Preventive work of a psychologist at school. Summary of the lesson on the topic "Cheerful palms" (senior group) Raising our legs higher

"Cheerful Palms"

Lesson notes on artistic creativity using unconventional drawing techniques

in the senior group


1 Generate interest inunconventional technology drawing.

2 Develop creative imagination, the ability to convey the character of the object being drawn, achieving expressiveness with the help of color, facial expressions, and additional details.

3 Cultivate neatness and positive relationships in group.

4 Develop figurative memory, imagination, the ability to see the unusual in the ordinary.

Equipment : a simple pencil, a set of felt-tip pens, colored pencils, sheets of paper, mats, recording calm music on a disk, a laptop with a video greeting of children.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator : Hello, golden sun! Hello, the sky is blue!

Hello, free breeze! Hello, little white snow!

Hello, kids, girls and boys!

Hello, I’ll tell you, I welcome you all!

My name is Zulfiya Zufarovna. I work as a teacher in kindergarten"Kalinka", insenior group , which is called "Bee". My childrengroups gave you a gift(video show) . This is a box with gifts, and to open it you need to guessriddle : In front of you are five brothers, all of them are without dresses at home. But on the street, everyone needs a coat."

Children: Fingers.

Educator : That's right, these are fingers. So the box opened. The box contains “magic” pencils to make them come to life and startpaint , you need to answer questions.

How many fingers are there on right hand? And on the left?(children's answers)

What are their names?(answers children : thumb, index, middle, ring, little finger)

Why were they called that (answerschildren : large - because it is the thickest, index - because it points, medium - because

in the middle, the ring finger - because they didn’t come up with a name, the little finger - because it’s tiny, the smallest.)

Educator : Well done guys, you know why their fingers are called that. And I knowa fun finger game , let's play together, repeat afterme :

The finger is thick and big, went to the garden to pick plums,

A pointer from the threshold showed him the way,

The middle finger is very accurate, it knocks plums off the branch,

The nameless one eats, and the gentle little finger throws bones into the ground!”

Educator :Why do we need hands (childrensuggest :play, wash,paint,greet.)

Educator : Let's stand in a circle and add ourpalm to neighbor's palm . How do you feel fromneighbor's palms (warm)

It turns out that we transfer our warmth to each other and this warmth will help us create a miracle!

Educator :Sit down guys on the mats, I’ll tell you a fairy tale about our hands. “Once upon a time there lived hands, they lived together, happily, everything was fine, but then one day they became sad, they had already played all the games. And then they decideddraw themselves and they did it like this. (showing how I trace mypalm and then draw it into the image of a dog , octopus, Indian, bird, scarlet flower, etc.(Drawings can be seen in the photo) When the "transformation" occurs, you can readpoems : “Here a flower has bloomed, in the silence of the night, it shines and laughs, as if it were alive.”

Educator : Come, look, applypalm to a sheet of paper ,imagine, fantasize, yourspalms They can turn into whoever they want. Thought you wouldpaint, then let's start paint .

(calm music starts)

This is the miracle that helped usdraw pictures Well done guys, you are verytried . Did you like transformingpalm in drawing ?Guys, do you think it was difficult for you? Did everyone cope with the task?(children's answers) .And your drawings will be a very nice gift for my children, I will definitely pass them on. Thank you!

"What's your mood? - In(show thumb) . Let's

we'll give it as a gift good mood everyone(children blow away palms to each other ) .

Tasks: introduce children to unconventional technology drawing (palm); learn how to independently come up with the composition of a drawing; develop creative imagination, attention, fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements.

Equipment: a simple pencil; set of gouache paints; brushes; palette; jars of water; napkins.


Teacher: Today I offer you new way drawing. You've never drawn like this before. We will trace the palms and come up with interesting designs from them.
(Then the lesson is conducted with a demonstration of drawing diagrams.)

Baby dinosaur
Smiles sleepily:
Mom is nearby, dad is nearby -
What else is needed for happiness?

Take a closer look:
This is a cactus. It's prickly.
And when the rains come,
All the thorns will bloom.

The elephant gave flowers to the baby elephant,
And then she said in my ear:
“You eat better, my glorious son,
So that you can grow up strong, like dad.”

How many stars are there in the sky?
I wish I could get at least one,
You won't get one -
Let's bark at the moon.

There is a stump in the clearing,
He is neither short nor tall.
Look at this, guys.
What grows on it? Honey mushrooms!

The octopus dad couldn't catch up with his son for an hour.
The octopus barely calmed down a little,
Because I need to sleep
Your legs need to rest.

Rushing fast, as fast as he can
Underwater seahorse.
Here I am stuck in the thick grass,
I shout: “Gotcha, stop!”

My friend and I are drawing a riddle,
Let's press one palm and the other in order.
Let's add circles and decorate them again -
And now our butterfly is ready.

A scarlet flower blossomed in the thicket,
Every petal shines like a firebird.
This is such a miracle. On my sheet
A fairy tale comes to life in complete darkness.

- Do you want to try? Take a close look at your hands. Place your palm on a piece of paper. Turn it, move it.
- Look! Imagine! Let your imagination run wild! Our palms can turn into anyone we want! Did you come up with it? Then press your palm and trace with a simple pencil.
- And then fill in the missing details.
- Well, now you can color your drawing using pencils, crayons or paints.


Guys, we're a little tired, let's take a rest:
We painted today
Our fingers are tired.
Let's shake our fingers
Let's start drawing again.

Teacher: Well done boys! Look, we tried our best, and we came up with beautiful drawings. Guys, did you like turning your palm? (Children's answers). Today we will arrange an exhibition so that parents can also admire your work.

This is the kind of exhibition of “funny palms” we got.

Theoretical information

Psychology is an amazing science. At the same time, it is both young and one of the most ancient sciences. Already the philosophers of antiquity reflected on problems that are also relevant for modern psychology. Questions of the relationship between soul and body, perception, memory and thinking; questions of training and education, emotions and motivation of human behavior and many others have been raised by scientists since the emergence of the first philosophical schools of Ancient Greece in the 6-7 centuries BC. But the ancient thinkers were not psychologists in the modern sense. The symbolic date of birth of the science of psychology is considered to be 1879, the year of the opening of the first experimental psychological laboratory by Wilhelm Wundt in Germany, in the city of Leipzig. Until this time, psychology remained a speculative science. And only W. Wundt took upon himself the courage to combine psychology and experiment. For W. Wundt, psychology was the science of consciousness. In 1881, on the basis of the laboratory, the Institute of Experimental Psychology was opened (which still exists today), which became not only a scientific center, but also an international center for the training of psychologists. In Russia, the first psychophysiological laboratory of experimental psychology was opened by V.M. Bekhterev in 1885 at the Kazan University clinic.

Summary of a lesson on drawing in non-traditional techniques in middle group

"Cheerful Palms"

Educator: Kubilius I.A.

Goals: - Continue to introduce children to non-traditional drawing technique -

« palm painting » .

Evoke an emotional and aesthetic response to the topic classes.

Cultivate neatness.

Develop creative imagination, attention, fine motor skills and hand coordination.

Develop activity, the ability to respond to music by changing movements.


Learn to convey the image of the first flowers, their structure and shape using palms of hands.

Strengthen knowledge of colors (green, red)

Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Learn to perceive calm melodies, cheerful character;

Respond to music with movements of arms, legs, clapping, stamping

Maintain interest in hand painting.

Material and equipment:

Album sheets; paints - green, red, napkins.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, the wonderful season of spring has arrived. All nature wakes up from a long sleep - the sun shines brighter and warmer, the snow has melted and the first flowers appear, insects wake up, birds fly in from wintering grounds.

Guys, today a butterfly flew to us, with the following message: today "holidaypalms » and we completely forgot about it - let's correct ourselves!

Let's show what our people can do palms.

We are funny kids

These are the crumbs! (shown at a small level from the floor.)

And with us kids,

Funny palms. (raise hands up)

Ladushki – palms(clap inpalms )

Funny palms!

Can wash

Smart palms, (pretend washing)

They know how to put on

New boots.

Ladushki – palms,

New boots. (depict putting on boots)

Ladushki – palms,

New boots.

Wave goodbye

Can we palm, (wavepalm )

In the fist squeeze your palm

And pet the cat! (depict how they stroke a cat)

Ladushki – palms,

And pet the cat.

The little ones danced (perform a spring)

They clapped palms

Oh they hurt palms....

Let's rest a little (put their hands forward)

Ladushki – palms,

Let's rest a little! (they stroke the right and then the left in turn palm, placed under the cheek).

Show me your crumbs palms. How beautiful and skillful they are, and today we will be magicians and our palms- because today paint we will not be a brush, but palms.

How many of you know what these flowers are called? (if you find it difficult to help children) .

Look at them how beautiful they are. What colors are they? What about the leaves?

The butterfly really wants us drew her a lot of flowers. Do you want to help her? What colors do we need? (red and green)

Look carefully how I will paint.

I will draw a flower with my palm. For this I will omit palm in red paint and apply it to the top of the sheet. And now I'll wipe palm with a napkin. Next I need green paint. I will dip my finger in the paint and draw a green line from the flower from top to bottom - the stem. This is how the flower turned out. And now you try it too draw flowers on their sheets of paper. Dip hand painted red...

Oh, what beautiful flowers - bright, colorful. But is something missing? - That's right, leaves, but for this we need what kind of paint? (green). Dip your fingers in green paint and draw a stem and leaves for our flowers.

(Children begin to work. During the process, the teacher reminds the rules for doing the work and monitors the accuracy of the work)

Well done and you did a very good job.

- I'll tell you a poem:

“Our hands are like flowers,

Fingers like leaves.

The sun wakes up -

The flowers are waking up.

In the dark they are again

They will sleep very soundly.”

Oh, how beautifully you did it, well done! Well done guys.

Looking at your work, I see how skillful you are palms, but let’s clarify once again what ours can do palms?

A game “What can our hands do?”

The teacher asks the children questions. Children show answers palms.

What do the hands do when we meet?

What do the hands do when we say goodbye?

What if we want to jump like a bunny?

And water how to type with your palms?

How do they play the pipe?

And at the door with our palm we will knock?

How to show if you need to remain silent?

How strictly are we going to shake our fingers?

How is it possible praise yourself with your palm?

Well done! Fun game came out.

Let's say: palms - Hurray!

Musical lesson “Cheerful Palms”


Introduce children to sounding gestures.

Give children an idea of ​​the techniques of playing bells and maracas.

Develop rhythmic and timbre hearing, motor abilities, and communication skills.

To form emotional and joyful feelings from active participation in music playing.

Progress of the lesson.

Musical director. Guys, look, moms and dads have come to visit us, let's say hello to them!

Song-dance “Hello, guests”, words and music by M. Savelyeva

Musical director. Decorated with what beautiful palms music hall. Whose holiday is it today? Today is a holiday for palms!

Game "Palms"

I have two palms, my palms and I are related.

We will play with them, we will count fingers.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 – we will count again,

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 – fun to play together!

Musical director.Show me your palms, little ones!

Song-game “Warm-up”, words and music by E. Mokshantseva

Musical director.Guys, do you hear someone crying? Who is this, come in!

The teacher cat enters to the music

Cat. Aunt Cat is crying, where are my palms?

With white socks and miracle claws?

Running in the rain, stepping into puddles

I lost them!

Musical director. Guys, let's help the Cat wash himself.

Song “The cat washes itself”, words and music by Kartushina

Cat. Thank you guys for helping me wash my palms! Can your palms have fun?

Song - game "Palms - palms"

Cat. Shadow, shadow, shadow, the Cat sat down on the fence.

The sparrows have flown in, clap your hands.

Fly away, sparrows, beware of the Cat!

Song – game “Oh, the birds were flying”

Musical director.Well, the Cat scared away all the birds! Guys, look, our hall is decorated with large palms, and your palms are small. Let's draw them and then show them to our guests.

The teacher traces the children's palms on whatman paper with a marker

Cat. Look, moms and dads, what beautiful hands your little ones have! What can your palms do?

Game “What can our palms do?»

Cat. What do your palms do when they meet?

Children. They say hello.

Cat. What do palms do when they say goodbye?

Children. They wave.

Cat. How can palms knock on the door?

Children. With your fist.

Cat. How can you sternly wag your finger? (show)

Cat. How can you praise yourself with your palms? (stroking themselves)

Musical director.It's a fun game, guys.

Let's say to our palms - hurray! (waving palms)

Cat. You, palms, relax and receive surprises!

What I put in my palm, I won’t tell anyone.

This will be our secret and hello from Kitty! (children open their palms, the cat puts apples in them).

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