How to attract a girl's attention. How to easily attract the attention of a girl you like

Love is a mutual concept. But, alas, there are other situations. Sometimes, you have to make some efforts in order to win the favor of the girl you like who, alas, does not reciprocate your feelings. How to attract a girl's attention if she is indifferent to you? First of all, it is worth understanding the reasons why this situation arises. Firstly, a girl may not like you if you are too active in order to win her over. Secondly, you don't fit her type. Thirdly, she only sees you as a friend and actually loves someone else. Well, there may also not be reciprocity for the reason that the girl makes too high demands on representatives of the opposite sex and, in her opinion, you are not “the hero of her novel.” Well, in general, there can be quite a lot of reasons why a girl doesn’t reciprocate your feelings and they depend on each specific situation, so you should try to find the reason yourself.

How to win over the person you like and how to win her attention? The main rule is to act! Show your intention to leave the “friend zone”, which means don’t be afraid to show emotions - flirt, give compliments, and when the time comes (you will definitely understand this) tell about your feelings. Remember that in most cases, women do not make the first move if they do not see the initiative coming from a man. But your activity should not be too excessive, capable of scaring the girl. Touching should be smooth, touching, indicating that you are not indifferent to her, and not pushy, clearly indicating sexual interest. Simply put, try to be a friend to the girl from the very beginning, but make it clear that you want to stay in this status for a short time.

Consider the fact that girls are not always uninitiated and indifferent as it may seem from the very beginning. Just watch her so as not to miss the very moment of manifestation of this initiative, otherwise you may simply be left with nothing. But if, nevertheless, the moment is missed, and the girl does not see any actions on your part, move on to plan “B” - methods of approval and dissatisfaction. A simple example - the girl called you or wrote to you - use the approval tool, thereby showing that you like her actions. Well, if in your opinion the girl is not doing what she should, then move on to dissatisfaction, which is expressed only by facial expressions, and in no case not by words. This is done in order to make it clear to her that she is wrong about something. Let's go ahead and move on to the "next" step. If you see that a girl has become interested in you, show her your positive sides. But! It is at this stage that you need to add a “fly in the ointment” and show your other side a little, just a little, so that you can use the “pendulum closer/further” technique, that is, alternate between an interested and indifferent attitude towards yourself. According to psychologists, when changing positive attitude to do the opposite, you will simply attract attention to your modest person. And this is exactly what you need, isn’t it? Try in every possible way at the moment to attract the attention of the girl you like and make her not only notice, but also appreciate the interest you show in her. The most important thing I would like to say is - don’t be afraid to show, openly demonstrate your interest in the fair sex you like. Take care, show care and attention, be there when necessary, but do not bother, and do not forget that the appearance and manners that you possess will, without any doubt, allow you not to go unnoticed. Romance is important. Walk you home, give flowers (even wildflowers, which will have an even greater effect than expensive bouquets), write sweet SMS - seems stupid, more suitable for a couple of schoolchildren in love? But in vain, because the most important thing that follows this action is attention, and what girl can it leave indifferent?

Would you like to make a lasting impression on women just by talking to them? Do you know that women love with their ears? In this article, we will tell you how to attract a woman's attention through conversation.


Part 1


    Try to hook her from the very beginning of the conversation. Of course, this depends on the woman herself and the situation, but try not to repeat the mistakes of other guys - don’t overload her at the beginning of the conversation, don’t be verbose and predictable. This will take about 75% of the entire conversation, maybe a little less. Your goal is to show your personality and make an impression. Try to keep the conversation fun, light and playful. How to start a conversation? There are many ways:

    • A cheeky, cheerful alpha male:
      • "I know you've heard this many times, but you are the most beautiful woman I've the last three minutes."
      • “My friend persuaded me to go for a walk today, and I’m incredibly glad that he did it, because meeting you here and now... it was worth it.”
    • A little modest, timid guy:
      • “This may sound a little stupid, but I just blush a little when I see beautiful girls
      • “I'm glad you're still here. I was embarrassed to approach you for half an hour, because it seemed to me that I would be shy in front of such a girl.”
    • An open, matter-of-fact guy:
      • “Hi, my name is [name], what brings you here tonight?”
      • “Now I’ll introduce myself to you, and you’ll smile at me and let me buy you a drink, right?”
      • “I tried to find a reason to approach you, but I couldn’t. Can I just tell you an interesting story?”
  1. Don't talk about work, politics or anything negative. Keep the conversation under control, but don't control it completely. Don't go into an interview with questions like "Where are you from?" or "What are you doing here?" Try to gently inject energy into the conversation without getting too personal.

    • If she brings up a subject that might lead the conversation in the wrong direction, gently change the subject. Say something funny and light that will help change the subject.
    • If she continues to lead the conversation to a dead end, you have two ways out of this situation:
      • Maintain the topic of conversation if it interests her.
      • Find a polite way to end this conversation and focus on someone else. A standard phrase will do “It was nice talking to you”.
  2. Smoothly overcome emerging obstacles. Many women can say they have a boyfriend even if they don't, you just haven't hooked them yet. At the same time, many of those women who are said, they told the truth, but this can really be considered an obstacle. But don’t be discouraged, because there are no insurmountable obstacles. You will be able to get around it smoothly.

    • If a woman says “I have a boyfriend, I’m not getting acquainted”, smile, say that you enjoyed talking to her and move on to the next candidate. Not everything in life goes smoothly.
    • If she says "I have a boyfriend" and that's all, then you can say: “Great, can I continue our conversation?”. If she says yes, move on. Life sometimes brings pleasant surprises.
    • Do not make it your goal to take a number from married woman for fun. You may not need this. If she has a boyfriend, then you'll probably want to turn your attention to a single lady, unless you're really attracted to the woman.
  3. Ignore the failures. Prepare in advance for the fact that she may not like you. If she likes you, that's a plus; if not, pay attention to other interesting girls.

    • If you take every refusal as a blow to your own ego, then every time it will be unpleasant for you, since reciprocity will not always be there. Refusal is also the norm. If you take rejection so personally, you may miss out on thousands of other opportunities that are waiting for you.

    Part 2

    make a date
    1. Don't be annoying. If she realizes, even for a second, that you are really into her, it will put you at a disadvantage. Why? Because people love stuff yourself, it makes the victory even sweeter.

      • There are many ways to show her that you are not clingy, but first of all you need to show her that you know your worth (see above). Remember: this woman may be smart, funny and beautiful, but she is not the only woman in the universe. It didn’t work out with one, it will work out with the other.
      • Don't shower her with compliments. It is enough to give one compliment and the woman will already understand that you have fallen for her. In fact, smart women will understand this even without compliments. So try to avoid sappy compliments and impress her with your intelligence and sense of humor.
    2. Apply the “opposite test to win favor” method. Here's how it works: say something ridiculous about her that you know is false. Then say that you don't like this quality in girls. Since this Not however, she will begin to say that she is not like that at all. This is called verification. This method used when they want to win someone's favor. This way you can earn her sympathy; she will unconsciously be drawn to you because it will seem to her that you have something in common.

      Relax and be carefree. Your main goal is to have fun, and you can satisfy your ego by chatting about nothing with a beautiful and interesting woman. Flirt, tease her, be a little cheeky if that's your attitude, use sarcasm (with a grin, so she knows you're just kidding). Imagine you are talking to an old friend.

      • If you don't agree with what she says, tell her so. In other words, don't be malleable. When you do not agree on opinions, there is no need to be rude and rude to her; just explain your position and give reasons for your words. If you do everything right, it will give you a topic for a new interesting conversation. If you're confident, you can tease her about her wrong position in an argument (a wry smile is appropriate here, so smile).
      • Be calm. Very, very calm. Like the captain of a ship, you know you are moving towards your goal. Nothing can stop you, not even rejection. You expect the best, but are prepared for the worst. Why? Because you are calmer than a Keats poem!
    3. When you pick up girls, don't forget about time. Why waste time on a conversation that won't even help you get closer to your goal? In addition, she can be distracted, so every minute counts. With a little practice, you can get numbers not in minutes, but in seconds.

      • You may think that before asking for her number, it's better to talk for a few minutes, ask her to dance, etc. Because it is difficult to maintain a witty, continuous and lively conversation even if you try hard. Don't start a conversation unless you have a serious goal in mind!
    4. Finally: Constantly tell her how attractive she is. Pay attention to body language, dilated pupils, giggling, and touching. Regardless of personality traits or intelligence, women are quite good at using non-verbal signs. With a little practice, you will be able to recognize them without difficulty. Just follow your instincts, they usually don't let you down. Thank you for your attention!

    • Never force a woman to do something she doesn't want. This will instantly turn her off interest in you.
    • Practice! Try to strike up a conversation with a stranger on the street once a day. Be mindful of body language and tone that indicate your interest in her!
    • Be confident, but not arrogant.
Suvorova Nadezhda

There are guys who easily win the attention of women. But what to do if you are one of the modest and shy young people. Don't stay alone your whole life. Especially for you, we have collected effective tips that will help you find your soulmate.

What not to do

First let's talk about typical mistakes things guys do to get a girl's attention. Be sure to read and take note that by doing such things you will only make the situation worse.

What not to do:

be intrusive;
show sympathy in public and put the girl in an awkward position;
give to earn favor;
to be sloppy;
show strength by humiliating others;
follow her, climb into;
collect information about the girl;
mumble in her presence;
get drunk for courage.

Learn one rule: do not do things that show the bad side of your character. This will push the girl away and you will not be able to win her attention.

Stand out from the crowd

A good way to generate interest is to be different from those around you. It is easier to do this in a quiet environment, when there is no noise or movement around. This way you will not go unnoticed, including by the object of desire. But even in a noisy company, silent people do not go unnoticed by girls, as they create an aura of mystery around themselves.

The main thing in this advice is not to go too far and not leave a bad opinion of yourself. If you talk a lot, they will think that you are not well-mannered. If you remain silent, you will be perceived as an arrogant person who does not want to communicate with anyone.

In disputes, defend your own point of view, which no one has proposed, do not succumb to the general hysteria about a new gadget, but explain that you can easily do without it, create a personal style in clothing and behavior that is not similar to any other.

Become a leader

Girls pay attention not to those who are more beautiful or richer, but to those who dictate the rules in a male company. They like young people who are confident and have... Such guys are role models and dictators of fashion canons in their environment.

It will take a lot of effort to do this. After all, you were not the center of the company and did not lead an active social life. It's time to start doing this. Such an act will attract the attention of the opposite sex and raise self-esteem.

Start small: organize some kind of interest group, volunteer society, any cause that is close and interesting to you. And then do not deviate from your plans and expand your circle of friends.

Sign up for a gym

To attract the attention of beautiful girls, you need to get in good physical shape. To do this, sign up for a gym and go there at least 3 times a week. Proud posture, broad shoulders, strong arms and a confident look, this is what will not leave any representative of the stronger sex indifferent.

Don't listen to those who say it's impossible. There are many stories on the Internet that claim otherwise. Of course, this method is not as fast-acting as the others, but it works one hundred percent. The first results of visiting the gym are noticeable 3 months after the start of classes.

Become smart

The second thing that attracts girls in young men is erudition. Therefore, be interested in the latest events, news in the world of cinema, the Internet, music and other areas.

An important criterion when choosing young man– . If you know how to make funny and not vulgar jokes, to dispel a tense situation, then you are guaranteed the attention of girls. , pronounced to the point, will make even the most capricious touchy person laugh.

Ignore the girl

This advice is as old as time. But it unquestioningly works on the fairer sex. This is how the feminine essence is structured, which requires constant attention to itself. If a girl considers herself beautiful and is popular with young people, she will definitely be hurt by other people’s indifference.

If you adhere to this tactic, remember that the main thing is to stop in time. After all, the girl will soon get tired of thinking about you, and she will switch her attention to another guy. Therefore, while she is still perplexed, start showing her signs of attention. Such a gesture will have a double effect against the backdrop of recent indifference.

Stay a man

Gender equality has led to young people becoming more and more like girls in appearance and character. There are so few real men left in the world that they are worth their weight in gold. They are characterized by courage, the ability to quickly make important decisions and fearlessness in the face of danger.

To create the impression of a true representative of the stronger sex, it is not necessary to perform feats. It is enough to behave like a gentleman, show respect to girls, help them and give in. But remember that you need to do this to yourself always, and not just when you find yourself in the field of view of your secret lover. Rumors about you will definitely reach her.

Invite on a date

While you are thinking about how to attract a girl's attention, someone else will. Therefore, stop being shy and watching her on the sidelines, it’s time to act. Remember that you must be a real man and not be afraid of rejection. But, I’ll tell you a secret, girls accept most invitations.

This happens because people who are not afraid to express their feelings and show sympathy. Even if you are not her type, you will force her to reconsider her preference and lower the bar of requirements for suitors. And for this method to work one hundred percent, come up with an interesting place for your date.

Give compliments

Therefore, learn to say them correctly. The banal: “you are so beautiful” will not do. Come up with something original. Notice what an unusual eye color she has, like Keira Knightley. Comparison with the generally accepted standard of beauty will add a plus to your karma.

Remember that compliments are addressed to a specific girl. Therefore, watch for changes in appearance and celebrate the transformation with approving statements. You don’t have to understand fashion or the intricacies of makeup; the mere fact that you notice the effort will make you pay attention.

Become cool

This is a must for girls to be interested in you. The weaker sex does not like dull and shy guys; they are uncomfortable in front of friends and uninteresting in private.

Take care of yourself, start dressing stylishly, taking care of your appearance, taking care of your hair and nails. This will not take away your masculine qualities, but will make you noticeable among other guys.

It is difficult to change in one day, but if you set a goal, then you need to follow it. A strong, confident and smart guy will easily attract the attention of not only one particular girl, but all the female representatives who surround him. And then the choice will be yours.

17 March 2014, 14:37

Every day you meet a lot of cute girls who you wouldn’t mind getting to know and hooking up like an adult. How to attract the attention of girls and how to communicate with the fair sex?

When you go shopping, study, go to the gym, go to a concert, etc., do you meet girls you would like to get to know better? Here are a few steps to get their attention.

1. Be cool

1.1 Work on your self-esteem and self-confidence. Self-esteem and self-confidence are very attractive character traits. Girls will go crazy for a guy who is confident in himself and what he can do. Do things that build your self-esteem, such as volunteering, learning something new, or traveling.

You can develop self-confidence by volunteering for organizations that help people. This will give you a chance to prove to yourself and everyone around you that you can do something to change the world around you.

You can also develop your self-confidence by learning something new, such as a second or third language.

1.2 Don't compare yourself to others. This won't help your cause. The only one you can be is yourself. And it's just great! Show the world how cool you are and stop pretending to be someone else.

Don't try to repeat after someone. Girls will notice that you are not natural, and they will definitely not like it. Acting like a bully even though you grew up in a wealthy, decent neighborhood? She will notice it. Just be yourself and enjoy it. Girls will love it too.

1.3 Take care of yourself and your appearance. Don't give up on personal hygiene and taking care of your wardrobe. How can a girl like you if you don't even like yourself and don't take care of your body? Wash regularly, use deodorant, wear clean, neat clothes and brush your teeth.

Don't think that clothes have to be exclusively expensive brands. She will notice much faster whether these clothes suit you or not, whether these colors suit you, than she will pay attention to a special label.

Of course, let everything be in moderation. A little hair gel is fine, but your hair shouldn't look like a rock.

1.4 Be open. Don't be angry, upset, brooding, or reluctant to talk. If you seem angry every time you talk to her, then why should she communicate with you, much less date you? Smile, be friendly and just talk.

1.5 Be interesting. Be someone girls want to date. You don't have to be smart, but at least be curious and interested. Be the kind of person who works hard to improve the lives of the people around you. Do something with your life. It is very important. Get up and start changing your life for the better.

You can gain a lot of knowledge by reading about things that interest you. Did you know that there are entire books about the evolution of weapons, such as swords? Books about the extinction of dinosaurs? Yes, yes, time to go to the library.

Consider your dreams. What do you want from your life? What are you dreaming about? Girls will really like telling you about your dream: they want to think that you will love them just as much as you love... football, for example.

2. Make her happy

2.1 Get to know her. Talk to her and listen to her. Ask the girl about her family, where she grew up, her religion and political views, what she likes and how she has fun. Don't be critical or rude about her answers: they are her answers, not yours! Respect her ideas, her opinions and her faith. Girls like it when people communicate with them on an equal basis. If you want to get girls to like you, the best place to start is with respect.

For example, ask a girl about her hobby, and then ask how she found it. This is a great way to start a conversation about how and where she grew up, her family, etc.

2.2 Find what unites you. She likes Metallica... you like Metallica... boom! Now you have something to talk about! Ask her about music, about cinema, about what she does in free time. Find something in common so you can get to know each other well and become closer.

2.3 Be good friend. If we could guarantee that you could make friends, we would lie to you. But being friends with a girl and showing her how beautiful she is is the most The best way attract her attention. Show her how happy she will be with you, and you will see how happy you are with her.

Support her if she's having a hard day, help her with her problems, be available when she needs your help, and listen to what she tells you.

2.4 Don't act weird. Don't stare at her or avoid her gaze. Don't circle around her in silence. Don't certain parts of her body (no matter how much you might want to). Don't make weird moves if you don't know her well, and definitely don't try to seduce her too early. This will only scare her and make you less attractive in her eyes.


Girls like guys who understand them, so it is VERY important to listen to them.

Always be nice and kind.

Respect her.

Understand her. Decide how to communicate with her.

Don't send SMS or mess with your phone when you talk to a girl, always look her in the eyes.

Don't look at her. She will find it strange.

Compliment her on her appearance and she will feel more confident.

Make jokes with caution when you are sure what you can joke about. Don't go too far, like saying her friend is dumb
or strange. If they are close to her, then you will lose all chances... but if you know how to joke, a girl will always appreciate a good joke!

Don't move things along too quickly.

Look her straight in the eyes...

Remember that “attraction” is only part of the relationship.

How to attract a woman into your life? Practical magic for true Me

While hundreds of resources teach women insidious trump tricks, men walk around completely deprived, untrained, abandoned. Don’t cry, True Man, we will save you and reveal your entire inner dancing potential!

Today - according to all fengshuic and other chthonic laws;) So, thanks to our previous portion of wisdom, you have probably already become. However, the princess stopping the white horse at a gallop has not yet rushed to you? Basic theses “The beloved will find you herself if you are in the right place psychological state And “Smile when you look into the eyes of the women you meet!” didn't help? Even when the desired degree was reached, because of your smile, the women you met moved the whole carriage somewhere beyond the horizon? Don't drift, let's do something cooler now!

Back to first grade

“We attract to ourselves images of people who already exist in our subconscious. Imagine Her every day, the beautiful scenes of your romance, wedding and old age together. All this at the level of thought will bring the fulfillment of your dreams closer.”

So, in the evenings, sit down and write down on a piece of paper in every detail what kind of Princess you want to see. On another piece of paper, draw detailed illustrations. Then She, apparently, will not stand such an intrigue and will climb into your window. (Well, how else can you get to the unique person who, without leaving home, attracts the ideal couple with such an irresistible sorcery!) If she is not scared off by the porn you end up with on a piece of paper in the style of customs officer Rousseau, she is yours.

Get out!

If you have fruit flies in your house more often than women, urgently remember the need getting rid of negative energy and unpleasant memories of the past that have accumulated in the house. I mean, a mop in your teeth - and forward to the embrasure. Otherwise, the qi energy will not squeeze through the cores. Your Woman will know that your home has been successfully cleansed of negativity by a sacred sign: the cobwebs in your hair. And how he will rush to ask you! Well, just take a look at the great miracle of a clean men's apartment. Leave her at least a couple of unwashed cups in the southwestern zone, otherwise she will decide that you are a robot of a new generation.

Split personality

“Nothing in your home should indicate loneliness. Buy a double bed and put it in the hallway women's slippers. In the interior, it is useful to observe the principle of pairing: two plush hares in an embrace, a painting with a pair of swans, two vases on a shelf...”

Well, don’t look at us like that, we didn’t invent this, but this is even Feng Shui, ancient and wise like Tortila and spontaneous like Pinocchio. Do you think that at the sight of alien slippers she will run away in the first minute, because she will decide that someone has already nestled here, and what good is this cupid de trois for her? Well, me-uh... You think logically. But we are not teaching you logic here, but still this is feng shui. So follow two birds with one stone and don’t buzz. Falling in love, by the way, is classified as a mental illness. This seems to be the whole calculation of ancient wisdom.

Very dramatic

“If you met a girl you like, you need to quietly whisper into your left palm: “To be with me,” and then touch your chosen one with this hand. This spell works especially well during dancing.”

We wish you good luck, friend. We are sure this is the right remedy. Are you afraid for the integrity of your scoreboard after such manipulation? Well, in emergency rooms there are very compassionate nurses. This is actually a multi-step magic trick!

Cast your spell, grandfather!

Light a red candle... Don't have one? Well, light it up in any color. Didn't you find any? Well, a lighter, okay. Now read the text: “Litato Vista (your name) drillot nisalo. Just as the sun is red without a month, just as a bright month cannot exist without stars, so I, the servant of God, will find a person according to my heart, according to fate and according to life. Amen. Amen. Amen".

No matter how old you are, read it so many times. Why did all this happen, don’t ask. In matters of magic, the main thing is ardent and unshakable faith. Well, you can’t do without mental illness (aka falling in love), you’ve already learned that.

Practice to fill with energy

Now, dear comrade, turn off your brain completely. And turn on other organs. We will do the great practice “Prostate Breathing”. It will charge you with the energy of the ancient elements - and as you charge it, you will make anyone happy.

So. “You close your eyes, take a breath with your stomach and imagine how the prostate expands and fills with energy, and as you exhale you squeeze your intimate muscles. With every breath, you imagine how the space of your prostate increases to the size of a room, then to the size of a city, then to the size of a country, a planet and, finally, the Universe...” We can no longer read this. Because then diminutive suffixes grow on the organs - and their mouth opens... But they promise that in this way the whole world, represented by the opposite sex, will revolve around your, hmm, nature. You're pumping energy into your pants, and everyone is running, running, running towards you. Well, yes, if you think about it - where else can they go if your causal places have occupied the entire Universe: it’s difficult to somehow miss!

Right in the left eye!

Well, for a snack. If you are already so tired of such magic that you are not even able to focus on the potential victim. And it is not necessary. Unfocus and pay attention!

“Don’t be afraid to look at women, but in order for your gaze to become alluring, sexy and attractive, squeeze your intimate muscles. Your pupils will dilate, and your gaze will become so bottomless that the woman will immediately want to drown in it. Give her this opportunity, trying to look into her left eye. He is responsible for our unconscious and helps to penetrate into the soul.”

To the left, understand? Missed - we are not responsible for the result! Wherever you penetrate, that’s where you go.

...In general, do not stop vibrating, pulsating, contracting and expanding, recharging from chthonic forces. And be sure to wear pants. Pants are a magical sacred object; these forces penetrate into them. Don’t wear panties under your pants, otherwise your strength won’t reach the right points. Vedic Epic masculinity requires sacrifice, and we said goodbye to the brain a few points ago. Some unwise men, however, use this very organ to try to attract a woman into their lives. What can you do: women corrupted by civilization, in shorts and without paired plush hares, are found more and more often in our logic-infected world... Feng Shui with them! Hunt the True Ones - if only because they, too, are already goring to hunt!

Photo: Shutterstock
Text: Yulia Sheket

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