Method for preparing litter for cats. Profitable business: production of cat litter

When a cat appears in the house, the question immediately arises of purchasing a comfortable, and most importantly, economical toilet. A tray with a mesh meets these requirements. Due to its versatility, you can use both silicone filler and regular wood filler. Many pet owners consider it the most practical and convenient option.

Design of a cat litter box with grate

This tray consists of two elements: a tray and a grid that is placed on top of it. A grate is needed in the cat's litter box so that the cat does not get dirty in his feces. Like the vast majority of cat litter boxes, mesh litter boxes are made from plastic materials. This is because other materials, such as metal, react with the animal's feces and oxidize. This is dangerous due to harmful fumes that the pet and its owner will have to breathe.

Pros and cons of using

This tray, like any other thing, has its advantages and disadvantages. Main advantages:

  1. This toilet model is inexpensive, and in addition, the owner will be able to save on filler.
  2. Since the filler is completely hidden in the tray, the cat will not be able to reach it and taste it.
  3. Compared to conventional plastic toilets, this tray option is more hygienic. After all, thanks to the grate, the pet does not come into contact with dirty litter and does not spread it throughout the house on its paws.
  4. Variety of colors. A person can choose just such a cat litter box with a grate that would fit into the interior of the apartment.

Main disadvantages:

  1. Daily washing. The grate of the litter box will have to be washed every time your pet uses the restroom. Otherwise, it will get dirty in the products of its vital activity, and it will hang in the apartment bad smell.
  2. A cat litter box with a grid is suitable only for those owners who spend their time mainly in the house. If you do not wash the mesh in time, the animal may refuse to relieve itself again in a dirty tray, and this is fraught with “surprises” in the most unexpected places.
  3. Smell. If you do not use fillers, then such an open tray will invariably emit not the most pleasant odors.

The last disadvantage can be easily avoided. You just need to add wood filler to the tray; it absorbs moisture and retains odors.

How to use a cat litter box with bars

The mesh toilet is very easy to use. It can be used with or without filler. To use a litter box with a cat grid, follow these steps:

  • the container is installed in a secluded place, but so that the animal has round-the-clock access to it (for example, under the bathroom);
  • filler or simple sawdust is poured into the tray tray so that it covers the bottom (if liquid gets on them, the granules swell greatly, so you should not overdo it with the quantity);
  • A mesh is placed on top of the tray and the toilet is ready for use.

In order for the animal to regularly go to the same place when needed, you need to use the cat litter box correctly and take care of choosing the appropriate litter.

How to choose a filler?

If there is no opportunity for regular washing, then to avoid odors it is worth using cat litter. In the pet store they are presented in a wide range of different materials:

  1. Silica gel absorbs liquid better than other granules and absorbs odors. It is made from dry silicate gel, so it is toxic. It is not recommended to use it in apartments where small kittens live. They can taste it, and in addition, the silica gel granules begin to fizz when they get wet. This may frighten your pet.
  2. Wood filler is also effective in controlling odors. Absorbing liquid, its granules increase in size by 2-3 times. Therefore, you need to pour it in small quantities, which allows you to save a lot.
  3. Mixed clay and sawdust filler. Despite the fact that it copes well with the task, it also has disadvantages. It is also not suitable for kittens, as they may swallow it. And when they react with liquid, the granules become wet and can stick to the pet’s fur.
  4. Regular sawdust. Sawdust blocks odor quite well, but is significantly inferior in this regard to wood filler.
  5. Sand. River sand only absorbs moisture, but does not eliminate the odor at all, so you have to change the filler often.

Of the listed options, the most versatile will be wood filler. It can be used for kittens and adults, for healthy animals and animals prone to allergies. But if several individuals live in the house, then the best way to deal with the smell is silica gel.

Cats rarely do anything out of spite, so if the owner finds a puddle in the wrong place, he should not scold the cat. You just need to change the filler and monitor your pet’s reaction.

How to change the filler correctly?

The frequency of changing the filler depends on its type. For example, wood pellets that have been exposed to urine will scatter at the bottom of the tray. They are separated with a spatula from the surviving granules and thrown away. If there are no whole ones left, then remove all sawdust from the tray and wash it well under running water.

This type of litter can be changed once a week, provided that only one pet uses the toilet.

You can use cat litter, such as silica gel, for two weeks and only then change it completely. But it is better to remove already used lumps immediately. And the contents of the tray need to be stirred periodically for quick drying.

The mixed filler is also changed once a week. To do this, you need to use a special spatula with holes through which the used filler will be sifted from the clean one. After this procedure, fresh granules are added to the container.

Sand is the weakest among its competitors; it should be changed completely, preferably every day.

In addition, wet cleaning around the tray will be required, as grains of sand may spill outside of it. Each owner can decide for himself how much filler to add by observing the animal.

Required amount of filler per cat:

  • wood filler - 1 layer;
  • silica gel - 2 cm in height;
  • mixed - 3 cm;
  • sand - 1 cm.

All types of fillers have different granule sizes. This is convenient because you can buy small stones for kittens, in which they will rummage with interest, and this will help them quickly get used to the toilet.

How to train a cat to use a litter box?

When a tray and filler have been chosen, the main question arises - how to train the cat to do its business in the right place. Right place. You can teach this to a cat of any age, but it is easier to do this when there is a kitten in the house.

To do this, the tray is installed in a dark, secluded place where no one will disturb the animal or disturb it.

After this, the kitten can be periodically brought into the tray and made digging movements with its paws. If during the day the owner notices that the pet has begun to rush about and behave restlessly, he should also take the animal to the tray. When a cat successfully goes to the toilet in the litter box, he must be encouraged.

Cat litter is an important hygiene product that allows a busy owner not to rush to the litter box every time the cat relieves itself. But there are a lot of types of filler, so right choice difficult to do. First of all, you need to find out from the nursery where the kitten was brought from, whether he is accustomed to the litter box, and what kind of litter was used there before. You can choose a litter convenient for your cat yourself by trying different brands.

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    What to consider before choosing a filler

    Cat litter neutralizes the unpleasant odor of urine in the litter box. However, not every animal is ready to go to a tray with any filler. You need to choose the one that suits your particular pet.

    To begin with, you should take a closer look at the cat’s habits and habits. If the kitten in the nursery is accustomed to silica gel litter, and the tray contains wood, then you can expect capricious behavior from the animal. The pet will go to the toilet in the place that it considers more convenient for this.

    It is recommended to consider the safety of raw materials. A curious kitten will want to taste a particularly aromatic litter. If a cat digs into litter with its paws, pollen from the litter can settle in the lungs, and strong-smelling litters can cause allergies. Therefore, you should give preference to a product whose packaging indicates that the product is environmentally friendly, does not contain additives and has not been subjected to chemical treatment.

    One of the important parameters for selecting a filler is its price. Before choosing one option or another, you need to look at how often the filler in the tray is replaced and how often new packaging is purchased. Knowing this, you can easily calculate how profitable the purchase of a particular product will be.

    Types of fillers

    If your pet is susceptible to allergies or skin diseases, you should try to choose the most environmentally friendly option. If your pet has an obstinate character, you should not experiment too much: you need to choose the option that is most similar to the previous filler. The owner of several cats should pay attention to a product that will be used sparingly, and the owner of a kitten should pay attention to a lighter and safer litter.


    This type of filler consists of chips and shavings of coniferous trees pressed into granules. There are large and small granules: the first are intended for adults, the second - for kittens.

    A big plus is the low cost. The product has a pine aroma and effectively fights odor. The filler can be purchased at any pet store. But the granules can quickly disintegrate, turning into sand, which the cat will carry around the house on its paws, adding trouble to the owner during the cleaning process. Also, sometimes you can find large chips that can injure the animal, but they are easy to notice and remove.

    Based on paper and grain waste

    The cheapest and most environmentally friendly option. If the base is paper, the filler has low absorbent and water-retaining properties. If the filler is based on grain processing products (especially corn), then the filler acquires a completely different level of quality. The product is made from corn cobs. Thanks to their porous structure, they absorb moisture well, eliminate excess odors and have a long service life. The disadvantage is the low weight of the granules - the particles are easily carried around the house by the cat and scattered on the floor.

    "Grain" fillers have not yet received sufficient distribution in Russia. Today they are used widely only for rodents.

    The most popular and affordable among fillers. The material for it is bentonite clays of various types or opalcristobalites. Bentonite perfectly absorbs liquid and swells, forming lumps (hence the name) that are easy to remove when cleaning the tray. This type of litter retains odors quite poorly, which causes significant inconvenience to cat owners. When burying feces, your cat may inhale the dust released by the bentonite or spread it across the clean floor.

    Some cat owners have to deal with the fact that the litter does not clump. However, the issue here is not the quality of the product, but how to use it. According to the instructions, you need to pour at least 8-10 cm of filler into the tray - then clumping will occur correctly. If there are several cats in the house, the lumps may also not have time to form, so the owner of two or more animals should pay attention to other options.

    Absorbent mineral

    They are small stones that darken upon contact with liquid. This filler is made from the environmentally friendly volcanic mineral zeolite. Thanks to the abundance of microscopic pores, zeolite evenly absorbs moisture and retains unpleasant odors. The principle of operation of the filler is the complete absorption of urine by the granule - this way moisture is not retained in the upper layers of the zeolite.

    If liquid accumulates at the bottom of the tray and causes an unpleasant odor, it is necessary to stir the filler. This is necessary so that it is completely saturated. The disadvantages of this option include the fact that it will not be possible to change the granules in portions. Cats are accustomed to burying their excrement, which makes it much more difficult to replace the stones piece by piece. But this option is suitable for the owner of several animals.

    Silica gel

    It is considered the highest quality. These are small white crystals made from dried polysilicic acid gel with high absorbency. Despite the high cost, the filler is consumed very economically due to its long service life. Usually, special substances are added to the crystals to help them better retain moisture and odors. So, you can completely change the composition of the tray once every 3-4 weeks. One of the disadvantages of silica gel is that it produces a crunchy sound when digging, which can be stressful for some cats and make it difficult for them to get used to it. Before use, crystals should be stored in airtight packaging to avoid loss of absorbent properties - silica gel can begin to absorb moisture in the air.

    Advantages and disadvantages of each type of filler

    To decide which litter is best for your pet, you need to summarize all known information about each option and take into account the individual characteristics of the cat.

    The table below summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of each type of filler:

  • 4. Paper/grain - the most environmentally friendly.
  • 5. Absorbent mineral - the most suitable for the owner of kittens or several cats.
  • Filler type pros Minuses
    WoodyEco-friendly, pleasant smell, inexpensive, can be used for kittens, absorbs wellIt can be carried around the apartment by a cat; rarely, a cat may come across large chips that can cause injury
    Paper/grainEco-friendly, absorbs well, pleasant smell, inexpensivePaper does not absorb moisture well, is not very common in Russia, cannot be used for several animals, and is not suitable for all cats
    Clumping mineral and clayEconomical, absorbs well, easy to clean in parts, environmentally friendly, as close as possible to a cat’s natural ideas about the toiletCannot be used for several animals, may create dust and stick to paws, does not hold odors very well, too large lumps can harm the animal, difficult to clean if you deviate from the instructions
    Absorbent mineralSuitable for use by multiple cats and kittens, inexpensive, effectively combats odorsCan smell strong when cleaning, not suitable for cats that cannot tolerate even partially dirty trays, uneconomical due to frequent replacement
    Silica gelAbsorbs moisture well, effectively fights odors, economical, suitable for use by several cats, easy to clean in partsExpensive, not suitable for kittens, some cats may not tolerate the crunchy sounds of silica gel

For owners who have decided to have a cat in an apartment, the question of choice is important:

  • filler for cat litter box so that the house is clean, free of foreign odors and the animal likes it.

Cat litter is a necessary part of the life of domestic cats. The main task of the product is to quickly and effectively absorb excess moisture and unpleasant odors, so they are made from safe absorbent materials.

In addition, they should be simple and convenient for daily use.

Types of cat litters

Fillers for trays are divided according to their mode of action, composition and appearance. Based on their mode of action, they are divided into two groups: clumping and absorbent.


The products are made from minerals and finely dispersed bentonite clay, which when moistened turns into dense clumps and is easily removed with a spatula or scoop. After removing the used material, a fresh portion of filler is added to the tray.

For economical use, it is recommended to pour the clumping composition in a thick layer of 10–12 cm. A complete replacement of the material is carried out every 5–7 days. This type is designed for various cat breeds.

In addition, a thin layer of hygienic filling can get wet, sticking to the fur and paws of the animal. Such materials are more expensive compared to absorbent compounds.

Fillers belonging to this group are made on the basis of clay obtained by high-temperature drying and pressing. They have exceptional absorbent properties. Clay granules retain moisture without changing their structure.

To maintain cleanliness in the cat's litter box, this type of composition requires complete and regular replacement. The frequency of replacement depends on several factors - the thickness of the layer, the degree of moisture and the quality of the filler itself.

Based on their composition, fillers are divided into the following categories: wood, clay, mineral, grain, corn, paper and silica gel.

Cat litter made of wood

Wood compositions are represented by pressed pellets made from pine sawdust. When wet, the granules disintegrate into small particles. This is a common and environmentally friendly option for toilet composition.

It does not contain chemical elements, flavors or dyes, absorbs moisture and retains unpleasant odors. Wood granules are clumping and absorbent.

When choosing the appropriate size of granules, it is important to consider the age of the pet - granules are suitable for adult animals big size, for kittens – small.

To prevent used material from spreading throughout the house, it must be removed on time. Wood pellets are changed once every 4-5 days.

Clay cat litter

Compositions made from bentonite clay are no less popular than wood materials. Additionally, clay vermiculite and atapulgite are used as a base. The quality of the finished product directly depends on the quality of the clay.

This material absorbs moisture and retains it for a long time. Clay fillers can be clumping and absorbent, it all depends on the manufacturing method and additional ingredients included in the composition.

Compositions of this type are made from natural minerals of volcanic origin that have undergone special processing. Thanks to its special structure, the material quickly absorbs moisture and reliably retains odors.

This type of cat litter base is suitable for adult cats. When moistened, the mineral base turns into dense lumps that are easily removed with a scoop or shovel. It is effective when used with wood pellet filler.

A popular mineral for the production of cat hygiene products is zeolite. The porous structure of zeolite granules allows the absorption of a large volume of liquid.

Cereals, corn and paper

Popular options for cat litter are formulations made from grain, corn, and cellulose waste.

Processed cellulose base is an environmentally friendly raw material that is used to make cheap and accessible products. Despite their availability, such materials have low performance characteristics.

They are represented by dense compacted granules of small size, which, when moistened, turn into a homogeneous mass.

Granular litters made from grain and corn waste quickly absorb and retain moisture and odors. They are made from corn cobs, soybean waste and other grains. Such materials are only absorbent.

Modern compositions based on polysilicic acid with high moisture-absorbing properties. Silica gel base is only absorbent. The high cost of materials is compensated by proven quality, practicality and safe operation.

In addition, such material is several times more economical compared to other types. Silica gel granules absorb pungent odors and moisture without changing their structure. Formulations can be changed every 2-3 weeks to keep your cat's litter box clean and fresh.

Changing the color of the filler allows you to determine the degree of filling of the granules and the need for replacement. At the same time, it is recommended to remove animal waste products daily.



  • Used economically for one animal;
  • They absorb moisture and retain unpleasant odors;
  • Conveniently and quickly removes hard lumps;
  • They do not contain hazardous substances or chemical components, so they are suitable for kittens.

To ensure hygiene, it is not recommended to use litter for multiple animals.

  • One portion of the filler is designed for 6–9 days of use;
  • Suitable for multiple pets;
  • Eliminates pungent odors;
  • Natural materials are intended for kittens;
  • Low cost.

  • Natural and safe product;
  • Absorb and retain moisture for a long time;
  • Do not cause allergic reactions in animal owners;
  • Economical and practical. The volume of one package of goods lasts for a long time;
  • Used material can be flushed down the toilet;
  • Do not clog the fur and paw pads of cats.
  • The material has a high moisture absorption coefficient and unpleasant odors;
  • Low cost;
  • Economical consumption - up to 2.5 kg of product is required per animal with one use for up to 7 days. One package can be used in 15 days;
  • Environmentally friendly and completely safe to use for cats.

  • High level of absorption and retention of unpleasant odors;
  • Environmentally friendly and safe to use product;
  • Practical and easy to use;
  • Infrequent replacement of the composition - once every 5-6 days.
  • The material is practical and economical in consumption. The contents of the cat litter box are enough for 3 weeks;
  • High level of moisture absorption and elimination of pungent odors;
  • Hygiene and complete safety of use;
  • Unlimited service life of granules in comparison with natural products;
  • Light weight.


  • Economical and safe for pets;
  • They have a pleasant natural scent;
  • Do not spread around the apartment;
  • They are cheap;
  • Disposed of in the sewer.



  • Unable to retain unpleasant odors for a long time;
  • If not replaced in a timely manner, they turn into small debris and dust;
  • Not intended for disposal into sewer.
  • When replacing the filling base, an unpleasant odor may appear;
  • Rapid contamination of the composition often leads to the animal refusing to go to the tray.

  • Poor odor retention, unlike expensive products;
  • When fluid accumulates, it requires frequent replacement, at least once every 4 days;
  • Among the granules there are large wood chips that can cause inconvenience to the animal;
  • Suitable for cat litter boxes with high sides.
  • Dust formation during prolonged use;
  • Significant weight of the product;
  • When using clay material, regular cleaning of the tray from waste products is required. Otherwise, the hygienic composition will have to be changed 2 times a week;
  • Disposal of material into waste pipes is not permitted.

  • Complete moistening of the material prevents further absorption of odors;
  • Generates a lot of dust;
  • Not recommended for use on kittens;
  • Less practical compared to other materials;
  • More expensive than wood granulate;
  • Do not flush into sewer drains.
  • High price;
  • Not suitable for use on kittens;
  • The granules are capable of making loud sounds when pressed and moistened;
  • The material has a specific smell.

If it comes into contact with the mucous membrane of an animal, it can cause minor chemical burns.


The only drawback is the light weight and the appearance of dropouts during active use.

The optimal filler option should be liked by the pet and meet all the operational requirements of the owner. Safe for human and animal health – wood granular composition.

It is even used for allergies and skin diseases in cats.

Silica gel-based absorbent products are suitable for owners of multiple animals. They will save time on arranging the cat's litter box and cleaning.

If desired, different formulations can be combined to provide maximum protection and cleanliness for cat litter. For example, use wood and mineral, silica gel and mineral, wood and grain.

This will solve two problems - eliminate the pungent odor and ensure the tray is dry.

Some materials contain synthetic fragrances and fragrances that can repel the animal from the tray. Therefore, it is recommended to buy fillers with a natural, subtle odor.

The volume of packaging is chosen based on the age and needs of the animal. For adult cats, it is better to buy a large package of 15–18 liters, which is enough for 1–1.5 months of use. For kittens, a small package weighing up to 5 liters is enough.

When choosing a filler, it is important to consider the size of the granules. So, for adult cats, a medium and coarsely granulated base is suitable, for babies - small granules.

Regardless of the type of hygienic composition, it is better to choose a tray with high sides so that the pet cannot scatter its contents.

When choosing a filler, it is important to observe the animal’s reaction to it. If the cat refuses to go to the tray with the new composition for 1-2 days, it is recommended to change the litter base.

What is the best cat litter?

Often owners choose suitable option hygienic composition, based on your own preferences, judgment and financial capabilities. The animal perceives the ideal basis for the toilet in a completely different way.

Therefore, it is important that the selected pet hygiene product meets the basic requirements of safety, environmental friendliness and practicality.

  • Has a natural smell;
  • Does not cause allergic reactions or poisoning when swallowed;
  • Does not hurt paws;
  • Does not create dust or excess debris;
  • Does not pollute wool;
  • Convenient to use.

The best option for the owner:

  • Retains moisture and odor well;
  • Does not create dust during intensive use;
  • Easy to clean and does not require frequent replacement;
  • Safe for cats, does not cause poisoning or allergies;
  • Does not spread around the apartment on the paws of animals;
  • Economical and practical, consumes slowly;
  • Does not leave dirty marks on the floor covering;
  • Does not contain hazardous substances.

Correct use of litter in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements ensures cleanliness and order in the cat's litter box.

  • Woody – the best option in terms of safety, environmental friendliness and ease of cleaning;
  • Clay and mineral - natural and natural compositions;
  • Silica gel - economical and practical bases for cat litter;
  • Corn - cheap and environmentally friendly materials.

How to use cat litter

To effectively use cat litter, it is important to follow the rules.

  • For one pet, a clumping base is used; if you have several animals, it is better to choose absorbent compositions made from natural materials.
  • The correct combination will provide double protection for the cat litter box. different types fillers. So wood pellets are placed at the bottom of the tray, and a mineral base is poured on top.

In this case, the granules will absorb excess moisture and eliminate unpleasant odors, and the mineral flooring will retain sawdust inside the tray.

The tray should be thoroughly washed and disinfected to remove stale litter and animal waste products.

  • When purchasing cat litter base, it is important to pay attention to the expiration date of the product. Expired bases are not recommended to be used.
  • Reliable manufacturers of hygiene products for cats guarantee high quality products and complete safety of use.

Manufacturers of cat litters

If we talk about specific manufacturers of hygienic granulates, then the products of domestic, European and American companies are presented on the market.

Polish manufacturer specializing in the production of equipment and filters for aquariums, lamps and cat litter.

German manufacturer that produces environmentally clean products. The main product is coniferous wood pellets, which contain only natural auxiliary components. The products are aimed at a wide range of consumers.

Popular trade brand, presented by the German company Mars, offers high-quality silica gel and clumping formulations with a high level of moisture absorption and unpleasant odors.

The granular base additionally contains quartz sand, chalk and natural mineral components. Cat litter bases are available in different fractions and volumes.

To produce this type of hygienic foundation, a special formula is used to guarantee the safety and environmental friendliness of the product.

Russian manufacturer of a line of hygiene products for cats in the elite price segment. The main products are clumping clay and absorbent wood bases, which contain natural and completely safe ingredients.

A European manufacturer offering natural high-quality bentonite-type clay fillers. The products are environmentally friendly and do not contain chemical elements or flavors.

The products provide protection from unpleasant odors and excess moisture in the cat litter box and are suitable for all breeds of cats.

An American company that specializes in the production of clay-based clumping fillers. Distinctive feature hygiene products - the presence of additional natural components - minerals, activated carbon and soda.

The products do not contain chemical flavors and do not cause allergic reactions. High-quality compositions from the well-known manufacturer Ever Clean have unique moisture-absorbing properties compared to products from other companies.

An American brand that has established itself in the European and domestic markets thanks to the proven quality of hygiene products for pets. It presents hygiene products for cat litter boxes of the clumping and silica gel type.

Hygienic bases quickly absorb moisture and retain unpleasant odors for a long time. The products are made on the basis of a patented formula that effectively neutralizes odors and pathogenic bacteria.

A Russian manufacturer that produces a popular series of economical clumping litters made from bentonite clay with natural additives and flavors. Materials vary in fraction and volume.

Eco-friendly and safe hygienic toilet bases designed for animals different ages and breeds. The products neutralize odors, absorb and retain moisture, and are easy to clean.

Popular Finnish hygienic granules for cat litter boxes belonging to the elite class. They are represented by a wide range of absorbent, clumping materials made from sawdust and clay.

Granulated products have a light pine aroma, are easy to dispose of, and are safe for animals. This series is popular among owners of catteries and clubs.

Shurum-Burum (Shurum-Burum)

A Russian manufacturer offering hygiene products for cat litter boxes, produced under its own trademark in China. These are environmentally friendly granular silica gel fillers that do not contain hazardous substances.

The special structure of the granules ensures rapid absorption of liquid and dry surface. In the manufacture of hygiene products, no artificial flavors are used that can cause allergic reactions in people and animals.

The Russian company KIS PIS GROUP presents a line of high-quality granules made from environmentally friendly and natural ingredients.

The products are represented by clumping and absorbent types of hygiene products that provide rapid absorption of moisture and neutralization of odors.

Easy Clean

A manufacturing company from North America presents a line of safe and practical granules for cats of various breeds. The products are made from natural ingredients, therefore they are safe and hypoallergenic.

A Russian company that produces elite hygiene products for pets at an affordable price. The line is represented by safe clumping natural and absorbent silica gel granules.

A domestic manufacturer presenting a range of natural hygiene products for cat litter boxes. Hygienic products of absorbent, clumping type made from clay and sawdust, and silica gel are presented.

High-quality products with good absorbent properties. In addition, they are resistant to dirt and soaking.

An American brand that specializes in producing effective and safe home remedies for neutralizing unpleasant odors. One of these areas is the production of hygiene products for cat litter boxes.

A Russian brand that introduced a series of safe and environmentally friendly litters for rodents and cats. For the production of products, organic components are used - corn cobs.

Cat litter products do not contain chemical fragrances or additives. They are economical, practical and safe, with high absorbency.

Pet stores and supermarkets sell many options for cat litter, but not all pet owners consider it wise to literally throw money away. In this case, you can try to use “improvised means” as a filler or try to do without it altogether.

Why do you need filler?

Cat litter performs several functions at once:
- absorbs moisture (dampness in the tray can cause the cat to stop using it) -
- absorbs unpleasant odors -
- allows the animal to realize its natural desire to “bury” excrement -
- simplifies cat care by making litter box cleaning less frequent.

If a cat does not want to “hide” traces of its vital activity, you can do without any filler at all by installing a tray with a grid: all the moisture will drain to the bottom. True, in this case you need to constantly monitor the condition of the tray, try to rinse it after each use and wash it thoroughly at least once a day - otherwise the stench cannot be avoided. If such careful control of the tray is not possible, you will have to resort to one of the “folk” options for fillers.


Sand absorbs moisture quite well. It copes with the smell somewhat worse: it weakens it, but does not absorb it completely. Therefore, if you use sand as a filler, you will have to come to terms with the fact that the toilet will almost always smell like cat urine. In addition, the grains of sand are very light - therefore, when the animal buries traces of its vital activity, the floor next to the tray will be covered with sand. However, this trouble can be avoided by using high trays with sides. The sand in the cat litter is replaced every 2-4 days.


Newspapers torn into small pieces are an old “folk” way of arranging a cat’s litter box, very popular, but at the same time quite troublesome. To make it convenient for your cat to use the tray, you need to tear the paper quite finely, but it gets wet very quickly. You have to change the paper in the tray every day, or at most every other day, and it doesn’t cope with the smell very well.

You can buy a tray with a grid - then the moisture will flow down and the newspapers will get wet more slowly. To avoid odor, such a tray should be emptied several times a day.


Sawdust is a good alternative to factory-made fillers. They are easy to dig, they retain both moisture and smell well - such a tray begins to smell only when all the sawdust becomes wet. Therefore, sawdust is one of the best types of “folk” fillers. If you use a tray with high sides and sprinkle sawdust in a layer of 8-10 centimeters, you can clean the cat litter box every 5-7 days. True, there are also some inconveniences: sawdust generates dust, in addition, the smallest particles of wood “stick” to the cat’s paws and are spread throughout the apartment.

You can place a thin layer of pieces of newspaper on top of the sawdust - then there will be less dirt on the floor. Wet paper should be changed daily.

Fuel granules (pellets)

Wood pellets intended for solid fuel boilers are wood processing waste pressed into granules and are practically no different from wood fillers for cat litter. When wet, they crumble into small sawdust and absorb moisture and odor just as effectively. The pellets are poured into the tray in a thin layer; as they are used, their volume increases 4-5 times. If you use pellets, you can clean the tray once every 7-10 days.

One of the main problems of cat owners is how to arrange a toilet for their pet. What should I put in the tray and should I put it at all? Here's what our forum members think:

  • I take pressed sawdust (Siberian cat "Forest", for example). You can change it every 3-4 days. There are many advantages: cheap, environmentally friendly, smells of wood, convenient to use, can be thrown into the toilet.
  • Silica gels are distinguished by the fact that they retain 100% odor and can not be changed for 3-4 weeks, removing only solid waste. In addition, silica gel does not stick to the paws and, due to the shape of the granules, is easily thrown out of the tray. A five-liter bag is enough for a month and a half.
  • And we’ve been using “Clean Paws” for about 4 years now, it’s clumping. Like.
  • My favorite filler is pine sawdust. Cheap and there is no cat smell at all. I change the tray every two days. There is enough sawdust. They absorb and smell only of wood. I have a cat and four kittens who wore them. And it doesn't smell.
  • I am allergic to any fillers that contain even the slightest bit of dust. Therefore, there are two options: either silica gel or wood pellets. Because cats have arrived in the regiment, we’ll go broke on silica gel. That leaves "Ephedra". Use with grill. Only the filler is on top of the grate, which is why the sawdust falls down perfectly, from where it is removed (into the toilet).
  • We used Pee Pee Bend before, the smell started after a week. Now we use WC cats silica gel - there is no smell even after a month.
  • And we do it simply. A handful of sawdust under the grate. The cat's paws are always clean and there is no smell. We change it every 2-3 days, flushing the swollen sawdust into the toilet. What's on top is big, easy toilet paper collect and into the toilet. And most importantly, they cost pennies!
  • I bought a 5 liter bag of sawdust and couldn’t be happier. I pour it in an even, thin layer and don’t remove it for several days, the sawdust increases three times in size, there is no smell and it absorbs everything. However, we remove solid waste immediately.
  • I use Siberian Cat - super clumping, in my opinion, it is better than pee-pee-bent, absorbs odor better and 5 liters last for a month. package.
  • Kittens often try to eat litter, so it’s worth buying mineral litter without additives (there are special ones for kittens).
  • We use CAT SAN, the cat is very happy, there is no smell at all for the first 5-7 days, then it needs to be changed. When we bought a deeper pot, the cat began to dig much less and more quietly. I am very pleased with kat san!
  • I tried silica gel cat step, but it didn’t last for a month. Two weeks maximum. It became all yellow and the cat refused to go into it. From what I liked: the cat is clumping; I didn’t like it: it’s a Siberian cat, but the tree one has to be changed often.
  • I really like “Kotyara” - it lasts quite well for 3-4 weeks (I empty a full 3L package at once). I tried other silica gels and didn’t like them.
  • I use wood filler - pressed sawdust. There is no smell from the tray; there is enough filler from morning to evening. I tried many fillers. The worst was the one that clumped with clay.
  • After a long search for a suitable filler, I found the optimal scheme for my cats (I have two of them). Under the grate I pour compressed wood (for example, kitkat), and on top of the grate - Brava mineral for long-haired cats (although I have both short-haired cats, but the granules do not fall into the grate). In general, the woody smell lingers, and in Brava they dig and row. Everyone is happy.

I tried wood filler (I also noted all of the above advantages for myself) and with clay (you can’t throw it down the toilet), but in both cases, the kitten, when burying it, dumps a third of the contents over the side and spreads it all over the place ((I’ll try silica gel, although of course it’s a little expensive..

And we have two pots (with and without a grate). We use the Siberian cat. I don’t really like it because... It doesn't absorb well, but at least you can flush it down the toilet. And I clean the pots every day. We have a clean cat. If it's dirty, he'll shit on our bed :))

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