Opening on the Day of Knowledge. Official congratulations on Knowledge Day in prose

September 1 is a long-awaited holiday for first-graders, their parents, teachers, as well as all schoolchildren and students! In this article you can find original congratulations on Knowledge Day for everyone, both in prose and in poetry.

Expressing emotions and wishing everyone a successful school year is the main goal of any line, dedicated to the Day Knowledge. After all, this is an exciting holiday for everyone - schoolchildren who have matured a year, teachers, parents, kids who will sit at school desks for the first time, and graduates who have only one year of carefree childhood left.

To make the holiday memorable and touch your soul, you need to prepare solemn parting words in advance. First we will present you with several options congratulations on September 1 in prose.

Congratulations to 1st grade on September 1

First-graders are the main heroes of the occasion on Knowledge Day. The doors of the school where they will spend 10 years of their lives open before the excited kids. Here they will meet their first love, get their first grades, learn letters, multiplication tables and much more! This is why it is so important to find the right words on this day to support new students and wish them success in their studies.

In this article we will present several specific examples congratulatory texts.

  1. Congratulations from parents to first-graders on September 1

“Today all words of congratulations will be addressed to the youngest schoolchildren - our first-graders! Guys, how the school uniform suits you! In it you look very big and seem so bold and fearless on the threshold of new knowledge! Your eyes are sparkling, and the smile never leaves your face, because today you are celebrating one of the most important holidays!

You will walk into school hand in hand with those who will become part of your life! You will follow the person who will become your second mother! We sincerely wish you to be kind, patient and obedient! Study well, don’t let your parents, your teachers and your country down, because you are its future and our hope! Be happy and healthy! Have a wonderful and unforgettable school year!”

“Dear first-graders, perhaps everything that adults are telling you now seems so incomprehensible to you! But we are sure that the main thing that you hear today will remain in your hearts for a long time. We wish with all our hearts that throughout your school years your angels will carefully protect you from harm.

We want you to learn to be friends, appreciate each other and love. Let the school, whose threshold you cross today, become a second home for you, where you will rush with pleasure every morning! Don't be upset by little things, be cheerful and cheerful! Learn with interest and pleasure! Believe me, every school subject will definitely be useful to you in life! Happy holiday to you, kids!”

“The first call is the most tender and warm holiday! Guys, from this day on in your life everything will happen for the first time. Today you will enter your first class, your first teacher will speak to you, you will open your first school notebook and fill out your first diary. In a few years, you will fall in love for the first time, for the first time you will experience the joy of victories and the bitterness of disappointments!

And we, your parents, will always share all these moments with you, because we love you and want your life to be happy! On the Day of Knowledge, we wish you not to rush to grow up, to remain as sincere and spontaneous! Rejoice, learn, discover new talents in yourself - go for it! We will always support you in everything! Happy holiday!”

  1. Congratulations to first-graders on September 1 from the teacher

“My dear first-graders! I am sincerely glad to open the doors of our school for you today! I really want our every day to begin with the same joyful eyes and shining smiles with which you illuminate this holiday today.

We have a lot to go through and experience together. But the main thing we must learn is to be friends, to love, to believe, to understand! I believe that each of you will grow a good man who will achieve great success in life, build a wonderful family and fulfill his cherished dream! And we will lay the foundation for such a happy future today! I invite you to your first lesson in your first grade!”

  1. Congratulations to 11th grade first graders on September 1

“10 years ago, just like you today, we stood with white bows and bouquets of gladioli in our hands on the threshold of this school. It was so exciting and interesting, but at the same time a little scary, because everything was so unknown, unfamiliar and unusual! But we want to tell you that an unforgettable life awaits you, filled with joy and a sea of ​​positivity.

Just don’t be afraid of anything, study your lessons, don’t be lazy, answer, get grades and don’t give up if something doesn’t work out! We are always ready to help you at any moment! Good luck, dear first-graders! We are confident that you will become the best students in our school!”

Congratulations from first-graders on September 1

First-graders at the solemn assembly dedicated to the Day of Knowledge also always have something to say to their parents, teachers and future classmates. It is so interesting to listen to their fiery speeches, when almost none of the newly minted students can pronounce many words correctly.

However, we have presented some congratulatory texts that can be assigned to first-graders to learn as an example below:

  1. Congratulations on September 1 to teachers

“On Knowledge Day, on behalf of all first-graders, I want to congratulate all our teachers on the holiday! Although we are still complete strangers, we hope that you are not very strict, but kind and affectionate, because we are still kids and it is so important for us to see love and support in your eyes!

We promise you that we will always be obedient and diligent students! We will teach you all the lessons and will never let you down! We really want you to be remembered and liked! We hope that everything will work out together with you! Just don’t get sick, be patient and strong! It may be a little difficult with us, but it will be unforgettable! Congratulations on the holiday of September 1!”

  1. Congratulations to parents of first-graders on September 1

“Our dear parents! Today is a very important day for you and us. You are releasing us into adult school life, in which we will learn to make our own decisions and gnaw on the granite of science. We wish you to walk this difficult path with us, withstand our whims and gain strength to do your homework with us! We promise you that we will not let you down! You will be proud of your children!”

  1. Congratulations to 11th grade on September 1

“Dear graduates! You are already quite big! Today your last academic year at school begins! We hope that you will have time to teach us everything, because we want to be a good replacement for you! We wish you to successfully graduate and receive an excellent certificate! Happy September 1st! The Day of Knowledge!"

Congratulations on September 1 to teachers in prose

Teachers are the main people in school. Therefore, congratulations on the beginning of the school year should always come first of all not only from students and their parents, but also from the school administration. Here is an example text congratulations on September 1 to colleagues from the school director:

"Dear Colleagues! Today is a special day for each of us - we meet first-graders, our grown-up students and begin a new school year! I wish you all inspiration, strength, health, good mood and talented students! May each of you experience in this academic year a sense of pride in your work and your students! We wish you well-being and family happiness!”

Official congratulations on September 1

Every year, each school receives an official congratulations from the head of the city or district on September 1. This letter is a solemn greeting on behalf of the administration of the locality. It contains congratulatory words addressed to teachers, students and their parents.

“Dear fellow countrymen! Today we celebrate the wonderful, bright Day of Knowledge - September 1st! It concerns everyone - after all, we all once crossed the school threshold for the first time, sat down at a desk and proudly called ourselves first-graders. Then it seemed to us that mathematics problems were very difficult, but they taught us how to cope with complex life problems. From school we realized that we would study all our lives, even after we graduated from school. And we, first of all, must express our gratitude to the teachers for this!

Dear teachers! We honor your invaluable work! We wish that all your successes and achievements only multiply! Be healthy!

Dear pupils and students! Congratulations on the start of the school year! After you sit down at your desk today, you must realize that your entire school journey depends entirely on your own efforts. Listen to your teachers, they will help you discover your self!

We convey our warmest congratulations to the first-graders and their parents! You have a difficult but very interesting period of life ahead of you! We wish you to easily overcome all difficulties, reach great heights and achieve your goals!”

Video: Cool congratulations on September 1

Congratulations on Knowledge Day in verse

Preparing for the Day of Knowledge, we are always looking for beautiful congratulations on September 1 in verse to include them in holiday cards for teachers or first graders.

We have prepared for you a small selection of good poems that may be useful to you.

Congratulations on September 1 to parents

"Knowledge Day for Parents"

Always very exciting

After all, daughters and sons,

They carry books in their briefcases,

Markers, notebooks,

Not chocolates.

The time for training awaits them,

Tasks, instructions.

Therefore, parents

We sincerely wish

Positive emotions

And live without knowing troubles.

Let your first-graders

They grow up to be good people

And let them be in everything

They will look like you!”

Congratulations on September 1 to students

“Today is a big holiday in schools -

Day of Knowledge, First Bell!

Both graduate and first grader

They carry notebooks in backpacks!

We wish them with all our hearts

Study well and not get sick,

Good luck in gaining knowledge

Be brave and don’t be timid!”

Congratulations to graduates on September 1

"Knowledge Day for graduates

This is no reason to have fun

After all, in the status of a student

We'll have to do a lot in a year:

Pass exams, hand over books,

Decide on a profession

Study without the slightest break

And strive for everything new!

Good luck in this difficult task

We sincerely wish you!

Love, achieve goals,

And follow your dreams!”

Congratulations to students on September 1

“Happy Knowledge Day, dear students!

From now on you will all have no time to sleep!

Large monographs are waiting for you

And a whole mountain of notes!

Study fruitfully, relax

Try to do everything in the world,

And never be discouraged -

Dejection prevents you from achieving your goals!”

Congratulations to first-graders from graduates on September 1

“Just yesterday you were called kids

You are now full-fledged students!

You are unrecognizable - you are all with flowers,

Backpacks in hands with pencils!

You have a difficult learning path ahead of you.

We managed to overcome it!

We wish you strength, patience,

Grow big – don’t get sick!”

Congratulations to teachers on September 1 in verse

“You lead us to knowledge,

You give your warmth,

You give us your soul

And you surround yourself with goodness.

Let there be joy in your heart,

In the houses - comfort, love, prosperity.

May pain and obstacles pass you by,

Live long and richly!”

Congratulations to the class teacher on September 1

“Knowledge Day is a meeting with the class,

With friends, school and teacher!

We all especially miss you

Behind our class teacher!

We wish him great strength,

Health, joy, goodness!

After all, we can cope

It’s not as easy as it seems!”

Video: Congratulations on September 1st! Musical Card!

This video presents several original cards and songs with which you can organize congratulations, if you don’t already know How to congratulate your child on September 1st.

Dear guys, dear adults!
Today all the students of the school, from first-graders to graduates, teachers gathered here together primary classes, middle and senior management, parents.
I sincerely congratulate everyone on the beginning of the new school year. Let it be entertaining and educational, successful and fruitful!
Every year our school family gladly welcomes new students into its arms. Dear first-graders, you are setting out on a long and difficult quest for knowledge. Be brave and inquisitive! Amazing discoveries and new friends await you; The teacher will always be with you, he will never tire of answering your questions and will come to help if you need it.
Special wishes to future graduates. This school year will be fateful for each of you. Feel responsible, decide now what you want to achieve in life, concentrate on preparing for final tests. Let good results in school help you achieve your goals!
Venerable teachers! You are not only conductors of knowledge, but also educators of souls. Thanks to your passion and creative approach, you instill in kids a love of knowledge! We wish you the fulfillment of all your dreams, brilliant and grateful students, wisdom and health!
Dear parents! Thank you for sharing the joy of going to school with your children today! Remember that you are welcome here not only on holidays, take an interest in the lives of your children, help them. Remember, your children need you!
The modern world is changing too quickly and requires constant updating of knowledge. A person who stops learning falls behind in life. That is why Knowledge Day is an important calendar date not only for schoolchildren and students!
Good luck, for knowledge! ©

September 1 is the holiday of the first bell, the holiday of white bows and new briefcases, your holiday and mine! All roads lead to school today. Dressed up kids proudly walk through the streets waiting for new school days, homework and A's in diaries.
Knowledge Day is the beginning of a new school year, so Happy New Year to YOU!
Both first-graders and freshmen today are entering into a completely new life, so today’s holiday is perhaps the most exciting for them, like everything first and new.
September 1 is also a holiday for those who take the next step along the wonderful road of knowledge!
We are all or once were children, we stood on the ceremonial line and were proud of the new school uniform and his teacher.
Excellent knowledge in the new school year! Happy first of September! ©

Today, students and teachers traditionally celebrate the Day of Knowledge - September 1st!
The first school bell rings across the country, announcing the start of the new school year! In any educational institution, a new academic year begins on this day - a special, solemn, wise holiday. Knowledge is power! Learning is one of the greatest human needs. Learn, enrich our country with knowledge! The Day of Knowledge! ©

September 1, Knowledge Day 2018: how to congratulate, what to wish. Very soon Russians will celebrate one of the most important holidays in the year - Day of Knowledge. Traditionally, schoolchildren, students and their parents celebrate this holiday on the first day of autumn - September 1.

This year the holiday fell on Saturday, but nevertheless, on this day schools across the country will hold holiday events- ceremonial lines.

Events on September 1 will be held not only in schools, but also in other educational institutions. Students and teachers of colleges, technical schools, universities and others will celebrate the holiday educational institutions.

On this wonderful holiday, it is important not to forget to congratulate your loved ones, friends and acquaintances. The selection of thematic congratulations for Knowledge Day, presented below, will help you do this beautifully and unforgettably.

Happy Knowledge Day, September 1st!
The door of my native school opened,
Into a fascinating world beckoning,
Where everything is mysterious and new.

So let the school year fly
Without failures and stumblings,
Let everyone find something for themselves
A treasure trove of valuable knowledge and skills!

Happy Knowledge Day, September 1st!
It's not worth wasting your time,
Always strive for something new
Now without knowledge you can’t go anywhere.
Try to become smarter faster
And listen to your teachers.

The day of knowledge is coming to us
Along with September.
I want to congratulate you,
Happy first autumn day!

Let New Year training,
Will bring good luck
Success, inspiration
And creativity takes flight!

A joyful autumn day filled with smiles and flowers, a holiday for all children. Congratulations on Knowledge Day, happy new school year! May this year bring many new discoveries. Let every day be bright, memorable, fruitful and filled only with positive results, new experiences and a great mood.
**** **** ****

Knowledge Day calls everyone to school,
And in it there are flowers and children's laughter.
May the school year bring
There are many discoveries and success.

Let your knowledge base grow
And your horizons will become wider.
Good luck. And without complaints,
No grief and no quarrels!

Happy knowledge Day! I wish you a great desire to learn and experience. Ease in the new school year. A friendly atmosphere, interesting events, excellent grades and a constant desire to be better than yesterday. Success, good luck, health, tolerance and wonderful results!
**** **** ****

Dear students, teachers and parents! Congratulations on the wonderful holiday of September - Knowledge Day. We would like to wish you success in the process of mastering new things, good luck, vigor and health, true friendship and the joy of discovery.

On this day for new generations
The doors of universities and schools opened.
Day of Knowledge - a day of great achievements
For everyone who has come to knowledge.

And I want to congratulate you
Happy this beautiful bright day.
May the school year give you
A snowball from new knowledge.

I don't know what else to add?
All that's left is love,
Congratulate you with all my heart
Happy autumn first of September!

Wisdom is a gift instilled in childhood,
Everyone should know this!
So that everything becomes known,
You need to attend school!

Here they will help in difficult life,
Teach everything you can
They will initiate you into the secrets of the world,
Congratulations will be rewarded!

Let for those who love books,
The path to your dream will be easy!
You won't be judged for mistakes
The value of experience is everywhere!

The whole city was full of bouquets,
It will bloom early in the morning.
Summer said goodbye to the guys,
Sends greetings today is Knowledge Day.

And there is turmoil in the schoolyards.
First-graders tremble like leaves.
An elegant baby with a bell
Invites everyone to study again.

And let there be no mistakes,
And all subjects are easy!
Success, good luck, smiles to everyone!
And be patient until the new summer!

The autumn sun smiled with warmth,
September opens the calendar,
And very early the whole country woke up,
Gathering the necessary equipment into briefcases.

The native school opened its doors,
And the bell joyfully announced to everyone:
It's school time today,
And the bright class was invited to their desks.

I want to congratulate you on Knowledge Day,
And wish you good luck, inspiration,
Deliver positive emotions,
Handing over a large bouquet of autumn flowers!

Day of Knowledge, holiday - anywhere,
Everyone around is celebrating.
After all, on this day the students
Teachers are greeted.

Teachers, your work is great!
Even if the payment is not very good,
And we will always remember
All “twos”, by the way.

But we still love you
Sneeze at bad weather!
We wish you peace and goodness,
Miracles, patience, happiness.

Summer is over and autumn has arrived,
She called you back to your desk.
Try harder, learn a lesson,
After all, there will be a last call someday.

And remember our words, of course,
That my head is completely full of the wrong things.
And time flows like water through your fingers
And you will never get your school days back.

First of September -
Autumn on the calendar
And the bell rings
In schools all over the country!

Many bouquets of flowers
Joy in the eyes of children
A friendly class met
Congratulations to the teachers!

New textbooks
Need to take it home
To learn a lot,
Pass the Unified State Exam successfully in the spring.

Congratulations to all of you
Happy first of September,
On this day I wish
Don't be sad in vain.

After all, this is not mourning -
It's time for everyone to go to school
Oh, summer is over,
Boredom awaits us.

No matter how angry everything is,
This is beneficial to you
Knowledge is all power
Not studying is a shame.

Knowledge rules the world!
It’s not in vain that they say that.
Here we come again
To the First of September!

We have to learn
Lots more to learn!
We will all strive
Better, smarter!

Best wishes to everyone!
Joy to every home!
Happy holiday to everyone - Happy Knowledge Day!
Happy main day of September!

Knowledge is light and ignorance is darkness.
Everyone knows this!
Without knowledge all people would go crazy
We wouldn't be able to live at all!

Knowledge is power, the one who owns it is
He can achieve anything in his life!
After all, in order to become someone significant
There is a lot to know, my friends!

So, I congratulate everyone on the Day of Knowledge,
I want to learn more new things!
On this day, schoolchildren will sit at their desks,
I wish you a great start in your studies!

Pages: 4

Dear students! Dear teachers and education workers! I cordially congratulate you on Knowledge Day and the beginning of the school year! Education is the reliable foundation on which the well-being of the country is built. Therefore, we are doing everything necessary so that the younger generation can gain deep knowledge, realize their talents, become friends with sports, and become a true patriot of the city and their beloved Motherland. There is not a single area of ​​human activity where deep knowledge is not in demand. In the age of scientific and technological progress and the development of information technologies, it is knowledge that determines the socio-economic potential of society and its ability for creative activity.

On this festive day, I would like to wish all students, students, cadets and graduate students to persistently and persistently comprehend the fundamentals of science, feel the joy of knowledge and tirelessly strive for discoveries. I express my sincere gratitude to the teachers and professors for their high professionalism, loyalty to their calling and love for their students.

Good health to everyone, success in studies and work, inexhaustible energy, happiness, optimism!

Dear teachers, students and parents!
I warmly and cordially congratulate you on the beginning of the new school year and Knowledge Day!

After the summer vacation, studying again becomes the main and, for many, long-awaited thing in the life of a large family of teachers, students and parents. The joyful trills of the first school bells captivate the children into the wonderful land of knowledge. This unique journey is not an easy one. But it enriches intellectually and culturally, spiritually and physically, expands the horizons of creativity, reveals talents, helps to choose the right future paths in life, and become a worthy citizen of one’s native country.

The heavier the “baggage” of school education, the easier it is to follow an independent path, realize your dreams and plans, and achieve the highest goals in your profession and life.

Teachers pave a bright path to knowledge for students. Teaching is the pride of the capital, which occupies a leading position in Russian education. Our teachers carefully preserve and increase the achievements of national public education, and skillfully introduce new forms and methods of teaching. Tradition and innovation are the components of the success of the education system.
An unchangeable tradition is the return of parents to the country of knowledge. Together with children and teachers, they again go through this route “from A to Z”, so that the large school family lives as one friendly team aimed at harmonious development students.

I express my deep gratitude to our dear teachers, mothers and fathers - for your talent, wisdom and love, for the fact that you spare no effort, time and nerves for a good education and upbringing of children. I am convinced that your selfless pedagogical and parental work will continue to be fruitful and bring great benefit to Russia.

With all my heart I wish you bright success in your studies, work and life, good health and great happiness!

> 1 September is the day of knowledge

I cordially congratulate you on the holiday that the whole country celebrates on September 1 - Knowledge Day. This holiday is one of the most solemn and exciting of the year. Today, schools will open their doors to welcome students - those behind whom lies the future of the city. First of all, I would like to congratulate the first-graders, for whom the coming school year will be the most important stage a new, rich life, and school everyday life Many important and serious tests are being prepared. For pupils and students - September 1 - the beginning of the next stage on the path to new heights and personal growth.

I wish all the guys excellent grades. May your learning be easy and interesting, may your successes become a source of pride for your parents and teachers. And for teachers - optimism, energy, new professional victories and fruitful work.
Happy holiday! The Day of Knowledge!

> 1 September is the day of knowledge

Dear teachers, schoolchildren, students, parents!
Congratulations on Knowledge Day, on the beginning of the new school year!
For everyone who sits down at their desks on this day and fills the classrooms of colleges, schools, universities, a wonderful time begins - a time of learning new things, a time of amazing discoveries. The September bell excites all generations equally. For some, it gives them a meeting with their native educational institution, for others - memories of the past. But together we are all re-aware of the need to learn.

On this holiday, according to tradition, we pay special attention to first-graders, for whom the long road to the world of knowledge is just beginning, and to those who are entering their graduating classes: for them, the new school year will be the first milestone on the path to choosing a profession.

In the coming academic year, I wish all schoolchildren and students successful studies, perseverance in achieving their goals, teachers - creative energy, inspiration in their hard work, which shapes the love of knowledge in the younger generation. I wish parents wisdom and patience, so that they never leave a high sense of responsibility for raising their children - future worthy citizens of our Fatherland.

> 1 September is the day of knowledge

I cordially congratulate you on one of the most joyful holidays - Knowledge Day! September 1 is a special day for every person, for every family. The children are looking forward to meeting their favorite teachers and classmates; first-graders and graduates will greet this holiday with special excitement. For those who have already graduated from school, the years of study will remain in memory as one of the brightest periods of life.

Modern life places high demands on people. To be a professional, to go one step ahead, most of us do not stop learning throughout our lives. Therefore, Knowledge Day is a national holiday, close and dear to every person.

On this festive day, I wish everyone that the desire to move forward and grow above oneself never dries up, that the knowledge gained will be aimed at achieving personal well-being, and therefore at the development of one’s hometown. Success and good luck in all your endeavors!

> 1 September is the day of knowledge

This holiday has long become a symbol of good beginnings and achievements. But September 1 takes on special significance for those who first cross the threshold of a school, college or university.

Dear first graders! Studying at school means gaining knowledge about everything in the world. Studying can be difficult. But teachers will help you, and especially your first teacher. Remember, everything you learn in school will be useful in life. Congratulations on the start of your first school year! Let it be successful, interesting, bright for you!

Dear freshmen! Having become students of secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, you have reached an important height, and most importantly, you have chosen a business to which you will devote your entire life. I sincerely wish each of you to achieve maximum results in your chosen field! I wish you success, wise mentors, good friends, a successful career and great personal happiness!

Supporting and improving the education system is one of the government’s priorities. We will do everything possible to ensure that there are changes for the better in the coming academic year!

> 1 September is the day of knowledge

Dear teachers and students, teachers and students!
Knowledge Day is a special holiday. In a city whose streets are filled with a colorful student crowd and whose education is one of its main industries, September 1 will always be important date. For some, this is an exciting day of starting school or student life; for others, it is a new school year at their favorite job. But all of you, regardless of age and status as a “student” or “teacher,” are united by one thing - you are following an interesting path of continuous knowledge of the world, acquiring new knowledge and fruitfully sharing it. It is this – the free spirit of knowledge, discovery and invention, the atmosphere of creativity and creation – that is the main value of life in our city.
I wish you, the residents of our city and the guests who came to us to study, teach, and research, good luck in conquering new educational and scientific heights. May your ideas and plans be realized, may the new school year be useful and successful!

> 1 September is the day of knowledge

Dear pupils and teachers, teachers and students!
Dear parents!
I cordially congratulate you on Knowledge Day and the beginning of the new school year!
The first of September is a wonderful holiday! There is hardly a single person who is indifferent to him! On this day, the first bells will ring for thousands of first-graders and first-year students; a new stage of life will begin for them, full of interesting meetings and amazing discoveries.
For high school graduates, a year will begin that will be decisive for them in choosing a profession. This is a solemn and very exciting day for all teachers who greet students and pupils on the threshold of educational institutions.
The old wisdom “Live and learn” is more relevant today than ever; education is becoming the basis for successful career and a prosperous life. The rapidly growing level of technology, the development of knowledge-intensive industries, innovative approaches - all this requires continuous learning and constant improvement of professional skills.
Thanks to the efforts of all branches of government and the active position of the teaching community, conditions have been created for obtaining quality education: modern information technologies, health-saving and innovative projects, the material base of educational institutions is being strengthened, and the standard of living of teachers is increasing every year.
With all my heart I wish the young generation an exciting journey into the world of knowledge, teachers, educators and professors - optimism and health, and parents - wisdom and patience. Let this academic year become a starting point for all of you to conquer new heights! The Day of Knowledge!

> 1 September is the day of knowledge

Teachers and parents, schoolchildren and students!
Congratulations on the beginning of the new school year and Knowledge Day!

This holiday unites citizens of all ages and generations, representatives of all professions and all social groups.

After all, the basis of any skill, success in any industry is knowledge. We learn throughout our lives, developing talents and gaining invaluable experience. And the foundations laid at school serve as a solid foundation for this knowledge.

This year, thousands of young residents of our city will sit at school desks for the first time, and yesterday’s graduates will become students. And today’s first-graders are already taking their first independent steps into the future, to a place where they will soon want to realize themselves and achieve success, like their parents and older brothers and sisters. And on this path, teachers will be their reliable and caring companions.

Knowledge Day is not just the beginning of a new school year, but an excellent occasion to express words of gratitude and respect to teachers for their caring and tireless work, for their professionalism and wisdom.

I wish my young fellow countrymen success in their studies, an inexhaustible desire for knowledge, victories and achievements, and I wish my teachers health, patience, optimism and good luck in their difficult and responsible work!

> 1 September is the day of knowledge

Dear friends!
Dear Colleagues, Dear friends and parents!

We celebrate September 1 not just as the Day of Knowledge, it is a special day in our lives - a holiday of our bright hope, strong faith and realized dreams. A holiday inextricably linked with new beginnings and opportunities, a lot of new ideas, bold experiments, joyful discoveries, constant search and faith in the future.

More than forty-three thousand and a half first-graders cross the school threshold for the first time. Sixty-nine and a half thousand ninth- and eleventh-graders this year will be called by a new name - graduates. About thirty thousand boys and girls became students and students of professional educational institutions. Guys, you have made a very big step in adult life, laid the foundation for their future. New discoveries begin for you, every day will be filled with new impressions.

Dear teachers! The development of education today is acquiring a task of national significance. And with your daily work you hold a high standard in the upbringing and education of young people and adolescents.

Dear friends!
Happy Knowledge Day to you! I wish you a great mood in the new academic year, interesting and fruitful work, and creative success.

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