What does a baby look like at 28-29 weeks. What can be said about sexual relations during this period?

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At the twenty-ninth week, the main task of working expectant mothers is to take care of maternity leave. It is very good if a woman has registered it earlier, adding the time of the next leave to maternity leave, but if this is not the case, it is necessary to free herself from work duties at least now, because the 29th week of pregnancy is quite a serious period in terms of duration, and childbirth is no longer mountains.

While at home, you should not indulge in complete idleness. Staying in a sitting or lying position for a long time has a negative impact on the development of the fetus, so a woman’s physical activity should be moderate.

It will only benefit the future baby if mommy waters the flowers, washes the dishes, and sorts things in the closet or chest of drawers. Regular walks on fresh air are also very important, as they help normalize metabolism and blood circulation in a woman’s body.

Calculation of due date

Fetal growth and development

The body length of the unborn baby at the 29th week of pregnancy usually reaches 37 cm, and the weight is 1250 g.

Baby size now

Like Chinese salad

Height38.6 cm

Weight1 kg 150 g

During this time, the following occurs in the fetal body:

  • The fetal body looks almost the same as that of a newborn, i.e. it is quite proportional.
  • The content of adipose tissue reaches 4% of the baby’s total body weight.
  • Tooth enamel begins to form, but the teeth are still located deep in the gums, and the process of teething begins several months after the birth of the child.
  • Mucus plugs are removed from the fetal nasal passages, in this way the body prepares for independent breathing. Now the nasal cavity is washed with amniotic fluid, which contributes to the development of the sense of smell in the unborn baby.
  • The position of the fetus at this stage is usually cephalic. With a breech presentation, there is still a chance that the baby will fit correctly in the tummy.
  • The movements of the baby are clearly felt by the woman, because the fetus often moves its arms and legs, periodically hiccups, and turns its head.

In the event of a premature birth, the child will have a fairly significant chance of survival. At 29 weeks of pregnancy, the probability of a positive birth outcome is more than 90%.

To increase the likelihood of a positive outcome, it is advisable for a woman not to go on a long trip, to the countryside or other places where quality medical care may simply not be available.

In this case, doctors will be able to deliver the baby under normal conditions, and the baby will be immediately connected to special equipment. Therefore, expectant mothers should know: if the child was born when it was 29 obstetric week pregnancy, he simply cannot do without qualified medical care and additional equipment.

Many expectant mothers are interested in the question of the 29th week - how many months is it? If we take into account that the embryonic age of the fetus is approximately two weeks less than the obstetric age, then we can assume that the baby is now a little more than six calendar months old.

Changes in a woman's body

At week 29, the following changes may occur in the female body:

  • Body mass expectant mother over the course of a week it increases by 300-500 g. Weight gain from the day of conception to the present time is normally from 8 to 10 kg. When pregnant with twins, a woman may weigh slightly more.
  • The uterus is located 8-10 cm above the navel, so the tummy at 29 weeks of pregnancy looks even more impressive.
  • Slight swelling may occur even in women who have never complained of such symptoms. If swelling has become too noticeable, it is recommended to consult a doctor, as it may be associated with the development of gestosis.
  • Many pregnant women may experience increased sweating, especially during the hot season. In order to effectively get rid of odor and traces of sweat, it is recommended to carry out water treatments more often, and it is better to avoid deodorants, because such products contain many chemical compounds that can be potentially dangerous for the unborn baby.
  • The discharge at week 29 should not be too heavy. The appearance of traces of blood in them may indicate the beginning of placental abruption, and too thin discharge is a sign of possible leakage of amniotic fluid.
  • The appearance or exacerbation of hemorrhoids is possible. To eliminate itching and other unpleasant sensations, you can use special ointments and other remedies, but they should only be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account possible contraindications. And you should not be ashamed of this disease, because during pregnancy such problems do not arise so rarely.
  • If the baby begins to move or push too intensely, you can try to carefully change the body position to a more comfortable one. It is quite possible that in this way the child asks his mother to give him more free space in order to get more comfortable.
  • There may be increased sensations of pain or itching in the breasts, especially in and around the nipples. Such manifestations arise as a result of the influence of the hormone prolactin, which takes an active part in preparing the female breast for the upcoming feeding of the child.

You can find out more about what is happening to the baby and mother on the forum. It contains a video about how the fetus develops at the 29th week of pregnancy or at another period, there is information about how much it should weigh at this time.

    29 Twenty-ninth week of pregnancy!

    I'm 29 weeks pregnant.

    29 weeks of pregnancy - movements, heartburn, constipation, hemorrhoids, lying on your back



You can look at photos of the bellies of expectant mothers, study the test calendar, and use the tips of the video guide. You can also find a description of the birth process, but it is better for overly impressionable expectant mothers not to read such entries too carefully, so as not to acquire an unreasonable fear of this important event. After nine months, any, even the most difficult, pregnancy ends, so the state of tense anticipation at the appointed time will be replaced by the joy of the birth of the baby.

Analyzes and examinations

An ultrasound at the 29th week of pregnancy, as a rule, is not performed, because the third prenatal screening will occur a little later. But in cases where the expectant mother feels that the baby is moving very little, pain in the lower abdomen or other alarming symptoms has appeared, it is necessary to undergo this type of examination, since only with the help of ultrasound can the exact cause of the ailment be established. Additionally, during an ultrasound, the doctor will check how the fetus is positioned and assess the condition of the placenta.



Also, if necessary, a woman may be prescribed some tests to determine the level of glucose in the blood, hemoglobin, etc.

Possible dangers at 29 weeks of pregnancy

Despite the fact that the twenty-ninth week of pregnancy is not the most dangerous period, it cannot be called calm and serene either. It is at this time that the risk of the following complications increases:

  • Premature placental abruption, which can be caused by certain chronic diseases of the woman, falls, injuries and other unfavorable factors. The main symptoms of incipient abruption are bleeding and increased uterine tone, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. Since such a condition can lead to the development of fetal hypoxia or cause premature birth, you must immediately seek medical help.
  • Late gestosis, accompanied by the appearance of edema and dysfunction of many organs. Treatment consists of taking special medications and following a diet.
  • Fetoplacental insufficiency, which occurs due to the presence of infectious diseases in the mother, disturbances in fetal development or under the influence of other factors.

To reduce the risk of the above abnormalities occurring at 29 weeks of pregnancy, it is recommended to devote enough time to sleep, organize a nutritious diet, avoid lifting heavy objects, heavy physical work and stress.

At 29 weeks pregnant, the expectant mother may benefit from some practical tips:

  • Since the belly is already quite large, you should protect yourself as much as possible from contracting respiratory infections. Even a common cold can cause considerable discomfort to a pregnant woman and even pose some danger to the fetus, because with a strong cough, the abdominal muscles become overly tense. If you cannot protect yourself from infection, you should at least hold your stomach with your hands when coughing and sneezing.
  • On doctor's recommendation, you can do special exercises, designed to better prepare the body for the upcoming birth.
  • You should not stand in one position for too long, especially for pregnant women whose lower back often ache. It is harmful for the back to stay in any position for a long time, so different types activities must be alternated.
  • If sleep in bed has become too restless, you should take a closer look at your bedding. It may be time to invest in a new mattress or a special maternity pillow in a comfortable size.
  • The 29th week of pregnancy is a fairly serious period, and at this time a woman should not lift weights. It is not advisable to lift and carry even not very heavy bags, for example, weighing 5 kg in the third trimester. The permissible weight of the carried load, which does not pose a danger to the fetus, is 3 kg.
  • At 28-29 weeks, it is very important to take measures to prevent hypertension and the appearance of edema. To prevent an increase in blood pressure, you should exclude smoked, spicy, salty and fatty foods from your diet. Foods that are too high in calories and fat can also cause a feeling of nausea, which is not good for the body. Coffee lovers should forget about this drink at least until childbirth. In addition, walking in the fresh air and other activities help normalize blood pressure. physical activity at a moderate pace. To monitor blood pressure, it is advisable to purchase a tonometer. Another important measuring device in the home is the bathroom scale. It is better to measure your body weight every day at the same hours, preferably on an empty stomach. To remember what your weight was yesterday or last week, you need to write down the results and report these indicators to your doctor. A sharp increase in body weight may be a characteristic sign of the appearance of hidden edema.

You can also photograph your belly weekly to monitor changes and remember how you felt during pregnancy years later.

The 29th week of pregnancy is the seventh obstetric month. If you look at the pregnancy calendar ->, then 197-203 days have passed since conception. At the 29th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother finally comes out maternity leave and begins preparing for the birth of the baby. The seventh month of bearing a baby is ending, the belly is already quite large, it is difficult for a pregnant woman both mentally and physically. Mom is only happy that in two calendar months she will see the long-awaited baby.

What happens to the baby at 29 weeks of pregnancy?

There is still a lot of time before the birth, but the baby is already beginning to prepare for the birth. At the 29th week of pregnancy, the development and size of the fetus are as follows: the weight of the fetus already exceeds 1200 g, and the height reaches 37 cm. The baby has grown up, it is not possible to somersault and swim in the amniotic fluid, but he briskly moves his head, arms and legs. The mother needs to closely monitor the child’s activity: if he twitches very strongly or calms down for too long, do not put off going to the doctor - the baby feels unwell.

At the 29th week of pregnancy, the fetus is no longer an embryo, but a tiny person:

  1. The skin brightens, the original mucus and fluff come off.
  2. The body becomes plump, covered with folds, and fat appears on the cheeks.
  3. The first thin hairs are visible on the head, and eyelashes are visible on the eyes.
  4. The mouth and nostrils are free of mucus, and teeth are already hidden inside the gums.
  5. The baby inhales freely and takes amniotic fluid into his mouth, learning to suck mother's milk.
  6. The baby is quite capable of perceiving sounds, tastes, smells and light, as well as the mother’s well-being and mood.
  7. The auditory and olfactory reflexes are still weak, it is difficult for the baby to focus his gaze, but the information coming from the senses is already stored in the brain.
  8. The brain and spinal cord are intensively developing, processing and remembering a huge flow of new auditory and visual data coming from the outside world. The baby in the womb is already dreaming!
  9. The circulatory and immune systems are formed, lymphocytes and platelets are produced, and real blood circulates through microscopic vessels.
  10. The heart, stomach, intestines and kidneys work, bones become stronger.
  11. The genital organs are differentiated into male and female: in boys, the testicles descend from the abdomen downwards, in girls the ovaries are born.

What happens to the mother at 29 weeks of pregnancy?

A baby at the 29th week of pregnancy has already grown up in the womb, so it rarely flounders and tumbles, but the woman increasingly feels quite strong pushes from his arms and legs on the ribs and liver, causing noticeable pain. The uterus enlarges and puts pressure on the lungs, bladder, intestines and other neighboring organs, causing the mother to experience heartburn, constipation and bloating, frequent urge to urinate, lack of oxygen, dizziness, and tachycardia.

At 29 weeks of pregnancy, a woman’s blood pressure and hemoglobin levels drop sharply, which is why fainting is common. Fatigue and drowsiness appear constantly. Therefore, the expectant mother needs to rest, get enough sleep, not bother herself unnecessarily with household chores, and eat well and properly.

Quite often, at the 29th week of pregnancy, mothers feel a strong fever and cardiac weakness, and their sweating increases. These unpleasant phenomena are associated with the activation of metabolism: all systems and organs of a pregnant woman work in an enhanced mode, the fluid does not have time to leave the body, causing swelling of the tissues. Therefore, expectant mothers should not only monitor hygiene, wash and shower frequently, but also maintain a drinking regime.

What does the belly look like at 29 weeks pregnant?

At 29 weeks of pregnancy, the belly is already quite large and round. It continues to grow and stretch marks appear on the bottom and sides. Tight skin becomes very itchy and dehydrated. To remove unpleasant symptoms, it is advisable to purchase special creams against stretch marks and itching at the pharmacy.

If the body of the expectant mother is prone to the appearance allergic reactions, the stomach may itch and turn red from contact with woolen or synthetic clothing. Sometimes a woman feels her stomach tremble slightly. This is how a baby hiccups in the womb.

Belly photo. What does the belly look like at 29 weeks of pregnancy?

The 29th week of pregnancy is a period when a heavy belly tilts a woman forward, her center of gravity is disturbed, and her gait becomes uncertain. To avoid inadvertently falling, the expectant mother should move carefully, not make sudden movements, bend forward, or wave her arms. The 29th week of pregnancy is a time when a pregnant woman should not sleep only on her back (although this position may seem the most comfortable): this compresses the vertebral veins and disrupts blood flow, which leads to dizziness and loss of consciousness.

At the 29th week of pregnancy, the mother's breasts begin to swell, in which colostrum - primary milk - begins to form. A little yellowish liquid is released from the nipples spontaneously or when pressed. To avoid staining your bra with colostrum, it is better to place sterile wipes in it.

Due to the pressure of the uterus on the intestines and pelvic floor, women often experience hemorrhoids at 29 weeks of pregnancy. It is better to cure this unpleasant disease, otherwise it can cause bleeding during childbirth. To prevent hemorrhoids, pregnant women should move, do special exercises, and have a lot of fiber and fresh plant foods in their diet.

Movements at 29 weeks of pregnancy

Fetal movements at the 29th week of pregnancy are approximately: 3 times in 15-20 minutes, 5 times in 30 minutes or 10 times in an hour. For each mother, the number and rate of movements at the 29th week of pregnancy is a purely individual case. For 3 hours the baby may not move for one simple reason - the child is sleeping. If there is no fetal movement at the 29th week of pregnancy for 6-8 hours, this may be an alarming signal. It is worth consulting with your doctor.

Video: movements at 29 weeks of pregnancy

Weight gain at 29 weeks of pregnancy

The baby grows in the womb, so the mother’s weight gradually increases. But strong weight fluctuations should alert a pregnant woman. Ideally, weight gain at 29 weeks of pregnancy should not exceed 50 grams per day. It’s good if the expectant mother has gained 8-10 kg by this time, bad if it’s much more. Poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle can harm not only the mother, but also the baby, so a pregnant woman simply needs to carefully monitor her diet and do gymnastics.

At the 29th week of pregnancy, the mother’s diet should be light but balanced; the menu must include foods rich in vitamins and microelements. A growing baby draws all the nutrients from the mother’s body, especially calcium and amino acids, which she needs to replenish in order not to lose her beauty and health. It is necessary to eat as much fresh vegetables and fruits and cereal porridges as possible, but it is better to forget about baked goods, spicy seasonings, smoked and salty foods during pregnancy.

Pregnancy weight gain chart

29 weeks of pregnancy. Ultrasound and tests

At the 29th week of pregnancy, the doctor may refer the expectant mother for an ultrasound to make sure that everything is fine with the baby in the womb and is developing in accordance with the term. On the monitor of the ultrasound machine you can clearly see how the baby’s heart beats, how it moves, the doctor will assess the baby’s height and proportions, and the mother will finally be able to find out the sex of the child. If you wish, you can ask your doctor to take a picture from the monitor.

At 29 weeks of pregnancy, you will have to run around medical offices, undergoing numerous tests. The gynecologist checks the expectant mother's abdominal circumference, uterine position, blood pressure, and pulse rate. It is mandatory to go through:

  1. General blood analysis.
  2. General urine analysis.
  3. Blood test for hormones.
  4. Blood sugar test.
  5. Blood chemistry.

In a pregnant woman, the level of blood components, especially hemoglobin, noticeably decreases. This is common, but hemoglobin should be maintained at a sufficient level to prevent anemia.

A urine test shows the functioning of the kidneys and urinary system. It is important that there is no protein in the urine, indicating inflammatory processes in the genitourinary tract.

Ultrasound photo at 29 weeks of pregnancy

Pain at 29 weeks of pregnancy

The 29th week of pregnancy is characterized by pain. The child grows in the womb, putting pressure on the internal organs, spine and legs. The mother’s body is preparing for childbirth, the pelvic bones gradually separate, and preparatory contractions are increasingly tormented.

Also, strictly according to indications, an ultrasound is performed at 29 weeks. The study is prescribed if the doctor wants to verify the correct intrauterine development of the fetus. To assess the rate of development of the child, the diagnostician measures such indicators as biparietal and fronto-occipital dimensions, head and abdominal circumference, etc. Using an ultrasound, a specialist will certainly determine the position that the fetus occupies in the womb. In most cases, the baby has already turned head down, preparing to exit through the birth canal.

  • Get ready for the upcoming birth: enroll in a school for expectant mothers, do breathing exercises and Kegel exercises daily.
  • Invest in a maternity bra and support belt. If necessary, update your wardrobe by filling your closets with loose, comfortable clothes.
  • Watch your weight. The increase should occur gradually - no more than 300-400 grams per week.
  • Communicate with your baby. There are many ways to establish contact: singing songs, conversations on any topic, listening to music together, reading fairy tales. It would be great if the child’s father also joins the conversation.
  • Contact a specialist if necessary. Dental problems, hemorrhoids, severe swelling, headache

– these are reasons to make an appointment with a doctor.

Beware of public places during the SARS period. Colds are not treated quickly and can significantly worsen the condition of an already weakened body.

Prohibited foods include sausages, smoked meats, fast food, alcohol, coffee, and carbonated drinks. To get rid of heartburn, nausea or vomiting, you need to eat little and in small portions - 4-5 times a day. If you have frequent stomach upsets, it is best not to overeat before bed and follow a diet.


Vitamins play a vital role in the formation of the child’s body and maintaining the health of the mother. To strengthen bone tissue, the fetus needs calcium and vitamin D, and vitamin C to maintain the integrity of blood vessels. Based on iodine, iron and folic acid The baby’s central nervous system and cardiovascular system develop.

The older a child gets, the more he or she needs nutrients. The task of the doctor monitoring the course of pregnancy is to determine whether the woman needs to be prescribed additional pharmaceutical drugs. Most pregnant women take vitamin complexes at 29 weeks, because the microelements contained in food are not enough for the fetus.

Physical activity

Dear future mothers, site! The 29th week of pregnancy is the best time to prepare your body for the upcoming birth. The most in the best possible way There will be light sports activities: yoga, water aerobics, fitness, walking. Physical activity will undoubtedly give results:

  • keeping the body in good shape;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • getting rid of swelling;
  • preparing muscles for the birth process;
  • relieving stress and improving mood.

At 29 weeks, exercise should be light and non-intense. You should carefully monitor your well-being. If you feel tired or unwell, you should skip classes and rest. For a while, you can replace exercise in the gym with walking. They also give a good healing and calming effect.

Sex at 29 weeks pregnant

During intimacy at 29 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother and her partner must be careful. The process should not cause discomfort to the woman or harm the baby. Sexual relations are possible only if the woman is in good health. The doctor may prohibit them if there is a risk of premature birth or multiple pregnancy. In this case, the resumption of intimate life will occur only in the postpartum period.

The 29th week of pregnancy corresponds to the beginning of the eighth obstetric and 7 calendar months of pregnancy. The third trimester has recently begun, which will be the final one. The birth is getting closer, and in a week the woman will have to go on maternity leave. If she is carrying twins, then she has already been on maternity leave for a week. At week 29, the fetus is in its 27th week of intrauterine development.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2020 2019

Baby parameters

The times when a child resembled an alien creature are over. At 28-29 weeks, the baby is actively gaining weight and outwardly resembles a human being. He is no longer small, but not yet as big as newborns. On average, the fetus at this stage weighs from 1200 to 1500 grams.

The underlying genetic program for height and weight is already clearly visible, and therefore even now an ultrasound specialist can see both large children and miniature babies whose weight does not reach 1300 grams. Already now, the estimated weight of girls is slightly less than the weight of boys, and therefore it is increasingly difficult to bring the size of a baby under the concept of “norm”.

Height the child’s height is now from 37 to 40 centimeters, but even here a lot is determined by genetics - there are tall parents who give birth to tall children, and there are short mothers and fathers whose children’s height is less than the average.

If you use the system of comparison of fetal parameters with objects, fruits, vegetables, beloved by expectant mothers, then the baby can be compared with quite big doll. The baby is now growing much slower than before, but he is gaining weight very quickly.

Fetal fetometry on ultrasound this week also hardly fits into the concepts of standards, because all children are already very individual. On average, the parameters are:

    BPR (bipariental head size) – 70-82 mm;

    LZR (fronto-occipital size) – 86-102 mm;

    DBC (thigh length) – 52-60 mm;

    DKG (tibia length) – 47-55 mm;

    DKP (humerus length) – 47-55 mm;

    head circumference – 255-295 mm;

    abdominal circumference – 228-278 mm.

What does it look like?

For the first time in its intrauterine history, the baby can boast presence of subcutaneous fat– there is not so much of it yet, no more than 5% of body weight, but this is no longer so small. Thanks to the fat layer, the fetus ceases to look very thin and wrinkled, the folds on the skin gradually smooth out, and the skin itself changes color from rich red to a more moderate one, because now, with the appearance of fat, the skin becomes four-layered, more durable, and everything no longer shines through it blood vessels.

The baby has completely rounded cheeks. Now fat will be actively deposited on the chest and butt; the arms and legs will be the last to begin to “get fat” - they still remain very thin.

In the child's body, from this period begins pigment production which gives the skin the shade that is implied by the genome - from the 29th week, children become mulatto or dark-skinned, dark-skinned or light-skinned, the way they are destined to be. The hair on the head begins to darken if the child is destined to be born dark-haired.

If previously the child’s largest part of the body was the head, now it makes up about a quarter of the body’s proportions and by birth it will be no more than a fifth. The baby no longer fits into the space of the uterus, and therefore he is at this stage starts to group- take the so-called flexion position, tucking your legs to your tummy and your arms to your chest. This position, which is often called the “fetal position,” makes it very difficult to identify gender during an ultrasound examination, because the umbilical cord and the baby’s fists are often found between the legs, and therefore it is not so easy to see the gender. The accuracy of sex determination decreases from this period.

The baby has well-developed facial muscles, he can master a dozen practiced and rehearsed grimaces, he can reflexively smile, frown, yawn, spit, and make “offended” expressions. You should not think that this is how he expresses his emotions - contractions of facial muscles are still poorly controlled by the central nervous system, and therefore grimaces appear spontaneously.

The baby's body is still covered with lanugo and cheese-like lubricant, but from this week a gradual getting rid of hair, After all, the child’s skin, which has become denser, no longer needs additional protection to such a great extent. The hairs fall out, end up in the amniotic fluid, the baby can swallow them, but there is nothing wrong with that - they are not digested and in their pure form, mixed with bile, they enter the fetal intestines, where they will remain in the original feces - meconium - until birth child.

Development of organs and systems

All the baby’s organs are laid and formed and at the current time they only continue to grow intensively. The liver has become larger, the heart has grown, the kidneys are not yet quite mature, but their calyces and pelvis continue to increase in size, and the kidneys produce up to 450-500 ml of urine per day. The process of systemogenesis is almost complete, when organs debug their work according to the “rules” of the system to which they are directly related.

The organs of the digestive system are still better prepared than others. They work very harmoniously - the esophagus conducts the water swallowed by the baby into the stomach, from there the amniotic fluid is sent to the intestines.

The intestinal walls are able to contract – there is primary peristalsis. But defecation does not occur - the meconium is only accumulating and will normally leave the intestines after the birth of the child. The stool will be dark green, sometimes even black.

heart has increased in size, it pumps more than 24 liters of blood per day. The normal heart rate is 130-160 beats per minute.

Completed liver division whether it is necessary. The process of maturation is underway lungs: tiny alveolar vesicles acquire a phospholipid substance called surfactant. Its production is continuous, constant. It is the surfactant that will envelop the alveoli and prevent them from collapsing and sticking together after the baby switches to a different type of breathing and makes his first independent exhalation.

The gonads in girls have long been located in the pelvis, but in boys the testicles are now on their way - migrating from abdominal cavity into the scrotum, and this process is quite lengthy.

Brain, nervous system, skills

The brain increases the mass of the brain matter, and the processes of formation of the nervous system are now the main thing that happens quite intensively to the baby. New nerve cells are constantly being born, young neurons are united into new connections that create that invisible network of “communications” between the brain and spinal cord and internal organs and muscles.

The nervous system at the level at which it exists now provides the child with the presence of basic reflexes - he sucks, swallows, hiccups, spits, pees when the bladder is full, sleeps and is awake, shows some activity during periods of wakefulness, can grab the umbilical cord with his hand, and also has the beginnings of a self-preservation instinct - with a loud sound, bright light directed at the stomach, with any threat, the baby flinches, shrinks, and groups into a ball.

He instinctively protects the weakest point in his body - the stomach. If something, such as the umbilical cord, touches the tummy, the baby bends. And this is also a reflex.

When the palm is tickled, children at this stage reflexively spread their fingers into a fan. The lungs perform specific respiratory movements, although the baby is not yet breathing in the usual sense. It is believed that such movements, which intensify as the pregnancy progresses, not only contribute to the formation of the respiratory reflex (the baby will know how to breathe immediately), but also improve the blood circulation of the fetus.

The cerebral cortex is entering the final stretch of its formation. The baby already hears well and is able to distinguish the taste of amniotic fluid; he is training his blink reflex, although his eyes do not yet fully open. This week, the formation of receptors that will later be responsible for the sense of smell occurs.


By the 29th week of pregnancy, up to 93% of children occupy the position in the uterus in which they will be at the time of the onset of labor.

Considering that the child already has to be in a flexed position, turning around and turning over seem less and less likely. Most children at this stage have a cephalic presentation - they lie head down, towards the exit of the uterus. This position is considered optimal for birth. Breech presentation at this stage or the position of the baby across the uterine cavity is not a death sentence yet, there are chances of a reversal, but they are not so great.

Usually by this time, women themselves are able to distinguish where the baby’s butt is and where the head is. Many people note that in a cephalic presentation the baby pushes mainly in the lower abdomen, and in a breech presentation - in the upper part.

The sensations are already clear, all pregnant women feel the movements perfectly. Transverse presentation of the fetus makes the abdomen elongated, like a rugby ball, and the kicks are mainly felt in the sides of the abdomen.

Women whose children are still positioned incorrectly should do special gymnastics and move actively. The chances of a reversal remain. The baby definitely has time until the 34th week of pregnancy, only then the presentation will be recognized as final and doctors will begin to decide on the method of delivery.

What will happen if the baby is born now?

If the birth occurs that week, it is considered premature, but Survival forecasts, according to WHO, exceed 95%. This means that the baby, even if very premature, has a high chance of survival. The risk of disability remains quite high, but not as much as at 22-25 weeks.

Birth at 29 weeks is not the norm, and therefore the baby will definitely need qualified resuscitation care. The baby will be immediately placed in a special incubator, he will be provided with tube feeding, constant warming, and maintaining a certain humidity. His pulse and blood pressure will be monitored in real time. With a high degree of probability, a mechanical ventilation device will be required, since the child has not yet accumulated the required amount of surfactants in the lung tissue and independent breathing for him is a very difficult task, and sometimes even impossible. In such conditions, the child will have to spend as much time as necessary for the organs to mature and gain weight to at least 1.7 kilograms.

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