Children's fitness - sports are needed not only by adults. Child and children's aerobics program: a set of exercises Children's aerobics complex

Most people think that aerobics is a sport for women aimed at losing weight. A picture of group exercises in the gym or energetic movements at home in front of the TV appears before your eyes.

But this is far from true. This sport can be practiced by everyone, including children. This is very beneficial for the health and harmonious development of the child. In essence, children's classes are similar to adult fitness, only in a simplified and abbreviated form.

The exercises are diluted with dancing to cheerful music, as well as game elements. This sport is suitable for children of any age.

There are no special restrictions for classes. Even if you have any chronic diseases, such as asthma or other pulmonary diseases, you can choose a special program with a light load.

Contraindications can only be injuries, serious diseases of the heart, respiratory system, spine, etc.

Dance aerobics

For those who want to develop a child’s musicality, hearing, sense of rhythm and plasticity, as well as strengthen the muscles of the body as a whole, dance aerobics for children is suitable.

In addition, it improves memory and attentiveness, since it is necessary to remember dance movements.

Typically, a lesson is divided into three parts: warm-up, main part and cool-down.

Sports aerobics

This is a more difficult type of aerobics. It is better to bring children five to six years old to such classes.

Sports aerobics for children includes many elements from gymnastics, but without acrobatics.

Trains strength and endurance. Develops the vestibular apparatus, the ability to control one’s body, and forms a strong muscle corset.

Step aerobics aerobics

As in adult classes, this type uses a step platform, but it is smaller in size - about 10 centimeters in height. Includes a set of various steps and jumps.

Teaches you to be agile, fast and attentive, and to keep your balance well. Trains the cardiovascular system.

Aerobics program for children by age

Babies 1-1.5 years old

You can start training as early as a year and a half. Even for such little ones, this is very useful, since physical development is closely related to intellectual development.

Of course, for such kids the exercises will be the simplest and take little time. About ten minutes is enough for children.

Often such fitness breaks are included in the program of general developmental activities for children in order to change the type of activity and not overstay their welcome.

The lesson is always held in a playful way, using various paraphernalia, such as balls, rings, fabric tunnels, orthopedic mats, various toys, etc.

The movements are simple - running, squats, various steps, crawling. These workouts allow you to get active and have fun.

Children 3-5 years old

For older children, classes become more difficult. They are also built in the form of a game, since at this age children are very active and energetic.

The game form is aimed at making it interesting, but at the same time performs the function of physical development.

In addition, it helps to slightly restrain the activity of the kids and spend their energy usefully. The child learns to control himself and focus his attention.

Exercises for children's aerobics of this age consist of squats, jumps, elements lying on the floor, and dance movements.

A variety of equipment is also used - hoops, benches, ladders, cubes and balls, special sticks and so on.

The muscles are actively involved in work, flexibility and coordination develop, and flat feet are prevented.

The duration of such lessons is about 20-30 minutes, no more, twice a week.

Preschoolers 5-6 years old

Aerobics for preschool children is close to adult programs. The exercises become more complex and more varied.

During training, inclined planes, mats, jump ropes, and fitballs are used. Complex tasks are added, such as somersaults and relay races. Increasing cardio loads.

The duration of aerobics classes for children 5-6 years old is 30-40 minutes 2-3 times a week. They can be diluted with dance elements, but the emphasis is on strengthening muscles and developing physical capabilities.

There are also exercises that develop logic. Children learn to work in a team and interact with each other.

However, the elements of the game remain. This allows you to maintain interest and desire to come to training again.

Schoolchildren 7-11 years old

At this age, children's physical activity decreases because they have to sit in class at school and then do homework while sitting at the table. School physical education lessons are not enough to keep muscles toned and maintain the same metabolism.

These circumstances can even lead to obesity, which negatively affects children's health. At the same time, the body’s need for movement only increases. Children's aerobics would be a great solution.

The training program for primary school age includes quite complex elements - gymnastics, dance, strength.

Balance exercises, various jumps, rotations, and hangs are included. It is possible to use special children's simulators. A trainer must teach you how to use them.

The workout takes on average 40-45 minutes. It should not be monotonous; exercises are selected with different intensity.

Speed, agility, strength, flexibility develop and all muscles of the body are strengthened.

At 7-11 years old, physical qualities can develop to their maximum, since the nervous system is already quite mature by this age.

Children are emotional and react quickly, which allows them to learn new skills better, more accurately and in a fairly short time.

You can take part in competitions, and victories and prizes give you confidence in your abilities.

Teenagers 12-16 years old

The guys have completely matured, they are actively growing, but their muscles cannot keep up with the growth rate. In addition, at this age puberty occurs, all systems in the body begin to work in a new way. Aerobics will help you develop physically and look harmonious.

Now children can control the excitability of the nervous system and concentrate better. During training, the emphasis is on strength, endurance and flexibility, strengthening the muscle corset.

Complex gymnastic elements are added, including acrobatic ones. Work is practiced both independently and in pairs or teams.

It is possible to use adult simulators, but only without axial load. The spine is still immature in a growing body, so exercises like squats and deadlifts are dangerous.

Training should not take more than one hour, 2-3 times a week. They must include a warm-up at the beginning and stretching at the end, as well as cardio training.

A little about the musical accompaniment

Music during training is not just a background. It sets the pace, rhythm, invigorates, gives strength and adds a good mood. Therefore, music for children's aerobics plays an important role in the structure of the lesson.

The music is selected by the trainer, based on the age of the group and the type of aerobics. First of all, you need to choose a tempo. The speed of execution of elements depends on this:

  1. Dance aerobics involves upbeat, cheerful music to which you can dance happily;
  2. For sports, calmer music is suitable, allowing you to concentrate on doing the exercises;
  3. It is better to choose musical accompaniment for step aerobics with a clear rhythm and a fairly high tempo.

For small children, the playlist is made up of children's songs, including familiar melodies from cartoons.

There are also special songs with movements for kids, when you need to listen to what is being sung and repeat.

The main thing is that children enjoy music and classes in general and go to the gym with joy.


The benefits of aerobics are difficult to overestimate. It has a positive effect on various aspects of a child’s development:

  1. First of all, it improves physical development - strong muscles, strength and flexibility, a beautiful figure, even posture, absence of flat feet, a healthy back and the musculoskeletal system in general;
  2. Trains the ability to control your body well, coordination and endurance;
  3. Helps to spend energy, which children have a lot of, directing it to useful things. Thanks to this, children become more diligent and attentive, sleep well and soundly;
  4. Heals all body systems - respiratory, cardiovascular, improves metabolism. Eliminates the possible problem of obesity (mainly in schoolchildren who move little, sitting in class, doing homework and spending time on computers and gadgets);
  5. Strengthens immunity


Anyone can benefit from exercising. When sending your child to a section, you need to pay attention to the fact that a set of exercises for children’s aerobics should be compiled by a qualified trainer, taking into account the age, development, characteristics and health limitations of each participant in the classes.

If parents do not have the financial ability to take their children to paid training, there is always a way out.

Now there are many different videos with exercises for children's aerobics. You can exercise both at home and outdoors, which is even more beneficial.

With properly structured training, sports will captivate the child, it will be interesting, fun, and most importantly, it will teach him to lead a healthy lifestyle from childhood.

We adults can only be amazed at our child’s inexhaustible supply of energy.

One minute he fell exhausted, and a minute later he is running again, headlong, as if he had spent the whole day in captivity. It seems he draws strength from thin air!

What to do with an energetic fidget?

Perhaps this is true: children move a lot, and their bodies work in much the same way as an adult’s body does during aerobics. It actively uses oxygen to replenish energy reserves. Therefore, aerobics for children, the video of which we now present to your attention, is simply pleasure and an opportunity to direct your activity in a useful direction.

Aerobics for children is just fun and an opportunity to direct their activity in a useful direction.

The only problem is that finding a suitable children's aerobics section is not so easy. Sometimes aerobics is carried out in kindergarten, but more often parents have to take their child to a fitness club or sports school, and this takes time and effort, especially considering that classes need to be attended in the evening.

This means it’s easier to organize training at home. And this is where a video with instructions from experienced trainers helps a lot for those who are interested in children’s aerobics. It is not difficult to repeat their movements, and even if mom and dad are not in good physical shape, they will be able to work out together with the baby, while being charged not only with energy, but also in a good mood.

You can start classes with both two- and three-year-old children, it all depends on their interests. If your child is already doing simple exercises, imitating athletes or dancers seen on TV, you can safely start learning aerobics!

There is no need to insist that the exercises are performed correctly, just try to lead by example. Children strive to become big, and gradually the child will begin to imitate your movements more and more in order to become like mom or dad.

The best example is the example of parents

There is no need to insist that the exercises are performed correctly, just try to lead by example!

Any joint activity is the key to mutual understanding. If you are lucky enough to be the parent of an active child, be sure to devote a few tens of minutes a day to exercise with him. Perhaps, over time, these moments will replenish the happiest memories!

If you are lucky enough to be the parent of an active child, be sure to devote a few tens of minutes a day to exercise with him!

Aerobics for children (video):

Aerobics for children:

Exercises for children:

Children's aerobics:

Dance School (Edition 1):

Aerobics for children reviews:

I know from myself that it is not easy to force a child to do physical education without getting irritated... But I continue to try... But after physical education the child feels better and this is noticeable.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 7 minutes


What is children's fitness? First of all, this is a set of play activities that harmoniously combine elements of choreography and aerobics, as well as gymnastics, etc. The main goal of fitness for children is the development of artistry and strength qualities, a sense of rhythm, flexibility and endurance, and coordination. When can you send your little one to fitness, and how to choose a program?

Features of children's fitness

About 20 years ago, no one had any questions about the lack of mobility of children - children’s voices rang in the courtyards from early morning until dark. Outdoor games were an integral part of childhood - football and hockey, hide and seek and cycling. Pleasant fatigue in the evening and a peaceful, healthy sleep at night. Modern children, as we know, spend most of their time with tablets and laptops. There is no question of physical development with this lifestyle.

Children's fitness, as a fun and active activity, solves this problem.

How is it different from regular physical education classes and sports schools?

  • The format of the classes is playful and exciting.
  • The programs are individual, based on the psychophysical state of the baby.
  • The development of all muscle groups occurs evenly.
  • There is no system of personal competitions and assessments. Children attend classes with pleasure - they don’t have to be upset about losing.
  • Compulsory physical education and sports activities in sections attract a child less than play activities accompanied by music in comfortable psychological conditions and taking into account adapted loads.
  • Part of children's fitness includes play sessions with a speech therapist.
  • Low morbidity. That is, occupational safety.
  • Variety of activities.

Age for children to exercise in a fitness club

Children are usually brought to fitness classes from the age of one and a half years. Of course, not without taking into account the characteristics of the body. The maximum number of children in a group is 10-15 people.

Age groups:

  • The smallest - 2-4 years old

Classes to strengthen muscles and spine, coordinate movements and develop motor skills. Parents' presence is required.

  • Baby – 4-6 years old

Aerobic, strength and development exercises. Speech development classes.

  • Older children - 7-11 years old

Emphasis on posture, strong-willed qualities, muscle development. Exercise classes.

  • Teenagers - up to 16 years old

A set of exercises aimed at overall physical development and endurance.

Class times for each age:

  • For babies 2-4 years old - maximum 30 minutes and no more than 2 times/week.
  • For children under 10 years old - half an hour 2-3 times a week.
  • For teenagers - 40 minutes three times a week.

Where and how are classes held?

- these are specially equipped rooms with swings and ropes, with dry pools, with a wall bars and machines, with soft modules, etc. Activities for the little ones are usually plotless and role-playing - exclusively in the form of a game.

Taking into account the characteristics of the body/age, types of aerobics such as fitball and step, dance aerobics and even yoga can be used.

Children's fitness - the result of classes:

  • Development of all muscle groups.
  • Correction of posture.
  • Development of movement coordination.
  • Development of orientation in space.
  • Development of social skills, leadership qualities and communication skills.
  • Improved sleep.
  • Help with problems with the musculoskeletal system.
  • Formation of a muscle corset.
  • Improving joint mobility.
  • Development of self-control and discipline.
  • Development of logical thinking.
  • And etc.

The lesson plan consists of...

  • Warm-ups. Here the main emphasis is on general strengthening exercises for all muscle groups.
  • Main part. It involves active games using equipment.
  • The final part. Game part to consolidate the result.

Contraindications for children's fitness classes

One of the most significant advantages of classes is the absence of contraindications. There are practically none. And even if there are any, you can always choose an individual program to improve your baby’s health.

  • For chronic diseases, an individual set of classes must be selected.
  • If you have problems with the spine, strength exercises are prohibited. But aerobics (and swimming), on the contrary, are very useful.
  • In case of asthma, aerobics is already excluded, and yoga classes, on the contrary, are expanded.

In addition to consulting with the instructor directly, it is recommended that you also consult with a pediatrician. Coordinate your plans with your doctor. This is especially true for mothers of very young children.

The best children's fitness programs

There is no clear training program for children's fitness. This, perhaps, is its main advantage.

What do children's fitness clubs offer today for kids?

  • Logo aerobics

This type of fitness involves performing exercises together with the pronunciation of certain sounds and quatrains.

  • Capoeira

A type of activity adored by many modern kids. It combines a special technique of leg movement, dance and martial art.

  • Animal aerobics

These exercises look like imitating the movements of animals. Little ones love this type of fitness.

  • Rock climbing and ropes.
  • Roller skating/biking.
  • Dancing and swimming.
  • Yoga.
  • Fitball.
  • Classes on massage mats.
  • Power training.
  • Programs for developing motor skills, improving posture or preventing flat feet.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Rhythm and aerobics.
  • Woo-shu.
  • Kinesiological exercises.

Exercises to activate mental abilities and the cerebral hemispheres.

  • Ballinger training gymnastics

The goal is the development of mental functions.

  • Tempering gymnastics.
  • Dance gymnastics.
  • Water aerobics.
  • “Rocking chair” for kids (simulators).

Is children's fitness possible in your own apartment?

Of course, you can study at home - no one will forbid you from doing so. But it is recommended to carry out training with the participation of a trainer and following his recommendations.

And considering that one of the goals of children's fitness is the development of social skills and the maximum switching of the child from the computer to real life, it is still better to accustom the baby to activities outside the home - in groups with peers.

Aerobics - gymnastics to maintain rhythm and tone in the body, muscle training, general improvement of the body. Aerobics is very useful for those who want to lose weight and bring their weight back to normal. To practice aerobics, you just need to enroll in aerobics schools, where all classes are taught by professional trainers who know the intricacies of this sport.

Institutions (schools, clubs) in the Aerobics section with free sections for children in Moscow

Here is a list of all free aerobics sections, aerobics clubs and sports schools for children 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years old, for boys and girls. You can search for a suitable place for free aerobics classes in Moscow directly on the map or using the list of represented sports organizations. You can choose a suitable sports section near your children's home, work or school for subsequent enrollment. For each of the sports sections, the following are available: phone numbers, addresses, prices, photos, descriptions and conditions to sign up for a section or clarify other information that interests you.

Why aerobics is useful for children, what are the disadvantages, how much classes cost and how to choose a section - read in our article.

The word “aerobics” is on everyone’s lips. A complex of rhythmic movements accompanied by dance music immediately appears. Many people perceive aerobics as a sport for adults, aimed at combating excess weight, and which eliminates figure flaws. In fact, anyone can do aerobics, including children. A set of aerobic exercises is beneficial for a growing body: it strengthens posture; improves immunity, respiratory and cardiovascular systems; forms a healthy musculoskeletal system and improves coordination of movements.

From what age

Aerobics is suitable for both small children and school-age children and teenagers. You can start doing it at any age, starting from 1 - 1.5 years. Exercises will be selected depending on age characteristics. For young children, activities in the form of games are possible.

Conventionally, age groups can be divided as follows: children under 3 years old, preschool age and schoolchildren.

For the little ones, exercises should be simple: walking, squats. It is recommended to practice for no more than 10 minutes. For older children, the exercises may be more complex, incorporating strength and dance aerobics and lasting 20 to 30 minutes. You can add elements of yoga, step and exercises with objects, such as a ball or body bar.

Children usually do aerobics 1–2 times a week, older children 2–3 times.

Medical contraindications

Aerobics has virtually no contraindications. You can choose any combination of exercises in accordance with the child’s health condition and enroll in a specialized group. For example, high-impact exercises will be contraindicated for children with respiratory diseases, but swimming or yoga will be beneficial. General contraindications include only serious diseases of the heart, respiratory system, trauma, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, exacerbation of chronic, viral or infectious diseases.

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Boys and girls

There is no gender division in aerobics. There is something for everyone here. Girls especially like rhythmic dance movements, and boys cope well with exercises that require endurance. It also happens the other way around. It all depends on the personality and physical capabilities of your child.

Dance aerobics develops body flexibility, a sense of rhythm, and strengthens muscles. Step aerobics is suitable for children of all ages. The exercises are performed using a special platform; for children it is small - up to 10 cm in height, on which various combinations of steps are performed. Children learn to maintain balance and navigate in space. Develops speed, strength and agility. Sports children's aerobics contains exercises that are found in gymnastics, but only those that do not contain complex acrobatic elements. You can engage in this type of exercise no earlier than 5 years. Sports aerobics develops flexibility, plasticity, strength and endurance. Children acquire correct posture and learn to control their body.


The benefits of aerobics for children are enormous. With its help, you can accustom kids to an active lifestyle and distract them from the “street” or computers. At the same time, children improve their health, become stronger and communicate with like-minded peers.

Aerobics helps prevent diseases that come with a sedentary lifestyle - problems with excess weight or heart problems.

Preschoolers are easily excitable, and sports such as aerobics help direct their activity and excessive energy in the right direction.

Aerobics trains self-control. Older children are ready to handle more complex exercises. Thanks to this, such important qualities as endurance, effort and determination develop.

In terms of health, aerobics covers all important areas of the body:

  • strengthens the muscular, skeletal and musculoskeletal systems;
  • improves joint function;
  • trains the respiratory system;
  • increases immunity;
  • forms correct posture;
  • prevents flat feet due to the work of the muscles of the lower leg and foot and stagnant processes in the body;
  • optimizes metabolism;
  • improves coordination of movements, strength and endurance to physical activity;
  • increases activity and cheerfulness.

Another advantage of aerobics is that it can be done outdoors. Moderate exercise in the fresh air is doubly beneficial.

For school-age children, aerobics helps relieve mental stress after school.


Children's aerobics is a safe sport. However, before training you should warm up well to avoid injury, bruise or muscle strain. It is best to perform the exercises under the supervision of a qualified trainer, who will ensure that they are performed correctly. Again, you can injure yourself due to one wrong movement. In general, aerobics has much more advantages than disadvantages.

How much do classes cost?

Aerobics classes can cost from 250 to 950 rubles if you pay one time. You can purchase a monthly subscription. Prices range from 1,500 to 6,000 rubles depending on the region and type of institution. You will also have to spend money on comfortable shoes and clothes for classes. For shoes, Czech shoes are suitable, for clothes: a swimsuit for girls, shorts and a T-shirt for boys.

How to choose a section

Look on the Internet to see which fitness clubs or children's sports complexes located near your home offer aerobics classes. Read reviews, go to a trial lesson, talk to a coach or other parents. Under no circumstances should he exercise if he doesn’t want to or is tired. Classes should be fun. It is important to interest him, to make playing sports an exciting event. Then the child will only benefit from sports.

Let's sum it up

By introducing your child to aerobics from early childhood, you develop his interest in sports and a healthy lifestyle in general. By doing simple, sometimes even fun exercises, the child will grow up strong, cheerful, resilient, and with good immunity. Isn't this what every parent dreams of?

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