Green protein in a chicken egg is the reason. Why do chickens lay eggs with green yolks Why do eggs have yellow whites

The health of the chicken can be determined by the color of the egg yolk - it can be more or less intense yellow in color. But sometimes it happens that chickens begin to lay eggs with green yolks. Is this a deviation from the norm, is it possible to eat such products and what needs to be done to eliminate this problem - the answers to these questions in our article will be useful not only for poultry houses, but also for housewives who are faced with the task of choosing quality products.

What determines the color of the yolk

The color of an egg yolk depends on several factors, including:

  1. Conditions for keeping poultry. If a chicken is kept in a household, roams freely and, in addition to eating grain, has the opportunity to row and find various bugs and worms in the ground, then the yolks of the eggs she lays will be a richer yellow-orange color. But when the standards for keeping birds are violated, in which they are indoors 24 hours a day, do not have the opportunity to move well and do not receive enough ultraviolet radiation, then the yolks of the eggs of such chickens will have a pale yellow color.
  2. Seasonality. Sometimes the color of the yolks depends on seasonal changes: in winter it may be paler due to less fresh plant food and insufficient ultraviolet radiation.
  3. Feed composition. If the chicken’s body sufficiently receives all nutrients and vitamins, the yolks in the eggs will be colored more saturated.

Important! Eggs with bright orange yolks are in high demand among the population, so unscrupulous manufacturers add artificial pigments to the feed of laying hens, which can have a detrimental effect on the health of consumers. Therefore, if the yolks of purchased eggs are unnaturally bright in color, it is better to refrain from purchasing them.

Video: chicken yolk colors

What color should egg yolks be?

High-quality eggs from healthy layers can have yolks of different shades of yellow, as this depends on the amount of carotenoids in the food. These antioxidants contribute to the formation of vitamin A, which makes these products valuable for our body.

Carotenoids are included in the following components of combined feeds:

  • yellow;
  • fruits;
  • red paprika;
  • green grass or substitutes (alfalfa grass meal).

Also, dark yolks indicate the content of fatty acids (Omega-3) and xanthophylls. If only grain predominates in the bird’s diet, then the egg yolks will be pale and have less nutritional value. Consequently, the better and better the bird’s nutrition, the richer the color of the egg yolks, and the more valuable substances they contain.

Is it possible to eat eggs with green yolks?

If you find that your chickens have begun to lay eggs with green contents, or you purchased such eggs in a store, then it is best to refrain from eating these products.

Did you know? If you cook scrambled eggs from one ostrich egg, it will have the same volume as scrambled eggs from 25 chicken eggs.

What to do if chickens start laying eggs with green yolks

First, you need to monitor whether all chickens began to produce eggs with this pathology or only certain individuals. Then it is advisable to give such eggs for research.
To get an accurate conclusion about the causes of this phenomenon, it is best to contact a veterinary and sanitary examination laboratory.

Reasons for rejection

Staining the yolks green may indicate the following factors:

  1. Chickens are given food with green coloring pigments.
  2. Viral diseases of chickens.
  3. Old age of laying hens.
  4. Failure to comply with egg storage conditions or damage to their shells, which allows harmful substances to get inside.
  5. Infection of eggs by putrefactive aerobic bacilli.

In the latter case, green rot occurs in the product, which is caused by various groups of Pseudomonas bacteria. Typically, such bacteria are found in traces of chicken droppings left on the egg shell.
With increased humidity from the surface of the shell, putrefactive bacilli easily penetrate inside the egg and begin to multiply quickly there, releasing greenish substances. Also, a green color may appear due to the development of Staph aureus bacilli inside.

How to bring the yolk back to normal

  1. If it is determined that the cause of the unnatural color of the yolk was a diet that contains green color pigments, then it is advisable to review the brood hens’ diet and exclude such foods.
  2. At viral diseases and other ailments, it is necessary to consult a veterinary specialist who will determine which virus the birds have suffered from and prescribe them a course of a suitable antibiotic.
  3. If the cause of the green yolk is the age of the hen, then this problem can be eliminated by routinely replacing old individuals with younger ones.
  4. It is important to observe the terms and conditions for storing the product: in a dark, dry, cool place, at a constant temperature from 0 to +20°C, avoiding sudden temperature changes. Shelf life - 25 days.

Prevention of diseases affecting the color of the yolk

Here are some preventive measures to prevent the pathology in question in hens:

  1. Vaccination. If there is a threat of spread viral diseases It is important to vaccinate birds regularly with a live attenuated vaccine, after which the vaccinated chickens will have active immunity.
  2. Strict sanitation. To avoid viral diseases of hens, to prevent contamination of eggs with putrefactive bacteria and microorganisms, as well as their spread inside the chicken coop, you must strictly adhere to the rules for collecting eggs, preserving them and the sanitary and hygienic requirements provided for during preparation.
  3. Correct conditions of detention. Large numbers of birds should not be allowed to be kept in a small area. The room where chickens are kept should be spacious enough and with good ventilation.
  4. Timely disposal of dead animals. Dead birds should be burned or buried deeply, sprinkled with quicklime.

Did you know? In the USA, in 1910, a record was set for eating boiled eggs: a man ate 144 of them at one time. To date, no one has managed to break this record, although attempts have been made several times.

It is also important to remember that when keeping poultry, it is necessary to observe strict sanitary standards and feeding regimens, provide high-quality feed in order to exclude any anomalies and pathologies: both in pets and in the eggs they produce.

11. Is it possible to eat eggs with green yolks?

Yes, these eggs are quite edible. A greenish color on the yolk shell does not affect the taste of the egg and does not mean that it is spoiled. However, overcooked eggs have poor protein quality, so don't cook them for more than 10 minutes. To avoid green yolks, use fresher eggs and refrigerate them immediately after boiling.

12. Why do chicken eggs have blood stains?

Sometimes small spots of blood can be seen in the eggs. They appear because the laying hen's blood vessels burst and blood gets onto the yolk during separation from the ovary. Blood stains are more common in brown eggs. These blood inclusions should not be confused with an embryo. It happens that eggs have a blood ring on the yolk. This means that the embryo began to develop in the egg and the circulatory system of the chicken was formed (if the egg was stored at high temperature), but the embryo died on early stage development.

13. Is it possible to eat eggs with blood stains?

Yes, such eggs are quite suitable for consumption. Droplets of blood in an egg do not pose a health threat and do not affect the taste in any way. But red spots on the surface of the yolk look unappetizing, so before cooking it is better to remove them with the tip of a knife. However, eggs with a blood ring, in which an embryo has already begun to form, cannot be consumed in any form.

14. Which country consumes the most eggs?

Mexico ranks first in the world in per capita egg consumption. According to Mexican experts, each resident of the country eats 21.9 kg of eggs per year, which is an average of one and a half eggs per day. Mexicans eat more eggs every day than any other country. Previously, Japan was considered the world leader in egg consumption per capita. Each resident of this country consumes 320 eggs annually, that is, approximately one egg per day.

15. Why does the yolk stay in one position in the middle of the egg?

The white of a chicken egg consists of three layers: the outer and inner - liquid, and the middle - more dense. The white around the yolk is denser than under the shell. In this layer, which is located around the yolk, elastic twisted cords are formed on both sides of the yolk between the blunt and sharp ends of the egg. It is these protein cords, the so-called hailstones or chalazae (Chalazae), that hold the yolk in the center of the egg, but do not prevent it from turning around its axis. Chalazas are formed from dense protein; they can be seen on an egg poured into a saucer. Their ends float freely in the egg white - the curl on the blunt side of the egg floats in the surrounding layer of more liquid protein, and the curl on the sharp side of the egg penetrates the denser middle layer of protein.

16. Why is white sometimes opaque?

The cloudy white color of the protein is due to the presence large quantity carbon dioxide CO2 in the egg. Cloudy whites are a sign of egg freshness because carbon dioxide I haven’t had time to get out of it yet. In old eggs, this element evaporates through the pores of the shell.

17. What are the yellow and greenish crystals found in egg yolk?

This is riboflavin (lactoflavin or vitamin B2) - one of the most important vitamins. Riboflavin is yellow crystals that are poorly soluble in water. Egg yolk is one of the food sources of riboflavin. 100 grams of eggs contain 0.3-0.8 mg of riboflavin (vitamin B2).

18. Is it possible to eat raw eggs?

No, raw eggs should not be consumed, much less given to children. They can contain pathogens of many diseases, for example, salmonella bacteria, which cause food poisoning in humans, and sometimes severe forms of salmonellosis with complications. Raw or undercooked eggs, as well as dishes containing them (homemade mayonnaise, pudding, some sauces and creams, egg cocktails) are potential sources of infections. Eating soft-boiled eggs or undercooked fried eggs with a runny yolk can lead to unpleasant consequences. But hard-boiled eggs, scrambled eggs or well-fried eggs will not cause salmonellosis or food poisoning. Bacteria can be found both on the shell and inside the egg, so it is important to cook it correctly. Heat treatment kills germs. It should be noted that every year in large countries more than 400,000 people become victims of egg poisoning, of which about 200 cases are fatal. In addition, raw eggs do not bring benefits to the body, as they are digested much worse than boiled ones.

19. What is egg food poisoning and what are its causes?

20. What are the signs of egg food poisoning?

The main symptoms of food poisoning are abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, unpleasant taste in the mouth, headache and dizziness, often fever, severe weakness, and in severe cases, loss of consciousness. In case of acute poisoning, after 1-2 hours the temperature rises, severe vomiting and loose stools, dizziness and weakness appear, the pulse increases greatly, the skin of the face turns white, the color of the lips changes, and with botulism, suffocation and respiratory arrest may occur. Therefore, if such symptoms appear, you should immediately call an ambulance.

In chapter Other culinary to the question At the end of cooking, I added an egg, and the white turned out to be greenish and liquid, but did not stink. Is this possible? given by the author Joni Joni the best answer is For the future, break eggs over a glass, and not over the dish being prepared; if you come across a spoiled one, then at least your efforts will not be in vain.
I would throw away the spoiled stuff. Your health is more valuable.

Answer from Yoidit? He's a Monument![guru]
I don’t recommend it. This dish is worth nothing compared to health and especially life. Don’t waste your time!

Answer from Natali[active]
When putrefactive bacteria, mold fungi, actinomycetes and other microorganisms multiply in an egg, under the influence of the enzymes they secrete, the components of the egg (white, yolk) decompose with the formation of specific breakdown products of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, lecithin, i.e., its spoilage occurs. Depending on which component of the egg (white or yolk) microorganisms multiply, their biochemical activity and other physiological characteristics changes in the contents of the egg are varied. Thus, when aerobic putrefactive bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas and Staphylococcus aureus multiply, the protein becomes gray, cloudy and liquefied, then the white and yolk acquire a greenish tint, turning into a dark green color (green rot). As a result of the proliferation of aerobic putrefactive bacilli, the yolk becomes light yellow in color.

In the section on the question At the end of cooking, I added an egg, and the white turned out to be greenish and runny, but it did not stink. Is this possible? given by the author Joni Joni the best answer is For the future, break eggs over a glass, and not over the dish being prepared; if you come across a spoiled one, then at least your efforts will not be in vain.
I would throw away the spoiled stuff. Your health is more valuable.

Answer from Yoidit? He's a Monument![guru]
I don’t recommend it. This dish is worth nothing compared to health and especially life. Don’t waste your time!

Answer from Natali[active]
When putrefactive bacteria, mold fungi, actinomycetes and other microorganisms multiply in an egg, under the influence of the enzymes they secrete, the components of the egg (white, yolk) decompose with the formation of specific breakdown products of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, lecithin, i.e., its spoilage occurs. Depending on which component of the egg (white or yolk) microorganisms multiply, their biochemical activity and other physiological characteristics, changes in the contents of the egg vary. Thus, when aerobic putrefactive bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas and Staphylococcus aureus multiply, the protein becomes gray, cloudy and liquefied, then the white and yolk acquire a greenish tint, turning into a dark green color (green rot). As a result of the proliferation of aerobic putrefactive bacilli, the yolk becomes light yellow in color.

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