What is prohibited for pregnant women in the second trimester. Second trimester of pregnancy: size and weight of the fetus, condition of the pregnant woman, necessary tests

The second trimester of pregnancy is a unique velvet season for any woman. Your belly is already noticeable (although very often only to you), but every day the uterus rises higher and higher, which significantly changes the course of a pregnant woman’s life.

However, the good news is that the toxicosis has already weakened, and you can fully enjoy this wonderful time of waiting for future motherhood and completely devote yourself to pleasant and joyful activities.

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The time from which to which week is considered the second trimester, and the main changes in the body

The main periods of the second trimester of pregnancy are considered to be the period from 13 to 26 weeks. Until about 21 weeks, the fetus is no larger than an apple, but soon it will begin to rapidly develop and gain weight.

The expectant mother also observes drastic changes in her body. First of all, the waist and hips increase in volume, it becomes impossible to put on some things. And that's completely normal. The pelvic bones begin direct preparation for the process of the future birth of the baby.

2nd trimester of pregnancy - baby development from 13 to 27 weeks

Second trimester of pregnancy - part 1

Pregnancy. 2nd trimester.

2nd trimester // TONUS/ Ultrasound/ BIG INCREASES

2nd trimester of pregnancy. My experience+tips+tummy

Until the second trimester begins, women actively argue about when the baby should move for the first time. This indicator is very individual and depends on many factors. Eg, fat girls feel the movements of the fetus later than representatives of the fair sex with a thinner figure. Those who are expecting their second or third child may also hear his first movements a little earlier. The standard indicator is considered to be from 18 to 20 weeks.

The middle and end of the 2nd trimester are optimal for starting to wear a birth bandage.

It is especially important for preventing the appearance of stretch marks and eliminating the problem of pregnancy failure. The fetus itself in the second trimester of pregnancy is similar in behavior to a small fish. It can move freely in the uterine cavity, giving a magical sensation to the pregnant woman.

The main diseases that can accompany a woman in the second trimester of pregnancy

Of course, the general condition of the expectant mother during this period is at its best, but we should not forget about some points that may darken this picture. Among the most common problems are:

  • specific secretions;
  • continued nausea and general swelling;
  • pain in the abdomen and lower back;
  • colds and fever.

Now it’s worth considering each of these cases of the second trimester of pregnancy in terms of time and degree of danger for the baby.

Toxicosis or gestosis?

Nausea, which is an unpleasant companion to the first trimester for more than 80% of women, very often does not end after 16 weeks. It should be noted right away that there is no need to panic, since each organism is individual, and its reaction to the birth of a new life is also different. However, you should always be attentive to your body and pay attention to even the slightest changes.

What distinguishes simple toxicosis from gestosis? Normal nausea caused by unpleasant odors or morning awakening, can be eliminated if its obvious causative agents are removed from view. In the morning, it is also recommended to eat light cookies or crackers with tea without getting out of bed. This will help improve the functioning of organs and systems that are still getting used to new stress. Preeclampsia is accompanied not only by vomiting. Usually added to it:

  • sudden weight gain;
  • swelling;
  • high blood pressure;
  • bad feeling.

You need to be extremely careful and consult a doctor at the first signs of gestosis. Thus, it is still possible to early stage get by with only light drug therapy, which will be aimed at removing excess fluid and stabilizing the general condition.

If you do not come to a specialist in a timely manner, this can lead to premature birth or death of the fetus itself.

Discharge in the second trimester of pregnancy and during pregnancy

Carrying a baby is happiness

Discharge is a natural process of cleansing a woman’s genital tract. However, if during the first months they did not differ from usual, then the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy is accompanied by a sharp increase in the amount of discharge and a slight change in its structure. A normal indicator is their whitish-milky tint with a slight sour odor.

You should be wary and plan a visit to the gynecologist if you experience:

  • copious colorless discharge, which may indicate either allergic reaction to a certain irritant, for example, panty liners (can be eliminated by simply removing the irritant), or it could be leakage of amniotic fluid, which is extremely dangerous. You can independently determine the presence of leakage using a test that is sold at the pharmacy.
  • white curdled discharge, accompanied by itching and unpleasant sensations, which usually indicate the development of thrush. This disease requires immediate treatment, since there is a high risk of infection of the baby during labor.
  • spotting is an alarm signal, since it can become a clear sign of premature termination of pregnancy or the onset of labor.
  • greenish or yellowish discharge, which is characteristic of infectious infections of the genital tract. This situation also requires an immediate solution, because the infection can be transmitted to the fetus, and this is fraught with harmful consequences (infection, pathologies, or even the death of the baby).

Pain in the second trimester of pregnancy, observed in many areas

Pain in the second trimester of pregnancy is often associated with an increase in the size of the uterus and its upward displacement. This could be pain in the lower back or pelvic area, but you need to remember that there should not be any pain in the abdominal area. If they appear, and also in combination with lumbar discharge, as well as with the presence of bloody discharge, this may be evidence of a possible pregnancy failure. Immediate contact with a medical facility is required.

Unpleasant sensations in the second trimester of pregnancy are also largely associated with the occurrence of heartburn. It is caused by the pressure of the uterus on the stomach. However, it can be reduced or completely avoided if you try to properly structure your diet and avoid eating heavy and fatty foods. Including enough fiber in your daily diet will help prevent hemorrhoids.

Colds and general fever

Row colds in the second trimester it no longer causes any particular concern, but also requires immediate treatment and medical supervision, because many medications remain prohibited for pregnant women. And the course of acute respiratory infections can provoke inhibition in the development of the fetal nervous system, which is actively developing. Hypoxia can also occur. If the infection occurs at 14-15 weeks, then the risk of miscarriage is high, and bed rest for the pregnant woman will also be a prerequisite.

An unpleasant companion to a cold is an increase in overall body temperature. It is definitely worth remembering that reducing it using generally accepted means, such as aspirin, is strictly prohibited. It is possible to use paracetamol, and then only in cases of a sharp increase in temperature. If the mark remains at 37.5 - 38.0, then it is better to refrain from taking medications.

It must be borne in mind that a persistently elevated low-grade fever is sometimes characteristic of a woman’s second trimester of pregnancy during gestosis and other problems, so you should definitely tell your doctor about this. It is worth remembering that any deviations from the normal state of the body require mandatory consultation with a specialist.

Ultrasound and tests that need to be taken in the second trimester of pregnancy and during general consultations

The 2nd trimester of pregnancy ends with ultrasound examination, which is aimed at assessing the general condition of the fetus and the norm of its development. The specialist looks at the position of the placenta, the amount of amniotic fluid, the location of the umbilical cord, and also measures the approximate height and weight of the child. You can also determine the gender of the unborn baby if it is conveniently located during the ultrasound. Also, future parents can be pleased with the presence multiple pregnancy, if it has not been set previously. The main features of the second trimester of pregnancy allow us to talk about the state of the placenta as an indicator of the normal course of pregnancy.

To the standard list of analyzes ( general analysis urine and blood), the second trimester of pregnancy will also include an analysis for the presence of TORCH infections and a gynecological smear.

When the second trimester of pregnancy begins, doctors may also suggest conducting a so-called triple analysis, which can identify malformations in the fetus and chromosomal abnormalities. The main advice to pregnant women in the second trimester undergoing such a test is to remember that it does not make diagnoses, but rather determines who is at risk. Therefore, a positive result does not mean that the child may be born sick or with developmental pathologies.

Nutrition in the 2nd trimester of a happy pregnancy

Features of the second trimester of pregnancy regarding nutrition do not differ from the first or third. The key is still proper and balanced food, which will provide the entire list essential vitamins and minerals. There should be a lot of vegetables and fruits; they guarantee the supply of a complex of vitamins and the prevention of constipation.

A pregnant woman's table must include lean fish, various types of meat, beef liver and fermented milk products. The “no” label will include everything spicy, smoked and fatty, as well as alcohol and various ketchups. It is worth limiting the volumes of flour products and sweets.

May your pregnancy be happy and joyful, and may your baby be born healthy!

What can and cannot be done in the second trimester of pregnancy? Every expectant mother probably asks this question. Let's figure out what is possible during this period and what is taboo.

The second trimester of pregnancy falls between 13 and 27 weeks. This period is considered “golden”, because hormonal changes and toxicosis are already behind us, and the severity and anxiety associated with childbirth is still a long time away. The second trimester is the time to enjoy your “interesting situation”, but, of course, you shouldn’t forget about caution.

What to do in the second trimester of pregnancy and what not to do

What can and should be done in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy? When the toxicosis characteristic of the first trimester subsides, the expectant mother can lead her normal life. Remember that pregnancy is not a disease, and if health allows, then activity is welcome. In the second trimester you need:

  • watch your diet;
  • walk a lot in the fresh air;
  • engage in special physical education;
  • Visit your doctor on time and get tested.
In the second trimester, sex life begins to be enjoyable again. Sex does not affect the course of pregnancy, it does not harm the baby, but if there are complications, then the possibility of sexual intercourse must be discussed with a doctor.

What should you not do in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy? Worry, lack of sleep, malnutrition, overload the body physical activity. During this period you need to give up bad habits, pay attention to what you eat and avoid stress.

Flying in the second trimester of pregnancy

Many expectant mothers are interested in the question: is it possible to fly in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy and is it dangerous? This period is considered the optimal time for flights. By this time, you have already learned the reactions of your body, have become accustomed to the new position, but at the same time you are not tormented by toxicosis, you remain mobile and do not get tired so quickly. In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, the risk of unforeseen complications is reduced compared to the first, but the flight does not threaten premature birth, as in the third trimester.

It is not recommended to board a plane during a complicated pregnancy at any stage. If, due to pathology, there is still a need to fly, then you must first consult with a gynecologist.

Second trimester of pregnancy: smoking and alcohol

In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, you need to forget about bad habits: smoking and alcohol are harmful to the baby, they can provoke a miscarriage and the development of pathologies in the child. Pregnant women's addiction to cigarettes causes changes in the placenta and affects the formation of the baby's systems and organs. Ideally, you should forget about cigarettes at the stage of planning a child.

Experts have different opinions about alcohol. Previously, it was believed that wine was beneficial during pregnancy; for example, in the second trimester, it was recommended to increase hemoglobin levels with a glass of wine. Modern studies have shown: no matter what a pregnant woman drinks (beer, wine or cognac), when she does it (in the second trimester or third), alcohol is still harmful during pregnancy, because it is difficult to calculate the amount of drink so that the child does not get “ portion" of toxins.

Bath and sauna in the second trimester

Bathing during pregnancy is one of the most controversial issues, but most doctors believe that the 2nd trimester is the optimal time to soak in the water. However, you need to be careful and have some rules:

  • the water temperature should not exceed 36 degrees, ideally 30;
  • the heart zone should protrude from the water (so that the pressure does not increase);
  • The maximum duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

Is it possible to take a bath during pregnancy if it is the 2nd trimester? There is no clear answer to this question. If in the first trimester it is strictly forbidden to steam, then in the second it is, in principle, possible, but in each specific case you need to consult a doctor, especially if the procedure is new to you. During pregnancy (2nd trimester) it is better to choose a Russian steam room, Finnish sauna Not suitable for pregnant women due to dry air and high temperature.

Second trimester of pregnancy and massage

The 2nd trimester of pregnancy is a period when there is still an opportunity to take time for yourself, for example, to the expectant mother You can sign up for a massage. This procedure will help you relax and relieve stress. However, there are some “buts” here:

  • Before signing up for a professional massage, be sure to consult your doctor;
  • impact only on the shoulder girdle, neck, arms and legs is permissible;
  • The massage should be performed without applying force or pressure, only light and soft movements.

Hair coloring: is it possible to dye your hair in the second trimester?

Is it possible to wear makeup during pregnancy (2nd trimester)? There is a huge amount of prejudice associated with this issue. In fact, in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy (as well as in the third), hair coloring cannot harm the baby if you approach the procedure correctly. It is better to bring beauty to pregnant women using paint with a gentle composition. You can use natural dyes (henna, basma), which is guaranteed to eliminate the occurrence of allergies, which can suddenly appear due to hormonal storms.

The second trimester of pregnancy brings partial relief to the woman. Fatigue and morning sickness, which may have marred your first trimester, are less noticeable. Perhaps for the first time in several months, you feel healthy, sexy and energetic. Your mood begins to improve and becomes even better when you feel your baby's first kicks. You have left behind the stormy ocean of impressions and have finally entered calm waters. Now we will tell you how to live and what you need to know about the 2nd trimester - the golden period of pregnancy.

Your thinking

The second trimester for many women becomes full of philosophical reflections. They imagine themselves in the role of a mother, and picture the image of a child. It has been noticed that in the second trimester, women often renew contact with their mothers, if before this this thread was thin.

During this trimester, your doctor will likely want to see you once a month. Prepare your questions and talk about your problems if you have them.

Planning 2nd trimester

Use the energy that appears good mood to prepare for childbirth and prepare the home for the arrival of the baby.

Week 14 It would be a good idea to attend prenatal yoga classes. Yoga can find strength for labor and improve your flexibility, balance and posture.

Week 16 Tell your employer that you are pregnant if you have not already. Be prepared for questions about what is planned maternity leave, as well as about your replacement.

Week 18 Familiarize yourself with your hospital's maternity ward.

Week 20 Think about who you would like to be present at your baby's birth and start discussing this with your family.

Week 22. Sign up for classes for pregnant women as they fill up quickly. Choose a course that will end no later than the 36th or 37th week of your pregnancy.

Week 24. It's time to buy children's furniture and supplies. Leave the painting and polishing of the whitewash to others, as the harmful fumes can pose a danger to you and your baby.

Week 26 Start thinking about how you will give birth. Talk to other women about their experiences and discuss your options with your doctor.

Pregnancy fears

While many women feel optimistic in the second trimester of pregnancy, some worry about what might happen during labor, worry about the baby's health, and worry about whether they will be a good mother. Women who undergo prenatal tests may be very anxious until they receive the results. And it is not uncommon to feel panic from new pain, ridiculous thoughts or false contractions. Talking with a doctor or midwife, a teacher at courses and other pregnant women will help relieve anxiety.

The more you become aware that the way you are feeling is normal, the more you will be able to relax. But if you feel like you worry too often, seek professional help. After all, anxiety and stress can lead to premature birth, cause low birth weight of the child and have other consequences. Negative consequences for the child's health. This also applies to work, so do everything you can to reduce the likelihood of psychological and physical stress from work.

Eat for two

Now that you have enough energy and an appetite, start focusing on healthy way life.

Expect to gain about 12 kg in the 2nd trimester, although weight may vary depending on your predisposition to obesity before pregnancy. You need to get an extra 300 calories per day from foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and protein sources. Drink at least eight glasses of water per day, and consume at least 1000 mg of calcium per day. Continue to take your prenatal vitamins and avoid potentially harmful foods.


Pregnant women are recommended to exercise moderately, at least 30 minutes every day or every other day. If you haven't done it before physical exercise, start (with your doctor's approval) with walking, swimming or exercise on an exercise bike. If you've been exercising before, continue your workouts, but moderate them to a safe level.

Don't rush at work

If you spend your working day on your feet, often take a free minute to sit down. After all, prolonged standing can lead to various complications and swelling of the legs.

Sex in the second trimester

Do you feel less tired and are you less bothered by nausea? Take full advantage of this time to have sex. But do not forget about caution and a moderate pace.

Testing in the 2nd trimester

Most prenatal tests are performed in the second trimester of pregnancy. Here is a list of the most common procedures.

Screening test

What it is: A test to detect Down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus, as well as neural tube defects such as spina bifida.

Who is indicated for: almost all pregnant women.

When: 15-18 weeks of pregnancy.

How: through a blood test.

Risks and disadvantages: false positive results were recorded among 5 percent of those tested.

What you should know: The test detects 66 percent of children with Down syndrome. A false result indicates an increased risk of developing this disease and is accompanied by amniocentesis.


What it is: A test to detect Down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. It also determines the sex of the child.

Indicated for: Women over 35 years of age who have had a positive screening test multiple times, or who are at risk of having a child with a genetic disorder or chromosomal abnormality.

When: 15-18 weeks.

How it's done: A long, thin needle is inserted through the abdomen into the sac around your baby to take a sample of amniotic fluid.

Risks and Disadvantages: May be painful and cause mild cramping. Approximately one test in 200 ends in miscarriage.

What you should know: Amniocentesis is recommended starting at age 35, when the risk of being diagnosed with Down syndrome is equal to the risk of miscarriage from the test.

Glucose tolerance test

What it is: A test to detect gestational diabetes, which affects about 5 percent of pregnant women. TO high group women at risk include women over 30 years of age, overweight, having had a large child, or having family history diabetes

Who is indicated for: almost all pregnant women.

When: 24-28 weeks.

How it's done: A blood test is taken one hour after drinking liquid glucose.

Risks and disadvantages: none found.

What you should know: About 15 percent of all test results are considered false. Approximately 85 percent of women with high blood sugar levels are found to be healthy after a screening test.

During the second trimester of pregnancy, your baby begins to signal his presence. Between 16 and 20 weeks, most women will notice bloating, which can be mistaken for gas. Between 20 and 22 weeks, you should feel kicking, turning and other movements, and already between 23 and 27 weeks of pregnancy they will be felt in waves, since the baby already lives in two states: wakefulness and sleep. You should contact your doctor if you cannot feel your baby at 22 weeks.

Between 18 and 22 weeks, your doctor will use an ultrasound to evaluate your baby's development and check for visible problems. As you know, 3 percent of children have developmental abnormalities - ultrasound can detect two thirds of them.

The second trimester of pregnancy is the most touching and carefree period of waiting for a child.

At this time, you have already forgotten about toxicosis, your tummy is already rounded, but at the same time it does not restrict your movements, and most importantly, it is during this period that you will be able to feel the kicks and movement of your baby for the first time.

But you should be prepared for new troubles, such as heartburn or anemia. It's time to find out what else to expect from the second trimester and how your baby is developing.

Signs of pregnancy in the 2nd trimester

The 2nd trimester of pregnancy is 13-28 weeks. And if at the beginning of the period there is no need to talk about obvious external changes, then by the 20th week your tummy will openly indicate your interesting position.

There are other signs that indicate pregnancy:

  1. External signs. An increase in waist circumference, a gradual expansion of the pelvic bone, an increase in fat in the lower abdomen, a significant increase in the chest area - all these external signs together indicate your pregnancy;
  2. Discharge. During this period, you may experience yellowish discharge from your breasts, but do not rush to panic - this is normal physiological process. And the discharge is something like colostrum. But you’ve probably already forgotten about other discharge, menstruation. During pregnancy, there is no menstrual flow;
  3. Fetal movement. Your first tactile acquaintance with your baby takes place in the second trimester; around the 20th week, you will specifically feel your belly: first with slightly noticeable movements or tickles, and then with increasingly demanding pushes (also read the current article How many weeks does a baby start to move? >>>);
  4. Well-being. The former drowsiness and regularity are replaced by an increase in energy and an increase in pulse and blood pressure. If you still doubt whether you are pregnant, measure your pulse: in pregnant women, the pulse is not the standard 60 beats, but 80-90. The pressure is also higher, but not as noticeable: an additional 10-15 mm Hg. column.

It may seem funny to you that at 14 weeks we are talking about signs of pregnancy, but there are cases when women find out about their interesting situation even later. later, especially during breastfeeding when the menstrual cycle has not yet resumed.

Second trimester of pregnancy: belly

The second trimester of pregnancy is a time of active growth not only for your baby, but also for your tummy.

  • By the end of the 28th week, the fundus of the uterus will already be 2 cm above your navel, and your waist circumference will be twice as large as the initial one;
  • If you have a fragile physique, then the growth of your tummy will become noticeable at the beginning of the 2nd trimester;
  • By the end of the sixth month, a dark stripe may appear in the middle of the abdomen. Don’t be alarmed, this is the influence of hormones, no measures need to be taken, the pigmentation will go away on its own, but only in the postpartum period;
  • In the second trimester of pregnancy, the belly may even become covered with fluff; this phenomenon is not entirely aesthetic, but not critical and will also go away on its own;
  • Since the skin on your abdomen is constantly stretched, you may feel a slight itch and notice peeling and stretch marks. Physiologically, this phenomenon can be explained as follows: the skin does not keep up with the rapid growth of the abdomen, and the lack of vitamins also affects it, but this process should not be ignored.

Water massage, moisturizing oils and lotions, supportive bandages and quality clothing will come to the rescue: no synthetics, only natural fabrics and loose fits. In addition, it will be easier for you to decide what can and should be done with stretch marks after reading the article Stretch marks during pregnancy >>>.

  • The stomach should be protected not only during wakefulness, but also during sleep. Forget about your favorite position of resting on your stomach, now you can sleep either on your back or on your side.

Pain in the second trimester of pregnancy

All discomfort during pregnancy can be divided into physiological and pathological. If you just need to get used to the former, the latter signal certain deviations. It's time for you to learn to understand your body.

Physiological pain

Acceptable pain includes discomfort in the lower abdomen or back after walking or staying in one position for a long time.

  1. During pregnancy, not only your mood and the size of your belly changes, but even your gait. During this period, the pelvic bones gradually expand, becoming softer, and the joints? respectively? weaker, hence the pain when tired;
  2. The location of pain in the second trimester of pregnancy is the lower abdomen, namely the place where the uterus is supported. Short-term sensations that go away on their own are the norm;
  3. The cause of painful sensations may also be banal bloating or flatulence, which are not alien to pregnant women (read the article on the topic Bloating during pregnancy >>>);
  4. You may also feel pain in the sacral area or lower back: in this period the load on the spine is increased, the center of gravity is shifting, in addition, the increasing size of the uterus and its contents compresses all internal organs.

Pathological pain

All painful sensations that do not go away, but only intensify over time, are pathological in nature.

  • Pain in the lower abdomen that lasts more than 2 minutes and is systematically repeated up to 10 times a day is a signal of increased uterine tone, which is fraught with the threat of miscarriage. Spasms that accompany uterine contractions can lead to oxygen starvation of the fetus, the development of intrauterine anomalies and even termination of pregnancy;
  • Heartburn, which you can experience as early as the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, is both a physiological and pathological phenomenon. It appears due to weakening muscle tone gastrointestinal tract under the influence of the hormone progesterone and the release of gastric juice into the esophagus, but the intensity of the discomfort may depend on what you eat and how (more about heartburn during pregnancy >>>);

With proper nutrition in small portions, heartburn can be minimized, and you can also take acceptable medications, like Rennie or Galstena, the main thing is to study the instructions with contraindications (read the article Rennie during pregnancy >>>). In addition, be sure to pay attention to our book on proper nutrition: Secrets of proper nutrition for an expectant mother >>>

  • Headaches and dizziness can signal you about the development of anemia and low blood pressure. Monitor these indicators in order to take the necessary measures in time;
  • But pain and heaviness in the legs can be caused by swelling and venous insufficiency. Drink clean, still water, eat less salt and preservatives, and get plenty of rest during the day. Please note that excessive swelling can be caused by kidney disease, so additional tests should not be avoided;
  • Cramps that may bother you in the 2nd trimester directly indicate vitamin starvation. Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium in any form will help you forget about unpleasant numbness in your limbs. Also study the article on the topic: Hands and feet go numb during pregnancy >>>;
  • Local pain in the side with discharge can signal you about inflammatory processes. Do not forget to tell your doctor about this phenomenon (current article on the topic: Right side hurts during pregnancy >>>).

Do not ignore any unpleasant sensations. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, because in most cases pain can be relieved in a fairly simple way.

Vitamins in the second trimester of pregnancy

The main vitamins in the second trimester of pregnancy are calcium, iodine, iron, and B vitamins. Let's take a closer look at how and what they affect and what other beneficial substances both mother and baby need:

Vitamins for children

  1. In the second trimester, the baby’s brain is actively developing, this will be facilitated by magnesium, phosphorus, and iodine;
  2. For the development of the skeletal system, as well as the formation of teeth, calcium and vitamin D are needed;
  3. The nervous system of a growing child needs iodine, folic acid, phosphorus and magnesium;
  4. Vitamin A is also necessary during this period; it is responsible for genetic processes and the development of visual organs;
  5. Protein is essential in the 2nd trimester, but carbohydrates will need to be kept to a minimum.

Vitamins for mom

Your permanent helpers - calcium and iron are again in the lead. But you shouldn’t give up other vitamins either:

  • The baby needs calcium, but he takes it from your body, so if you don’t want to be left without teeth, replenish calcium reserves on time;
  • Potassium is extremely necessary in this period; it will help the cardiovascular system cope with the additional load, while at the same time reducing the risk of premature birth;
  • Sodium is essential for swelling;
  • Magnesium will help you cope with stress and forget about cramps;
  • Vitamin C is needed by your immune system and also for better absorption of calcium;
  • Both your skin and hair need vitamin E. In addition, it is responsible for the supply of oxygen to your baby.

Second trimester of pregnancy: discharge

It is an axiom that there should be no regular menstrual flow in the second trimester. But there may be some discharge. The main thing is to understand what is normal and what is a cause for concern:

  1. White, transparent discharge without odor and accompanying itching or burning is the norm. But there is one caveat: heavy discharge when changing several pads a day can be a sign of leakage of amniotic fluid;
  2. Curd discharge in the second trimester of pregnancy with a clear milky smell will indicate to you the development of thrush. Read the article Thrush during pregnancy >>>;
  3. An unpleasant odor and itching of even clear discharge is a reason to get tested for bacterial contamination. This may also be a sign of cervical erosion;
  4. Yellow discharge with pus is an inflammatory process;
  5. Brown or bloody discharge is especially dangerous and can be a signal of miscarriage (read the article on the topic: Brown discharge during pregnancy >>>).

Colds - second trimester of pregnancy

A cold in itself is an undesirable phenomenon, especially during pregnancy. If you assess the level of risk, then a cold in the second trimester of pregnancy is no longer as dangerous as before the 14th week, since your baby is already actively protected by the placenta, but your general malaise cannot but be felt by the child.

  • The main problem is a serious restriction in taking medications. If you can bring down the temperature with paracetamol, then most antibiotics will have to be abandoned;
  • A cold during pregnancy can cause disruption of oxygen exchange between you and your baby, and this is a threat of oxygen starvation and the development of fetal hypoxia. In addition, the disease during this period can cause premature birth and the birth of a small child. A cold is also unsafe for the baby’s nervous system, which is just developing;
  • A cold at week 13 is a big risk for the development of the baby’s thyroid gland;
  • At 16-17 weeks, the baby’s bone marrow is actively developing, and a cold during this period can negatively affect this process;
  • If you are expecting the birth of a girl, then take care of your health at 19-20 weeks, it is at this time that the ovaries are actively developing, and the disease can provoke developmental abnormalities and problems in the reproductive system in the future;
  • A runny nose does not always indicate a cold; it can be of an allergic nature or a so-called hormonal runny nose, characteristic of your situation. Treatment directly depends on the causes of a runny nose. Read more about this in the article Runny nose during pregnancy >>>.

Please note that your body temperature during pregnancy in the second trimester may be about 37 degrees, and in the absence of an accompanying runny nose or cough, this will be normal.

Sex in the second trimester of pregnancy

You can calm down yourself and please your sexual partner: doctors not only do not prohibit, but even recommend sex in the second trimester of pregnancy. Sexual intercourse does not pose any threat to the baby, since it is reliably protected by the placenta. Positive emotions the pain you experience is only beneficial for the child; in addition, blood circulation in the uterus improves, which also has a good effect on the development of your baby.

The only contraindications to sex are the threat of miscarriage and high uterine tone.

The requirements for how to behave in the second trimester of pregnancy during sex are simple: attention to your partner, choosing a position that is comfortable for you, and hygiene.

Tone in the second trimester

Uterine tone in the second trimester of pregnancy is an extremely undesirable phenomenon that can provoke a miscarriage. You may suspect that something is wrong with your uterus if you experience mini contractions from muscle contractions or a stiff feeling in your lower abdomen. There are several reasons that tone your uterus:

  1. Carrying and lifting heavy objects;
  2. Nervous breakdowns and stress;
  3. A decrease in progesterone levels, which affects the relaxation of the uterine muscles;
  4. Ultrasound examination and breast massage;
  5. Myomas and other gynecological abnormalities.

Know! Even if you are diagnosed with uterine tone, it is easily treatable: rest and antispasmodics.

Ultrasound – second trimester of pregnancy

An ultrasound scan in the second trimester of pregnancy falls at 20-24 weeks. This is a very important examination, as it will answer various questions about the development and due date of the baby.

  • Measurements and calculations. The first thing the specialist will do during the second ultrasound is measure the body and length of the limbs and calculate the approximate weight of the fetus. Then the baby’s face and mouth are examined to refute genetic diseases, measurements of internal organs are taken and compared with standard sizes. Depending on what you see and read, the specialist will indicate the approximate date of birth;
  • Determination of gender. During the second ultrasound, you can find out the sex of your baby, unless he is too shy and does not close himself off from prying eyes;
  • Condition of the placenta. Size, structure, thickness - all this is important for the protective barrier that the placenta is for your baby. For week 20, the ideal thickness is 20 mm;
  • Condition of amniotic fluid. Oligohydramnios, normal or polyhydramnios – this will be the doctor’s verdict. In addition, they will tell you about the general condition of the waters;
  • Presence of pathologies. At the 20th week of pregnancy, a specialist will already be able to discern pathological abnormalities and assess their scale. The child is mobile, it is possible to examine him from different angles, but do not despair in the event of a pathological diagnosis. A complete picture can only be obtained by conducting additional screening tests;
  • Pulse measurement. One of the most touching moments of an ultrasound is that you will hear your baby’s heart beating; a heartbeat of over 110 to 180 beats is considered normal. By the way, you can also listen to your heartbeat through your tummy with a stethoscope;
  • Umbilical cord. During an ultrasound, the umbilical cord also comes into view. The norm is three arteries. In addition, the umbilical cord should not wrap around the baby’s neck or other organs;
  • Uterus. The condition and length of the organ are studied, at this stage - at least 30 cm, the uterine os must be tightly closed.

Don’t forget to ask the specialist for a photo of the baby; the outlines are already clearly visible.

In addition to the ultrasound, you will be asked to undergo other tests. Tests in the second trimester of pregnancy:

  1. General blood and urine analysis;
  2. Glucose tolerance test, when blood is donated in a normal state and after drinking sweetened water;
  3. Second screening for congenital pathologies.

Fetal development in the second trimester

It’s simply amazing what happens in the second trimester of pregnancy with your baby: he begins to actively move, hear, smile and develop as a person.

  • During the 4th month of intrauterine development, the baby’s muscular system is formed, milk teeth are formed, and the first hair appears on the head. Interestingly, at this time the skin is still very thin and blood vessels are clearly visible through it. Your baby already knows how to empty his bladder and he does it every 45 minutes. By the end of the 16th week, the baby weighs about 130 grams and his height reaches 15 cm;
  • The 5th month significantly changes the appearance of the baby. There are already eyebrows and eyelashes, but while they are colorless, there are even fingerprints. The baby's entire skin is covered with a white lubricant that protects against water. The pancreas and intestines are already working. At the end of the 5th month, the baby weighs more than 300 grams, and his height is about 20 cm;
  • The 6th month is a period of active communication between mother and baby. The child moves, pushes, calms down if dad puts his hand on him, hears voices and music. The baby is actively gaining weight and by the end of the 2nd trimester weighs about 900 grams with a height of 30 cm. All his organs are working except the lungs.

When analyzing the second trimester of pregnancy: the do's and don'ts, you need to set your priorities right. Anything that is useful and pleasant for the baby is possible, but you should give up bad habits, overwork and avoid stressful situations.

Left in the past, the woman begins to feel much better. In order to spend the time before childbirth usefully, not to be overloaded, but at the same time not to forget about an active lifestyle and not to get bored, you need to listen to the advice of specialists.

Features of the second trimester of pregnancy

From 13 to 28 weeks, the pregnant woman’s health becomes an order of magnitude better than at the beginning of pregnancy. Vomiting, nausea, weakness, and drowsiness go away as the initial hormonal changes in the body are completed. Only towards the end of the second trimester may back pain and swelling occur due to increased blood flow and growth of the uterus. The moral state of the expectant mother is stabilized, her appetite returns to normal, you can already feel the baby’s movements, your confidence that everything will continue to be fine in the future is growing. Feeling great? Then check out the recommendations that will help you go through the second trimester with benefit and pleasure!

1. Forget about being sad and sitting at home

Pregnancy is absolutely not the time to spend it sitting at home all the time. It’s stupid to hide your growing belly from the eyes of others, because this is a natural state that you should be proud of! In addition to spending time in your favorite activities (master classes, cinema, theater, shopping, etc.), it is worth choosing courses for expectant mothers that talk about behavior in the third trimester, during childbirth, etc. Such activities will prevent possible problems that most often occur out of ignorance, will help organize feeding, massage, bathing the child, and will provide a lot of useful information.

2. Don't ignore physical activity

Sports are vital for everyone, even pregnant women, but the selection of the type of activity and calculation of the permissible load should be done only under the supervision of a specialist. The expectant mother should not be overworked, and with increased tone and the threat of miscarriage, physical activity should be more than moderate.

A good option for a pregnant woman would be to visit the pool, water aerobics, and yoga. Many people continue to work during this period, and water activities will help you relax perfectly in the evening. You can do a lot of exercises in water that are absolutely harmless to your child. The ideal option is to go to groups for pregnant women and study under the guidance of an experienced trainer. In addition, water is a baby’s natural environment. You swim - and the baby swims in your tummy.

Yoga is a great way to learn proper breathing during childbirth. Specialized yoga classes will help you choose a position during contractions, ease pushing, and generally perfectly prepare the uterus for childbirth. Reading through information in a magazine is a theory that can fade from your head when pain occurs, but practical exercises will firmly “stick in your head” and will help make childbirth easier.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

3. Eat right

The expression “eating for two” during pregnancy is not entirely true. It is not the quantity of food that is important, but its quality, that is, the presence of the necessary beneficial components. To ensure that the child does not lack nutrients, he must eat according to a dietary menu in which there is no place for junk food. You should eat more foods with iron, because in the second trimester there is a risk of developing anemia. These products include:

  • Apples
  • Leafy greens
  • Seafood
  • Liver

We must not forget about ascorbic acid, which is abundant in the juices and pulp of citrus fruits and currants, because it is vitamin C that helps iron be better absorbed. Many vitamins and minerals are destroyed, so it is not recommended to abuse long-term heat treatment.

4. Give your baby what he needs.

In addition to strengthening the mother’s body, it is important to eat other foods that help the child grow, develop, build bone and muscle mass, develop teeth and nervous system. For such purposes, the fetus needs a lot of calcium and magnesium, and precisely from the very beginning of the second trimester. Calcium is found in:

  • Milk and sour milk
  • almonds
  • Sesame

Magnesium is present in large quantities in:

  • Oatmeal and rice
  • Cabbage
  • Wheat germ

5. Talk to your child

The child, according to recent research, perfectly hears many sounds and reacts to them. To develop the baby’s intellectual abilities already in the womb, it is important to listen to pleasant, relaxing music and talk in a soft, gentle voice. This will stimulate the fetal brain, and it will also help the mother herself improve her mood and get ready for a pleasant meeting in a few months!

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