How to congratulate your team on the New Year. How to congratulate colleagues on the New Year

Many ideas for original and pleasant gifts for any event and for all occasions

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Lots of ideas for original and pleasant gifts for any event and for all occasions

Congratulations to colleagues beautifully

If on these holidays you want to congratulate your colleagues without any jokes, but simply beautifully and at the same time in an original way, choose from the following options:


Not store-bought, ready-made, but made with your own hands. Those who are at least a little familiar with scrapbooking or quilling can create a greeting using any of these techniques.

If you have no skills at all, just cut out Christmas trees from multi-colored cardboard and fold them in half. The most important thing is what you write inside such a postcard.

Remember how this or that colleague helped you in the past year, what you are grateful to him for and what qualities you admire. Describe all this in detail, add warm words of congratulations. Leave homemade cards on your co-workers' desks or hand them out in person.


Imagine - your colleagues come to work, and they are greeted by Christmas story, captured on the windows: Father Frost with the Snow Maiden, Snowman, bunnies and squirrels from an old cartoon.

If you have at least the beginnings of artistic talent, it will not be difficult for you to copy a drawing from the Internet or from a colorful postcard on glass.

You will need brushes different sizes, gouache and a couple of hours when no one will be at the workplace.

If you lack artistic skills, hire a graphic designer or use the help of talented friends.


This is an original and beautiful way to congratulate your female colleagues on the New Year. Play with contrast - on one of the cold and cloudy New Year's days, present (or send by courier) a fresh flower - a rose, gerbera or calla lily - to each lady working next to you.

Let in the middle of the snowy winter's tale They will be delighted by the bright colors!

New Year is considered family holiday, it is customary to meet it with the closest and dearest people, and its anticipation gives hope for something special. But on New Year's Eve, corporate parties and parties dedicated to this wonderful event are held in work groups. And since work colleagues are often close friends and almost a second family, the question arises of how to congratulate colleagues on the New Year.

What to give to colleagues

The choice of New Year's greetings for colleagues and employees should be taken very carefully, because often most of life is spent in the work team, and not with relatives and family.

New Year is a great opportunity to show off your full potential. creative potential and express your love and respect for your colleagues. An original and extraordinary gift for the entire team would be the release of a wall newspaper, on which you can place photos of employees and list their achievements for the year, mention funny moments that happened at work, in addition, you can decorate the newspaper with humorous New Year-themed collages.

If you want to pay attention to each employee of the team, but get by minimal losses financially, you can buy inexpensive souvenirs that match everyone's hobbies or interests. A little imagination, a bit of good-natured humor and your colleagues will be pleased and remember the gift for many years.

How to congratulate the team

You can’t just hand out boxes or bags of gifts – it will be too casual. If a party is planned, then you can prepare an original number - it can be a well-known song or poem, and it is not necessary to change the text, although words mentioning the names of colleagues will be perceived as a personal appeal to everyone and will be remembered for a long time.

You can organize a quiz, a game of forfeits or riddles, for example, write the characteristics of employees in a humorous, but in no case ironic, form, so that the participants guess who exactly the gift is intended for. It is better to discuss such an initiative with the organizer of the holiday so that the performance or game takes place without any hiccups or oddities.

You can choose a song or poetic greeting for a group, a game or quiz option on numerous Internet resources or in printed publications. In addition, you can contact companies that specialize in holding celebrations, where there is always a person who writes scripts and congratulations.

It is important to remind relatives and colleagues how much you love and appreciate them. It is on a holiday that there is a great opportunity to bring joy to a loved one or a friend. Original congratulations can immediately give optimism and improve your mood!

How to give joy to loved ones in the New Year?

How to congratulate your beloved children on the New Year in an original way? Usually parents start thinking about this at the beginning of December in order to have time to buy and hide gifts for their little fidgets. Children love it when they are given more than one great gift, and several small ones. You can hide them in different places in the apartment. When the New Year comes, give your child an envelope with a task. The task can be absolutely anything, for example, singing a New Year's song. When the baby passes the test, you can open the envelope. Include a piece of paper in the envelope describing where the gift is located. When the child gets to the surprise, he will see another envelope next to the gift, which will contain a piece of paper with the second task. Having completed it, he will receive the following pleasant surprise.

Your husband will be pleased with a simple wish, but it’s better to try to do it romantic surprise. You can give a gift not at home, but in a place that has special meaning for the two of you. For example, in the park where you loved to walk when you were still the bride and groom. For young couples, this congratulation is also suitable - you need to write the name of your loved one in the snow under the window and short wish. Decorate your creation with bright colors (choose colors so that they glow in the dark). You can also make a real ice sculpture, but this is not a cheap greeting, since in this case you will have to use the services of a special company.

You can prepare New Year's Eve for grandparents. But you need to choose not just your family photos, but only those that capture the New Year. You can also take those pictures where your older relatives celebrated the holiday when they were still very young. Don't forget about modern photographs. Decorate your collage beautifully, write New Year's poems and good wishes. This wonderful collage will be treasured by your grandparents for many years to come!

Unusual congratulations for a corporate party

Even the most ordinary gift presented at , can evoke the most joyful emotions among employees. You just need to take care of the original delivery of surprises. There are several options on how to do this.

Turn your office into Santa Claus's hut, where everyone can eat fortune candy. Come up with a lot of funny “predictions”, print them on small pieces of paper and tie them to candies. Hang the candies on the New Year's tree, as well as on large plants, if you have them in your office (for example, on a palm tree). Enjoying such sweets will be much more pleasant than receiving an ordinary box of chocolates as a gift.

“How to congratulate colleagues on the New Year in an original way?” - those responsible for organizing holidays in the team ask themselves. You don’t have to spend money on diaries and pens that everyone has been tired of for a long time, but use these funds to put on a real show! For example, to your office. But, still, before the holiday it is better to find out from your colleagues whether they are ready to receive a gift in the form of an impression this year. Most likely, none of them will refuse to experience joy and other positive emotions!

This congratulation is suitable for those people who work in a small team. If you have a gift for poetry, this talent can help. Write it yourself or ask a more talented colleague to come up with small congratulation poems for each employee. You can arrange the poems in the form of a colorful book, and at a corporate party, solemnly read congratulations for everyone.

One of your colleagues may become an astrologer. Make a robe for him in advance from dark raincoat fabric, decorating it with foil stars. In many supermarkets you can buy a cardboard cap with stars. Find out what zodiac sign your colleagues were born under, find a comic horoscope, and an astrologer will read it out. At the end of the holiday, give your employees beautifully designed sheets with their horoscopes.

You can simply give gifts, but at the same time choose an individual gift for each employee for the same amount of money. For example, a girl who comes to work before everyone else can be given a beautiful soft pillow with winter patterns so that she gets enough sleep in the New Year. And a colleague who, on the contrary, always walks around sleepy, should be given a can of invigorating coffee with New Year's decoration.

Unusual gift giving is remembered for a lifetime. The most important thing is to give congratulations from the heart, then it will definitely please your loved ones!

Perfect for a friendly and close-knit team funny cards, which you can either buy or make yourself. If you decide to be creative, we recommend making a separate postcard for each employee. You can take the following idea as an idea: cut out a face from a colleague’s photo, paste it on a postcard and finish drawing the body of a fairy-tale hero (Snow White, hero, Little Mermaid, etc.). A homemade card should be bright and cheerful. It would be a good idea to cover it with colorful satin ribbons. Inside, be sure to write a funny poem with wishes (you can use ready-made options from the Internet or compose it yourself).

If you know the presentation program, you can easily make a congratulatory collage for your team. The virtual postcard can be accompanied by fun music and animation.

By the way, it would be very original and funny to come to the office with an armful of helium balloons, inside of which there will be a small package with good predictions. Ask each of your colleagues to pull out a ball for themselves and open a package from it. Rest assured, such a congratulation will not only greatly amuse your team, but will also be remembered for a long time. You can write the following as predictions:

  • Wait for a salary increase;
  • Expect a raise this year;
  • The boss will praise you greatly;
  • Before you have time to spend one salary, the next one will overtake you;
  • A year of excellent paid vacations;
  • The coming year promises bonuses and stress-free work;

If the team is small and finances allow, then you can order their names and wishes to be printed on some souvenir (mugs, pens, calendars, etc.).

People will also be very pleased to remember their childhood and find their present under the Christmas tree or among the working documents. Where exactly is best to hide - decide for yourself.

How to congratulate a friend on New Year

In fact, there are a huge number of friendly congratulations and that is why we will give as an example the most recent and ironic Happy New Year greetings.

If a person loves jokes and pranks, then you can give him a soft repeat toy that can repeat any phrases and laughs in a funny voice. In addition, some models have a speech recording function, so you can safely record your congratulations and play them back when delivering them.

Today, many mobile operators offer all sorts of cool pranks. So, for example, you can choose any voice you like (president, seductive girl, gopnik, old man and others) and congratulate your friend in this way.

As you can see, there are many ideas unusual congratulations Happy New Year. The more unconventional and fun the approach is, the more it will be remembered by the person. The main thing is the desire to pleasantly surprise!

Before choosing an option to congratulate colleagues, you need to decide on the desired result. Write ideas for congratulations on a piece of paper, and then choose the most suitable options taking into account the possibilities.

How to congratulate colleagues on the New Year in an original way?

There are enough congratulatory options for the team a large number of, but if you don’t like any of the options offered, then you need to use your imagination and come up with something yourself.

Ideas for congratulations

You can make a Santa Claus hut out of your office, where there are candies with predictions of future fate all around. To prepare for such a congratulation, you only need candy, paper, thread and a printer, which is available in every office. Print out the predictions on sheets of paper; you can use a comic form or use more serious options. Only in the second case should you not write things that may upset a person.

It is better if the phrases consist of sentences of the following nature: “You will climb the career ladder,” this year your salary will be significantly increased,” “Luck will follow you all year,” etc. Next, you need to tie each prediction to a candy, make loops of thread and hang it throughout the office. Colleagues will be more pleased to eat candy with the prediction that his life will be even better than just a box of chocolates.

Idea No. 2

In offices, things like diaries and pens are often given as gifts with the idea that these things will come in handy next year during work. But you don’t have to spend money on these things that a person can buy on his own at any time. You can invite a magician to your corporate event, who will bring a lot of positive emotions and a great mood, at least for the duration of the corporate event. But before you congratulate your employees in such an unusual way, you first need to carefully find out whether they would be against a gift in the form of emotions and joy.

Option No. 3

When a large-scale corporate event is planned, then a concert should be prepared to congratulate colleagues. The concert program may contain dances, skits, songs, and humorous stand-up performances. The simplest of all the proposed options is a Happy New Year greeting in the form of a remade song about the entire team. Only in this case it is necessary to mention everyone, so as not to offend the person.

A dance can only be performed if a person has skills in this area. But if a person does not have the ability to dance, then you can choose a script for the scene. Invite your work colleagues to participate and have fun together.

How to congratulate colleagues on the New Year in an unusual way?

Sometimes you want to congratulate your colleagues and cheer them up for a corporate party, or if there is no party planned, then you can prepare something original for your colleagues in the form of a web. To do this, you need to come to work much earlier than everyone else. Take pre-prepared skeins of thread. The number of skeins must match the number of work colleagues. It is worth giving preference to thick threads that do not break easily.

Tie a small gift to one end of the skein. It could be greeting card or other inexpensive item. And to the other end of the thread you need to tie pieces of paper with the name of the colleague who is entitled to this gift. Place gifts in the office not in visible places, stretch a thread to the door, creating a web, i.e. the thread should wrap around various obstacles on the way to the gift, for example tables, computers, etc. close the door, pressing down each thread with a name.

When employees come to work, they have to go through an obstacle and receive their gift. It looks interesting when all employees try to get to their gift at the same time.

Original Happy New Year greetings for colleagues

Congratulations in poetic form are only suitable for those who know how to write poems or have friends or colleagues who can help compose a poem - congratulations for every employee of the company. Wishes must be friendly. Don't spoil people's mood during the holidays. You can arrange your wishes beautifully and read them at a corporate event.

Instead of poems, you can compose a comic horoscope for the coming year, which, according to the stars, should definitely bring great success, income and an ocean of good luck to everyone. In order for such a congratulation to look unusual and original, you can wear an astrologer’s costume on yourself or one of your colleagues who can read with expression. You don't need to spend a lot of money on a suit. Any material can be used for the mantle. dark color, on which you need to stick stars cut out of foil, and the cap is sold in any themed store.

You can simply purchase and give original ones with meaning. For example, for a person who shows up at work before everyone else - a pillow with a New Year's design or pattern with the wish to get a good night's sleep in the New Year. And for those who stay late or often look sleepy, a can of coffee to cheer them up. It is recommended to choose only such gifts with New Year's drawings or patterns, the mood will improve from the feeling of a holiday.

A congratulatory poster made by yourself will look no less original. On whatman paper you need to place a photo of each employee, and under it write beautifully about the achievements of this person in the past year and a short wish for next year. To make the poster more fun, you can remember the funny incidents in which this person participated and also point it out on the wall newspaper. For beauty, you need to add various collages to New Year's theme, stick on glitter.

New Year's greetings to colleagues, cool options

It will be very original and fun if you invite Father Frost and the Snow Maiden during the height of the working day. But in order to get New Year's gift, each of the employees will have to stand on a chair and sing a song, recite a poem, etc. just like in childhood. A poem or song in exchange for a gift from Santa Claus.

When Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear, the staff will begin to take out their phones, wanting to photograph the fairy-tale characters. This can also be used to have fun. It’s just that Santa Claus must say that it is prohibited to take photographs, but only those who recite a poem or sing a song while standing on a chair are allowed.

If it is possible to get large boxes for the number of colleagues, then you can prepare Original gifts. Place a small souvenir in each box. It is desirable that such souvenirs be related to a person’s interests, for example, a lover of reading – a book, etc., and on top of it a balloon filled with helium. It is advisable to ask your colleagues to open the gift boxes at the same time and then many balloons will fly into the air. Beautiful, original and creates a festive mood.

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues

If it is difficult to decide on the choice of a gift for each employee, then you can conduct a game presentation of gifts, i.e. take a bag that is not see-through or a red bag, like Santa Claus. Place inexpensive souvenirs there, and allow each colleague to choose a gift for themselves. It is better to put things that can really be useful in a bag.

You can get creative when wrapping gifts for colleagues. Do not use boxes of the same type, but replace them with paper that depicts something related to a person’s interests or desires. For example, a person who wants to return to summer and go to a warm country while on vacation can wrap a gift in a card. Don't forget to circle the resort countries with a marker. For big music lovers, you can use sheet music as packaging. Programmers should replace the gift wrapping with a matrix pattern.

If you have time to prepare, then you can hide gifts for colleagues in a wide variety of places in the office and draw a card for each employee. Let them find gifts on their own.

You can also write a congratulatory text to your colleagues in advance, which should contain wishes that the last days of the outgoing year pass cheerfully and carefree, and New Year brought only positive emotions and success.

The main thing to remember is that the cost of the gift is not the main thing. You need to put your soul and sincerity into your wish, then the most simple thing will become the most the best gift for a person.

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