pain that does not go away within 6 hours. But, mistaking the disease for hemorrhoids, they are in no hurry to see a doctor. It is not right! If blood appears in the stool, you should immediately consult a specialist, otherwise a massive ulcer, polyps or colitis may develop.


Blood in the stool can also appear due to inflammation. A pregnant woman's hormones begin to go wild. The body does not perceive this well, since all chronic pathologies begin to worsen. It could be Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis.

One of the signs of an autoimmune disease is bloody stool. In this case, blood is released along with mucus, and the pain syndrome is defined as average. Often pregnant women who experience inflammation also develop diarrhea. Only a doctor can determine treatment methods for inflammation.


To normalize stool, it is important to eat right. Your diet should include a large number of liquids, cereals, vegetables and fruits, bread.

In addition, you should follow some rules during defecation:

  1. If you want to go to the toilet, go straight to it.
  2. After bowel movements, use wet toilet paper, and then shower. This way, hygiene of the anus will be maintained, and the blood vessels will become toned.

If there is long-term constipation, this may also be the cause of blood in the stool. To get rid of them, avoid vitamins with high iron content. Also, you should not take pills that were not prescribed to you by a specialist.

For hemorrhoids, venotonics should be taken. It may be a medicine that contains diosmin. They will also help physical exercise which will improve blood circulation and strengthen the pelvic muscles.

What else can you do if this problem occurs:

  • Natalsid, Procto-glivenol, and Relief Advance suppositories will help stop bleeding during pregnancy.
  • Burnet infusions also cope well with bleeding.
  • Enemas made from 50 ml of warm infusion of chamomile or calendula will also have an excellent effect.
  • Before going to bed, you can insert a small tampon soaked in rosehip oil into the anus.
  • If there are spasms, you can use Nise, No-shpu or Buscopan.

Another reliable remedy is sitz baths with manganese. Just a couple of grains of powder is enough. The water should be pink!

There is another important point to take into account: during the treatment process, do not lift weights exceeding 5 kg, otherwise your efforts will go down the drain.


Preventive measures to prevent the appearance of blood in the anus in pregnant women are aimed at ensuring that the intestines begin to function normally. After all, the main reason is problems with stool.

To get a positive result, the following measures must be observed:

  1. Use laxatives to regulate bowel movements if diets do not help.
  2. Eat more dairy products and plant foods to avoid constipation.
  3. Move more - exercise, walk, swim.
  4. Take only those medications prescribed by your doctor.
  5. Learn exercises to strengthen the pelvis and perform them.
  6. Wash with cool water after each bowel movement.
  7. Use only soft toilet paper.
  8. Drink approximately 10 glasses of water per day.

No woman is immune from hemorrhoids and other similar problems. This means that you need to be as attentive as possible to your body. And if something goes wrong, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Inflamed nodes are extremely unpleasant. They are able to change the rhythm of life. A person suffering from them becomes irritable, restless, and nervous. There may be problems with appetite and sleep. Therefore, at the first signs of the disease, it is recommended to start treatment. This is especially true for pregnant women.

Stomach pain during pregnancy is a problem that worries many women, even those who have never encountered this before. It is difficult to say which trimester is more prone to such trouble. Be it the beginning of pregnancy or late dates- the symptoms are equally unpleasant.

Causes and symptoms of discomfort

Why does my stomach hurt during pregnancy? Why is discomfort felt in the stomach area? Let's try to explain. Pregnancy is a special condition of the body in which there can be several causes of colic and stomach pain. Each of them has a different level of danger and is accompanied by different difficulties. The main factor influencing stomach pain during pregnancy is the uterus, which is constantly increasing in size.

The uterus, which grows every week, puts pressure on and displaces the location of the internal organs, including the stomach. During pregnancy, it is forced to take a new place and take on a different form, and is unable to work normally. Displacement and compression of the organ by the uterus makes it difficult for food to pass through, which can cause backflow of the contents into the esophagus. Secondary, but no less important, causes of stomach pain during pregnancy include:

  • stressful situations;
  • large amount of food;
  • Irregular eating, causing hunger pains;
  • disruption of gastric juice production;
  • bowel disorder (constipation, diarrhea);
  • poisoning;
  • toxicosis on early stages.

The body of a woman in an interesting position is under stress during the first month. Due to the changes occurring in it, it is weakened and sensitive to any viruses and infections. The health and illnesses of the expectant mother, who were in a chronic condition, worsen. Therefore, a common cause of severe stomach pain during pregnancy can be chronic gastritis, ulcers, acidity disorders, complications of the liver and gall bladder.

Each pregnant woman experiences pain differently. As a rule, the pain is acute, begins suddenly (sometimes at night) and passes quickly. Fills an unpleasant sensation in the navel and upper left hypochondrium. Do not confuse the symptoms with gas and pain in the intestines. A sign of intestinal pain is discomfort and gases below the navel, for the stomach - above. The pain does not cause the expectant mother unbearable torment, but the feeling of discomfort remains. Neglect of nutrition can worsen colic in the stomach. It is necessary to establish a connection between pain and food intake. For example, eating plums in large quantities causes colic; apples increase gases in the intestines.

Pain that does not go away for a long time indicates full-blown gastritis. A sharp, sudden painful sensation, which resembles contractions in nature, indicates a possible ulcer. With gastritis, pain occurs almost immediately after eating. If the mother has an ulcer, the pain will begin within 1 hour, but no later than 1.5 hours after eating.

Severe cramping does not usually accompany physical changes in the body during pregnancy. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea - characteristic the presence of viruses, infections that cause poisoning. These additional signs of poisoning persist for 24 to 72 hours. The situation of body poisoning is alarming and requires specialist intervention.

It is important to remember the symptoms of pain and be able to describe them. This will help the doctor find the cause, diagnose the complication in time and correct the situation.

Stomach pain in early pregnancy

In the initial period of three months, the woman is irritated, her body experiences stress and hormonal changes. All these signs are an impetus for a response - abdominal pain. A woman is pregnant, which means she is suspicious, listens to every change in her body, reacts to the slightest inexplicable sensation. If your stomach hurts early (at 1-4 weeks) and the pain is felt above the navel, there is no particular reason to worry. You need to get checked by a specialist, but pain has nothing to do with the threat of termination of pregnancy or its improper course.

In the initial weeks of fetal development, the pregnant woman feels nausea and vomiting, so she refuses to eat, nutrition becomes irregular, which has a bad effect on the gastrointestinal tract, and old abdominal problems worsen. A “forced hunger strike” cannot be allowed. The foods that the expectant mother refuses contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for the development of the fetus. Therefore, a pregnant woman should be constantly monitored by a gynecologist and medical specialist from the first weeks of pregnancy.

Experience shows that half of pregnant women experience remission of chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract. The production of large amounts of progesterone promotes the formation of mucus. It covers the walls of the stomach and reduces the risk of colic and other painful sensations.

Late abdominal pain

Painful sensations in the final weeks of pregnancy have several causes:

  • Your stomach hurts and you are 27 weeks. Don’t worry, the uterus is greatly stretched, the physiological displacement of the internal organs does not pass without a trace. The stomach and lungs suffer the most, and the expectant mother feels discomfort in the form of heartburn, colic and heavy breathing. During the final weeks, carefully monitor the amount of food you eat; overeating (as a result of which the stomach stops) can be the cause of pain.
  • In recent weeks, I have experienced severe pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea - most likely this is poisoning. Contact your doctor immediately, he will prescribe individual treatment and will not leave such a situation unattended.
  • The period of 39-40 weeks requires special attention. The third trimester is the home stretch for mother and baby. If pain symptoms appear at week 39, this is a signal to consult a doctor. The fact is that at the final stage the fetal head goes down and the uterus does not put so much pressure on the stomach. Nausea and heartburn are rare symptoms in the third trimester, so pain may indicate an infection or the beginning of the labor process, so you can’t do without a doctor.

What to do?

Gastrofarm will help soften the inflammatory process of the stomach walls.

The pain in the stomach is becoming more and more frequent; the question of treatment has become urgent? Remember where to start and what to do. First you need to find out the cause of the unpleasant situation. Check what causes colic: fruit acid, eating at night, long intervals between meals. Reliable information will help establish a diagnosis and choose a safe treatment method. Treating the stomach during pregnancy is a complex, lengthy process that requires special attention. The main task is to establish a balanced, proper nutrition. The expectant mother's diet should not include salty, spicy, or fatty foods. In the first months, try to eat a piece of bread or banana without getting out of bed:

  • Gastrofarm will help soften the inflammatory process of the stomach walls. The drug is safe for both mother and baby. Widely used during toxicosis and during breastfeeding.
  • No-Spa will help relieve spasms. The results of the study proved the safety of the drug. Spasms are dangerous for the baby, so No-Shpy tablets should always be at hand for the expectant mother.
  • “Cerucal” helps a woman’s body cope with toxins, harmful substances that are formed during fetal development. It is safe, improves stomach function, and removes formed toxins.

But problems can be much more serious. It is not recommended for expectant mothers to perform operations or take medications, since maintaining the baby’s health is one of the main tasks of the “pregnant-bellied” period. Decisive measures in the treatment of the disease are postponed until after childbirth, but in the meantime, it is not chemical medicine that will help eliminate colic, but herbal preparations. They should be taken as prescribed by a doctor and in small dosages.

Traditional methods

Despite the discomfort in the abdomen, the responsibility for the health of the unborn baby is very great. What methods can an expectant mother use? Recipes, time-tested and tested on our ancestors, are the best option to replace pills. If gastritis has worsened, the following will help:

  • Herbs with anti-inflammatory effects. Chamomile, lemon balm, St. John's wort, white acacia will restore the mother's body and protect the baby's health.
  • Lettuce will remove the aggravated condition. It is necessary to make a tincture. To do this, pour 1 tablespoon of chopped lettuce into a glass of boiling water and leave for a couple of hours. You need to drink the infusion before meals, 0.5 cups twice a day.
  • A glass of milk and calcium will help relieve heartburn, which often accompanies expectant mothers.
  • The increased acid content is regulated by a decoction of yarrow, St. John's wort and chamomile. You will get a positive result if you drink the decoction before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • A reduced acid concentration can be treated with oregano, fennel, and thyme.
  • Honey copes well with the inflammatory process. In the absence of allergies, it can be consumed alone or mixed with other products.
  • Tea with lemon balm and motherwort will help remove nervousness, relieve tone from the walls of the uterus, and improve the general condition.
  • If your stomach stops and you feel acute pain, mineral water will help.

The question arose about the treatment of stomach pain - take care of the peace of the expectant mother. Bed rest and multiple balanced meals are required.


Everyone knows the rule: preventing a disease is easier than treating it. But the rule does not always work for pregnant women. It is almost impossible to avoid painful sensations in the abdomen. It remains to reduce the frequency of occurrence, the severity of the sensation and improve the overall well-being of the woman. Following these recommendations will significantly improve your well-being:

  • you should not lie down for half an hour immediately after eating;
  • reducing the interval between meals (large gaps should not be allowed);
  • even with toxicosis, you need to eat light food (banana, crackers) at least once;
  • The norm of fluid consumed during the day remains the same for pregnant women, unless a restriction is set by a specialist;
  • only healthy eating, fried, smoked, salted, fatty foods are excluded;
  • stressful situations are harmful for mother and baby, try to avoid them;
  • register on time and undergo monthly examinations in a timely manner.

If you have a stomach ache, a tingling sensation, or nausea, don’t let the situation take its course, rush to see a supervising specialist. Pay attention to yourself before pregnancy, support healthy image throughout it. Following the recommendations will help you enjoy every minute of this interesting situation and stay in good shape after the birth of your baby.

How to take sunflower oil for constipation?

Constipation occurs:

  • Spastic are spasms caused by contraction of the sigmoid and colon;
  • Atonic - stagnation of feces is caused by the inability of the abdominal muscles to stimulate their movement.

But medicine does not officially consider it as a therapeutic agent and warns against its uncontrolled use. Therefore, it is necessary to understand all the nuances of using the product for constipation.

Action on the gastrointestinal tract

Thanks to a balanced complex of microelements, sunflower oil is an effective means of preventing various functional disorders. With its help you can strengthen hair, nails, bones, increase general tone body. It also has a beneficial effect on the intestines:

  • Stimulates the production of bile, which is a natural laxative;
  • Softens feces;
  • Forms a film on the intestinal walls, promotes painless removal of waste products;
  • Relaxes the intestinal muscles, eliminating spasms.

Why is it better to use a product made from sunflower seeds? There are several reasons:

  • Affordable price;
  • Abundance useful substances;
  • Mild effect on the gastrointestinal tract when used correctly.

The composition of sunflower oil includes the following elements:

  • Vitamins: A, B, D, E, F, K - the last 2 are fat-soluble;
  • Organic acids - citric, tartaric;
  • Fatty acids - linoleic, oleic, palmitic, stearic;
  • Phosphate substances, they help cleanse the intestines of feces.

Methods of application

Sunflower oil is a food product, so it can be used with food to eliminate constipation:

  • Add to salads made from fresh vegetables: pumpkin, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, prunes, beets (it perfectly cleanses the blood);
  • Season porridge: millet, buckwheat, oatmeal. They contain a large amount of fiber, which helps remove waste products and other toxic substances from the body;
  • Add to stewed vegetables: cauliflower, zucchini, broccoli.

You can add 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil to fresh juices. The most effective effect will be with freshly squeezed juices from spinach, carrots, beets, and celery.

The easiest way is to mix 1 tablespoon of oil with a glass of warm drinking water. You need to drink the mixture in the morning on an empty stomach, at least 30 minutes before meals. You can simply drink a spoonful of oil, but not everyone can do this.

For spastic constipation, enemas with oil solutions help well:

  • Add 30 ml of sunflower oil to 1 glass of warm boiled water. It should be administered before bedtime;
  • Half a glass of pure oil is heated to a temperature of 37º C and administered before bedtime. In addition to relieving constipation, this is an excellent means of preventing anal fissures.

There is a recipe that stimulates bile production. Need to mix:

  • A glass of warm drinking water;
  • Raw egg yolk – 1 pc;
  • A tablespoon of sunflower oil – 1 pc.


Sunflower oil has almost no contraindications for use. To eliminate gastrointestinal disorders, it is given even to small children who are switching to complementary foods. Here the daily intake should not exceed a teaspoon.

Elderly people, children and pregnant women can use the product to normalize the process of excretion of feces.

  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Gallstone disease, inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • Duodenal ulcers;
  • Liver pathologies;
  • Metabolic disorders - consuming oil leads to rapid weight gain;
  • Poor blood clotting.

It is not recommended to give oil enemas to pregnant women. This can negatively affect the tone of the uterus. It is strictly forbidden to do this procedure at 36 weeks of pregnancy. Here you need to consult a specialist, a doctor who is treating a girl or woman. The product is also dangerous for allergy sufferers.

Side effects

Side effects can be caused by uncontrolled consumption of sunflower oil or ignoring contraindications. In this case, the following disorders and pathologies may appear:

  • Diarrhea;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Heartburn;
  • Intestinal spasms;
  • Internal bleeding.

6.5 months of pregnancy are behind us. This and next week will make it seven, and this is already a kind of milestone. You may have noticed that a little less time has actually passed, which may have gotten you a little confused in your calculations. This is because in obstetrics months are measured differently: 1 month is not equal to 30-31 days, but to four weeks, that is, 28 days.

You are now entering the 27th week of pregnancy. The child has already grown up and improved enough, but his development does not stop for a minute. What awaits us this week?

Fetus at 27 weeks gestation

At the 27th week of pregnancy, the fetus enters the next phase of active growth. Now its weight reaches 900 g, and its size ( full height) is on average 36 cm. It begins to grow quickly, and this is due not least to the active development of the brain. Thus, the pituitary gland produces the hormone somatotropin, which is responsible for the growth of the child.

Other endocrine glands are also activated. The pancreas produces insulin, the thyroid produces calcitonin, thyroxine, triiodothyronine, which are responsible for the calcium content in the baby’s body, development mental abilities, metabolic processes.

The baby becomes less and less dependent on the mother’s hormonal status and can even take over some functions, which the mother feels as an improvement in her health at the 27th week of pregnancy.

All the main organs and systems have already been formed by this time; mainly the immune and respiratory systems continue their active development, preparing to ensure the vital activity of the small organism in the “other” world. Alveoli and alveolar ducts continue to form. From the 27th week of pregnancy, surfactant begins to be produced - a special substance that will help the alveoli open after the baby takes his first breath. By the time of birth, the concentration of surfactant must be sufficient for independent breathing, otherwise the child will have to be connected to a machine. But even if for some reason the birth occurs now, then with adequate help from doctors and the use of modern equipment, the baby will be able to live!

It becomes more and more like a newborn: eyes and ears have formed, soft nails are growing, eyelashes, eyebrows and hair on the head are visible, the genitals are clearly visible, so during an ultrasound there are very high chances of seeing the sex of the child.

The skin is still quite wrinkled - this is understandable, because the body is always in the water. But on the other hand, it is no longer so bright red, and the further it goes, the lighter it will become - subcutaneous fat is deposited at a high speed.

Your baby's eyes are already opening and closing and by this time are responding well to light. In general, the little one behaves like a baby: he experiences emotions, feels tastes and smells, hears sounds coming from inside and outside, plays, and has already developed a more or less stable sleep and wakefulness pattern.

Although the baby has already grown enough, he still has enough space for active work: he swims, tumbles, pulls his legs up to his face, trains his limbs, which every day grow more and more muscles and become stronger. Mom already feels very well all the pushing, turning over and changing positions. Sometimes you can even guess which part of the child’s body is resting on the stomach. Sometimes he begins to hiccup: as a rule, fetal hiccups are short-lived and do not bring him any discomfort.


Almost all of these changes can be seen on ultrasound. During its passage, an assessment is made of the location, growth and development of the fetus, its organs and systems, motor activity and heartbeat. So, at week 27, the baby’s heart makes 140-150 beats per minute, and it makes up to 40 breathing movements.

The parameters of the child are very important because they help to establish the correspondence of his development to the gestational age and assess his well-being. The ultrasound specialist will also certainly examine the location of the placenta, the amount and condition of amniotic fluid, the condition and size of the uterus and, if necessary, the cervix.

In principle, there is usually no need to undergo an ultrasound scan at 27 weeks of pregnancy. But in some cases ultrasonography may be prescribed to the mother to exclude any suspicions. Indications for its implementation may be suspicions of a non-developing pregnancy, its unfavorable course, infections suffered by the mother and existing diseases, and so on. Of course, you don't have to worry if your doctor sends you for an ultrasound. It’s just that sometimes reinsurance is not superfluous.

But if by this time you do not yet know the gender of the child, then perhaps it will appear during an ultrasound scan at 27 weeks of pregnancy, because from this period the reliability of gender determination increases significantly.


The uterus must be examined during an ultrasound. An assessment is made of its location, size, fundus thickness, condition of the myometrium, and so on. At the 27th week of pregnancy, the fundus of the uterus rises 5-7 cm from the navel or 27-28 cm above the womb.

The weight of the uterus increases sharply at 26-27 weeks, and you will feel it: it is increasingly difficult to find a comfortable position. The uterus is already quite large and heavy, so in some positions it can infringe on the vena cava, blocking the return of blood from the extremities to the heart, which can cause dizziness and even loss of consciousness. In this regard, it is not recommended to sit for a long time, cross your legs, or lie on your back. The most physiological position for sleeping during pregnancy is considered to be lying on your left side.


All the main events in your life are now happening in your stomach, so both yours and the doctors’ attention is focused mainly on it. The attention of others also first falls on the tummy, because at the 27th week of pregnancy it has already grown quite enough.

You may experience some discomfort due to your expanding belly. These are insomnia, shortness of breath, heartburn, bloating, constipation - the uterus puts pressure on the internal organs, so they often malfunction slightly. In addition, sometimes the mother feels rhythmic shuddering inside - this is your baby hiccupping. You already feel him very well, you can guess what he is doing now and in which direction he is turned. Sometimes the child’s excessive activity and movements cause discomfort and even pain and are especially annoying at night, preventing sleep. In this case, try to calm the baby as if you had already done it with a newborn baby: stroke your tummy, sing a lullaby, “lull to sleep” (walk around the room).

The skin on the abdomen continues to tighten as it grows, which can cause itching. But if the itching becomes unbearable and spreads to other parts of the body, and also noticeably intensifies at night, then it is necessary to undergo liver tests.

If your stomach becomes stiff or painful at 27 weeks of pregnancy, you should definitely tell your doctor about it.

Pain at 27 weeks of pregnancy

In general, a pregnant woman is a living person and anything can make her sick. But this does not mean at all that it is necessary. Although many pains are truly harmless and are temporary in nature associated with pregnancy, including pain on the sides of the abdomen. Firstly, the ligaments continue to stretch, holding the growing uterus (you especially feel such pain when you suddenly change your body position). Secondly, training contractions begin as preparation for childbirth. But such pains are unexpressed and passing, if they intensify and grow, or are accompanied by bloody discharge from the genital tract, then it is necessary to exclude the onset of premature labor.

Abdominal pain at 27 weeks of pregnancy may also be associated with disruption of the digestive organs. Usually such pain is easily recognizable.

Under the weight of weight, the spine, back, lower back and legs may begin to hurt at 27 weeks of pregnancy. Try not to walk for a long time, wear comfortable shoes, do not stick your stomach forward, and take care of the prevention of thrombosis. A massage or a water bath with cool or slightly warm water will help relieve tired legs. The appearance of cramps in the calf muscles indicates a lack of calcium in the body - its deficiency should be replenished.

You should know that sometimes pain radiating to the lower back and lower abdomen is caused by diseases of the urinary system. If at the same time you notice painful urination, pain and burning in the vagina during urination, increased body temperature or other symptoms associated with pain, then be sure to tell your doctor about it.

At the 27th week of pregnancy, the mother’s body is already beginning to actively prepare for childbirth, and in connection with this, pain may appear in the pelvic area and in the pubis. The bones gradually soften and begin to separate, opening the birth canal. You may experience a “duck walk” - this indicates symphysitis.

In addition, pain in the rectal area may well indicate the development of hemorrhoids. But if you immediately react to the situation, then it can only be corrected by correcting your diet.


In some cases, your doctor may prohibit you from having sex at 27 weeks of pregnancy. Most often this is due to increased uterine tone. Please note that in this case, any actions that can lead a woman to orgasm are contraindicated, since at the peak of pleasure the uterus begins to actively contract.

However, if everything is fine with health and pregnancy, there are no threats to pregnancy, then sex at 27 weeks of pregnancy can bring a lot of pleasure to future parents. And don't let your big belly bother you. Yes, some positions will be uncomfortable and even dangerous; deep penetration and sudden rough movements should be avoided. But in no case do not deny yourself intimate intimacy if you have a desire and there are no contraindications to this. Pleasant emotions will only benefit everyone, and often it is sex during pregnancy that brings spouses together and reunites like never before.

Of course, this should be sex not just with a regular partner, but also with the one with whom you were sexually active before pregnancy. Otherwise, there is a high risk of developing sexually transmitted infections, even if the man is healthy. The fact is that the female vaginal microflora gets used to the male one, a change in which can provoke a “conflict” between microorganisms. First of all, discharge from the genital tract will help you suspect something is wrong.


You should be alerted mainly by colored and odorous discharge. White, yellow, green, purulent, earthy, scarlet, brown, red discharge with a pungent odor of beer, fish or some other is a sign of sexually transmitted infections, and the onset of bleeding may indicate placental abruption or the threat of premature birth. Serious sexually transmitted diseases such as herpes, syphilis, trichomoniasis and others rarely develop during pregnancy. But candidiasis (or thrush) worsens very often, and it must be treated before labor begins, since the risk of infection of the child during passage through the birth canal is very high, and this has its consequences.

You should also pay attention to the consistency of the discharge. In case of pathology, they become thick, curdled, bubbly, and flaky.

But discharge at 27 weeks of pregnancy may well be normal and physiological. Don't be scared by translucent liquid discharge of a uniform consistency. However, towards the end of pregnancy they may become a little cloudy and smell sour.

Watery, liquid, clear discharge with or without a sweetish odor may be amniotic fluid. If they leak, you will have to go to the hospital. It’s bad if the waters rush in - call ambulance or go straight to the hospital.

In addition, discharge at the 27th week of pregnancy can also be observed from the breast. This is colostrum, and apart from maintaining hygiene, nothing else needs to be done. Never try to squeeze milk out of your breasts!

Tests at 27 weeks of pregnancy

So that you do not have any reason to worry, do not neglect scheduled visits to the gynecologist and necessary tests. During this period, visits to the clinic should be made once every two weeks.

During each examination of his ward, the doctor will certainly measure the abdominal circumference, the height of the uterine fundus, the woman’s blood pressure, listen to the baby’s heartbeat and the mother’s pulse.

A routine laboratory test, as before, includes determining the woman’s blood sugar level, the level of leukocytes, red blood cells, and the presence of protein. A urine test is also mandatory.

Don't be alarmed by elevated blood cholesterol levels at 27 weeks of pregnancy. It is necessary for the placenta, which produces hormones, in particular progesterone, which is involved in preparing the breast for feeding and milk production.

Starting from the 27th week of pregnancy, there is a risk of developing gestosis, which is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, the appearance of protein in the urine, and the occurrence of edema. But if you regularly get tested, then there is nothing to worry about.

Also if you have negative Rh factor, then you may additionally be prescribed a blood test for Rh conflict.


At 27 weeks of pregnancy, you are already starting to feel tired of your position. You may be plagued by multiple inconveniences and unpleasant sensations: various pains, heaviness, shortness of breath, constipation, heartburn, bloating, frequent urination, fatigue, insomnia... Your arms and legs may now begin to go numb.

Remember that this condition is temporary and that much can be avoided by following certain rules and recommendations. Try to establish proper nutrition, do not spend a lot of time on your feet, do not bother yourself or lift heavy objects, control your posture, refuse difficult work, try to sleep on your left side. Be sure to take a walk every day, especially before bed. Avoid smoky rooms and other harmful factors that can affect your well-being and the development of your baby.

Listen to your little one. If you have established contact with him, then you already know how to recognize his different movements. Every movement of a child can tell his mother a lot: either he is playing, or is excited or dissatisfied with something, or is demanding something.

Now the psycho-emotional state of the pregnant woman is extremely important. Try to exclude from your life everything that can upset or excite you and learn to react calmly to any situation, no matter what. It has great importance!


Nutrition does not undergo any special changes at the 27th week of pregnancy. The recommendations remain the same: everything healthy, natural, preferably in small portions, but often. Try to minimize the consumption of salt, flour, sweet, fatty, smoked, spicy, fried foods. Be sure to get enough calcium into your body and eat protein every day.

It is better to have a carbohydrate-rich breakfast (muesli, porridge), but a protein-rich one is ideal for lunch. It is well absorbed and does not burden the digestive system. In general, you shouldn’t overeat at night, so if you’ve already had dinner, but your appetite has returned, try tricking your body with low-fat yogurt or fruit.

Drinking is also important. You definitely need to drink enough so that you don’t feel thirsty. The best thing is simple clean water. You can also use unsweetened compotes and fruit drinks. Fresh juices are also healthy, but very high in calories. Therefore, be careful with them - excess weight you don't need it now.

If your weight exceeds the permissible norms, then in addition to sweets and flour products, eliminate or reduce the use of spices when preparing dishes.

Weight at 27 weeks of pregnancy

Excess weight during pregnancy is fraught with a number of complications in the present and future, so it should definitely be kept under control. By 27 weeks pregnant, you could have gained 7.6 to 8.1 extra pounds. The increase mainly consists of an increase in the weight of the uterus and child, the amount of amniotic fluid and blood volume, and heavier breasts. Actually, mom should have recovered only a little.

If you have not abused forbidden foods and have not gained more weight than expected, then do not be upset about your size: during childbirth and during pregnancy. breastfeeding they quickly decrease. Also remember that the increase is a rather relative number and may normally differ in each individual case. But don't make excuses for yourself when your weight is really much over the acceptable limits.

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29 weeks pregnant

29 weeks pregnant

Future baby:


29 weeks pregnant

The 29th week of pregnancy is the beginning of the last trimester. This period characterized by significant changes in the body of the expectant mother and her baby.

By this time, the child’s weight reaches 1.2 kg, and his height is 37-43 cm. The last trimester is characterized by the active preparation of mother and baby for the most important event in their lives - the upcoming birth. But, most likely, the birth is not that close yet, and then the 30th week of pregnancy awaits you.

Major changes in the baby's body

Although a small organism can be born 90% healthy, its formation is not yet complete.

29 weeks pregnant contributes to the continuation of weight gain and gradual completion of the body.

The changes that happen to the baby are divided into internal and external.
Towards internal formation include normalization of blood circulation.

Although the circulatory organs are formed, and the circulatory system is virtually fully developed, the formation of the necessary red blood cells still occurs.

They are produced by the bone marrow together with the spleen. In addition, uterine antibodies support the child's immune system.

Since the nutrition process is carried out entirely from the mother’s placenta, and the baby eats what she eats, the urinary organs and kidneys release about half a liter of urine into the amniotic fluid every day.

The baby’s cranial bones have not yet completely fused; when they exit the pelvic meatus, they overlap one another.

The baby's nervous and digestive systems are already fully active. The respiratory organs are still developing.

External formation includes the appearance of white subcutaneous fat. Exactly 29 weeks pregnant contributes to its appearance.

Thanks to him, the baby is already able to maintain his own body temperature. In addition, it smoothes the skin and makes it lighter than before.

Nowadays physical activity is not the same as before.

He is limited in movement and will not be able to actively spin and tumble. However, mom will fully feel the pushes from her hands and feet, sometimes it will even be painful.

29 weeks pregnant- This is the period of formation of the first verbal relationships.

After all, taste and hearing receptors are already actively working. Talk to your baby, sing songs and read stories.

Starting from this period, he hears you and feels you internally. When the mother eats something sweet, the baby will begin to move actively.

On the ultrasound monitor you can see the emotional faces he makes.

The child stops growing, but rapidly gains weight.

At the same time, the skeleton and muscle tissue develop. Due to the enlargement of the uterus, expectant mothers begin to experience not the most pleasant sensations.

Major changes in the mother's body

29 weeks pregnant– a period of rapid weight gain.

Because of this, the expectant mother experiences the same symptoms as in the first trimester.

This fast fatiguability, as well as drowsiness.

These symptoms indicate when a woman should rest.

In addition, many inconveniences occur due to the enlargement of the uterus.

The uterus puts pressure on neighboring organs, thereby causing not the most pleasant sensations.

Due to constant pressure on the bladder, women have a frequent need to empty it.

Therefore, you should refrain from long trips.

In addition, a large load is placed on the spine.

You need to reduce physical activity and spend more time in a calm physical state.

Avoid strenuous shopping trips and long periods of sitting.

In addition, 29 weeks pregnant accompanied by swelling of the limbs, problems with the digestive system, heartburn and constipation.

The only sad thing is that these problems will be relevant right up to the birth itself. You will experience periodic contractions, but don't worry - this is normal.

A rounded tummy will already become an obstacle to normal movement. Because of these inconveniences, the woman becomes more irritable.

However, it is contraindicated to be nervous now.

Action plan to make life easier during this period

29 weeks pregnant requires special attention to your body and to the unborn child.

Therefore, if you are regularly examined by a doctor, mentally and emotionally prepare for childbirth, then everything will turn out well.

What needs to be done for this:

  1. Stick to a proper diet. Remember that your baby needs vitamins. Choose your nutrition wisely. For example, vitamin E prevents premature birth.
  2. Eliminate fatty and spicy foods from your diet - this will relieve heartburn.
  3. During training contractions, insomnia or heartburn, it is very important to choose correct posture for rest and sleep. All kinds of pillows will help with this.
  4. Eat more vegetables - they will relieve constipation.

29 weeks pregnant literally requires relaxation from you.

Spend more time outdoors, take a break from physical activity, and prepare yourself emotionally for childbirth. And to know what changes await you and your baby in the future, follow the pregnancy calendar.

29 weeks pregnant

Future baby. The weight of the fetus is already more than a kilogram. A baby at 29 weeks of pregnancy has already accumulated some fat and is learning to regulate body temperature. The immune system is still imperfect, it continues to develop.

There is less and less space in the uterus, so movements may become less intense. He can rest on his tummy with his heels, knees or elbows. For some mothers, at 29 weeks of pregnancy you can already see a small arm or leg sticking out.

Babies love to suck their fingers not only on their hands, but also on their toes. Usually by this time the fetus already occupies a certain position in the uterus, usually head down. But if the baby lies differently, it’s too early to worry, he still has time to roll over.

At 29 weeks of pregnancy, the baby continues to imitate breathing movements, his chest rises and falls. There is more and more surfactant in the lungs. Most babies born at twenty-nine weeks of pregnancy survive with proper care.

Future mom. It's the third trimester. The belly keeps growing and growing, and at the 29th week of pregnancy there is not enough room for the internal organs. Therefore, frequent urination and constipation are common during this period. Constipation must be managed with adequate nutrition and physical activity.

Be sure to include fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables and dairy products in your diet. Useful foods for constipation: kefir, yogurt, beets, prunes, bran, apricots, apples, plums, fresh herbs, different types cabbage

But constipation cannot be left unattended. Everything unnecessary should be removed from the body in a timely manner, and even more so during pregnancy. In addition, constipation provokes another problem that often occurs in expectant mothers - hemorrhoids (varicose veins of the rectum).

Prevention of hemorrhoids is almost the same as constipation, proper nutrition, and physical activity. If your hemorrhoids bleed and cause pain, be sure to tell your doctor. Perhaps he will prescribe suppositories that are safe during pregnancy. Do not ignore this problem under any circumstances, because after childbirth it may worsen.

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29 weeks of pregnancy. The weight of the fetus is about 1.4 kg, the total body length is approximately 38 cm. It’s time for the expectant mother to master the technique of counting movements.

How many months is it now?

29th obstetric week– this is the 27th from the expected conception. It's starting eight o'clock moon month pregnancy. Read more about deadlines and calculations here.

What's happening to the baby

Now the baby is simply growing and consolidating earlier achievements. The development of subcutaneous fat continues most actively, and not only the usual fat that any person has. The fetus also develops special brown fat. When the baby is born, this substance will perfectly protect him from the cold. This is important because thermoregulation in newborns does not improve immediately.

In addition, the formation of tooth enamel on the rudiments of baby teeth continues. The fetal skeleton is still actively mineralizing. This requires approximately 250 mg of calcium every day. So you need to eat dairy products every day. If there is not enough calcium, it begins to literally be washed out of the mother’s bones. The teeth are the first to be affected; they become brittle and sensitive. If you notice such a symptom, immediately tell your doctor about it. Your situation may require calcium supplements.

What else is known about fetal development:

  • the liver and lungs are improved;
  • the pancreas and adrenal cortex are already producing hormones;
  • the amount of skin lubricant and vellus hair throughout the body decreases.

How is the fetus positioned now? Many children have already settled down correctly, that is, with their heads down. But the position of the baby’s body may change more than once before the onset of labor. There is no reason to worry now. When two children grow under a mother’s heart at once, they feel more cramped and have less room for upheavals. But even at this stage, twins do not always occupy the correct position.

Fetal kicks become more pronounced, and at times they cause discomfort and pain. If your baby often hits you in the ribs, you may be slouching too much. Sit so that you are leaning back on a chair, armchair or sofa, if possible, place a pillow under your back.

We count movements

Many mothers often hear about calculating fetal movements, but do not know why it is necessary. Now it's time to find out everything in detail.

Counting movements is another way to diagnose the baby’s condition. You don’t need any equipment for this – just a calm environment:

  1. Choose a suitable time when you will not be interrupted. You only need an hour.
  2. Make yourself comfortable: sit down, lie down.
  3. Record the time and count every movement of the fetus. If you are afraid of getting lost, then just take a piece of paper and put a “tick” - then you can count.

At 29 weeks of pregnancy, it is normal to count about ten movements. If you get less, perhaps the baby is just sleeping. But this may also mean some problems in its development. Don't let yourself worry ahead of time. Wait a little and repeat the calculation. This time, try to allocate time immediately after eating - perhaps last time the baby simply did not have enough energy.

If you count more than ten movements, also tell your doctor about it. It is believed that excessive fetal activity indicates hypoxia. This is called lack of oxygen.

Ultrasound photo at 29 weeks:

This is how the baby moves :)

Your feelings

In the third trimester of pregnancy, many women begin to slowly get tired of their condition. The second trimester has ended, usually it is the most prosperous and easiest of the entire period. Your body is preparing for childbirth, which does not have much time left.

Already become familiar:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • drowsiness;
  • inability to bend over and see your own legs;
  • increased appetite;
  • increased frequency of urination;
  • protruding navel.

Now, many unpleasant sensations can be added to the joy of expecting a child. They are the ones who spoil your mood and can worsen your condition.

During pregnancy, your body produces special hormones that relax your smooth muscles. This is such internal muscle tissue. Relaxation is necessary so that the uterus does not experience tension until birth and is not in excessive tone. But this one useful property your body has two side effects.

  1. Heartburn. There is a small circular muscle between the stomach and esophagus. Normally, it firmly covers the border between these two organs. When this pylorus relaxes, gastric juice may splash out from the stomach into the esophagus. When this happens, you experience heartburn. Porridge and jelly will help you survive this phenomenon. They create an enveloping layer in the stomach and, to some extent, protect the esophagus.
  2. Constipation. Relaxation of smooth muscles reduces intestinal motility, that is, reduces the number of intestinal contractions. Because of this, feces move slowly and sometimes even accumulate. This is very undesirable - such internal formations prevent the uterus from growing. You should not have stool less than once a day. If a problem arises, prunes, dried apricots and compotes made from them will quickly help. Under no circumstances should you sit on the toilet for a long time and strain, otherwise constipation may be complicated by hemorrhoids.

To others unpleasant sensations include shortness of breath, cramps, swelling and varicose veins in the legs. Read our recommendations for information on how to overcome these conditions more easily.

Sleeping position

You haven't been able to sleep on your stomach for months. In the third trimester, many women get tired of sleeping on their side and want some variety. Unfortunately, you can’t lie on your back now either.

The fact is that in the area between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae, a very large blood vessel begins - the inferior vena cava. It goes right to the heart. When a pregnant woman lies on her back, the enlarged uterus survives the vena cava and greatly impedes blood flow. Some women feel dizzy and faint at the same time. Some people do not experience such symptoms. But regardless of the woman’s feelings, the blood supply to the fetus is also disrupted.

This is why the recommended sleeping position now is on your side. For those with cardiac problems, it is better to lie on your right side. For complete comfort, it is advisable to place pillows under the stomach and between the knees. It’s good if your back also has support while you sleep.

If you can’t lie down comfortably on your side, you can sit half-sitting. Your body should be tilted at an angle of approximately 45 degrees.

Correct sleeping positions


Vaginal secretion should be light, transparent, without unpleasant odor. Colostrum may be released from the breast. You can't express it. If your clothes get dirty, there are special bra pads, use them or just pieces of bandage folded several times.

You may get thrush on its own. It will be indicated by copious discharge, white and sour-smelling. Yellow, cheesy discharge indicates inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system. If your discharge becomes abnormal, go to the doctor immediately.

At the 29th week of pregnancy, bloody and profuse watery discharge are considered the most dangerous.


Many expectant mothers often experience leg pain during this period. You just have to walk longer. This is not surprising - after all, the load on the lower limbs has increased. You need to rest your legs more often. You cannot completely give up walking, otherwise problems with blood circulation will arise. It is important to maintain a balance between stress and rest.

You may feel a tugging in your lower abdomen or your entire abdomen at times. In the first case, the ligaments are stretched, so they adapt to the growing uterus. In the second, you probably feel training contractions. From time to time they appear for a few seconds, but quickly pass. An alarm signal is if contractions become more frequent and occur at certain intervals.

Premature birth

The danger of a baby being born prematurely always exists. Childbirth at 29 weeks of pregnancy is undesirable. Modern medical equipment will most likely help the child survive, but still the baby will be weak and not fully developed. Whenever possible, doctors try to stop labor at this stage and allow the mother to carry the baby to term. But if the water has already broken, then there is only one way out - to give birth.

Premature birth can be artificially induced by doctors. This decision can only be made if there is a threat to the life of the mother and/or child. For example, with late toxicosis. Read about this condition here.

Doctor's observations

At week 29, exams and tests are ordered at your doctor's discretion. If your health, weight and blood pressure are normal, all you need to do is stick to the visit calendar.

  1. If possible, increase the amount of vegetables and fruits in your diet. Just don’t include exotic fruits in your diet. The body may react to unusual foods with indigestion.
  2. Wear a bandage and a supportive bra.
  3. Make sure that your clothes and shoes do not restrict your movements, do not squeeze or rub anywhere.
  4. To prevent hemorrhoids, be sure to wash yourself with warm water.
  5. If hemorrhoids have already begun, do not use any medications (for example, suppositories) without the advice of a doctor. Not all hemorrhoid medications are approved for use in pregnant women.
  6. For minor swelling on the arms and legs, use contrast douches.
  7. If you are thinking about collecting cord blood, do your research carefully, including the financial implications. You will have to pay not only for the procedure itself, but also for storing the material in the blood bank. The bank itself must have a state license. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing the resulting stem cells.
  8. Even small vascular dilations on the legs require attention. Compression socks or knee socks will help you. You should definitely discuss wearing them with your doctor.
  9. Don't listen to superstitions. If you already know whether you are having a girl or a boy, you can buy the first things for your daughter or son. This is especially important if after childbirth you have no one to look to for help. Unfortunately, this also happens.
  10. Talk to your baby, sing songs to him, turn on your favorite music. Allow your family to communicate with your baby if they want to.
  11. Try to avoid strong emotions, even joyful ones. Hormones of stress and especially fear are harmful to a child.
  12. Don't forget about daily walks. Even if it’s winter and frost outside, choose the warmest time of the day and go to Fresh air. For walking in the rain, buy rubber shoes and a good umbrella.
  13. Beware of colds and infections. Don't be shy about wearing a mask during flu epidemics. In hot weather there are surges of intestinal diseases. Frequent hand washing will help protect against them. Wash fruits and vegetables very thoroughly.
  14. Do Kegel exercises, especially if you produce small amounts of urine when you sneeze or cough.
  15. Some women develop specific depression after childbirth. Something can be done now to prevent it. Re-watch your favorite comedies and melodramas, re-read the books you like. Just remember: the content should be light and joyful. It is important for you to save up positive emotions for future use

Now you will have to try very hard to ensure that the third trimester of your pregnancy passes without complications.

← Week 28 Week 30 →

Video guide: 29 weeks of pregnancy movements, heartburn, constipation, hemorrhoids, lying on your back

Collection and storage of umbilical cord blood

» Constipation during pregnancy

29 weeks pregnant

29 weeks pregnant may surprise you with the return of constipation and heartburn. This happens because abdomen The uterus fills and the organs become tighter day after day, and progesterone is added here, relaxing the muscles of the gastrointestinal system. As a result of the above, digestion slows down and gases, constipation and heartburn appear. Due to the pressure of the uterus, the frequency of urination also increases.

To prevent constipation, eat plenty of foods that are rich in fiber. Also remember to drink more and move.

When you are 29-30 weeks pregnant, you may encounter another problem - the appearance of hemorrhoids. Don't be alarmed, this is normal and goes away some time after the baby is born.

Many women at 28-29 weeks of pregnancy notice that prolonged lying down in combination with sudden standing up provokes dizziness. Do not lie on your back for a long time, as this will compress the vena cava. You shouldn't make any sudden movements now either.

Future baby:

Your future baby's daily routine is scheduled minute by minute - he eats, sleeps, plays with the umbilical cord and sucks his fingers. At 29 weeks of pregnancy, movements will most likely become less frequent. They will be replaced by pushes and kicks with elbows, heels and knees. Don’t be surprised if you feel a push in the upper abdomen and immediately in the lower abdomen - the baby simply feels a little cramped in the uterus.

The child’s kidneys are working as they should and he secretes about 500 ml of urine into the amniotic fluid per day. The immune system comes into action. The child is already able to distinguish bitter tastes from sweet ones. If you shine a bright light on your belly, the baby will try to close himself off from it by changing position. The teeth are hidden in the gums, but enamel has already appeared on them.

In the photo taken during pregnancy at 29 weeks, you can see that the baby is almost like a newborn, only still thin and small.

Height - 37-38 cm, weight 1250 grams.


If the baby is born at this time, he will have a 90% chance of survival.

Help the pregnant woman. I suffered from constipation and gas.

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Constipation during pregnancy

Constipation(constipation) is a slow, difficult or insufficient bowel movement, occurring in varying degrees of severity in 2/3 of pregnant women. Requires treatment, as it can provoke a threat of interruption, as well as cause intoxication(general poisoning) of the body.


Information Normal in a healthy person defecation(bowel movements) should be done daily. A variant of the norm is considered to be bowel movements from three times a day to three times a week. During pregnancy, constipation occurs due to changes in the relative positions of organs, when the growing uterus puts pressure on adjacent organs and causes disruption of their function.

Besides, progesterone(one of the main hormones of pregnancy) has a relaxing effect on the muscles (including the intestines). The human body produces special substances that stimulate intestinal contractions, and during pregnancy, sensitivity to them decreases. A sedentary lifestyle also contributes to bowel problems.

Constipation is characterized by:

  1. A small amount of stool;
  2. Its dryness and hardness;
  3. Feeling of insufficient bowel movements.

In this case, not all of the listed signs may be present, and even if one of them is present, a diagnosis of constipation is made. During pregnancy, a change in the usual rhythm and frequency of bowel movements is also considered a pathology. Diagnosis is based on the above symptoms.

Constipation can be a symptom of diseases of the digestive system, but during pregnancy, instrumental examination of the stomach (FGDS - fibrogastroduodenoscopy) and/or intestines (colonoscopy) is not performed! (may provoke a threat of interruption).

What to do if you are constipated

Almost all laxatives are contraindicated during pregnancy. One of the approved and safe drugs is Duphalac. It contains lactulose. This drug helps with bowel movements, restores normal contractile activity, and helps increase the amount of normal intestinal flora. The dosage and regimen of taking the drug is selected individually together with the attending physician. .

Prevention and treatment of constipation in pregnant women

  1. Balanced diet. The diet should be 5-6 times a day in small portions. Last meal no later than 2 hours before bedtime;
  2. Taking enough liquid (including tea, soup, compote, water, fruit);
  3. Food must contain sufficient amounts of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals;
  4. Distribution various types nutrition by time of day: in the morning, eat heavier food - meat. fish, eggs, and in the evening - dairy and vegetable dishes;
  5. The food should contain a large amount of fiber and plant fibers: cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, zucchini, pumpkin, beans, apples, dried apricots, prunes, black bread, nuts (in the absence of allergies);
  6. In the absence of contraindications, an obstetrician-gynecologist may prescribe a set of special exercises;
  7. Physical activity in the absence of a threat of miscarriage.


Untimely treatment of constipation during pregnancy is fraught with prolonged presence of feces in the body and intoxication of the body with decay products. It is also possible to develop a threat of interruption, especially with excessive and prolonged straining.

Additionally Thus, timely elimination of constipation is necessary for the normal development of pregnancy, as it contributes to the supply of all necessary nutrients, as well as the timely removal of harmful substances from the body.

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Constipation– a common occurrence during pregnancy. More than half of pregnant women experience it. If bowel movements occur less than 3 times a week, or the woman hard and dry stool, we can talk about the presence of constipation. Let's figure out what to do for constipation during pregnancy.

Symptoms of constipation in early pregnancy

Most women in this position experience pain in the abdomen and a tugging sensation in the pelvic area. Sometimes nausea appears that is not associated with toxicosis, bitterness in the mouth, and bloating.

Main features constipation are:

  • reducing the frequency of bowel movements;
  • itching in the anus;
  • burning sensation in the rectal area;
  • the presence of blood streaks in the stool;
  • feeling of only partial emptying;
  • the amount of stool is less than usual.

Causes of constipation during pregnancy

Why do pregnant women have constipation? Factors that cause constipation can vary. They are mainly associated with physiological and emotional restructuring of the body.

The most common causes of constipation:

  1. This problem often occurs in the early stages due to severe toxicosis. With constant nausea, appetite decreases, and with vomiting, the body becomes dehydrated. As a result, an insufficient amount of feces is formed.
  2. In pregnant women progesterone levels rise. Progesterone can reduce intestinal tone by relaxing its muscles. This leads to delayed bowel movements and impaired peristalsis.
  3. Upon appointment iron and calcium supplements The nature of feces may change - their density increases, which causes constipation.
  4. Lack of physical activity, which is associated with bed rest, physical heaviness, which leads to difficulties with bowel movements.
  5. Wrong diet with a high content of spicy and salty foods, a lack of fiber makes defecation difficult.
  6. Stress and anxiety during pregnancy, they contribute to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

What are the dangers of constipation in pregnant women?

Why is constipation dangerous during pregnancy? The risks of intestinal problems for the health of a pregnant woman are quite high and should not be underestimated. The reproductive system is very close to the intestines, so its functioning largely depends on the development of the fetus and the health of the mother.

Dangers of constipation:

  • With constipation, the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. Pathogenic organisms multiply by penetrating the reproductive organs and cause inflammation.
  • If constipation becomes chronic, it causes colpitis. And that, in turn, can cause inflammation of the uterine mucosa.
  • If the intestines are disrupted during childbirth, pathogenic bacteria enter the baby’s body, which guarantees the presence of dysbacteriosis.
  • When feces stagnate, rotting processes occur. A large number of toxins penetrate into the blood, causing intoxication, which worsens the woman’s well-being and harms the development of the fetus.
  • Constipation at the beginning of pregnancy can cause miscarriage due to the fact that a crowded intestine affects the tone of the uterus.
  • Constipation can cause hemorrhoids in a pregnant woman.

Treatment of constipation during pregnancy

What to do for constipation in pregnant women? How can pregnant women get rid of constipation? Treatment of constipation in pregnant women is a big problem, since most laxatives are contraindicated for them and pose a danger to the unborn child. You need to start dealing with the problem by normalizing your diet.

Nutrition for constipation in pregnant women

The main thing in nutrition is to provide the body with sufficient fiber. At the same time, it is necessary to prevent gas formation, which can occur when consuming foods rich in fiber (vegetables and fruits). It is best to introduce bran into the diet. The daily norm is 3 tablespoons. They can be filled with kefir and consumed 30 minutes before breakfast.

You need to include unsweetened fruits, dried fruits, vegetable oils. Should be abandoned from white bread, cabbage, bananas, legumes - they cause increased formation of gases in the intestines. Decoctions of prunes, fennel, and gooseberries are useful.


How to treat constipation during pregnancy with medication? If proper nutrition does not help normalize stool, need to see a doctor. It will help you choose the right remedies for constipation for pregnant women that will not harm the woman and the fetus.

Prohibited methods of treatment:

  • Enemas– causing instant defecation, they provoke uterine contractions. They can be used only before childbirth, without fear of their premature resolution.
  • Castor and Vaseline oil– they have a mild effect, but due to their high fat content they are not recommended for pregnant women. This increases the load on the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas and liver.
  • Laxatives containing senna, rhubarb and buckthorn root cause intestinal spasms.
  • Irritants: Regulax, Gutalax, etc.
  • Preparations based on salts: sodium sulfate, magnesium.

What pregnant women can do for constipation:

  • Candles– a local agent that activates peristalsis. Glycerin suppositories for constipation for pregnant women without additives are safe for pregnant women. Their components are not absorbed into the blood and do not increase the tone of the uterus. But the use of such candles should not be frequent, only in cases of extreme necessity.
  • Microlax - an alternative to candles in the form rectal solution from constipation during pregnancy. The action of this microenema is soft and quick (5-10 minutes).
  • Duphalac – syrup containing lactulose. The probiotic content causes stimulation of beneficial bacteria during long-term use of Duphalac. Feces soften and their volume increases during bowel movements. Instead of Duphalac, pregnant women can use the following laxatives with probiotics: Tranzipek, Forlax.

Folk remedies for constipation during pregnancy

How to deal with constipation during pregnancy using traditional methods? Before using any recipe, you need to consult a doctor.

  • Dilute fresh potato juice with water 1:1. Drink the product three times a day, ¼ cup before meals.
  • Take equal amounts of fennel, anise and cumin. Pour 2 teaspoons of the mixture into ¼ liter of boiling water. Let it brew in a thermos and drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals.
  • Make juice from 1 kg of red rowan, add 600 g of granulated sugar to it. Drink ¼ cup morning and evening. Store the product in the refrigerator.
  • Take 5-6 apples, chop finely. Boil them in 1 liter of water for 10-15 minutes. The decoction should sit for 4 hours. You should take it three times a day instead of tea.
  • Pour boiling water (200 ml) over 1 teaspoon of flax seed. Leave for several hours. Drink at night without straining.

The best way to combat constipation is to prevent it. Having learned about her pregnancy, a woman should immediately take measures to prevent problems with her stool.

  1. Rebuild your diet. The diet should include steamed vegetables, soups and other liquid dishes.
  2. You need to eat often and in small portions, correctly distributing the diet. It is better to take protein dishes in the morning, vegetables and dairy products in the evening.
  3. Normalize fluid intake. You need to drink about 1.5 liters per day. It is better if it is still water, dried fruit compote, fruit drinks.
  4. In the absence of contraindications to physical activity, useful for a woman take a walk every day, do yoga, fitball, swimming.

Video about constipation during pregnancy

We invite you to watch a video in which you can find out how to get rid of constipation during pregnancy without resorting to medications.

Thus, it is better to prevent any disease, including constipation during early pregnancy, than to rack your brains about how to get rid of it later. First of all, you need to think about the health and safety of the unborn baby. What do you think helps, what remedies and medications for constipation during pregnancy are the most effective and harmless? How to get rid of constipation during pregnancy? Have you had any experience dealing with such trouble?

Pregnancy and the birth of a baby are one of the most amazing and happiest periods in a woman’s life. It is impossible to overestimate the moment during the ultrasound procedure when we see our child on the screen and the unique feeling that gives the first movement of the baby in the womb. And after that, expectant mother Another and most important event awaits - a meeting with the most precious creature in the world.

We can talk endlessly about how wonderful gestation is. But, along with all the joys, a girl in an interesting position also faces unpleasant phenomena, such as toxicosis, heartburn or constipation. We’ll talk about the latter in this article, where we’ll try to answer next questions: Why is constipation that occurs during pregnancy dangerous? What to do if the expectant mother suffers from symptoms of constipation? And how to cure constipation if you are pregnant?

Is constipation dangerous during pregnancy?

Most pregnant women attach great importance to their physical condition and the slightest health problem causes them anxiety. While constipation does not always frighten expectant mothers, even before pregnancy many treated this problem calmly. However, constipation is no joke and not only causes discomfort, but can also seriously harm the health of the mother and unborn child.

First of all, constipation is dangerous because due to untimely withdrawal, “waste” is retained in the body. Their harmful effect is that they enter the blood from the intestines, which negatively affects both the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus.

Secondly, constipation is never accompanied by joy. Everyone, to one degree or another, knows that a bloated stomach and the pain associated with it only cause negative emotions, which a pregnant woman has no need to experience.

Another consequence of constipation is pushing, the regularity of which in the early stages can lead to miscarriage. Doctors do not recommend pushing hard during the second and third trimester, as constant tension in the abdominal muscles during pregnancy can lead to cracks in the anus.

Lastly, chronic constipation causes inflammation of the intestines. It is extremely undesirable for a pregnant woman, so this problem cannot be left unresolved.

Causes of constipation in pregnant women

Almost everyone knows what constipation is. Due to an unbalanced diet and improper eating, many people suffer from this disease. However, it is pregnant women who experience stool retention more often than others. In this case, constipation refers to the absence of bowel movements for more than two days, a scanty amount of stool and its dry and hard quality. In addition, even after emptying, there is no relief, leaving a feeling of heaviness and dissatisfaction.

It should be noted here that a pregnant woman may suffer from only some of the above symptoms.

Before discussing methods of getting rid of constipation, we will turn to the causes of the disease, because it is necessary to fight them.

So, why is pregnancy often marred by such a phenomenon as constipation?

Most main reason Many phenomena during pregnancy are caused by progesterone, the hormone responsible for the normal course of pregnancy. Lazy bowel syndrome also manifests itself due to a radical restructuring of the body. The fact is that progesterone disrupts the stability of the intestines, relaxing it. This leads to unpleasant bloating and constipation.

Many people know that during pregnancy, additional support for the body is necessary. To ensure that the fetus grows and develops, and the reserves of nutrients in the mother’s body are not depleted, the doctor leading the pregnancy prescribes a number of vitamins. Among them are calcium and iron. It is believed that synthetic analogues of these substances can lead to constipation.

A small amount of fluid taken also negatively affects the regularity of bowel movements. A common occurrence during pregnancy are such negative factors as small fissures in the anus and a more serious stage of this disease - hemorrhoids.

Painful defecation causes constipation.

Stress affects bowel function. Experiences are common to everyone, but during pregnancy there are much more reasons for them. This includes fear of childbirth, fear of an unknown condition, lack of self-confidence, and other feelings caused by pregnancy. In this regard, the woman experiences stress, which can affect the frequency of stool.

How to get rid of constipation during pregnancy?

If you are suffering from constipation and you know the cause of it, try to eliminate it. If this is not possible for some reason or you need to relieve the condition faster, then you can use the constipation remedies described below.

Most of all, digestion is affected by the food consumed by a pregnant woman. In this regard, we will present products that improve intestinal function. Among them: meat, oatmeal and barley porridge, bread with bran, raw vegetables and fruits, as well as prunes and other dried fruits. These products must be included in the menu in their entirety.

In addition, the diet must be adjusted by eliminating certain foods. Pregnant women suffering from constipation should avoid cabbage, legumes, spinach and sorrel. All these products cause increased gas formation, which aggravates the condition of already impaired intestinal motility.

Also, frequent tea drinking, cocoa consumption, semolina and rice porridge and viscous soups prevent harmonious emptying.

Constipation medications

In normal conditions, we often resort to medication to solve the problem. It's simple and doesn't take much time. It's a pity that this method cannot always be used. During pregnancy, many medications are contraindicated because by-effect can have serious consequences for the health and sometimes even the life of the baby. Therefore, only a doctor can prescribe any medications. Contact your pregnancy gynecologist and he will tell you the right decision this problem by prescribing a safe medicine.

Folk remedies. helping to cure constipation during pregnancy

Many folk remedies for solving the problem of constipation during pregnancy are mostly prohibited. This is especially true for those recipes that include herbs. Under no circumstances should you use senna grass, buckthorn, as well as the fruits of joster and rhubarb.

2 recipes are considered safe folk remedies. The first is a decoction of rolled oatmeal flakes, beets and prunes. Take all these ingredients in equal quantities, about half a glass each, and put two liters of water in a saucepan. The contents must be simmered over low heat for an hour. After this, the broth must be filtered and stored in the refrigerator. We drink a glass a day in the evening.

The second remedy for constipation is not only healthy, but also very tasty, in addition, it can also be used during pregnancy. It consists of raisins, prunes and dried apricots. We take 100 grams of dried fruits, wash them thoroughly and grind them in a meat grinder. Season the mixture with two tablespoons of honey and mix. Two teaspoons of this treat will help relieve constipation symptoms. Before going to bed, eat 2 teaspoons with warm water.

So, we looked at the causes of constipation and various ways getting rid of this disease during pregnancy. So that the anticipation of the baby is not overshadowed by bloating, it is better not to treat constipation, but to prevent it. To do this, you need to eat right, move more and drink water. If a problem does arise, do not solve it alone, but consult a doctor for a professional assessment of the situation and a prescription. the best way treatment.

Author of the publication: Valeria Konstantinova

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