Interesting DIY hats for boys. How to make a hat with your own hands - step-by-step master classes from different materials with photo examples

Elizaveta Rumyantseva

Nothing is impossible for diligence and art.


Are you planning a fancy dress costume? Are you wondering how to make a paper helmet, a pirate's cocked hat, a hat for a witch or a cowboy? Take advantage step by step instructions and master classes that will help you learn how to make a hat out of paper. Such simple homemade hats will be a good alternative to store-bought costumes, and will look no less bright and original.

DIY paper hats

DIY paper hats – easy way diversify your fancy dress costume. Using glue and scissors, you can easily make an original Mexican sombrero, a pirate cocked hat, an elegant top hat or a snowman's cap. The famous blue Dunno hat, trimmed with fabric, will make the simplest costume of this fairy-tale hero recognizable. The instructions for making each headdress will tell you how to make a hat from cardboard, paper and other additional materials at hand.


Let's find out how to do it pirate hat with your own hands from paper. To implement our plan we will need:

  • black paper (1 sheet of A3 format);
  • hat elastic;
  • scissors;
  • awl;
  • glue;
  • White paper;
  • black felt-tip pen or pen.


  1. On black paper, draw a square with sides equal to the length of the short edge of the A3 sheet. Cut it out.
  2. We round the corners, turning the square into a circle.
  3. Fold the white sheet in half twice (lengthwise).
  4. We make a fringe - we often cut the folded strip across, without touching the bottom edge.
  5. Unfold the sheet and cut along the folds.
  6. Use scissors or a pencil to twist the fringe on each white paper strip.
  7. Carefully fitting the curly strips to the black circle, glue them along the entire circumference so that the curved edges of the fringe point upward.
  8. By eye, we place (mark) three points equidistant from each other along the circle.
  9. From one mark to another we make three folds that should form an equilateral triangle.
  10. We bend the semicircular brim of the hat upward.
  11. Using the fringe principle, we cut out/make two white feathers and decorate the hat with them (the side curved brim of the cocked hat).
  12. For the front of the hat, cut out a white skull and crossbones, paint it and glue it onto the second folded brim.
  13. We pierce holes on the sides of the hat with an awl.
  14. Attach a hat elastic to the cocked hat.
  15. Sombrero

    DIY paper hats are crafts that successfully use other available materials. To make a Mexican sombrero, we will need the following materials:

  • thick red paper (painted Whatman paper);
  • plastic flower pot;
  • wrapping paper;
  • decorative cord.

How to make a Mexican hat out of paper? Using tape, paints, a ruler, scissors, and a compass, we begin making:


Top hat is a universal hat. It is suitable for the costume of Dracula, the Snowman, and the old woman Shapoklyak. This hat with a veil will be a flirty addition to many ladies' masquerade outfits. The main thing is to decide on the height of the crown and the width of the brim, and then create the headdress itself for a specific character. For the cylinder we will need the following materials and tools:

  • whatman;
  • glue;
  • colored fabric (paper);
  • scissors.

Instructions on how to make an elegant paper hat:

  1. We draw a rectangle on whatman paper (one side is the height, the other is the circumference of the crown). Cut it out.
  2. We glue the pipe by connecting the part along the edges of the height of the rectangle.
  3. We draw a crown around the circumference on a new sheet of whatman paper.
  4. We outline the resulting circle with another one at a distance equal to the width of the fields of the future cylinder.
  5. We draw a small hole from the inside, stepping back one and a half centimeters from the contour of the circle.
  6. Cut out this small circle.
  7. From its edge to the drawn line of the inner circle we make notches and fold the paper along the drawn contour.
  8. Again we draw a crown around the circumference on a new sheet of whatman paper.
  9. We cut out the part along the contour, stepping back about one and a half centimeters outward for notches - this is the top of the crown.
  10. We make cuts with scissors and bend the paper along the drawn contour.
  11. We glue the crown-tube with the round top part.
  12. Glue the fields to the cylinder (we apply the notches from the inside of the cone).
  13. We cover the hat with colored paper or fabric.
  14. We decorate as desired (brooches, feathers, veil, ribbons, etc.).

For the snowman

A paper hat for a Snowman costume is the simplest version of a masquerade hat if you make a cap. A light hat made from corrugated paper– crooked and crumpled cylinder. We already know how to make this version of the headdress. Let's try to make a cap. To make it we will need:

  • whatman:
  • paints with brushes;
  • colored paper;
  • glue;
  • hat elastic;
  • scissors.
  1. We draw a circle on whatman paper, the radius of which is equal to the height of the cap.
  2. We measure the volume of the future Snowman's head.
  3. We measure this number of centimeters along the length of the drawn circle.
  4. We put marks - in the center of the circle, the beginning and end of the measured line (head volume).
  5. We draw two lines from the marks on the circle to the center of the circle.
  6. Cut out the resulting sector.
  7. Roll up the cone.
  8. We glue it or fasten it with a stapler.
  9. We paint with paints or paste over our cap for the Snowman with colored paper.
  10. We attach a hat elastic to it.

Find out from plastic cups.

For Dunno

For the Dunno hat we will need the following tools and materials:

  • cardboard;
  • blue (blue) fabric;
  • superglue or stapler;
  • yellow corrugated paper;
  • hat elastic;
  • paints or brushes.


How to make from paper

How to make hats for children from paper using an old unwanted newspaper? A light cap or cap with a visor can be made in just a few steps, without the need for glue, scissors, or any additional materials. For training, you can try the technology on standard A4 sheets, and at the same time decide on the size of future newspaper hats.


This instruction will tell you how to make a paper hat from newspaper when you don't have a Panama hat on hand. For an adult, you will need a large sheet of newspaper (A3 tabloid); for a child, half a spread will be enough. Let's look at how to make a cap out of paper, using a standard A4 sheet as an example:


Are you not satisfied with a simple cap? Let's learn how to make a newspaper cap - a lightweight hat with a sun visor. To make such a hat, we only need a sheet of newspaper:

  1. Take a sheet of newspaper (A3 format) and place it long side to yourself.
  2. We bend the upper corners towards the center and towards ourselves so that we get a triangle.
  3. Fold the free lower rectangular strip in half up and in the same way again.
  4. Turn the hat over backwards.
  5. We wrap the triangles protruding beyond the edges of the product from the folded strip inward (toward ourselves).
  6. Fold the right and left edges of the hat towards the middle.
  7. We bend the lower free rectangular strip upwards, butt-joint with curved edges (see the previous paragraph).
  8. We form the visor by making small bends on the sides.
  9. We tuck them under the resulting envelope on the hat.
  10. Turn the cap with the bottom side facing you.
  11. Fold the top of the hat down and tuck it under the lapel.
  12. We straighten the cap, open it, try it on.

Video: how to make a hat out of paper

Video instructions are the best visual aid that demonstrates how to make a paper hat, such as a witch's hat, using origami. Using the same technology, it is easy to make a newspaper hat and a traditional Chinese headdress. The authors of the video will show you how to make a paper hat for a fancy dress costume of the fly agaric mushroom or an elegant hat for a doll. Watch, learn, memorize the patterns. We recommend that you look at headdress ideas for the holiday.

Don’t think that only ordinary crafts or toys can be made from paper. You can find many approaches to working with this material. Today we will look at a useful topic on how to make a hat out of paper without a lot of time and with a minimum of effort.

Painter's hat made from newspaper

This is a product familiar from childhood. Externally, this hat resembles a pirates’ cocked hat. It is quite possible that when you learn how to make a hat from painter's paper, you will put in a little effort, bring it to perfection and make it the main attribute of a pirate carnival costume.

Let's get back to the main purpose of this hat. Why is a hat classified as painting work? In the process of decorating indoors or outdoors, dyes can get on your hair; if you don’t have a special hat, then this will do just fine. You will give a second life to an old newspaper, and it’s not such a shame to throw away the product after use.

Are you convinced of the usefulness of this product? Let's learn how to make a painter's paper hat. For work you will need a sheet of newspaper, choose a larger size. A1 format is ideal.

Stages of work:

That's all the instructions on how to make a painter's hat out of paper. You can try on the finished product. The work is simple and takes a few minutes, and even less with experience.

Carnival hat cylinder made of cardboard

Is carnival coming soon? Will your child be dressed as a magician or a gentleman from London? Or maybe she will be a real lady who cannot go out without an elegant miniature hat? Then you definitely need to learn how to make a cylinder hat out of paper. Of course, plain paper will not work for this job. The material should be denser, it is better to use cardboard.

What else is needed for this job:

  • the main material (cardboard) is selected according to the theme of the future costume;
  • pencil for making marks;
  • adhesive tape;
  • fleece;
  • To create a beautiful shimmer, use varnish and a wide brush.

Before you make a paper hat with your own hands according to the instructions, you need to prepare for the upcoming work. It is impossible to make a top hat without measurements, of course, unless it is a miniature hat to decorate your hairstyle.

You are required to:

  • measure the circumference of the child’s head with a sewing meter;
  • think about what height finished product you need, it is not recommended to make a very high cylinder, it can cause discomfort when worn.

Now we’ll explain step by step how to make a paper hat with your own hands:

For a spectacular result, coat the cylinder with varnish and leave until completely dry. Now you know how to make a cylinder hat out of paper with your own hands. But this option is suitable for little gentlemen, but what about ladies?

Small elegant top hat for girls

The following site instructions will tell you how to make a paper hat that will decorate any holiday outfit. It is attached to the hairstyle using hairpins or a hoop. This accessory can be used not only by children, but also by adult girls. Such mini cylinders can be a good solution for photo shoots.

Prepare before work:

  • thick cardboard;
  • glue stick and gun;
  • ruler;
  • corrugated paper;
  • paper for working using the quilling method;
  • braid;
  • scissors.

Before manufacturing, as in the previous version of the cylinder, we need to decide on the dimensions. There is no need to measure the circumference of the child’s head; the work can be done “by eye”. For those who are engaged in such creativity for the first time, we recommend using standard sizes; we will indicate them during the work.

And now the instructions on how to make a miniature paper hat:

Externally, the cylinder may seem ready. It needs to be decorated. We use corrugated paper and quilling techniques. After practice, you can indulge in fantasy.

(Step 3)
  1. We cut out a circle from paper, it should be smaller than the base, and apply it to the cap. We wrap the excess part inside and secure it with core glue. We decorate the top of the mini cylinder with braid;
  2. We make flowers. Use paper that matches the color of the hat. Use a special stick to twist the strips. Form flowers. Use the same principle to make the leaves. Glue the resulting products to the cylinder.
  3. To prevent the finished accessory from falling off your head, attach it to a hoop, you can use an elastic band or braid.

This is just an example of work, you can make the product any way you want, with larger or smaller margins and decorated as you wish

Cap in technology

So, you have already learned how to make a hat from painting paper, how to make a carnival top hat. Now let's look at another product that is made using the origami technique - this is a cap.

Such a thing is indispensable both when relaxing in nature and in the country while working under the scorching sun, and children will simply be delighted with such an attribute.

There are several manufacturing options. We will look at each of them.

Classic cap

Let's start with the classic model. For work you will need a square sheet, preferably with a large size. Let's start adding:

  1. Fold the square into a triangle. We do this at an angle of 45 degrees.
  2. We turn the workpiece over to face itself with the wide part. Fold the corner located at the top downwards of the formed figure.
  3. Now the folded corner needs to be raised. Elements located on the sides must be placed on top of each other and pressed to the top of the product. The resulting figure should remind you of a trapezoid.
  4. Lower one of the parts that is located at the top of the corner side and tuck it under the previously folded layers. Press the workpiece as hard as possible to ensure everything is securely fastened.
  5. Turn the product over. We fold the remaining part of the corner downwards. We unfold the workpiece from top to bottom. Open the product so that the inside of the cap appears.
  6. Gently press on the sides of the product to give them shape. We lay the parts on top so that the outline of the cap appears. The corners should “look” at each other.
  7. At the final stage you need to make a visor. First, fold it up. Then return to the starting position. When performing these steps, leave a few centimeters from the folded line.

Perhaps the instructions on how to make a paper hat using this principle will seem complicated. Not everyone is able to design a product the first time, because the origami technique requires practice. But we are sure that already the second time, you will get an excellent cap, which will take you a few minutes to create in the future.

Square cap

Do you want not just a paper hat, but an original cap? There is nothing simpler, let's design a square cap model. What should be done:

  • take a sheet of paper, maybe a newspaper;
  • fold the sheet to form a triangle, cut off the excess;
  • unfold the resulting figure, you should have a line passing through the square;
  • fold the workpiece, on the other hand, for the second fold line;
  • turn the product upside down;
  • We lay each corner downwards;
  • turn the product over and repeat the steps;
  • if everything was done correctly, you should have a visor, fold it up;
  • The last thing you need to do is fold the corners and secure the shape of the cap.

Nothing complicated. Now you are the happy owner of not a simple, but a homemade paper cap. Using this pattern, even children can be taught to make hats. They will definitely like this kind of work.

A hat made from paper yourself can be an excellent addition to a child’s costume for a party at school or just a favorite hobby for teenagers and adults. This craft does not require any special additional materials, and is also easy to implement, accessible even to someone who has never done origami or making other paper things before.

In addition, there is several types of making a hat out of paper, which allows you to choose the shape and instructions, which is ideal for you. A hat can be folded even from an unnecessary newspaper in a matter of minutes, so you can try yourself in this venture immediately after finishing reading the article.

So, how to make a paper hat correctly and what else is needed for this?

First, let’s look at the option from a newspaper, which absolutely anyone can do and doesn’t take much time.

The advantage of newspaper as a material for a hat is that It is quite large in size and also folds easily, unlike other thick papers. More often they make a paper hat for boys; it is needed for fishing or a picnic (see diagram below).

The first thing you need to do is lay out a whole sheet of newspaper (two pages) on the table. Then roll it along the existing fold, and then fold it in half so that you get a rectangle. This is necessary so that another even fold appears in the middle of the page.

It will come in handy later when you need to bend one corner exactly to the middle to form an unfinished triangle. The second upper corner is folded in the same way.

Here are 2 options for how to fold a newspaper:

So we have two diagonal cuts. Now you can bend the bottom edge by 5-7 centimeters.

Important! Please note that only one edge is folded at this stage, that is, the end of one of the two folded pages. If you make a mistake at this stage, the whole craft will be ruined and you will have to waste time and a new sheet of newspaper to redo everything from the very beginning.

The second end is bent in the same way, but from the opposite side. It is important to ensure that they are bent at the same distance, otherwise the hat will turn out disproportionate and ugly.

When these manipulations are completed, you can tuck the lower ends from the edges, also by 5-7 centimeters. It is best to secure them with tape so that the hat does not fall apart immediately after you unroll it.

At this point the work is completed, the hat can be unfolded and put on the head. The original thing is ready!

From paper

If you want the craft to be more durable and also more believable, then you can make a hat with a paper brim. Children will surely like it, and they will want to quickly go for a walk in it.

Despite the fact that the technology here is a little more complex, it does not require additional materials and is quite doable if you strictly follow all the instructions.

You need to fold a regular square from a sheet of paper. Then it is folded diagonally and in half twice to apply the necessary markings that will be needed for further actions.

After this, you need to return the paper to the state of a square folded in half. The edges are folded inward without connecting the folds along the edges. After this, the folds are opened and pressed for the most satisfactory result.

All that remains is to turn the craft over and bend the edges, and then the sides towards you, using the markings that were prepared in advance.

Important! Such a hat can be made from newspaper, the material does not matter. Even cardboard will do, but keep in mind that it is more difficult to fold.

With visor

Surely many will be interested in how to make a hat with a visor, that is, a real cap. It will come in handy on a hot day, when there is nothing else at hand that could protect your eyes and head from the sun, and it will not take much time to complete.

A sheet of paper or newspaper needs to be folded along the “closed” corners, turning the bottom edge out twice. On the other side, special corners are made that will fix the current position of the paper, after which the planes should be bent towards you, taking into account the size of the future cap.

Important! When making any hat, you need to be careful with the dimensions - of course, if it’s just a hobby, then nothing bad will happen if the product is too small or large. When a hat is made for a child to play with, he can be extremely upset by the fact that the cap does not fit on his head. Instead of redoing the thing, you can immediately calculate the parameters, at least by eye.

The lower end now needs to be bent along the edges, and from it to form peculiar double corners, which are subsequently wrapped inside the craft. Turn the future hat over and fold the larger corner to the bottom edge, tucking it behind the “side”, like the side corners.

After this, you can straighten the original hat with a visor and put it on your head, forgetting about the harmful sunlight.

From cardboard

Cardboard is a very dense material, so you can make a real top hat out of it, which will not lose its shape and will become a great gift for a child.

For this model you will need several additional tools: wire, glue, scissors and, if desired, decorative elements - beads, ribbons or something else.

It will be very important to measure your head circumference in advance, because cardboard will not be able to stretch like newspaper.

On the cardboard you need to draw a circle equal to the diameter of the head circumference, and also cut the wire of the same size. Stepping back a few centimeters from the circle, draw the brim for the future hat. A rectangle of cardboard is made according to the size of the smaller circle, which is then bent into a circle and secured with glue or a glue gun.

A small circle needs to be glued to the top of this resulting circle.

A unique frame for the hat is ready, you can leave it just like that or cover it with fabric and add a few decorative details.

This hat looks believable and beautiful, so it will be useful not only for children's games, but also for various masquerades or even crafts competitions.

Corrugated paper

Another fancy option - This is a sports hat made of corrugated paper. First, the sheet of paper is folded in half, and then smoothed out again, after which a strip of non-liquid glue is applied under the fold.

Place a strip of cardboard or any thick paper on it so that a little corrugated paper remains at the edges. These edges need to be folded over the sides of the tape and glued to it.

Next, you will need to cut a small strip from another sheet of crepe paper and apply another bead of glue to the edge. It is glued to the first sheet so that the edge of the base coincides with the edge of the tape on which there is no glue. The bottom edge of the first sheet is folded over and another strip of paper is glued to it. Then a kind of fringe is formed with scissors. Now In the area of ​​this fold, it is carefully glued or fastened with a stapler. After this, you need to put the hat on your head, and gather the upper part into a bun and secure it - grab it with a cord, and fluff the fringe. Decorating elements can be added upon request. The hat is ready!

Now you know many ways to make a paper hat to suit every taste and skill level.

Do you like to learn new types of needlework? Learn to make hats with your own hands from scrap materials. Some options look impressive, but are very simple to implement. You can use the acquired skills to make carnival costumes, hats for or just fashion accessories and original gifts.

DIY hats from scrap materials

If you are a creative person and love to do handicrafts, you should like this type of activity, especially since there are a lot of opportunities in this direction. You can make a headdress from:

  • paper;
  • cardboard;
  • fabrics;
  • newspaper tubes;
  • combining several techniques at the same time.

So, there are a lot of options for making your own from scrap materials. The choice depends on the time available, the purpose of the production and, of course, what you have in stock.

Materials and tools

Do you want to make a beautiful hat made of paper, cardboard, or fabric? Then be patient and use your imagination, plus you will need the following:

  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • compass;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • textile;
  • pins;
  • needle and thread;
  • decorative elements (beads, ribbons, bows, lace, flowers);
  • base material (paper, cardboard, newspaper tubes).

The simplest options are easy to make in just half an hour.

Blank for a cone hat

Whatever type of headdress you choose, you will still have to make the base. As a rule, the role of the frame is played by a hat made of cardboard or paper. There are two ways to make a triangular-shaped accessory:

  1. Roll from a rectangular sheet.
  2. Perform from a semicircle.

In the first case, when a bag is twisted from a sheet, you will have to cut off the excess along the bottom side. The second option involves initially making a workpiece of a certain shape, namely in the form of a semicircle. The bottom is thus smooth and does not require trimming.

The seam is usually stapled first so that you can correct the size if you make a mistake the first time. The bracket is pulled out, and the base is fixed in another place. If the shape suits you, you can glue the seam. In addition, they usually try to make it invisible, tuck it inside or decorate it beautifully.

How to make a cylinder hat blank

If you need such a form, you will need to slightly complicate the technology (compared to the previous one) and perform a greater number of steps. A cylinder hat made of cardboard or paper will always consist of three elements:

As for the margins, they can also be made for a cone-shaped product.

To make a top hat, you need to work like this:

All is ready. All that remains is to paint the base or decorate in any other way.

Hat made from newspaper tubes

It is clear to everyone that waste paper is a waste material, but not everyone knows that colored and even black and white sheets can be used to make spectacular souvenirs and even hats.

Not everyone will be able to guess that you are wearing a hat made of paper. Such a thing will resemble a straw headdress due to its characteristic weaving. You can make it any color you want, either by pre-painting the sheets, or by creating a colored pattern on the completed product. So, the work is as follows:

This hat can be given as a souvenir, interior decoration or beach attribute.

How to sew a hat for a suit

Any of the frames, the manufacture of which is described above, can be covered with fabric. If you need some non-standard shape, for example, in the form of a mushroom, fruit, vegetable or animal, you will have to find the appropriate pattern or build it yourself. In fact, you can easily sew very unusual and original hats with your own hands from scrap materials.

The easiest way is to use fleece or felt, as they hold their shape well, cut without problems, do not require seams, can be sewn decoratively even on the front side, and small parts can be glued to the surface. If you are not new to sewing, choose any pattern and material and create a headdress for a carnival costume or just an elegant, unusual accessory for a holiday.

So, you have seen what original hats can be made easily and quickly. Surprise your friends with an unusual accessory or make a headdress for a carnival costume.

Today, hats of all styles are back in fashion. But what if you can’t find the right model to suit your taste? There is a solution - we will tell you how to make a hat at home with your own hands.

Use our tips - and you will be provided with hats for your wardrobe, holiday celebration, masquerade, party and even wedding! The process itself is very simple and exciting.

Ideas for hats and materials from which they can be made

Making hats from scrap and artistic materials is a very exciting creative process that will also give you great pleasure from the result. Everything can work out for you if you carefully decide on the choice of style and design!

Firstly, you should choose high-quality and optimal material. And the highlight of any headdress will always be an additional element. This can be a fringe sewn along the edge, a ribbon edging, lace, appliques, beads and pearls, buttons, artificial flowers and even small birds, metal figurines, toys, and decorative fittings.

Paper hats

Paper products will require material of different densities and suitable color. It is better to choose large-format paper, especially if you plan to create a large, voluminous hat - for example, a Panama hat. This product can be disposable if you do not plan to wear it for more than a few days. It is convenient to make such a headdress on the road, on the beach, on a hike, when there are no conditions for sewing, and covering your head from the wind and sun is very important.

If you find a suitable sheet of thick paper (for example, Whatman paper), we can say that the trick is in the bag. That is, we immediately begin drawing the drawing according to the head measurements and then - depending on the design. The main thing is that there is enough material for sufficiently wide margins and additional details.

Cardboard hats

Cardboard is a cheap and convenient material from which it is easy to construct almost any type of headdress. It is more practical than paper; it can be covered with fabric, fur, mesh or colored film, and painted.

Cardboard makes great hats for carnivals and parties. Cutting a cardboard headdress requires nothing more than attention and a good pattern.

Fabric hats

Panama hats, fedoras, felt and fur hats – the choice of varieties is quite large. You can cut a knitted hat if you don't know how or don't like to knit. The simplest option is the classic beret. It can be sewn from felt, leather, knitwear, tweed and even silk.

A strictly defined business hat requires attention to cut and precise measurements. But it can also be made from improvised means - update an old hat by covering it with new fabric, add decorations to it - and now it will no longer be recognizable!

You can also make a winter hat with protective “ears” from fabric, and this does not have to be earflaps. A classic women's hat may have spare compartments with warming flaps.

Types of hats

At the peak of popularity today is the fedora hat. This is a soft felt hat with a wide brim that goes well with a coat and dress, sunglasses, and adds elegance even to girls in jeans! Sewing such a model yourself is as easy as shelling pears.

Carnival hats

Carnival, party, happening, flash mob, corporate evening or Halloween are days when you can have a lot of fun and surprise everyone with your unusual look.

A carnival classic is the witch's hat with a huge brim and a high, pointed crown. Take cardboard or a frame onto which you stretch black fabric with a veil - the image of the witch is ready! You can also dress up as a fairy or dryad by decorating your regular hat with artificial leaves, flowers, fruits or other natural symbols.

What about the male gender? The image of the dashing Jack Sparrow, the famous pirate captain from Hollywood films, is now popular. In this case everything is simple. Jack's typical headdress is a bandana with beads, to which various intricate "amulets" made of pebbles and "gems" can be sewn or fastened.

Another option is the cocked hat of a 17th century pirate. Fold the plastic cardboard accordingly, fasten the margins with a stapler or needle and thread, glue on a feather or brooch - in front of you is a detail of the toilet of not only a pirate, but also Baron Munchausen

Don't forget also about papier-mâché animal masks and Venetian images!

Children's hats

If you have a child (especially if there is more than one), then every parent may face the following situation: an original carnival costume to the matinee! And the parents are in a panic, because often they don’t have extra money set aside for such one-time new clothes, but they still need a suit. And your baby will be sad if his group friends kindergarten or classmates will come in bright and cheerful costumes, and he alone will be deprived of this pleasure. Don't be discouraged if your child's wishes go beyond the range of stores and your budget.

In any case, the most original costume will only be homemade. And the highlight will be, of course, the hat!

Does your son want to be a hussar or a musketeer? The main “trick” of the image of a fencer-musketeer, of course, is an elegant hat with a feather and curved brim. It can be made from a piece of felt, cardboard or papier-mâché.

Feather - artificial or natural, which is found in the house. It can be painted in an unusual color to match the costume - a musketeer's cape. And for a hussar, you can build a simple and comfortable shako with a visor made of cardboard, covered with fabric. Don’t forget to attach “regalia” to the hussar’s hat - a twisted braid with a tassel, a plait with fur imitating a sultan. The little hussar will hit the girls at the ball in the heart!

For girls will do there are many more options - from the crown of a little princess or a fairy-tale princess to a witch in a huge wide-brimmed hat.

Wedding or evening headwear

Wedding celebrations are the day when the bride receives maximum attention. Only the sparkle of loving eyes and good taste can make a newlywed the most beautiful and elegant in the world, but an additional factor can be an unusual hat!

The modern bride prefers small, compact, symbolic hats that give the impression of a hairpin or brooch. This format is convenient in its miniature size and perfectly highlights the makeup, dress, and beauty of the bride herself. Making such a miniature hairpin hat is very easy. Make a small analogue of a small hat from cardboard, cover it with white fabric, add beads, pearls, rhinestones or artificial (or even natural!) flowers. This will be a unique piece!

For an evening celebration, to the theatre, or opera, you can wear a pillbox hat. It's simple and very nice option, which goes well with evening dress, suit.

Men's hats

A classic Stetson on your head, an umbrella-cane and a tweed suit - and a real movie hero leads you by the arm. To make your own Stetson, you will have to master working with felt, but there are always analogues that will be useful to your friend, husband or boyfriend.

A sophisticated and sophisticated top hat, handcrafted from quality materials, makes a very inspiring gift for a spouse, lover, friend or colleague. Indeed, is it possible to find a similar gift so simply and easily somewhere else? This is a real return to the 19th century, which would be appropriate at a classical ball, in the theater, at a masquerade, and some wear such hats every day - for example, supporters of the steampunk style.

Panama hats

Summer season, vacation or heat is covering the city - in all these cases a nice Panama hat is definitely required. It will protect against harmful ultraviolet rays, will help not dry out your hair (which, among other things, fades in the sun). A Panama hat can be made from straw or knitted or crocheted. Sewing from fabric is possible from leftovers from other products. Let's say you carved out for yourself new sundress by summer, but the fabric remained. Make a scarf, Panama hat or bandana out of it - and the whole set is ready.

How to make a stylish hat with your own hands

If you have a creative impulse and you are ready to make a hat, do not be afraid of experiments and first trial options with errors and miscalculations. The main thing is to start, and then your hand and eye will tell you how to cut and sew correctly. Understand your preferences, check the size of the person who will wear the hat - and go ahead!

Explore your stash of fabric, scraps, different decorative beads or unexpected details that can be placed as decoration on a hat. The combinations can be the most surprising. A huge selection of decorative fittings is now on sale. Use ribbons to decorate the crown, use contrast stitching on a machine - it’s very beautiful! Hats with brooches and lace look very advantageous if used sparingly.

You must be able to wear a headdress - boldly, confidently, in the appropriate environment, and then it will delight you and those around you with its individuality and beauty.

We hope that our ideas and suggestions will help you diversify your wardrobe and add some zest to it with the help of an elegant and unique hat.

If you want to further improve your hat-making skills, then there are numerous shops with handicraft supplies at your service. There you can purchase a variety of materials in texture and composition, patterns and learn a lot interesting ideas by design. Also, don’t deny yourself the pleasure of leafing through an extra issue of a fashion magazine – fashion designers often pleasantly surprise you by offering very fresh and original styles.

Photo examples of original homemade hats

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