Scenario for the autumn holiday "fair" for the older group. Lesson summary "Merry Orchestra" Children do not sit down and sing a song

Scenario for the holiday "Autumn Musical Story" (almost a detective story)

Autumn holiday for older children preschool age and their parents

Children run into the decorated hall.
DANCE “Autumn has come”
1st child.
Summer flew away quickly
Migratory bird in the distance
Autumn has spread wonderfully
A fading shawl.
2nd child.
Gifted by the guest - autumn
Fruit harvests,
drizzling rains,
Body of forest mushrooms.
3rd child.
Cobwebs fly by with spiders in the middle
And cranes fly high from the ground
Everything is flying, this must be it
Our summer is flying by.
4th child.
And where is Autumn, we don’t understand,
Why doesn't she come to us?
Probably with the rain, together,
Are they all bringing beauty?
5th child.
I wanted to gild her
Birches, lindens, maples.
So as not to miss anything
And hide the color green.
6th child.
Rain fell on the rowan bunches,
A maple leaf circles above the ground
Ah, autumn, again you took us by surprise
And again she put on the gold outfit.
7th child.
You bring with you a sad violin
So that the sad tune sounds over the fields
But we, autumn, greet you with a smile
And we invite everyone to our festive hall.
So let's praise autumn
Song, dance and games!
There will be joyful meetings.
Autumn, this is your holiday!
SONG "Autumn"
After the song, the children sat down. Suddenly a spider descends from the ceiling on a cobweb, holding a maple leaf in its paws.
Guys, look, I think miracles are already beginning for you and me.
Spider, let us go to the party. We are in a hurry to visit Autumn.
spider jumps
What? Don't you want to miss us? Strange. What do you want?
So that we can read what is written on the piece of paper? Okay!
Leading: is reading
Dear guys, I can’t come to your holiday.
Grandfather Leshy does not let me out of the forest.
If you are friendly and brave, resourceful and cheerful,
then go to a fairy tale. And he will show you the way
my golden leaf. If you step over a leaf, you will find yourself in an autumn forest!
I'm really looking forward to seeing you. I hope you can help.
Your Autumn.
What would it be like without autumn? No, it shouldn't be like that, it's not right. Let's urgently go to a fabulous autumn forest. Do you guys agree? Close your eyes tightly, and I will step over the leaf.
magical music sounds, two girls appear on stage - the “housewives” sit sad, sigh
Hello, forgive us,
Tell me the way.
How to get to the magical forest
Full of fairy tales and wonders?
Good afternoon
We don’t know anything about the forest...
And there are plenty of miracles here too!
And you, hostesses, don’t be sad, tell us everything, what happened to you?
Performs to the tune of the song “I will sow quinoa...”
I sowed carrots in the garden,
My big and sweet one
My big one, and my sweet one.

A thief came into our garden,
Collects everything without a trace,
Collects everything without leaving a trace.
Oh, how can I spend the winter,
Oh, how can I spend the winter,
I didn’t have time to reap the harvest,
I didn’t have time to collect the harvest.
Yes! This is trouble! Grow, look after, and be left without a harvest all summer! What happened to you?
Performs to the tune of the song “In the garden, in the vegetable garden”
In the spring I planted lush seedlings,
And over the summer they grew, all the vegetables we need!
She watered, was not lazy, fertilized the soil,
I collected the onions and potatoes, but the carrots were gone!
Tell me guys, I don't understand
How can you harvest other people's harvests?
Indeed, miracles! Who do you guys think this carrot lover is?
Host: Who is the hare afraid of?
You, housewife, need to call a hunter, he will guard the harvest and teach the hare a lesson!

On the stage, the Hare and the hunter are following each other, suddenly, the hunter turns around and the hare stumbles upon a gun. The Hunter laughs, the Hare tragically feigns grief, kneels down and sings, saying goodbye to the carrots. To the tune of Lensky's Aria from P. Tchaikovsky's opera "E. Onegin"
Hare's Aria
What will happen to me next?
I knew carrots would ruin me!
Why did he take you without asking?
I didn’t know what would happen next!
Now, I can’t run through the forest!
I can't taste carrots anymore!
Fate has brought us to the brink!
I set a serious lesson...
I won't see you again
My love…. My carrots!
the hunter laughs
Yep, gotcha!
Remember for the rest of your life – you cannot take someone else’s property without asking!
Have you planted and grown carrots? Have you watered it?
Hare: I can't!
And you ask, or even better, help with the housework and you will be treated to carrots, for sure!
General chant: “One, two, three, four, five - the bunny went out for a walk!”
Will we help the Housewives collect the harvest?
Children: Yes!
We helped the hostesses, and now we urgently go to the fabulous autumn forest. Do you guys agree?
Close your eyes tightly, and I will step over the leaf.
Magic music sounds, mushrooms appear on the stage
Hello, inhabitants of the magical forest, tell me, who are you?
I'm growing up in a red cap
Among the aspen roots,
You'll see me a mile away
My name is boletus.
I don't argue, not white
I, brothers, are simpler.
I usually grow in a birch grove.
Dial from a truck,
I am a delicious boletus!
I'm under an old pine tree,
Where the old man leaned over the stump,
Surrounded by his family
Treasured mushroom - Boletus.
Honey mushrooms:
We grow on stumps in the forest,
Like freckles on your nose.
Each of the guys knows
There are no more friendly mushrooms, honey mushrooms!
We bring autumn to the forest in summer.
We wear pink berets.
We love to hide in dead wood,
And our name is Russula!
Host: Look how beautiful the painted ones are. Tell me where grandfather Leshy lives
Mushroom: Why do you need it?
Host: He has a beautiful Autumn, he is languishing in lockdown, and we are waiting for her for the holiday.
Mushroom: Yes, here he comes, do you hear?
Goblin enters
They showed up and made a noise! Give them autumn! Look what you want!
Why do you need it? Answer quickly!
Celebrate the holiday! We have no fun without her!
Children: Yes!
Goblin: Here you are, frog, a faithful friend!
Kwa, kwa, kwa, you will croak, jump, play together, and that’s enough! Goodbye!
It seems to me that someone is being mischievous here because they also want to have fun with us!
Leshy: Nothing like that, I don’t like to have fun, it’s just nonsense.
Child: And we’ll teach you to dance - it’s fun and not difficult!
Goblin: Try to make them laugh, or even better, teach them to dance!
Leshy: I was wrong! I apologize to you. I liked having fun
take your Autumn, otherwise she’s drenched me all over with rain!
Leshy leaves and brings out Autumn
Autumn: Hello guys! Thank you for your help. I will laugh and have fun.
I won’t cry or rain on everyone today!
Host: Listen to the poems that children know about Autumn.
Children read poetry.
Performing the number "Orchestra!
Host: Today is such a good day, all golden with leaves.
Don’t be sad, today is Autumn, it’s better to sing a song with us!
Children perform a song chosen by the music director.
Goodbye guys!
Things are waiting for me.
Say goodbye to Autumn,
Brought gifts to everyone -
Eat, help yourself.
Autumn distributes treats to the children, says goodbye and leaves.

"Autumn and the Gnome". Autumn holiday scenario for senior group

Averina Elena Sergeevna, music director of MKDOU BGO Kindergarten No. 20 combined type.
Description of material: this summary may be useful and used music directors And preschool teachers. The holiday scenario is intended for children of senior preschool age. During the holiday, children meet autumn heroes.
Target: summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about autumn, create a festive mood.
1. Consolidate the skills and abilities acquired in music classes.
2. Develop communication skills.
3. Systematize ideas about the signs of autumn.
4. Create a festive mood in children.
Children enter the hall.
Presenter- The breeze sweeps the paths and swirls the golden foliage.
What happened in nature, guys?
Tell me, I don't understand.
Child- Autumn quietly entered the city invisible
And she brought the magic palette with her to the city.
Child- Autumn gives miracles, and what miracles!
The forests are decked out with golden hats.
Child- In the crane-like sky, the wind carries clouds.
The willow whispers to the willow: “Autumn. It's autumn again!
Child- Yellow shower of leaves, Sun below the pines.
Willow whispers to willow; "Autumn. It's autumn again!
Child- The white cloak threw frost on the bush.
The oak whispers to the aspen; "Autumn. It's autumn again!
Presenter- Guess who is joining us in the round dance, guys?
In a golden sundress and a kokoshnik made of leaves?
The girl came to visit us. Who is she, guys?.. (Autumn)
Autumn enters.
Autumn- I hear people talking about me. I'm quite ready for the meeting.
I am Autumn! I am the beauty of the earth! I create miracles everywhere.
I came to you! Hello autumn to you, friends!
I dressed the forest and parks in my multi-colored outfit,
Both aspens and mountain ash came out as if on a parade.
Welcome autumn! Sing a song!
The children sit down.
Autumn- Autumn comes to visit you invisible
And autumn's steps are inaudible.
A yellow-red brush sweeps along the branches -
Everyone will notice the traces of autumn.
leaf- Autumn, frosty mornings, yellow leaves falling in the groves,
The leaves around the birch lie like a golden carpet.
leaf- Leaf fall! Leaf fall! Yellow leaves are flying!

The hemp came up and the edges turned red.
leaf- The wind flew past, the wind whispered to the forest:
- Don’t complain to the doctor, I treat freckled people,
I’ll tear off all the redheads and throw them into the grass!
leaf- Autumn has come - golden autumn. Birds fly away to warmer regions.
Falls from the trees, forgetting summer,
The yellow foliage is spinning as if in a waltz.

Autumn- I was walking through the forest, I was walking along the path
And I found someone’s small house among the bushes.
Who lives in the house? Come out quickly.
Living alone in the forest is boring, but it’s more fun with us.
The Gnome comes out.
Dwarf- I am a cheerful forest gnome, I built a house in the forest.
I love walking in the forest and collecting mushrooms.
And for mushrooms to grow faster, it needs to rain.
Autumn“We know a song about rain and we’ll give it to you.”
Presenter- A drop flew off, a drop touched a drop,
droplet merged with droplet, and the puddle filled up!
Autumn“I stepped on a puddle and got my feet a little wet.”
Put on your galoshes and play near the puddles!
Dwarf- The leaves from the oak tree are falling like a yellow snowstorm, and the mushrooms are out in the sun, warming themselves in the clearing.
Mushrooms are coming out.
Gruzd- At the edge of a clearing a mushroom grew in a large Panama hat.
“I’m not afraid of anything, I’m a brave, brave milk mushroom!”
boletus- Every knowledgeable mushroom picker will go to the birch forest.
There you will always find delicious boletus mushrooms for soup.
Boletus- An aspen leaf on a hat suits the fungus very well.
Boletus from the hill You can see it even a mile away.
Borovik- The porcini boletus mushroom is hiding - and silence!
Just try to find it: go and have a look.
Honey fungus- On the stump at the gate, all the mushroom people are dancing.
The family is having fun again, there are probably 25 of them!
Honey fungus- At the edge of the river, mushroom pickers got lost.
The cunning honey mushrooms play hide and seek with them.
Mushroom– We are not easy guys, we are mischievous mushrooms.
Here at your holiday we will dance now.
Dwarf“It’s time for me to run home and stock up on mushrooms for the winter.”
Autumn- Wait, don’t run away, it’s better to play with us.
Presenter– Together with the gnome, we’ll go into the forest and collect a lot of leaves.
So that guests don't get bored,
the leaves will help us play in the orchestra.

Autumn– Girlfriends hid under the leaves at the edge of the forest
And girlfriends are not simple - they are wild berries.
Berry- We are useful berries, you will find us in the forest,
And if you try, you’ll put it in the basket.
Berry- We are healing berries, we will cure all of you,
We have a large supply of excellent vitamins.
Berry- Raspberries, strawberries, viburnum, stone fruits,
Rowan and strawberry, boyarka, elderberry -
We are all dressed brightly, it’s noticeable in the forest,
After all, the red berry is visible from afar!
Berry- Look, forest blackberries are growing in a bright clearing,
It’s bored, ripening in silence, waiting for those who will collect it.
Berry- Lingonberries have a special taste: either sour or not.
No matter how much you try, you will not find the answer.

Presenter-Are you tired of dancing? It's time to read poems about autumn.

Autumn- I feel good at your holiday, guys. But the time has come to part. Things are waiting for me.
Child- Golden sorceress Autumn, Wait, wait, leave.
Well, please, we ask you to stay with us for a little while!
Child- We really like to admire,
Like leaves burning under the sun.
We don't want to part with you,
We like your colorful outfit.
Child- Autumn, autumn outside the window: The rain is falling like peas,
The leaves are falling rustling... How beautiful you are, Autumn!
Child- Gently lays His carpet in front of us autumn garden.
The rustle of leaves underfoot. This means leaf fall!


Autumn- Now the moment of farewell has come. My speech will be short.
I say to you: “Goodbye!” See you again!
I congratulate you all on the holiday and treat everyone with gifts!
Autumn distributes treats for children.
Leading- Goodbye, Beauty Autumn!
And on next year We invite you to visit us again!

Scenario for an autumn holiday for older children.

Music sounds, children enter the hall in a chain and sit on chairs.

1. Autumn, 2. Autumn, 3. Autumn, 4. Autumn! All: You make noise with dry leaves, 1. Autumn, 2. Autumn, 3. Autumn, 4. Autumn! All: Your holiday is coming! 1. This is a holiday of withering of groves, fields, meadows, gardens, This is parting with summer, Expectations of cold weather. 2. September has gone unnoticed, the blue of the sky has faded, October wanders outside the windows Among the bare birches and aspens. 4. Nature is ready for bed, and we will sing and dance and welcome Autumn together!

Song "Colors of Autumn"

The music sounds and Autumn dances. Autumn: You are talking about me, but here I am! Hello autumn to you, friends! I invite everyone to the fair with me! Let the fun, jokes, and laughter continue! The music sounds “Ah, the fair”

2 children run out dressed as buffoons:

1. Buffoon: Let us inform you before it is too late, we have one condition: Today we are forbidden to be serious! 2 Buffoon: And it is also forbidden to whine and mope here, And it is strictly forbidden to yawn, squeak and whine! 1Buffoon: Don’t waste a minute, laugh merrily until you cry. In every joke there is a portion of the joke, the rest is serious! 2 Buffoon: Foma, it seems the music is playing. 1 Buffoon: This is the neighbor Trezor barking. 2 Buffoon: No, listen carefully. 1 Buffoon: This is the dog Barbos howling a little. 2 Buffoon: No, someone breeds furs. 1 Buffoon: Yes, this is Ivan gutting the rooster.

(Music gets louder)

1 Buffoon: Well, now, what do you say? 2 Buffoon: If someone dances, he will respect me!

Dance "Golden Fair"

Children do not sit down and sing a song.

The song “To the Fair” is performed

(To the melody of the Russian folk song “In the Forge”) 1. To me, to the fair (2 times) How people gathered at the fair. (2 times)

2.Music plays (2 times) Here the festivities have begun (2 times)

1 Presenter: Attention! Attention! The fair opens, people gather. 2 Next: Everyone hurry up! Come to the fair, wipe your eyes, and buy something!

(Children sit down. Two of the children approach the table with spoons)

Children sellers:

1. Look, the painted spoons - small and large! Beauty and appearance are appetizing! Our spoons are anywhere, you can easily eat Porridge with them and hit him on the forehead, we’ll sell it to you, so be it!

2. : Taras-bars-rastabars, there are good goods! Not a commodity, but a real treasure - tools are in great demand! Hey, great guys, buy some bells! If you play with a rattle, you'll scare away all the neighbors!

3 Well, are you guys sitting? Al you don't want to play? I strike the tambourine loudly, I invite you to play in the orchestra! (Orchestra)

(Noise orchestra “Oh, I got up early”

1 Presenter: We gathered to have fun and have fun. Make a joke, play, laugh.

2 ved: How the potters came to our fair. The potters came and brought pots.

Salesman(child): Buy wonderful pots for your soul! How good the product is - you can’t pass it by!

Game "Pots"

5 children choose “pots” and squat down, with the owner near each pot. The driver - “buyer” - walks in a circle and, approaching each couple in turn, conducts a dialogue with the “owner”

“Buyer”: “Godfather, (godfather), would you sell the pot?” “Owner”: “Buy it, how much will you give? “Buyer”: 1-3 rubles.

Owner "Deal with each other!" After these words, the “owner” and the “buyer” shake hands and run in different directions in a circle. The task of each of them is to quickly occupy free place near the "pot". You need to run and put your hands on the shoulders of the “pot”. The one who arrived first becomes the “master”, and the one who is late becomes the driver.

1. Presenter: Oh, the fair is a mess! Oh, the fair, it drove me crazy! I'll sell the spinning wheel, I'll sell the spindle! I’ll buy an accordion and go dancing!

Girl: Come on, my friend Timoshka, play the harmonica. And I’ll sing a song and make all the guests laugh!

Song "Harmonist Timoshka"

1. Presenter: Let there be laughter and jokes at our fair. Let everyone be cheerful both tomorrow and now!

Reb: We are funny guys, we are just great guys! Let the music play, let's dance "Quadrille" now!

Dance "Quadrille"

Gypsy music sounds

2. Presenter: Yes, this is a gypsy camp, Fedya is coming, bringing a tame bear with him. Fedya, the bear, and the gypsy girls come in.

Gypsy Fedya: Hello, honest people! All: Hello! Fedya: Well, Mishka, bow to the respectable audience. Presenter: What else can your bear do? Fedya: Count….dance and play the tambourine! Presenter: Really? Fedya: Look for yourself! Bear, tell me, how much is 1+1? (the bear knocks 2 times)

Presenter: Bear, how much is 1+2 (the bear knocks 2 times) Fedya: Think, Bear, think (The bear swings and knocks 3 times) Fedya: Well done, well done (gives sugar)

Presenter: Well, how much is 1+3? (the bear roars, sways, hits itself on the head) Fedya: Don’t you know? (the bear nods) Well, nothing, nothing - the guys will help you! Children: four! (the bear knocks four times) Fedya: Have any of you ever seen a bear dance? He is a little clumsy, And shy at the same time, But he can’t resist: He loves to dance.

Competition for the best performance of gypsy dance. (Skirts, scarves)

Presenter: Dear gypsies! Where did you come to our fair from? Gypsy: From afar, uh, from afar!

Presenter: What did you use to get there? Gypsy: On horseback, dear, on horseback. But the trouble is, the horse was stolen on the road. It was a good horse, a gypsy bay! Eh, what should I do now? After all, a gypsy without a horse is like a bird without wings!

Presenter: And you can buy horses for yourself at our fair. Our horses are young, they are fast and dashing. Gypsy: Competitions will show how fast your horses can gallop. Form into two teams and ride horses!

Attraction "Horse racing"

Presenter: We walked around the fair, bought various gifts, and now we would like to sit down and watch the dance. Russian dance, dashing, how good you are. Here there is prowess and strength, here is the Russian soul.

Dance "Moon-pattern"

Guys, tell me, how do all the holidays in Rus' end?

Guess the riddle: big-nosed Foki always has his hands on his hips. Foka boils water and shines like a mirror (Samovar). Children: Samovar!

Presenter: Right. The samovar is the most welcome guest in every home.

(The samovar-child comes out into the middle of the hall.) Samovar: Hello, I'm Samovar - Samovarovich. You can't do without me.

Presenter: Samovar, samovar, where is your steam, dear? Why are you standing there and being silent, why won’t you boil?

Samovar: There's no point in swearing, I'm starting to heat up. I know, even though I’m old, that steam requires heat, so throw in some wood chips, or I’ll boil with anger. Presenter: Okay, okay, don't be angry! Samovar: Puff-puff-puff-puff, here's your tea!

"Song Samovar"

Presenter: Taras-bars-rastabars, they sold out all the goods. We are closing the fair and inviting everyone to tea!

Ekaterina Minor
Scenario of the autumn holiday for senior groups “Orchestra of Autumn Nature”

(script for the autumn holiday for senior groups)

Characters: Luntik, spider Shnyuk, caterpillars: Vupsen and Pupsen, Leech, Baba Kapa, Autumn.

Sounds autumn melody, children come into music hall, stand in a circle.

Poems for children:

1st: A flock of birds flies away,

The clouds are rushing, sobbing.

Like a thin blade of grass

The aspen tree trembles in the wind.

I tell her: – "Calm down",

Don't be afraid of the white winter.

2nd: Arrived autumn,

Our garden has turned yellow.

Leaves on a birch

They burn with gold.

Don't hear the funny ones

Songs of the nightingale.

The birds have flown away

To distant lands.

3rd: It's raining down the street,

Wet road

Lots of drops on the glass

And there's a little heat.

How autumn mushrooms,

We carry umbrellas

Because it's outside

Has arrived autumn.

Song “So the birds have flown away to warmer lands”

Music sounds and Luntik comes out.

Luntik: Hello guys!

Presenter: Hello, Luntik!

Luntik: Guys, do you happen to know where such beautiful music comes from?

Presenter: Indeed, Luntik. The guys and I would like to know too! She decorates so well autumn landscape!

Luntik: Or maybe you can help me and we’ll look for this wonderful composer together!

Presenter: Well, of course, Luntik, what a great idea you came up with! We will be happy to help you.

Luntik: Then let's hit the road! (Music sounds. They walk in a circle).

The mysterious sounds of a metallophone can be heard. Spider Shnyuk comes out, plays on his web, the children pay attention to him and come closer.

Luntik: Hello, Uncle Shnyuk!

Shnyuk: Luntik? Hello!

Luntik: Uncle Shnyuk, do you happen to know where such melodic beautiful notes come from?

Shnyuk: Ahh, you're just in time! Listen to how beautiful I composed an autumn symphony! (starts to play, children listen)

Luntik: It’s really very beautiful!

Shnyuk: This is how the music of rain sounds!

Luntik: But it seems to me that musical sounds are also coming from somewhere! And we will find out about everything very soon!

Shnyuk: Well, I wish you good luck! May your journey be easy!

Luntik: Goodbye, Uncle Shnyuk! (Shnyuk leaves) Let's continue our wonderful walk! Get up in pairs, offer each other your hand, and go ahead, repeat after me!

Cheerful music is playing and the children are jumping and moving in a circle.

Music sounds, two caterpillars Vupsen and Pupsen run out and argue with each other.

Vupsen: I told you that you shouldn’t jump over this puddle! Look, now it's all covered in dirt! Ha ha ha! (laughs)

Pupsen: But I couldn’t think of a better idea, to go through the reeds! All covered in thorns and grass! A-A-A! (laughs, holding his stomach).

Vupsen: (they accidentally step on a leech that lies under the leaves)

Leech: You can be careful! We dispersed here!

Pupsen: Wow! Talking leaves!

Vupsen: What are you doing, you've lost your mind! You have misunderstood it!

Pupsen: (notices two musical instruments lying on the ground (maracas) Oh look, Vupsen, what is this? (raises)

Vupsen: Well, give me one! (takes away) Maybe it's a berry somehow? (starts gnawing)

Pupsen: I want to try it too! (starts gnawing, notices the sound of the maracas) Oh, did you hear! These things rustle!

Vupsen: Exactly, let’s rustle them together! In time! (the two of them start playing)

Luntik: Hello, Vupsen and Pupsen, you play so wonderfully! And I wonder where these sounds are coming from!

Pupsen: What sounds do you like? It's just rustling!

Luntik: No, dear caterpillars, this is real music of rustling leaves! Really, guys?

Rain music sounds.

Vupsen: Oh, what did that drop down my collar?

Pupsen: Hooray! Looks like it's raining! Finally the real thing will begin autumn! Puddles, slush, dampness! Here we are, rolling around in the mud!

Luntik: I also love autumn weather, especially walking in the rain! I also have an umbrella for this occasion!

Presenter: And we have colorful umbrellas! Vupsen, Pupsen, get up with us, let's play a fun game!

Umbrella game “I’ll give an umbrella to a friend”

Presenter: Caterpillars, thank you for giving me music autumn leaves!

Vupsen: Yah you, (waves hand) came up with some music! (Pupsenya) Let's go splash around in puddles! (leave)

Luntik: Guys, listen up! And the music starts playing early! Shall we follow her? Let's spin at the tempo of a waltz! (they circle around themselves, Luntik, not noticing the Leech, steps on its leaves)

Leech: What is it! Again! (crawls out from under the leaves, stomps his foot)

Luntik: Oh, please excuse me, dear leech, the guys and I just heard unusual sounds and hurried here.

Leech: It's a disgrace, come on, cover me back with leaves! (sits down)

Luntik: Now! I'll arrange all the leaves properly, sorry! (move aside)

Leech: Where did you go! Come back immediately!

Luntik: Now I'll bring some more leaves! Be patient a little!

Leech: Be patient, be patient! You shouldn't have touched them at all! And in general, I’d better go and blow bubbles! (A soundtrack of gurgling water sounds)

Luntik: So it's you?

Leech: What am I?

Luntik: You make such beautiful sounds!

Leech: What are you talking about, these are just bubbles!

Luntik: But they are so beautiful! And they sound so wonderful! They complement the music nature!

Presenter: Luntik, Leech, since you started talking about autumn nature, but bubbles without droplets doesn't happen in autumn, we invite you to watch a fun dance "Drip-drip-drip"!

Girls dance "Drip-drip-drip"

Leech: Drip-drip-drip for you! Not drip-drip-drip, but be-glug-glug! I’ll run, otherwise other leeches will take over all the puddles! (leaves)

Luntik: Guys, now you and I will walk past my house, just walk very quietly on tiptoes so as not to wake up Baba Kapa, ​​at this time she is always resting! (Quiet music sounds, children walk, Baba Kapa’s voice is heard from behind the scenes)

Baba Kapa: Luntik! Luntik! Have you returned from your walk yet?

Luntik: Baba Kapa, ​​it was the most wonderful walk of my life!

Baba Kapa: Yes? Is it true? Tell me, it’s very interesting! Maybe you guys can tell me? (children's stories)

Luntik: Baba Kapa, ​​the guys and I were looking for a wonderful composer, because we heard the music, it was so magical!

Baba Kapa: Indeed, Luntik, hearing music at this time of year is a common thing! After all, all nature around is in harmony with each other!

Presenter: That's right, Baba Kapa, ​​and our sonorous voices of the guys just beg to sing along with in autumn!

Song « Autumn has knocked on our door»

Baba Kapa: Thank you, my dears, let's go, Luntik, it's time for us to prepare for the winter autumn stocks! Come visit us in winter and drink tea with honey and jam! (leave)

The music sounds, it comes out Autumn.

Autumn: Cloudy days have arrived again

I will paint my possessions with a brush!

The breeze blows the leaves into a round dance

Music autumn sings in my soul!

It sounds both here and here!

And drops live in puddles!

AND autumn leaf fall

Suddenly he started singing in a minor key!

Birds fly away into the distance

Beautiful autumn sadness!

Nature waits hidden,

The orchestra calls for music!

« Orchestra of Autumn Nature»

Presenter: Thank you, Autumn for such a lovely melody!

Autumn: And yours musical instruments undoubtedly decorated our holiday! And I didn’t come to you empty-handed, I brought you mine autumn gifts! And remember that any time of the year is rich in its expressive music!

Autumn holiday “Travel to the Country of Vegetable Gardens” for the older group.

Children with music autumn leaves They enter the hall and dance.

1st child.

We will place the bouquet in the middle of the table

Golden autumn has come to visit us.

2nd child.

The sun doesn't want to warm the earth,

The leaves turned yellow and began to fall off.

3rd child.

Lots of yellow and red leaves

We'll collect on the path.

It's autumn, it's autumn

Come - we are waiting for you!

They sing the song “This autumn is coming to us.” They sit on the bench.

Ved. Guys, today we will go on an unusual journey, to the country of vegetable gardens. But we can’t get there ourselves, we need a magic bell, and only autumn has this bell. Let's all call on autumn together. Let's say: “Autumn, we are waiting for you!”

They shout, music sounds, autumn comes.

Autumn. I, golden autumn, have come to you for a holiday

I brought autumn surprises for you.

I invite you on a journey with me. Now I’ll ring the magic bell and you and I will find ourselves in the country of “Ogorodiya”.

Brought autumn for children

Lots and lots of vegetables.

What a rich harvest!

Look at this, guys!

Autumn. Indeed, the harvest is good, a lot has grown in the gardens, fields and vegetable gardens. Now let’s check how you know vegetables. I will tell you riddles, and you name the vegetables that you recognize.

1. Red kids, but not poppy,

There is no beetroot in the garden.

Juicy tasty sir,

This is delicious…. Tomato. The tomato comes out in the fall.

2. Golden and healthy,

Vitamin, although sharp,

It has a bitter taste...

It burns... not lemon. Onions coming out by autumn.

3. Vegetable garden

Hid in the basement

Orange for color

And the braid is like a bouquet. Carrots coming out

4. Like in a garden bed under a leaf,

The log rolled -

Remote greenery,

Delicious, very small. Cucumber comes out

5. At least he didn’t see the ink

Suddenly turned purple

Vanya loves him, Jean,

So this is... Eggplant comes out

6. Green Fat Lady

I wore a lot of skirts.

Stands like a ballerina

And cape leaves. The cabbage comes out.

Sketch “Vitamins from the garden bed”

Autumn. You know what vegetables look like, but can you guess what they taste like?

Agree, who is not a coward!

If you don't see the vegetable

Guess it by taste!

Competition “Guess the taste” with your parents.

Ved. We've collected all the vegetables, guessed them, and I think it's time to listen to a song about the harvest.

Song "Harvest"

Autumn rings the bell and the Scarecrow appears.

Autumn.Hello. Who are you? We didn't invite you, we don't know you. Guys, who is this? The children answer.

Scarecrow. I'm a scarecrow. I stood and stood in the garden, I became bored. The entire harvest has been collected and there is nothing left to protect. Let me, I think I'll walk a little. I’ll look at people and show myself. Why am I all about myself and myself. Who are you?

Children answer if not, autumn helps.

The soundtrack of rain sounds.

Scarecrow. Oh, it looks like it’s going to rain again, it’s so sad when it rains.

Autumn. And we will teach you to have fun even in the rain. Our guys have funny raindrops and they will show you a funny dance.

Scarecrow. I will be happy to watch your cheerful dance.

Dance "Clubfooted Rain".

Scarecrow. And I know how to play with the rain. And you? Let's play together.

A game. "About the rain".

Everyone completes the task to the music.

You can spend it with your parents, but with your eyes closed.

Autumn. Well done guys, now I’ll ring my magic bell again and our journey will continue.

The bell is ringing. Autumn notices the package.

Oh, guys, what did they send us and who?

They open the package and read the letter.

We heard your songs and we really liked them. We send musical instruments to hear your orchestra far, far away, in warm countries. Migratory birds.

Look guys. I wanted to invite the birds to your holiday, but they need to fly south. And who knows why they fly away?

The children answer.

And so that the birds can hear us, let's play these instruments.

Scarecrow. I also want to hear how you play.

Noise orchestra.

Scarecrow. Thank you guys very much. Well done. I really enjoyed your holiday. And I will leave some vegetables for your cook so that there will be enough vitamins for the whole year, until goodbye.

Autumn. It’s time for us to end our holiday, let’s just dance one last time. And the audience, don’t be bored, clap for us, help us.

Dance "Falling Leaves".

Autumn. My magic bell doesn't ring anymore

He doesn't tell me to have fun anymore.

He says it’s time to get ready for the road

We still need to reach the other children.

And I have prepared gifts for you,

so that you don't forget me,

And they also invited us to holidays and guests!

Distribution of gifts.

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