Bittersweet weight loss on the grapefruit diet. The grapefruit diet is an effective way to lose weight. Three-day mono-diet on grapefruits.

The beauty and pride of every person is a slender and fit figure. And for this we are ready to do anything: starve ourselves and go on strict diets. But there is more easy way get rid of extra pounds. It's enough to eat right. A good help in the fight against excess weight is the “Egg-Grapefruit Diet”, which will allow you to gain weight quickly and for a long time. beautiful shapes bodies.

Features of the methods

The best way to lose weight is to use diets according to proper nutrition. They select specific patterns of products and dishes that, when interacting, will help burn fat in the body.

Diets can be divided into several categories:

  • , which involve eating one or 2 products for a minimum amount of time. This is a harsh way of fasting that not everyone can withstand;
  • – with a selection of dishes from products that contain a small amount of calories;
  • low-fat, the scheme of which includes meat, eggs, milk with a small amount of fat;
  • consisting of fruits and foods containing glucose.

How it works?

A grapefruit and egg diet for 3 days will allow you to quickly lose weight and gain ideal body proportions. This is because a bunch of grapefruit with eggs has unique properties.

They burn fat in the body and inhibit the deposition of fat in the body. problem areas. Grapefruit contains 37 kcal, but at the same time, due to many vitamins and microelements, it provides the body with all the necessary nutrients during weight loss.

The acids and dietary fiber that make up the fruit promote the burning of lipid cells. Eggs will saturate the body with protein and fats,

will allow the body to function efficiently during fasting. This product is easily digestible, does not form toxins, and prevents the appearance of. Together with grapefruit, the egg removes excess fluid from the body, thereby promoting weight loss.

The essence
This weight loss method will help you lose weight by 3-5 kg ​​in three days.

Eggs will supply protein to the organs, and grapefruit will supply carbohydrates, so that a person feels cheerful and energetic during fasting. The muscles will gain strength and become elastic.

Eggs must be hard-boiled for 20 minutes. In this case, they will have dietary properties. Grapefruit is recommended to be consumed with red pulp.

Important! During the egg-grapefruit diet for 3 days, it is strictly forbidden to consume carbohydrates, salt and sugar.

Diet options

The results of the egg-grapefruit diet for 3 days depend, among other things, on the method of weight loss you choose.

Hard technique

You need to eat 7 grapefruits and 7 boiled egg whites per day.

  • In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of boiled water.
  • After 20 minutes, eat 1 protein.
  • After an hour, 1 grapefruit.

In this mode, all prepared foods are eaten.

Gentle way

According to reviews from those who have lost weight on grapefruit and eggs, it is difficult to stay on a strict diet even for 3 days. For this reason, many choose a more gentle method.

Option #1:

  • For breakfast, eat 2 eggs, yogurt and grapefruit (408 kcal).
  • They have lunch with a boiled egg with chicken fillet, green tea and grapefruit (388 kcal).
  • Have dinner with a glass of kefir and grapefruit (148 kcal).

Option #2:
  • For breakfast, eat 2 chicken eggs and grapefruit (380 kcal).
  • They dine with baked mackerel and grapefruit (232 kcal).
  • Have dinner with an omelette and 1/2 grapefruit (218 kcal).

Option #3:

  • Breakfast is a boiled egg and a glass of orange juice (227 kcal).
  • For lunch, boil 200 g of beef, drink a glass of kefir, eat an egg (609 kcal).
  • For dinner, eat a salad with egg and cheese and grapefruit (577 kcal).

Important! Dishes should not be salted.


Diet food is something that is not suitable for everyone who wants to lose weight.

Before you go on an egg-grapefruit diet for 3 days, find out the reviews of doctors and the opinions of nutritionists, make sure that you have no contraindications.

  1. Allergic reactions to citrus fruits and eggs.
  2. Diseases of the liver and gall bladder.
  3. Pregnancy.
  4. Breastfeeding period.
  5. Diabetes.
  6. Heart attack.
  7. Peptic ulcer disease.
  8. Taking contraceptive medications and antidepressants.

Permitted and prohibited products


Not every technique can boast a long list of advantages. However, The egg-grapefruit diet has many benefits.

  1. Availability in products large quantity vitamins, microelements and nutrients.
  2. Easy to prepare.
  3. Available products.
  4. No feeling of hunger.
  5. Positive effect on organs.

Expected results

This method not only helps you lose weight quickly, but also gives you a boost of energy and vigor due to a large amount of vitamins.

Important! You can use the egg-grapefruit diet no more than once every 3 months.


The grapefruit diet belongs to the category of sprint diets, which allow you to lose a large number of kilograms in a short period of time. Citrus, considered one of the healthiest, contains a “magic” component – ​​naringenin, which gives grapefruit a specific bitter taste. Thanks to this substance, the liver quickly breaks down fats, preventing them from accumulating. According to nutritionists, this fruit is analogous to the effectiveness of losing weight and maintaining normal weight does not exist.

Grapefruit contains a large amount of vitamin C, which helps strengthen the immune system and restore strength. Vitamins B, P, A and D in its composition normalize blood pressure, participate in the process of restoring liver function and prevent vascular and heart diseases.

This fruit contains pectin, which enhances intestinal motility and accelerates metabolism. essential oils and organic acids that help produce digestive juices and improve food absorption.

The grapefruit diet allows you to quickly lose weight, cleanse yourself of toxins and normalize important vital functions. In all diets, grapefruit is eaten before meals to produce fat-burning enzymes.

Some restrictions

During the diet, firstly, it is strictly forbidden to consume salt, sugar and spices, they stimulate the appetite and slow down the excretion of fluid. Secondly, do not eat after 7 pm. Thirdly, drink plenty of fluids (coffee without added sugar, green tea, kefir). If you feel very hungry closer to night, eat an additional 1 grapefruit.

Between meals you are allowed to drink 200 g of kefir or eat 1 apple. You can add honey to green tea once a day. The meat is lean, and the fish is lean, boiled or canned in its own juice. Grapefruit should only be peeled, since it is the bitter “films” that contain all the beneficial substances.

The seven-day diet allows you to lose about 3-5 kg. You can repeat it once every 3 months. Sample menu:

  1. 1. Monday
  • Breakfast: half a grapefruit, 50 g of baked meat, coffee or green tea;
  • In the afternoon: half a grapefruit, vegetable salad with olive oil(any vegetables except potatoes), tea;
  • In the evening: 100 g of meat (grilled or boiled), green salad with olive oil, green tea with lemon and honey.
  1. 2. Tuesday
  • In the morning: half a grapefruit, 2 boiled eggs, coffee or tea;
  • Lunch: 150 g low-fat cottage cheese with herbs or 50 g (20-30)% cheese, half a grapefruit;
  • Dinner: 200 g of fish, stewed or grilled, vegetable salad with olive oil and a piece of black bread.
  1. 3. Wednesday
  • Breakfast: 2 tablespoons of muesli or oatmeal, a spoonful of chopped nuts (except peanuts) filled with milk or low-fat yogurt, half a grapefruit;
  • In the afternoon: vegetable broth or soup, half a grapefruit and rye crackers;
  • Dinner: 200 g chicken (boiled or grilled), 2 baked apples and green tea (with honey).
  1. 4. Thursday
  • In the morning: tomato juice (200 g), green tea and boiled egg;
  • Lunch: salad dressed with olive oil with carrots or other vegetables (cucumbers, lettuce or broccoli), half a grapefruit and black bread;
  • In the evening: 400 g of stewed or boiled vegetables (except potatoes), fresh grapefruit or half a grapefruit and green tea.
  1. 5. Friday
  • Breakfast: fruit salad of half an orange and half a grapefruit and 1 apple, coffee or tea;
  • In the afternoon: salad (cabbage + any other vegetables), baked potatoes;
  • In the evening: 200 g beef steak (250 g chicken, 250 g fish), 200 g tomato juice; Before bed: half a grapefruit or its juice.
  1. 6-7. On Saturday and Sunday, select any of the days described above

Option with eggs for 4 days

  • Breakfast: boiled egg, 200 g of grapefruit juice and a cup of unsweetened tea or coffee;
  • Lunch: boiled or baked potato (can be mashed with milk), apple and tea;
  • In the evening - 200 g of tomato juice, 1 hard-boiled egg, half a grapefruit, tea with lemon.

Allows you to get rid of 3 kg excess weight.

Three day diet

In 3 days, you can lose 2 kg on grapefruits and eggs.

  • Breakfast: half a grapefruit, 1 egg, a slice of rye bread, coffee or tea;
  • Lunch: half a grapefruit, 2 eggs, tea with lemon;
  • Dinner: similar to lunch.

Protein-grapefruit express diet

Will help for weight loss buttocks, thighs and sides. The first few kg are lost as follows: 15 grapefruits and 15 eggs, divided equally into 3 days (5 each). Daily meal:

Peel 5 grapefruits, boil 5 eggs, separate only the whites. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink 1 glass of water, at about 11 a.m. have breakfast with 1 protein, an hour later eat grapefruit, an hour later - protein again, another hour later - grapefruit. Alternate until the prepared foods run out. With such a diet, it is necessary to consume large amounts of water. Last meal no later than 8 pm. Similar meals for the next two days.

Be extremely careful with your diet; both products are strong allergens.

Three-day cottage cheese-grapefruit

In 3 days it allows you to lose up to 5 kg or more of excess weight, both products are excellent at breaking down fats. For breakfast: tea or unsweetened coffee, 50 g of bread and 1 boiled egg, for lunch: cottage cheese or tuna, 1 grapefruit and 50 g of bread, for dinner: boiled lean meat, vegetable salad, grapefruit and 100 g of ice cream.


1.5 liters of 1% kefir and half a kilogram of grapefruit every day, continue for no more than 4 days.

Grapefruit diets are contraindicated for gastric diseases (gastritis or ulcers) and can lead to their exacerbation.

It is a scientifically proven fact that grapefruits promote weight loss. The fruit contains the flavonoid naringin. This substance activates liver function and has a choleretic effect. It is with the help of bile that complex fats accumulated on our stomach, waist and hips are broken down. It must be remembered that naringin is located in the partitions between the fruit segments, so you need to eat grapefruit along with them, not paying attention to the bitter taste. In addition to noticeable weight loss, this fruit improves the condition of subcutaneous tissue and reduces the severity of cellulite. Its juice has the same beneficial properties. It is better to drink it half an hour before meals.

There are several types of diets using this citrus. The most popular of them is the grapefruit diet for losing belly fat for 3 days. Today on the website, we will talk about it in more detail, and also look at some other grapefruit-based diets.

Three-day grapefruit diet

This method of rapid weight loss does not harm the body, unlike some others. The diet is balanced, enriches the body with vitamins, especially vitamin C. Therefore, in a few days you can not only reduce the size of your waist, abdomen and hips, but also increase the body's defenses.

Before you begin this method of losing weight, you must remember that this diet is contraindicated for stomach diseases, as it increases the acidity of gastric juice.

So, if everything is in order with your health, let’s start this method of losing weight. A diet for 3 days involves losing weight by 1.5 - 2 kg.

Every day for breakfast we eat 1/4 of a large grapefruit. Then you need to eat 1 hard-boiled chicken egg with 1 small piece of slightly stale rye bread. We wash down breakfast with a cup of coffee (tea) with lemon, without sugar.

For lunch we also eat 1/4 of an orange fruit and a couple of hard-boiled eggs. We wash it down with tea with lemon, without sugar.

For dinner we eat 1/4 grapefruit, 2 hard-boiled eggs, tea with lemon, preferably green.

You should adhere to this diet for 3 days. You should not allow snacks and indulgences in your diet, otherwise there will be no result. So gather all your willpower and start losing weight.

Losing weight in 4 days

If it is very difficult for you to maintain such a “hungry” diet, there is another way to lose weight - a diet with grapefruit, eggs and potatoes. This diet is designed for 4 days and is a little easier to follow. If strictly followed, weight decreases by 1.5 kg in 4 days.

So, every day for breakfast you need to drink 1 glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice, then eat 1 hard-boiled egg, wash it all down with coffee with a slice of lemon, without sugar.
For lunch, eat 1 small potato. It can be baked in foil, boiled in its jacket, or mashed with potato broth. Then eat an apple and drink unsweetened tea with lemon.

In the evening for dinner, drink 1 glass of tomato juice, 1/4 grapefruit. Then eat 1 boiled egg.

Express - grapefruit diet with eggs

According to the compilers, this diet does not cause hunger, so it is quite comfortable to tolerate. In addition to weight loss, the skin of the body is noticeably tightened, which is very important after any weight loss. Its meaning is that throughout the whole day you should eat 6 eggs (whites only, no yolks) and 6 grapefruits. Boil the eggs in the morning, cook for at least 10 minutes. cool, clean. Cut each in half and remove the yolk.

So, the diet is as follows:
In the morning, after waking up, we eat the white of one egg;
After 1.5 hours – grapefruit;
After another 1.5 - again the white of one egg;
Then, after another 1.5 hours, grapefruit again and so on. You should drink clean water between meals. In total you need to drink about 2 liters per day. water. You can't eat after 19:00.

We lose weight in a week!

If you need to lose weight more radically and have a week to spare, it is best to use a grapefruit-based diet, which must be followed for 7 days. During this time, you can lose about 5 kg, subject to strict adherence to it. Keep in mind that this method of weight loss cannot be continued for more than a week.

The following diet is expected:
For breakfast, eat 2 hard-boiled eggs, half a grapefruit, or 1 glass of freshly squeezed juice.
For lunch, try a green salad, 100 g of boiled beef or chicken, half a fruit or 1 glass of its juice.
For dinner, make a salad of green (non-starchy) vegetables. You can serve the salad with 100 g of boiled beef or fish, wash it down with juice.
Before bed, drink a cup of skim milk.

If your hunger becomes very strong in the evening, you can eat an apple, an orange or drink kefir instead of evening milk.

This orange fruit with a bitter taste is gaining more and more fans due to its truly excellent results in losing extra pounds. Moreover, the effect is achieved in the utmost short time. In addition, it stimulates digestion processes, improves metabolism, and promotes the destruction of fat deposits.

Also, according to nutritionists, this citrus fruit has a beneficial effect on the skin and has a tightening and rejuvenating effect. Its juice tones and improves mood. For diabetic patients, it provides an opportunity to naturally lower blood sugar levels. It is especially useful for people to consume grapefruits and drink their juice during the period of rehabilitation and recovery. It is best to do this before meals, 20-30 minutes before eating.

Any diet with grapefruit is quite effective. But it cannot be used by people suffering from gastritis and peptic ulcers. Therefore, to avoid health problems, consult your doctor before using the diet. Be healthy!

The grapefruit diet promotes rapid weight loss and saturation of the body at the same time. useful substances. Therefore, it occupies a leading place in the ranking of fat burning products. Grapefruit contains a significant amount of vitamins (C, B, beta keratin), trace elements and minerals. But the peculiarity of the citrus fruit is that only it contains the flavonoids naringin, which reduces the production of insulin, which leads to the rapid breakdown of subcutaneous fat and stops the process of its accumulation.

Features of the grapefruit diet

The grapefruit diet, like any other, is based on certain rules that must be strictly followed. Otherwise, you can't count on effectiveness. So, the main principles:

  1. During the diet period, it is strictly forbidden to eat sugar and its derivatives, salt, spices, various sauces, smoked and fatty foods.
  2. The daily calorie content should be 800 kcal.
  3. The diet is most often designed for 3 meals a day.
  4. The last meal is no later than 7 pm.
  5. The basis of the grapefruit diet is to eat half of this fruit before eating.
  6. Liquid consumption is at least 1.5 liters.
  7. You can drink water, tea without sugar and 1 cup of coffee. Give preference to green teas, add lemon, and drink only grain coffee (instant is excluded).
  8. The best time to follow the diet is winter and spring, when the body feels a lack of vitamins.
  9. The duration of the diet can be from 3 days to a month.
  10. The time interval between meals is 3-6 hours, depending on the menu.

With a grapefruit diet, attacks of hunger are possible. To avoid them, drink kefir, eat oranges and apples. For the same reason, it is recommended to avoid excessive physical activity. If possible, follow a diet while on vacation.

Beneficial properties of grapefruit

Grapefruit is a hybrid of 2 fruits - orange and pomelo, so it includes the properties of both:

  • saturating the body with useful substances;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • fat burning;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • acceleration of digestion;
  • improvement of blood composition;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • stabilization of the functionality of the liver, kidneys and other internal organs;
  • decreased blood glucose levels;
  • removal of excess fluid from the body;
  • reduction of bad cholesterol levels;
  • preventing bleeding gums;
  • prevention of fat accumulation.

Permitted and prohibited products

  • white breads and sweet pastries;
  • spices and seasonings;
  • high-calorie nuts and beans;
  • alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  • any sweets and salt;
  • canned food and preserves (fish in its own juice is acceptable);
  • meat and fish of fatty varieties;
  • yam (sweet potato);
  • smoked meats

Allowed to eat:

  • rye flour bread, black crackers;
  • steamed, boiled, stewed, fresh and baked vegetables, except potatoes (potatoes can only be baked);
  • honey in the amount of a teaspoon per day;
  • tea and herbal decoctions;
  • low-calorie fruits and their juices;
  • walnuts and raisins;
  • hot red pepper and lean ham;
  • fermented milk products with reduced fat content;
  • olive vegetable oil.

Helpful advice! Quite often, after eating grapefruit, a feeling of heartburn occurs. You can avoid this by taking a sip of olive oil before consuming it.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of the grapefruit diet:

  • lowest calorie content;
  • balanced diet;
  • menu diversity;
  • comprehensive action;
  • speed of effect and durability of the result.


  • Not everyone likes grapefruit;
  • cannot be used along with certain groups of medications, as there is a slow absorption of dosage forms;
  • the high cost of citrus.

If you are undergoing drug therapy, be sure to consult your doctor!

  1. Obesity of any degree.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Atherosclerosis.
  4. Weakened immunity.
  5. For fast weight loss.


  1. Pregnancy and lactation.
  2. Allergic reaction to eggs and citruses.
  3. Gastritis and ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Increased stomach acidity.
  5. Liver failure.
  6. Drug therapy.
  7. Some chronic pathologies.

How to get out of a diet

Sticking to a diet is half the battle; it’s also important to get out of it correctly. Because the durability of the result depends on it. If, for example, you immediately after a diet indulge in sweets, then the lost kilograms will return quickly. Therefore, follow the basic requirements of nutritionists:

  1. The exit must be gradual. That is, fatty and sweet foods should be introduced in small dosages.
  2. The number of calories per day after finishing the diet should not exceed 1500-200 kcal.
  3. Try to eat small portions, as your stomach is already used to it.
  4. Continue to drink more fluids.
  5. Be sure to have a grapefruit fasting day once a week.


Scientists from America conducted a special experiment. They divided 100 people into 2 groups. One of them ate half a grapefruit before lunch, and the other drank the juice of this citrus. The end result was that all 100 people lost one and a half kg in 7 days. And this despite the fact that no one adhered to diets. They just ate grapefruit. If you follow the diet rules, you can lose 3 to 4 kg in a week.

Three-day grapefruit diet menu

In just 3 days of this diet you will be able to get rid of 2 kg of excess weight. Before each meal, be sure to eat 0.5 grapefruit. All days you need to eat only the following dishes:

  1. For breakfast you can eat 1 boiled chicken egg with 100 grams of dark bread. Drink a cup of black tea or coffee. Accordingly, no added sugar. As a last resort, you can add a spoonful of honey.
  2. Boil again for lunch chicken eggs, but in the amount of 2 pieces. You can complement your lunch with any orange fruit.
  3. For dinner, eat only eggs (1-2).

Grapefruit diet menu for a week

It is easy to endure a week of such a diet because it is varied and “tasty.” Don't forget to eat a grapefruit before every meal. Menu:

  1. On Monday, for breakfast you can eat 100 grams of lean ham and low-fat cheese, drink tea or coffee. For lunch, prepare 200 grams of vegetable salad and bake chicken fillet. Drink tea without sugar again. For dinner, give preference to a green salad (no more than 200 g) and steamed lean meat (maximum 100 g). Have a cup of tea.
  2. Tuesday. For breakfast, eat 2 boiled eggs and toast on grain bread, drink tea or coffee. Lunch – low-fat cheese (50g) or cottage cheese (150g) for dinner – beetroot and carrot salad with olive oil, baked fish (a couple of pieces).
  3. Steam it on Wednesday oatmeal with nuts and dried fruits, drink a glass of skim milk or yogurt. For lunch, prepare 250 ml of vegetable soup with grain croutons. Dinner should consist of a small piece of grilled veal, 2 medium tomatoes, tea and iceberg salad.
  4. Thursday. For breakfast, drink a glass of tomato juice (preferably fresh), eat 1 boiled egg with rye toast. For lunch, eat 250 grams of salad, which you prepare from carrots, celery, chicken fillet and hot pepper. For dinner, make a vegetable stew from cabbage, zucchini, onions and carrots, and drink tea.
  5. On Friday, treat yourself to a fruit salad and tea (coffee) for breakfast. For lunch, bake potatoes and make cabbage and carrot salad. For dinner, boil a small portion of lean beef or fish. Wash it down with vegetable juice.
  6. Saturday. Repeat Tuesday's diet.
  7. On Sunday, eat the same as on Wednesday.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


Everyone knows about the benefits of citrus fruits in the fight for health. In addition to vitamins B, C, beta keratin and microelements, scientists discovered the flavonoid substance naringin in grapefruit. It reduces insulin production, preventing fat accumulation; promotes the breakdown of existing fat reserves. Thanks to these properties, grapefruit began to be included in various nutritional systems. The grapefruit diet has become the main and most popular. How to lose weight by eating according to this system, and what foods are allowed for consumption?

Description of the grapefruit diet for weight loss

Duration from 3 to 28 days. The duration depends on your willpower and the result you want to get. On average, you can lose 3-4 kilograms in a week if the following conditions are met:

  • Do not eat after 19-00. If you are hungry, drink a glass of 1% kefir, eat a pear.
  • Use lean varieties of fish and meat.
  • When cooking, avoid salt, sugar, sauce, and seasonings. Replace them, for example, with thyme or seaweed.
  • Tea only with lemon, green if possible. It contains antioxidants and helps eliminate toxins. Coffee – freshly brewed black.
  • Meals every 3-4 hours.

Short grapefruit diet for 3 days

This is a great way to quickly lose weight without causing harm to your health. Within a few days, weight loss reaches 2 kilograms, waist size decreases, and the body is saturated with vitamin C. Include half a grapefruit in every meal. Snacking, especially at night, is unacceptable. Otherwise, the result will not be noticeable. The menu remains unchanged for the entire period:

  • Breakfast: egg, 100 grams of wholemeal bread. Black coffee/tea.
  • Lunch: one orange fruit (orange, peaches, persimmons, apricots), 2 hard-boiled eggs.
  • Dinner: 1-2 eggs.

Egg-grapefruit diet for 2 or 4 weeks

A type of chemical diet. Citrus fruits, together with protein, activate metabolism and force the body to actively burn accumulated fat. This nutrition system should be followed for 4 weeks; if you lack time, reduce the period to 2 weeks. Weight loss reaches 10 kg. During the entire time, do not forget to drink water without gases (1.5-2 liters per day).

Breakfast: daily - 2 hard-boiled eggs, half a grapefruit.


Days 1,4,6 – 5-6 grapefruits.

Day 2.7 – 200 grams of steamed veal, grapefruit, vegetable salad, dressed with olive oil.

Day 3 – 200 g of feta cheese, a portion of dried rye bread, tomato.

Day 5 – 2 cucumbers, 200 g of steamed vegetables.


Days 1, 3, 6 - bake lean meat in the oven, consume in unlimited quantities.

Day 2 - 2 boiled eggs, grapefruit, grain toast.

Day 4 - 50 g low-fat cheese, 2 tomatoes, celery.

Day 5 - 200 g of steamed fish, cucumber, carrots, grapefruit.

Day 7 - grilled vegetables except potatoes (approximately 250 grams).

Breakfast: daily 2 eggs, a quarter of grapefruit.


1 day - 2 eggs, 200 g of green salad.

2, 3 days - 150 g of grilled fish/meat, stewed vegetables.

Day 4 - 2 eggs - 100 g of cheese, 100 g of lettuce.

Day 5 - 250 g of fish or seafood.

Day 6 - 200 g of boiled meat, celery, carrots, grapefruit.


Days 1,2,3 - 2 eggs, grapefruit.

4,5,6 days - grapefruits 5-6 pieces.

Day 7 - 200 g of boiled chicken fillet, 2 tomatoes, grapefruit.

This week, choose one of the following foods. The volume of use of the selected product is not limited. Don't forget to drink water.

  1. Grapefruits with kiwi, pears, plums.
  2. Boiled fish with carrots, onions, herbs.
  3. Boiled vegetables, with the exception of potatoes.
  4. Grilled chicken fillet.

Each day corresponds to a specific set of products. You divide the specified amount into 3-4 meals. Remember that the last appointment is no later than 19-00:

1 day - 300 g of boiled chicken/fish fillet, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 2 grapefruit.

Day 2 - 3 toasts of gray bread, 4 grapefruits, cucumbers, tomatoes.

Day 3 - 100 g of cottage cheese with a fat content of up to 5%, 4 grapefruits, 200 g of vegetables.

Day 4 - 300 g of boiled chicken fillet, 2 grapefruits, carrots, 2 tomatoes.

Day 5 - 2 eggs, grapefruit, salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs with lemon sauce.

Day 6 - 200 g chicken fillet, 100 g feta cheese, fresh cucumber.

Day 7 - 150 g fish fillet, rye toast, 2 grapefruits, 200 g stewed cabbage.

Sample menu for the week

The grapefruit diet allows for a variety of foods, so creating a weekly menu is not difficult. The main condition is to eat grapefruit at least twice a day before meals. Here is a useful menu for 7 days:


Breakfast: 100 g of ham or cheese with a fat content of up to 30%, black coffee/tea.

Lunch: 200 g vegetable salad, baked chicken breast, coffee/tea.

Dinner: 100 g steamed meat, green salad (200 g), tea.

Tuesday, Saturday

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, grain toast, tea/coffee.

Lunch: 50 g of low-fat cheese (up to 30%) or 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese.

Dinner: 200 g of baked fish, beet and carrot salad, seasoned with a teaspoon of olive oil.


Breakfast: rolled oats or muesli, a handful of ground nuts, low-fat yogurt/milk.

Lunch: 250 ml of vegetable soup or low-fat broth with grain croutons.

Dinner: a piece of grilled veal, 2 tomatoes, iceberg lettuce, tea.

Thursday, Sunday

Breakfast: a glass of freshly squeezed tomato juice, a boiled egg, black bread toast.

Lunch: 250 g salad of celery, carrots, peppers and chicken.

Dinner: 250 g of stewed vegetables: cabbage, onions, carrots, zucchini. Tea.


Breakfast: fruit salad. Coffee Tea.

Lunch: boiled potatoes, cabbage salad with carrots, dressed with olive oil (200 g).

Dinner: 250 g of boiled beef/chicken fillet/boiled fish. A glass of vegetable juice.

Contraindications and harms of this diet

Citrus fruits contain a high percentage of acids, so a diet with grapefruit is not recommended for people with impaired function. gastrointestinal tract, people with low blood pressure. If you are undergoing treatment or taking medications, be sure to consult your doctor. The grapefruit diet, with all its advantages, can be harmful to health.

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