Cow's milk benefits and harms for humans. The benefits of milk are the most harmful myth in modern nutrition

Cow's milk has become much more widespread than the milk of other animals. It is present on the table of every family almost every day in its pure form or as food products made from it (cottage cheese, cheese, butter, yogurt or kefir). Everywhere high demand The use of cow's milk is facilitated by the ease and availability of its production and significant volumes of industrial production.

The large amount of calcium in milk determines its important role in the formation and strengthening of bone tissue. Vitamin D present here improves the absorption of calcium and promotes its deposition in bones and dentin. Thus, drinking cow's milk effectively prevents the development of rickets and osteoporosis.

Regular consumption of cow's milk during childhood is especially important. It is in early and adolescence that the strength of the skeleton is established and maximum bone mass is accumulated, which will determine the predisposition to fractures throughout life. A direct relationship between calcium intake from milk and its deposition in the skeletal system of adolescents has been proven, and an inverse relationship with the incidence of fractures.

IN early age Cow's milk, as a rule, is well absorbed, promotes growth and development, strengthens the immune system, improves memory and mood. The ability to digest milk decreases with age, but completely eliminating traditional foods from an older person's diet can be detrimental to their health. In this case, it is recommended to consume milk diluted or skimmed.

Milk is a product that is traditionally prescribed for the rehabilitation of people employed in hazardous industries, and is also used in medicinal, dietary and baby food. It helps with anemia, kidney disease, and work disorders nervous system, gastrointestinal tract and tuberculosis. Milk with honey is a widely known drink that relieves stress and makes it easier to fall asleep.

The complex beneficial effect of milk on the cardiovascular system is ensured by its high potassium content and the ability to slightly lower blood pressure. Linoleic acid in its composition eliminates excess weight, which also facilitates the work of the heart. The antitumor activity of milk has also been confirmed, as well as its ability to increase life expectancy.

Cow's milk during pregnancy

Lack of calcium intake during gestation inevitably affects the condition of the bones and teeth of the expectant mother. Cow's milk can largely solve the issue of deficiency of this mineral, and it also promotes its full absorption. Lactose, found in abundance in milk, helps the body process calcium and also serves as an excellent source of energy.

Milk gently cleanses the body of a pregnant woman, removing poisons, heavy metal salts, and radioactive compounds. For residents of large industrial cities, this feature of the product is especially important. In addition, some vitamins in its composition have pronounced antioxidant activity and protect cells from harmful environmental influences.

In the absence of contraindications and individual intolerance to cow's milk in mother and baby, it can balance the diet of a pregnant or lactating woman, enrich it with nutrients and vitamins. This product also serves as a safe, effective remedy for relieving heartburn, which often accompanies the second half of pregnancy.

Warning: If a woman previously had difficulty drinking cow's milk, then during pregnancy it is better to completely abandon it and not conduct risky experiments.

When is drinking cow's milk dangerous?

The main protein in cow's milk, casein, is the strongest allergen. When incompletely digested, it is able to enter the blood and act as an antigen, causing a powerful immune response. The result of such a shake-up can be not only the development of intolerance to all dairy products, but also type I diabetes.

People prone to allergies should exercise caution when consuming cow's milk and may benefit from asking your doctor for advice regarding your diet. The presence of a pathological reaction to it means a complete exclusion of all dairy products from the diet.

Video: Who should not drink milk. Discussion in the program “Live Healthy”

The milk sugar, lactose, is rarely fully processed in the adult body. Lactase deficiency can develop to varying degrees: it may not cause any discomfort or lead to complete intolerance to dairy products. It most often manifests itself in the form of the following symptoms:

  • diarrhea, loose stools;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • flatulence, bloating;
  • cramps and pain in the stomach;
  • heartburn.

Cow's milk also harms the body if galactose metabolism is impaired. This substance is formed during the breakdown of milk sugar along with glucose and can become a serious risk factor for the development of cataracts and arthritis. Galactosemia is a hereditary disease and requires complete exclusion of milk from the diet.

Rules for choosing and drinking cow's milk

Usually, first of all, it is customary to pay attention to the naturalness and safety of food, which, of course, will be true in relation to cow's milk. The ideal option is to purchase it from a private farmstead from neat and clean owners, whose cow is regularly examined by a veterinarian. This is the only way to find whole milk; the industrially produced product is normalized for drinking, the content of proteins and fats in it is artificially regulated.

You should choose milk that has had as little contact with air as possible, because in this case the milk fats are partially oxidized. To obtain information on this matter, it is permissible to ask the farmer a little about how milking occurs on his farm; it will also be useful to find out his method (machine or manual).

The freshness of the product is of great importance: fresh whole milk contains a maximum of beneficial nutrients and lysozyme, which inhibits the development of putrefactive microorganisms. After 2 hours it loses its activity, so raw milk must be boiled or pasteurized. The easiest way to perform instant pasteurization is to heat the drink to almost 90°C and immediately turn off the stove.

Pasteurization almost does not change the taste of milk, but it destroys pathogens of dangerous diseases, including tuberculosis and brucellosis. Heat-resistant lactic acid microorganisms do not die, and beneficial nutrients are also preserved. Pasteurized milk can turn sour, so it remains quite suitable for making yogurt, cottage cheese or cheese.

Processing of milk under influence high temperatures almost completely destroys pathogenic microflora and bacterial spores, but also causes physical and chemical changes in the composition. Among these methods, the most popular are boiling, sterilization and ultra-pasteurization. They destroy lactic acid bacteria, which prevent the appearance of toxic compounds, and milk fats, depriving the product of most of its beneficial properties.

Any heat treatment reduces the acidity of the drink, frees it from gases dissolved in it and increases shelf life. Of the types of milk available for purchase in the store, it is preferable to choose pasteurized milk, as it will bring more benefits to the human body than others. The shelf life of such milk is short, up to 7-14 days, depending on the packaging method.

Warning: Reconstituted milk should be avoided as it has low nutritional value and may contain oxidized cholesterol, which depresses the heart and blood vessels, and foreign additives (chalk, sugar, starch or flour).

Video: A story about the features of cow's milk in the program “From Morning to Evening”

Storing cow's milk

The shelf life of milk depends on how it is processed, packaging and temperature. Raw milk is stored at 1-2°C for two days, at 3-4°C for about a day and a half, at 4-6°C for a day, at 6-8°C for 18 hours, and at 8-10°C for only 12 hours. .

Useful tips for storing milk:

  1. At the store, it is better to put milk last in the grocery cart to avoid it being kept warm for a long time. When you return home, you should immediately place it in the refrigerator.
  2. In the refrigerator, it is optimal to store milk at a temperature of 0-4°C, do not use the door for this.
  3. Opened milk can be consumed within 3 days, kept closed and separated from foods with a strong odor.
  4. To store milk, it is better to use the original packaging, glass or ceramic containers.
  5. Avoid exposing the product to light as it destroys riboflavin and vitamin D.
  6. Freezing milk allows you to preserve its nutritional and taste properties for a long time; you need to defrost such milk in the refrigerator.

Advice: Frozen cow's milk tends to separate when thawed. In this case, just beat it with a blender to return it to its normal appearance.

Compatibility of milk with other foods

Cow's milk is an independent food product. In order for it to be absorbed better, you need to drink it on an empty stomach, without mixing with other food, in small sips and with a slight linger in the mouth. Do not take cold milk: low temperature complicates the digestion process. After a glass of milk, it is useful to refrain from eating for some time (1-1.5 hours).

It is acceptable to consume milk with some types of fruits, berries and vegetables. It softens the effects of caffeine, so it is useful to add it a little to tea or coffee. Milk also goes well with cottage cheese.

Composition of the product

The composition of cow's milk is rich and varied, it includes proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, mineral salts, vitamins and hormones. A complete set of amino acids completely covers the needs of the human body, and milk fat is one of the most nutritious and healthy. The energy value of raw whole milk is low - only 65 kcal, so dairy diets are widespread and effective.

Nutritional value of cow's milk (per 100 g of product)


% of daily value


% of daily value

B1, thiamine

B2, riboflavin

B5, pantothenic acid

B6, pyridoxine


B9, folate

B12, cobalamin

PP, niacin

Video: E. Malysheva about the dangers of milk

Milk has many beneficial properties, it contains a large number of vitamins and minerals. If you drink 0.5 liters of milk daily, your body will receive a large amount of the nutrients it needs. Milk contains lactose, which improves the functioning of the heart, kidneys, and liver. But it is worth noting that there are people who lack the lactose enzyme and cannot tolerate milk and fermented milk products. Such people usually have a severe allergic reaction to lactose. It contains a sufficient amount of vitamin A, which promotes the growth of children.

Since childhood, each of us has heard about the benefits of cow's milk from our mothers and grandmothers, so everyone knows that the calcium contained in milk is useful for strengthening teeth and bones. Let's figure out what other benefits of milk are there besides this!

For the nerves. Milk has been famous since ancient times good remedy from diseases of the nervous system. Regular consumption of milk in the morning helps eliminate drowsiness and strengthen the psyche. If you drink milk before bed, it has a calming effect and promotes sound sleep.

For heart. Milk has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and reduces the risk of developing diseases. Scientists have proven that drinking one glass of milk daily helps strengthen heart function and reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke by 37%.

To normalize weight. There are many myths about milk and its weight-gaining properties. Many people refuse to use and often wonder “Can you get fat from milk?” So, a study was conducted in Canada that showed that people who were on a diet and regularly drank milk lost 4 kg more weight than those who simply dieted and did not drink milk.

Milk is not recommended for people with allergies. Since it is an allergenic product and can cause bronchial asthma. If you have the following symptoms: skin itching, rash, vomiting, flatulence, nausea, bloating, then drinking milk is strictly prohibited. If a person is allergic to milk, this does not mean that other fermented milk products are prohibited.

Elderly people are also not recommended to drink milk. It contains myristic acid, which promotes the development of atherosclerosis. Mostly, atherosclerosis develops in people over 50; at this age it is recommended to exclude milk from the diet, but if milk is not excluded, then at least drink no more than one glass a day.

Properties of cow's milk

Milk- a good source of calcium for children's growth. Do not forget that the properties of baked milk are also great. Before drinking, milk must be boiled to kill bacteria. The beneficial properties of cow's milk include its effect on the stomach; it is recommended to use it for gastritis and stomach ulcers. If you have problems sleeping, it is recommended to drink a glass of warm milk before bed.

Goat's milk has beneficial properties that can have a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa. Few people know that milk can quench thirst. When a person sweats, he loses a lot of moisture and mineral salts in the body. Milk contains enough of them to reduce thirst and retain moisture in the body.
Many people think that milk contributes to gaining excess weight. But this is a false opinion; milk, on the contrary, protects the body from excess calories. The calcium it contains helps fight excess weight and enhances fat burning.

How many calories are in milk? It turns out that it is not so easy to give a definite answer to this question. The calorie content of milk can be different, since it depends not only on the fat content of the milk, but also on the manufacturer.

You should always pay attention to the product label, since the same fat content may differ from each manufacturer. Of course, the difference is not very big, so the approximate calorie content of milk can be determined.

After milking, milk contains bacteriostatic and bactericidal substances, which decrease within two hours. This is due to the presence of a large number of enzymes, immunoglobulins, and leukocytes. When milk is heated to 60%, all bactericidal substances are destroyed. Great antibacterial activity is characteristic of colostrum.

How to boil milk

It is advisable to boil milk in a separate container, since when heated, milk has the ability to absorb various odors. To prevent milk from burning, rinse the pan with cold water before boiling. To prevent milk from curdling, sugar is added to it (1 teaspoon of sugar per 1 liter of milk).

Milk can be boiled, but preferably for no more than 3 minutes, then the vitamins will be preserved in it. While heating, the milk must be stirred frequently to prevent foam from forming.

Video: Doctor Komarovsky’s opinion on the benefits and harms of cow’s milk

Listen to the opinion of one of the most respected doctors in the CIS.

Milk is one of the most important human food products. It is especially useful for children, pregnant and lactating women and the elderly. Milk and a great variety of dairy products add variety to the diet, improve taste, increase the nutritional value of our food and have enormous dietary and medicinal value. Academician I.P. Pavlov said: “... Among the varieties of human food, milk is in an exceptional position... food prepared by nature itself, characterized by easy digestibility and nutritional value, compared to other types of food...

If we conditionally divide into three groups all the necessary substances found in products to the human body: energy (satisfying human energy needs); plastic (from which cells and tissues are built); regulatory (participating in metabolic processes), it is easy to verify that milk contains both the first - carbohydrates and partly fat - and the second - protein and mineral substances - and the third - microelements, vitamins, enzymes.

According to nutritionists, physiologists, pediatricians, milk and dairy products are of great importance for mental and physical development children.

“If you drink one liter of milk every day for 1200 months, you will provide yourself with a hundred years of life!” - this is what the Swedish scientist Nile Gustavson said jokingly.

When the Azerbaijani centenarian Medjid Agayev, who has crossed the hundred and forty-year mark, was asked what he eats, he named milk, feta cheese, yogurt and vegetables. In the village of Dugo Polje in Yugoslavia, a hundred-year-old peasant woman, Irbisa Hrvačić, was asked what she preferred to eat. In her entire life, she had never been sick or consulted a doctor. “I have always preferred dairy products,” answered the centenarian.

Since ancient times, milk from various animals has been consumed by both healthy and sick people.

The ancient Egyptians used medicinal purposes donkey milk Scientists of Ancient Rome and Greece - Herodotus, Aristotle, Pliny - recommended milk for the treatment of consumption. Hippocrates attributed different types of milk to different healing properties, for example, goat and mare have the ability to cure consumption, cow - to cure gout and anemia, donkey - many diseases.  The great Tajik scientist Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna) mentioned the medicinal properties of milk. He wrote that milk and dairy products are the best food

for children and elderly people. He considered goat and donkey milk especially useful and recommended drinking it with salt and honey.

In the Middle Ages, treatment with milk was forgotten and only at the end of the 16th century did doctors begin to use milk again in therapy. A major role in this was played by the propaganda of the French doctor Raymond Restoro, who, based on the teachings of Hippocrates, developed indications and contraindications for treatment with milk.

In the 18th century, Goffman first drew attention to the use of milk as an antidote and proposed diluting it with mineral water. He considered milk to be an anticonvulsant, slowing down and calming movements; he believed that it improved the composition of the blood and removed harmful substances from the body.

In “Complete and General Home Medicine” by G. Bukhan, translated and published in Moscow in 1780, milk is spoken of as the best remedy, along with vegetables, for the treatment of scurvy.

F.I. Inozemtsev (1802-1869) contributed to the greatest spread of milk treatment in Russia. He proposed his methods of treating pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchitis, pleurisy with milk, bronchial asthma

In 1865, St. Petersburg doctor F. Carrel described over 200 cases of successful use of skim milk for cardiac decompensation, liver cirrhosis, lung diseases, obesity, and gout. S.P. Botkin assessed milk as “...a precious remedy in the treatment of heart and kidney diseases.” He also came up with the idea of ​​introducing carbon dioxide into milk for better absorption.

At the end of the 19th century, thanks to the classical research of I.P. Pavlov and his students, a solid scientific basis was laid for the study of digestive processes and the special value of milk in the nutrition of humans and animals was confirmed.

Milk is indispensable for the nutrition of exhausted, tired and weakened people. It increases the body's resistance and normalizes metabolism.

In our country, as well as in many other countries, mainly cow's milk is used. In our country it makes up about 95% of the total amount of milk consumed by the population.

Nature has taken extremely careful care of milk, endowing it with biologically active substances in the most beneficial combinations.

Cow's milk.

Milk fat is primarily a rich source of energy for the human body.

Milk fat is biologically the most complete and contains all known fatty acids. It is characterized by a number of features that distinguish it favorably from other fats, both animal and plant origin: it has low temperature melting 27-35 °C. Since this temperature is lower than the temperature of the human body, fat passes into the human intestines in a liquid state and is more easily absorbed. Better absorption of fat is also facilitated by the fact that in milk it is in the form of tiny fat globules with a diameter of approximately 2-3 microns.

The presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids in milk fat, which prevent the development of atherosclerosis: arachidonic, linoleic and linolenic, is very important. Milk also contains large quantities of other anti-sclerotic substances - phosphatides, which affect the intensity of fat absorption. The phosphorus contained in phosphastides is essential for our nervous system. Milk fat also contains sterols, among which ergosterol, which forms vitamin B, is especially important. Vitamins A, B, E, and K are dissolved in milk fat.

Milk consists of three main types: casein, albumin, globulin. Casein accounts for 76-88%, albumin in milk 12-15%, and globulin 0.1%. Globulin has antibiotic and immune properties and serves as a source of antibodies that protect our body from infection.

It is extremely important that milk proteins contain all necessary for the body amino acids, including 8 essential amino acids, which cannot be synthesized in the body and must be supplied with food, since the absence of even one of them can cause metabolic disorders. Milk sugar, or lactose, is the only carbohydrate found in milk and makes up 4.5-5.2%. Lactose is less sweet than sucrose and less soluble in water.

The physiological significance of lactose is that it is a stimulant of the nervous system and serves as a preventive and therapeutic agent for cardiovascular diseases. Lactose digestibility is 98%. Lactose is part of special substances - coenzymes, which are involved in the synthesis of proteins, fats, vitamins, enzymes by our body and plays an important role in the normal functioning of the heart, liver, kidneys, as well as in metabolic processes,

For lactic acid bacteria, lactose is the main source of nutrition, which leads to the so-called lactic acid fermentation, resulting in many fermented milk products.

Mineral salts.

Of the mineral salts in milk there are salts of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium, potassium, citric, hydrochloric acids, etc. Calcium, phosphorus and magnesium are part of bones, teeth, in addition, magnesium affects the functioning of the heart, and phosphorus is a component part of nerve tissue and brain cells. All these salts are in milk in an easily digestible form - no food substance transfers calcium and phosphorus to the body better than milk.

Of the trace elements found in milk: cobalt, copper, zinc, bromine, manganese, sulfur, fluorine, aluminum, lead, tin, titanium, vanadium, silver, etc. Of course, their quantity is hundred thousandths or even millionths of a percent. It would seem that substances in such minute quantities cannot be important, however, their absence or deficiency in food can cause various disturbances in the functioning of the body.


Almost all known ones are currently found in milk. Let us briefly describe vitamins, a significant source of which is milk.

Vitamin A (retinol) and carotene (provitamin A) are dissolved in the fat of milk, so they are absent in skim milk. Summer and autumn milk contains 2-5 times more vitamin A than winter and spring milk. There is several times more vitamin P in summer milk than in winter milk. Milk is a significant source of vitamins B and B2.

Milk contains vitamin E, which combines several substances similar in chemical structure and effects on the body - tocopherols.

Milk also contains vitamin K, B6, or pyridoxine, and vitamin B,2, or cyanocobalamin.

Milk also contains vitamin C or ascorbic acid. There is less of it in winter milk than in summer milk. Evening milk contains 15-20% more vitamin C than morning milk. But vitamin C is the least stable; it is easily oxidized by atmospheric oxygen and loses its properties. To preserve it longer, it is necessary to immediately cool the milk after milking and subsequently store it without shaking, at a low temperature, avoiding light exposure to the milk.

In addition, milk contains vitamin PP (nicotinic acid), vitamin H (biotin), folic acid, pantothenic acid, and choline.

Milk enzymes- These are protein substances that accelerate the occurrence of biochemical reactions in the body. The action of enzymes is highly specific, that is, each enzyme affects only a specific substance, and they exhibit their effect when contained in extremely small quantities.

Here are some of the enzymes: lipase (an enzyme that breaks down fats); phosphatase (participates in hematopoiesis, bone formation, motor function of muscles, including the heart, regulates metabolism); catalase (protects the body from the toxic effects of certain substances formed during the metabolic process); peroxidase (stimulates oxidation reactions that are very important for our body).

Hormones are secreted by endocrine glands. They have a regulatory effect on metabolic processes. The following hormones have been found in milk: adrenaline, insulin, thyroxine, prolactin, oxytocin, etc.

Milk also contains many other beneficial substances, participating in metabolic processes, increasing the body's resistance, entering into the fight against harmful intestinal microorganisms - antibiotic bodies, immune bodies, opsonins, lysozymes, lactenin, etc.

Milk from various animals. People eat the milk of goats, sheep, buffaloes, mares, camels, deer, mules, yak, zebu, and donkeys.

Goat milk is consumed in large quantities by residents of Transcaucasia and Central Asia. In terms of its chemical composition, it is not inferior to cow's milk, and in biological value it is even higher than it, since goat's milk contains more highly dispersed proteins, and when it coagulates, more delicate flakes are formed. It contains more cobalt salts, which is part of vitamin B12. Goat milk contains more vitamins A and O, which are necessary for a growing body. Some peoples have a prejudice that consuming goat's milk causes anemia in children - this is completely unfounded.

Sheep's milk is one and a half times more nutritious than cow's milk and contains 2 - 3 times more vitamins A, B, B2. Widely used for making yogurt, kefir, cheese, butter and other products.

In our country, it is used for food purposes in the Crimea, Transcaucasia, Central Asia and the North Caucasus. Residents of Italy, Greece, and Middle Eastern countries consume a lot of sheep's milk.

Sheep milk fat contains a lot of caprylic and capric fatty acids, which give the milk a specific odor, which limits its consumption in its whole form. Excellent cheeses are made from it - Chanakh, Ossetian, Tushino.

Mares' milk- white, with a bluish tint, sweet and slightly tart in taste. It contains 2 times less fat than cow's fat. However, the high content of lactose, albumin, globulin, vitamin C (6 times more than in cow milk!), and the finely dispersed fat globules give it, after fermentation into kumiss, a special medicinal and dietary value. In terms of the ratio of protein fractions and lactose content, mare's milk is close to women's milk, so it is very useful when feeding infants.

Buffalo milk abroad they are used mainly in India, Indonesia and Egypt. In our country, it is used in Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Dagestan, Kuban and the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. It is a white viscous liquid with a pleasant taste and odorless. Its biological and nutritional value is very high. It contains more fat, protein, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, C and B than cow's milk.

Buffalo milk used whole, as well as with coffee and cocoa. High-quality fermented milk products are prepared from it. Camel milk has a specific taste. It contains a lot of fat, phosphorus salts, and calcium. In desert and semi-desert zones, the population consumes camel milk fresh, and also prepares from it a nutritious cooling sour milk product shubat and other fermented milk products. Its consistency is thicker than cow's.

Milk from a female yak used as food in the Altai, Pamir, Caucasus and Carpathians. It contains more fat, protein, and sugar than cow's milk.

The composition of female zebu's milk is close to cow's milk, but contains slightly more fat, protein and minerals and slightly less lactose. It is used by the peoples of Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Armenia.

Reindeer milk, used by northern peoples, is the most high-calorie milk. It is 4 times more caloric than cow's milk, contains 3 times more protein and 5 times more fat. When using whole reindeer milk for drinking, it is recommended to dilute it with water, since it has such a high fat content that not every person’s stomach is able to digest it.

Preparation of dairy drinks.

It’s good to drink just a glass of chilled, pasteurized milk at breakfast or dinner. However, not only milk is pleasant, but also a wide variety of drinks made from it with the addition of fruit and berry juices, flavorings and aromatic substances. It’s not just about aroma and taste, but also about enriching the drink with vitamins, sugar, etc.

Both adults and children, and even those children who do not like milk, drink milk drinks.

In hot weather, thirst-quenching, refreshing soft drinks made from milk in combination with fruit or ice cream are very pleasant.

Milk with sugar.

Add sugar to hot or cold milk and mix thoroughly. Sugar is added before milk boils. To serve, add lemon zest to sweet dishes and leave for some time so that the milk acquires a flavor. Then the zest is removed or the milk is filtered.

Milk - 1 glass, sugar - 1 - 2 teaspoons, lemon or orange zest - to taste.

Milk with honey. Honey is added to hot milk before drinking.

Milk - 4/5 cups, natural honey - 1-2 teaspoons.

Milk with raspberries or blackberries. Raspberries or blackberries are peeled from the core, washed in cold water, poured into a glass, sugar is added and thoroughly ground, then cold boiled milk is poured.

Raspberries or blackberries - 1/2 cup, milk - 1/2 cup, sugar - 2 teaspoons.

Milk with strawberries.

Prepare in the same way as with raspberries, but you don’t have to grind the berries in a glass. If there are no fresh berries, use strawberry juice.

Milk - 1/2 cup, 2-3 teaspoons strawberry juice or 1/2 cup strawberries, sugar - 2 teaspoons.

Milk with cherries. Wash the cherries, remove the seeds, add sugar, mix thoroughly and pour cold boiled milk over the cherries.

Cherries - 1/2 cup, milk - 1/2 cup, sugar - 2-3 teaspoons.

Milk with black currants. The peeled currants are washed, sugar is added, thoroughly ground, and cold boiled milk is poured on top.

Currants - 1/2 cup, sugar - 2 teaspoons, milk - 1/2 cup.

Milk with citrus fruits.

To obtain milk with the aroma of citrus fruits, an extract from the zest is first prepared. To do this, the zest from two fruits is crushed, poured with boiled cold water (1/2 cup) and allowed to brew for 6-8 hours. The resulting extract is added to milk to taste.

Milk - 4/5 cup, citrus zest extract to taste.

Milk with orange.

Place orange pulp in a glass, add sugar, mix thoroughly, fill with cold milk and add orange (or tangerine) extract to taste (see previous recipe).

Orange - 1/2 pcs., sugar - 1 tablespoon, extract from. zest - by

to taste, milk - 3/5 cup. Orange can be replaced with tangerine.

Milk with fruit juice or syrup.

Add fruit juice (plum, apricot, pear, etc.), sugar to cold pasteurized milk and stir. Instead of juice, you can use fruit syrup to taste. In this case, there is no need to add sugar. Milk - 4/5 cup, fruit juice - 1 '/2 tablespoon, sugar -1 tablespoon.

Milk with jam.

Premium fruit jam or seedless jam is thoroughly ground and gradually added to cold pasteurized milk.

Milk - 4/5 cup, fruit jam or jam - 1 '/2 tablespoon.

Milk with yolk. The egg yolk is thoroughly ground with granulated sugar (or powdered sugar) and slowly poured, stirring into cold pasteurized milk.

Milk with yolk can be drunk hot or cold.

Milk - 4/5 cups, sugar - 1 teaspoon, yolk - 1 pc.

Milk with butter.

Add unsalted butter to hot milk, stir and drink. Oil is added to increase calorie content.

Milk - 4/5 cup, butter - 1/2 tablespoon.

Milk with fruit juice and ice cream. Place creamy ice cream, fruit juice or jam in a glass, pour cold pasteurized milk, stir quickly and serve.

Milk - 1/2 cup, ice cream - 50 g, fruit juice or jam - 1 tablespoon.

Milk chocolate drink with ice cream.

Place creamy ice cream in a glass, add chocolate syrup, pour in pasteurized milk, mix well. Cream whipped with powdered sugar is placed on top.

Prepare chocolate syrup as follows: thoroughly grind cocoa with granulated sugar, dilute with water and boil. Then the syrup is cooled, cream and vanillin are added.

Milk - 4 tablespoons, cream - 1 tablespoon, ice cream - 75 g, chocolate syrup - 2 tablespoons, sugar - 1 teaspoon, vanillin to taste. Milk with strawberry puree. The berries are sorted and rubbed through a sieve. Add sugar to the puree, pour in the steamed milk, stir and beat. Serve chilled.

Milk - 3/5 cup, strawberry puree - 1 1/2 tablespoons, sugar - 1 tablespoon.

Milk with peaches or apricots.

Wash the peaches or apricots, remove the seeds, pour in a small amount of boiling water, and cook, stirring. When the fruits become soft, they are rubbed through a sieve, stirred with sugar, and cooled. Add grated peaches and finely chopped edible ice (1/2 cup) to cold milk mixed with cream. Stir everything, cool thoroughly and pour. Cookies are served separately.

Milk - 1 '/2 cups, cream - 1 '/g cup, peaches or apricots - 500 g, granulated sugar - 4 tablespoons, cookies (5 servings).

Milk with lemon juice. Boil milk with granulated sugar. Separately, grind the yolks in a small amount of milk and add them carefully while stirring in small portions to the boiling milk. Then the milk is cooled and poured into it drop by drop, stirring all the time, lemon juice.

Milk - 3 cups, sugar - 4 tablespoons, egg yolks - 3 pcs., lemon juice - 3 teaspoons (4 servings).

Hot milk punch. Powdered sugar is placed in a glass, cognac or liqueur is poured, stirred, and hot milk is added. Sprinkle grated nutmeg on top.

Milk - 2/3 cup, sugar - 1 teaspoon, cognac or liqueur - 1 teaspoon, nutmeg.

Milk-carrot drink.

Grate carrots on a fine grater and mix with milk and salt. You can add sugar to taste. Serve cold in a glass; the puree that has settled to the bottom is eaten with a spoon.

Milk - 150 ml, washed and peeled carrots - 50 g, salt - 2 g, sugar to taste.

Tomato milk drink. All components specified in the recipe are whipped and served immediately.

Milk - 150 ml, tomato juice - 50 ml, salt - 2 g.

A drink made from milk and rose hips.

All components are mixed and the drink is served cold. Rosehip extract is prepared as follows: seeded rose hips are boiled in water until softened (1 part fruit to 2 parts water) and rubbed through a sieve.

Milk - 130 g, honey - 25 g, rose hip extract - 50 g.

Green milk.

All components are mixed, whipped and served. To improve the taste, add grated nutmeg.

Milk - 200 g, finely chopped greens (green onions, dill, parsley) - 5 g, salt - 2 g.

Cream with orange juice. The egg yolk is ground with sugar, orange juice and pasteurized cream are added, stirred and served in glasses.

Cream - 125 g, egg yolk - 1/2 pcs., sugar - 24 g, orange juice - 25 g.

Milk with nutmeg.

Mix all ingredients well, pour into a glass and add a pinch of nutmeg.

Milk - 100 g, sugar syrup - 30 g, egg - 1 pc., nutmeg.

Milk drink "Poma".

In a mixer or shaker, mix all ingredients thoroughly for one minute.

Milk - 100 g, egg - 1 pc., sugar syrup - 30 g, apple juice - 20 g.

Drink "Alpha".

IN All ingredients are poured into a glass and mixed very thoroughly.

Milk - 150 g, raspberry syrup 30 g, lemon syrup - 10 g.

Drink "Africa"

First pour sugar syrup into a heated glass, then strawberry juice and add hot milk. Mix well.

Milk - 120 g, sugar syrup - 20 g, strawberry juice - 40 g.

Milk-nut shake. Nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts or peanuts) are crushed in a mortar or passed through a meat grinder and mixed with milk. Serve in a glass with a teaspoon.

Chopped nuts - 50 g, milk - 150 g, sugar - to taste.

Milk-almond-orange cocktail.

Cooled milk is mixed with sugar, almond essence and orange syrup are added. Orange syrup can be replaced with other fruit and berry syrup if desired.

Milk - 180 g, sugar - 5 g, orange syrup - 15 g, one drop of almond essence.

Milk-chocolate-vanilla shake.

The mixture is thoroughly mixed and served in a glass with a straw.

Milk - 185 g, chocolate syrup - 20 g, vanilla sugar - 4 g.

Milk-chocolate-personal cocktail.

All components are whipped until foam forms. Strain into a glass and serve with a straw.

Milk - 160 g, chocolate syrup - 15 g, egg yolk - 1 pc.

Milk cup.

Seasonal berries (strawberries, raspberries, cherries, currants, etc.) are sorted, washed, placed in a glass jar, sprinkled with powdered sugar, left for 1 hour, added the juice of one lemon, a little grated lemon zest and filled with chilled milk. The whole mass is mixed a little and cooled well. Serve in glasses with a straw and a teaspoon.

Milk - 1 l, sugar - to taste, lemon, fresh berries - 300 g (6 servings).

Raspberry milkshake with ice cream.

All components, except one berry intended for decoration, are well beaten. Pour into a glass, add one berry on top of the foam. Served with a straw and spoon.

Creamy ice cream - 50 g, raspberry syrup - 20 g, milk - 100 g, raspberries (berries) - 35 g.

Creamy strawberry cocktail with ice cream.

All ingredients, with the exception of cream and one berry intended for decoration, are whipped. Pour into a glass and garnish with whipped cream and strawberries. Serve with a straw and a teaspoon.

Milk - 30 g, cream - 60 g, ice cream - 50 g, strawberry syrup - 20 g, strawberries (berries) - 30 g.

Milk with sparkling water.

Soda water is poured into cooled milk. Serve in a glass with a straw. This mixture can be flavored with commercially available fruit syrups if desired.

Milk - half a glass, sparkling water - 1/3 glass, fruit and berry syrup - 20 g.

Milk-grape, effervescent cocktail.

Whisk all ingredients with chilled milk, pour into a glass and add sparkling water. Served with a straw.

Milk - 50 g, grape juice - 50 g, sugar syrup - 5 g, egg - 1 pc., sparkling water.

Drink made from milk and blueberries.

The milk is boiled and cooled strongly, the berries are washed, and the stalks are removed. Place berries, milk and granulated sugar in the mixer. Turn on the mixer for 25-30 s. Pour the drink into glasses, putting a piece of edible ice in each.

Blueberries - 750 g, milk - 2 1/2 cups, sugar - 70 g (6 servings).

Honey milkshake.

Milk and other ingredients are pre-cooled. Then, in a tall vessel, mix everything well and beat with a mixer.

Milk - 150 g, lemon juice - 30 g, natural honey - 3 teaspoons.

Pepsi cocktail. All operations are carried out as in the previous recipe.

Drink "Pepsi-Cola* - 150 g, ice cream - 50 g, cream - 100 g.

Milk flip "Lux".

Mix orange syrup, chocolate syrup and yolk, pour in chilled milk, beat it all. Whipped cream is placed on top.

Milk - 100 g, orange syrup - 10 g, chocolate syrup - 40 g, yolk - 1 pc., whipped cream - 10 g.

Milk julep.

In a faceted glass, dissolve sugar in a small amount of water, add 3 sprigs of fresh mint, mash it with a spoon, then remove the mint. The glass is first filled 3/4 full with fine crushed ice, then vanilla syrup and milk are added. Garnish with whipped cream.

Sugar - 2 teaspoons, mint - 3 sprigs, vanilla syrup - 30 g, milk - 50 g.

Nettle drink with milk.

Dissolve honey in water, add nettle juice and milk. Stir and cool.

To prepare nettle juice, young shoots and leaves of nettle are passed through a meat grinder, 1/2 liter of cold boiled water is added, mixed, and the juice is squeezed out through cheesecloth. The pomace is passed through a meat grinder a second time, diluted with water, squeezed and added to the first portion of juice.

Milk - 1 glass, natural honey - 2 tablespoons, water - 1 glass, nettle juice - 4 tablespoons (3 servings).

Cranberry milkshake.

Beat well with a mixer

a mixture of pasteurized cold milk, ice cream and cranberry syrup. Serve very chilled.

Pasteurized milk - 4 glasses, ice cream - 100 g, cranberry syrup - 200 g (6 servings).


These are fatty melted foams that are skimmed from the surface of milk or cream. They are stacked one on top of the other in a separate container, where they can be stored even for several days, turning into sour cream of a special consistency and taste.

To obtain kaymak, you need to heat the cream over low heat. Cream should be poured into the bowl in a layer of 3-5 cm.

Kaymak is used in cooking as an important component of some national dishes. In Russian cuisine, for example, semolina porridge is layered with kaymak and jam - this is how Guryev porridge is prepared. It is extremely popular among many eastern peoples to drink coffee with kaymak.

Drink made from milk and plums.

The milk is boiled and cooled. Wash the plums, remove the seeds, squeeze the juice from the fruit in a juicer, or rub the plums through a sieve. Sugar is ground with cinnamon, added to cooled milk and stirred with a whisk or in a mixer with plum juice. Cool and pour into small glasses.

Drink "Favorite".

The cooled milk and cream are stirred together with the ice cream using a whisk or in a mixer. Serve immediately after preparation.

Fruit ice cream - 1 glass, cream - 1 glass, pasteurized milk - 2 glasses (4 servings).

Milk with caramelized sugar.

Burn 100 g of lump sugar until it turns light brown, add 100 g of water and 1 liter of hot milk. When the burnt sugar dissolves in the milk with continuous stirring, add 30 g of sugar and a pinch of salt.

Serve hot.

Cocktail “Scarlet Carnation”.

Beat the chilled cream and tomato juice with a mixer.

Cream 10% fat - 100 g, tomato juice - 50 g.

Cocktail "Agate".

Prepared in the same way as the previous one.

Cream 10% fat - 80 g, plum juice - 50 g, coffee or chocolate syrup - 20 g.

Honey eggnog.

All ingredients are mixed and whipped in a mixer until smooth. Serve chilled.

Egg - 1 pc., cold milk - 2 glasses, natural honey - 6 tablespoons, lemon or orange juice - 2 tablespoons (4 servings).

Whey-based drinks.

Whey is a very promising raw material for the developing non-alcoholic food industry.

In our country, “Novy”, “Molochny”, “Drinking”, “Dneprovsky*, etc.” are produced from kvass.

The drinks “Bodrost”, “Orshansky”, “Senetate” are produced.

A method has been developed for obtaining odorless whey concentrates, on the basis of which the Atlant, Salyut, Letniy, and Solnechny drinks were created. The composition of these drinks includes infusions of plant origin, fruit and berry juices, sugar, lemon acid, dye and aromatics. The drinks have pleasant aromas of the original plant materials and a sweet and sour taste.

The Coca-Cola company (USA) produces the Samson drink, which contains demineralized whey.

Milk and dairy products have been with humans for thousands of years. The Mediterranean diet and Ayurveda include milk and dairy products in the list of essential health benefits, but modern dietetics is not so supportive. Who to trust and how not to harm your body? In order to accept correct solution, you need to have sufficient information about the product and know well the individual characteristics of your body.

Useful properties of milk

Humans are the only animal that drinks milk after emerging from infancy. Many experts believe that this is one of the reasons to abandon this product. But the history of milk consumption goes back more than one thousand years; it has become an integral part of our diet for a reason. Milk contains many microelements in an easily digestible form. First of all, these are vitamin D, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, B vitamins, vitamin A. Milk promotes good functioning of the cardiovascular system and brain. It is a source of protein and fat. Fermented milk products improve digestion and heal the intestinal microflora.

Allergies and intolerances

Despite its beneficial properties, milk may be contraindicated for many people, because it is one of the most allergenic products. People who are lactose intolerant or allergic or sensitive to casein, a protein found in cows, may have problems digesting milk.

Lactose intolerance occurs when the body does not produce enough enzymes to digest milk. Most often we are talking about milk in its pure form; many people with lactose intolerance have no problems consuming fermented milk products. But there are times when even a small amount of milk can cause bloating or diarrhea. For such cases, there are dairy products with the addition of the necessary enzymes.

A milk allergy manifests itself differently. These are a skin reaction, gastrointestinal pain, vomiting, sometimes diarrhea, asthma and pneumonia. If you are allergic, you should not consume all types of dairy products.

Sensitivity to casein does not have acute symptoms, so many do not even suspect that frequent colds, runny nose, acne, and internal inflammation are caused by milk. Once dairy products are removed from the diet, symptoms go away.

Harm of milk

Some studies collect information about the dangers of dairy products. Perhaps the most famous of these is Colin Campbell's China Study, which spent 20 years studying families in Chinese provinces, their diet, lifestyle and illnesses. As a result of the study, the author came to the conclusion that animal products, including milk, lead to the development of cancer. The book became a worldwide bestseller and the “bible” of vegetarians. But many nutritionists have repeatedly criticized this study. Health status is influenced by many factors. Nutrition, food quality, physical activity, ecology, psychological condition, environment, etc. Therefore, even with a strong desire, it is impossible to say with 100% accuracy that a specific product is to blame for the development of a particular disease.

The effect of milk on inflammatory processes in the body is a real fact, but we are most often talking about sensitivity to casein, and not about the dangers of milk for all people who consume it. Sensitivity to cow protein is much more common than we think.

Hazardous production

The real harm of milk for our health, which needs to be discussed, lies not in the milk itself, but in the method of its production. Production of milk on an industrial scale leads to the fact that cows do not lead their usual lifestyle. They do not walk on the grass, but spend their lives in cramped stalls and eat mixed feed, which affects the composition of milk for the worse. In addition, under such conditions, cows often get sick, so they are given antibiotics. And in order to produce more milk, hormones are used. During pasteurization, antibiotics and hormones do not disappear, but enter the human body. As a result, the digestive and hormonal systems and immunity suffer. If giving up milk is not an option, you should switch to farm and village products. There is no guarantee that they will not contain hormones and antibiotics, but the concentration will definitely be lower than in store-bought milk, and the nutrition of such cows is much richer, which means the composition of the milk is better.

Strengthening Bones

For many years, milk has been considered a good source of calcium because it is present in abundance. But many studies, including Harvard, have shown that milk not only does not prevent bone fragility, but also contributes to the development of osteoporosis when consumed more than 3 glasses per day. One of the reasons for this is the excess vitamin D content in milk. This vitamin is necessary for our body and for the absorption of calcium, but too much of it interferes with this process.

Milk and oncology

The English medical journal Lancet published the results of a study by Harvard scientists led by Daniel Kramer, linking milk consumption and the development of ovarian cancer in women. The milk carbohydrate lactose in our body is converted into galactose, which in turn breaks down into enzymes that can affect the condition of the ovaries. But this depends on individual health characteristics. Milk has a negative effect on those women who do not have enough enzymes in their bodies. Milk can also affect the development of prostate and breast cancer.

Controversial issue

Conflicting information can confuse anyone. If you are serious about your health, it is best to get tested for food allergies, intolerances and sensitivities. Natural dairy products, and especially fermented milk products, have many beneficial properties, but you should not consume more than three servings per day. In addition, try to choose farm or country-produced dairy products without dyes, flavor enhancers, flavors, stabilizers or other additives.

Cow's milk is the most common dairy product on the markets, which is loved by many because it has many beneficial properties. There are still many discussions about the benefits and harms of cow's milk today, but scientists have not come to a single opinion.

Surely everyone has heard how milk was sung in one famous Soviet cartoon: “Drink, children, milk - you will be healthy! " And you can’t argue with the fact that children’s milk, especially cow’s milk, is vital. But is cow's milk really necessary for adults? After all, there are many rumors that only children are able to tolerate this product.

Benefits of cow's milk

  • Regular consumption of cow's milk is good for the stomach. This product helps cope with stomach ulcers and gastritis. In addition, cow's milk reduces stomach acidity and helps relieve heartburn.
  • Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Cow's milk is an excellent source of calcium. This trace element has positive influence on the growth of children, strengthens bones and teeth, and also improves the elasticity of blood vessels. In addition, thanks to this component, cow's milk prevents the development of heart diseases. In the course of research, scientists found that if you drink one glass of milk every day, the risk of stroke or heart attack is reduced by 40%. In addition, the normal functioning of the heart muscle is maintained.
  • Strengthens the nervous system. Cow's milk is known as an excellent remedy that helps in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system. Drinking cow's milk daily in the morning strengthens the psyche and supplies the body with energy, providing a person with vigor. And if you drink milk before bed, you will be ensured a healthy and sound sleep.
  • Maintains normal weight. There are many myths about cow's milk, they say that it allegedly promotes weight gain, which is why many of those who want to lose weight refuse to take it useful product, afraid of getting fat. But research by Canadian scientists has refuted these rumors. During the experiment, it was proven that, while following the same diet, people who were given milk lost 5 kilograms more weight than those who did not drink this drink.
  • Milk protein is absorbed by the body better than others. Since proteins contain immunoglobulins, which are effective in combating viral infections, the ease of digestibility of cow's milk allows it to be taken for treatment colds. It is also very popular among athletes.
  • Relieves headache symptoms and has a diuretic effect. If you have a regular headache, migraine or regular headaches, then take a weekly cocktail of boiled cow's milk with raw egg will help you forget about this problem for a long time. Also, due to its diuretic effect, cow's milk reduces high blood pressure– an excellent remedy for hypertension.
  • Effectively used in cosmetology. Cow's milk moisturizes the skin, relieves irritation and inflammation. For a wonderful rejuvenating effect, you can take milk baths, as Cleopatra herself once did.

Harm of cow's milk

Milk is not a cure for all diseases and for many it is not recommended for consumption at all.

  • Drinking cow's milk can cause diarrhea. This is due to the fact that many people's bodies have a small amount of the enzyme that can break down lactose. As a result, some people are unable to digest cow's milk at all.
  • Cow's milk is a powerful allergen. In this regard, allergy sufferers should avoid drinking cow's milk. Allergic reactions such as itching, nausea, rash, bloating and even vomiting can be caused by milk antigen A. For allergy sufferers, it is recommended to find an alternative to cow's milk, which include, or.
  • Contains substances that cause atherosclerosis. That is why drinking cow's milk is not recommended for older people aged 50 years or more, since it is at this age that the risk of developing atherosclerosis increases.

If you tried cow's milk and didn't experience any allergic reactions, there was no diarrhea and no white stools, then cow’s milk is not harmful to you and you can safely consume it. If you regularly drink this drink of animal origin, you will significantly improve your health, since the benefits of cow's milk are obvious.

Video about the benefits and harms of cow's milk

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