Expression with light steam origin. Why do they want easy steam? Light steam will not work without a competent heater

- Enjoy Your Bath! - Natasha said when I, wrapped up like an Egyptian mummy, left the bathroom, - Well, how? Agree, it’s fortunate that they gave you hot water.

“Yeah,” I relaxed and sat down in a chair, “happiness.”

“I’m organizing tea now,” Natasha got to her feet and moved towards the kitchen.

- Can I have some coffee? – it seemed to me that for the most complete, simply all-encompassing happiness, all I needed was a cup of aromatic coffee.

- Well, damn it, why are you ruining everything... After the bath, you definitely need tea infused with herbs and honey. And you: ko-fe-yu...,” Natasha shook her head indignantly, “We must adhere to traditions at least sometimes.”

I thought for a minute, listening to myself. I felt almost good, but to feel completely good I needed one thing - coffee.

Probably realizing that I was being traditional, Natasha shuffled into the kitchen.

And I thought. Why is it customary in our country to wish for a light steam not before you enter the bathhouse, but after that. It seems, where is the logic here?

Or, over time, we have simply forgotten what and how to wish correctly.

It turns out not.

History says that in Rus' the bathhouse has always been considered a special place. There was more than just body washing. No, there the soul was cleansed from troubles, the body from sores, and the mind from wrong thoughts.

The body was completely cleansed.

The witches knew exactly what kind of herb should be brewed so that its smell would work out all your “clamps” - external and internal. Knowledgeable witches collected entire collections in this way, so that everything worked in a complex.

A person entered the bathhouse dirty and tired, but came out clean and refreshed.

Today doctors explain the desire for light steam this way: they say that a dirty person’s pores are closed, so the skin is full force can't breathe. Therefore, for someone who has just entered, the steam is not light, but very heavy.

And when a person steams, all the pores are cleansed, then he is like a newborn. It seems that the body is breathing at every pore.

It is only then, precisely when the sensation of inhaling at every pore occurs, that we can wish for light vapor. Because only now can the body perceive the bouquet of aromas that the healing collection gives us.

Therefore, a person left the bathhouse purified simply on a mental level.

This is already to achieve the very peak of pleasure.

Now that every home has a bathroom, we rarely go to the bathhouse. But this is always not just a hike for us, it is a special event.

We buy all sorts of things for the steam room, sometimes we even stock up on a broom, trying to intuitively bring back ancient knowledge.

And, you see, it works.

A bathhouse always brings pleasure. And if you do everything correctly and wisely, then you will be healthy.

I haven't told you the most important thing yet. In every bathhouse, even the most public, there is a brownie. It is his responsibility to clean the corners of the bathhouse after us from bad thoughts and furry infirmity. I'm not talking about dirt, this is the work of special personnel.

The brownie monitors the healthy spirit of the bathhouse.

So, when entering the bathhouse, you must be sedate and respectful. No swear words, no dissatisfaction. Just relax, let everything unnecessary leave you at all levels.

Have you ever wondered why many people like to sing in the bathroom? No? Do you think it's just your habit?

I must disappoint you, this is all our friend the brownie. It is he who weaves intricate ropes out of you. Well, he loves it when they sing, he loves it. So, if you are a flexible person, you will definitely start singing. And he will appreciate your vocals. And it will appreciate it much higher than your neighbors.

So, when leaving the bathhouse, be sure to leave candy or a bagel on the table - the brownie loves them. Respect him.

I was already combing my hair when Natasha came with a tray.

The aroma of coffee rose and beckoned like a rat catcher's flute.

“Thank you,” I hung the towel on the dryer and put the rose-shaped soap in the soap dish, “thank you, housewife.”

-Who are you with? - Natasha materialized in the doorway, - Are you shamanizing again? Don't I need a thank you?

- Necessary. Thank you.

I walked out of the entrance and the fresh wind enveloped me in coolness. And this is just the effect of hot water... What if, really, it’s a Russian bathhouse? What effect will this have?

- Enjoy Your Bath! – I wished to myself.

I like this tradition - wishing for light steam. Now I know why.

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Various kinds of greetings and parting words have long existed in different languages ​​of the world, among different peoples and tribes. Many of them go back to the faith of ancient people in the power of the word, in its magical magic. It was believed that what was expressed in a stable form of good wishes would definitely come true.

Ancient Russian greetings and wishes are associated with different aspects and occasions of life: meetings and farewells, refreshments, travel and business - hunting, fishing, etc.

A special place among Russian wish formulas is occupied by expressions related to the steamy village bathhouse. They wanted “light steam” for those going to take a steam bath (light steam, unlike damp, moisture-saturated, heavy and stuffy, is dry and fresh bath air, seasoned with the smell of kvass, mint and a traditional birch broom). Light steam is invigorating, gives health, and according to popular belief, heals all ailments. It’s not for nothing that in the old days they said: “the bathhouse is the second mother,” as well as “the bathhouse soars, the bathhouse rules,” “the bathhouse will fix everything.” "Enjoy Your Bath!" - a very old Russian greeting to someone who has just taken a steam bath or generally washed well.

The phrase “Enjoy your bath” is heard around us so often that we sometimes stop thinking about what it means. We say “Enjoy your steam!” even after a shower or bath. Let's dig deeper into this topic and find out: What kind of steam is called light and how to get light steam? The most difficult thing in this matter is to translate technical language into human language. So as not to operate with pascals, enthalpies, partial pressures and scientific terms.

When saturated steam forms in a boiler, pan or kettle, part of the water remains in a droplet state in the air-water mixture. The more such “dropping water”, the damper the steam. Such steam is called wet. Such a steam-saturated mixture leads to an increase in condensation. At the same time, an increase in the proportion of condensate leads to more intense heat losses in steam lines and on surfaces. And if we are talking about a steam room, then this leads to an increased feeling of heat, the steam becomes “baking”. This is due to the fact that water is an excellent coolant. At the same time, the skin receives more thermal energy. We immediately become wet in such damp steam. In fact, we don’t even have time to sweat, it’s just that condensation from the air settles on the skin. Therefore, the main task of a steam oven is to obtain more dry and light steam, i.e. so that the water in the air is not in a droplet state, but in a smaller state - broken into microparticles. To obtain such finely dispersed steam, it must be heated to boiling temperature or higher. Raw steam is formed in a “subcooled” environment—when water evaporates at a temperature below its boiling point. This is where steam generators are used - devices with a large evaporation area and high temperature evaporator surface. In technology, steam separation devices are used, in which heavy droplet fractions of water in steam are mechanically removed from the air.

Water should be supplied to the stone in small portions (it is better to supply ready-made steam), the water should be pre-heated to boiling temperature, you should avoid “flooding” the heater with water, you should be careful not to get burns from the steam wave!

Historical fact: to obtain light steam in ancient times, the stone was heated white on a fire outside the bathhouse and brought into the steam room in iron nets.

These are perhaps all the secrets of steam from the technical side. Get light steam and wish you: “Enjoy your bath!”

Everyone knows the expression "Enjoy Your Bath". But not many people know what it means. Meanwhile, this expression has a special, sacred meaning. Washing in a bathhouse used to be considered a ritual that relieved troubles and troubles. And parting words after taking the water procedure reinforced the entire effect of the magical steam of the bath. Why do people want “light steam” after a bath or bath?

The history of this expression goes back to antiquity. The bathhouse used to be considered a special place, and people went there not only to wash themselves, but also to cleanse their souls of energetic dirt. That is, washing in a bathhouse is a kind of ritual, during which both the body and soul are cleansed.

Previously, it was believed that if a person has difficulty breathing in a steam room, then he has accumulated a lot of negativity, illnesses or sins. They said about the bathhouse: “With steam and a bathhouse, forty diseases come out” . In the old days, many diseases were treated with steam, in a bathhouse. It was believed that if a person survived the hot steam, then he got rid of everything that weighed down his soul and body. This can be seen even in folk customs- in front of the big ones church holidays people were more willing to go to the baths to celebrate the holiday with a clean body and soul.

Bath lovers know that one cannot breathe easily in a steam room. If a person went to the bathhouse to cure diseases, remove negativity and the evil eye, then upon leaving the bathhouse he was certainly told: "Enjoy Your Bath!". This wish used to be akin to a happy birthday wish, since after getting rid of negative energy, a person was truly reborn.

When saying “Have fun!”, keep in mind that the person got rid of everything that weighed him down and prevented him from living happily. Now he should breathe easily and freely, and his health problems should disappear.

Having been in a sauna or taking a hot bath, a person seems to be throwing off the burden of heaviness accumulated during the day. It is with such thoughts and intentions that you should visit steam rooms, saunas and baths. Then water procedures will not only cleanse the body, but also invigorate, improve mood, health and help to let go. negative emotions. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

23.04.2015 09:20

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Excerpts from films emerge from my memory, where people stupidly and fiercely beat themselves and their comrades with brooms. best case scenario, and at worst it is accompanied by copious libations in honor of Bacchus.

From a medical point of view, this is not Light Vapor, but a mockery of a still healthy body.

The concept of light steam came in the educational era of Emperor Peter Alekseevich, when, along with chicken baths, red bathhouses began to be built. The difference between the former was that when burning, the smoke did not come out through the chimney, but, spreading throughout the entire room, exited through small holes in the ceiling, called fiber windows. It is clear that it was necessary to maintain a golden mean - not to inhale carbon monoxide and not to go steam when all the smoke comes out, and accordingly the temperature drops, and the process will be like a modern wash in the bathroom, where you can use various erotic souvenirs.

Brave people went to steam when “the smoke stood like a rocker.” When inhaling this truly hellish mixture for the body, consisting of carbon monoxide dissolved in water particles, fainting often occurred or after a while headaches began, so the desire for light steam in those days was, as they say, not superfluous. The use of chimneys in the construction of a bathhouse or soap house, as they were also called, the dose decreased significantly, now you could whip yourself with a broom until you stupefied yourself and give in to the steam.

Light steam cannot be achieved without a competent heater.

The choice of stones for this is a whole science. Not every stone is equally useful and must be dark in color, without veins or small inclusions of quartz. When soaked, it should dry evenly and have a round shape. Otherwise, troubles may not be avoided during the procedure: the wrong stone may crack when heated and injure the unlucky bathhouse attendant with fragments. True, progress does not stand still and the ingenuity of Russian people knows no bounds. Instead of a long search for stones on the river bank, a savvy Russian man uses insulators from high-voltage transmission lines. The effect is the same as when using first-class stones.

It’s sad to watch the hapless bathhouse attendants who whip themselves on their bodies with brooms, it is unclear where they bought them and when they were broken. Exactly when because the broom has medicinal properties, if it was prepared in a certain period. In some areas, a broom broken down to a church level was considered first-class when a birch or linden or oak tree is soft and contains substances in its foliage that have a beneficial effect on our body. Such substances are also used in massage oils to ensure that the human body receives maximum energy.

I'll tell you one more secret: The broom should be soaked 30-40 minutes before coming to the steam room, preferably in a wooden tub. In this case, upon entering the steam room, you will be greeted by the incomparable smell of a Russian bathhouse.

Light steam in the Bathhouse is the main thing!

Well, now we have reached the main thing in the bathhouse. And the main thing in a bathhouse is the steam, everything else is the surroundings. Three simple advice for beginners:

  1. Do not pour cold water on the heater, as the steam will not be at the proper temperature;
  2. Do not pour boiling water, otherwise the skin pores will not open immediately.
  3. The optimal water temperature is the one in which our broom was steamed. With this we immediately kill two birds with one stone: we get the desired temperature in the steam room for the first session and the smell of a truly natural character is incomparable with chemical essences that are commercially available.

This is just the tip of the iceberg called bathing procedures. It’s no wonder that experienced bathhouse attendants are worth their weight in gold. I hope that after this short article, when you hear the sacramental phrase “ Enjoy Your Bath", its meaning will be clear to you.

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