Mad squirrel tattoo on arm for men. What does the Squirrel tattoo mean? Which image to choose

When mentioning protein, associations arise associated with speed and agility, intelligence and fertility, family hearth and high performance, comfort and thriftiness. Along with home, squirrel means opportunism, selfishness, ingenuity, prudence, greed, and foresight. The nimble charmer is constantly agile and tireless. Her dexterity is similar to cunning. Squirrel tattoos are loved for their cuteness. They are always original and playful.

What does a squirrel tattoo mean?

Red squirrel symbolizes fire. Thus, the Slavs attributed to her a relationship with thunderstorms and lightning. They still perceived her as a harbinger of misfortune and war. The Japanese associate the squirrel with creativity, wealth, creativity and fertility. It seems that these nimble animals always have varied and interesting ideas for life.

The playfulness of squirrels can mean a desire to deceive, possessiveness and cunning, spontaneity. These little animals also have mystical, almost witchcraft properties. According to legends, squirrels were compared to merman, brownies and mermaids, who moved at the same incredible speed. Previously, mothers used to scare their naughty children with squirrels. The positive meanings of a tattoo include abundance, wealth and improved well-being.

The squirrel's stinginess and greed border on thriftiness and thriftiness. Such an animal is also a symbol of perseverance and endurance. After all, the squirrel is the only one who stores food.

Who are squirrel tattoos suitable for?

Diligent, hardworking, optimistic, active people who value family values You should definitely choose a squirrel tattoo. This animal will never trust people and the world. It cannot be caught being stingy and petty; it will never accept help in moving towards its goal. A tattoo with a squirrel is more suitable for short, fragile people, especially girls. But if a person is purposeful, can easily get out of all situations and goes straight to achieving his goal, then he also has the right to choose a squirrel as a tattoo. She will help him achieve what he wants through cunning or harmless deception. Those who are efficient and hardy may also prefer such a tattoo.

A modest and fragile woman with a squirrel on her body will be perceived as a brave and stable guardian of the family and home. With such a tattoo she will be able to keep up with everything even more.

The red fluffy animal - the squirrel - is very popular with the fair sex. Squirrels are agile and fast animals, and also quite smart. In addition, squirrels are quite thrifty animals, and, at the same time, positive and peaceful.


Usually tattoos are associated with the animals that are depicted on them. Squirrel was no exception. IN different cultures There are different attitudes towards proteins. Yes and good quality, such as thriftiness, can be reclassified as stinginess. It’s the same with tattoos: some people perceive the world in bright colors and in a good way, while others perceive it in dark colors. Meaning of a squirrel tattoo:

  • quick mind, creativity, ability to find a way out of any situation;
  • homeliness, greed, selfishness;
  • love of life, joy;
  • positive, goodwill;
  • cunning and dexterity;
  • ingenuity, foresight.

Drawings with this animal on the body look very fresh, unusual and cute. They give to their owner and those who see the tattoo good mood and optimism.

In life, a squirrel is a peaceful animal that does not conflict with other forest inhabitants, and also constantly works to obtain food for the winter. Therefore, people who bear such images are often associated with joy and positivity.

The bright color of the squirrel often symbolizes a hot and passionate flame. And in Japan, drawing is associated with creative thinking, luck, fertility and wealth.

But in Slavic mythology the squirrel, on the contrary, is associated with thunder and lightning because of its speed, and therefore symbolizes war and misfortune. Later, the squirrel began to symbolize the connection with evil spirits, water, goblins and brownies. She was credited with witchcraft properties, because before you know it, the squirrels are gone.

Which image to choose

Artists often depict squirrels with nuts, emeralds, and tree branches. Therefore, it is better for calm people to opt for such drawings. For those with an explosive, restless temperament, animals depicted in motion - jumping, flying from branch to branch, etc. - are suitable.

When choosing a squirrel tattoo, you need to take into account your character. These cute animals seem a little childish to many, and therefore the owner must have a spontaneous and easy character, but with his own twist.

The meaning of a squirrel tattoo is ambiguous. This animal symbolizes agility, tirelessness and agility. She is so dexterous that at times she seems very cunning. Such a symbol may be preferred by a person who can easily get out of any situation, is purposeful and follows his own path. He achieves the expected result either by harmless deception or by being a little cunning.

The red color of fluffy squirrel fur symbolizes fire, sun and light. Also symbolism is associated with lightning and thunder.

Some squirrel tattoo owners use this image to show their endurance and performance. Such a symbol will perfectly adorn a fragile and modest woman, as the custodian of home and family.

Sometimes, the image of a squirrel receives negative responses from the soul. Many people see the symbol’s relationship with greed, selfishness, prudence, and opportunism.

In the past, the Slavs perceived the squirrel as a harbinger of war and misfortune. The Japanese endowed it with the ability to symbolize what is associated with wealth, fertility, creativity, creativity. They expected interesting and useful ideas, helping to solve various life situations.

Squirrel tattoos are quite rare. This cute red animal is no match for wolves or foxes, but this actually makes it even more interesting in terms of tattoo art. Today we will explain the meaning of the squirrel tattoo and tell you something interesting about its images and ideas about these animals in different cultures.

Squirrels and folk beliefs

Perhaps the most famous mythological squirrel is the Scandinavian Ratatoskr. She lived on the Yggdrasil tree, adjacent to the solar eagle and the great serpent Nidhogg, constantly watching their battles. By the way, Ratatoskr is partly the cause of this eternal enmity. The fact is that the eagle and the snake are constantly quarreling, because Nidhogg is gnawing on the roots of Yggdrasil, which the eagle does not like at all. But they do not hear each other, since there is a huge distance from the roots to the crown. Therefore, the squirrel plays the role of a postman, conveying messages to them from each other. But here’s the problem: while she runs from the crown to the roots, she forgets part of the message, begins to think it out on her own, and ultimately transmits the information in a distorted form, thereby often fueling the flames of hostility even stronger.

In Celtic mythology, the squirrel was considered the companion of the legendary Queen Medb. Sagas were written about her, and later she was elevated to the rank of deity. The ancient Slavs believed that squirrels took on the appearance of water and brownies, and the devil had his own army of squirrels that followed all his instructions. This animal was also considered a symbol of fertility. For example, in Slovakia, the material from which a screen was made to cover a woman giving birth from prying eyes was decorated with embroidery depicting squirrels. The same importance was attached to it in South America and Japan.

With the advent of Christianity, they began to see only negative features in the image of squirrels. It’s all because of her red fur, because, according to Christians, this color is the flame of hell, therefore, the squirrel is the devil’s minion.

Modern representations

So, what does a squirrel tattoo mean in modern tattoo culture?

  • Cunning and resourcefulness. The dexterity with which a squirrel jumps from a branch evokes precisely such associations for many. A person who chooses such a tattoo easily gets out of even the most difficult situations, gets away with it, even when it seems that everything is lost. He knows how to find the most rational and simple way to solve any problem.
  • Determination. The owner of a squirrel tattoo skillfully overcomes obstacles on the way to his goal. He is so passionate about her that he is ready to come up with the most incredible ways to get around obstacles, he can cheat, but usually these tricks are quite harmless.
  • Extraordinary mind. For many, the red-haired prankster evokes negative associations. This is due to the fact that resourcefulness suggests thoughts of dishonest behavior. Indeed, cunning was not in honor even among the ancients; this trait was attributed mainly to negative characters in myths and legends (remember, for example, the Scandinavian god Loki). However, it is possible that such an attitude is a consequence of banal envy. Only a person endowed with an extraordinary mind can be resourceful, cunning and dexterous, and not everyone is lucky in this sense.
  • Tirelessness. Everyone is familiar with the expression “spinning like a squirrel in a wheel.” The man spares no effort to achieve his goal.
  • Thrift and Foresight. As you know, the squirrel diligently stores up food for the winter, so it is also associated with thriftiness.

Representation in tattoo art

As for the plot of the tattoo, there is more than enough room for imagination. On the Internet you can find a huge variety of sketches and finished works, from which you can draw a couple interesting ideas for your own tattoo. In addition to realistic images, there are truly original stories. You often come across very cute sketches of cartoon squirrels (the squirrel from Ice Age is especially popular) with big, kind eyes. There are very funny works with anthropomorphic squirrels on skateboards, in funny clothes. There are also quite ominous tattoos, for example, a zombie squirrel eating a brain.

A squirrel tattoo, the meaning of which is described below, can look very stylish and original. You will learn from this article how to choose the right design, as well as the meanings that can be put into such a tattoo.

Tattoo meaning

The squirrel is not only a funny animal that inhabits city parks. Sometimes a squirrel can be a very ambiguous symbol. Let's consider the main meanings of a tattoo depicting a squirrel:

  • thriftiness and foresight. Squirrels have become famous for storing food for the winter. If a person thinks a lot about the future, he may well choose this animal as the main motive for his tattoo;
  • a squirrel tattoo, the photo of which is presented below, can symbolize a love for wildlife and a reverent attitude towards the environment;
  • squirrel does not always have an innocent meaning. In everyday life, delirium tremens, otherwise called delirium tremens, is often called squirrel. Therefore, such a tattoo can be done by people who have a humorous attitude towards their dependence on alcohol, or who have gotten rid of alcoholism and rethought their past experiences;
  • squirrel from the work of A.S. Pushkin’s “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” can be applied to the body by people who idolize the “Sun of Russian Poetry.”

Advice! When choosing a tattoo, you should focus on your taste, and not on generally accepted meanings. After all, it is much more important what meaning the owner puts into the tattoo!

Performance styles

The squirrel tattoo, sketches of which are presented in the article, can be done in almost any style. It can be a symbolic old school or a “cartoon” bright and provocative new school. This tattoo, made in a realistic style, looks very interesting.

Recently, graphic style tattoos have become very fashionable. These tattoos are done primarily in black. Various additional elements, for example, quotes, geometric shapes or color spots and stains, will help make the drawing more interesting and lively.

Whatever style you choose, it is important to remember that the result of the work depends on the qualifications and experience of the master. If you prefer a certain style, find an artist whose work is mostly done in the style of your chosen style.

Advice! You should not skimp on choosing a tattoo artist. Good artists know the price of their work and never reduce it. An exception may be situations when the artist wants to make a tattoo according to a specific design: in this case, good discounts can be provided.

A tattoo with a squirrel in a wheel will definitely appeal to people who work hard and prefer to give up rest in order to achieve their goal. Because of its red fur, the squirrel can evoke associations with flames: this idea can be interestingly played with by an experienced tattoo artist. Many people compare a squirrel to lightning. This colorful comparison can also be a great starting point for an original, creative tattoo.

A squirrel tattoo may be suitable for people who are passionate about magical practices and esotericism. This is due to the fact that in ancient times this animal was often credited with the ability to perform witchcraft: a squirrel can literally appear out of nowhere and instantly disappear, which sometimes seems simply incredible.

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