Stylish hairstyles 5 minutes. Quick hairstyles for long hair

Is it possible to do your own hair in 5 minutes? Well, of course yes! Moreover, it will look original, stylish and appropriate to the situation. Here and now we have prepared for you the fastest and most fashionable hairstyles that you can easily recreate with your own hands, even without the proper skill to do so. Watch, try, be surprised!

Hairstyles in 5 minutes

Double tail

Do you want to visually lengthen your hair without resorting to a special extension service? Then this hairstyle is definitely for you.

  • Divide your hair vertically into two parts. One will be on the top of the head, the second on the back of the head;
  • To add volume, the resulting tails can be combed a little;
  • Next, you simply lower the upper tail onto the lower one and admire the result.

Double tail

From the back, your hairstyle will look very a long tail. Agree, cunning and convenient?!

Bun in the shape of a rose

And this hairstyle can be done easily in 5 minutes. You just need to do a few basic steps:

  • Gather part of the hair on the top of the head, as for a “robinka”;
  • Then braid a NOT TIGHT braid and secure the end with a thin elastic band that matches your hair color;
  • Next, start twisting the braid like a spiral;
  • Having reached the base, secure the flower with bobby pins and hairpins. If necessary, the petals need to be aligned;
  • For better hold, apply hairspray to the rose.

Stylish rose bun

This hairstyle is perfect not only for everyday wear, but also for going out. And to enrich it, just place a pearl or a hairpin with a shiny stone in the center of the rose.

Hair bow

Continuing the topic romantic images, let's try to recreate a bow on the hair. This is one of the simplest and most beautiful hairstyles that you can easily do for yourself. If you don't believe me, look at the photo. The technique is elementary. Time costs are minimal. The hairstyle can be done the first time.

Hair bow

  • So, again we collect part of the hair on the top of the head, as for the previous option;
  • Then, we divide the resulting tail into two equal parts, after which we make a backcomb on each;
  • We form the halves in the form of a bow;
  • When you manage to do this, secure the ends well with hairpins;
  • Spray the outer side of the bow with varnish and smooth it with your hand.

All! Get ready to receive compliments!

Tail on side

Too easy, you say? Maybe! But it’s fast and beautiful. And what’s more, we suggest you make not a boring single ponytail, but a stepped one, and with a twist. By the way, this hairstyle is ideal for long hair.

Side tail

  • Start by creating a ponytail on the side. But don't tighten it too tight;
  • Now form a gap over the elastic band and pass the hair through it;
  • Secure the resulting knot with an elastic band. And a little lower place another one, above which again form a gap;
  • Pull the tail through this “window” again and secure it with an elastic band again;
  • Do as many of these steps as you see fit. The ideal number would be three or more.

Tail on side

It is better to choose elastic bands for this hairstyle either from fabric or silicone. The main thing is that they do not tighten tightly and do not injure the hair.

Bun on the side

And on its side again? Why not! Well, you must agree that such hairstyles look playful and feminine. And the version of the bun that we want to offer you now can easily be classified as one of the simplest hairstyles.

  • First, make a tail on your favorite side;
  • Secure it with a loose elastic band and comb it a little;
  • Lightly twist the resulting fluff into a rope and immediately wrap it around an elastic band;
  • You should end up with a voluminous, slightly messy bun, which you secure tightly with hairpins;
  • Now you can decorate it with a beautiful hairpin, or a flower, or anything else at your discretion.

Bun on the side


Yes, yes, where are we without our favorite Greek hairstyle?! After all, you must agree that among easy and beautiful hairstyles for medium hair, she is undoubtedly the leader. 5 minutes and the perfect image is ready!

Greek hairstyle

  • Arm yourself with a special elastic band with decorations designed specifically for this occasion;
  • Place it on top of your head over your head of hair;
  • Now start wrapping the side and bottom strands under the elastic;
  • There is no need to tighten it too tightly - naturalness is in fashion!
  • When everything is ready, secure the structure with invisible ones (believe me, it’s more reliable this way).

Greek styling does not require perfectly clean hair. So, if you haven’t had time to wash your hair, this is your chance to hide this fact.

Bun and fake bangs

Sounds weird? Not at all! After all, this is the simplest and most proven way to get bangs for the desired period and without a haircut.

  • To do this, you just need to pull your hair into a ponytail, after making it smooth;
  • Next, we form a bun on the top of the head according to any desired pattern, but be sure to leave the ends “free”;
  • The height of the ponytail and the length of the ends should be such that you can get bangs of the desired size;
  • When everything is arranged to your liking, carefully secure the strands with bobby pins.

That's it, your “disposable” bangs are ready!

Bun and fake bangs


Do you love to braid hair as much as we love to do it? Amazing! Then you will definitely like the following quick and original hairstyle.

  • We make a straight parting and gather the hair into two tails at the back of the head on each side;
  • We braid your favorite braids the way you like;
  • Now we just take and twist them together;
  • We fasten it.

Oops! Not even five minutes have passed, and you are already fashionable and beautiful!

Stylish braids

Pigtail headband

And here’s another five-minute one that will definitely delight you.

  • Let your wavy hair down (yes, wavy is better, it will be more impressive!);
  • Take a strand of medium thickness somewhere near the neck and weave a regular braid;
  • Next, when finished, pass it like a headband over your head;
  • Secure on the opposite side.

Your romantic look is ready!

Pigtail headband

Quick hairstyles for girls

Have you thought about what simple hairstyle your daughter can do for herself for school? Or are you just interested in hairstyles for girls for every day in 5 minutes? Then our next recommendations are exactly for you.

Firstly, the most unmistakable option is braids braided over loose hair. You can make as many of them as you like, one, three, or five, decorate them with multi-colored elastic bands and hairpins, and use them to secure your hair. In a word, everything here is subject to your imagination.

Braids in loose stripes

Secondly, all kinds of tail options. Classic, inverted, stepped, on the side or when one tail goes into another - all this is extremely simple and accessible.

Well, thirdly, a tourniquet. It's so simple! Twist your hair into strands and give them all kinds of shapes. Let it be like a game! Your daughter can come up with her own hairstyle and do it herself. Well, isn't it great?!

Beautiful children's hairstyles

As you can see, there are a lot of options for hairstyles in 5 minutes that are easy to do for yourself. It’s enough just to listen to the voice of your heart and understand what you want at this very moment. And the technical side will not take much time. As a result, you will get the desired image without any extra effort.

What does a girl need in order to leave the house and plunge into the hustle and bustle of everyday life? Of course, this is a well-chosen dress code, beautiful make-up and styling. The first two things can be thought out in advance: prepare clothes and take care of makeup, which should match the appearance. As they say, the morning is never long, so it doesn't always happen free time to create a hairstyle, not to mention going to a beauty salon. In any case, when going out into the world, a girl must be fully armed and ready to catch men's views. This article will become a kind of adviser to you, who will tell you how to create very easy hairstyles for yourself in 5 minutes. What is the result: an amazing appearance and high spirits for the whole day.

This article contains the easiest hairstyles that you can do for yourself in 5 minutes. The installations listed and described below are discussed at different lengths hair. There is an option for everyone. By experimenting daily with your hair, you will gain a very useful experience that can help you out in difficult times. Having become an expert in this matter, you will undoubtedly have many “students” to whom you will be happy to teach the basics of creating easy and stunning hairstyles. Each easy hairstyle corresponds to a specific hair length. But, there are also universal styles suitable for all hair types. So, look through the step-by-step photos in which you will see how you can create easy hairstyles for yourself in literally 5 minutes and no more.

How to do easy hairstyles for medium hair in 5 minutes for yourself

The step-by-step styling creations described below and the step-by-step photos below will confirm that it is quite possible to do easy hairstyles for medium hair in 5 minutes. You just need to practice a little, and there are a lot of ideas for various styling. Quick hairstyles in 5 minutes with your own hands is not a myth, but a reality.

Spectacular backcombed ponytail

Let's look at the step-by-step creation easy hairstyle for medium hair, which you can create on your head with your own hands in a matter of minutes:

  • After combing your hair, divide it into two parts.
  • We comb the crown area well, creating volume.
  • We collect all the curls in a ponytail.
  • From either side of the tail, select a thin strand and begin wrapping it around the base.
  • When the length is not enough, we hide the tip under an elastic band and secure it with a bobby pin or a decorative hairpin.

There is nothing complicated about this hairstyle. Moreover, you can adjust the position of the tail yourself. It is not necessary to do it in exactly the place as shown in the photo. And, as you can see, medium hair allows you to create a beautiful and spectacular ponytail. Get creative and add some style to your hair with hoops, stripes and other accessories.

Messy ponytail with a knot

The next, also easy, hairstyle for medium hair is no less stylish and no more labor-intensive. It resembles the shape of a knot and looks very interesting:

  • Comb your hair and divide it into two parts exactly as shown in the photo.
  • We take two sides and tie a regular knot.
  • We pass the end of one tail over the resulting knot and pull it a little.

You can use hairpins or hairpins to make the knot last as long as possible. In less than 5 minutes you can handle this styling.

Interesting bun of two ponytails

Want to add braids to your hairstyle? No problem. The following styling demonstrates a quick and easy masterpiece that can be done in just 5 minutes on medium hair:

  • Comb your hair and divide it into two parts.
  • We form high tails from two zones and tie them with thin elastic bands.
  • Next, we braid two strands.
  • We transfer the left side to the right, and vice versa.

You can secure the ends of your hair with any convenient accessories. To make it easier to imagine the installation visually, view step by step photo.

To do yourself easy hairstyles for medium hair in 5 minutes and in the most a short time get your head in order, look at the step-by-step photos given in this section and hone your skills.

Original backcombed hairstyle for medium hair

Let's consider another stylish and quick styling, suitable for extreme and brave girls. It is slightly different from the previous ones due to its volume and extravagant appearance:

  • Divide your hair into two parts, with the front part being smaller.
  • From the lower zone we form a tail on the back of the head and spray it with varnish.
  • Next, we braid two strands to the very end.
  • When the weaving has come to an end, we make an ordinary bun.
  • We take hair from the upper zone and lower it onto the formed bun.
  • Based on the photo, we make a tail and comb the strand.

This easy-to-do hairstyle elongates the face and gives it an intriguing look. You can do it yourself without the help of a professional. This styling is perfect for fine hair. The best part is that such beauty will not take much time.
Armed with the knowledge of how to do easy hairstyles for medium hair in 5 minutes, you will be ready for any life situations.

Romantic styling

  • We divide the hair into three parts.
  • We braid an ordinary braid.
  • We wrap the tip and secure it with a small elastic band.
  • Take the end of the braid and bend it under the base.
  • The links can be relaxed a little and given a disheveled look, which will add some piquancy to the hairstyle.

Light two-strand bun

The following hairstyle for medium hair perfectly matches the formal look. It is convenient to do it at work or for another official event:

  • Dividing the head into two parts, we form a knot from them.
  • We lift the strand that is lower to the top, bending around the base.
  • We bend the top strand around the base on the other side.

It turns out to be a very interesting basket. Don't forget to spray with varnish and use bobby pins. The center of the figure can be decorated with decorative flowers or other accessories to taste. Then your hairstyle will be irresistible even on the busiest day.

Weaving on wavy curls

This light hairstyle for medium hair adds femininity and looks harmonious, especially on wavy hair. Creating it will require your effort and 5 minutes of free time. Follow the process of its implementation step by step, repeat it yourself and see for yourself.

  • On the right side at the temples, we begin to weave the first braid, consisting of two strands.
  • When making cross movements, do not forget to add new hair, as shown in the photo.
  • We do the same with the left strand.
  • We cross the resulting braids at the back of the head and secure them.

Voila, and the styling is ready. Nothing complicated, but the image turns out very gentle and pleasant. Such hairstyles are suitable for girls not only with medium hair, but also for those with bobs, this styling will look impressive.

Medium hair provides the opportunity to create many easy hairstyles for yourself. The photos and videos presented below once again confirm this.

How to do easy hairstyles for long hair for yourself

Long hair is always an adornment for any lady. If they are also healthy, then this is a whole wealth. In order for the curls to maintain their former respectable appearance, you need to carefully monitor them and do various styling. Moreover, modern stylists do not recommend walking with loose strands. Let's look at step by step how you can create hairstyles for long hair for yourself easily and quickly in 5 minutes.

Evening hairstyle with backcomb

The hairstyle we are going to look at is done very quickly and not difficult. It's good for those girls who don't have bangs.

  • We comb the hair near the facial area.
  • We throw them back in the center and on the sides and secure them with a bobby pin.

In just two steps you can give yourself a beautiful hairstyle. long hair oh in 5 minutes. Use any hair accessories: crabs, combs, hairpins, etc. Stand out from the crowd and get creative.

"Bow" made of hair on loose long hair

The well-known “Bow” hairstyle has gained immense popularity due to its interesting shape.

  • Having combed your hair, we form a tail from the strands near the face in the back of the head.
  • We put on the elastic band, the last time we pass the hair through it not completely, see as shown in the step-by-step photo.
  • We form petals with our fingers, dividing the “ball” into two parts.
  • We pass the free tip through the center of the bow.

There are a huge number of ideas for creating “Bows”. How to make a hair bow hairstyle in different options look . Here we consider only the most stylish and easy hairstyles for long hair that you can do with your own hands.

Loose curls with braiding

All kinds of weavings look beautiful on loose long hair; the photo of the “stars” confirms the popularity of this hairstyle. With or without bangs, it's a very cute look.

With a little skill, you can repeat these hairstyles for long hair with your own hands.

Original tail with sections

A hairstyle divided into sections looks very unusual and interesting. To create it, follow these steps.

  • We make a tail on any convenient side.
  • Lower the elastic a little and thread the entire tail through the hole. For greater effect, we fluffed the hair near the elastic band.
  • Just below the previous elastic band we put on the next one. By analogy, we make a hole above the elastic band and drag the tail through and relax the hair in the same way as in the first case.
  • Then we do the same with each section, as far as the length of the hair allows.

The advantage of this hairstyle for long hair is that it depends on you how many sections it will contain. You can make two of them or along the entire length of the tail, leaving a small tip.

DIY three-tail hairstyle for long hair

The following installation seems complicated only at first glance. In fact, it is done in 5 minutes and you will need three thin elastic bands to complete it:

  • We form three tails exactly as shown in the photo.
  • We thread the uppermost tail into its base.
  • We twist the second tail into a bundle and secure the tip on the right side.
  • We thread a strand from the first tail into this strand and thread it again into the second base.
  • We do the same with the third tail.

When all three tails are used, correct the pattern with your fingers and spray with varnish. This light hairstyle has an unusual pattern and looks very impressive.

Hairstyle for summer

The next installation will be done in greek style. Greek girls have always been the standard of morality and culture. You can repeat this hairstyle for long hair on yourself in the summer, when it is especially relevant.

  • We curl all the strands in a convenient way.
  • We put a strip or hoop on the top of the head, creating a small volume on the top of the head.

The styling embodies mysterious femininity and neatness.

See many beautiful Greek hairstyles.

Festive bun

Having learned how to do easy hairstyles for long hair for yourself, you can create a whole masterpiece in a short time. Moreover, if you decorate your hairstyle with an accessory, you will definitely have no equal.

  • Make a high ponytail and loosen the elastic a little, creating a casual look.
  • We comb it and also casually twist it.
  • To keep the styling in place, secure it with hairpins and put on top a beautiful elastic headband with decor or a hair clip.

Pay attention to the step-by-step photo and follow the entire process exactly. The accessory used complements the image and makes the hairstyle very beautiful. Fits perfectly into an evening date.

Casual bun

Consider the following easy DIY hairstyles for long hair, maybe you can choose your new favorite from them.

  • Making a low ponytail.
  • We divide it into two strands and twist each into a bundle.
  • We braid a braid from these strands.
  • Once you have reached the end, secure it with an elastic band and make an ordinary bun from the resulting weave.

Thus, a flawless and easy hairstyle for long hair is created, which you can do for yourself.

Watch the video on how to do very easy hairstyles.

Making very easy hairstyles for short hair - photo

It would seem that short hair– this is a certain barrier that does not allow imagination to work to its fullest and create new images. Nothing of the kind, after looking at the easy hairstyles for short hair that are selected and described here, you will also be convinced of this.

Fashionable styling for short hair

This hairstyle will look very beautiful on girls who have long oblique bangs. Because it is with this that we have to work:

  • Smooth all hair except bangs using gel or foam.
  • We take curlers or a curling iron and curl all the strands included in the bangs.
  • When curls appear, spray them with hairspray.

Pay attention to the photo how such a short hairstyle changes a woman’s image and makes it irresistible.

See the photo below for similar options for such hairstyles.

Beautiful and easy braided hairstyles for short hair

The following installation will take literally 5 minutes and will bring a pleasantly shocking result:

  • On the right, we take two strands from the front side and weave a braid.
  • We do the same on the other side.
  • When we cross the weaves, we simply tie them with an elastic band.
  • Next, select two strands on both sides slightly lower than the first.
  • We braid two braids and connect them.
  • When the links are ready, we thread the upper one into the lower one and relax the links a little, giving them a voluminous look.

Thus, easy hairstyles for short hair can be done in just a couple of minutes. Do not stop at the above styling, but look at the interesting masterpieces in the form of weaving, photos of which are given below.

Woke up 10 minutes late and don’t have time to do anything? How familiar this feeling is to many men and women! In such a situation, it is difficult to do anything, for example, do a beautiful hairstyle, twirl the curlers, so you have to do everything on the go: drink coffee, apply makeup, choose an outfit and do your hair. For those who often find themselves in situations where there is no time for long thoughts, hairstyles in 5 minutes will be useful, which every girl can do. Knowing these quick ideas is essential for women who want to get everything done and look stylish at the same time. So, what are some quick hairstyles you can try and how to do them?

Hairstyles in 5 minutes. Popular options

If a girl has long or medium hair, then she can try all the hairstyles listed below on herself. Tails remain the most popular.

Girls really like a ponytail: this style is done very quickly and at the same time lasts all day, allowing its owner to feel comfortable and calm. This hairstyle is very easy to create.

  1. Comb all hair thoroughly.
  2. Gather all the strands at the top of the head or in another convenient place and secure the ponytail at the base of the head with an elastic band.

Ponytail and bouffant - the perfect morning hairstyle

This completes the creation of a ponytail hairstyle. If you want to slightly modify this styling, you can use a quick comb and a strand of hair instead of an elastic band. To do this, you also need to thoroughly comb your hair and divide it horizontally into two parts. Temporarily secure the lower part of the hair with an elastic band. You need to make a backcomb from the top strand. To do this, you need to divide this hair into two more parts along a horizontal parting. Taking the lower part and carefully making a backcomb (volume), you need to attach it to the base of the tail. Then the topmost strand needs to be carefully combed and laid over the backcomb to hide the chaos. All this hair is then collected into one ponytail. The result is a very feminine, and most importantly, a quick hairstyle in 5 minutes for hair of any length.

Buns are a feminine option for work or a celebration

If a girl loves her hair tied up, but doesn’t have time to put it in the right shape, then buns are an excellent option. Hairstyles in 5 minutes in the form of a gathered bun look very stylish and neat. Since today it is not smooth buns that are especially popular, but slightly disheveled ones (a product of the “hipster” style), you need to know how to make such a bun.

  1. Gather hair into a ponytail and comb.
  2. Choose small strands at a time and make a generous backcomb right in the ponytail.
  3. Pull the elastic a little so that the tail hangs down and does not fit tightly to the head.
  4. The resulting strands are slightly twisted together into a light rope and wound around the base of the tail in a circle.
  5. Secure the resulting result with bobby pins and varnish.

Hair bow - an option for delicate and romantic natures

If you are interested in hair bow-shaped hairstyles in 5 minutes, then they are also made using a ponytail. To do this, you need to carefully comb your hair and gather it into a ponytail on the top of your head (the higher, the better). When tying the elastic on the last turn, you should not pull the tail all the way down, but make an elastic loop and leave it in that position.

The resulting loop needs to be divided into two equal parts, and the tail that ends up at the back should be thrown forward through the middle, twisted at the base and secured with bobby pins.

Bows and buns are the perfect 5-minute hairstyles for medium to long hair. You can do them for a walk, to work, and even to a party.

Braids, spikelets and other types of weaving

Every girl can braid the simplest braid, which means that her hair can be done with her own hands in 5 minutes. Fashionistas have long been tired of the usual three-strand braid, but an inside-out braid, and even diagonally, is a very popular option.

To do this, you need to know the weaving pattern for such a braid. For many, this instruction will be familiar.

Comb your hair and take one small strand near your temple (choose the side that is comfortable to braid with). Then divide this strand into three parts and make 3 turns of a regular braid. After this, holding three strands in your hands, you need to add a small piece of hair to each intertwined one (the strand will be in the middle) on each side, to the right and left of the braid. You need to add strands one by one. To make the “spikelet” voluminous, you need to move the strands not on top of each other, but from below, bringing part of the hair up. When the braiding is finished, the braid needs to be secured with an elastic band.

If you are interested in unusual hairstyles for every day in 5 minutes, then you should pay attention to braids and different kinds weaving. Girls who know how to weave a three-strand braid are guaranteed to be able to create an original hairstyle for themselves.

For example, very popular and easy installation made from two small braids tied at the back in a few steps.

  1. Hair needs to be combed well.
  2. Take a strand of hair on the right and left (near the ears), and from each of them braid a thin braid of three strands.
  3. Pull the resulting braids to the back of the head and connect them using either an elastic band or bobby pins.

This is a simple option, but if you want to complement it with something unusual, then you can again make a bow from hair, but only from ponytails from connected braids. The resulting hairstyle is very convenient, because the braids act as a headband and prevent all tucked-in hair from flying around and getting tangled.

When there is no time to think and you urgently need to do something on your head, some modern and stylish styling, then you can use one of the options presented above. Even the most ordinary hairstyles can look new if you modify them a little and add some detail (comb-over, braid, accessory).

It is very useful to be able to do your hair for school in 5 minutes. After all, it happens that there is absolutely little time to get ready, but you really want to go to school looking good. Modern schools They forbid girls to wear loose curls, so simply beautiful curls won’t work. In this case, the skills to do simple hairstyles quickly with your own hands can help.

Braid on one side

Although it may seem impossible to create your own hairstyle in a matter of minutes, it is actually possible. Even if you have long or medium hair, this hairstyle can be done very quickly and easily. This hairstyle looks very cute and feminine, suitable for every day, and is unlikely to bore you.

Comb your hair thoroughly before starting. If your hair is naturally wavy, you can straighten it with an iron if you wish. Divide your curls with a side parting into two parts.

1. Separate the bangs from the main body of hair and divide it into three equal strands.

2. Start weaving a spikelet, grabbing long curls adjacent to the links of the braid.

3. Approximately above the edge of the ear, stop braiding the ear and now braid a regular braid, without weaving in new strands. Secure the ends with an elastic band.

As you can see, the hairstyle is very easy, and even a student can do it primary school. If your girl attends kindergarten, you can braid such a braid, and then collect all the hair in a ponytail at the back of her head. Thus, you will get a cute and no less beautiful hairstyle.

Lump on top of head

5-minute hairstyles like this one have long been loved by fashionistas. She looks unusual and simple at the same time, and uninitiated people wonder how to create such a hairstyle for themselves. Usually special rollers are used for them, but when there is no such thing in the house, you have to use improvised means made with your own hands.

You will need:

  • sharp scissors;
  • sock;
  • hair gel;
  • invisible;
  • scrunchy;
  • Polish for hair;
  • massage comb.

The execution sequence is very easy, anyone can do this hairstyle. It is most suitable for teenagers, but also suits office ladies over twenty. Unfortunately, long hair is a must because it won't look as good on others.

1. As fun as it sounds, cut off the sock at the toe with sharp scissors. You can use both stationery and fabric scissors, but the latter are still more convenient.

2. Twist the sock into a ring like this. It doesn't matter which side you start with, it's more important that the ring is tight.

3. Tie a ponytail high on the top of your head and “smooth” any stray hairs with styling gel, but don’t overdo it unless you want a perfectly smooth rock hairstyle like ballerinas and dancers.

4. Thread the end of the ponytail into the ring and distribute the hair evenly across the sock.

5. Start twisting the ring outward

6. Continue this action until the hair touches the base of the ponytail.

7. Distribute your hair so that the sock is not visible. Secure the donut with bobby pins and an elastic band.

8. Secure your hair with permanent hairspray.

Thus, with the help of things familiar to us, which, it would seem, have nothing to do with curls, you can create beautiful hairstyles. The main thing is to turn on your imagination. And you don't need to spend the whole day in front of the mirror. You also don’t have to rush headlong to the store to buy hair materials. These hairstyles are done in 5 minutes, but then you can enjoy the result all day long.

A bun at the back of the head made of two braids

This is probably the fastest hairstyle of all presented here. It can be performed at least every day, and if you adapt, it will only take a few tens of seconds to complete the beam. It is suitable for long and medium hair, but you can try it for short hair, only in this case the bun will be small. If you don’t like this result, decorate the bun with artificial flowers.

Execution step by step:

1. Divide the hair at the back of your head into two parts and braid the ponytails. Try to make them as possible closer friend to a friend and in such a way that the parting in the back is not visible.

2. Start twisting both strands at the same time. Right hand- clockwise, left - counterclockwise. Try very hard to make the strands tight. At the same time as you make the bundles, wrap them around each other to create a bun.

3. When the bundles are finished, attach their short loose ends to the hair at the back of the head, and secure the bun itself with a strong, but not thick elastic band. As an option, you can use the ponytail technique by wrapping the short ends of the strands around the base of the bun and simply secure with bobby pins - then you won’t need an elastic band.

Teenage girls at school are required to be extremely careful. Mandatory uniform, no loose hair. Some of them believe that with braided hair, girls immediately lose their attractiveness. This is all nonsense, because many hairstyles, like this one, can only make teenagers prettier.

Wreath of flagella

If every day you wonder what simple hairstyle to do so that it looks different from others, then this flagellum wreath is for you. It is very easy to braid it with your own hands on long, medium and even short hair. This is done very simply, even simpler than it might seem at first glance. You will need two small bobby pins to match your hair and nothing else.

Before you begin, twirl your hair or lightly curl the ends. The hairstyle looks better with smooth waves, but if the strands are straight, then it’s okay.

1. Separate a thin strand above the right ear and begin to twist the flagellum counterclockwise.

2. Twist the same flagellum clockwise over the left ear. There is no need to reach the end of the strand. Twist until they intersect, leaving long or medium ends (depending on hair length), then cross and pin with bobby pins.

3. Straighten the strands and give your hair this look. To prevent it from falling apart, secure your hair with a light spray hairspray.

This is such a simple, on the one hand, and unusual, on the other, hairstyle that you can do every day with your own hands. With a little imagination, you can further improve it and give it a new look.

Hair heart

The simplest hairstyles usually look the best. Probably every girl dreamed of becoming a prom queen at least once, but did not know exactly how to present herself for this. In fact, for girls who have long or medium hair, you don’t need to invent anything - just undo your braids, and everyone around you will immediately succumb to their charm. But if you really want to diversify your look, then this hairstyle will help.

How to weave a heart out of hair step by step:

  1. Separate one thin strand from each side of your head and tie them with a small elastic band.
  2. Separate another strand of approximately the same thickness, slightly lower than the first one.
  3. Throw it over a strand tied in a ponytail and pull it out from under the bottom.
  4. Do the same on the other side in mirror image.
  5. Tie the three resulting strands together at the bottom and straighten your hair so that you get an even, neat heart.

We can say that this hairstyle option is not only for every day. This hairstyle is more of an evening hairstyle, and is ideal for a young beauty’s first date.

We are always in a hurry. To work, to the gym, to hang out with the kids, and then home to have time to cook lunch and clean up. We have almost no time to take care of ourselves, but we don’t want to wear the same hairstyle every day, even the most fashionable and enchanting one.

Let's try to diversify our look using simple and affordable hairstyles in 5 minutes? With a little practice, you can do them yourself on hair of any length and texture, getting new looks each time.

Want to try? Then let's begin.

Beautiful hairstyles for women that can be done in 5 minutes

A hairdryer, a curling iron and a little imagination are all we need so that we can easily and quickly transform ourselves at home.

Advice: don’t get too carried away with styling products. Firstly, this is not relevant today, and secondly, our curls will lose their natural vitality and health, which is of no use to us at all.

Quick hairstyles for short hair

It would seem, how to lay strands that are not very long in a non-standard way? There are not so few options. For example, Fancy Hairstyle in the Greek style, which is suitable for both everyday look, and for going out into the world, if you decorate it with large beautiful flower or wide satin ribbon with decor.

Hairstyle No. 1 – trendy hairstyle from the Chanel cruise collection in the Greek style

Step-by-step photo of doing a Greek hairstyle with a headband for short hair:

  1. To begin with, it is recommended to give straight short hair a picturesque look by slightly curling it with a curling iron.
  2. We divide the curls into a straight parting. Next, we put on the base of the circular hairstyle - a special hoop, or you can use a headband.
  3. To make your hair manageable and not frizz-free, spray it with dry shampoo, spray conditioner or plain water before braiding. Starting from the temples, we twist our strands one by one with a tourniquet and tuck them into the hoop. We carry out the procedure symmetrically on both sides.
  4. At the end of the work, we fix the hairstyle with varnish and slightly tousle it to give it the naturalness that is relevant in 2019.

Step-by-step instructions for performing a Greek hairstyle without a bandage of plaits and hairpins:

Hairstyle No. 2 – braiding bob hairstyles

And a classic bob or bob can be turned into this masterpiece with braids in 5 minutes:

Step-by-step photo with hairstyle done on short bob with braided bangs:

Hairstyle No. 3 – with a scarf or bandana

You can also create beautiful hairstyles for short hair on your own using a bandana or scarf:

Fashion trend for spring from Marc Jacobs - hairstyles with a scarf

Fashionable looks with quick hairstyles from the Dolce Gabbana show

Step-by-step instructions with photos on how to do a hairstyle using a headband or scarf

Easy hairstyles for medium hair

The simplest, but no less effective option is the reverse ponytail. Let's figure out how to do this styling step by step.

Hairstyle No. 4 – stylish ponytails

Cavalli runway look: low sleek ponytail styled with gel

Low ponytail with black ribbon

Summer hairstyles from Marchesa

Disheveled “loop tail”

Fashion for plastic from Chanel

Unusual low ponytails

Version with inverted tail

Step-by-step instructions: how to make your own inverted ponytail

  1. We collect the hair in a traditional style and secure it with an elastic band.
  2. We loosen the tension of the strands at the back of the head. We move them apart and thread the tip of our tail into the resulting hole.
  3. Lightly tighten. A luxurious hairstyle is ready in 5 minutes! If the length of the curls allows, you can repeat the technique several times, complicating the weaving pattern.

Braids are great for hair middle length. You can make many stylish and easy hairstyles from them in 5 minutes. For example, like this:

Step by step photo: french braids with an inverted tail

Another interesting way styling for medium hair, which will take no more than five minutes.

Hairstyles No. 5 – romantic hairstyles for yourself with plaits

Let's curl the hair slightly. Let's collect two bundles from opposite sides and lay them towards each other. We will secure the ends with bobby pins.

Large tourniquets

Models' hairstyles from the latest Jil Sander show

Step-by-step instructions for weaving beautiful strands

The following styling for medium hair only seems complicated, but it can also be done in 5 minutes. It is based on a simple knot, which is tied from two opposite strands.

And finally, a beautiful bun with strands.

Instructions for making a beautiful bun from light strands

Stunning hairstyles for long hair

This romantic and delicate hairstyle is the first on our list. It really can be done in 5 minutes and allows you to create a unique look, combining with clothes in both classic and street style.

Hairstyle number 6 – French waterfall

The difference between a “waterfall” and a regular braid is that when braiding, the middle strand is directed perpendicular to the side strands and left free, and instead of it, a new one is taken each time on the next turn.

Released curls need to be curled.

How to weave a “waterfall”?

Tip: It’s better not to do the “French waterfall” on long curly hair - there is a risk of it getting lost and tangled.

Hairstyle No. 7 – roses

More examples of a combination of braided and loose curls. It’s not at all difficult to decorate your head with lush roses from your own strands. These photos clearly show how to create a hairstyle in 5 minutes so that those around you will gasp with delight.

Hairstyle No. 8 – lace

Isn’t it true that such a hairstyle for long hair seems incredibly easy after you see the diagram for its creation?

How to braid at home?

Tip: hairstyles of this type look better on armored or colored strands.

Hairstyles No. 9 – exquisite buns in 5 minutes

Step-by-step photo on how to create a hairstyle

For this hairstyle we will need a round twister (“donut”), which can be bought in specialized stores.

  1. We collect the main part of the hair in a low ponytail, leaving some curls on one side for braiding.
  2. Using a donut we make a bun.
  3. We collect the released strands into a French braid and wrap the end around our bun.

Tip: The hairstyle is suitable for high school girls or office workers, since the hair is collected as much as possible and does not interfere with work.

Hairstyles in 5 minutes for school

Many teenagers wear their hair to shoulder length or below, but you shouldn’t come to school with loose curls - they will distract from your studies and cover your face.

When offering school hairstyles to a teenage girl, first of all, you should pay attention to braids. Among the most popular styles are: “fishtail”, “straight and inverted French braiding”, “spikelet”. You can change your look every day, remaining girlishly attractive and sweet.

One of the simplest braided hairstyles for high school girls:

And these are more complex options:

The braid can be gathered into a knot. Instructions with photos

Or make funny bundles of flagella:

Even a very late girl can do this hairstyle for school:

For younger girls

Primary and secondary school students' hairstyles are most often done by their mothers. These can be the same braids and buns:

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