Seven Dwarfs Method. School of the Seven Dwarfs or smart books? What to choose? Annual sets of developmental benefits ""

Nowadays, “School of the Seven Dwarfs” is becoming popular among many mothers. Although many owners adorable babies We have only heard the name of such “schools”, however, many of them already want to either send their children to them, or independently study using this “method”.

In this article we will tell you what the “School of the Seven Dwarfs” is, all the advantages and disadvantages.

"School of the Seven Dwarfs" is a series of books that help mother and baby explore the fascinating world with the help of pictures. These books have different themes, for example, “on a walk” or “in the park,” “shop,” “circus.” Pictures and discussions between mother and baby about what they saw contribute to the development of the baby and cultivate visual memory in him. Such books are especially useful (according to many mothers on forums) for children from 1 to 2 years old. And this is far from accidental: it is at this age that children begin to lay the foundations of memory and perception of reality.

There is no specialized “School of the Seven Dwarfs”. It’s just that many teachers and nannies practice them in their work with children. That is why the concept of the “school of the seven dwarfs” came into use as a full-fledged method of education. But that's not true.

Below we provide a description of somebooks, “School of the Seven Dwarfs”:

"Jokes for the Baby"
The book is intended for use with children over 10 months. It contains bright colorful pictures that will be interesting to the baby, and funny nursery rhymes. “Jokes for babies” help teach a child to recognize an object in a picture, stimulate the child’s onomatopoeia, develop his active and passive vocabulary, and introduce him to the simplest folklore.
"Color Pictures"
The special recommendations offered in this book will help develop visual, auditory and tactile experiences that stimulate mental, physical and mental development child. After all, a baby is able to perceive the first pictures already at one week of age.
“What does that sound like?”
In this book you will find standards for the development of a child’s speech skills up to 6 months and a program of activities to strengthen and improve them, designed for two months. With the help of didactic materials, you can correct your baby’s development and move on. From visual perception of an image and voice, you move on to creating the first tabletop theater: voicing roles, replenishing the child’s active and passive vocabulary, stimulating his development creativity.
"My favorite toys"
The book promotes the development of a child’s speech and thinking and fosters interest in children’s books. The purpose of the technique is to teach a 6-month-old child to recognize what is shown in the picture, what shape this object is, and whether there is anything similar in other pictures and among real toys. During successful lessons, in response to the question: “Where is the ball?” The baby will point his finger at the desired toy, reacting emotionally in his own way. Subsequently, familiar images will help him when learning the alphabet.
"Who's doing what?"
The manual is intended for the development of speech of a child from 9-10 months to one and a half years. Advice from experts and lessons based on pictures help the child smoothly move from onomatopoeia to actions - first imitative, and then purposeful plot-based. As a result of proper training, the child no longer tears up books, but “reads,” that is, talks with drawn cats and dogs. The first verbs appear in his babble.
"My first book"
The purpose of the activities offered in this book is to develop the speech and thinking of a child from 10 months to one and a half years using pictures with funny scenes: for example, a bird is sweeping the street, and a pig is sleeping in a crib. The book contains practical recommendations that will help make classes fun and useful.
The emotional development of a child begins with affectionate intonation and favorite images. The cat, an amazingly kind character, a hero of children's folklore, is subconsciously close to the child. This is why the various nursery rhymes and jokes associated with the hero’s adventures are so well remembered. On every page of the book you will find an affectionate cat singing wonderful songs.
“What color is this?”
The book contains extensive didactic material on the development of color perception and is intended for classes with children from 6 months to 1 year. There is detailed description additional educational games are given practical advice, for example, how to use different colored markers while teaching an 8-month-old child. It turns out that there are many subtleties that parents should take into account so that the technical side of the matter does not interfere with activities with the child.
"Square and Circle"
This book is intended for use with children 10-12 months and older. It contains bright illustrative material that develops the skills of perception of color, shape and size, stimulates thinking process. You will find here examples of educational games with pyramids, boxes, frames, cubes, and nesting containers. Having touched the mystery of geometry at the age of one, at 1.5-2 years the child will be able to create structures based on a model.
"Day and night"
Even the most Small child can navigate in time and space if these difficult categories are associated for him with familiar tunes - morning or evening. This principle underlies the teaching material in the book. For example, a picture of a starry sky is accompanied by an easy-to-remember, affectionate lullaby.
"Merry round dance"
This unique manual is intended for the development of visual perception, onomatopoeia, replenishment of vocabulary, and familiarization with folklore for children starting from 9 months of age. Among the teaching materials you will find a pattern for the “Dancing Bunny” toy. Assembling the toy together with an adult develops hand motor skills, and activating the simple “pull the string” mechanism delights the baby.
"Fold the picture"
Is it possible to demand logical thinking from a child of the first year of life? Training practice proves that it is necessary! A child aged 11-12 months is already able to correctly connect one half of the house to the other. This book is more complex than the previous ones, but it summarizes all the didactic material. As a result of classes, the child will learn, for example, to understand how a whole is made from two parts.

A nanny who works with children can use these books for educational activities with your children, to make their work easier: because There is a subject of communication with a child on a given topic, then there is no point in coming up with new tasks every day. Ultimately, however, a mother must understand one thing: no book is a good parenting tool if you do not communicate and awaken your child's interest. A nanny, teacher, or mother, for example, may find these books useless if they simply leave the child alone with them, without any communication, themed games or role playing games. This is the child’s interest - to learn what interests him. Many neutral or even negative comments about the “School of the Seven Dwarfs” book series.

In the hands of an experienced nanny or teacher-teacher, many children can show interest in books such as Agnia Barto, even at the age of 1 year, begin to visually perceive the themes of children's books, no worse than “The School of the Seven Dwarfs.” The teacher’s talent lies precisely in developing the child’s abilities, regardless of benefits, “schools” and manuals.

Summary :

    1. The School of the Seven Dwarfs is a series of books from Online store, to develop the child’s creative abilities, which, with the help of various thematic pictures, help the nanny, teacher or mother build effective activities with the baby.
    1. A nanny, teacher or mother can use the book as a tool for teaching a child. This saves time and you don’t have to think about what to do with your baby.
    1. Any children's book “by itself” will not develop a child. Communication and arousing interest are important. Discuss and, if possible, play with what you see.
    1. “School of the Seven Dwarfs” is not an education method. You won’t occupy your baby with it for the whole day. This is a book and nothing more.
    1. Don't worry if you don't have the money to buy these books: other books that are no less colorful will also be of interest to your child. It is important to awaken this interest in him.

In our store we offer you to purchase sets of various techniques for the development of children. From my own experience, I know how difficult it is to decide which technique to choose. Especially when buying online, when it is impossible to pick up books and turn through the pages. Therefore, I decided to give a small comparative analysis of three methods - the School of the Seven Dwarfs, Preschool Mosaic and Smart Books.

School of the Seven Dwarfs

The technique was developed by the publishing house Mozaika-Sintez. Various qualified specialists and teachers worked on the books. The SSG has 7 sets of 12 books for each year from birth to 7 years.

All books have a parent page, which tells in detail not only how to engage with the book, but also about the peculiarities of the child’s development. These pages are especially useful for parents who are having their first child.

Almost all books have a cardboard insert from which you can make games or toys. This allows you to conduct training quite interactively and periodically return to books you have already completed. Books for ages 3 and up also include stickers. But these stickers are not so much entertaining as they are encouraging. Basically, a sticker is given to a child if he has completed a task correctly as a reward.

The School's methodology is comprehensive. It includes not only such aspects as the ability to write, knowledge of colors and shapes, development of logic and attention, but also ethics, character education, geography, history, artistic development.

Advantages of the technique:

  • the technique includes development from birth;
  • each book has a detailed parent page;
  • almost every book has a cardboard insert with a game;
  • books from 3 years old have stickers to encourage the child;
  • pays attention to artistic education, geography, history and other subjects.

Disadvantage of the technique:

  • some books are difficult for certain ages. But then they can be used later. A difficult book is better than one that is too easy.

Preschool Mosaic

The technique, published by the Makhaon publishing house, is the author’s technique of Olga Zemtsova, candidate of pedagogical sciences. The methodology covers only 4 years of training, starting from 2-3 years.

The main advantage of the books is the number of stickers. The stickers here are not encouragement, as in the School of the Seven Dwarfs, but a way of presenting the material. Find the correct sticker and stick it in in the right place- this is part of the task.

The books are very colorful, printed in A4 format. Studying from these books is very pleasant and fun. But once all the stickers are applied, the interactivity of the books decreases, and some activities are not even possible to repeat.

Advantages of the technique:

  • a lot of stickers that need to be pasted according to the task;
  • The books are very colorful and the pictures are very “childish” - the children are absolutely delighted.

Disadvantage of the technique:

  • designed for 4 years only, starting from 2 years.

Smart Books

– this is another technique of Olga Zemtsova. Like Preschool Mosaic, the technique involves 4 years of training, starting from 2-3 years old.

The set includes 2 thick books (Gramoteyka and Tests) and several thin books. Moreover, the tasks in thin books complement the tasks in thick books. There are no stickers in the books.

The literacy book is divided into 30 lessons and each lesson has 4 pages (4 tasks): on mathematics, graphic skills, speech development and on the development of memory, attention or thinking. In the book with tests, a parent page is given that describes how to work with the tasks. On each page, parents should note how the child completed the task.

Advantages of the technique:

  • a lot of assignments and tests.

Disadvantage of the technique:

  • designed for 4 years only, starting from 2 years;
  • no stickers (although some parents will consider this more of a plus than a minus);
  • In my opinion, some tasks are too simple for the specified age.

Let's summarize

All three methods have their pros and cons. They do not replace, but rather complement each other. The presentation of the material and the tasks are so different that the techniques can be perfectly combined.

The School of the Seven Dwarfs covers more different aspects of development starting from birth. Preschool Mosaic is just fun for the child, which ends quickly. Smart books are a narrower range of knowledge, but also, thanks to this, more fundamental.

But the most important thing is not what method you choose, but that your child and you enjoy the lessons! Classes should not be a burden to either you or your child. Any activity, even with the weakest method, will be more beneficial if you both enjoy communication and games together!

In the coming weeks, I will publish book reviews of all three methods by year. If you have questions or requests for specific reviews, write in the comments to this article.

This program has become very popular among parents and their children. Many development centers also use the “7 Dwarfs” technique. Reviews confirm that children take great pleasure in completing simple tasks presented on colorful pages. Each lesson is a new step into the wonderful world of knowledge. The program is very conveniently divided into 7 stages. Seven years before school, seven colors of the rainbow - seven collections of educational magazines, each designed for 12 months of regular classes.

What is this technique

This is a magnificent collection, which is presented in seven series of books, 12 in each. In fact, these are planned activities for every month of a child’s life, from birth to 7 years. They can be used by a developing teacher, as well as any parent who cares about the future of their child.

Texts and tasks are printed on hard pages that a child cannot easily tear. The main advantage is large, bright pictures and gradually more complex, sequential tasks. The books contain a lot of educational information about the world around us, and for each block a game task is given in which the child will better understand the proposed material. A big plus is also the presence of a parent page: it tells in detail about the characteristics of a particular age, the main new developments and the specifics of conducting classes. Let us remind you that each book is addressed to a specific stage of development.

Today, the “7 Dwarves” method can be called the most complete. Reviews confirm that children respond with great interest to the proposed tasks and acquire new knowledge and skills through play. Each aid has a cardboard insert that can be folded into a toy or used as an activity aid. This does awaken the child's interest.

The main advantages of the technique

Its creators - professional teachers - tried to take into account all the nuances so that the end result is a full-fledged educational series that every mother can easily use. Of particular note is the system of motivation and encouragement for the child used in the “7 Dwarfs” system. Reviews say that it is the bright stickers and stars that the child receives for correctly completed tasks that help to consolidate interest and develop the desire to continue learning. For children over 3 years old, each episode comes with an additional success card, into which the child pastes all his rewards.

Why is it recommended to choose this particular technique? It is diverse, that is, it is aimed at developing logic and attention, fine motor skills and artistic skills, character education. The child consistently learns the basics of ethics, history, geography, gets acquainted with shapes and colors, learns to read and write. During such classes, you can easily determine the scope of your child’s inclinations and interests in order to help him in the future with the choice of clubs, and maybe even a profession.

Once you decide on a methodology, you don’t have to change it. For this, “School of the 7 Dwarfs” gained a large number of fans. Reviews from parents express gratitude to the authors: you no longer have to rack your brains looking for an answer to the question of what to do with your child. From birth to first grade there is a special developmental magazine for each month of life.

Where can I buy?

As a rule, this is the first question that parents ask when they learn about the School of the Seven Dwarfs series. Reviews often confirm the impossibility of purchasing it in stationery stores in the city. In this case, you can sign up for an annual subscription by mail or order 12 magazines at once, which you will then use to successfully study.

Another option is to print an electronic version of the magazine on a color printer. It will be cheaper, and you can make several copies at once to re-do tasks that didn’t turn out well enough.

For the little ones

The first lessons can begin from the very first months of your baby’s life. This block is designed for 12 months, from birth to one year. Bright pages can be separated from the book and hung in the baby’s crib, and when he starts crawling, stick them up at his eye level. This is how the child will meet the first purple gnome. When the baby grows up a little, you can expand your knowledge about friends in funny caps and show him the cartoon “7 Dwarfs”. Reviews about it are quite warm, it is suitable for viewing with the whole family.

The course of lessons from 0 to 1 year includes fairy tales and jokes for the little ones. Your baby gets acquainted with such concepts as day and night, colors. While he still cannot name them, but gradually begins to distinguish, the child develops basic concepts about the world around him. A large number of valuable advice will be a great help for parents.

“School of 7 Dwarfs”: 1-2 years. Reviews

Your baby is growing, he can already hold a brush and pencil in his hands, begins to speak and every day he learns more and more about the world around him. Let's help him with the second series of magazines. Interesting tasks are already given here: you need to arrange the cards according to the seasons, find each inhabitant his own house (a bear lives in the forest, a fish in the river, a butterfly in the meadow, etc.). In addition, the magazines include many tasks for the development of fine motor skills: fun drawing with fingers and palms, first plasticine crafts and bright applications will give a lot of impressions.

Many parents and teachers consider the most important series “School of the Seven Dwarfs: 1-2 years”. Reviews show that it is at this age that magazines cause great delight. This is no coincidence, because right now the baby is learning to express his emotions, in which paints, paper and plasticine greatly help him.

At this age, you can show your child the cartoon “The 7th Dwarf” again. Reviews say that at this age, the child follows with great interest and excitement the adventures of fairy-tale heroes who have to rescue the castle and all its inhabitants, frozen by a terrible spell. A bright, colorful and kind cartoon gives the first ideas about good and evil, friendship and the need to be responsible for one’s actions.

From two to three

The program of this block is very similar to the previous one. Exercises on understanding the world around us are given in a little more detail; in addition, the child gets acquainted with existing professions, learns to relate concepts: say, a stethoscope and a doctor, a crane and a builder, a school board and a teacher. Logic develops, the child learns the diversity of the world geometric shapes, as well as colors and shades. A lot of time is spent on various coloring books with additional tasks, which reinforce information about colors and teach attentiveness and accuracy. With minor changes and complications, the next series is presented - from three to four years.

Your baby is now familiar with the four gnomes: purple, blue, green and yellow. It's good if you set aside a place on the wall or a special board where you cut out and paste these little helpers who teach your child. If you haven’t seen it yet, then watch the cartoon “7 Dwarfs” together. Reviews confirm that the child perceives already familiar characters well. And the fact that he has not yet made friends with all the gnomes serves as a kind of incentive for further development.

From four to five

This is a more serious block. Your baby has grown up and learned a lot; he is already capable of solving much more complex problems. Now you are taking your first step into the world of reading, writing and counting. You are slowly mastering copybooks, working on developing logic, spatial thinking, and improving your knowledge of the world around you. The child's skills are still imperfect, he often makes mistakes. Do not scold your child under any circumstances; it is better to analyze this situation using the example of the cartoon “The 7th Dwarf.” Reviews confirm that such a metaphorical example shows how normal it is to make mistakes. You just need to gather your courage and correct them, and you can redo the task even after the break.

From five to six

This is the penultimate series of the 7 Dwarfs magazines. The kindergarten (parents' reviews are direct confirmation of this) often uses these materials for group activities, teaching and preparing students for school. This age is the base for the formation of many personality traits. The need to broaden one’s horizons, to understand the world around us, and to obtain educational information is truly fantastic. It’s not for nothing that preschoolers are called “why kids” and “fidgets.”

All required material for bright, cheerful and educational activities This selection of magazines will provide you with it. All you have to do is follow the colorful pages step by step. A child at this age is concerned about relationships with peers, the concepts of good and evil. Such abstract units can be studied by re-watching the cartoon “7 Dwarfs”. Reviews show that discussing the film together after viewing makes it possible to better understand complex concepts.

From six to seven

This year is completely devoted to preparing for school. This is writing, counting, reading and expanding ideas about the world. This ends “School of the 7 Dwarfs.” Your feedback will be very interesting to the developers of the methodology; they can be left on the official website. Then the baby will go to a real school, and seven colorful gnomes will remind of the fun time spent together. Today teachers primary classes Sometimes they borrow certain activities from the latest magazines to diversify the lessons and make them easier to learn. Particularly well suited to primary school motivation system: rewards, stickers and stars.

Let's sum it up

Do you want your child to study at school with ease and achieve success in life? Then start your classes from the very beginning. early childhood. Today there is everything necessary for this: bright, colorful, interesting and accessible manuals for children, a fully structured methodology that contains educational magazines for every month of the baby’s life, starting from birth. The developers have done a tremendous job, and all we have to do is not miss classes in order to achieve brilliant results. One of best practices for today it is “School of 7 Dwarfs”. Reviews from thousands of parents indicate that almost all fathers and mothers share this opinion.

Books “School of 7 Dwarfs” is a unique comprehensive system of developmental benefits for children from birth to school, meeting the standards of modern education.

The benefits of the Seven Dwarfs School not only contribute, but also allow you to organize Interesting games. That is why they are perfect for and.

When a child is born into a family, after the first joys and worries, loving parents are faced with the question: how to properly develop their child? Maybe there is no need to worry, because there will be a kindergarten and school?

Now moms and dads can breathe easier, since leading specialists in early development children created a unique project called.

  • "School of the Seven Dwarfs" » collected the cream of the crop from the best developers;
  • “School of the Seven Dwarfs” is a system for the development of a child from birth until he enters school;
  • the “School of the Seven Dwarfs” course touches on all the most important aspects of a child’s development (mental, physical, aesthetic, personal, social development);
  • The books of the Seven Dwarfs School have a convenient format - they are bright, colorful publications that children REALLY like;
  • Most textbooks from the School of the Seven Dwarfs have a parent page that describes the developmental features of children of different ages. Are given useful recommendations for the development of a child with and without benefits;
  • a wide variety of the School of the Seven Dwarfs series: finger painting, composing drawings from individual parts, etc.
  • affordable prices. Buy books from the School of the Seven Dwarfs possible in the form of annual sets and individually - .

Of course, if you don’t teach a child anything, then life will teach him something anyway. However, gaps may remain irreparable. After all, while a child grows, he absorbs knowledge like a sponge.

It is difficult to teach an adult anything. And there are many examples of this:

By the age of five, children know their native language perfectly, and most adults study a foreign language for 15 years (at school and college), but the level of proficiency is limited: “I read and translate with a dictionary.”

Soldiers in the tsarist army were recruited from peasants who practically did not distinguish between left and right sides. The commanders, no matter how hard they fought, could not teach the peasants the simplest commands: “left”, “right”, “left foot, right foot”.

The problem was solved only when they began to tie a piece of hay to one soldier’s leg and straw to the other. The teams were accordingly “hay-straw” (instead of “left-right”). The peasants were not mistaken in such teams, because they knew how to distinguish hay from straw from the cradle.

And although modern people distinguish between the right and left legs, nevertheless, we have many gaps. This is due to omissions in preschool age. So give your child the best chance in life by starting his education as early as possible.

In bookstores there are many educational aids that are simply eye-opening. Most methods cover only one side of a child’s development. A lot of books and manuals are devoted to teaching a child writing, counting, reading, etc.

It is almost impossible to sift through a bunch of methods on your own and choose the best one for your baby. After all, in addition to reading educational literature, mom has to do a lot of homework, and dad has to provide for the family financially.

7 Dwarfs Books come here to help parents, because here is a whole series of seven annual developmental benefits.

Why seven dwarves and not eight or nine? The first seven years of a child’s life are like the seven colors of the rainbow.

Therefore, each year has its own rainbow color for the Seven Dwarfs School series:

  • red color - for children 6-7 years old;
  • orange - for children 5-6 years old;
  • yellow - for children 4-5 years old;
  • green - for children 3-4 years old;
  • blue - for children 2-3 years old;
  • blue - for children 1-2 years old;
  • purple - for babies from birth to one year.

Each annual course of the “School of the Seven Dwarfs” has 12 books, adapted specifically for of this period life. Each subsequent course in the “School of the Seven Dwarfs” series complements the previous one (last year).

Books from the School of the Seven Dwarfs can be used for several years, returning to them and developing the child at a new, higher level.

“What professions are there” - (for 2 years).

What professions are there (from 3 to 4 years).

For example, for children 2-3 years old there is a book “ What professions are there?". This book from the “School of the Seven Dwarfs” series offers the following professions: doctor, cook, fireman, builder and policeman. A 2-3 year old child only needs to know the name of the profession and a few tools related to this profession.

For children 3-4 years old, a book of the same name is used. But it presents more complex professions: teacher, musician, car mechanic, tailor, artist, fisherman.

At 4 years old, a child understands the purpose of most tools and is able to describe the actions of a person in a particular profession.

At 5 years old, a child can talk about various things in more detail.

The “School of the Seven Dwarfs” manuals contain tabs in the form of a lotto game “Professions”: a person in overalls and tools for different types professions. Even schoolchildren enjoy playing this game.

From our brief review you learned about 7 dwarfs school books . according to the “School of the Seven Dwarfs” method for children different years we will look at it on the pages of our blog next time. Click this link and subscribe to new articles.

"- a unique comprehensive system of child development from birth to school. By creating it, the authors sought to professionally help parents in raising and educating their children. “The School of the Seven Dwarfs” is extremely popular both in Russia and abroad, and its manuals have been translated into 8 languages. Why? Firstly, it corresponds to modern educational standards Moreover, many kindergartens use it as a partial program. Secondly, the “School of the Seven Dwarfs” covers the entire amount of knowledge necessary for a preschool child. But the most main reason popularity - classes do not require any special training and are accessible to most parents.

The "" series includes:

Annual sets of developmental benefits ""

There are 7 annual sets in the series - one for each year of the child’s life. It is impossible to get confused, because each age has its own color, its own hero and its own tasks. Each set contains 12 colorfully illustrated educational aids. Each manual fulfills its own developmental task, and together they not only contain the full range of knowledge necessary for a child of this age, but also provide maximum flexibility in the lesson system. Thus, you can build the educational process, taking into account the individual characteristics of your child as fully as possible, without focusing only on age recommendations. In addition to the educational material, the manual contains a tab with didactic game, a toy or stickers, and for parents there is a “parental page”, which describes in detail what the classes in this book will develop, what benefits it will bring to the child, and how to conduct the classes. In addition to developmental aids, you will find a certificate of completion of the course in the kit, so you can record your baby’s first successes. You can start studying at the “School of the Seven Dwarfs” at any age. If you find a “gap” in your child’s knowledge on some topic from the “previous age” course, you can always purchase the necessary manuals separately.

Board games " "

Since play is an important part of the educational process of young children, we recommend using the “School of the Seven Dwarfs” series of board-print games as a supplement to the annual “School of the Seven Dwarfs” kits. The games are intended for use with children aged 1 year and older; each of them performs a specific developmental task. In the box you will find a set of cards with bright pictures (they attract children and help them better understand the material), as well as instructions with methodological recommendations and game scripts. Three-year-old children are already capable of learning foreign languages, for them we have created a series of board games “”. In a playful way, the child will be able to expand his vocabulary, master standard sentence structures and strengthen his memory.

Workbooks ""

Workbooks are intended for additional activities for children aged 5-7 years in kindergarten and at home. The goal of the series is to develop logical thinking, fine motor skills, attention, intelligence, spatial thinking and imagination. Exciting tasks will turn the learning process into fun game, thanks to thick paper, they can be done using not only a pencil and pen, but even felt-tip pens.

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