Sports men's haircuts. Haircuts for short hair: bob, bob, pixie, cap, garcon Men's haircuts 2

Everyone's relationship with short women's haircuts is different. Some people find them very attractive, stylish and practical. To others they seem less feminine than long hair. In any case, at least once in her life every woman thinks about cutting her hair short.

In this article we will look at the main types of short women's haircuts. And we’ll pay attention to the nuances of choosing haircuts for different forms face, taking into account hair type, as well as the general style of the female image.

In this article:

  • » Oval face shape – any haircut, even ultra-short, is suitable;
  • Correction scheme for oval face shape

  • » Round face shape - options with any asymmetry and volume on the crown, as well as milled sharp strands are suitable: Caprice, Gavroche, Garcon, Bob - lengthening bob, asymmetrical Pixie haircut. And even a shaved temple on one side of the head! These techniques will help bring your face shape closer to oval. Bangs – oblique, asymmetrical, laid on one side. Haircuts that visually widen and shorten the face are not recommended: Cessone, classic Page and unprofiled version of the Kare;
  • Correction scheme for round face shape

  • » Rectangular face shape - since this face shape is characterized by an elongated facial contour and a high forehead, therefore, the task of a haircut is to reduce the height of the forehead and face and add volume to the sides. Haircuts with rounded outlines are perfect - Cap, Bob with bangs, Sesson, Page, Bob;
  • Correction scheme for Rectangular face shape

  • » Square face shape – needs adding volume at the top, softening the angles of the lower jaw. All short haircuts with volume on the crown and without excess volume on the sides of the face are suitable for this: Garcon, Gavroche and Pixie with asymmetrical bangs. Bob - a bob with elongated front strands that soften the jaw line;
Anna Lyubimova

There are many people in the world who prefer their own bathroom to beauty salons. If there are a couple of good mirrors, convenient cabinets and shelves on which you can lay out everything you need, it could very well turn into a modern hairdressing salon - only without queues, the pungent smells of chemicals and strangers, not taking their eyes off the unfinished styling.

Both men and women are guilty of cutting their hair at home. All of them can be divided into three categories:

  • people are busy and undemanding;
  • thrifty owners, “thrifty” by nature;
  • creative individuals.

The latter are especially interesting to implement with my own hands some unusual idea, so they are aware of technical innovations and devices with which they can create a trendy hairstyle on their hair. But so does everyone else home salon fans, although they reject the services of professionals, they want to look attractive and well-groomed.

Women achieve this goal more easily. Curls and curls hide some of the mistakes of an amateur hairdresser. But men's hairstyles require clear contours to look decent, smooth transitions from one hair length to another, which without special devices not create. Therefore, creative housewives and cheerful young mothers who cut their beloved household members’ hair on their own should buy a good hair clipper. Not a cheap device sold in a stall near the market, but a real quality item with comfortable ergonomics and a variety of attachments. With their help, both classic and extravagant models are created. All of them can be classified depending on the method of execution.

Haircut under 1 mm

In traditional men's hairstyles This minimal attachment is used to shape the lowest hairline at the back of the head., but now the possibilities of its application have become much wider.

Brutal haircut one at a time has been especially popular recently. It is very difficult to distinguish it from the familiar “zero” version, and yet it is a haircut performed with a clipper with a special attachment. It gives men a somewhat stern look with a slight touch of crime. This is not to say that this makes them very beautiful. But athletes, supporters healthy image and hygiene procedures of life value it for its simplicity and functionality.

Most of all this image Suitable for those with the correct head shape, with a high forehead, rounded nape, strong and slender neck. Although people with such appearance suit many other options for men's hairstyles. They work “one at a time” very carefully, slowly moving from strand to strand, section to section, until you achieve the desired result.

To create such a look, you don’t need any other hairdresser’s tools. But if over time there is a need to change your style and, along with it, your hairstyle, you will need well-sharpened scissors, a thin comb and a compact hair dryer

Men's haircut under 2 mm

Another version of the sports-applied style hairstyle is created with a two-millimeter nozzle. You can also start it with a “one”, then moving on to a “two”.

This attachment leaves hairs slightly longer than the previous version, but the resulting hairstyle is no less practical. She has a lot of advantages:

  • Just wash your hair and dry it quickly;
  • they don’t need expensive shampoos and conditioners;
  • in the heat you will feel fresher, and in winter you won’t have to worry about your strands getting crushed under your knitted hat.

Two-millimeter paper paired with a single one will be useful when decorating the temples. They are in the foreground - on the contours of the cheeks, not far from the eyebrows - and are very important element, which can decorate or ruin the whole look. Therefore, you need to work on them especially carefully, without rushing and without taking risks. Having gained some experience, it will be possible to perform this procedure much faster, but at first it is better to move forward in microscopic steps. Even experienced craftsmen in this case “do not cut from the shoulder,” but act on the principle “Measure ten times, cut once.”

Men's hairstyle under 3 mm

This is well known to many generations of men "Boxing" and "Poluboxing". Previously, such hairstyles were more often worn by military personnel, geologists - those who do not have time to take care of their appearance and at the same time want to look collected and fit.

Today photo of three-piece haircut often found in glossy magazines for stylish men. This option is often chosen by successful businessmen who want to emphasize their energy and determination. She looks very organic with business suit, giving the owner a touch of assertiveness and slight aggressiveness necessary in some negotiations.

Traditional C-haircut runs very quickly. Having stuffed your hand, you can finish everything in a maximum of 18 minutes. By smoothly moving with the desired attachment over the entire surface of the head, you can achieve the effect of a velvet cover, even and smooth.

Men's haircut with clipper

You will have to work longer on “Polubox”. Here you can go two ways:

  • remove hair on the temples and back of the head in “one piece”;
  • treat the crown with nozzle No. 4.

In any case, it is important to get a sufficiently contrasting transition between the top and bottom of the hairstyle. The most trendy options add bangs and even tiny ponytails that puff up over the neck or back of the head.

Haircut for guys under 4 mm

This hairstyle is also many years old. Once upon a time it was a distinctive feature of the appearance of bespectacled scientists and romantic students, then it was worn out of habit, and not so long ago it again became one of the off-season hits. Familiar from old movies "Hedgehog" returned to our everyday life. Now it is worn mainly by young guys.

Despite its apparent complexity, “Hedgehog” can also be done at home. But before you get down to business, you should critically evaluate your own hair. If they are thick, straight and hard, the haircut will look perfect, for soft and curly ones it is better to choose a different hairstyle. Otherwise, you will have to constantly wear a certain amount of styling gels, waxes and varnishes on your hair.

Here, too, you will need several attachments - the minimum ones for edging and the main one - four millimeters - for the main trimming on the top, back of the head, and above the forehead.

In the traditional versions of the Hedgehog, bangs are not provided. It is an integral part of the total hair mass. Modern young people want to see themselves as more original, and therefore make their own adjustments to their hairstyle:

  • cut bangs;
  • comb it to one side;
  • decorated with “torn” strands;
  • They leave a long thin “tail” on the back of the head.

Haircut with clipper

Men's haircut under 6 mm

It has similar features to “Hedgehog”, it is based on the legendary “Tennis”, but the overall impression is completely different. Uniqueness and individuality "Beaver" haircut give:

  • square shape;
  • flat top, resembling a flat platform;
  • the sides and back of the head are cut to transparency.

You should take on such a haircut only when the home hairdresser has no difficulties working with different attachments and transitions from the microscopic size of the hairline.

When creating this hairstyle, haste is especially contraindicated. Otherwise, the result may not be a fashionable look, but separate “shreds” that do not merge into a single image. Then the situation can only be saved by a “zero” haircut.

One more word of caution. It is better to “hide” the scars on the back of the head (which, of course, adorn a man) under the Hedgehog, but on a well-shaped head, the Beaver looks very impressive. Young people often add bold touches to their hairstyle - bangs combed to the side, an elongated nape, which is sometimes styled with a hairdryer.

Let's talk about another 6 mm haircut, where the arsenal of expressive means becomes wider, several attachments are used in the process, and the length of the strands reaches from 3 to 6 cm. We are talking about new trend of recent years - Tomboy men's haircut. The basis for Tomboy was the half-forgotten male bob, which was “overgrown” (depending on the version) with either elongated bangs, combed to the side, or naturally shaggy strands at the back of the head.

Stylists believe that in the next few seasons this haircut will become the most popular, so there is a reason to take a closer look at it and start mastering its elements now.

Men's haircut under 9 mm

This haircut cannot be done without a smooth transition from one hair length to another. If the strands on the parietal or occipital part of the head are too long, the excess can be removed with scissors or the largest nozzle, and then you can proceed to step-by-step processing of different zones - parietal, occipital, crown, temporal.

Professionals do it like this:

  • decorate the back of the head;
  • from it they pass to the sides and temples;
  • then start cutting the threads

Nine mm nozzle often used when treating the back of the head, but is quite suitable for the crown of the head. The hair on the forehead is cut last. Depending on the individual characteristics of the appearance, men leave them longer to comb to the side, or slightly raise them using thinning.

Haircut with 12 mm nozzle

This is real step-by-step work. You can’t start doing it without washing your hair and going through it with a fairly thick comb.

When starting a haircut, you can't do without scissors. Clamping individual strands with your hands, you need to remove the excess, and then calmly move on to the attachments. Received on simple hairstyles experience will tell you which one to choose for shaping the back of the head and making transitions from one hair length to another.

In today's hairstyles, the back of the head trimmed with the smallest attachments prevails. If we plan to make it especially expressive, we can approach the crown of the head with twelve-millimeter paper. She's the same useful for romantic strands on the crown of the head, which will beautifully lean back or fall to the sides.

Haircut with a clipper with a 12 mm nozzle

Video tutorials for men's haircuts with clippers at home

This is an excellent visual aid for those who want to master the art of hairdressing. On the Internet you can find many more videos with master classes that will help you with the basics of hairdressing. By watching professional and amateur videos, you can master the techniques of qualified specialists and become a real assistant stylist for your household. And spend the money saved on salons on going to the park or cinema together.


It’s not at all difficult to perform a men’s haircut of various levels of complexity, especially if you know where to start and have it on hand necessary equipment. To do this, a home stylist needs:

  • high-quality hair clipper (preferably from well-known manufacturers);
  • sharp scissors;
  • a pair of combs;

Add to this the desire to see your loved ones beautiful and your love for them, and your work cannot be surpassed by any famous coiffer.

September 27, 2017, 00:08


Short men's haircuts emphasize the masculinity, energy and sportiness of a man, and this is now in fashion. We bring to your attention a detailed overview of short men's haircuts: classic and creative, model and sporty (see photo).

Youth men's haircuts for the spring-summer 2017 season

In the coming season, pronounced masculinity and severity will be in fashion, and in order to be in trend, you will have to abandon everything “metrosexual”. This means restraint in hairstyles: long bangs, styling and other attributes of last year’s fashion must be ruthlessly discarded.

Fashionable hairstyle of 2019 is short haircut no hints of femininity, but creativity and style are welcome. The basic basis can be a classic haircut with bangs, as well as all kinds of “army” haircuts in military style.

Sports haircuts with a comb back and cap hairstyles are also in fashion.

Fashionable men's haircuts

Masculinity and brutality, so fashionable this season, are most clearly expressed in the following current haircuts.

The “Tomboy” haircut is considered a real “hit” of the 2019 season. The tomboy is a slightly improved and familiar short bob hairstyle.

Hairstyle in retro style looks luxurious, especially if it is in harmony with the overall style of the wardrobe and accessories. It's hard to do without the help of a stylist, but if you want to look stylish, it's worth it.

  • Hair is styled with mousse, combed back and parted.
  • To create a hairstyle, you need a thin comb.

Boxing and Halfboxing

, “half box” is a “classic” of men’s hairdressing fashion. The haircut is done with a machine, the length of the hair on the sides is up to 3 mm, and on top – 20-50 mm (“boxing”) and 40-80 mm (“half-boxing”).


In many cases, modern hairstyles are done using a machine. Doing such hairstyles is convenient and quick, and most importantly, inexpensive. The haircut technique is simple. The hairstyle looks stylish and neat, it does not need daily care, it needs to be updated only once every 10-15 days.

The machine is mainly used for hairstyles such as boxing, half-boxing and other varieties. The machine is also used for hair cutting.


Short haircuts for men came into fashion about half a century ago because of their practicality and convenience. For athletes who move a lot, long hair causes inconvenience, and they were forced to cut their hair short. Subsequently, other men also appreciated the benefits of short hairstyles.

Sports haircuts resemble military-style hairstyles in appearance. These types include “boxing”, “half-boxing”, “hedgehog” and “Canadian”. “Hedgehog” – uniformly trimmed hair up to 40 mm high. “Boxing” - the hair at the temples and sides is cut short, and at the top its length is up to 40 mm. “Half-box” - the hair at the temples and sides is cut short, at the top its length reaches 60-80 mm.

It differs from “boxing” and “half-boxing” in that the length of the hair in the bang area is from 50 to 100 mm, the bangs have the shape of a roller. For this type of styling you will need a gel. “Canadian” looks better on thick hair. This option is also suitable for curly hair.

Catalog of haircuts that are fashionable this season

Not all men are adorned with a clean shaven head - not everyone has a skull shape that is close to ideal. In addition, the absence of hair makes facial defects more noticeable. But this hairstyle also has its strengths - it requires absolutely no maintenance, and in summer the hair does not “float”. A bald haircut is a necessary option for balding men (see photo below).

  • Haircut is carried out on dry hair. If they are too long, they are first shortened with scissors or a machine.
  • Next, the haircut is done with a clipper, starting from the back of the head and towards the forehead.
  • In order for the hair to be cut evenly, it must be cut “overlapping” (with intersecting stripes).
  • The height of the knife for cutting bald is from 3 to 1 mm.
  • The remaining single hairs are cut with scissors, and vellus hairs are cut with a safety razor.


The hedgehog hairstyle is more suitable for men with a coarse hair structure and an oval face. If the hair is soft, gel or mousse will give the hairstyle its shape. The hairstyle is as follows: on the sides and at the back of the head the hair is short, and at the top the thinned hair forms a kind of platform. The strands are directed in different directions, which makes the haircut dynamic and careless.

This hairstyle is reminiscent of a hedgehog hairstyle - the sides of the hair are cut short, and the hair on the top of the head is 40 mm long. The main difference between the “beaver” is that the platform is not located on the entire upper part of the head, but only near the crown.

Playground and Tennis

It first appeared among tennis athletes who, not wanting to part with their hair, hid it under their cap. The sides of the hair are very short, and the length of the hair at the top of the head is 50 mm. Longer lengths are also allowed, but in this case you will have to use mousse or gel to shape the hair.

“Platform” refers to complex types of hairstyles - it is not easy to carefully cut your hair in the shape of a flat platform. The haircut begins with combing the hair upward, then side hair are cut off and reduced to “zero” bottom. The upper hair needs to be cut so that from the forehead to the back of the head the hair forms a flat area.


Classic men's short haircuts include “boxing”, “half-boxing”, “Canadian”, “polka”, “hedgehog”, “platform” and some other hairstyles. These hairstyles first appeared about 80 years ago and have already become a real “classic”.


A model haircut is a hairstyle created by an experienced hairdresser, taking into account the individual anatomical features of the structure of the head and face, as well as the wishes of the client. Any hairstyle can be a model - from an elegant classic to an extravagant mohawk haircut. The master implements his plan step by step and carefully, as a result, this model haircut becomes the client’s favorite, and he will wear it for many years, or even his whole life.

The basis for a model haircut is a regular haircut short hair, the master simply introduces one or more of his own elements into the hairstyle. For example, a haircut with patterns - on top it resembles a regular “half-box”, and on the sides and on the back of the head the hairdresser shaves the pattern. Sometimes the hairdresser leaves a lock of hair at the back of the head, which results in a hairstyle with a ponytail.

The “torn haircut” technique gives a lot of scope for imagination. The master cuts the hair with a razor so that it looks like the hair is torn off. A “ladder” haircut will add volume to your hair. The scheme for its implementation: the master cuts the hair so that the strands processed from the back of the head and down are longer than each other. “Cascade” differs from “ladder” in that the transition of the strands is not smooth, but sharp.

With shaved temples

Until recently, such hairstyles were a sign of fans of punk music. But fashion is changing, and more and more often men with shaved temples appear on the streets. Any short haircut serves as the basis for the hairstyle - you just need to shave your temples, and a powerful charge of creativity is guaranteed.

Find out which ones are suitable for girls.

  • Short haircuts are suitable for strong-willed, strong and energetic men; their age does not matter.
  • They are most suitable for men with round face, and stylists often recommend choosing hairstyles with shortened hair on the sides and long hair on the top. If your face is long or oval, it is better to have a different hairstyle. Bangs are not always suitable for men with long faces.
  • If it is important for a teenager to stand out and find his own original stylish look using a catchy haircut with asymmetry, then this option may not be suitable for older men. Character traits youth hairstyles - a deliberately careless appearance, catchiness and even shockingness.
  • Discuss

    Short men's haircuts: fashionable hairstyles

If a man, when choosing a haircut, is guided by the principle “everything ingenious is simple,” then boxing is an excellent option for him. This hairstyle is easy to live with - it does not require daily styling and does not lose its shape. Hair looks neat and well-groomed at minimal cost - just wash your hair. Judging by the photos in glossy magazines, men's boxing haircuts are preferred by athletes - it does not interfere with training.

Features of a men's haircut, what it looks like

  • On the sides and back the length is from 0.5 to 2 cm, at the choice of the man. However, if you want to do a hairstyle for medium hair, take a look, you may be interested in just this option;
  • In the crown area – 1-2 cm longer;
  • There may be sparse bangs, 2-4 cm;
  • Opens the face, ears, neck, forehead;
  • Suitable for hair of any texture and color. If they are dark, then at very short version execution the skin will be visible;
  • Keeps its shape well, strands do not stick out to the sides;
  • It is universal – just like the short fashionable men’s haircut, the photo of which is posted, it suits both a tracksuit and an office “three piece”;
  • Like men's hairstyle the undercut, which we talked about in ours, does not go out of fashion - you don’t have to return to the issue of choosing a hairstyle for a long time;
  • If you don’t like your own skull shape, then it’s better to choose another option;
  • Before performing a boxing haircut, it is worth solving problems with the scalp (if any);
  • Boxing will not suit those with curly hair, but it will look great. As do people with clearly visible scars on their heads.

Who is it suitable for?

men's boxing haircut is always relevant

Suitable for people with oily hair. A box haircut with is a salvation from frequent hair washing and an unpresentable appearance. This will help correct all appearance flaws.

Boxing, as the name suggests, is suitable for athletes – both amateurs and professionals. Anyone who leads an active lifestyle. Sweat will not linger in the hair and have a negative effect on it.

Brother, but not a twin - half-box

For men who love their hair and don’t want to part with it, a half-box haircut is suitable.

The first version of this hairstyle: the hair on the sides is short, as in a boxing haircut, and on the crown and back of the head - 2-5 cm longer. The second option: on the sides - 2-5 cm, on the crown and back of the head - 6-8 cm Visually, it is somewhat similar to a short haircut. You can play on the difference in hair length to get your own individual version. The differences between one hairstyle and another are shown in the table.

Boxing Halfbox
Side and back length 0.5-2 cm 2-5 cm
Length at the crown of the head 3-4 cm 6-8 cm
Face types Any Square, oval. Not suitable for long or thin faces
Hair types Oily straight hair Normal oily hair, straight, wavy
Not suitable for curly hair
Creation technology One line of edging - in the temple area Two edgings - in the temple area and along the hairline
Care and styling Not required, just wash your hair Leaves room for various backcombing, combing and styling
Bang Absent, or short and thinned Elongated, thick

The semibox requires regular updating. If you skip a trip to the hairdresser, you risk getting a sloppy look. The half-box is a universal haircut. It will suit business and sports suits. But the longer the hair, the more care and attention it requires. To maintain order on your head, you may need styling products. During the day, you should periodically monitor your hairstyle. choose according to face shape. And it is the half-box that parents prefer.

Whatever the fashion, when choosing a haircut, you should first of all be guided by your own preferences and taste. As well as lifestyle, hobbies, family composition and the opinions of loved ones.

Look at the current women's haircuts in 2019: short, medium and long hair

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A beautiful hairstyle is a guarantee of a woman’s self-confidence, a way to attract a man’s attention, an attribute of femininity. But for this, a woman simply needs to monitor fashion trends, which are offered annually by stylists, changing the format and vision of haircuts that were already successful last season.

Likewise, the haircuts of 2019 absorbed all the good and high-quality that was offered in previous years. Everything that women did not like did not find a response in their hearts - it was left behind, but the shapes and haircut techniques that proved to be at the height of popularity remain fashionable this season.

First of all, healthy is in fashion every season. beautiful hair, therefore, after the winter cold, you should strengthen your hair a little, revive and “feed” it with masks, and only then rush to the salon to get a new trendy haircut.

Choice of length per season 2019-2020 not relevant, since haircuts are presented in a wide range - they can be smooth long strands or tousled, careless “feathers”, gentle waves and backcombing, layering and play of lengths. Also, for each look, a wide variety of bangs are assumed: torn and neat, super short and long - right up to the eyes, oblique and straight.

Short hair

Today, many women lead an active lifestyle: they organize their own business, play sports, are constantly in a hurry, therefore they do not have enough time to care for long hair and prefer short haircuts. In addition, modern hairstyles for short hair make a woman look younger, highlight beautiful facial features, and are styled with lightning speed.

1. Cascade haircut- a haircut that is again coming to the forefront, but now uneven strands and asymmetry on the sides are offered. When styling, you don’t need to try too hard; on the contrary, ruffle your hair a little, give it a random look and lightly spray it with hairspray. We have a very detailed article on.

2. Bob– a familiar short haircut that always remains relevant. There are a lot of options for short hair; you can choose softer contours without sharp transitions or give preference to geometricity.

3. Cap haircut– a current haircut for the 2019-2020 season, magnificent and effective, although it requires frequent adjustments from a specialist. Can be performed asymmetrically or at the same level.

This haircut requires special care and styling, so it’s not suitable for all girls. If you have naughty, furry and curly hair then you should refuse such a haircut. When choosing this haircut, pay attention to the shape of your face; a cap haircut is only suitable for a classic oval-shaped face.

4. Kare- a simple haircut, but there are many variations: torn strands, a bob with a leg, with an extension.

11. Creative haircuts for short hair with a shaved temple or nape. A truly bold haircut that not many girls decide on; its variations can be different. For example, an ultra-short haircut can be done only on one side or cut off the hair only on the back of the head.

Fashionable haircuts for medium hair 2019

Haircuts middle length are diverse. It is these haircuts that emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws of the face, giving the image sophistication, romance and charm.

1. Aurora– a hairstyle similar to a cascade, distinguished by its sharper transitions. universal, suitable for any type of face, gives tenderness and femininity to the appearance. Such haircut will suit for those with straight, thin hair.

2. Cascade- the classic presentation of a hairstyle is no longer in fashion, it is diluted with graduations made by various techniques, and bangs also stand out: elongated asymmetrical or straight. Also this year, the trend is cascade for curly hair.

3. Long page- a haircut with the ends curled inward, which turns an ordinary girl into a “mystery.” But the most important thing is to choose the right bangs for the shape of the face: for an elongated face, the bangs are created thick and even, for a round face – oblique. If the hair is thin, then the strands of the hairstyle will need to be styled in curls, which will add volume.

4. Bob and bob- hairstyles have been incredibly popular for many seasons, but now they are being modified, textured choppy haircuts are created, which require minimal care, just wash your hair, apply styling product to the hair roots and lift them with a round brush and hair dryer. If you need a hairstyle for going out, you can simply curl the ends of your hair outward and secure with hairspray.

5. Multi-layered haircut “ladder” Now it is cut in a coarser, clearer form by cutting strands of great thickness. The haircut is extravagant, voluminous and stylish, easy to style.

Haircuts for long hair 2019

This season, glamorous simplicity is in fashion, which characterizes hairstyles for long hair. Fashionable long haircuts They perfectly transform a woman’s appearance, correct the features and shape of the face, and are easy to style.

1. Kare - bob and elongated bob - classic haircuts, which are always in trend, but current fashion dictates for the first option - a layered structure and oblique bangs, and for the second - elongated side strands, blunt-cut bangs and graduated strands.

2. Cascading layered haircut for long hair without bangs- unusually spectacular and stylish, beautifully flowing. This season's hairstyle combines asymmetrical and straight lines.

3. Came into fashion hairstyles parted in the middle with even and graduated strands. But the parting itself can be somewhat beveled to the side, made figuratively. Don't forget to match your face shape correctly!

4. Cascade with bangs of different textures and lengths. If the bangs are short, then this incredibly refreshes and makes a woman’s face look younger; bangs below the level of the eyebrows with a blunt cut endow the image with mystery and attractiveness; to add volume, you can slightly twist the ends of the bangs inward. Oblique straight bangs look good with wavy hair When creating a bohemian look, a colored strand near the face will look especially fashionable. are gaining momentum, for some this type of haircut may seem too extravagant, for others it is bright and creative.

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