38 weeks of pregnancy, severe fatigue. Weakness during pregnancy - why and when? How to get rid of it

The 38th week of pregnancy can be both the time when a baby is born and a reason to go to the maternity hospital with the recommendation of a doctor. Almost half of all women give birth in the middle of the ninth month, and this is quite normal, although the expectant mother may wait another four weeks for labor to begin. The baby chooses the time for birth himself, and at this time there is no reason to worry if contractions begin.

Eight and a half months - almost the entire gestation period has passed, and there are only a few days or a couple of weeks left for the long-awaited first meeting to take place. This is the most difficult time for a woman; she is already looking forward to getting rid of big belly, from heaviness and discomfort during any movement. At this time, the restless fear that could accompany expectant mother in the first months.

Signs and symptoms

  • The main symptom of the thirty-eighth week can be considered increased frequency of painless contractions, which sometimes take quite strong forms. In this case, the woman may mistake them for the beginning of labor, but the precursors last several minutes, and the periods of rest between them are always different.
  • The weight of the child resting on the mother's pelvic bones can lead to divergence of the symphysis: the symphysis pubis. The ligament connecting the pubic bones softens, creating a gap of about one centimeter wide. This condition often results in a “duck walk” and, in severe cases, the inability to walk. Added to this is a noticeable pain syndrome. Treatment is a must!
  • The back muscles often get tired and ache, and lower back pain always gets worse in the evening. The expectant mother needs to rest more, take breaks during the day for an hour's rest. Massage, which can be done by a husband or partner, has a beneficial effect on pregnant women.
  • The baby's movements at the thirty-eighth week are less active than before, but he is already so large that his heel or elbow hitting the internal organs is felt quite strongly. It is important to note the intensity of your child's movements daily, as changes in activity may indicate a deterioration in his condition.
  • The nature of vaginal discharge practically does not change, and only before childbirth can the mucous plug come away from the cervix. It looks like a thick mucous clot of a whitish color with blood streaks, and its volume is no more than one teaspoon. This means that in about three days the birth will occur. Some women may not notice the plug coming out if its release coincides with a visit to the toilet.
  • The stomach is still in an awkward position, squeezed by the growing baby. Heartburn and belching are the most common signs of discomfort, as is a feeling of fullness. The solution is to eat in very small portions, but often, and do not eat sour or spicy foods.

Description of 38 weeks

What happens to the mother's body

The body of a pregnant woman at the thirty-eighth week is intensively preparing for childbirth:

  1. The cervix softens or “ripens”, becoming elastic and dilating two centimeters before childbirth. During labor, the cervix opens ten centimeters to allow the baby's head to pass through.
  2. Hormonal levels change, estrogen levels increase, so swelling may appear. Swelling of the hands and ankles, which is observed in all pregnant women in the evening, has nothing to do with dangerous internal edema.
  3. Hemorrhoids and veins in the legs can be bothersome, so you need to monitor your fluid intake and wear compression stockings.
  4. Preeclampsia is still dangerous for a pregnant woman, and if a woman gains more weight than normal and her daily urine volume decreases, the doctor may recommend observation in a hospital. Tests, ultrasound of the kidneys and medical supervision are what will help avoid complications with late toxicosis.

Danger signs

At this time, there are some symptoms that may indicate the onset of a dangerous condition that threatens the child or mother:

Important: sudden vomiting, nausea, double vision and increased blood pressure are a reason to immediately call ambulance, as these may be symptoms of preeclampsia. In this case, emergency surgery will most likely be required.

  • Placental abruption is more often diagnosed when it is located low, and is always accompanied by bloody discharge from the vagina. A woman should know that blood at this stage is a reason to go to the hospital as soon as possible! Delay is dangerous for the life of the child and mother.
  • Lack of movement of the child or too much high activity. Urgently - for an ultrasound, as this can be dangerous for the baby’s life. Most often, an ultrasound shows that everything is in order, but in some cases the pregnant woman is urgently operated on.

Fever or any unexplained deterioration in a pregnant woman’s condition is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. You should not wait to go to the clinic for your next appointment; you should immediately visit the doctor on duty, who will most likely recommend spending several days in the hospital.

Child development

The baby sleeps most of the day, sometimes he wakes up and sucks his finger, or yawns or hiccups, grimaces, or drinks amniotic fluid. Sometimes the mother gets the feeling that someone is persistently picking at her stomach with a finger or tapping on the wall of the uterus. It is impossible to explain why it occurs, since the child cannot make small movements. Often the child’s periods of rest do not coincide with the mother’s, so the woman wakes up at night from the baby’s “jumping.”


Most pregnant women who have crossed the thirty-eighth week experience digestive problems. In addition, they are recommended to observe restrictions on salt consumption so as not to provoke the appearance of edema.

A number of products have been banned in recent weeks:

  • Any fried or smoked foods;
  • Fatty and salty foods;
  • Soups with rich broths;
  • Spices and seasonings;
  • Sweets, baked goods, yeast products;
  • Bread, any dough dishes;
  • Carbonated, sweet drinks, juices, coffee, strong tea.
  • Mayonnaise and hot sauces.

Strictly speaking, the expectant mother should keep a strict fast, but the menu should include oatmeal and buckwheat porridge with water or milk, white chicken, and beef. Milk and dairy products are also not forbidden, you can even treat yourself to cream or ice cream. You can eat vegetables or fruits, berries and citrus fruits as much as you want, it is important not to overeat and not eat plant foods at night.

Dishes should only be boiled or steamed, the volume of one serving should not exceed two hundred grams. Drinks - only homemade drinks, fruit drinks and compotes, weak tea and herbal teas for pregnant women.

A woman must understand that the health of her unborn child depends on how she eats.

The main dish on a pregnant woman’s table should be liquid, not salty. oatmeal with boiled meat. Chicken eggs and boiled vegetables complete the diet. Cottage cheese and fermented milk products are combined with berry purees. You don’t have to worry that your baby won’t get enough calories with this diet, since he gains weight extremely slowly and needs vitamins and oxygen more.

Ultrasound at thirty-eight weeks

Usually an ultrasound is performed at this stage only for any indication. The doctor can determine the size and gender of the baby, the location of the placenta, the condition and amount of amniotic fluid. This study cannot reliably determine the child’s weight, because the amount of subcutaneous fat is not determined by the device.

38 weeks of pregnancy means that childbirth is very soon. Even if the baby is born at this time, he will be considered full-term, since he is already fully formed and ready for life outside the mother’s tummy. The baby's movements become less intense, and there is no longer enough space in the uterus. By the 38th week, the pregnant woman’s belly drops, making it easier to breathe. At any moment, she may go into labor or her water may break, indicating the onset of labor.

The last weeks of pregnancy are difficult for many women. Before giving birth, expectant mothers may experience severe weakness, and some may experience this for a long time. According to statistics, 59% of pregnant women complain of weakness. This is a rather impressive figure, so such an ailment deserves special attention.

If a woman is already 38 weeks pregnant, weakness that suddenly appears most often indicates that the body is beginning to prepare for childbirth. At this stage, the fetus reaches a large size, and the mother’s weight also increases. All nutrients that enter a woman’s body go towards ensuring the normal development of her baby, which is why the mother is deficient in them. The body simply gets tired of long-term gestation, and weakness appears as a natural reaction in such a situation. To alleviate her condition, a pregnant woman needs to eat often and in small portions, and try to eat more fortified foods. If your health allows, you should try to be on the floor as often as possible. fresh air. And, of course, do not forget about proper sleep, during which the body can properly rest and gain strength before childbirth.

When, in addition to weakness, a woman develops swelling in her legs, headaches and dizziness at 38 weeks of pregnancy, she should immediately notify her gynecologist or call an ambulance, because such symptoms are characteristic of preeclampsia, a very serious disease that occurs late in pregnancy. stage of pregnancy. If preeclampsia is not detected in time, a pregnant woman may experience seizures and cerebral circulation. This disease is quite rare, occurring in only 5% of pregnant women, but there is no need to take risks and if there is a sharp deterioration in health associated with the appearance of the above symptoms, you should immediately sound the alarm.

The causes of weakness and dizziness before childbirth may be low hemoglobin levels (anemia) and low blood pressure (hypotension). In both the first and second cases, weakness can accompany the pregnant woman throughout the entire period of gestation or appear in the last weeks of pregnancy.

Iron deficiency anemia is familiar to almost all pregnant women. As a rule, it occurs in the middle of pregnancy and, if left untreated, worsens and accompanies the expectant mother until childbirth. Characteristic symptoms indicating a lack of iron in the blood are weakness, dizziness, pale skin and fainting. To make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to do general analysis blood. A slight decrease in hemoglobin in the blood in pregnant women does not require drug treatment. With mild anemia, doctors advise pregnant women to eat foods rich in iron (pomegranates, apples, red meat, liver, buckwheat porridge), walk a lot outside and ensure themselves proper rest. If the level of hemoglobin in a pregnant woman’s blood is significantly reduced, she is prescribed iron-containing drugs, which can increase hemoglobin. Typically, when iron levels in the blood rise, weakness in pregnant women goes away. It is very important to treat anemia, because during childbirth women lose a lot of blood, which causes hemoglobin to drop even more.

Women prone to hypotension during pregnancy have to deal with weakness in their legs almost every day, fatigue and poor health. Sudden fainting with low blood pressure is also quite common. Unfortunately, pregnant women should not drink coffee, which increases blood pressure. Hypotension can be alleviated through proper nutrition, contrasting soul, physical activity and walking. Weakness and dizziness at 38 weeks can occur in hypotensive patients not only while awake, but also in bed. If a pregnant woman lies on her back, the fetus, which by this time has reached a large size, puts pressure on the inferior vena cava, as a result of which normal blood flow is disrupted, blood pressure drops sharply, the woman experiences sudden weakness, darkens her vision, and she loses consciousness. To prevent such troubles from happening, expectant mothers should later During pregnancy you should only sleep on your side.

Large accumulations can cause severe dizziness and weakness during pregnancy. carbon dioxide in room. A pregnant woman needs to monitor the cleanliness of the air in her rooms by ventilating them regularly. To make it easier to endure weakness in the heat, it is advisable to install an air conditioner in the apartment where the expectant mother lives.

Pregnancy is a special condition. On the one hand, waiting for the baby to appear makes a woman happy, on the other hand, deterioration in well-being during this period significantly spoils life. Severe weakness during pregnancy will not last forever; it will go away after childbirth if you follow all the doctor’s instructions. As soon as a mother takes her baby in her arms, she will forget about all the troubles that accompanied her during pregnancy.

What can an expectant mother expect at 38 weeks of pregnancy? This question is usually answered by specialists. But you can find out for yourself what awaits you and what you need to be prepared for. So, let's try to find out what awaits a woman at 38 weeks of pregnancy.

Your baby at thirty-eight weeks can reach a weight of three kilograms; height may vary, but most often it does not exceed forty-nine centimeters. Oxygen continues to flow to the baby through the placenta, which at this stage already weighs about two kilograms and its diameter is about twenty centimeters. Significant changes are already happening inside your baby, which are beginning to prepare him for birth. In addition, the amount of vernix is ​​significantly reduced and the nails are already fully formed, so if your baby is born with a scratch, don’t be surprised.

Meconium has already appeared in your baby’s intestines - this is original feces. If the expectant mother is expecting a boy, then she should know that it is during this week that the testicles descend into the scrotum. You should also prepare for this. That you can give birth at the thirty-eighth week, this may especially apply to those who are carrying girls.

But the expectant mother should already be mentally prepared for childbirth, and you will also need to stock up on small clothes and everything necessary to enter the maternity ward. It is very important to remember this. what the doctors told you at the preparatory courses. Your weight won't stop growing, but you have to take care of it. to eat right and gain as few extra pounds as possible.

Heartburn is common at 38 weeks of pregnancy, this is due to the release of acid into your stomach, as the baby descends and with this a physical change occurs in all organs. If you experience spotting at 38 weeks of pregnancy, do not worry, as most likely it is a plug that was previously located in your uterus that has come off. This in turn means that you can give birth at any time.

In addition to all of the above, you will feel weakness at 38 weeks of pregnancy, it is associated with the last days, the fetus is very large, your weight also increases, your body is preparing for childbirth. Therefore, you will need to rest as much as possible. It is very important that your doctor checks you this week, because at the 38th week of pregnancy, breech presentation is not uncommon, and before giving birth you need to have the most clear information about your baby, the birth will depend on this. Thrush often appears at 38 weeks of pregnancy, and therefore the doctor prescribes special suppositories that help cleanse the birth canal so that the baby does not get an infection.

Hyperhidrosis - causes a lot of inconvenience not only because unpleasant odor, but also often becomes a cause of anxiety and worry. There are many ways to reduce excessive sweating, but first you need to find out exact reason why are you breaking out in a sweat?

Causes of severe sweating in pregnant women

The symptoms and intensity of sweating may vary depending on the stage of pregnancy. The most common cause of profuse sweating is hormonal changes in the body, which occur in all pregnant women. Sweating is especially common during early stages pregnancy, this occurs due to sudden surges in estrogen. Basically, the palms and feet sweat a lot, as hormones begin to be actively produced, which can affect the functions of sweating. Sometimes the smell of sweat changes dramatically.

Heavy sweating at the very beginning of pregnancy can be observed due to changes in the psycho-emotional background. If a woman’s psyche is very vulnerable, she constantly breaks into a sweat. Sudden mood swings, severe anxiety, frequent worries - all this contributes to profuse sweating. Try to remain calm and avoid stress.

Signs of hyperhidrosis at all stages of pregnancy

In the first trimester, increased sweating is caused by problems with the endocrine system. The feet begin to sweat especially strongly, although the rest of the body may remain almost dry. A woman can suddenly break into a sweat for various reasons.

In the second trimester, sweat production usually returns to normal. The body adapts to hormonal changes, which reduces the likelihood of excessive sweating. But at this time there is an increase in blood flow, which can provoke profuse sweating. In addition, in the second trimester the body requires more fluid, which can also affect the development of sweating.

In the third trimester, sweating may increase due to increased stress on the body, because the woman has to carry a fairly large fetus. Even with light exertion, the expectant mother breaks into a sweat; her arms, neck, and legs begin to sweat. At this stage, blood actively rushes to the skin, and this can also affect the increase in sweating. At the end of pregnancy, the armpits, pubic area and legs sweat more.

Heavy sweating during night sleep

Night sweats in pregnant women are often associated with external factors. Therefore, before going to bed, it is advisable to check the humidity level and air temperature in the bedroom. Excessive sweating during sleep can be associated with simple overheating of the body; try to sleep in underwear made of pure linen or cotton. Be sure to ventilate the bedroom and make sure that the air temperature does not exceed 20C. Go to bed and wake up at strictly defined hours; adherence to a daily routine helps normalize sweating.

If profuse sweating is observed only at night, this may be a signal of a developing disease, especially if there is a specific smell of sweat. In this case, you should definitely visit your gynecologist or therapist to determine the exact cause of hyperhidrosis.

How to reduce sweating

Personal hygiene should be observed by every woman. It is worth noting that during pregnancy you should not use chemicals (deodorants, antiperspirants) that prevent the smell of sweat. They can cause fluid retention in the body, allergies and skin rashes.

To remove the smell of sweat, shower regularly, and if you sweat profusely, wipe your body with a dry towel or napkin. If your feet constantly sweat, then they need especially careful care. To reduce sweating and remove the smell of sweat, feet can be soaked in baths with antiseptic herbs.

Proper nutrition

There is a group of products that greatly influence the process of sweating. If you eat dishes that contain a lot of spices, pepper and hot seasonings, then don’t be surprised if you break into a sweat afterwards. Onions and garlic can also cause profuse sweating, and these foods also cause a strong smell of sweat. Strong coffee also contributes to increased sweating.

Physical exercise

Try to properly distribute your household responsibilities. Everyday worries, especially in the long term, can become the main reason why the expectant mother often breaks into a sweat. Take care of yourself and seek help from loved ones more often. To prevent excessive sweating during pregnancy, rest and walk outdoors more often.

Water procedures

Throughout pregnancy, women are advised to wash only in the shower. A hot bath is harmful to the fetus and causes severe sweating. Pregnant women are strictly prohibited from visiting saunas and baths. Overheating is dangerous both for the health of the woman and for the unborn baby. You should not steam your feet in very hot water, as this will cause severe sweating throughout your body.

But you should not be upset, as a rule, after childbirth, as soon as the hormonal levels return to normal, excessive sweating goes away on its own and no medical treatment is required for this.

Sweating during pregnancy

Increased sweating during pregnancy is observed in many expectant mothers, since due to hormonal changes in the entire body, many changes occur that cause significant discomfort. The intensity of hyperhidrosis manifests itself differently in each pregnant woman; some pregnant women break into sweat at night while sleeping, and the problem can be eliminated only after the cause is determined.

General information about the problem

Every woman experiences changes in her body during pregnancy. Against this background, various symptoms arise that can significantly affect the usual rhythm of life. The problem of hyperhidrosis is a striking example of the restructuring of the hormonal and endocrine systems, when, as a result of pregnancy, a woman experiences increased sweating of the feet, armpits or palms.

The problem is that excessive sweating entails serious psychological discomfort, which negatively affects the development of the fetus and the health of the mother. It is noted that increased sweating during pregnancy worries female representatives even when there are essentially no prerequisites for this: the woman is calm, the ambient temperature is acceptable, and the general condition is normal.

An important point for a woman during pregnancy is to understand the cause of increased sweating and combat this phenomenon without consequences for the health of the child.

Is it normal to sweat a lot during pregnancy?

The main cause of discomfort is hormonal changes, plus the body thus protects itself from overheating, which can lead to disturbances in the water-salt balance. A woman’s endocrine system also undergoes a number of changes during pregnancy, since from then on the work is aimed at ensuring the vital functions of two organisms. Early on, the sweat and sebaceous glands activate their work with double force. Skin changes during pregnancy can manifest themselves in different ways: if previously there was a problem of dry skin, very prone to peeling, then during pregnancy the skin can become oily. The problem of hyperhidrosis also lies in the fact that the mother’s body is oversaturated with blood, and this symptom causes her to have hot flashes, which affect severe sweating.

Causes of increased sweating during pregnancy

  • Hormonal changes. Along with changes in the body, water metabolism disorders occur, which are accompanied by chills and thirst.
  • Kidney problems. The paired organ does double duty, so the fluid is not excreted in full, which leads to increased sweating.
  • Nervous surges. A woman is in a state of increased excitability, so any emotional outburst provokes illness.
  • Rapid increase in body weight.

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Symptoms faced by pregnant women

1st trimester

Throughout pregnancy, the pattern of sweating changes depending on the period. In the first trimester, women notice increased sweating of the feet. This is due to the beginning of the restructuring of the endocrine system. In areas where sweating is more pronounced, peeling and irritation of the skin is periodically observed. If an infection occurs in places of high humidity, then prickly heat and diaper rash in the groin in pregnant women may develop as a sign.

2nd trimester

At the beginning of the second semester, all hormonal changes in the body come to an end. Sweating in areas that were previously susceptible to hyperhidrosis gradually returns to normal, the problems no longer bother the expectant mother, but night sweats may persist. At this stage, it is important to monitor personal hygiene, take a cold or slightly warm shower, adhere to the drinking regime and not overdo it with medications.

Hyperhidrosis in the third trimester

At 37 weeks, sweating increases. The strength of blood flow reaches its maximum, so the 38th week of pregnancy is characterized by strong hot flashes and, as a result, increased sweating, especially at night. As the child grows up in the third trimester, the general pressure on the internal organs increases, it becomes harder for the woman to move, and she sweats profusely between her legs and armpits.

How to get rid of the problem in the early stages?

You need to be very careful when dealing with sweating during pregnancy. Any medications may harm the unborn baby, so it is recommended to follow these tips:

  • It is important to ventilate the room before going to bed.

The expectant mother should take care to sleep in natural underwear, mainly made of cotton.

  • It is not recommended to wrap yourself up or wear clothes made of synthetic materials.
  • Before going to bed, it is imperative to ventilate the room.
  • It is advisable to organize a daily routine; it is recommended to get up and go to bed at the same time.
  • Limit your consumption of spicy foods, marinades and coffee drinks.
  • If a woman wakes up sweating, ensure the room temperature is normal.
  • Try to spend more time outdoors.
  • Shower regularly and avoid hot baths.
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    Anti-sweat deodorants

    The use of deodorizing agents for pregnant women is not recommended. Deodorants and antiperspirants contain aggressive aluminum salts, alcohol and triclosan, which are harmful to the unborn child. Such products have an antibacterial and disinfectant effect, but at the same time clog pores and limit sweating. In addition, the use of deodorants can cause skin irritation.

    If the expectant mother is concerned about the health of the child, it is better to refrain from using deodorants and antiperspirants during pregnancy.

    Medicines for sweating

    It is also not recommended to use any medications during pregnancy, since any medication taken can cause unforeseen complications for both the mother and the child. Doctors recommend resorting to alternative methods fight against sweating, which do not have a toxic effect on the body, and will help you overcome the complexity of the problem.

    Recipes from the people

    Folk recipes - one of best options, which are available to pregnant women to combat hyperhidrosis. The following remedies are popularly used in treatment:

    • Baths of walnut, mint and chamomile leaves. Take 2 tablespoons of the mixture and steam with a glass of water. Leave for about 2 hours and wipe your armpits and hands.
    • Chamomile infusions and baking soda are effective for wiping excessively sweaty areas.
    • The use of baths using oak bark is effective if your feet sweat. The product will help minimize the negative symptoms of hyperhidrosis. You need to brew the bark according to the instructions that are in the package with the herbal medicine.

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    Is it possible to prevent excessive sweating?

    Proper nutrition during pregnancy

    By adhering to the basic rules, you can avoid such problems as excessive sweating during pregnancy. It is not recommended to indulge in spicy, fatty, fried foods with copious amounts of spices. Dishes high in onions and garlic have negative effect on sweating, and also cause a strong odor during pregnancy. Coffee and caffeinated drinks affect not only nervous system, but also to increased sweating.

    Water preventive procedures

    During pregnancy, it is important for women to avoid taking baths and limit themselves exclusively to showers. Visiting baths and saunas poses a serious risk to the baby’s health and can also aggravate the problem of sweating. For a while, you should avoid hot foot baths, which stimulate sweating throughout the body.

    Physical exercise

    Expectant mothers should take care of themselves and not overdo the workload. In the last weeks of pregnancy, it is especially important not to overexert yourself in household chores, seek help from your family if necessary, and relax in the fresh air more often. Excessive physical labor in the later stages it is dangerous not only due to complications, but also due to increased sweat production.

    What are the warning signs of labor during pregnancy?

    As the months of waiting for the baby draw to a close, the expectant mother begins to listen even more to her feelings. After all, everyone has heard that shortly before childbirth, their harbingers should appear. But not all pregnant women know what it is. If a woman is giving birth not for the first time, then most likely she is familiar with this condition, but the woman giving birth for the first time is at a loss about this phenomenon. Therefore, let’s look at what the warning signs of labor are during pregnancy and when they usually occur.

    Why do warning signs of labor appear during pregnancy?

    In the last weeks of pregnancy, smooth hormonal changes begin in a woman’s body. The placenta gradually ages, and the amount of the hormone progesterone that it produces decreases. The level of estrogen, another female sex hormone, on the contrary, begins to rise. And if progesterone was needed female body to maintain pregnancy, estrogen is already preparing it for childbirth. At the moment when the level of estrogen reaches its maximum concentration in the blood, the brain perceives this as a signal for the onset of labor and the birth process begins. Thus, the changes that occur under the influence of estrogen in the body and prepare a woman for childbirth are called the harbingers of labor during pregnancy. Obstetricians also call this final stage of pregnancy the preparatory period of childbirth, which is aimed at the safe movement of the fetus along the birth canal.

    Precursors of labor usually begin at 38 weeks of pregnancy. Although in women who give birth for the first time, precursors of labor may begin at 37 weeks of pregnancy.

    Precursors of labor during pregnancy

    The earliest sign of impending labor is a drooping abdomen. As a rule, this precursor of labor is observed at 37 weeks of pregnancy. This phenomenon occurs as a result of softening and stretching of the lower segment of the uterus. At the same time, the baby lowers and presses his head closely against the bony rim of the small pelvis. Thus, the stomach becomes lower. The drooping of the abdomen is accompanied by a pulling sensation in its lower part. Shooting pains in the legs and perineum also often appear, which is explained by the child’s pressure on the ligaments, muscles and nerves. In addition, since the pressure of the uterus on the lungs decreases, it becomes easier for the woman to breathe.

    As a result of abdominal prolapse, another precursor to childbirth during pregnancy is observed - a decrease in the baby’s activity. Some mothers are afraid of this, which is completely in vain. A decrease in movements is quite normal, because the child is pressed against the bone ring of the pelvis, so he can no longer roll over, but only moves his arms and legs.

    It is worth noting that abdominal drooping does not occur with breech child. The size and softness of the baby's butt do not allow it to be inserted into the bone ring of the woman's pelvis.

    A frequent harbinger of labor at the 40th week of pregnancy is the release of a mucus plug. Throughout pregnancy, thick cervical mucus, like a plug, was a barrier to the uterus, protecting the baby from pathogenic microorganisms. As a rule, 3-5 days before birth it becomes more liquid and flows out. A woman discovers a watery-mucous brown or beige discharge on her pad or underwear, often streaked with blood. Their volume is small, about 1-2 tablespoons.

    Protrusion of the navel can also be attributed to the harbingers of childbirth. It is associated with overstretching of the abdominal skin, high pressure in abdominal cavity and softening of connective tissues.

    Many women note that closer to childbirth they begin to visit the toilet more often. The reason for this is hormonal changes that help relax the intestines and increase the rate of fluid removal from the body. In addition, the prolapsed uterus puts more pressure on the bladder and rectum, which also leads to increased urination and bowel movements. Typically, such precursors of labor are observed at 38 weeks of pregnancy and continue until the onset of labor.

    Changes in psycho-emotional state and well-being expectant mother also indicates the imminent start of the birth process. A woman can go to extremes - unbridled euphoria can be replaced by sadness, and laughter can be replaced by tears. In addition, pregnant women often experience chills, slight dizziness, hot flashes to the head, and increased sweating. Such manifestations are caused by changes in the hormonal balance in the body.

    Those pregnant women who regularly weigh themselves may notice a stabilization or even a decrease in weight before childbirth (by 1-2 kg). This usually happens 2-3 days before delivery and is explained by increased urination and decreased appetite.

    The most significant harbingers of childbirth that a woman can feel are precursor contractions - special irregular contractions of the uterus that usually appear in the evenings 5-7 days before birth. Such contractions are necessary to prepare the birth canal for the birth of a child, namely, to shorten and dilate the cervix.

    These precursors of labor during pregnancy disappear after a light massage and soothing tea. In some cases, contractions are represented only by pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, lower back and sacrum. Sometimes women confuse them with labor pains. But, unlike precursor contractions, labor contractions are characterized by regularity and a constant increase in intensity and frequency.

    If there are no warning signs of labor at 40 weeks of pregnancy or later, the doctor may suspect post-term pregnancy. This is a rather dangerous pathology that requires hospitalization of the woman and constant monitoring of her condition.

    Precursors of childbirth during pregnancy indicate the imminent birth of a baby. They allow a woman not only to prepare everything necessary for childbirth, but also to realize - “I will soon become a mother!”

    B 38 weeks - sweating profusely!

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    Excessive sweating during pregnancy: normal or pathological?

    Increased sweating is a common concern for pregnant women. Especially in the first trimester at night. Then sweating decreases slightly. But during childbirth, when the load on the body increases, it can return again. After delivery, this phenomenon most often goes away. But in rare cases it continues almost to the end breastfeeding. Sweating during pregnancy - normal or pathological? And what can be done to ensure that it causes expectant mothers as little inconvenience as possible.

    What is hyperhidrosis?

    Excessive sweating in medical terminology is called hyperhidrosis. This definition combines two words - “hydro” (water) and “hyper” (“super-” meaning excessive, exceeding the norm). Together it turns out - hyperhidrosis.

    Many expectant mothers face the problem of increased sweating or hyperhidrosis at night. It would be useful information for a pregnant woman to understand how this phenomenon occurs and whether it is possible to get rid of it.

    Excessive sweating during pregnancy: is this normal?

    The main reason for the increase in sweating in women during this period is hormonal changes, and this is also how the body’s protective reaction to overheating manifests itself, in addition, sweating can provoke a violation of the water-salt balance.

    A woman's endocrine system undergoes significant changes in the first trimester. These changes cause active work sweat and sebaceous glands.

    The skin also reacts to these manifestations. She changes her state. Dry skin becomes oily, and oily skin, on the contrary, dries out and begins to peel off. All these problems disappear by the second trimester. Sweating is normalized, and the skin stops responding to hormonal surges.

    However, excessive sweating does not disappear completely. After all, the expectant mother's blood volume increases by about 40 percent. This increase affects the flow of blood to the skin and causes sweating. A pregnant woman experiences increased thirst, therefore, water consumption and excretion increase.

    Of course, sweating during pregnancy causes discomfort to a woman. But in her condition, this is normal. No treatment required. It is enough to observe daily hygiene.

    The most common symptom of hyperhidrosis during pregnancy is sweaty feet.

    Symptoms depending on the week of pregnancy and time of day

    First trimester, early stages

    If an expectant mother experiences increased sweating in the first trimester, we can say with confidence that pregnancy and the restructuring of the endocrine system are to blame.

    One of the signs of hyperhidrosis is sweating of the feet, and it occurs even when the woman remains motionless, sitting or lying. Interestingly, other areas of the body are not affected by this phenomenon, and the skin on them remains dry and may even begin to peel. In the early stages of pregnancy, hyperhidrosis manifests itself unexpectedly and unevenly.

    Second trimester

    In the second trimester, hormonal changes are almost complete and do not have such a dramatic effect on the body as in the first. Sweating begins to normalize. Sweat in areas of the body especially prone to hyperhidrosis (legs and armpits) does not produce as much sweat.

    The expectant mother begins to drink water and other thirst-quenching drinks in increased quantities. Consequently, sweating also increases. Although in the middle of the term it is not as disturbing as at the very beginning of pregnancy.

    This phenomenon cannot be eliminated. Yes, and you don’t need to do this. Chemicals and medications are especially harmful. Maintaining personal hygiene and a daily routine will reduce discomfort.

    Late sweating, third trimester

    In the third trimester, sweating increases with new strength. This occurs because blood flow increases to its maximum values. Blood flushes become more frequent, and therefore, a pregnant woman begins to sweat more often. The load on the body also increases. In recent weeks, the fetus has grown, and its severity affects the well-being of the expectant mother. Even with the slightest movement, a pregnant woman begins to sweat, her hands and feet sweat especially actively.


    The male body, unlike the female one, is little susceptible to hormonal changes and stress. Representatives of the fairer sex especially often feel their influence during pregnancy and menopause.

    Before the onset of menopause, a woman undergoes the same changes as during pregnancy. The hormonal balance changes, and blood flow increases.

    The hormone that is responsible for the state of water-salt metabolism is called estrogen. Problems with sweating arise precisely because of a decrease in the level of this hormone in the blood during certain periods of a woman’s life.

    Changes in the internal processes of the body are not the only cause of sweating. Problems with the thyroid gland, colds, infections cause an increase in temperature and, accordingly, increased sweating.

    Women who are overweight are more likely to develop hyperhidrosis than women who are of normal weight or who are thin.

    Heavy sweating at night

    The reason is still the same - hormones. At night, a pregnant woman's body begins to produce more heat, which is released through sweating.

    How can pregnant women deal with sweating?

    Increased sweating during pregnancy caused by hormonal changes cannot be eliminated, but the condition can be alleviated using methods approved for expectant mothers. The main thing is not to self-medicate and get the approval of the doctor observing the pregnancy.

    Try the following methods:

    • Sleep in natural, breathable underwear, preferably cotton, but any natural material will do.
    • Do not wear synthetic casual clothing or over-bundle yourself.
    • Ventilate the room before going to bed.
    • The hypothalamus is responsible for maintaining temperature. To improve its performance, normalize your daily routine. Go to bed and get up regularly at the same time.
    • Avoid spicy foods, spices and coffee in your diet. Pregnant women should exclude such foods completely from their diet.
    • Avoid heavy physical activity.
    • Spend more time outdoors.
    • Take a shower, not a bath. This way, the skin pores will be better cleaned and will be able to breathe fully.

    Rubbing with drying herbal decoctions will be effective for increased sweating.

    Decoction recipe

    For example, try using this recipe. It is harmless for both the expectant mother and her baby. You can wipe the body with the decoction or use it to make a drying foot bath.

    • Crush willow and oak bark (15 grams) and place in a glass container (1 liter).
    • Add dry crushed horsetail (1 spoon) there.
    • Pour boiling water over the mixture and place in a water bath (container with hot water) and close with a lid. The jar in the pan must be placed on a cloth.
    • Keep the broth on low heat for twenty minutes. Then cool and leave for at least one hour and no more than three hours.
    • A foot bath is made using a hot decoction, slightly diluted with water at room temperature.

    Deodorants, antiperspirants, medicines

    On store shelves you can find a huge selection of products to get rid of sweat and odor. They are in demand and widely advertised.

    However, it is harmful for the expectant mother to use deodorants. The most dangerous substances included in their composition are triclosan and alcohol. They have disinfectants and bactericidal properties. But pregnant women may experience allergies and skin rashes after using them.

    Antiperspirants tighten pores, preventing the release of sweat. But in this case, sweat may be released elsewhere, or fluid will begin to linger in the body. For a mother who is concerned about the health of her unborn baby, the use of such products is unacceptable.

    You can use folk recipes that helped women with excessive sweating even before the invention of their chemical analogues. Over the years they have proven their effectiveness.


    1. For drying baths you can use mint, leaves walnut, chamomile. Brew 2 tbsp. l. per glass of water, leave for 1 hour and dilute with warm water.
    2. Add 1 tsp to the chamomile infusion. soda and wipe problem areas skin.
    3. Pour boiling water over the oak bark in the proportions indicated on the package and boil for 20 minutes over low heat. With this decoction you can not only take foot baths, but also general ones.

    Important! Before using any folk recipe, consult your doctor and do an allergy test (apply a little infusion or decoction to the crook of your elbow and wait 12 hours; if the skin at the site of application does not turn red, you can use the product).

    There are also deodorants produced in industrial production, but they are natural and natural. For example, Tawas Crystal, available in solid or spray form. Or Deonat stick. It does not contain aromatic and chemical additives, as well as alcohol.

    Photo gallery “Remedies for hyperhidrosis”

    Increased sweating during pregnancy is a completely natural phenomenon. The expectant mother must maintain personal hygiene and use folk remedies to relieve the symptoms of this condition. No doctor would advise a pregnant woman to use modern chemicals or medications. It is best to show patience and understanding, then the entire period of bearing the baby will pass calmly and comfortably.

    Harbingers of childbirth.

    The precursors of childbirth mean such special changes in the body of a pregnant woman before childbirth, which she feels herself or they are observed in her externally. This is preparing the body for the upcoming birth and completing the difficult journey of nine months of pregnancy. They are necessary so that the body goes into labor with minimal trauma for the mother and baby, preparing the mother mentally and physically for the difficult test in her life. The body makes sure that labor begins on time, that the allotted time passes, and that it does not drag on too long. But not in a hurry either. This will allow the birth canal to be fully configured for the head and stretch enough so that there are no ruptures. And the cervix opens smoothly and completely.

    A woman’s body is prepared for the upcoming birth by female sex hormones, and this is quite logical. Before childbirth, a woman’s hormonal background is restructured - the amount of estrogen increases sharply, but the amount of progesterone decreases to a minimum. As progesterone levels decrease, the tone of the uterus changes, contractile activity begins to increase, and training contractions appear. The composition of the mucus in the cervix, which previously protected it from infections, begins to change.

    Towards the end of pregnancy, progesterone is no longer needed and its concentration gradually decreases - due to this, labor then begins to occur. At the same time, estrogens gradually increase - they make the skin and muscles more elastic and pliable. However, they also loosen the ligaments and joints - hence the gait in pregnant women. Estrogens also affect the uterus; their quantity will determine the smoothness of its opening and elasticity, and in the second stage of labor. When the cervix is ​​dilated, it will depend on them how much the vagina and vulvar ring will be stretched; they influence the duration of pushing.

    Precursors do not mean that labor will begin right now - they can appear in different time, these are just subtle hints to be ready - everything will happen soon! There is no need to be afraid of this - the harbingers of labor are a physiological phenomenon, they do not require any medical intervention, immediate hospitalization or ambulance. But it’s worth checking the bags at the maternity hospital. These are planned activities to prepare for childbirth and meeting the baby, but if you do not feel any warning signs. This does not mean that everything is bad for you or that something is going wrong. Everyone’s body is different and the warning signs don’t always go away clearly. The appearance of the first harbingers suggests that labor can begin within 2 weeks to an hour.

    There are some phenomena that are not harbingers of labor; they are abnormal and if they occur, you should immediately contact a doctor or maternity hospital for help. These include:

    Severe abdominal pain, fever, diarrhea and vomiting,

    Increased blood pressure 130\80 and above.

    Temperature rise above 38 degrees

    Headaches, palpitations, visual disturbances, vomiting.

    Severe swelling or its sudden appearance

    Leakage of amniotic fluid.

    One of the first signs of imminent labor is weight loss, which is very pleasing to pregnant women who had previously been consistently gaining several hundred grams every month. This usually occurs as a result of increased urination and the removal of excess fluid from the body. The more weight a woman gained and the more pronounced her swelling was, the more weight she begins to lose before giving birth. Fluid retention and increased hydrophilicity of tissues, or in ordinary language, edema, are noted by all pregnant women, only in terms of severity they differ.

    Typically, before giving birth, a “drop of the abdomen” occurs, as many pregnant women note.

    However, prolapse of the abdomen brings with it another problem - pressure on the bladder increases, because of this, pregnant women become frequent visitors to the toilet, and sometimes the false urge to go to the toilet may also intensify. Therefore, pregnant women have to visit the toilet more often than usual.

    During pregnancy, the inside of the cervix is ​​closed with a dense lump of mucus, which protects against infection entering the fetus. It is secreted by the cervical canal and the cervix itself; it contains many macrophages and leukocytes that kill microbes. The mucus is thick and looks like a plug sealing the entrance to the uterus. at the end of pregnancy, a few days before birth, the cervix softens and the plug gradually comes off. This may be the immediate release of a lump of mucus or gradual separation, in the form of increased discharge from the genital tract. The mucus is yellowish-white, without any admixture of blood; if the doctor looked at the woman in the chair, then there may be a very small admixture of blood. The removal of the plug is painless. Before childbirth, slight stretching in the lower abdomen and discomfort may occur. If the plug comes out, it is not recommended to swim, it is better to take a shower, you should not go to the pool, or have sex, there is a risk of getting an infection, because the membranes are no longer fenced off from the vagina. The plug comes off a few days or hours before birth.

    In the last weeks before giving birth, a woman gets her “second wind” and begins to intensively “build a nest.” She is intensively preparing the whole house for her imminent return to it with the baby - there is an urgent desire to move the furniture and repaint the walls, wash the floor, windows and all the dishes, buy up half of the children's store, etc. It is necessary to monitor the diligence of the expectant mother so that she does not become overtired and injured. In addition, due to hormones, she becomes emotionally labile - she either laughs in euphoria, or cries and seeks peace. Pay attention to this condition, it is normal.

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