DIY starfish craft. Starfish made from pine cones

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The starfish is a unique aquatic creature. It’s difficult to say that this animal is, because it doesn’t look like representatives of the fauna we are used to, but it is, naturally, not a plant. In general, we will assume that the starfish is a unique miracle of nature. And sculpting it from plasticine is very interesting. What is the best color of plasticine for this? Young sculptors will immediately ask about this. But no one forbids using any shades, those that are available. When starting to sculpt, you can even stock up on beads or some kind of grain to show the tentacles of the starfish, but plasticine will also work.

Other lessons on the underwater world:

Step-by-step photo lesson:

In this work, two colors were used to sculpt a starfish - blue and lilac. You also need a toothpick or skewer with a sharp end.

Knead the basic plasticine in your hands, create a rounded part.

Pressing the ball from above with your fingers, press it against the board and deform it. You should get a cone. At the base of the cone, make notches along the entire circumference using a stack. Five segments need to be prepared.

Extend each segment into a pointed tab. Form a star.

Stick lighter dots on each process, gradually reducing their size.

Using the tip of a toothpick, pierce each dot.

Make tentacles over the entire surface of the craft.

Use the sharp end of a toothpick to make dots on the soft plasticine to show the porous structure of the starfish's body.

This is such an easy-to-make plasticine starfish craft. To imitate tentacles, you can use beads or millet.

If you are preparing a theatrical performance on the theme of marine life, throwing a beach party or carnival, then you will need costumes.

In this article, the News Portal “site” has prepared a small selection of master classes on making simple but original carnival costumes for children, which you can make with your own hands from scrap materials.

Jellyfish Costume: DIY Jellyfish Costume

Are you planning to go to the carnival? New Year's party or play the role of a charming jellyfish in a children's play? In this case, there is no way to do without a jellyfish costume.

We will make a jellyfish costume with our own hands, because it is so easy to make from scrap materials.

To make your own jellyfish costume you will need

Necessary materials:

- umbrella;

- a small piece of fabric;

- multi-colored ribbons.


Open the umbrella and baste several ribbons to each knitting needle. Ask your child to hold the umbrella while making the costume so you know exactly how long to make the ribbons.

Ribbons can be replaced with strips cut from scraps of fabric. One condition is to cut the strip in a circle.

Another option for replacing tapes could be corrugated paper, cut into thin strips. What if this New Year, then you can use shiny tinsel.

Now you need to dress the child in the color of the jellyfish costume you made and you can go to the carnival.

Octopus Costume: DIY Octopus Costume

Do you need a cheerful and funny octopus costume? Then why not make it yourself from scrap materials.

In a ready-made homemade octopus costume, you can play the main and minor roles in a children's play, at a matinee, or just have a themed sea party.

Necessary materials:

- t-shirt;

- paints, colored paper or scraps of black and white;

- rubber;

- foam rubber.


Cut the foam rubber into narrow, long strips. It would not be bad if the foam rubber had color, and not the usual boring colorless one. Secure the foam strips with an elastic band (can be sewn on). You should end up with a kind of skirt.

Now draw the eyes of the octopus on the T-shirt. If you don't want to get your T-shirt dirty, use colored paper or scraps of fabric that can be sewn on after cutting out the eyes of the future octopus.

Starfish Costume: DIY Starfish Costume

You can also make a bright and cheerful carnival starfish costume with your own hands from ordinary cardboard.

Necessary materials:

- a sheet of thick cardboard;

- paints;

- glue;

- foam rubber.


Cut out the shape of a starfish from a sheet of cardboard and make a window for the face in the middle of the piece. Decorate the cardboard star. Glue circles cut out of foam rubber to the rays of the star.

Shell Costume: DIY Shell Costume

A wonderful carnival costume for a little beauty.

Necessary materials:

- a sheet of thick cardboard;

— ribbons or decorative strands;

- paints;

- glue;

- beads;

- white ball;

- hair band.


You need to cut out two parts of the future shell from a sheet of thick cardboard (see photo). Connect them together using ribbons.

Now you need to make fashion accessory. Glue a large white plastic ball to an old hairband (this could be Christmas ball, the main thing is that it is plastic). Decorate your hairband with beautiful beads and ribbons.

Fish costume: DIY fish costume

A fun and easy to make carnival costume.

Necessary materials:

- a sheet of thick cardboard;

- paints:

- plastic balls.


You need to cut out the silhouette of a fish from a sheet of cardboard. In the middle of the workpiece, make a slot for the hand. Decorate the blank. Try to make the future fish as bright as possible.

Now attach a string to any stick, and several balls to it, which will symbolize air bubbles.

Submarine Costume: DIY Submarine Costume

Great option carnival costume for a boy going to a beach party.

Necessary materials:

- a sheet of thick cardboard;

- paints.


Cut out the silhouette of a submarine from a sheet of cardboard. Cut a round hole in the center for the hand. Draw a submarine and decorate it with paints. Complete the suit with a scuba diving set (snorkel and mask).

What star are you thinking about now? Surprisingly, most people are looking on the Internet for a way to make astronomical objects like Sirius out of them. I’ll say right away: I’m done. It’s very difficult for an amateur to identify Sirius even in the sky, let alone in his plasticine incarnation...

So we will sculpt starfish - here it will be much easier to achieve a resemblance.

You and I have already done this, so we have an idea of ​​the structure and shape of these amazing inhabitants of the seabed. Now you can blind it. But we will sculpt not with a decorative bias, but with the main goal of developing children’s hands and eyes.

We will sculpt a five-rayed star; there are starfish with a different number of rays, but five-rayed ones are the most common. I decided that we would sculpt based on templates:

Yes! These are the sizes. If we want to develop hand strength, then the craft must be large.

You can make a starfish either from one piece or assemble it in parts. Let's start with the second method. Take a hefty piece of plasticine:

We divide this piece into five equal parts - this was not easy for me to do, but the children had a great time training their eye by comparing the pieces.

We roll five cones from these pieces:

The wide ends of these cones are quite massive, we flatten them and there is enough plasticine to fill the middle of the star:

Now you need to carefully connect the parts so as to completely mask the seams.

Well, the plasticine star is ready - it is strong, neat and exactly matches the given dimensions. The main goal of the lesson has been achieved.

Now, in the remaining time, you can start decorating. For example, you can make protrusions like real starfish:

Autumn is the time when children enjoy collecting colorful leaves, fancy twigs and fragrant pine cones. How to use this natural material to benefit a child’s development? A simple and effective craft made from pine cones is one of the most common options. Find half an hour of free time and devote it to creativity together with your child - creating a luxurious starfish from pine cones.

For us we will need:

6 unopened pine cones with a pointed nose. 5 of them should be approximately the same size, 1 slightly smaller;
glue gun and glue sticks;
large sharp knife;
acrylic paint scarlet color (cinnabar is suitable) and a hard brush (you can take a glue brush);
a sheet of paper or newspaper to protect the table from glue and paint.

Step 1. We collect the “rays” of the star. Clean the cones from dust and pine needles, cut off their tails. Set the small bump aside for now. Fold from cooked natural material five-pointed star. Carefully apply hot glue to where the barrels of the pine cones touch. Wait for the glue to cool.

Step 2. Filling the middle of the craft. Using a knife, cut the small pine cone in half crosswise.

We will not need the spout, but place the expanded part in the center of the star, thus closing the hole in the middle. Apply hot glue to the star again, securing the middle. Once the glue has cooled, the star is ready to paint!

If the paper or newspaper on which the gluing was made stuck to the cones with reverse side- no problem. Carefully tear it off, and the traces of the newspaper will then be securely hidden under a layer of paint.

Step 3. Painting a starfish. This stage of work is certainly the most enjoyable. It can be safely entrusted to a child over 4 years old. Paint the craft together with the little ones: acrylic paint spreads easily over the surface of the cones and can be easily washed off if the little ones get dirty. It is better to take a hard brush: it will better paint the rough surface of the cones. After covering one side of the starfish with paint, leave it until completely dry (from half an hour or more, depending on the thickness of the acrylic layer applied). Then turn the work over and paint the other side.

We will need:

  • cotton threads;
  • hook;
  • beads;
  • round nose pliers;
  • hook 2 pieces;
  • ear wires.

We will knit according to the pattern, it is quite simple. Look, everything is detailed here.
Designations: VP- air loop; RLS- single crochet.

1st row: dial 4 air loops and close it into a ring.
2nd row: make 5 single crochets.
3rd row: 10 sc (2 sc in each stitch of the previous row). After every 2nd sc add a bead.

This is how you get the first circle of the star.

4th row: for one tip of the star, knit *[ 1 sc + 6 ch + 5 sc (add a bead after each single crochet) + sc]. Repeat 4 more times from "*".

5 row: for one star tip, knit *. Repeat 4 more from "*". Make five rays in this way.

6th row: tie the entire star along the contour next to the sc. Tie two such stars.

Finish knitting and hide the end of the thread in the knitting. To ensure that the stars do not curl and keep their shape well, we need to do the following.
At this stage, the star curls and does not hold its shape.

Make the mixture: dilute PVA glue with water in a ratio of approximately 2: 1. Wet the workpiece in this mixture. Then stretch it, shape it and dry it on a flat surface. You can do it like I did, dry it on a sponge, secure the tips of the star with needles.

When the stars are dry, secure the earrings using pliers.

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