What can be made from baby oil. Baby oil for massage

The skin of a newborn needs careful and gentle care. To keep it tender and soft, you need to use baby oil. You always want to choose the best for your baby, but how can you figure out which oil is more suitable for your baby, and is it even necessary?

Today we will look at the features best oils for kids about famous manufacturers of children's cosmetics. You can also watch a useful video on this topic.

Is the remedy really necessary?

Attention: Pediatricians and neonatologists recommend using oil. Its scope is quite wide: lubricating folds with a cotton pad soaked in oil to prevent diaper rash, for gentle massage, treating the nose, lubricating the whole body after bathing, as well as the head to get rid of crusts.

Professionals recommend using the oil after bathing to moisturize baby's skin and avoid dryness. You need to wipe all the folds and areas behind the ears with a cotton pad. Sometimes oil can be used instead of diaper cream.

It is important to choose an oil for your baby, taking into account all its components, as well as what it is needed for. There is a product that is intended only for getting rid of crusts on the head, and there is one that can be used for everything - from daily care to wiping certain areas. We will consider below what oil to massage, what to wipe the baby with, or what to use for folds.

Difference from cream and milk

Young parents often face the question: is there a difference between butter, cream and milk? What is the best choice from the wide variety of good baby products?

  • Cream It is more intended for treating certain areas of the body where minor irritations have appeared; it is not advisable to smear it on the entire baby.
  • Oil can be used in many cases, applied to all areas of a small child's skin. The oil is intended to protect the skin from mechanical damage that can occur when the diaper rubs against the baby's legs, or such as peeling or dry skin. The main difference between oil and milk is the consistency and the fact that the latter is quickly absorbed.
  • Milk More suitable for cleansing the skin instead of soap. It allows you to maintain water-fat balance.

It is better that a young mother has cream, milk, and oil in her arsenal. They can be used alternating, or according to the situation.

Rating - which is better?

Bubchen – for crusts on a child’s head and for daily care

The product contains sunflower and shea butter, as well as calendula extract. The oil can be used for massage, daily procedures, such as wiping folds, flaky skin, and also as a remedy for crusts on the head. Designed for children from birth.

To get rid of crusts on a newborn’s scalp, you need to pour a little oil on your hands, and then carefully and carefully distribute it over the baby’s head. problem areas. After 15 minutes, use a small comb or soft brush in a circular motion You need to carefully remove scales from the scalp.

After using the oil, wash your hair thoroughly with baby shampoo.. It is recommended to carry out the procedure once or several times a week until the problem is eliminated.

The advantage of this product is that it is absorbed quickly, moisturizes the skin well and helps get rid of diaper rash. Can be used daily. Some buyers call the intrusive smell the disadvantage of this product. Price for 50 ml – 300 rubles.

Weleda Calendula Pflegeol – clean the spout and for daily use

The oil contains medicinal calendula and sesame oil, which allow you to carefully care for the skin of a newborn. Thanks to its natural composition, the oil can be used for daily nourishment of the skin to avoid dryness, for massage, for wiping folds, and also for cleaning the nose.

Advice: To clean a small nose, you need to soak a cotton pad in oil, and then clean the nasal passages in a circular motion.

The advantage of this product is its naturalness and wide scope of application. The disadvantage is the high price. Price – from 800 rubles per 200 ml bottle.

Mustela Bebe Massage Oil – for infant massage

Natural composition with vitamins E and C. The product can be used from birth to moisturize or massage, for example, the tummy to prevent baby colic. The oil is gentle and has a calming and relaxing effect..

If you use oil during a massage, it will be more pleasant and beneficial. Do not pour the product directly onto the baby’s body. You need to pour a little onto mom’s hands, grind and warm the oil, and only then begin the massage, gently rubbing the product into delicate skin child.

Advantages – the product is natural, can be used daily for various procedures. The only drawback of this oil is its high cost.. Price – for 110 ml 1000 rubles.

Hipp – for baby's folds

The natural composition, which includes almond extract and vitamin E, helps to moisturize and soften the delicate skin of a newborn. The oil can be used for any procedure, including wiping folds to prevent dryness, diaper rash and redness.

The oil copes well with inflammation and irritation. To wipe, you need to soak a cotton pad in oil and carefully go through all the folds, as well as behind the ears, under the neck. The folds of the arms and legs, armpits and butt should also be rubbed with oil.

The advantage of the product is that it does not contain artificial colors or flavors. Free from parabents, paraffin and essential oils. Suitable for both moisturizing and cleansing baby's skin. One of the disadvantages is an allergic reaction in some babies. Cost – from 250 rub. for 200 ml.

Magic Herb Baby – for wiping

This oil consists of chamomile, aloe and string extracts, which allows you to carefully care for your baby's skin.. This oil can be used during a massage, after bathing, and used to wipe the folds and areas behind the ears. This should be done using a cotton pad or your hands, applying a little oil and then wiping all areas.

The advantage is that the product smells pleasant, has a good effect in moisturizing and softening the baby's skin, and does not cause allergies. The only disadvantages include the fact that the product did not have time to become popular and not many people know about its existence, thereby not having time to win the trust of customers. Price for 200 ml – from 110 to 150 rubles.

Jonson's Baby - baby hair product

This is an oil based on a mineral base, that is, a petroleum product. The composition includes coconut oil, which prevents the skin from breathing due to the film that forms. You can choose oil with chamomile, calendula or aloe. The oil is intended for many procedures, including moisturizing the hair of a newborn.. The cost of such oil is from 200 rubles per 200 ml.

our mother

Once opened, the natural product can be stored for no more than three months. The composition includes calendula extract, cedar and sea buckthorn oil. The oil can be used to moisturize your baby's skin after bathing. It is quickly absorbed, which is not very convenient for massage.

The advantage is the naturalness of the product, moisturizing and nourishing the skin, eliminating skin irritations. The disadvantage is that it spreads during use due to its consistency and the bottle without a dispenser is not convenient. Price from 150 rub. for 125 ml.

There is a large assortment of oils available in stores and pharmacies, so without trying a certain product, you cannot be sure of it. When purchasing oil for a newborn, you need to pay attention to its composition. It should not contain dyes and preservatives, as well as other harmful and chemical substances. The smell should not be sharp and unobtrusive.

It is important to choose the oil that is right for you. It can be massage, moisturizing, cleansing, nourishing, relieving irritation and more. You can choose one product that will be used for daily care and all procedures.

Important: Be sure to test for allergies before use, as this is a very unpleasant disease. To do this, you need to spread the oil on a small area of ​​the child’s skin and leave it for a day. If the area is not red or rashes appear, then you can safely use this product.

You need to look at the expiration dates of the product, especially after opening. There are some oils that can be stored for only three months, some with more for a long time storage


Your baby's skin requires careful and constant care, so it is important to choose the right remedy . It should moisturize, nourish and soften, and most importantly, not cause allergies. If any reaction occurs, you should stop using this product immediately.

The baby's delicate skin, which reacts to all irritants, needs care. The integument of a newborn requires special care, especially initial period extrauterine life exposed to desiccation. Since ancient times, women have used vegetable fats to combat peeling and rashes, but today there are a lot of products on the shelves designed to care for the skin of children up to one year old.

Which product is best and safest for newborn skin, and when should it be used?

Baby care oils can be used in different cases:

  1. When diaper rash begins on the skin due to contact with a wet diaper. To get rid of this problem, all herbal remedies help; for serious inflammation, sea buckthorn works best.
  2. To moisturize flaky or dry skin, due to its natural nature, vegetable fats are often used rather than creams. Natural remedies better and more carefully nourish the skin of children with moisture.
  3. To improve the glide of hands over the baby's skin during massage, children's natural and mineral oils are used: sea buckthorn, olive, peach and vaseline.
  4. To cleanse a baby's nose up to one year old from mucus and dried crusts, use herbal and mineral products: Vaseline, olive, peach, sea buckthorn.
  5. For softening crusts on a baby's head, baby natural fats are better than ointments. They are neutral, will not cause allergies and wash off well with shampoo.
  6. When caring for the ears of children under one year old, it is not creams that are better suited, but oils. They remove impurities more gently and moisturize delicate skin.

What are they?

There are two types of oils for newborn skin: vegetable and mineral. By trying different products, you will gradually find out which one helps restore children's skin better.


They are obtained from seeds, nuts and fruit seeds. Due to the fact that they often have a rather specific odor, manufacturers sometimes add fragrances to the composition, to which children may experience allergic reactions. When buying oil for newborns, you should carefully study the composition of the product, and if the product contains synthetic substances, it is better to discard it.

Most pharmaceutical and cosmetic products are completely ready for use and sterile, that is, they have undergone appropriate processing and are safe for a newborn.

If you plan to use sunflower or olive oil, purchased at the grocery store, you should first sterilize it. Boil the product over low heat or a water bath for 20 minutes, cool and pour into a steamed glass jar. Sterile sunflower or olive oil for baby skin should be stored in a dark place, so it will not lose its properties and will not acquire an unpleasant rancid odor.

Mineral oils for newborns

The effectiveness of the mineral petroleum jelly product has been “tested” on several generations of infants. It soothes and heals irritated skin thanks to the substances contained in it. At the same time, the product is absolutely neutral and will not cause allergies in newborns.

Camphor oil, although it is a mineral oil, does not have such a wide spectrum of action as petroleum jelly. It is more often used in the treatment respiratory tract.


Many parents are afraid that petroleum jelly is obtained as a result of processing petroleum products. However, this product is absolutely safe and will not harm your baby in any way. Vaseline oil has long been successfully used in pharmaceuticals and cosmetology as a base for ointments and creams; it acts as a “conductor”, improving the permeability of the skin to the active substances of drugs.

  • Vaseline oil will help with both diaper rash and dry skin;
  • helps retain moisture in the upper tissues, which is important for infants who often experience mild dehydration;
  • when applied to the skin of a baby, a protective layer is created on its surface that does not allow microorganisms to enter tissues damaged by diaper rash or ulcers;
  • oil for newborns effectively softens, soothes and restores the skin;
  • When stored for a long time, Vaseline does not change its properties: consistency and smell.

Vaseline oil is used to soften and remove crusts on the baby's head, to heal the skin in case of prickly heat or irritation, and also for hygienic wiping of the baby's folds after water procedures. This product is also used to lubricate the tip of the syringe and gas outlet tube to facilitate their penetration into the child’s rectum.

Sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn oil for newborns is used for both preventive and therapeutic skin care. It effectively restores the skin, heals wounds, diaper rash and chafing, and also fights the onset of inflammatory processes in tissues.

Depending on the severity of the damage to the skin, you can either wipe the baby’s folds with a cotton swab soaked in sea buckthorn oil, or make medicinal compresses. If the baby's skin is severely inflamed, after water procedures you should apply a gauze cloth soaked in the product to the affected areas, secure it and cover it with a diaper.

Sea buckthorn oil for newborns is also used:

  • for treating the oral cavity of infants with thrush against the background of antifungal therapy;
  • for healing the cracked corners of the lips of infants;
  • chilled - to soothe itching and relieve inflammation when the baby is teething;
  • for preventive massage.


Camphor oil has a warming effect, therefore, as a rule, it is used as part of compresses to treat respiratory diseases. But, since its properties can damage the functioning of an unstable thermoregulatory system, this product should not be used to rub the chest and back of children under one year old.

You can only smear camphor oil on the skin over the nasal sinuses of a baby with a runny nose, if there is a need to warm them up.


Peach oil is good for dermatitis in infants. It also effectively relieves redness and fights incipient inflammatory processes on the skin in children of the first year. Peach oil will help you moisturize your newborn's body with flaking and dryness.

Olive and sunflower

Olive and sunflower oil available to every family. As already mentioned, it is better to sterilize them before use, then they will become safe for the baby and will help you eliminate incipient diaper rash and inflammatory processes, moisturize the baby’s skin and make the massage procedure pleasant and comfortable for the baby.

Children's skin requires regular care to avoid dryness and diaper rash; oil is produced for newborns. In some cases, they replace powder and creams, putting a diaper on the newborn.

Baby oil has a universal purpose. It can be used to clean the nose and ears of babies and remove crusts on the head, fight diaper rash and dry skin. It is used during a massage.

Medicinal properties

Scientists have studied the use various types oils in newborn skin care. During scientific research, their medicinal properties were revealed:

  • antiseptic;
  • regenerating;
  • moisturizing;
  • relieving irritation and itching.

There is a large selection of children's skin care cosmetics. You can always find a suitable remedy. List of the most popular oils with medicinal properties:

  • olive;
  • avocado;
  • St. John's wort;
  • sunflower;
  • cocoa;
  • nutty;
  • sea ​​buckthorn

Before using them, an allergy test is performed. This is indicated by redness of the skin.

Against diaper rash and burns

Diaper rash appears in the groin, buttocks, and armpits. Redness occurs due to poorly dried skin after water procedures. To prevent diaper rash, it is necessary to treat the folds after each bath.

Lubricate the skin with a soft cotton pad. A small amount of product is applied to it and rubbed from top to bottom along each fold. You can use cosmetic preparations for newborns, sold in pharmacies and specialized departments of stores, or use vegetable oils.

There is a popular belief that burns should be lubricated with oil. This is a gross misconception. All doctors unanimously say that this cannot be done. The damaged surface should be covered with a sterile napkin and urgently seek medical help.

Fighting gingivitis and stomatitis

The extent of damage to the oral cavity due to stomatitis (gingivitis) can be extensive. Due to the infection, the child loses his appetite and becomes restless. The treatment procedure is always carried out after eating.

Before first use, check the presence allergic reaction for the drug. Apply it to the skin of the wrist. Redness indicates an allergy. In its absence, the oral mucosa is lubricated with sea buckthorn oil 4 times a day.

Treatment of a runny nose

If a young mother does not know what oil to clean her nose with, you can advise her to use sea buckthorn oil. With its help, children (12 months and older) reduce the symptoms of rhinitis. For 10 days, 2 drops are dripped into each nostril.

When doctors are asked whether the nose can be treated with oils, they advise instilling carrot juice diluted with sunflower oil in children under one year of age.

For baths and baby massage

Massage is a beneficial procedure for babies. By doing it, the mother establishes contact with her child. To avoid damage to the skin, be sure to use a special massage product:

  • "Eared Nanny";
  • "Tender mother";
  • "The world of childhood".

Not only cosmetic products are suitable for massage; Vaseline, olive, and peach can be applied to the child’s skin. All of them natural origin, soften the skin, are well absorbed.

On what areas of the skin can it be applied?

The body of a newborn has a feature - skin folds. Most babies have them and are located on the neck, buttocks, legs, and arms. The care product is applied to various areas of the body:

  • axillary folds;
  • folds on the neck;
  • buttocks;
  • folds on the legs and arms.

They clean the toes, palms, and the outer surface of the ears. With its help, crusts are removed from the nasal cavity and scales from the scalp.

Aromatherapy for babies

Aromatherapy as a means of correcting the baby’s conditions is used from 2 months. Before use, consult a doctor. Grape seed oil is used as a base; the following esters are suitable for children:

  • lavender;
  • cinnamon;
  • lemon;
  • sandalwood

Aromatherapy tones and normalizes sleep.

The best oils for newborns

There are many baby skin care products on sale, each with its own set useful properties. They are used for daily skin hygiene and eliminating problems.

Sea buckthorn

Contains various vitamins, their concentration is quite high, which allows it to be used in medicinal purposes the following problems:

  • burns;
  • wounds;
  • cracks;
  • Diaper rash.

Before application problem area cleaned (washed) with furatsilin solution. It is prepared from ½ glass of water and one tablet. Apply a gauze pad moistened with oil to clean skin. The compress is fixed with a bandage.


It warms up and penetrates well into the skin tissue. It is used for compresses for colds. First, it is heated, then applied in a thin layer to the chest and back area. Contraindications:

  • damaged skin;
  • epilepsy;
  • allergy;
  • age up to 2 years.


It treats dermatitis, eliminates diaper rash, and is applied under a diaper. It can be used to cleanse the nasal passages. First, the nose is washed with saline solution. To remove mucus and crusts, use cotton wool soaked in peach oil.

Essential oils

Concentrated esters are diluted with water and used for massage and during bathing.


Popular vegetable oils include sunflower, flaxseed and olive oil. They contain vitamins and substances that promote skin regeneration. You can buy them at any store. For preparation you need unrefined or first-pressed raw materials.


A product for the prevention and treatment of diaper rash. This is liquid paraffin, which contains vitamins and minerals. Vaseline oil is used to lubricate the skin folds, this protects the dermis from inflammation.

Why is oil sterilization necessary?

The oil may contain harmful microorganisms. The immune system of newborns is weak. To prevent infection of the skin, only sterile plant materials are used.

Mommy can make her own skin care product for her baby using virgin herbal ingredients. It must be sterilized before use. This is done in a water bath. Take a pan, fill it with cold water, and put it on the fire.

The oil is poured into a glass bottle and placed in water. It should sink almost to the very top. After boiling, boil the water for at least 7 minutes. After cooling, sterile raw materials can be used for their intended purpose.

Features of using sterilized oil

Sterilized oil is used to clean the nose and ears. Remove scales from the scalp. With its help, the child is relieved of diaper rash and peeling. They are convenient for lubricating the skin during a massage.

Storage periods and rules

Boiled oil is stored in the refrigerator. Before use, the required volume is poured into another container and kept for some time at room temperature. After heating, it is used for its intended purpose. Doctors advise sterilizing a small volume of raw materials (100 g) immediately before use.

Indications and contraindications for use

The oil is used externally only. To cleanse the scalp of crusts, use olive oil. It contains linoleic acid. It improves skin regeneration. Crusts on the head are smeared with baby oil after bathing. After some time they soften and can be easily removed with a cotton swab. Apart from this, baby oil has other uses:

  • nasal cleansing;
  • ear treatment;
  • eliminating dry skin;
  • diaper rash treatment;
  • massage.

Rating of the best manufacturers of products for children

A natural question that arises for parents is: which oil is better. Every mother wants the maximum benefit for her baby. When choosing, some focus on the brand, others on the price.


The massage oil is produced by the German company Bubchen. It contains natural ingredients derived from soy, sunflower, shea butter and no preservatives. You can use the massage product from birth:

  • cleanse the skin;
  • moisturize after a bath;
  • remove crusts on the head;
  • eliminate diaper rash;
  • Do massage.


Production is located in Bulgaria. Skin care products contain plant extracts. There are no aggressive substances or dyes in children's cosmetics. Bebble baby skin care products can be used from 0 months.

The most popular brand. This American trademark produces a wide range of children's skin care products. The cosmetics contain no parabens. Product purpose:

  • massage;
  • hydration.

Execution options: classic and with the addition of plant materials: aloe, lavender, chamomile.

Baba Moments Chicco

The Italian company Chicco produces hypoallergenic products for newborns. Baba Moments Chicco is used for massage. It contains a substance obtained from coconut milk, as well as rice bran, vitamin E, and fragrance.


It is a world leader in the production of natural cosmetics. The Swiss company produces high-quality cosmetics for babies. They contain natural esters (sesame, calendula, almond). Weleda products have been used since the first days of life, and parents' reviews are positive.

When choosing a child's cosmetic product You need to read the ingredients carefully. Refuse to purchase if the list contains a preservative, stabilizer, or dye. The most budget-friendly and safest option for newborns is cold-pressed vegetable oils purchased in a regular store. After sterilization, they can be used in the daily care of the baby's skin.

manager 09:00 How to use baby cream and baby oil correctly

Baby cream and baby oil are the most necessary skin care products for a child from the first days of his life. They must be in a child's cosmetic bag without fail. The baby’s skin, especially in the first year of his life, cannot cope with internal and external negative influences without outside help. Food allergies, dry air, high temperatures, contact with hard clothing or a diaper - all this immediately affects the manifestation of prickly heat, peeling, redness, and rashes. This happens because the metabolism in the baby’s skin does not function fully, and immunity is practically absent. In addition, in the first months of life, the baby’s skin itself is excessively dry, since the hydrolipidic film on its surface is still too thin and is broken with every bath, even if you do not use soap or other chemical detergents.

In such a situation, baby cream and oil are the first assistants, both in the prevention of bad skin manifestations and in the treatment of many of them. When choosing and purchasing these products, you must remember that they are not always interchangeable.

When and why should you use baby cream?

Baby cream is used to solve almost all baby skin care problems. It is used as a diaper rash, to prevent diaper rash in risk areas such as cervical and inguinal folds, the area under the arms, as a moisturizer and nutrient after bathing, as protection and prevention of chapping and frostbite of exposed skin while walking outside, as a means for massage. The functions of baby cream are as follows:

  • formation of the skin’s natural protection - a hydrolipid mantle, which, in turn, creates a barrier to moisture evaporation;
  • hydration;
  • nutrition and filling with necessary nutrients and microelements, which forms the skin’s immunity and regulates metabolic processes;
  • antiseptic and bactericidal effect;
  • healing of microcracks and damage.

Children's skin care products produced by Repharm

When is the best time to use baby oil?

If there are no pronounced defects on the child’s skin, it is better to use baby oil instead of cream to prevent them. It has a lighter structure and consistency, is absorbed faster into the skin, useful material penetrate deeper and act more effectively. The main purpose of the oil is hydration and nutrition. It is most advisable to use it instead of cream after each bathing of the baby, as a massage product, to soften crusts and scales on the head and behind the ears, to effectively moisturize dry skin. Oil can also be used to lubricate areas of contact with clothing where chafing and irritation may occur. Among the positive properties of the oil are antiseptic and bactericidal effects.

If chafing, irritation, diaper rash, and redness have already formed on the skin, a cream is better.

The range of natural, medicinal phytocosmetics of the Repharm company includes a series of baby skin care products, which consists of cream and oil. They effectively complement each other in a complex action. The list of ingredients contains only the most necessary and beneficial substances for baby’s skin: calendula and chamomile extracts, olive oil and peach and grape seed oils, d-panthenol, menthol and lanolin. The products have undergone a large list of clinical trials, belong to the category of medicinal cosmetics and are recommended for use by the country's leading medical centers.

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