How many holidays are there in a year in different countries? Red calendar day: How long do people vacation in different countries of the world?

According to a study conducted by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (), the most industrious country in the world is Mexico, with 2,246 hours worked per year. This, frankly speaking, is an unexpected result, because it is generally accepted that Latin Americans do not like to work.

Meanwhile, every year Mexican citizens have to work more and more. Thus, in 2015, each Mexican worked on average 18 hours more than in 2014. According to The World Factbook, 61.9% of Mexicans are employed in the service sector, 24.1% in industry, 13.4% in agriculture, and the average annual real salary (calculated at purchasing power parity) for a Mexican citizen is $14,867.

Despite the hard work, Mexico ranks second to last in terms of the amount of rest: vacation in Mexico for a year of work is only six days. Only the Filipinos rest less: their vacation lasts five days.

In addition, Mexico has 15 public holidays, including New Year, Constitution Day and Flag Day, during which residents of the country do not work.

In second place is Mexico's geographic neighbor, Costa Rica. Costa Ricans work only 16 hours less per year than Mexicans. Moreover, a few years ago, the championship in workaholism belonged to Costa Ricans.

It is worth noting that thanks to such diligence, in 2000-2013, the country’s GDP grew by 4.5% per year. The majority of Costa Ricans - 64% - are employed in the service sector, 22% - in industry and only 14% - in agriculture. Thanks to hard work, Costa Rica has practically managed to overcome poverty: only 12% of the country's population lives below the poverty line, although the regional average is no less than 50%.

Costa Ricans, unlike Mexicans, are okay with vacations. According to the country's constitution, every worker has the right to one day's rest after six consecutive days of work and to annual paid leave, the duration and timing of which shall be regulated by law, but which in no case shall be less than two weeks for every 50 consecutive weeks worked. Moreover, Costa Rica has 16 public holidays, on which citizens also rest.

South Korea closes the top three workaholic countries with 2,113 working hours per year. But Koreans spent 11 hours less on work in 2015 than in 2014, according to the OECD.

However, despite the reduced work hours, more than 2,000 hours a year for a high-tech economy is quite a lot, given the fact that more than a quarter of Koreans work ten or more hours a day.

It is worth noting that the average annual real salary of a South Korean resident is $33,110. Moreover, the majority of the population - 70.2% - is employed in the service sector, 24.2% - in industry, and 5.7% - in agriculture.

For the sake of a career, Koreans ignore family and labor laws: a six-day work week here is more the norm than the exception, and short vacations are only three days a year, instead of the 10 days required by law.

There are only 13 public holidays: citizens of the Republic of Korea rest not only on the New Year, but also on Children’s Day, Remembrance Day (in memory of those who died in the struggle for independence or military service) and on Constitution Day.

Greeks don't sleep

Perhaps the main surprise of the OECD study is the fact that fourth place was taken by Greece, a country whose inhabitants in Europe are considered almost the main lazy people of the continent.

In fact, Greeks work 2,042 hours a year. And every year, Greek citizens have to work more and more. Thus, in 2015, each Greek worked on average 16 hours more than in 2014, and the average annual real salary of a Greek citizen was $25,211.

In Greece people work on average 43.7 hours per week. According to The World Factbook, 72.4% of workers are employed in the service sector, 15% in industry, and 12.6% in agriculture.

The Greeks' vacation lasts 20 days, but they are luckier with public holidays than other hardworking countries: there are as many as 18 of them in Greece. In addition to the classic weekends on New Year's and Labor Day, the Greeks also rest on St. Nicholas the Wonderworker's Day and Greek Independence Day .

The top five workers are closed by the Chileans with 1988 hours per year. Official vacation in Chile lasts 15 days. There are exactly the same number of public holidays and weekends in the country. These include not only Christmas and Independence Day, but also Labor Day, All Saints' Day, Army Day and even Corpus Christi.

Following the Chileans is Russia (1978 hours per year). Moreover, in the crisis year of 2015, every resident of Russia worked on average seven hours less than in 2014. However, Russians clearly do not like to overwork: only 0.2% of residents worked more than required.

It is not surprising that most of the population is employed in the service sector: 63% of workers, 27.6% in industry and only 9.4% in agriculture. At the same time, the average monthly accrued wages in 2015, according to estimates, amounted to 33,925 rubles.

It is worth noting that in Russia there is quite a long vacation: 28 calendar days. Moreover, for some citizens an extended vacation is provided. Thus, employees rest for 30 calendar days, minors - 31 days, and workers of professional emergency rescue services and units have the right to rest for up to 40 days, depending on their length of service.

To all this are added 14 more public holidays - non-working days. Moreover, in none of the above countries there is New Year holidays, as in Russia.

Relaxed Europeans

Oddly enough, but, according to the OECD, the recognized economic leader of Europe and the world - Germany - is not at all a champion in working hours. Germans work significantly less than both Greeks and Russians - on average 1,371 hours per year.

In terms of a working week, this is only 26.3 hours. 74% of workers are employed in the service sector, and about 25% in industry. The fewest Germans are employed in agriculture: just over 1%, according to The World Factbook report.

Moreover, the number of vacation days in Germany is one of the largest: employees can rest 30 days a year. This is stated in the report of the European Fund for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions.

But the number of public holidays here depends on the lands themselves (the so-called territorial units within the country). Thus, nine holidays are celebrated in all 16 lands, and in addition to these nine holidays, additional ones are established in eleven lands.

Slightly more Germans work in the Netherlands (1,419 hours per year). It is worth noting that in the mid-2000s, the Dutch government was the first in the world to introduce a working week of less than 30 hours. Moreover, the Dutch themselves want to work even less. That is why many enterprises in the country are increasingly introducing a 4-day working week. At the same time, a Dutchman's working day lasts on average 7 hours and 30 minutes. 81% of residents are employed in the service sector, 17% in industry and about 2% in agriculture.

The Dutch have an average vacation in Europe - 4 weeks, that is, 20 calendar days. In addition, there are 9 main holidays in the Netherlands. Among them are King's Day, Liberation Day, Trinity Day and St. Nicholas Day. Despite the fact that the latter is not a state holiday, the Dutch do not work on this day.

In Scandinavian countries they also do not process much. In Norway people work 1,424 hours a year, in Denmark - 1,457 hours. Confessed amateurs beautiful life- the French - and they work more than the Germans (1482 hours per year).

France is a country with a 35-hour work week, long lunch breaks and even longer vacations. However, not every Frenchman works 35 hours: this figure is simply a threshold after which overtime hours begin for additional pay. That is why many residents of the country are ready to work more than normal.

According to the French government, 50% of full-time workers claimed overtime in 2010, and 44% of lawyers worked more than 55 hours in 2008, according to the French National Bar Association. 76% of French people work in the service sector, 21% in industry and only 3% in agriculture.

In France, official paid leave is 25 days a year. Given 10 official holidays The French take an average of 35 days off per year. They rest on Victory Day, All Saints' Day and traditionally Christmas.

Six hours or three days off

However, there are countries that are not included in this rating, but are still ready for changes in the working rhythm. For example, Sweden recently completed a two-year experiment to introduce a 6-hour working day. True, the employees of a nursing home in Gothenburg, who were lucky enough to become participants in such an innovation, were upset.

The study showed that the health of employees has improved, which has reduced their time on sick leave, and patient care has also improved, but the city will not continue the experiment on an ongoing basis: it is too expensive.

It turned out that in order to allow 68 nurses to work 30 hours a week instead of 40, the city would have to hire an additional 17 people, which would cost the treasury over a million euros, notes.

And the Belgian design studio Central, in order to increase the efficiency of its employees, offered them, no less, a third day off, which employees can dispose of at their own discretion.

It is noteworthy that this innovation really made it possible to increase work efficiency and speed of task completion, because a rested and happy employee is a productive employee, the company noted.

Working holiday: 28 days

Public holidays: 12 days

Total days of rest: 40

Such a long non-working period in 2013 was ensured for Russians by the government decree “On the postponement of weekends in 2013”. According to the decree, January 5 and 6 as days off are transferred to the beginning of the May holidays, and Saturday February 23 can be taken off on May 10. Back in February 2012, President Vladimir Putin proposed increasing the May holidays by reducing the New Year holidays, but this decision has not yet been formalized.

Losses: What are the economic losses from such long holidays? The Ministry of Labor estimated the decline in GDP for just one holiday at approximately 12-14 billion rubles. For comparison: in 2011, losses from the New Year holidays amounted to 600-700 billion rubles.

What is celebrated: There are eight public holidays in Russia, which are officially days off. In winter it is New Year and Defender of the Fatherland Day, in summer there is Russia Day, in autumn there is national unity. The busiest season for holidays in Russia is spring. At this time, International Women's Day, Spring and Labor Day and Victory Day are celebrated. Widely celebrated religious holidays - Christmas and Easter - are not official holidays, but the population rests on these days: Christmas falls on the New Year holidays, and Easter on Sunday.

If Russia followed the example of European countries and made religious holidays official (Easter, Ascension or All Saints' Day), then we would firmly occupy the first position in the ranking of the most “lazy” countries for several years to come.

Working holiday: 24 days

Public holidays: 12 days

Total days of rest: 36

What is celebrated: Over the past forty years, Italians have abandoned many religious holidays that were previously considered days off. But, even despite this, today Italy celebrates Catholic holidays with rest more often than any other country: out of 12 official holidays in Italy, seven are church holidays. These include Epiphany in January and the Monday after Easter, called Angel's Day. The Feast of All Saints (November 1) falls in the fall, and the Day of the Immaculate Conception, Christmas and St. Stephen's Day fall in the winter. In addition, various regions of Italy celebrate the days of their own saints, which in this area are equivalent to an official public holiday. On such a day, all government offices, banks and most shops are closed, and transport runs according to the Sunday schedule.

Working holiday: 25 days

Public holidays: 11 days

Total days of rest: 36

What is celebrated: Sweden is one of the countries with a 25-day working holiday (not counting Brazil and Russia, this holiday is one of the longest). Here public holidays are almost equally divided into religious and state holidays. Local residents celebrate June 6 as Swedish National Day (until 1983 it was called Swedish Flag Day). Moreover, this holiday became an official holiday only in 2005, for which it was necessary to make a working day of a religious holiday - Holy Spirit Day. This action caused discontent among the population. Therefore, the government gave the Swedes an additional eight hours of rest, which they can use on any day at their discretion. It is curious that among the official dates in Sweden there is also an ancient pagan holiday summer solstice— Midsommar (June 26). From a traditional point of view it is similar Russian day Ivan Kupala, although the latter was never considered an official holiday.

4. Finland

Working holiday: 25 days

Public holidays: 10 days

Total days of rest: 35

What is celebrated: In Finland, public holidays include all traditional dates: winter ones are New Year, Christmas, Epiphany, in the spring - Easter, in the fall - All Saints' Day. May Day is also an official holiday, but due to the fact that it coincides with the local pre-Christian festival of Vappu. The pagan holiday was made Christian, dedicating it to the Catholic Saint Walpurgis. This day is also considered students’ day: first-year students dress in multi-colored overalls made of waterproof fabric - “halari” (traditional student uniform in Finland, has more than 30 colors depending on the institute and faculty), and first-year students also put on white caps.

5. France

Working holiday: 25 days

Public holidays: 10 days

Total days of rest: 35

What is celebrated: In France, the most important official holidays are Christmas, Dormition Day (August 15), Bastille Day (July 14), and Easter. The French, like the Russians, celebrate the New Year; the eve of the holiday is called St. Sylvester. On this day it is customary to gather with families and friends, but the celebration itself, as a rule, takes place outside the walls of the house. On the first of November, All Saints' Day is also celebrated here, during which it is customary to remember all deceased relatives. This holiday is partly similar to Russian Parents' Day, but in our country it is not an official holiday. On May 1, the French celebrate Labor Day (during which it is customary to give each other lilies of the valley), May 8 is the Day of Liberation from the Nazis, Catholic Pentecost is also considered a public holiday, this year it falls on May 19.

6. Norway

Working holiday: 25 days

Public holidays: 10 days

Total days of rest: 35

What is celebrated: There are 10 official public holidays in Norway, which include Christmas, Easter, Good Friday, May Day, and New Year. The main national holiday here is Constitution Day, which is also called Independence Day (May 17). On this day, schoolchildren national clothes go out to festive processions; in Oslo, the royal family goes out onto the balcony of the royal palace to greet the processions passing by.

7. Brazil

Working holiday: 30 days

Public holidays: 5 days

Total days of rest: 35

What is celebrated: Brazil holds the record for the longest working holiday. In this country it is 30 days. Along with other countries, the official public holidays here are also Easter, Christmas, the Apparition of the Virgin Mary (October 12), and All Saints' Day (November 1). The hallmark of Brazil is carnivals, which are also among the official public holidays. They take place 40 days before Easter and mark the beginning of Lent. Carnivals associated with pagan traditions in Christianity began to symbolize farewell to carnal pleasures.

Working holiday: 25 days

Public holidays: 9 days

Total days of rest: 34

What is celebrated: Despite the fact that the Danes celebrate all the same holidays as many other countries - Easter, Christmas, May Day, Constitution Day - they have acquired their own unique traditions. For example, on the Day of the Liberation of Denmark from German Troops, which is celebrated annually on May 5, residents place lit candles on the windowsills of their houses. This is exactly what the Danes did on May 5, 1945, without agreeing. The tradition of celebrating the feast of St. Martin on November 11 is also unusual: on this day, roast goose is served on the table. According to legend, the modest saint did not want to become a bishop, but his whereabouts were revealed by the geese who were looking for him. This is why they are roasted every year.

9. Spain

Working holiday: 22 days

Public holidays: 12 days

Total days of rest: 34

What is celebrated: The Spaniards remain faithful to Catholicism and every year they celebrate a series of religious holidays: winter ones include Epiphany, the Immaculate Conception and Christmas, spring and summer ones include Holy Week, St. Joseph's Day and the Apostle James's Day. There are also secular holidays: May Day, New Year and Constitution Day (December 6). Once a great maritime power, Spain owes its history to Columbus Day (also Spanish Civilization Day, or Day of the Discovery of America), which is celebrated on October 12th.

10. Colombia

Working holiday: 15 days

Public holidays: 18 days

Total days of rest: 33

What is celebrated: Residents of the Republic of Colombia, named after the famous traveler, love to relax: they have as many as 18 public holidays (the second largest number of public holidays after Argentina). Most of them, 12 dates, are related to Catholicism. Plus, the locals, just like the Spaniards, love Columbus and on November 12th they dedicate the holiday of the same name to him. Despite similar views with the Spaniards on the role of Columbus, the Colombians were glad to be freed from the patronage of the European crown and in honor of this they celebrate Independence Day every year on July 20.

11. New Zealand

Working holiday: 20 days

Public holidays: 11 days

Total days of rest: 31

What is celebrated: The homeland of The Hobbit boasts not only beautiful natural views, but also unusual holidays: for example, Christmas and New Year are held here among the greenery and summer sun. Here, as in England and many other countries of the British Commonwealth, the Queen of England's Birthday is celebrated. This date falls on the first Monday of June, from this day the ski season opens. New Zealand has adopted from England not only the tradition of celebrating the Queen's Birthday, but also annually on December 26 they celebrate the national Boxing Day, or, in Russian, Boxing Day.

In addition, the birthplace of The Hobbit is also the birthplace of flip-flops, so every second of December locals celebrate “Flip-flop Day.” True, this funny holiday has not yet become official.

12. Australia

Working holiday: 20 days

Public holidays: 10 days

Total days of rest: 30

What is celebrated: Australia is another country of “inverted” holidays: New Year and Christmas are celebrated in the hot summer. But that's not all the features. Australian holidays, not counting national ones, are declared at the state and territory level. National dates include the already mentioned New Year and Christmas, as well as Australia Day (January 26), when Captain Arthur Philip founded the first colony here, Easter. Australians celebrate the Queen's birthday on the second Monday of June (the date coincides with the beginning of the ski season). In Western Australia, Her Majesty's Birthday coincides with the founding day of Western Australia itself, so locals calculate the date of the holiday in their own way (there is no fixed day). And just like New Zealanders, Australians love to throw away boxes of Christmas gifts, in honor of which they celebrate the national Boxing Day on December 26th.

13. Argentina

Working holiday: 10 days

Public holidays: 19 days

Total days of rest: 29

What is celebrated: In its love for holidays, Argentina overtook Colombia and became the record holder on this list for the number of public holidays: Argentines celebrate and, accordingly, rest for 19 days. The local list is similar to the list of holidays in Spain, the former ruler of South America: October 12, Columbus Day, also Christmas, Easter, New Year, May Day. Every year on June 20, Argentines celebrate National Flag Day: on this day in 1820, the author of the blue and white canvas, Manuel Belgrano, died. Another national holiday is August 17, the anniversary of the memory of the hero of the struggle for independence from the Spanish colonialists, General San Martin. In Argentina, he is revered almost like a saint: the general is buried in the main cathedral of Buenos Aires, with grenadiers on duty near the grave.

14. Germany

Working holiday: 20 days

Public holidays: 9 days

Total days of rest: 29

What is celebrated: Official holidays in Germany are not much different from the holidays of their neighbors: in winter they celebrate New Year and Epiphany, in spring - Easter, in autumn - All Saints' Day. Unofficial holidays are much more interesting: various festivals have gained enormous popularity. This includes the autumn Oktoberfest (starts this year on September 21) - a festival of beer, and with it sausages and cabbage, in which about 6 million people took part last year; spring festival of lights and fireworks “Lights of the Rhine”, which will take place on May 4; July 14 – summer technoparade “Parade of Love”.

15. Ireland

Working holiday: 20 days

Public holidays: 9 days

Total days of rest: 29

What is celebrated: Ireland infected the whole world with the belief in green clover and forced everyone to celebrate its national holiday - St. Patrick's Day - on March 17th. On this day, it is customary to wear green clothes, and the symbols of the holiday are considered to be mythical leprechauns, the Irish flag and the three-leaf clover (a symbol of the church trinity), although now the quatrefoil is most often depicted. Irish holidays are a mixture of Christianity and paganism: February 2 is St. Brigid's Day, or Imbolc, May 1 is Beltane (the same Walpurgis Night), and October 31 is Samhain Night, the Celtic holiday of the end of the harvest.

16. Switzerland

Working holiday: 20 days

Public holidays: 9 days

Total days of rest: 29

What is celebrated: The Swiss are an independent and independent people, so each canton in the country determines its own holidays. Only four dates have won the right to become federal holidays common to all cantons: the Swiss National Holiday on August 1, Christmas, Ascension and New Year. On August 1, during the Swiss National Day, residents decorate their homes with federal and municipal flags, and in the evening everyone goes out with lanterns and fireworks. Many cantons also celebrate Easter, Boxing Day (December 26), Good Friday (March 29) and Trinity Day (50th day after Easter).

17. UK

Working holiday: 20 days

Public holidays: 8 days

Total days of rest: 28

What is celebrated: The UK, like all other countries, celebrates Christmas, New Year, Boxing Day (26 December) and May Day. In addition to traditional holidays, the British rest on the Spring Festival - the last Monday in May. On this day, the streets are decorated with garlands of flowers and folk festivals take place. Another unusual public holiday is the August Rest Day, which is celebrated on the last Monday of August. As a rule, many people leave the city at this time for picnics or go to seaside towns.

18. South Korea

Working holiday: 15 days

Public holidays: 12 days

Total days of rest: 27

What is celebrated: In South Korea, there is no practice of moving holidays that fall on a weekend to weekdays. Therefore, holidays are treated with reverence and attention here. Chuseok, the full moon festival, is celebrated on September 3. On All Saints' Day (November 1), Koreans visit the graves of their loved ones. The celebration itself takes place in the house of the oldest relatives. Another unusual public holiday is April 5 - Tree Planting Day. On this day, many residents work in their gardens.

19. Netherlands

Working holiday: 20 days

Public holidays: 7 days

Total days of rest: 27

What is celebrated: Residents of the Netherlands prepare in advance not for holidays, but for funerals: every year in this country one day is set aside as a day off for the funeral of members of the royal family; if no one died, then this day is simply added to the vacation, and scheduled school classes are canceled. Otherwise, the local population is no different from the rest: they celebrate New Year, Easter, Christmas and the Ascension of the Lord.

Working holiday: 21 days

Public holidays: 5 days

Total days of rest: 26

What is celebrated: The number of holidays in India is huge. Religious, government and folk holidays in this country are “mixed” with each other. Each year, the dates of the holidays change, as many of them are calculated according to the lunar or religious calendars. Plus, the mixing of different religions contributes to the dates of the celebrations. Despite such abundance, there are only three official national holiday: Indian Independence Day (August 15), Republic Day (January 26, associated with the adoption of the Constitution) and Gandhi's Birthday (October 2). Gandhi's birthday is also proclaimed by the UN General Assembly as the International Day of Non-Violence.

15:01 7.10.2009

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Some strive to celebrate both Soviet and new holidays, while others are not particularly fond of either one or the other.

A person who does not honor the holidays of his native country and does not know their origins does not deserve to be called a patriot of his fatherland. Many of these people don’t really like to work and look forward to the “red days of the calendar” to relax (even though they haven’t had to work particularly hard before). But for what reason the vacation is being arranged, they have no time to find out.

True, sometimes it happens that due to global historical cataclysms in the calendar, a complete or partial change in the entire holiday paradigm occurs. This happened in our country at least twice: after the revolution and after the collapse of the USSR. Some strive to celebrate both Soviet and new holidays, while others are not particularly fond of either one or the other. What is the situation like in other countries? Where are the most holidays? As it turned out, the Egyptians and Chinese were the luckiest...

Egypt - 16 days. Paid vacation in Egypt is 21 working days, plus there are 16 official holidays and two days off that fall on the weekend. For most government employees, the day off is compensated the following week if the holiday falls on a weekend. In private companies, such a day off is usually added to other days. Accordingly, these days are usually then deducted from the employee’s annual leave, notes RATA-news.

China, Hong Kong - 16 days. Chinese workers enjoy a large number of public holidays, including New Year, Spring Festival, Labor Day and National Day, and recently two days off per week. Those who work for overseas companies may also get a day off over Christmas. Any holiday that falls on a weekend guarantees a day off on the first working day of the following week. Paid leave in China ranges from one to two weeks per year and can be used at a time when it is convenient for both the employee and the employer.

India - 15 days. Government employees receive an average of one month of paid leave per year; in the private sector, employees receive between 15 and 20 paid days off. In 2007, India had 17 public holidays, 12 of which fell on weekdays. In 2008, the number of days off was reduced to 15. Residents of the country often take several days off in addition to the official holiday and take short vacations. Indians travel most actively in June during school holidays, as well as in December.

Indonesia -15 days. At the end of Ramadan, Indonesian Muslims celebrate Eid ul-Fitr, also known as Lebaran. During Lebaran, many city dwellers, especially Muslims, return to the villages and settlements where they came from. And during this period, the government announces a week off (5 working days) to allow people to see relatives and visit loved ones. The trend of extending weekends and taking short holidays became very popular after the Bali bombing in 2002 (killing more than 200 people) and the second terrorist attack in Bali in 2005. Immediately after these events, the number of tourists coming to Bali dropped sharply, and foreign guests canceled booked tours to the island. The country's government hopes that long weekends will boost domestic tourism and that Indonesians themselves will begin to vacation in Bali more often, thus saving the tourism industry from a sudden collapse.

Thailand - 15 days. Employees are entitled to 40 paid days off per year: 10 days for personal needs, 10 days of vacation and 20 days for health reasons. Thailand has at least 13 national and religious holidays per year. Most people in the country prefer to take vacation at least twice a year, most often during school holidays. Schoolchildren have two semesters and two holiday periods - in April and October each year. When national or religious holidays fall on Friday or Monday, the working population of the country prefers to spend these long weekends outdoors or in neighboring countries.

Morocco - 15 days. Most Moroccans spend their annual holidays in their homeland, visiting relatives or simply staying at home. People with average or high incomes sometimes go on vacation to other regions of the country.

Malaysia - 14 days. There are many official holidays in Malaysia. Employees are entitled to 14-24 vacation days and 30 days per year for medical treatment. Most often, vacation is taken at the end and beginning of the calendar year; during this period, the country's population celebrates the holidays of Deepavali, Eid Mubarak, Christmas and Chinese New Year. The holiday season usually starts in November and ends at the end of February of the following year.

Chile - 13 days. Some holidays that fall on a workday in Chile are moved to the following Monday, allowing you to enjoy a three-day weekend. The government believes long weekends boost tourism. The most traditional cultural event in Chile is the Independence Day celebration, which takes place on September 18th or in the coming days.

Türkiye - 13 days. People prefer to take vacations around public holidays or in the summer. IN holidays In winter, Turks go to warmer climes, most often to the southern part of the country. Religious holidays are very popular in Turkey. Two religious festivals, as well as three national holidays, are considered holidays.

Let us add that Russia fits well into this rating: in our country. The Labor Code establishes 12 days off within 8 public holidays: January 1 - New Year; January 1-5 - New Year holidays; January 7 - Nativity of Christ (Orthodox Christmas); February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day; March 8 - International Women's Day; May 1 - Spring and Labor Festival; May 9 - Victory Day; June 12 - Russia Day; November 4 is National Unity Day.

Everyone knows very well that at the beginning of the year, Russians rest for ten whole days - everyone likes the New Year holidays that were arranged for us. But, unfortunately, there is a possibility that from 2012 the number of New Year's days off will decrease. The State Duma is already considering this issue, and it is connected with the fact that after the long New Year holidays, the working capacity of Russians sharply decreases. You and I are having a hard time getting into the working rut.

In the coming year, due to public holidays falling on Saturday and Sunday, there will be 14 additional days off. Most likely, 2011 will be the most lazy year for Russians in the last decade. Currently, the State Duma of the Russian Federation is considering another proposal to reduce the long winter “vacations” for Russians and increase the spring ones at their expense. The initiative comes from the head of the A Just Russia faction, Nikolai LEVICHEV. Let us remind you that according to existing legislation, you can rest for 10 days new year holidays The Russians will be there for at least another two years. However, already in 2012 the New Year holiday schedule will shift. So, in particular, according to the deputy head of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment Ivan SHKLOVETS, in 2011 the weekend will fall on December 31 - January 9, and in 2012 on December 31 - January 8.

Production calendar In 2011, Russia has 249 working days and 116 days off. However, already in 2012 the number of working days will increase, and weekends will correspondingly decrease. Currently the most a large number of Russians have working days in December (23), and minimum - January(15). We traditionally complain about the small number of days off per year, but if you think about it seriously, these complaints are unfounded.

However, as it turned out, Russia is not home to the greatest lovers of holidays (116 days): in the ranking of countries by the number of days off per year, Russia ranks only fourth. The first three went to Asians. Thailand and Japan will have 119 non-working days in 2010/2011, while the Chinese will have 118.

There are eight officially established holidays in Russia. This is not much compared to, for example, China. Chinese workers enjoy a large number of official holidays, they have as many as 16. And any holiday that falls on a weekend guarantees a day off on the first working day of the next week, just like ours.

Time tracking

Not long ago, Forbes magazine ranked the most industrious nations in the world, calculating the average number of working hours per year in different countries. It turned out that South Koreans work the most in the world. According to the ranking compilers, vacation in South Korea is 10 days, with another 11 days on public holidays. Thus, the average resident of the country works 2,357 hours per year.

In addition to South Korea, the top ten most industrious countries included:

Greece - 2052 hours per year, vacation - 20 days, 12 public holidays;

Czech Republic - 1997 hours per year, vacation - 20 days, 12 public holidays;

Hungary - 1989 hours per year, vacation - 20 days (30 days for people over 45 years old), 10 public holidays;

Poland - 1985 hours per year, vacation - 20 days (26 days subject to 10 years of experience), 12 public holidays;

Türkiye - 1918 hours per year, vacation - 14-26 days, 7 public holidays;

Mexico - 1883 hours per year, vacation - 8-16 days, 14 public holidays;

Italy - 1800 hours per year, vacation - 20-32 days, 12 public holidays;

USA - 1797 hours per year, legislation does not require the employer to provide vacation, 25% of employees do not have vacation, 8 public holidays;

Iceland - 1794 hours per year, vacation - 24 days, 12 public holidays.

Every day is a holiday

Weekends and holidays perform an important function of relaxation in the life of every person. The holiday takes a break from the routine. If you believe some Internet sources, every day we have a holiday. But I wonder what kind of respected person decides when we should celebrate and rejoice on a certain occasion? Simply put, do you know who and how comes up with the names of various holidays and chooses the day of celebration?! In whose hands is the “life” of our weekends and holidays? Why do we celebrate International Music Day on the first of October, and why on the eighth of March is our official International Women’s Day? Why then is March 7 or, for example, June 24 bad for this day?!

International holidays undoubtedly have global significance, since they are celebrated by the whole world, regardless of citizenship, nationality and religious beliefs. Most of these holidays appeared relatively recently on the initiative of organizations such as the UN and Unesco. Issues of international holidays are resolved at special conferences and meetings, with the help of voting by representatives of UN and UNESCO member countries. The number of states included in the UN is 192. In making all decisions, including holidays, the votes of all 192 countries, without exception, are taken into account.

Some holidays arose so long ago that even historians cannot determine where exactly this tradition came from. Holidays in some countries are celebrated on a grand scale, while in others they are celebrated very modestly, almost unnoticeably. But this does not make their significance lose its importance: international official and unofficial holidays have united and unite people, erasing the boundaries of cultural differences and giving a lot of positive emotions And Have a good mood. There is not a single day on which some people, even if small in number, did not celebrate, for example, the Day of the Tunguska meteorite fall or World Dumpling Day. Well, why not?! After all, this tasty product also wants attention. After all, there is World Toilet Day and World Match Day. There are a great many unofficial holidays around the world.

Believe me, there are reasons to cover festive table and open a great bottle of champagne. You can celebrate both International Internet Day and Smiley's Birthday... The main thing is to know when to stop everything and take care of your health. By the way, International Health Day is celebrated on April 7!

Public holidays in Russia

Officially established holidays (in accordance with the Labor Code):

Officially established working holidays:

Last Sunday November- Mothers Day

Unofficial holidays

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