Salt dough pencil holder. DIY salt dough pencil holder

You have most likely often seen photos of homemade pencil holders on specialized resources on the Internet. And at first glance, making them is difficult; it will require a lot of nerves, attention, manual dexterity and accuracy. But everything is much simpler than it might seem.

In this article you will learn about many ways and best ideas How to make a pencil holder with your own hands from scrap materials that are found in everyone’s home.

What can pencil holders be made from? As it turns out, people make them from almost everything: paper, cardboard, salt dough, cans, books, pencils, clay, papier-mâché, and even made from simple logs and twigs!

Pencil holder made from a sleeve

Instructions for making a convenient pencil holder with your own hands:

We take them in quantities of 5-6 pieces. You can choose any size. Next, we measure its length and circumference in order to select colored paper By necessary parameters, which is what we do after the measurement.

Then, to make your composition look complete, you can cut out some kind of cloud, or an ordinary circle or square, depending on what you like best.

Glue multi-colored coasters onto the pallet and decorate them however you want. You can glue small flowers, you can simply decorate them with felt-tip pens or paints, everything is at your discretion.

Salt dough pencils

Materials for preparing the dough itself and the pencil holder itself: flour, water, salt, PVA glue, a cardboard jar for the frame, scissors, a button, gouache, a brush, acrylic lacquer, a piece of decorative rope or corrugated paper and a toothbrush.

And now the master class on creating a pencil holder with your own hands.

First of all, you need to knead the salt dough. This is done very easily. Pour a glass of flour and a glass of salt, add some water and knead it all until the modeling consistency we need. Then, so that our dough becomes beautiful color, separate part of it, add beige paint and mix again.

Next, roll out the cake to about 10-15 millimeters thick. Apply PVA glue to the outside of the jar and wrap it with ready-made dough. We cut off the excess and smooth the joints with a wet brush.

After this, we create a dotted texture using a brush. That is, we take a toothbrush and make small and barely noticeable dots over the entire surface of the craft.

Next we knead the dough Brown and, just like with the main one, roll it out into a flat cake 10-15 millimeters thick. Cut a strip 5 centimeters wide from it and glue it to the bottom of the jar.

Next, we make the base for the eyes: we make two circles from white dough and glue them to the craft, respectively, where you want the owl’s eyes to be. Then we make a beak from brown dough and glue it a little lower between the eyes. We make eyes from turquoise and glue them to the white base for the eyes.

Now we need to make a bow so that by the end of everything we do, it has time to dry. To do this, we roll out 8 strips of pink dough, twist them into 4 thin flagella and connect everything into a bow. Place it on a flat surface for about two hours and continue working on the main parts of the craft.


More precisely, we make droplet-shaped wings for our owl from brown dough and attach them to the structure on the sides.

Now, to make the craft look more beautiful, we make a beige flagellum and glue it to the neck of the jar. This way the transition will look less abrupt and more accurate.

We put the craft for a day in a warm and dry place. And the next day we are already doing the finishing touches. Paint the lower part and wings brown and add some white specks.

We draw the pupils and eyelashes, naturally, with black gouache, wait for the details to dry completely, and add white highlights to the eyes.

We glue the already dried bow over the owl’s wing. Glue a button with a bow from a strip of corrugated paper of any color to the lace.


And the final touch, we cover our owlet with varnish and wait until it is completely dry. The salt dough pencil is ready!

Small and cute pencil holder in the shape of an apple

For it you will need a small oval plastic bottle, red acrylic paint, gold string, a sheet, a plate, a nail file and a glue gun.

Manufacturing instructions:

Pour acrylic into the bottle and shake it so that the entire inside turns red. Then we drain the remainder, put the bottle on a plate and wait for it to dry completely.

If necessary, remove excess paint and file the edges of the neck with a nail file. And the last stage: wrap the neck with golden lace and glue the leaf. And the pencil holder - the apple is ready!


DIY photo of pencil holders

Oksana Gritsaeva


Develop fine motor skills and synchronization of movements of both hands;

Introduce children to a new method of sculpting from salt dough;

Arouse children's interest in working with test;

Learn to sculpt beautiful and useful things.


- salty dough;

Plastic glass;

Plastic knife (stack);


Modeling board;


Gouache or watercolor;

Recipe salt dough:

2 cups of flour;

1 glass of salt;

3/4 cup water.

1. Mix flour and salt, add water, knead well dough.

2. Dough Roll into a ball and cover with cellophane.

3. Roll out test long flagella and ball. Flatten the ball with your palm.

4. Turn the glass upside down on the board, place a flat cake on top test. Place the flagella in the form of rings one after another around the glass, starting from the bottom. Glue the edges of the flagella using a damp brush.

5. Let's make a decoration for our pencil holders. Let's roll from carrot dough and flagellum, flatten the carrots with your finger to make leaves. Wet the leaves and flagellum (stem) with a damp brush and glue them onto the glass along the edge of the bottom. We will make a flower from the ball, flatten it and make cuts. We glue it to the stem in the same way. We can diversify decorations using molds (butterflies, hearts, etc.).

6. Make another cake out of the ball and glue it to the bottom of the glass. Set the craft aside to dry in a warm place.

7. Carefully turn the craft over and decorate it as desired. You can also decorate it with beads.

Master class with step by step photos pencil holder “Strawberry aroma” using the modeling technique from colored choux salted dough.

The master class is intended for technology teachers, additional education teachers, and for those who want to master the technique of working with colored choux salted dough.
Purpose: pencil holder, pencil stand.
Target: making a pencil holder using the modeling technique from colored choux salt dough.
Educational: master the technique of making a pencil holder using the technique of modeling from colored choux salted dough;
Educational: develop accuracy in working with color dough, artistic thinking;
Educational: instill a love for modeling;
Required material:

“Extra” salt, premium flour, citric acid, vegetable oil, plastic glass, paper napkin, stack, rolling pin, brush, pencil, toothpick, five-leaf cutter, “Flower”, food coloring, round jar 12 cm in diameter, glue PVA.
Recipe for colored salty choux pastry.
In a bowl, combine 1 cup flour and 0.5 cup salt, stir until smooth. Make a hole and pour food coloring of your desired color into it. Pour 1 cup of water into a small saucepan. Add 0.5 tablespoon to water vegetable oil and 0.5 tablespoon citric acid. Put it on fire. As soon as the water boils, immediately pour it into a bowl of flour. The dough will brew and roll into a large lump. Once the dough has cooled down a little, start kneading it for 5-7 minutes to get a lump of the same color. Allow the finished dough to cool completely under cloth napkin, and then put it in a plastic bag.
Using the same recipe, knead the colors you need for the pencil holder. Store each color of dough in a separate bag. If you don't have brown food coloring, replace the coloring with cocoa. The dough will turn out beautiful chocolate color.

What would happen white dough, just don't add any food coloring when mixing.

During the work process, we glue all the elements of the choux pastry with PVA glue.
Roll out the green dough with a rolling pin. Using a round jar, cut out a circle with a diameter of 12 cm. This will be a stand for a pencil holder. The thickness of the stand is 5-6 cm.

Apply PVA glue to the stand in the place where the glass will be, leaving 1 cm to the edge. Place the glass and press it slightly into the stand. You will have about 1 cm left behind the glass.

Take a lump of brown dough and form the belly of the bear. Spread glue under the glass and place the bear there. Using a simple pencil, press the dimples in the center of the abdomen.

Insert a toothpick into the belly. We will put the head on it so that it holds more firmly.

Form a small brown lump into a head and place it on a toothpick.

Lightly coat the head with glue and glue on the small ears.

From a small lump white form an oval cake and glue it to the face.

Use a pencil to push in the eyes. Glue on a small nose.

Form the legs and glue the teddy bear.

Form handles from slightly smaller lumps and glue them in the same way. The teddy bear is ready.

Now our task is to fill the entire base with strawberries. Make two identical strawberries from red dough and glue them on both sides behind the bear. This way we fill the empty space between the bear and the glass. Make small notches, similar to grains, in a stack of strawberries. Add more strawberries and glue them around the glass.

On the other hand, glue the strawberries in the same way.

Roll out the green dough with a rolling pin to a thickness of 2-3mm. Using a five leaf die cutter, cut out the leaves and glue the tails onto the strawberries.

Roll out the white dough and cut out flowers. Glue a few flowers directly onto the strawberries. Glue a yellow center in the center of each flower.
We have glued all the elements and now the pencil holder needs to be thoroughly dried. It is best to do this on a sunny windowsill. It will take 10 days to dry. After the dough has dried, coat it with glossy varnish. The pencil will become brighter. Ready.
I wish you creative success!

Pencil stand “Ladybug”. Salty dough. Master Class.

The master class is designed for children 6-7 years old.

Purpose: This work will make a wonderful gift and can also be used as a school supply.

Target. Development of children's artistic and creative abilities through the technology of making objects from salt dough.


Continue to introduce children to modeling objects from salt dough.

Arouse children's interest in making simple but necessary items, both for personal use and as a gift.

Develop attention, thinking, sense of form; fine motor skills of the hands, improve hand-eye coordination.

To cultivate independence, activity, the desire to complete the work started, and accuracy in work.

Guys, summer will soon end and autumn will come, and you will go to first grade. The object that we will sculpt with you today will be useful to you in your studies. To keep your pens and pencils in order, you need a stand. And today I suggest you make a pencil stand in the shape of a ladybug from salt dough.

Let's prepare the necessary material:

Salty dough

Watercolor brushes No. 1, No. 3

Gouache 4 colors (red, green, black, white)

Glass of water



Step 1. First, we sculpt a leaf on which to plant ladybug.

Roll out the salt dough and divide it into two unequal parts.

Step 2. Roll a small part into a ball.

Step 3. Flatten the ball into a pancake.

Step 4. Pull out a corner on one side.

Step 5. On the surface of the sculpted leaf, we use a stack to mark the veins.

The leaf is ready.

Step 6. Let's start sculpting the ladybug.

Take the second part of the salted dough, roll it out and divide the sausage into 2 unequal parts (a large part for the body, a small part for the head and antennae).

Step 7. For the body, take most of the salt dough and roll it into a ball.

Step 8. Flatten the ball slightly.

Step 9. For the head, roll out a small sausage and bend it slightly.

Step 10. Glue the head to the body, wetting the bonding points with water.

Step 11. Sculpt the mustache. Roll out the dough into a thin rope.

Step 12. Divide the flagellum into two equal parts.

Step 13. Glue the antennae to the head, wetting the bonding points with water.

Step 14. We decorate the back of the ladybug with a stack.

Step 15. Use a pencil to make indentations in the back.

Step 16. Let's start coloring.

First, color the leaf and place it on the disk

Step 17. Color the ladybug: body, head, antennae, spots-holes, designate the eyes.

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