Scenario for the New Year's party. New Year's songs - adaptations for younger schoolchildren Animals on a Christmas tree in the forest along a country road

New Year's songs for primary classes

New Year's songs-remakes for elementary school

Lyapina Vera Valerievna, primary school teacher, Municipal Budget Educational Institution Secondary School No. 47, Samara

To the tune of the song "We Lived at Grandma's"
The song is accompanied by movements
Through the forest along a country road
We came here for the Christmas tree.
Well, come on, sing along,
Let's go here for the Christmas tree! (2 times)
The spruce trees swayed from the blizzard.
Well, come on, sing along,
The spruce trees swayed (2 times)
We are from that blizzard
They squatted down.
We walked through the forest and ravine at a goose pace. (2 times)
So that your feet don't freeze -
Trotting along the road.
Well, come on, sing along, trot along the road.

To the tune of the song "Tell me, Snow Maiden"
Children singing
1 verse
Hello, hello, grandfather, Santa Claus!
You live among fir trees and birches
Please come, dear
Let's have fun with you now!
Come on, come on, start a friendly dance!
Father Frost:
Hello everyone! Hello everyone!
I'm very glad to see you!
Verse 2
Let's read poetry to Santa Claus
Sing songs and dance in circles.
Light your lights, light the Christmas tree!
Come into the circle, grandfather, come join us!

Comic ditties from Santa Claus
I'm real Santa Claus
Believe me, friends!
But without songs and without fairy tales
It’s impossible not to live!

I came from far away
My burden is not light
Sweets, gifts
I barely made it there!

Here I will take the staff in my hands
I'll knock three times.
I'll wean you off the twos
And I’ll stop being lazy.

Come, honest people,
Whoever excels goes ahead!
Well, who is lazy among us?
He'll get a scolding!

Leg to the right, leg to the left,
My head is spinning...

If I fall, hold my grandfather
Stay strong, kids!

Have fun, dance and sing
Everyone is with me together.
I can't resist
Eh, I'll go sit down.

One snowflake, two snowflakes,
The snowball is spinning in the dance,
Come out to the Christmas tree quickly -
Have fun and sing, my friend!

Happy New Year
I am all the little guys
And give them all gifts,
Believe me, I’m very happy!

New Year's ditties for the devil.
Three driftwood, two stumps,
My strength is fading day by day.
Melancholy has eaten away all my baldness,
I have no life.

Tired of living in the forest
Loneliness kills.
I would like to pour out my soul here,
Where can I find society?

Fir trees, dense forest,
Why am I single?!
I'll wander through the forest,
Maybe I'll find the bride.

Well, the girls don't like me,
What should I do here, what should I do?
Maybe I need to get a haircut
Should I shave my beard?

I'm about to take this turn
Not at all ready
Looks like I'm unmarried
A couple more years.

To the tune of the song "At the edge of the forest...
1 verse
At the edge of the forest,
Winter lived in a hut
She salted snowballs
In a birch tub
And near that edge our 1st A was walking
And New Year in the company
He met for the first time.
The ceiling is icy, the door is creaky,
Behind the rough wall there is prickly darkness,
As soon as you go beyond the threshold the snow sparkles -
This means 1 A is having fun.
Verse 2
Winter knocked three times
I asked for one thing:
-Guys, calm down!
The forest is shaking!
In response they raised it together
All hands to the sky
And they sang as best they could,
So the forest trembled!

To the tune of "Valenki"
Verse 1:
Visit us again for the New Year
Santa Claus is going to school.
On my feet are felt boots.
Oh, but the old ones are not hemmed!
Felt boots, felt boots,
The distant Santa Claus is dancing,
Don't look at the beard
He looks just like young!
Verse 2
Grandfather is funny, grandfather is a joker
He got into the collar.
He froze our ears
I painted the nose for the kids.
Verse 3
Come on, Grandfather Frost
Pinch our noses
Play, have fun
And give gifts!

The Snow Maiden's song to the tune of "Little Country"
1 verse
The hall is full of small people,
How many cheerful eyes!
Dear children! Happy New Year!
I'm glad to see you!
The calendar has become one leaf thinner,
It will all be gone soon!
And snow-white powder
The forest is shrouded in winter!
Here comes the New Year!
Here comes the New Year
How will you serve, how will you make friends -
The year will be like this.
Here comes the New Year,
The New Year is coming.
Who managed to make a wish,
It will be a happy year!
Verse 2
Because of the forests, like a dream, dense
Tlpaet in full height
The most fun, the best
Our Russian Father Frost.
He came to us and told us: “Hello!
I took him with me.
He will give happiness to everyone
With your generous hand.

Round dance: “Through the forest along a country road.”

1. Through the forest along a country road
Come here for the Christmas tree
Hey, let's sing along
We came here for the Christmas tree.
2. Here are the bunnies running
Bunnies panties
They moved their ears
They were jumping around the Christmas tree
3. Here are the cockerels walking
Golden scallops
Red boots
On high legs.
4.Come on, come out
Purring gray cat
Velvet paws
There are scratches on the paws.
5. Came out of the den
Teddy bear on the road
He clapped his paws
And he stomped through the snow.

Winter has come.

1. Put on white fur coats
Fluffy bunnies
Winter has come, winter has come
Bunnies are happy about the snow
2.Your new clothes are gray
The baby squirrels were fluffed up
Winter has come, winter has come
So the squirrels decided
3.We like winter too
We put on fur coats
Like bunnies, like squirrels
We play in the snow.

Round dance: “Christmas tree.” Music by T. Popatenko. Words by I. Chernitskaya.

1. Green Christmas tree
We invited you to visit
How elegant
Christmas tree in our hall!
Christmas tree!
Just a sight for sore eyes!
Both fluffy and slim
To everyone's surprise!
2. Spinning outside the windows
White snowstorms,
And at our Christmas tree
Games and fun!
3. We are having fun today -
It's such a good day!
Everyone is dancing around the Christmas tree,
They clap their hands!

Round dance "Merry New Year".

1.Under the Christmas tree, under the Christmas tree
We are doing a round dance.
Happy New Year!
2. Didn’t see, didn’t see
We are Christmas trees like this:
Beautiful, amazing,
Green and thick!
3.Under the Christmas tree, under the Christmas tree
We are doing a round dance.
A joyful holiday has come to us -
Happy New Year!

Santa Claus, music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina
1.You came to visit us
Father Frost, Father Frost, Father Frost.
You walked past pine and birch trees
And birches, and birches.
Oh, what a long beard
We've never seen anything like this
2. Dance at the Christmas tree, dance,
Dance, dance.
Show me the gifts
Show me, show me.
Balls, lanterns and flags
And lights for our Christmas tree.

Christmas tree, sparkle with lights. Music and lyrics by E. Olifirova.

Christmas tree, Christmas tree
Shine with lights
Christmas tree, Christmas tree
Come dance with us.

We'll be like rabbits
It's fun to jump.
Jump and jump, jump and jump
Repeat again.

Christmas tree, Christmas tree
Shine with lights
Christmas tree, Christmas tree
Come dance with us

Santa Claus will be with us
Play okay
Clap and clap, clap and clap
Repeat again.

Game: “The deer has a big house.”

The deer has a big house
He looks out his window
A bunny is walking through the forest
There's a knock on his door:
“Knock, knock, open the door,
There's an evil hunter in the forest."
"Bunny, bunny, run in
Give me your paw quickly.”

Anna Sobesskaya
Scenario New Year's holiday"Gifts from Santa Claus"

Gifts from Santa Claus.


(In the group, the teacher dresses in D.M.’s costume in front of the children and invites everyone to go visit Christmas tree

D. M: The Christmas tree in the hall is shining

There are a lot of toys on it,

He calls the children to him,

Let's go to the Christmas tree quickly!

(Children enter the hall and walk around the Christmas tree)

Dance around the Christmas tree:

1. Through the forest along a country road,

We came here for the Christmas tree,

Hey, come on, sing along,

Come here for the Christmas tree

2. Here are the bunnies running,

Bunnies are cowards

They moved their ears,

They jumped around the Christmas tree.

3. Here are the cockerels walking,

Golden scallops

red boots,

On high legs.

4. Come on, come out, come on,

Gray cat, Purr,

Velvet paws,

There are scratches on the DAC's paws.

5. Came out of the den,

Teddy bear on the road

He clapped his paws,

He stomped through the snow.

6. Through the forest along a country road,

We came here for the Christmas tree,

Hey, come on, sing along,

We came here for the Christmas tree.

D.M.: Here it is my forest Christmas tree, it’s waiting for you and me!

(Teachers look at the hall and the Christmas tree with the children.)

Ved2:The kids want to see the toys,

See the entire tree from bottom to top.

Inspection of the Christmas tree (to music)

Ved2: Standing, sparkling Christmas tree

And he calls us to himself,

Everyone sings and dances

At the Christmas tree New Year!

Round dance: "Oh, yes, a Christmas tree".

1. Our kids have a big Christmas tree,

The lights on the Christmas tree sparkle merrily. (Round dance)

Chorus: Oh, yes, the Christmas tree, look, look, (clap)

Christmas tree for the kids, light it up, light it up! (flashlights)

2. Come out dolls, bunnies and bears,

The kids will have a lot of fun here. (beckon with their hands)

The chorus is the same.

3. Don’t prick us with a furry twig, (threaten)

The chorus is the same.

Everyone is singing and dancing merrily today,

Our kids New Year's holiday! (spring)

The chorus is the same.

Ved2:Winter holiday, New Year

We'll have more fun

Let's dance, let's dance

Near your Christmas tree.

D.M.: I’m very cheerful today

And I'm friends with the guys

No one I'll freeze it

I won't give anyone a cold.

Take it guys

And join me in your round dance

I'm ruddy bearded

Came to you for the New Year!

Merry dance: “Like our guys”

(to the tune "Oh, you canopy")

1. Like our guys,

Feet are knocking merrily

Our people are remote

Albeit very small. (stomp with one foot)

2. As soon as our legs get tired,

We will clap our hands

Oh, the palms are good,

We will clap our hearts out. (clap our hands)

3. Now squat down,

We dance side by side

Down and up, one and two,

This is how kids dance. (spring)

4. Raise your arms up

And light the flashlight

Oh, what babies!

Having fun from the heart. (flashlights)

5. Oh, how we’ll start running,

No one can catch us

We are a distant people

Albeit very small. (easy run around the Christmas tree)

Ved2: The children danced merrily

And a little tired

We'll sit down and relax

And we’ll read D.M.’s poems!

D.M.: I’ll listen with pleasure!

D.M.: I am the kids D.M.,

I don’t go to visit empty-handed,

To you I brought gifts,

Here's a bag (shows the bag)

Oh, where's my bag?

Haven't you guys seen it?

(Children look everywhere and find)

D.M.: Thank you, you helped,

I'll untie my bag

I'll show you all the hotels!

(Takes out a snowflake)

D.M.: I collect snowflakes,

I'm rolling a ball of snow!

Ved: We'll take snowflakes

Let's dance and sing with them!

Dance with snowflakes

1. We picked up snowflakes

And they ran around the hall (easy jogging)

Chorus: How good snowflakes are

Kids dance with them (springs)

2. We'll rock the snowflakes

Our white fluffs (swing over head)

The chorus is the same.

3. Spin around with a snowflake

Smile to all the guys (spinning)

Ved2: D.M.! What else did you bring for the kids?

D.M.: I'll give it to the kids

Fun toys

I'll give it to the kids

Everyone has a rattle.

(D.M. takes Parsley out of the bag)

D. M. Cheerful Parsley!

Give children rattles!

Ved2: The children took the rattles and Parsley danced.

Dance with rattles. (can be taken from the collection "Top-clap, kids" Dance with rattles)

1. Our funny friend Parsley,

To us at the holiday has arrived,

And for the guys to have fun,

He handed out rattles. (walk in a circle)

Chorus: One-two, call,

A ringing toy. (ringing)

One-two, spin around,

Our rattle! (spinning)

2. Teach us, Petrushka,

Dancing with a rattle,

We will, we will be a rattle,

Hit your palm. (knock on palm)

The chorus is the same.

3. Let's hide the rattles, children,

We're behind the back quickly,

Try it, our Parsley,

Find them quickly. (they hid the rattles behind their back)

The chorus is the same.

Ved2 (sings): Where, where are the rattles,

No way I can find them

Help me guys

Find it, please.

Chorus:(children) Here, here, here she is

A ringing toy (ringing)

Here, here, here she is

Our rattle! (spinning)

D.M.: Oh, well done!

Had a great time playing with the rattles!

To the fluffy Christmas tree New Year's,

I'm calling my friends, girlfriends,

Have fun everyone today

Wider circle! Wider circle!

Song “Beads sparkle on the Christmas tree”

1. Beads sparkle on the Christmas tree,

Firecrackers and star

We love our Christmas tree -

Yes! Yes! Yes! (flashlights)

Musical breakdown - claps

2. Snow Maiden in a white fur coat

Always comes to us

We sing and dance with her

Yes! Yes! Yes! (put out heels)

Musical breakdown - claps

3. And Grandfather Frost is cheerful,

Gray beard.

Brings us present

Yes! Yes! Yes! (stroking beard, spinning)

Musical breakdown - claps

Ved2: Everything is silver today,

And sparkles and sparkles, -

There are Christmas trees everywhere, here and there,

And guys gifts are waiting!

(Grandfather Freezing takes out a small candy.)

D. M. Take the treat,

Me Don't forget Grandfather Frost.

Ved. 2: D.M.! But there is only one candy and it’s so small,

Not enough for all the guys!

D.M.: And now I’ll say the magic words, and the candy will become big, and you guys help me.

We'll blow on the candy

Together with you we will conjure,

You candy grow up

Give all the kids a treat.

(Takes out a large candy.)

Ved2: That's it D.M.!

A real wizard!

And the candy is not simple,

The middle is not empty

In it gifts are lying,

For funny guys!


Ved2: Goodbye grandfather!

Until next winter!

Long, long Christmas tree

We will remember!

Educator. Santa Claus has brought you gifts (sweets), sit down for festive table, let's drink tea. Don't forget to invite your friends.

Children sit at the table with their toys and “treat” them.


On the same day, children are invited to make toys new Year gifts(pyramids).

Educator (shows the children the pyramid). What is this? (Pyramid.) Let's see what the pyramid consists of (takes it apart). Who can assemble the pyramid? (1-2 children complete the task. Shows the details of the paper pyramids that are on each child’s table.) Let's put the parts you have on your desk in order.

The teacher shows: lays out a large part on a sheet of white paper, then a smaller one and an even smaller one. Children complete the task on their own sheets of paper (the teacher makes sure that the parts are in the correct order), then the parts are smeared with glue on the back side.

At the end of the work, the children show their applications, the teacher, on behalf of the toys, admires the pyramids and thanks the children.


– What holiday did we celebrate with toys?

– How did we please the toys?

– What did we give them?

– What guests were at our holiday?

December Tuesday

Cognition (formation of elementary mathematical concepts). Communication. Physical Culture. Socialization.

Squirrel and bunny. Outdoor didactic games

Improve the ability to compare two objects in width, two equal groups of objects by overlapping; consolidate the ability to distinguish and name a circle and a square; teach to walk and run in all directions, when jumping, to land softly on bent legs, to roll the ball around an object

Shows interest in participating in joint educational and educational games; participates in conversations during games, answers the teacher’s questions, listens to the teacher’s story about the squirrel

and a bunny.

Two cardboard houses, two paper paths of the same length (narrow and wide); toys: bunny, squirrel; letter; carrots, nuts; mittens made of paper with glued on geometric shapes: square, circle; two baskets

1. Game room. 1) Didactic game“Compare the paths”: children listen to the teacher’s story about a bunny and a squirrel, compare the paths in width. 2) Outdoor didactic game “Carrots and Nuts.” 3) Didactic game “Find the mitten.” 4) Outdoor game “Making a Snow Woman.”

2. Communicative, reflective. – Did you like the story about the squirrel and the bunny? -What were we doing in the forest? – Which path leads to the squirrel’s house? – What did the squirrel treat the hare with?

Lesson 2
Squirrel and bunny.
outdoor didactic games

Integration educational areas: "Cognition"
(formation of elementary mathematical concepts), “Communication”, “Physical education”, “Socialization”.

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, labor, cognitive and research.

Goals of the teacher: improve the ability to compare two objects in width, two equal groups of objects by overlapping; consolidate the ability to distinguish and name a circle and a square; learn to walk and run in all directions, when jumping, to land softly on bent legs, and to roll the ball around an object.

Planned results for the development of integrative qualities of a preschooler: shows interest in participating in joint educational and educational games, participates in conversations during games, answers the teacher’s questions, listens to the teacher’s story about the squirrel and the bunny.

Materials and equipment: two houses cut out of cardboard; two paper paths of the same length (narrow and wide); toys (bunny, squirrel, letter), carrots, nuts (dummy or pictures); mittens made of paper with pasted geometric shapes - square, circle; two baskets.

Organizing time.

Educator. Guys, do you want to hear a story about how a squirrel invited a bunny to visit? (Children's answers.) Then get ready to listen carefully.

Leading: Today everyone meets

Happy holiday- New Year.

The stars sparkle on the Christmas trees.

And all the people have fun.

Let's clap our hands together

Let's do a round dance quickly

And say: “Hello, our

Good, fun party

All: New Year

Leading: "Dressed up the Christmas tree"

    Decorated the Christmas tree
    We are in a spacious hall,
    Right around the Christmas tree
    The songs began to sound.

Christmas tree is elegant
Lots of lights.
We were waiting for joyful
New Year's days.

    They came running with songs
    Squirrels and hares.
    Dancing together merrily
    Children and animals.

Christmas tree is decorated
Lots of lights.
We were waiting for joyful
New Year's days.

Leading: They will read their poems to us

Reb. Hello, Christmas tree, our friend!

We all gathered around

Songs to sing and dance,

Celebrate the New Year together

Reb. Hello, Christmas tree

Hello New Year!

We start under the Christmas tree

Merry round dance.

Reb. It’s better that our Christmas tree doesn’t exist

Don't ask anyone

The needles on it are good,

Decorated with stars.

A surprise moment - a scene with Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga. Hello guys. You've probably been waiting for me for a long time?

Leading: And who are you?

Baba Yaga: Father Frost!

Leading: Something doesn't look the same.

Baba Yaga: How is this not similar? Similar

Leading: And the voice is not like that.

Baba Yaga: No, like that, very much like that! Really, guys?

Leading: Guys, what if this is Baba Yaga? (approaches Yaga, oh, and the beard is glued on, Baba Yaga takes off his hat and beard)

Baba Yaga: Yes, Baba Yaga! So? I want it for the holiday. So she came.

Leading: What can you do? The guys dance and sing songs.

Baba Yaga: I can sing too. Want to listen?

Leading: Well, try it.

Baba Yaga sings ditties and goes to bed under the Christmas tree.

Leading: Oh guys, what should we do? Santa Claus is not here yet. Or maybe he’s already nearby? Let's call him.

The children call Santa Claus.

Santa Claus enters, greets the children and guests, and notices that the tree is not on fire.

Leading: This is all Baba Yaga. I came to the holiday, put out the Christmas tree and went to bed.

Father Frost: We'll light the Christmas tree now. And now I’m going to teach Baba Yaga a lesson. Look what a sleepyhead! I'll scare her! (Santa Claus knocks with his staff, Baba Yaga jumps up). Oh, you ugly thing! What did you promise me in the forest? Why did you come here?

Baba Yaga: Yes, I just went to look at the Christmas tree and have fun.

Father Frost: Have some fun? Then dance, Baba Yaga, until you drop! (Santa Claus knocks with his staff, Baba Yaga dances and screams)

Bab Yaga: Oh, forgive me, Santa Claus, stop the music. There is no more strength! I won't do it again!

Father Frost : So be it, I forgive you.

Santa Claus knocks with his staff, the music stops, Baba Yaga stops. Yes, Yaga, you amused the guests. So be it, I'm not angry with you.

Father Frost: And now, Yaga, go into the forest and don’t bother us anymore.

Baba Yaga: I'm leaving, leaving. Goodbye.

Leading: Come on, guys, let's sing a song to Santa Claus.


    Father Frost, Father Frost

Brought a Christmas tree for the kids

Brought a Christmas tree for the kids


And there are lanterns on it

Golden balls

    Father Frost, Father Frost

Brought sweets to the kids

Brought sweets to the kids


And there are lanterns on it

Golden balls

    Flavored waffles

And mints

And mints

Father Frost: For some reason my granddaughter has been gone for a long time.

Where did she go?

Let's all call her together. - Snow Maiden.

Children: Snow Maiden, Snow Maiden

Snow Maiden: Hello, grandpa!

Hello, dear guests.

Reb. Hello dear Snow Maiden

We've been waiting for you

You are beautiful and elegant

You shine like a star.

Dance "New Year's Carnival"

Verse 1:

Through the forest along the country road,

We came here for the Christmas tree,
Hey, let's sing along

We came here for the Christmas tree. (2 rubles)

Verse 2:

Here are the bunnies running,

Bunnies panties
They moved their ears,

Jumped at the Christmas tree (2 p.)

Verse 3:

Here are the roosters walking,

Golden scallops
red boots,

On high legs! (2 rubles)

Verse 4:

Well, come out,

Gray cat Purr
Velvet paws,

There are scratches on the paws (2 rubles)

Verse 5:

Came out of the den

Teddy bear on the road
He clapped his paws,

Stomped through the snow! (2 rubles)

Verse 6:

Through the forest along the country road,

We came here for the Christmas tree,
Hey, let's sing along

We came here for the Christmas tree. (2 rubles)

Poems read

Reb. Hello, dear Christmas tree,

You are our guest again,

The lights are sparkling again

On your thick branches.

Reb. How fun, how fun

How joyful it is all around

We will greet the Christmas tree with a song

We'll sing her a song

Reb. Hello, forest Christmas tree

Silvery, thick!

You grew up under the sun

And she came to us for the holiday.

Father Frost: Guys, let's play.

"Game with chairs"

Leading: Now let's listen to the poem

Reb. How elegant you are.

With a silver star!

How huge you are

How fun it is with you

How fun, how fun

How joyful it is all around!

We will greet the Christmas tree with a song

We'll sing her a song!

Song "Christmas Tree"

    Beads glitter on the Christmas tree,
    Firecrackers and star.
    We love our Christmas tree.
    Yes Yes Yes!

    Snow Maiden in a white fur coat
    He always comes to us.
    We sing and dance with her.
    Yes Yes Yes!

3. And Santa Claus is cheerful -
Gray beard -
Brings us gifts.
Yes Yes Yes!

Dance "Heel"

Poems read

Reb. Our windows are brushed white

Santa Claus painted

He dressed the pole with snow

The garden was covered in snow

Aren't you used to snow?

Can we hide our noses in fur coats?

As soon as we come out and shout

Hello Dedushka Moroz!

Reb. The New Year is knocking on our door

Old Grandfather Frost

It sparkles like snowflakes,

It's covered in icicles!

He has a bright blush,

Beard like white fur

Interesting gifts

He cooked for everyone!

Song “Like our Christmas tree”

    Like our Christmas tree
    Green needles.
    Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
    Festive Christmas tree!

    Everything sparkles with ice,
    White snowflakes.
    Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
    Festive Christmas tree!

3. Good grandfather Freezing
I brought this Christmas tree.
Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
Festive Christmas tree!

Game with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden “Who can collect snowballs faster”

Song "We Came to the Party"

    We came to the holiday kindergarten,
    How the Christmas tree outfit sparkles,

We will ask for a Christmas tree - smile,
We'll ask for a Christmas tree, spin around!

    And under the tree there are bunnies, jump, jump, jump, jump
    Together with them the bears, top, top, top!
    Balloons, lanterns, confetti,
    Shine a merrier Christmas tree for us!

The dance is Adyghe, everyone dances.

Snow Maiden: Dear Santa Claus, did you bring any gifts?

Father Frost:

Yes, of course I haven’t forgotten,

I put them in a bag

So that the bag doesn't get lost

Covered everything with snow.

Goodbye, kids!

I say goodbye

In a year you are waiting for me,

I'll definitely come!

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