How to invite a girl to your place. How to invite a girl home: successful phrases, methods, tips and tricks

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“I won’t go to you”- one of the most popular phrases from girls, especially if you are calling too persistently or several days have passed since you met. She understands what can happen. If you date for at least a few weeks, this increases the chance of achieving the desired result by at least 50%.

But often girls refuse such an offer. Why?

  • Sometimes because you expressed your desire incorrectly (too harshly or rudely);
  • or because it was said at a completely inopportune time.

We will tell you how to achieve your goal in this article.

When is the best time to invite

If you invite a friend to visit you after a short period of time, such actions raise some suspicions. And refusal, most often.

So invite us to watch the film together after at least a month.

The exception is dachas or similar places. An invitation to a picnic or barbecue will seem more reasonable and realistic.

In winter, an invitation for a hot cup of tea will be a good idea already on the 4th-5th date. You won’t freeze or sit out all the cafes in the city just because you haven’t known each other for enough time.

Find an incentive to make her decide to come to you

It is very important to motivate correctly in order to hear an affirmative answer, and not a categorical refusal.


  1. You've been walking for a long time, evening is approaching and you want to relax a little - this is a reason to think about where to move next.
  2. A win-win bonus is to offer to buy something tasty along the way. She simply cannot refuse, since all girls love to eat something tasty.
  3. Few people can refuse an invitation to cook dinner from your products. Everyone loves to show off their culinary skills and talents, and at the same time take a look at yours.

An offer you can't refuse

Who doesn't like watching movies? Or drink tea in cold weather? What about looking at photographs of the family?

If you receive a refusal to such invitations, you can do something more cunning:

After a walk or a date, suggest going to a very interesting place where they brew excellent delicious coffee, where there is a lot of ice cream and there will definitely be relaxing music.

Don't say where you're going. If on the way a friend asks if you are going to a guy’s house, answer briefly and affirmatively. But, as practice shows, the girl no longer asks.

If a girl says that you don't know each other well

Use these phrases:

  • “Let's leave here”;
  • “Did we go to another interesting place?”;
  • “Would you like a change of scenery?”

Speak in such a way as to arouse interest:

  • “Let’s go with you to where they make delicious coffee/great music/wonderful comedies.”
  • If the girl agreed to leave, but asked if you were coming home to you, answer: “Yes, we are going to my place.” A clear and sharp answer will be unexpected for her, and she is unlikely to want to disrupt your plans.

Don’t immediately say, “Let’s go to my place.” This is perceived with hostility, it is better to chat about something abstract, take a walk and try to establish contact.

Demonstrate your knowledge of the rules of etiquette; your partner will definitely appreciate it. It's better to leave it for later. In this situation, she may take everything wrong and begin to fear you.

Don't play on pity. For example, the phrase “I feel bad, take me home and stay” will be perceived as best case scenario, with surprise.

The time for first kisses has long passed, and the moment has come that all guys are looking forward to. And the most common problem arises: how to invite a girl home? Nobody wants to be refused, and even in a rude manner. Today you will learn all the effective methods and choose the best option!

How do you know when the time has come?

Do you feel like you've been in a relationship forever and you can move on? For a man, this moment can come already on the first date. The stronger sex works like this - guys don’t need long rants and regular meetings in order to understand that this particular girl is right for him. Yes, there are romantics in our time, but they are only a small percentage of the total mass. If the girl herself invited the guy to her home, this also does not mean that a stormy night awaits you. For women, an invitation to tea does not mean that you will advance anywhere beyond the kitchen. Know how to recognize the signs - she takes your hand herself, does not move away when you press her tightly to you during a kiss, and allows you to stroke not only your shoulders and back. Open expression of feelings will be the best clue in such a situation! You should not make hasty proposals if the girl herself does not give you hints.

How to invite a girl home?

Modern ladies are relaxed and can openly talk about their feelings and desires. While the thought “I want to invite a girl home” is spinning in your head, she is already in her mind looking into your bathroom and examining the cabinets. But there are girls who need long and painstaking care. Even after three months of relationship, she may refuse to visit you. Such modest women need to be taken not with force, but with pity. As a rule, they are very constrained and embarrassed by even the very thought of agreeing to such a proposal. There is only one way out - we force her to play the role of a caring girl.

A win-win option would be to ask them to cook dinner for you. You live like a lone wolf; you haven’t eaten home-cooked food for a hundred years. You’ve forgotten the taste of your mother’s cutlets and, in general, you’ll soon start to get sick from large quantity the fast food you consume. In such a situation, the girl herself will want to cook dinner for you. If her heart does not waver, then you can offer to go to the store and buy groceries together. Even a not-so-good housewife will happily agree to help you prepare food. A common activity will help you get closer and won’t look like an obsessive request to visit your mansion.


In winter, the best option would be an invitation to a cup of hot tea or coffee. After a long walk in the cold, an offer to continue the evening in a warm and cozy home environment won't cause negative emotions. If you spent the evening in a cafe or cinema, then it’s worth considering your options. You can hint that you don’t want to leave yet, but the weather doesn’t allow you to walk outside. Or offer to come in to warm up if you decide to walk the streets.

How to invite a girl home in the summer? Same principle! It's too hot outside, but at home there is an air conditioner or fan. Iced tea or another cooling drink may also interest your lady. In the end, you can simply offer to come in for a minute so you can change your T-shirt. The girl is unlikely to want to stand near the entrance, and there is nothing dangerous about going in for a while. Inside you can already offer drinks, a family album, and watching your favorite movie. Advice: try to make dates near your home so that your words do not seem suspicious to her.


If you have firmly decided that you will invite a girl home today, then you should think in advance about what you will tell her. The phrase “come to me” will not only scare you away, but will also postpone this moment for an indefinite time. During a date, try not to talk about sex so as not to arouse suspicion. Show your attitude more often - stroking your fingers, whispering, quiet laughter. Avoid vulgar jokes and stories about past adventures and girls. She should feel desired and unique.

Address her more often not by name, but by using tender words- beloved, dear, sweetheart. Don't forget about diminutive names - kitten, baby, bunny. Usually couples have their own secret tricks that they use instead of names. If you decide to invite someone home, do it carefully. You might find these phrases useful:

  • Would you like to continue the conversation at my place?
  • Let's discuss this in a more pleasant environment?
  • Maybe we can come to my place and continue communicating?
  • I suggest we end our date in a place that you will definitely like.

If a girl refuses, this does not mean that this is her final answer. Perhaps she just doesn't want to seem approachable and is just waiting for a second offer. Women are much more complex; they like to be pursued!


It’s trite, but in this way you can also lure a girl to your home. Suffice it to say that you have a special gift for her. If she looks at you with disbelief, then you should continue to spark her imagination. Give her this news as a stunning surprise. Make her imagination run wild and captivate her with promises. On the spot, you can inform that the gift will be a massage or a shared bath (if you don’t have a real gift). It is unlikely that a girl will run away from your apartment without receiving the promised surprise.

The best option

If you have a dacha outside the city, then you don’t need to reinvent the wheel. At any time of the year you can invite a girl to a barbecue. There is no need to gather a huge company - just the two of you. There is no need to focus on privacy! Talk about nature, silence and distance from the bustle of big cities. Promise her care and delicious charcoal-grilled meat, a beautiful sunset and birdsong.

Mysterious stranger

Dating and communicating on the Internet is no longer uncommon. Young people get to know each other, and the moment comes when they need to take the relationship to another level. How to invite unknown girl home? Don't you have the opportunity to look into her eyes and whisper the cherished words? No problem. You can always offer to come visit to get to know each other in real life. At the same time, do not forget to tell the girl that nothing will happen that she does not want. If she already trusts you, then this statement will completely reassure her.

Emotional Processing

Wherever your date takes place, you can always set the lady in the right mood with the help of her imagination. If a man invited a girl home, then he should have what he outlined to her during the meeting. Women are very gentle and soft creatures by nature. Even those who want to look like bitches. Cherished phrases about a warm blanket, a soft sofa, an interesting movie and her favorite ice cream are instantly visualized in her head. Captivate her with your stories about how cozy and pleasant she will be in your apartment. Don't forget to add a gentle hug! No hints of sex - just a great evening together under a soft blanket!

Audacity second happiness

Sometimes pressure and audacity work better than any persuasion. Invite a girl to the cinema and bring her to your house. Confidently say that you can smoke hookah in your home theater and pause the movie at any time. In addition, it is not forbidden to drink strong drinks and talk loudly. And most importantly, all this is completely free and only for her, the one and only. The effect of surprise can work in your favor, and the girl will want to visit this wonderful cinema!

It just so happens that seducing a girl is a whole series of rituals. And these rituals have their own rules of the game. You can think that these rules are bad, incorrect, illogical (personally, I think they are idiotic), but these rules exist, and they are exactly like that. Oh, how cool it would be if everything was logical. “Darling, let’s do this: I’ll take you to a restaurant, a movie and an exhibition, and then you’ll give it to me?” - “No, I don’t like movies. Come on, let’s go to the theater instead of a movie?” - “But I don’t like theaters. I propose a compromise: a restaurant, an exhibition and bowling with my friends? - “I agree, but you must be cheerful and decently dressed. Otherwise I will feel uncomfortable next to you. And on the first date, don’t pester me too much - I have cockroaches about this.” That's it, the offer has been submitted, the contract has been concluded, you can proceed.

In practice, everything looks different. “Let’s go to my house” - “Why?” And you are already becoming somehow uncomfortable. Girls somehow get upset if you tell them the truth: “Are you stupid? Have sex, of course.” And the funny thing is that this is happening for the first time. If you and she have already fallen in love with each other, then such stupid questions do not arise. Sometimes they do not occur the first time, but this is rather the exception than the rule. Therefore, the first rule is that we do not tell the girl why we are really going. We come up with a reason, a tempting reason. So that later she could say to herself: “I went to listen to lute music of the 16th century, that’s all he did later!”

Rule one - come up with a reason why you should come to you.

“No, I won’t go to you!” This is another favorite phrase of theirs. Whatever the tempting reason, if she has to go to your home, she “guesses” what might actually happen there. That's why sometimes you need to cheat. "Let's get out of here!" - “And where?” - “There is one place. There is a wonderful collection of lute music from the 16th century. You'll like it. Go!". We're not saying we're going to your house. But we don’t deceive her either. We are only talking about the occasion, and where exactly will the music listening be... Now, if she had directly asked: “Are we coming to you?” Then, of course, we would answer: “Yes, we are coming to me.” But most likely she won't ask. Why ask questions if you can get unpleasant answers?

Rule two: don’t say where exactly you are going. Talk about a reason.

“Are you sure you won’t pester me?” There are two removal strategies. The first is that we first excite the girl, gain access to her body, and then take her away. The second is that we take her away and already get access to the body at home.

Both strategies have a right to exist. Personally, I like the first one better. Chasing a girl around the apartment, constantly hearing from her: “I’ll leave now, stop, that’s enough” is, of course, fun. Especially after hot sex, when you ask her the question: “And why were all these dances needed, it’s still great!” But I like sex more than freestyle wrestling. Either way, you should already be confident in kissing a girl before dragging her home. It's even better if you excite the girl.

Rule three - before taking a girl home, you must at least kiss her passionately.

How to get home? It is best to do this either in your car or by taxi. It is possible, of course, to public transport, but this is not the most best idea. The girl is already experiencing stress, there is no need to add strangers to it.

If you catch a car, you need to leave on the third maximum. Practice shows that if you wait too long to find a car, a girl can easily change her mind. When negotiating with the driver, make sure that he clearly understands where exactly you need to be taken. Agree with him in advance so that he does not ask you questions during the trip and does not distract you.

The point is that during the trip you should not be silent. You have to communicate with the girl, tell her something. The trip should pass unnoticed for her, time should be lost. And if the driver constantly distracts you, the girl may become tense and her excitement may go away. And we don’t need this.

Rule four - during the trip to your home, create maximum comfort for the girl. Take her away either in your car or in a taxi. And talk to her all the way - time on the road should fly by.

If you are taking a taxi, do not drive directly to the entrance. It would be better if you stop at a grocery store near your home, you go there together and buy something. If you're driving your own car, stop by the grocery store along the way. It will be additional action, which will calm the girl down. You care about your evening.

When approaching the entrance, be confident. Do everything quickly, but don't rush. Take her hand in advance, lead her to the entrance, lead her into it. And don't be silent! Keep telling exciting stories!

And remember - even after the door has slammed behind you, it’s too early to relax. You will still have time to rest today. Well, after good sex, of course.

Rule number five: visit a grocery store along the way. Buy yourself something for the evening. But just a little bit: juice, wine, sweets. Don't fill your cart full.

Remember that these five rules are just that: rules. If everything works out for you without them, don’t change anything. Perhaps you have such a magical voice, hearing which the girl herself hails a taxi and takes you home with only one thought: “If only you don’t run away along the way.”

Surely you are interested in the methods that experienced seducers use to bring a girl to his (or her) home and have sex with her...

Below you will find about 20 methods that are based on attention attractants.

Attractant of attention(according to Egor Sheremetyev’s pickup dictionary) – interesting thing, which can be used as a plausible excuse to bring a girl to your home. For example, it could be a hookah or a kitten.

Here is a list of the 20 most popular attractants among seducers that you can use with girls. It is important to understand that all these methods are not the best way to get a girl into bed. These are just ways to deceive yourself, because a girl always understands why a guy invites her to his home.

So here they are:

There are also “urgent” methods that are best used with girls, the level of rapprochement with whom is not as high as in the previous case. They are performed completely unexpectedly for a girl. For example:

  1. I forgot to turn off the household appliances, I urgently need to go in and check, and at the same time drink some tea brought from a distant African country... :)
  2. Do you remember if you closed the door behind you?
  3. Must call, must wait for the call at home
  4. Take something (for example, money)
  5. Change clothes
  6. In winter: cold, snow, wind - come in to warm up and drink some tea. In summer: hot, rain, thunderstorm, flood, tsunami, etc.
  7. Randomly walk near the house and stop by
  8. You can ask her to invite you to visit herself

Personally, my favorite way is to just take it and bring it. No excuse 🙂

The way I do this is to tell the girl in advance what area you live in. Let's say the metro is such and such. Next, when the escalation in the seduction process reaches the point of no return (approximately 70%), you transfer logistics towards your home. For example, 2 dates have passed, and it is clear that on the third it is already necessary to make a test. You make a date on your subway without saying where you'll go. Then you take him by the hand and simply lead him to your home. As if nothing had happened!

If he refuses to come in, you walk around your house until he comes in, skipping the topic of begging as much as possible and talking your teeth into it :)

Life hacks - you can buy wine along the way, also as if nothing had happened, or food at the store. And then head towards home, they say, where we’ll eat and drink...)

Although these tips are already hyper-helpful, I have prepared a whole funny video for you about how I invite Christina to my home! 🙂

Click on the video below and don't forget to like:

Here comes another date: you are walking, holding hands and, perhaps, already kissing. At some point, the thought pops into your head that it’s time to invite her to your place.

How to call a girl home if it seems like she might refuse you? And what to do if you are afraid of seeming rude or too frisky to her?

Experience suggests that the main fear that prevents you from taking this step is the fear of refusal and the fear that she will consider you preoccupied.

In addition, there is another barrier preventing this from happening. This is the realization that if you act incorrectly, the girl may misunderstand your invitation to visit. We will not fight fear, because... this is not an easy task. Moreover, this fear can be overcome by simple conscious effort.

But developing a correct understanding is the best way for you.

Should I call her on the phone?

Using your phone you can invite a girl on a date. However, when it comes to inviting guests, you need to be careful here. If you have had few dates with her (1-2-3), then inviting her home by phone may scare her away.

Sometimes, even after doing a lot of work to attract her, you can ruin everything with a clumsy invitation. At such moments, the girl will be very disappointed, and you, at best, will start all over again, and at worst, you will interest her.

In addition, starting a conversation with an invitation, in most cases you will hear a refusal. Because from the girl’s perspective, it will look like you were on these dates just to have sex with her.

Of course, this does not mean at all that you cannot talk about it. But, for example, you can talk about the same sex in a more beautiful and veiled way, showing that it means more to you than just sex (a little lower I’ll tell you exactly how to do this).

What's the best way to call a girl home?

Even if you have already had several dates, you still need to use “softer” techniques. There are two ways to do this: “direct” and “indirect”.

"Indirect" method: make an appointment near your house, and when it starts, immediately go in the direction of your house. If she asks, “Where are we going?”, confidently say that you are going to your house, and immediately continue or change the subject as if going to your house is something taken for granted and familiar to you.

  • pros this method: you are more likely to meet a girl at all. Accordingly, it is more likely that she will come to you.
  • Minuses this method: she may not be prepared for such a meeting. Or, even worse, seeing even a small shadow of uncertainty on your face, he will most likely say that she will not come to you.

“But how to call a girl home using the direct method?” - you ask.

He's straight , but at the very beginning you should just have an intense and emotional conversation with her on the phone.

The fact is that all girls make decisions based on their own feelings and emotions. They may think they are making a decision logically and consciously. But in fact, this is far from the case.

And even if you study tons of materials on how to call a girl home, and at the same time you cannot interest her, it will not play a big role.

Working with emotions

That's why it's important first evoke positive emotions in her still on the phone. Chat with her in an interesting way, tell stories from your life, joke and even make fun of her a little.

When her emotions are at their peak, propose. But don't say you want to call her home. Better make this proposal more beautiful. Tell her that you want to take a walk with her in an interesting place, and then you want to go with her to visit you. Also tell her that you love to cook and want to treat her to a very tasty and interesting dish.

The main thing is to describe it all emotionally. You can also say that you have a warm blanket at home under which you will drink wine (if you really have such a blanket). Or say that you want to spend this evening (day, night, morning) with her.

Drawing in her head beautiful pictures, you automatically increase your chances of her consent. And girls can go to great lengths based on emotions. Even for things you never dreamed of.

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