Everything about female nipple piercings: from selection, implementation to restoration. How to do nipple piercing - choice of jewelry, cost and procedure, contraindications Piercing on nipples and intimate places

Piercing is a means of self-expression, which is characteristic only of a rebellious spirit. How else can we explain the desire to pierce a part of the body that is visible (or invisible) to others? For some, such a modification is a striking example of aesthetics, a way to express oneself and distinguish oneself, and for others, it is an opportunity to enhance the sensitivity of the most piquant areas of the body. In this article we will talk about nipple piercings, and also find out reviews from those who have experienced this mini-transformation.

Let's start with history

Piercing is not a fad in the 21st century, but an ancient way to decorate your body using metal earrings and chains. Thanks to archaeological excavations, we have learned that both women and men actively used skillful jewelry, which were fixed on the body. For example, tunnels in the ears, which can now reach a diameter of more than 30 centimeters, are heatedly discussed by haters of the modification. However, few people know that such body design was, and is, practiced even today in the Karen tribe. They inhabit the territory of Myanmar, and stretching their earlobes is the basis of their culture.

The main advantages of nipple piercing

Judging by numerous reviews about nipple piercing, we can say that this procedure allows you not only to decorate the body, but also to increase sensitivity. Let's look at all the positive aspects of the modification:

We are against the procedure!

Why is modification negative for many people? The main reason is fear. People who only pierced their ears early childhood, using an automatic pistol, they doubt whether nipple piercing hurts or not.

  • The procedure is disgusting. Piercing is clearly not suitable for those who are afraid of the sight of blood. In addition, after piercing, the injured area will be inflamed for some time and must be regularly treated with antiseptics.
  • The procedure may lead to complications. If not properly cared for, wounds can begin to fester, and that is why it is important to follow all the recommendations of a specialist.
  • Inexperienced master. An attempt to save money can lead to the development of a cyst, so this procedure should only be performed by a qualified technician.

Does it hurt?

Reviews about nipple piercing prove that this procedure is painful, but it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body (pain threshold, sensitivity).

Reviews and opinions

Both girls and guys are interested in many questions: “How long do wounds take to heal? How to properly care for them? Is it possible to lose sensitivity?” To give the correct answer, you need to study nipple piercing reviews.

How is nipple piercing done (in detail)

Piercing is not surgical intervention, so no special instruments or operating unit are required. However, the master must comply with the necessary hygiene requirements in order to pierce the nipples as carefully and safely as possible.

  • Firstly, the specialist puts on disposable gloves, having previously prepared a cotton swab, a sterile needle in the package, and an antiseptic.
  • Secondly, the nipple is disinfected (most often with an alcohol solution) to prevent infection from entering the wound.
  • Thirdly, using a cotton swab, the area is treated with ointment, which has an anesthetic effect. You can also use a special spray that reduces the sensitivity of the nipple during a puncture.
  • Fourthly, the nipple is kneaded manually to bring it to an excited state. Then the master will be able to outline the future puncture site.
  • Fifth, slightly stretching the nipple, the specialist carefully pierces the skin and then inserts a medical steel jewelry. The wounds are treated with chlorhexidine, covered with a bandage and secured with a plaster.

Now the “modified” person himself must think about caring for the piercing, properly caring for and treating the wounds until they are completely healed.

Danger of nipple piercing

It is important to understand that piercing is an individual matter, and it is almost impossible to predict how the body will react to changes. While some people experience increased sensitivity and are aroused even by rubbing their nipples on a T-shirt, others worry that their piquant area does not respond to touch. But the main danger in nipple piercing is infection and a long healing period.

Initially, it will be difficult to put on a bra, so it is best to discard it. You can also forget about lace underwear, because a barbell or ring can get caught in the underwear and cause discomfort. Both men and women should choose loose clothing, especially if the healing process is accompanied by discomfort.

The most common consequences of piercing are suppuration of the wound, loss of sensitivity and blockage of the milk ducts. In each case, it is important to contact a specialist, but not to a local salon, but to a medical center. In the worst case, the infection can lead to the development of cysts and tumors.

Nipple piercings have long been used for various rituals. In ancient Rome, piercing was a symbol of courage and bravery and was very popular among the guards of Julius Caesar. In the Victorian era, piercings were done to improve the shape of the breasts.

Nipple piercing is currently done for various purposes; most girls have noted positive changes in their sex life after the piercing. Naturally, there is a small risk of infection. But this can be avoided by constantly treating the puncture with various means.

If you decide to get your nipples pierced, you should be aware that you may experience increased sensations when biting and similar caresses. Piercings can also help correct the shape of the nipples. For most girls who breastfed, their nipples become flat and unsightly. This is very easy to fix by getting a piercing. The nipples will become more prominent.

Before the piercing, the nipples must be brought into an excited state, then the places through which the needle will pass are outlined, after all the manipulations the piercing itself is done. Remember, if you have small nipples, piercing will be very difficult. In some individual cases this is completely impossible.

Types of piercing

Piercing can be vertical or horizontal. What type of piercing you decide to get depends entirely on your preferences. You should know that this procedure is more complicated than you think. But you don't have to worry if you get your piercing done by a professional.


Rings, barbells, and half rings are usually chosen as decorations. You should choose titanium hypoallergenic jewelry, which can be purchased in specialized stores. Under no circumstances should you purchase such products anywhere in a subway passage. Cheap jewelry is often made from low-quality materials.

Healing of punctures

The punctures take several months to heal, so you should not swim in open water to avoid infection. You can take a shower, but you should not rub the puncture sites with a washcloth. You can treat the piercing with a weak solution of chlorhexidine; you should not use alcohol or iodine for this purpose.

If you experience discomfort, burning or pain in the puncture area, you should contact the master who did the piercing to clean the wound. Purulent discharge from the nipple indicates that you have an infection. In this case, it is advisable to remove the jewelry and wait some time until the puncture heals.

As you know, human imagination is limitless, and there are more and more ways of self-expression. One of these and quite unusual is nipple piercing. In this article we will discuss in detail all the nuances of this difficult topic.

Many argue that there are more than enough advantages to this procedure, for example:

  • High sensitivity and sexual pleasure;
  • Hiding imperfections (bulging nipples);
  • Perception of a person (risky, interesting person);
  • Popularity in the modern environment.

If you decide to decorate your nipples this way, know that it will hurt. Immediately after the procedure, a person may feel a sudden tingling sensation. Complete healing of wounds can take up to 4 months. Not only women can get such a puncture, but there is a similar tendency among men. Only for the weaker sex this can be very risky. There are several reasons why piercing is not allowed:

  1. Pregnancy;
  2. Chemotherapy;
  3. Diabetes;
  4. Hepatitis;
  5. Gastritis;
  6. Congenital heart defects;
  7. Tendency to rheumatism;
  8. Skin infections, etc.

Nipple piercing: how is it done?

Firstly, consult your doctor so as not to put your health at risk. If there are no concerns, you can start making your dream come true. The second step is to choose a good salon with a professional technician who will do the job with proper professionalism. We think this is logical. After all, why spoil your health, waste time and money on poor-quality work?

If all the previous recommendations have been completed, we proceed directly to the process itself. First, the instruments are disinfected, marks and a needle puncture line are made, anesthesia is selected, and the nipples are brought to arousal. Next, the procedure must be performed in complete calm so that the puncture channel does not move. After that, add jewelry and that’s it – you are the owner of a fashionable “upgrade” of your body!

You need to understand that such interventions require special care, which we will talk about later, but it is important to understand that the main condition here is peace.

What kind of jewelry do girls with nipple piercings choose?

The answer is different, whichever you like best and lifts your spirits. They use rings, half-rings, bars, shields made of different metals: titanium, acrylic, zirconium, medical steel. You can purchase unique products in specialized stores.

Piercing care includes compliance with the rules:

  1. You need to treat the wound morning and evening with chlorhexidine, making compresses. It's simple: a few drops of medicine were dripped onto cotton wool, applied and sealed with a band-aid.
  2. You can take a shower on the fourth day after the puncture, but be sure to apply a bandage first;
  3. Do not touch with dirty hands;
  4. Do not wear tight clothes;
  5. Do not visit solariums, swimming pools, saunas;
  6. It is strictly forbidden to use brilliant green, iodine, alcohol;
  7. If you feel pain, it is possible that the wound has become infected. Wash the puncture and apply levomekol ointment;
  8. Pay attention to your diet: eat more foods that contain B vitamins with zinc;
  9. Remember to visit a doctor if your wound does not heal for a long time. Self-medication can be ineffective and even harmful.

You can remove the piercing if something doesn’t suit you (for example, a crooked piercing). But to get your nipples pierced again, you need to wait 6 months.

What can be the consequences of a nipple piercing?

For girls milk ducts may be damaged, which will complicate feeding the child in the future. Some people may develop a harmless cyst behind their piercing. There is a very real problem with sensitivity in the chest. Well, allergies. If the wrong puncture is made or the wrong treatment is done, scars may remain. The most dangerous are infections with hepatitis or HIV through unsterile instruments. Remember, everyone has individual characteristics of their body and immune system.

We think you are convinced that there are always two sides to the coin. Along with the pros, there are also always a lot of cons. Only you have the right to decide what to do with your life and body. Just don’t forget that there is only one life, and our relatives are always worried about us. Therefore, be very vigilant when carrying out any action in your life. After all, one wrong step, and you will become a hostage to your own health - your most valuable one. Remember, fashion is fashion, beauty is beauty, and good feelings, a healthy look, an excellent mood are the best things a person can feel.

At first, many come with a request to make one hole, then some clients return for another. It happens less often that both punctures are done at once.

2. If you want to get by with just one nipple, think again.

Maria Tash believes that there are no special preferences when choosing between right and left, but one must also take into account lifestyle. For example, if you play the guitar or wear crossbody bags on a certain side, it is better to pierce the nipple that is not in contact with the belt.

3. The risk of infection is higher than with ear piercings

Joshua Zuckerman warns about the dangers of a bacteria called Staph epidermidis that lives in the mammary glands. Sterility is very important.

4. Piercings can make your nipples less sensitive.

Although many people do it just for the opposite changes, the nerve can be damaged in the process, plus there are individual differences.


5. Some discomfort after a puncture is normal.

A couple of drops of clear or pinkish liquid may be released in the first two days, but it is still a wound for the body. But if the troubles continue longer, the surface is swollen, red or very painful, then this is a reason to consult a doctor.

6. At first you should sleep in a T-shirt

A light cotton top will protect the sensitive puncture site from damage while you sleep.

7. It can hurt for quite a long time.

The healing process is not fast, people are different, and a lot depends on the decoration. The ring, for example, can rotate inside. So discomfort can last 6-12 months (for ear piercing - up to two months). During this period, you need to monitor what and how the puncture site is touched, as well as hygiene.

8. Piercings can interfere with milk ducts

Fortunately, problems with breastfeeding after nipple piercing are quite rare.

9. Large jewelry can stretch the nipple.

Do not get carried away with large and especially heavy rings and barbells.

10. Concave nipples can also be pierced

It all depends on how far you can stretch them. Interestingly, a bar inserted into such a nipple prevents it from retracting back.

11. If you get tired of the piercing, you need to have nipple plastic surgery

The hole partially closes on its own, but there remains a scar inside and noticeable holes on the sides. The operation takes about 15 minutes and is performed under local anesthesia.

Agata Vasnetsova

Style is a way of saying who you are without using words.


In the desire to decorate themselves in an unusual way and with a beautiful accessory, people often choose nipple piercing, although the procedure cannot be called pleasant and the piercing itself requires careful care. As a rule, this type of body modification is considered mostly female and is done in at a young age. In addition to visual factors, it is necessary to take into account the effect of the procedure on health and individual parameters. In addition, when deciding on any piercing, you must contact a trusted professional who works in hygienically suitable conditions.

What is nipple piercing

The concept of beauty is understood differently by each person and what attracts one person will only repel another. Piercing nipples cannot be called a way of self-expression in the usual sense, because not everyone is allowed to see jewelry in such an intimate place. It is a horizontal or vertical longitudinal puncture into which some accessory is inserted. In fact, this is nothing more than an open wound, which, at least at first, should be treated with full responsibility, not forgetting to follow the instructions of the master.

Why do nipples get pierced?

Fashion trends that force people to change their appearance different ways, got to the most intimate parts of the body. Pierced nipples can only be seen to a loved one, if this is not done for the purpose of shocking the public. There is an opinion that women who have piercings in this place have increased sexual sensitivity. However, to test this, the piercing must heal well. In addition, people of both sexes in some cases try to correct nipple imperfections and shape in this way, for example, their asymmetry or excessive protuberance.

Types of piercing

For example, dozens of ears can be pierced. different ways, which almost any qualified craftsman can produce. Nipple piercing does not differ in a huge number of varieties, but it does provide some choice:

  • Puncture behind the nipple. The piercing is done behind the pigmented area.
  • Areola piercing. The hole extends a few millimeters below the nipple.
  • Piercing the nipple itself. Everything is very clear here - the decoration is inserted into the papilla itself.
  • Different focus. Nipples allow you to experiment with the direction of the hole into which the jewelry will then be inserted. There are horizontal, vertical and diagonal types of piercings.

Nipple piercing jewelry

This slightly risky method of body modification, like any other, is started to wear beautiful accessories. Their choice largely depends on the type of piercing. As for the metals from which jewelry is made, it is better to give preference to titanium immediately after the puncture. In the future, you can choose accessories made of bioplastic, gold or silver. There are the following varieties on the basis of which nipple decorations are made:

  • Barbells. They can be different lengths, with balls or pointed ends.
  • Rings. The diameter is selected individually, depending on convenience.

How to pierce nipples

Often the thought of a painful procedure stops a person from getting a piercing. Whether it hurts to pierce your nipples depends only on your pain threshold and the qualifications of the specialist. It is important that the instrument, which is a long needle, be disinfected. The risk of infection can then be reduced significantly. The process itself looks like this:

  1. The nipple is treated with a special disinfectant solution, which will help prevent infection through an open wound.
  2. If the client wishes, pain relief is performed with ointments or sprays containing lidocaine.
  3. The nipple is brought into a state of excitement. A point for subsequent puncture is marked.
  4. You can perform a puncture with a needle with the jewelry immediately attached to it or insert it later.


Piercing of any complexity is accompanied by wound care procedures. It is recommended to check with the specialist who performed the work on how to care for the nipple during the recovery period. General rules are:

  • After piercing, nipples should be treated with an antiseptic and the procedure repeated for several days in the form of compresses. At first you may feel discomfort - this is normal.
  • For seven days, cover the nipple with a bandage and a bandage on top. The design needs to be changed several times a day.
  • Women should not wear a tight bra, and it is better to use clothes made from natural fabrics.
  • Try not to tug on the jewelry until the piercing is fully formed.
  • Avoid swimming in pools and open water after piercing for a month.

How does healing occur?

Minor inflammation is the price of piercing in the first few weeks. It occurs regardless of the quality of the work performed and how exactly the master pricked. Nipple piercing may cause slight swelling, which should gradually subside. In addition, small crusts and the release of light liquid also occur after piercing. The healing process lasts from 1.5 to 2.5 months.

Possible complications

The desire to transform yourself and decorate yourself with piercings often leads to disastrous results and forces you to consult a doctor. Among them are:

  • Incorrect piercing. By turning to an untested specialist, you risk adding a decent handful of problems to your life, which threatens to deteriorate your health. Not only will the inserted jewelry gradually shift, but the channels may also become significantly deformed.
  • Infection. When choosing a salon, you need to be most careful about its cleanliness and compliance with sanitary standards. If this is neglected, the likelihood of wound infection becomes high. If pus begins to ooze from the puncture site, this is a reason to sound the alarm and consult a doctor.
  • Rejection of decoration. A person’s allergy to a particular metal can manifest itself after piercing in the form of itching and rashes, which cause a lot of discomfort.

Consequences of piercing

If necessary, the decoration can be pulled out of the nipples and after a while they will heal. However, it is better to weigh the pros and cons of piercing before going to the master. In addition to nipple deformation, the likelihood of infection and metal allergies, there are also less dangerous consequences that can also help you decide whether a piercing is necessary:

  • Keeping your nipples in contact with clothing for a long time will cause discomfort. Unlike piercings in exposed areas, friction cannot be avoided.
  • If you get your nipples pierced in the summer, you can temporarily forget about swimming in ponds. If you have an open piercing wound, you should not dive into water that is not very clean.
  • Piercing is accompanied by discharge that can last longer than a week, catch you by surprise and stain your clothes.

Is breastfeeding possible?

In online communities there is often a war between mothers who are opposed to body modifications in intimate places, and girls who have had their nipples pierced. Despite popular belief, if you get a piercing, your breasts will still be adapted to breastfeeding your baby. The point is the porous structure of the nipple itself, through which milk is released. The puncture affects only a small part. It is recommended to remove the jewelry a few months before the baby is born, but you can do without it. It will be impossible to re-pierce in the same place.


Despite the apparent harmlessness of the procedure, it is not recommended for everyone. There are diseases and circumstances under which piercing is strictly prohibited. Among them:

  • blood clotting disorder;
  • diabetes;
  • skin diseases of any type;
  • exacerbation of a chronic illness;
  • hepatitis B and C;
  • cold accompanied by high temperature;
  • state of alcoholic intoxication;
  • menstruation period;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergy to painkillers when using anesthesia.


How much it costs to pierce nipples depends on the region and the pricing of a particular salon. Too low a price for a piercing compared to its competitors should raise red flags, but an overpriced one is often not an indicator of quality. The price range in Moscow looks like this.

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