Samples of questionnaires to determine the rating of a preschool teacher among parents. Analytical note based on the results of a survey of parents “Assessment of the activities of a preschool educational institution teacher within the framework of certification Questionnaire for parents the relationship between the teacher and the pupil

Svetlana Kurban
Questionnaire for parents “Assessment of teacher performance as part of certification”

Questionnaire for parents

« Evaluation of teacher performance as part of certification»

Dear parents!

IN as part of the certification of a group teacher which your child attends, we ask you to provide comprehensive assessment of his teaching activities by answering questions questionnaires.

The questionnaire is anonymous. The obtained data will be used in aggregate form.

1. Do you think that the teacher uses authority:

in children: Not really DON'T KNOW:

at parents of pupils: Yes NO I DON’T KNOW.

2. Are you sure that your child likes to attend the group in which this teacher works? Yes NO I DON'T KNOW.

3. Your child talks about life at home. groups: games, activities conducted by the teacher? Yes NO I DON'T KNOW.

4. You notice changes in the child’s development during your stay in kindergarten?


5. Are you satisfied with the teacher’s communication style with your child?


6. From whom do you receive information about goals, objectives, activities of preschool educational institutions?

From the group teachers:

From others parents:

From visual information.

7. Does the teacher discuss with you issues related to the child’s stay in the preschool?

8. Do you have the opportunity to be present in the group, take part in conducting educational activities, etc. Yes NO.

9. Are you satisfied with the care, education and training that your child receives in the group?


Questionnaire “Evaluation of the activities of a kindergarten teacher”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, “Kindergarten No. 23 “Golden Cockerel” of compensatory and general developmental orientation”
Dear parents(legal representatives)!
To compile analytical report to evaluate the performance of teacher Irina Vyacheslavovna Makarova during the certification period, we offer you answer the following questions:
1. In what mood does your child go to kindergarten during the teacher’s shift?
A) Always with pleasure
B) Sometimes he wants to, sometimes he doesn’t
C) Most often he doesn’t want to

A) Yes
B) No
B) I find it difficult to answer

A) Yes
B) No
B) I find it difficult to answer

A) Yes
B) No

A) Yes
B) No
6. Does the teacher organize work to educate parents in matters of child upbringing and development? (consultations, conversations, parent meetings, clubs, master classes)
A) Yes
B) No

A) Very often
B) Sometimes
B) Rarely
D) Never
8. Does the teacher complain to you about your child?
A) Yes
B) No
A) Tells you and expects you to handle it yourself
B) Discusses the problem with you and looks for a solution
B) Scolds the child
9. How do you evaluate the work of the teacher in the development of your child (give a rating from 0 to 5 - the highest score)
A) – 1,
B) – 2,
AT 3,
D) – 4,
D) - 5
10. Your wishes to the teacher: ________________________________________
Thank you for participating!

Analytical note based on the results of a parent survey “Assessment of a teacher’s activities within the framework of certification”
Target– to identify the degree of satisfaction of parents with the work of the group teacher.
Group roster: 15 children.
During the survey period, the kindergarten was attended by: 15 children, which is 100% of the total number of pupils in the group.
15 parents took part in the survey.

Parents were asked to evaluate the teacher according to 10 proposed parameters with answers. The results of the survey are shown in Table No. 1.
Table No. 1
No. Parameters Answers
Always with pleasure Sometimes he wants, sometimes he doesn’t Most often he doesn’t want
1 In what mood does your child go to kindergarten during the teacher’s shift? 13 (86.7%) 2 (13.3%) -
Options Responses
Yes No Difficult to answer
2. Does your child talk at home about the life of the group: games, activities taught by the teacher?
13 (86,7%) 2 (13,3%) -
3. Are you satisfied with the teacher’s communication style with your child?
15 (100%) - -
4. Is the teacher friendly in communicating with parents, is he attentive to your statements?
15 (100%) - -
Options Responses
Not really
5. Does the teacher discuss with you issues related to the child’s stay in the preschool?
15 (100%) -
6. Does the teacher organize work to educate parents in matters of child upbringing and development?
15 (100%) -
7. The teacher is interested in how much his work satisfies the parents?
8 (53,3%) 7 (46,7%)
Options Responses
Very often Sometimes Rarely Never
8 Does the teacher complain to you about your child? 3 (20%) 12 (80%)
Options Responses
Informs you and expects you to handle it yourself Discusses the problem with you and looks for a solution Scolds the child
15 (100%) -
10 How do you evaluate the work of the teacher in the development of your child (give a rating from 0 to 5 - the highest score) 0 1 2 3 4 5
- - - - 1 (6,7%) 14 (93,3%)

From the above survey results, parents (legal representatives) of pupils are satisfied with the work of the teacher:
The teacher is attentive to children, friendly in communication with parents, actively interacts with them on issues of upbringing and development of children, and is interested in the requests of parents in terms of education, supervision and care. The events that the teacher conducts with the students are bright and memorable. 92% of parents gave a high rating to the work of the teacher.
At the end of the questionnaire, parents were given the opportunity to express their wishes to the teacher in his future work. Wishes were left by 7 parents who wished them success in work, career growth, patience and health.
February 5, 2018.
Teacher-psychologist MBDOU No. 23 “Golden Cockerel”____________Voropaeva T.V.

Popova Elena Ivanovna
Certificate based on the results of a survey of parents of children junior group on teacher job satisfaction

The goal is to identify the degree

Dates: April 2014

IN 15 parents took part in the survey. The survey showed:

that 100% parents are satisfied quality of the organization educational

100% parents claim what their child is with pleasure attends kindergarten and parents, namely 100%, .

93% parents were noted children in a group.

By that everyone parents, actively interacts with , recognize that

work with

satisfies 97,6 % parents .

Final (consolidated) sheet (their legal representatives)

Question questionnaires Number of responses received "Yes"


Number of responses received "I'm at a loss"% positive reviews

WITH pleasure Does your child attend kindergarten?

Satisfied Are you the quality of the organization educational-educational process?

a) catering

b) activities with children 15

c) taking walks

d) the child’s relationship with teachers 15

e) your relationship with teachers

Are you calm are you working when is your child in kindergarten?

Are you regularly informed about how your child is doing in kindergarten?

Is the visual information about life timely and sufficient for you? children and your child in the group?

Do you have the opportunity to receive specific advice or recommendations on development issues? raising your child?

Are you satisfied with the operating hours of the kindergarten??

Do you cooperate with a kindergarten?

Popova Elena Ivanovna parents middle group

The goal is to identify the degree parents' satisfaction with the teacher's work Popova Elena Ivanovna middle groups to the child's needs.

Diagnostic techniques: survey

Dates: April 2015

Parents it was proposed to evaluate the teacher according to the proposed parameters answers: "Yes", "No", "Don't know":



3. Are you attentive?

4. Is he friendly?

5. Does it organize?

6. Do you think educational work, carried out teacher, positive (progressive) influences the development and raising your child?

7. Do you think your group teacher has a high rating among other teachers?

Analysis by survey results

No. Parameters Answers

"Yes" No" "Don't know" 1. Are you satisfied with the relationship your child currently has with teacher? 20/100% - - 2. Are you satisfied with your relationship with teacher? 18 -2/8.7% 3. Are you attentive? teacher for children and parents? 18/91.3% -2/8.7% 4. Is he friendly? teacher communicating with parents? 20/100% - -

5. Does it organize educator works to educate parents in matters of child upbringing and development? 20/100% - -

6. Do you think educational work, carried out teacher, positive (progressive) influences the development and raising your child? 20/100% - -

7. Do you think your group teacher has a high rating among other teachers? 18/91.3% - 2/8.7% By results of the survey, parents are satisfied with the work of the teacher Popova Elena Ivanovna: the teacher is attentive to children, friendly in communication with parents(100%, actively interact with parents on issues of child upbringing and development(100% admit that educational work conducted by a teacher, develops the child comprehensively and harmoniously. Most of parents, believe that the teacher has a high rating among kindergarten teachers (91,3%) .

Questionnaire for parents

"Teacher's assessment parents of children»

"Yes", "No", "Don't know":

No. Parameters Answers

"Yes" "No" "Don't know"

1 Are you satisfied with the relationship your child currently has with teacher?

2. Are you satisfied with your relationship with teacher?

3. Is he attentive? teacher for children and parents?

4. Is he friendly? teacher communicating with parents?

5. Does it organize educator works to educate parents in matters of child upbringing and development?

6. Do you think educational work, carried out teacher, positive (progressive) influences the development and raising your child?

7. Do you think your group teacher has a high rating among other teachers? Thank you for participating!

Certificate on the results of assessing teacher job satisfaction Popova Elena Ivanovna parents of the older group

To study opinions parents about work preschool educational institution was held survey.

The survey results showed, What Parents' satisfaction was 100%, A exactly:

To the question “Your child goes to kindergarten with pleasure» , All parents gave a positive answer.

When asked about relationships with teachers and staff of preschool educational institutions, 100% parents gave a positive answer.

To the third question about the relationship between children in group, All parents gave a positive answer, because they satisfied with children's relationships.

To the question “Is the subject-development environment sufficiently created in kindergarten” 100% parents gave a positive answer, they satisfied environment in kindergarten.

When asked about the quality of food 100% parents gave a positive answer, they are satisfied with the kindergarten menu.

To the sixth question about health-saving technologies, 100% parents are considered that they are given sufficient attention in preschool educational institutions.

To the question “ Are you satisfied with education and training?(development of abilities) your child", 100% parents gave a positive answer.

To the question “Are you satisfied with the forms? kindergarten work with parents?",100% parents answered that you are satisfied with the forms work.

When asked about the quality of educational services in the preschool educational institution (activities of the kindergarten in general, all parents(100%) gave a positive answer.

Thus, the level and content of educational work with

children in preschool in general satisfies 100% of parents, which is high the effectiveness of the work of the teacher and the team.

Questionnaire“Assessment of the activities of a kindergarten teacher”

Dear parents(legal representatives!

To compile an analytical certificates on performance assessment teacher Popova Elena Ivanovna during the certification period we invite you to respond to the proposed questions:

1. In what mood does your child go to kindergarten during his shift? teacher?

A) Always with pleasure

B) Sometimes he wants to, sometimes he doesn’t

C) Most often he doesn’t want to

groups teacher?

B) I find it difficult to answer

teacher with your child?

B) I find it difficult to answer

4. Is he friendly? teacher communicating with parents

5. Educator

6. Does it organize educator works to educate parents in matters of child upbringing and development? (consultations, conversations, parent meetings, clubs, master classes)

7. The teacher is interested how much of it?

A) Very often

B) Sometimes

D) Never

8. Does he complain to you?


A) Tells you and expects you to be yourself you can handle it

B) Discusses the problem with you and looks for a solution

B) Scolds the child

9. How do you evaluate work? teacher in your child's development

10. Your wishes to the teacher:___

Thank you for participating!

Certificate based on the results of a survey of the teacher’s activities Popova Elena Ivanovna parents of children preparatory group The goal is to identify the degree parents' satisfaction with the work of the group teacher.

Payroll groups: 17 children.

During surveys kindergarten visited:17 children, which is 100% of the total group pupils.

IN 17 parents took part in the survey.

Parents It was proposed to evaluate the teacher according to 10 proposed parameters with answers. Survey results are given in table No. 1.

Table No. 1

No. Parameters Answers

Always with with pleasure Sometimes he wants, sometimes not Most often he doesn’t want to

1 In what mood does your child go to kindergarten during his shift? teacher? 15 (86,7%) 2 (13,3%) -

Options Responses

Yes No Difficult to answer

2. Your child talks about life at home. groups: games, activities conducted teacher?

15 (86,7%) 2 (13,3%) -

3. You are satisfied with the communication style teacher with your child?

17 (100%) - -

4. Is he friendly? teacher communicating with parents, is he attentive to your statements?

17 (100%) - -

Options Responses

5. Educator discusses with you issues related to the child’s stay in a preschool educational institution?

17 (100%) -

6. Does it organize educator works to educate parents in matters of child upbringing and development?

17 (100%) -

7. The teacher is interested as far as it goes work satisfies parents?

9 (53,3%) 8 (46,7%)

Options Responses

Very often Sometimes Rarely Never

8 Does anyone complain to you? teacher for your child? 3 (20%) 14 (80%)

Options Responses

Tells you and expects you to be yourself you can handle it Discusses the problem with you and looks for a solution Scolds the child

17 (100%) -

10 How do you evaluate work? teacher in your child's development (rate from 0 to 5 - the highest score) 0 1 2 3 4 5

1 (6,7%) 16 (93,3%)

From the above parents' survey results(legal representatives) pupils are satisfied with the work of the teacher:

The teacher is attentive to children, friendly in communication with parents, actively interact with them on issues education and development of children, interested in requests parents in terms of education, supervision and care. Activities that the teacher conducts with pupils bright and memorable. Highly appreciated 92% of parents were satisfied with the teacher's work.

At the end questionnaires for parents was given the opportunity to express their wishes to the teacher in his future work. 7 wishes left parents who wished success in work, career growth, patience and health.

April 2016.

Certificate based on the results of a survey of the activities of the teacher Popova E. AND. parents of children of younger age groups

The goal is to identify the degree parents' satisfaction with the teacher's work Popova Elena Ivanovna to the needs of the child.

Dates: April 2018

IN 20 parents took part in the survey. The survey showed:

that 100% parents are satisfied quality of the organization educational-educational process and nutrition of preschool educational institutions.

100% parents claim what their child is with pleasure attends kindergarten and parents are calm while working for the child's stay in kindergarten. Same high percentage parents, namely 100%, satisfied with the operating mode of the preschool educational institution.

90% parents were noted that kindergarten staff offer timely, visual information about life children in a group.

By The results of the parent survey can be concluded that everyone parents are satisfied with the activities of the teacher. The teacher is attentive to children, friendly in communication with parents, actively interacts with parents on issues of child upbringing and development, admit that educational work conducted by a teacher, develops the child comprehensively and harmoniously.

Thus, the level and content of educational work with

children in preschool in general satisfies 97% of parents, which is high the effectiveness of the work of the teacher and the team.

Final (consolidated) sheet satisfaction questionnaires for parents of pupils(their legal representatives) the work of the teacher Popova E. AND.

Question questionnaires

Number of responses received

Number of responses received



“I find it difficult to answer”

% positive reviews

1. Are you satisfied that your child attends this particular kindergarten group?

2. Does your child like going to school? group?

3. Does it provide teacher of your group quality education for your child? 20

4. Does it help work of your group teacher formation of moral values ​​of the child?

5. Do you think that in your group conditions are created for emotional and psychological comfort children? 20

6. Do you have the opportunity to participate in the management of your groups, make suggestions for improving educational activities and defend the interests of your child? 20

7. Do you think that in your work in a group qualified teachers?

8. Does educational activity contribute to your group comprehensive development of the child’s personality and socialization?

9. You are satisfied with the communication style teacher with your child?

10. Satisfies whether you have the material and technical equipment of your groups?

11. Do you think that information about your activities groups are open, accessible, timely for parents?

12 Are you sure that the teacher will come to the aid of your child?

13. Are you willing go to Parent meeting groups?

Dear parents!

Your instructor physical culture

Many thanks for the help!

1. Does your child willingly attend physical education classes?

Yes / sometimes / no

2. Does the physical education instructor conduct open events?

Yes /sometimes/ no

3. Does the physical education instructor speak at parent-teacher meetings?


4. Are sports events organized at the preschool educational institution with the involvement of parents?

Yes /sometimes/ no

Yes /sometimes/ no

6. Does the physical education instructor carry out propaganda work? healthy image life?


7. Do you see a professional in a physical education instructor?

Yes /sometimes/ no

8. Do you see an increase in the child’s interest in physical education?

Yes /sometimes/ no

Dear parents!

Your musical director this year he is improving his professional level and is certified to the highest qualification category.

We ask you to fill out a questionnaire, the answers to which will allow the certification commission to obtain more complete information about the work of the teacher.

The questionnaire is anonymous. We will be grateful if you fill it out.

Many thanks for the help!

1. Does your child willingly attend music development classes?


2. Does the music director host public events?

Yes /sometimes/ no

3. Does the music director speak at parent-teacher conferences?


4. Are preschool educational institutions organized? musical holidays, activities involving parents?

Yes /sometimes/ no

Yes /sometimes/ no

6. Do you see in music director professional?

Yes /sometimes/ no

7. Do you see an increase in the child’s interest in musical and creative activities?

Yes /sometimes/ no

Treatment. For each answer a-2 points, b-1 point, c-0 points

Dear parents!

Your teacher this year he is improving his professional level and is certified to the highest qualification category.

We ask you to fill out a questionnaire, the answers to which will allow the certification commission to obtain more complete information about the work of the teacher.

The questionnaire is anonymous. We will be grateful if you fill it out.

Many thanks for the help!

1.What was your impression of the first meeting-conversation with the teacher?

a) you are satisfied b) raised doubts c) dissatisfied

2. Do you receive complete information about your child from the teacher?

3. Does the teacher see the individual characteristics of your child?

a) yes b) not all c) no

4. Do you discuss with your teacher the issues of creating a developmental environment at home (a favorable environment for the upbringing and development of a child)?

a) yes b) sometimes c) no

5. Are you able to periodically discuss current issues of development, upbringing and education of the child with the teacher?

a) yes b) rarely c) no

6. Do you see the teacher as a professional in preschool education?

a) yes b) not always c) no

7. Do you and the teacher discuss the nature of your relationship with your child?

a) yes b) sometimes c) no

8. Do you think that the teacher sees well and controls the dynamics of your child’s development?

a) yes b) not really c) no

9. Is it easy for you to communicate with the teacher?

a) yes b) sometimes c) no

10. Do you see real changes in the child after the ongoing development and education activities?

a) yes b) not really c) no

a) positive b) different c) negative

Treatment. For each answer a-2 points, b-1 point, c-0 points

Dear parents!

Your teacher speech therapist this year he is improving his professional level and is certified to the highest qualification category.

We ask you to fill out a questionnaire, the answers to which will allow the certification commission to obtain more complete information about the work of the teacher.

The questionnaire is anonymous. We will be grateful if you fill it out.

Many thanks for the help!

1. Do you receive complete information about your child from the speech therapist?

a) I receive b) not complete c) I do not receive

2. Does the speech therapist see the individual characteristics of your child?

a) yes b) not all c) no

3. Do you discuss with your speech therapist the issues of creating a developmental environment (a favorable environment for the upbringing and development of a child) at home?

a) yes b) sometimes c) no

4. Are you able to periodically discuss current issues of development, upbringing and education of a child with a speech therapist?

a) yes b) rarely c) no

5. Do you see a professional in a speech therapist teacher?

a) yes b) not always c) no

6. Do you think that the speech therapist sees and controls the dynamics of your child’s speech development well?

a) yes b) not really c) no

7. Is it easy for you to communicate with your speech therapist?

a) yes b) sometimes c) no

8. Do you see real changes in the child after the speech correction measures taken?

a) yes b) not really c) no

Treatment. For each answer a-2 points, b-1 point, c-0 points

Dear parents!

Your educational psychologist this year he is improving his professional level and is certified to the highest qualification category.

We ask you to fill out a questionnaire, the answers to which will allow the certification commission to obtain more complete information about the work of the teacher.

The questionnaire is anonymous. We will be grateful if you fill it out.

Many thanks for the help!

1.Does an educational psychologist provide you with advisory assistance in raising a child?

a) yes b) sometimes c) no

2. Does the psychologist see the individual characteristics of your child?

a) yes b) not all c) no

a) yes b) sometimes c) no

4. Do you see a professional in an educational psychologist?

a) yes b) not always c) no

5. Does the educational psychologist introduce you to the age characteristics of children?

a) yes b) not really c) no

6.Does the educational psychologist speak at parent-teacher meetings?

a) yes b) sometimes c) no

7. In your opinion, does an educational psychologist influence the creation of a comfortable microclimate in the group?

a) yes b) not really c) no

8. Is it easy for you to communicate with an educational psychologist?

a) yes b) sometimes c) no

9. Do you manage to periodically discuss current issues of child development and upbringing with an educational psychologist?

a) yes b) not really c) no

10.Is it carried out in preschool work on children’s adaptation to kindergarten conditions and readiness for school?

a) yes b) sometimes c) no

Treatment. For each answer a-2 points, b-1 point, c-0 points

Questionnaire for parents “Our teacher”

Dear parents!

The kindergarten team is interested in knowing how your child feels in a peer group, what are his interests, desires, and relationships with the teacher? What did he learn from the lessons during the year?

We are also interested in knowing your wishes for the teacher in his future work, possible forms of cooperation between your family and preschool, Your answers and wishes will be used to improve pedagogical work in the group, to create psychological security for each child.

This will be possible only in that case. If your answers are sincere and thoughtful (all points of the questionnaire are completed). The survey is conducted anonymously, which eliminates pressure from the teacher on children and parents.

Thank you for your cooperation!

1. What mood does your child have when going to kindergarten?(put “+” in the correct cell)

FULL NAME. teacher1.

A. Always with pleasure

b. Sometimes he wants to, sometimes he doesn't

V. Most often he doesn’t want to

d. Usually cries

2. Does the teacher complain to you about your child?

FULL NAME. teacher

Very oftenSometimes Rarely Never

3. What is the most common complaint? What does the teacher do?(put what you need in the box)

FULL NAME. teacher

a) Sleeps poorly b) Eats poorly c) Fights d) Does not obey the teacher

e) Doesn't sit quietly in class f) Runs around a lot and makes noise g) What else?

A. Scolds the child

B. Tells you about it and expects you to handle it yourself

B. Discusses the problem with you and looks for a solution

4. ODoes your child quarrel with the teacher?(place the “+” sign in the required cell)

FULL NAME. teacherVery oftenSometimes Rarely Never1.

5. What are your child’s grievances?(place the “+” sign in the required cell)

The teacher doesn't let me run

Makes you finish everything

Makes you sleepy

Doesn't let you play with the toys you want

Talks rudely to children

Puts you in a corner and punishes you

Does not delve into children's conflicts

6. FDoes your child complain to his friends in the group?

Always complaining

Very rarely

7. What is the child complaining about?(check)

Children beat him

They don’t give toys, they take them away

They are very noisy and give me a headache

Nobody wants to play with him or be friends with him

Don't accept to play

8. RDoes your child talk about classes in kindergarten?(place the “+” sign in the required cell)

Talks almost every day

Sometimes he tells

Never tells

9. R Tell us how your child applies the knowledge gained in class to independent activity at home, in games with peers

Knowledge gained in mathematics (write) _____________________

Knowledge gained in physical education ________________________________

Knowledge gained in modeling, design, appliqué _________

Knowledge gained on speech development ___________________________________

Knowledge and skills in other types of activities ____________________

10. How do you evaluate the work of the teacher in the development of your child? (rate from 1 to 5 the highest score)

FULL NAME. teacher1 point 2 points3 points4 points 5 points1.

11. What would you like to wish for a teacher in his future work?

Pay more attention to each child

Pay more attention to creating a friendly atmosphere in the group

The teacher and assistant teacher should act more coordinated

To delve more into the relationships of children, be able to analyze them, constructively solve problems of the children's team

The most a large number of allocate time health work, hardening

Tell parents in the group about their child’s life in the group, his problems

Give parenting advice

Don't break your walking routine

Pay more attention to mathematics, reading, native language, speech development, physical education (underline as necessary)

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